The Festival of Emb…
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The Festival of Ember and Smoke

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“You are cordially invited by his most exalted eminence and Sultan of Flame Ari Haswari to attend the Festival of Smoke and Ember held at the grand palace of the Efreet in the City of Brass.”


“Ziva tells me we have all received invitations. I have never liked this half brother of hers and I like the City of Brass less. Evil intent permeates the air and I find their slave trade disgusting.” Aliyeah stood in her bedchamber, parchment in hand, its wax seal broken only moments ago. “Ziva believes we should attend. Her father hopes to bring the Efreet back into the fold and trusts in Ari’s rulership to accomplish this. It is true this is first time in a many years that the royal family of the Djinn have controlled all 4 of the great houses of the Elemental plane. Ziva says the war with the Efreet is over and we should celebrate with her as a sign of good faith and friendship with them.”


Devon’s eyes were fixed on the beautiful form before him.  Aliyeah Queen of Dragons wore a sheer copper silk robe that was hardly modest. Her long black hair cascaded down past her shoulders resting on sun kissed golden skin. “My queen does not feel the same?”


She turned her head and looked at her consort from over her shoulder smirking at him, “Must you always address me as ‘Queen’? We are alone in our bed chamber. There is no need for such formalities. I miss the days when you would call me Talisa, back you thought me a simple bard.”


Devon smiled, “But you are no simple bard. You are Queen of Dragons. My Queen, the only Queen I have ever served. I have bent my knee and sworn you my life, my loyalty and above all Aliyeah Dayspring, my love. I am now and forever your devoted servant, yours to command.”


Aliyeah placed the invitation on a vanity where several ornate gem encrusted brushes had been laid out. She turned toward Devon returning his smile. “Yet you are no common servant. You are the 6th Dragon Highlord and Consort to the Queen of Dragons. You are my love.” She stepped toward him wrapping her arms around his neck and shoulders, pressing against him. “How would you advise me?”


“I have been to the City of Brass and seen both its wonders and horrors. I am not comfortable with the idea of you traveling there without proper protection. I would advise you send me in your place. Allow me the honor of representing you.” Devon placed his hands on her waist.


Aliyeah pressed her lips to his throat then whispered, “Am I not safe with you?”


“You know I would kill or die to protect you my Queen.”


“My Queen again.” She drawled as she gently laid her head on his shoulder. “Well if that’s how it is going to be then your Queen commands you see her safely to bed.”


Devon scooped her off her feet and laid her gently on the massive bed just a few feet away. Arms still around his neck Aliyeah pulled him close and rolled him onto the bed as well. Sitting on his hips she looked down at him. “I have already told Ziva we will attend. I can be no safer than when I am with you.” Her eyes flashed gold for a second and suddenly the candles flickering in the room were all snuffed out at once. “Lydia and Gunther are attending as are Jareth and Keira though your friends may not be aware of that fact yet. Where Ziva goes Stallac follows as well.” Devon could feel fingernails scraping gently across his chest. “We’ll be fine. I can not refuse Ziva this favor. Now Highlord. Attend to your Queen.”


A few short days later…


The Festival of Ember and Smoke is a true wonder to behold. All forms of smoking leaf and burning incense can be found. Merchants selling items rare and wondrous abound. Ziva arrives Stallac on arm and is welcomed by her brother. Aliyeah and Devon, Lydia and Gunther and Keira and Jareth all arrive and are treated with the great respect afforded to visiting dignitaries. Incense merchants offer free gifts as it is honor to serve the Sultan’s guests. The festivities are well enjoyed and Ari makes tremendous effort to see to his guests lavish treatment. Devon and Aliyeah are the first to be shown their sleeping quarters. The eastern suite is splendid as befits a queen. Jareth and Keira are next to retire. They are shown to the western suite. Lydia and Gunther retire to the northern suite and lastly Ziva and Stallac to the southern. Stallac steps out to a balcony overlooking the City of Brass. Beautiful gardens of flame hang just below the terrace and multicolored smoke from the Festival lingers in the quiet night air. He hears Ziva call from inside.


“It was a splendid night Stallac. Come to bed and let’s see if we can’t make it even better.”


Stallac breaths deep of the night air and grins. He steps back in the room to find Ziva waiting. It was a perfect night.


The next morning…..


Stallac awakens to find Ziva is gone. She must have woken earlier and went down to see her brother or perhaps find some breakfast. He steps out to the balcony. The morning air is hot and oppressive. He looks down at the courtyard only to find no sign of the previous night’s celebration. Confused he steps back into the room. He approaches the door. Locked. Stallac’s head is pounding. He knows something is wrong. He walks toward the wash room and splashes his face with steaming water. He wipes his eyes clear and that’s when he sees it, the brass collar bolted to his neck. His head starts pounding again. How could this be. What happened?


A lock tumbles and Stallac hears the sound of a door opening. He moves into the main of the room and sees Ziva flanked by a pair of Efreet guardsmen.


“Ziva. What is going on? What happened to the Festival? Why have I been collared?”


She walks directly toward him and without warning smacks him hard across his face. “Bastard!” She yells as Stallac stumbles back. “How could you! I thought you were different. Special. Why did you kill my parents!”


“I…wait…what? I didn’t kill anyone. What are you talking about?”


Ziva stares blankly at Stallac. “I would have you tortured and executed. It is only because of the goodness of my brother that you still draw breath. You shall remain a slave to my family and pay for your crimes forever! Though I will not suffer the sight of you. Take him away.” The guards grab Stallac and usher him out. He is too stunned and confused to even resist. He looks back at Ziva who glares at him before turning away.  


Elsewhere….In the Underworld


“Why is it so dark?”, Gunther wonders to himself. He shifts to his right but the naked form next to him prevents him from moving any further. “Lydia” he thinks. “I shouldn’t wake her. What hour of night is it?” Gunther shifts in the opposite direction only to find another naked form flanks his left. “What the hells?” A third form moves in the dark near the foot of the bed.


A feminine voice asks, “Is your sleep troubled my lord? I could brew you something to help if you desire?”


“Who’s there?” Gunther focuses his eyes to find his darkvision and finds the room coming into clarity.


The woman is naked. Red hair curls down to her waist. She is stunning. “It is I my lord, Branwen. Are you unwell?”


“What? Who? Where is Lydia? Where am I?”


“Lydia? Do you mean Liliana? She’s right next to you, her and Amelie both.”


Gunther stumbles out of bed. “I don’t. No…Lydia. Where is she?”


Branwen tilts her head. “Do you mean the angel? There nothing to fear my lord. You dispatched her. Remember?”


“Dispatched? I don’t…understand…”


Raven haired Amelie sits up in bed. The dark locks barely covering her breasts. “Dispatched. Dead my lord. You killed her. She’s gone. The dark master is pleased.”


Gunther stumbles toward his armor. No fur. Blackened steel emblazoned with a dark moon. Sigils written in dark speech adorn the breastplate. “Hadrilys?” Gone. A mace rests on a nearby table, the aura of undeath emanating from it is palpable. He starts to dress. The armor fits perfect and strangely he has no qualm wearing it. No disgust. No issue. It seems strangely natural.


Blonde haired Liliana rises and approaches Gunther. She runs her hands along his chest. “Do you require assistance? Where are you going my lord.”


“Devon. I have to see Devon. It can’t be true. He’ll know why this is happening.”


Branwen who had been lighting candles stopped and smiled at Gunther, oversized canines flashed brilliant white to the flicker of flames. “The Darkstar has found himself in quite a bit of trouble. It appears that after he murdered the gold queen he was taken captive. The Red Queen wrested control of the Council of Wyrms and from what I heard has been negotiating the sale of her assassin to the Devil Goddess of suffering Glasya. Either way he is not long for this world.”


Gunther almost didn’t take notice the fangs. All the women had them. He was in the company of vampires. “Leave me he bellowed. There are matters I must see to.”


“As you command my lord.” They answered in melodic unison. “We’ll be here awaiting your return.” The vampires swept away to the bedroom and resumed their torpor.


Elsewhere… in Shendilavri


Jareth awoke in the splendid bedchambers of the Succubus Queen. Keira was still asleep. Kara entered the room and seductively approached Jareth. “I’ve returned with the news you asked me to obtain Dread Lord.” She leaned in and kissed him forcefully. “Shall I make you work for the information?”  


“Kara!” Jareth scolded, “your sister, what are you doing?” He tried to pull away only to feel a now awoken Keira leaning in behind him. Hands rubbing his thighs.


“I’m awake Dread Lord. If you want to hear Kara’s report you’re really going to have to earn it. We’re famished.” Claws raked his thighs as she bit at the back of his neck.


“Enough! Keira, Kara what do you think you’re doing?”


Kara straddled Jareth, “I thought we were pleasing you. But if all you require is your report Dread Lord so be it. Shifting intentionally to force her weight hard against his loins she continued. “The Darkstar has been taken captive by the Gold Flight. He was successful in assassinating the Gold Queen but I fear he no longer holds much value or appeal to the Red Queen Alizaria. We’re not sure if she will leave him to be executed by the New Gold Queen or if Glasya has offered enough to make her purchase of him worth taking him back. Either way he will die, the question is how and by whose hand. A quick death by the Golds might be a mercy. Glasya is the goddess of suffering. There is no telling what unspeakable horrors she will inflict on him. She has never forgiven the slight of his abandonment after their first tryst.”


Jareth’s head blazed with pain. “Talisa dead? By Devon’s hand? Impossible. He could never..”


Keira interrupted him. “Succeed? It appears there were many who underestimated him. But the Red Queen seemed to know something the rest of us did not. He stole the Pale Lady’s sword of dragon slaying. The murder was little more than academic. However he was unable to avoid capture. Alizaria is a fickle queen and has yet to decide if she wants to intercede. Again it may depend on the price The Devil Goddess is willing to pay.”


“Your former master Gideon has the ear of Asmodeus and recommends that he force his daughter to let him die. Gideon has always disliked Devon even from the time of your youth. Glasya though has never been the most compliant of daughters. She seems to have a strange obsession with Devon.” Kara adds.


“I will not allow this to happen. He’s a brother to me.” Jareth attempts to stand but Keira and Kara hold him in place.


“Mother thought you might say such a thing though she has never understood your attachment to our childhood friends. Even so, she has sent our sisters to attempt to recover him.”


“Sisters?” Jareth asked.


“Yes. Alissa, Lzzy, Porcelain and Mania have been ordered to bring him here in whatever condition they find him and by whatever means necessary. Porcelain smiled as they left.” Kara answered.


Keira pulled Jareth down onto the bed. “Now about our payment….”


Meanwhile at Dragon Mountain…..


Devon was just regaining consciousness. He felt terrible, like he’d just been through some epic battle. He tried to rub his eyes clear but the manacles that kept him secure to the wall groaned in disapproval.


“You’re awake? Good.” Cam grabbed a Devon by the throat and slammed his head forcefully against the wall. “I want you awake when I tear out your throat. I hear you Sanguinari are into that sort of thing.” She snarled in the tongue if Dragons.


“Cam. Oomph! Why? What…?” Was all Devon could manage before his head struck the wall a second time.


“She was my friend! More than my friend…she was like my sister. And you killed her you bastard!” Slam… Devon’s head struck the hard stone a third time.


“Camille!” Came a voice. Devon knew it well. “Sweetie stop. The Queen wants him brought before her. Alive.”


“The Queen is dead. This savage killed her.” Cam’s talons dug deep into Devon’s throat drawing blood.


“The Gold Flight has chosen. There is a new queen. And she would see the prisoner to pass judgement. He is not to be harmed until then.


Cam glared at Michaela then turned to look at Devon. “When you are sentenced to die I will devour your heart myself.” She released her hold of him and stormed away.


“Michaela” Devon croaked. “What is going on? Who am I accused of killing?”


“I don’t find you funny Darkstar. Shall I call Cam back?”


“No. Please. I mean it.” Devon could feel an emptiness, like his heart had been ripped out. Like a piece of him was somehow missing. “I really don’t understand. What happened to Aliyeah? Why is there a new queen?”


Michaela stared long and hard at him trying to figure out what Devon was playing at. Finally she asked, “You really don’t know do you? It must be some magic to protect your mistress from accusation. Aliyeah is dead. You killed her.” She said flatly.


“What? No. I would never. My Queen…” yet somehow Devon knew it to be true. He could feel the emptiness. Aliyeah was the part of him missing…dead. Devon lurched forward and vomited.


“Feeling guilty? Good. Though I doubt it will give the new queen pause to spare your life. Your escort is here. Let’s get this over with.”


Devon looked up to see more familiar faces. Kaida and Rayne approached and removed him from his wall restraints replacing them with iron wrist manacles. “Let’s go my ‘lord’. “ Rayne growled in mock tone. Kaida grabbed him roughly under his arm and dragged him to his feet.


The walk to meet the new queen seemed to take forever. Devon knew the path. It can’t be he thought. They marched him down several corridors until they arrived at a Gold embossed teak door. Aliyeah’s chambers. Was this all a joke. Would she be waiting for him behind the door? No. The emptiness was ever present. This had to be a bad dream…worse a nightmare that wouldn’t allow him to wake.


They opened the door and pushed him through. Once inside he saw a crowd had assembled to see his judgement. Metallic Dragons of all types were present. Many he thought he knew but had no idea why. Then his eyes met those of the new queen. Jenna. Her eyes were red as if she had only just stopped crying. This creature brought before her did not deserve to see those tears.


“Jenna.” Devon gasped “Please tell me it’s not true. You know I would never. I loved your Aunt. I was her consort.”


“Liar!” She screeched. The tears began to fall. “ I have no idea who you are. You killed our queen. You must be punished for this crime.”


“It was me who taught you how to pick locks remember? It was me who began your arcane training at Aliyeah’s request. I could never have hurt her. You must believe me.”


“No. I don’t have to believe anything. Only pass judgement and see that justice is done.”


“I see.” Devon answered solemnly then with what looked like little more than a flick of his wrists the manacles fell free from hands.


“Guards!” Cam yelled.


Before they could even move Devon had stepped forward and dropped to one knee bowing his head low before Jenna. “I serve the Queen of Dragons. The true queen. A Gold Queen. If my Queen wishes my life she need only ask for it and I will gladly give it.” Devon leaned forward and low kissing Jenna’s foot. “I swear you my blood oath to serve you in all things. If by my life or death I can protect you I will. I am yours to command my queen. What is your wish for me.”


Cam yelled, “What trickery is this?” Order his death and be done Jenna. Avenge your aunt!”


Devon did not move. His head remained bowed low at the feet of his new queen. Jenna fell to one knee said. “Look at me.”


Devon remained still.


“I said look at me!” Devon’s eyes met hers. His tears were real. She knew it..


“I do not know what magic caused this… “, he began slowly, “But if Aliyeah is dead then I failed in my duty to protect her. I do not know how I came to be in this cursed world but I swear to you she was alive yesterday. Call for my life my Queen. End this suffering.”


“Yesterday? Aliyeah has been dead for days.” Jenna stared into Devon’s eyes. “In your world my aunt is alive?”


“Yes my Queen.” Devon answered.


“And you and I are friends?”


Devon smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek. He shook his head and replied, “No my Queen. We are family. You call me uncle and I love you for it.”


Jenna stood. “You want to hear my wish Darkstar? Here it is. I command you to fix this reality. Make things the way they were or die trying. I will believe in your world and you will make it so. I will not lose my aunt forever. Now get up and serve your Queen.”


Devon rose slowly. As he did the door burst open and Chromatic Dragons swarmed into the room.


“Defend the Queen!” he yelled as lightning sprung from his fingers scorching the first red dragon rushing toward him.


Breath weapons of every kind filled the air and Devon stepped in front of Jenna taking the brunt of it all. As each attack struck fine links of scale formed in every color and metal absorbing the energies and protecting Jenna from harm.


“The Highlord’s Armor!” Cam gasped. “He speaks the truth! Get her out Devon!”


Devon nodded, “The secret place Cam.” and shimmered from sight taking Jenna with him. They reappeared at Aliyeah’s cave overlooking the ocean, a place few know about.


Cam and her loyal Dragons appeared a short time after. Staring at Devon she asked, “Your armor? How did you come to possess it? There hasn’t been a Highlord in a millennium.”


Devon’s expression was sad. “A gift from our Queen when she named me 6th Dragon Highlord at your suggestion.”


Jenna hugged Devon. “Please uncle. Make things right again.”


Devon squeezed Jenna tight. “As you command my queen.”

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Dorym
