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Altered Realities

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Devon stood by Jenna. He had refused to leave her side ever since she accepted his oath of fealty. He couldn’t help but feel wary of everyone around him. There was no way to be sure who among them were allies and who would wish her harm. What he was sure of was he’d do all he could to keep her safe. She was the Gold Queen now, however unlike Aliyeah she did not rule all the Dragons. The right of rule had fallen to the Red Flight and they held little regard for his new queen. Days passed. He knew in his heart he must find his friends and fix this world however his senses seemed equally warped as this broken reality. Devon spent his time speaking of his reality in part to pass the knowledge on to the loyal yet even more so for himself, lest he forget and all hope of saving Aliyeah be gone with his memory. So he waited in silent sentinel defending his queen. Cam laughed, “You took an arrow for me? Saved my life? I find that hard to believe in any reality that I would need a human to protect me.”


“It’s true Camille.” he drawled with instigation.


“Don’t call me Camille” Cam fired back sharply.


“Here feel the wound. The scar never really faded.”


As Devon held her hand against his chest flickers of memory crackled in her mind. She saw things that never occured, images she couldn’t believe were true. Then as quickly as they had come the visions were gone, however the memory remained.


She gasped. “How?”


“Strong emotion seems to work against the magic that shaped this world. At least for now.”


“I’m sorry.” she said softly.


“For what Cam?”


“My behavior my lord. I had no idea how much you meant….to all of us.” as she looked sadly toward Jenna.


Jenna tilted her head curiously. “You believe him now?”


“Yes my Queen. In my heart I know he speaks true. I know he feels Aliyeah’s loss, perhaps more so than any of us. And I know he will gladly give his life to defend yours. Your trust is well placed.”


Devon nodded. “There is nothing to forgive. Let’s just hope that together we can undo this magic.”




Jareth was growing impatient. While it was true there was a small (very small might be more accurate) part of him enjoying the company of the sisters Calmwater, he was beginning to grow restless with only carnal activity to occupy his time. Trysts with the other Daughters of Darkness did little to ease his frustration and he found the violence and passion becoming more and more intoxicating. Portia walked toward him smiling.


“You have the information I require?” He asked.


“Not exactly. What I was able to discover is that the Darkstar was sold to the Devil Queen of Suffering Glasya. It seems the Red Queen has grown bored with her pet and has no more use of him.” She replied with a smirk.


“And where is he now?”


“I do not know. He was last seen a prisoner of the Gold Flight. It appears they intend to execute him. A mercy if you ask me compared to what the Daughter of Asmodeus will do to him.”


Jareth swung his backhand at her face but failed to land the blow. “I did not ask your opinion!”


“Oooh. I like rough. Again?” She cooed.


Jareth was irate. “All of you! Go now and do not return to me until you discover where he is being held!”


Portia looked about to reply but was interrupted by Scabbia, “Of course Dread Lord. Come sisters. We have our orders.”


Portia licked her lips. “Another time then.” And they all shimmered away.


Jareth was still red with anger.


“Was that necessary my love.” Keira purred.


Jareth turned eyes ablaze. “That means you two as well.”


Keira shot back a look of defiance as Kaara scowled. “Hmph” and they shimmered away as well.


Finally alone for the first time in days Jareth thought.  “Where would you go Devon?” Black orbs swirled around him as he shifted from Shendilavri to the Port of West Manor.




Gunther thought to himself, “Sanguinar. If Devon were forced to run he’d head there. He’d be safest there.” He focused forcing himself from the negative material plane to the outskirts of Sanguinar.  The stone walls and black wrought iron gates appeared before him. He had never been well received there. The god of the dawn was not popular amongst the vampyre. Perhaps as a vampire lord he’d be more welcome. He was mistaken.


“What do business do you have here blasphemer.” The gatekeeper sneered.


“I seek the Darkstar.”


“And.” Came the reply?


“And you would be wise to allow me to pass lest you risk the wrath of the Pale Lady. He is her favored son after all.”


The gatekeeper scoffed. “Is that so? Very well. But understand any trouble you cause will be met with extreme prejudice. The laws of Sanguinar are harsh. You’d do well to remember that.”


Gunther grinned maliciously at the soldier before walking past. He made his way to the Haven. If Devon wasn’t at the pub, he was sure someone there could tell him where he might be. As he entered the eyes of the few patrons already seated gave him uneasy glances. Vaara stared at him for a moment before asking, “What do you want?”


“Some wine.” He responded politely. “And any news you may have about Devon.”


She poured the glass and answered, “The Pale Lady is not pleased. He’s in trouble. I can tell you no more.”


Gunther nodded and said, “Leave the bottle.” as he dropped some gold coins on the counter. He collected his drink and found a seat at an empty table resigned to wait until he could find someone willing to tell him more.


Some hours and an empty bottle later the lithe and attractive form of Ria sashayed in. She looked at Vaara who nodded toward Gunther. Ria smiled. Her eyes gleamed a soft icy blue. She sat at the table with Gunther as Vaara came over bringing a fresh bottle and a glass for the Nightmistress. She filled Gunther’s glass and departed.


“Gunther.” She was smiling. “I’m surprised to see you here. More surprised that you seek Devon. Am I to understand you don’t know where he is?” She picked up Gunther’s glass and sipped from it sliding it back toward the barbarian.


Gunther eyed the glass suspiciously. “No. I do not. I thought I’d find him here. Why is he in trouble?”


Ria looked around cautiously before answering. “The Pale Lady has ordered his death for his part in the murder of the dragon queen. Selene is to see to it herself.”


“Selene would never harm Devon.” Gunther’s tone was incredulous.


“I’m serious barbarian. If you find him you must bring him to me. I can protect him. I still love him.”


Gunther laughed. “You can’t be serious.”


Ria met his eyes. “But I am.”


He knew her words held true.


“Very well. I’ll see what I can do.”


Ria smiled a crooked grin and said. “Do try very hard. You don’t want me for enemy.” then left.


Gunther watched her leave then started at the glass in front of him. He pushed it aside grabbing the clean glass and pouring himself a fresh drink. He finished his draft and stood. Gunther left Sanguinar then focused on his people and the horde only to arrive in the plaguelands, a desolate and inhospitable place. It seemed to him as he wandered about that Tarja had led a coup for control of the horde after it was discovered Gunther had turned from the light. The old chieftain and those loyal were banished and now struggled to survive. “This reality must be corrected” he thought to himself as rage welled in his heart. Jareth. He must focus on Jareth. It took more effort than he thought but he was able to sense his ally. He blinked and was suddenly before a fortress bearing the banner of the Dread Lord. Finally meeting up the two friends shared what they knew. Jareth wondered where Devon could have gone? Suddenly occurred to him. The cave. He grabbed Gunther as black orbs swirled about. They appeared in a cave overlooking the ocean and surrounded by dragons, dragons who were unhappy to see them.




“How do you know of this place?” Cam demanded. “Only those who have been here can find it.”


“Then that should tell you I am not your enemy. I seek Devon. Is he here?”


The other dragons stared ominously at Jareth and Gunther both. Some of their eyes had already ignited with energy as breath weapons were readied for imminent use. Jareth felt something he had not in a long time. Fear. Dragon fear, an effect he had become rather immune to through the grace of Aliyeah and his many dealings with the wyrms. He steeled himself against its power.


“Am I to believe the Dread Lord is also part of the twisted reality Devon speaks of?”


“Indeed. So he is here?” Jareth asked.


“The Darkstar attends the queen.” Cam answered.


“I thought Aliyeah was….” his voice trailed off.


“Not Aliyeah. Jenna. She is queen now.”


“The snarky little teen that followed Devon around like a puppy is queen? I would speak with them.” Jareth stepped forward and a cascade of growls protested his advance.


“You presume too much.” Cam answered angrily.


Jenna stepped from a side chamber, Devon by her side. His eyes sparkled brilliant blue as the room seemed to cool. Arcs of lightning were sparking around his body. “What is going on?” Jenna demanded.


Jareth looked at Devon. ”Good. We found you. Enough with the show. We need to figure out how to fix this.”


Devon’s voice was cold. “I’m not leaving my queen. How can I even trust you?”


“Really?” Jareth frowned. He focused on his previous self. The Lord Marshall of the Bastion of Faith. With great effort the armor wisped away and he was garbed in the righteous glory of the triad.


The lightning faded from Devon but his eyes remained ever blue. “I have made my decision. Proceed without me.”


“How? We don’t have Stallac. We need you. We need your magic.”


Jenna interrupted. “Are you saying you know how to fix this world?”


“Not exactly Jenna. But..”


“Your Grace.” Devon scolded. “You address a Queen.”


Jareth glowered at Devon. “As I was saying Jenna. I’m not entirely sure how, but I do know in order to succeed we’ll need all 4 of us. Devon included.”


“I’ve heard enough. Find another way.” Devon began to storm off toward the mouth of the cave.


“Do not walk away from your Queen Darkstar. You’ve not been dismissed.” Jenna’s tone was firm and regal. Jareth would have sworn it was Aliyeah speaking.


Devon turned to face Jenna and she continued, “When you pledged yourself to me you swore to obey my commands for the rest of your life.” Devon nodded. “Well I command you to go and help the Lord Marshall fix this reality.”




“Would you refuse your Queen?” A single tear rolled down her cheek.


Devon met her eyes and bowed. “Never. I do as you command my Queen.”


“Return this world to its proper reality and return to me as my uncle not my protector.”


“No matter what reality we live in I shall always protect you my Queen.” He turned to Jareth and glared, “You better be right. If I lose her too…”


“Welcome back. Now we need Stallac.”


“He sits in a cell in the City of Brass for murdering the king of the Djinn. Perhaps Ziva can help. Cam go to her and tell her I must speak to her.”


Cam nodded and in a flash of gold light she was gone.


Gunther had been quiet all this time. When he finally did speak he addressed Jenna. “Your grace. What became of Lydia?”


Jenna was angry and sad at the same time. She’s buried outside near my aunt overlooking the sea, where the winds blow free and her spirit can soar.”


Gunther began to tremble. He walked out and found the grave. Overcome by emotion he beat the ground. His barbarian rage flowed unchecked as sorrow overwhelmed him. He began to glow as if the light of the sun was emanating from him and him alone. His dark armor melted away replaced by the gold and fur he was gifted by the Angelic princess.


In all the commotion no one saw Cam return. She was not alone. A second figure appeared. Her eyes were icy blue and the room felt 20 degrees cooler. Selene addressed Devon. “For the murder of Aliyeah Queen of Dragons you are sentenced to death by order of the Pale Lady.” Before anyone could argue she attacked. Kukri flashing. She meant to kill him.


Devon was fast and knew her fighting style, after all it was Selene who trained him in combat. It was her blood mixed with his own. It was her dance that he was taught. Anyone else would have been cut down in seconds. Devon knew her steps. He blocked most of her attacks, however she was still faster than he was. The cuts were coming quick. His blood glistened from the many razor cuts he couldn’t defend. The dance was beautiful to watch as their bodies pressed together. Leg through leg. Arm over arm faces glancing so close they could kiss.


“Enough!” Jenna yelled.


Selene’s lips brushed Devon’s neck and she took hold of him. Jenna screamed as Selene bit deep into his throat. The brilliant blue of her eyes suddenly faded as they turned milky white. The memories flooded her brain as blood flooded her mouth. She would never have believed it. All she had been told, every account Devon had passed onto Cam, all of it true. And there was more…there was…


She broke free of him and released her hold. Devon fell to the ground, a look of ecstasy merged with pain played across his face. Blood still leaked from where he had been bitten. Jareth rushed over and cast a healing spell.


“What the hells was that? You could have killed him.” Jenna yelled.


“Would have she answered. If he wasn’t…if I didn’t…” she turned to Jenna. “All he has said is true. The memory is in his blood. It can not be faked. I saw it all…felt…”


Cam looked at Devon. Go to the City of Brass. Ziva will contact you there. Good luck Devon. Be careful.”


“Aww Cam. I didn’t know you cared.” Jareth replied in mock tone.”


‘About you. I don’t.” she scowled at him. “Scown.”


Jareth smiled broadly. “Now that’s the Cam I remember.”

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Dorym

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 219
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Dawn broke in the City of Brass. The sky burned orange and red as though a new fire had been lit in a hearth. The scent of smoldering incense still hung heavy in the air from the previous night’s festivities. Devon felt a bit disoriented as his eyes opened taking in the lavish decor of the suite he and ….Aliyeah….Panic set in. His heart raced. He was almost too afraid to turn his head. What would he find if he did? The warm touch on his chest and soft sounds of breath hinted all should be right. Devon slowly rolled his head to the left and stared. Aliyeah Queen of Dragons was asleep. He gasped in relief. Had it been a dream? Surely there was no reality in which he would ever harm his queen… his love. A nightmare then. He felt his pulse quicken as he fought through the fog clouding his mind as memories washed over him like a tidal wave. 

“What’s wrong?” Came a soft whisper, fingers gently scraping his chest. Aliyeah’s eyes flickered and came to life, their soft gold color greeting him warmly. 

“We have to go. You are not safe here my queen.” Devon’s tone was serious. “I’ll send word to Jarreth, Stallac and Gunther. They should depart as well.” 

Aliyeah looked at Devon and sighed. “My queen again.” Aliyeah stretched causing the soft silks of the bed cover to struggle to keep her modesty. “I’m perfectly safe. I have you here with me.” 

“You don’t understand. Ari..the vizier. There’s a plot to..” 

She rolled over and sat on him. “To do what? I’m no fan of Ari either but he is Ziva’s brother after all. Has he not treated us quite generously? And the Vizier? Surely he wouldn’t dare cross Ari. What harm would he wish us?” 

Devon was feeling frustrated. “You don’t know what happened. You were…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it. How could he prove his case. 

Aliyeah laid on top of him, her lips all but touching his. “Was what?” She kissed him. “Doing this?” She kissed him again. 

There was a soft tap on the door and it slowly opened. 

Devon rotated with catlike grace placing himself between Aliyeah and the intruder. There was a sudden metallic smell in the air. Crackle…Whirrr…Snap! Lightning sparked from his ice blue eyes as arcs of electricity flashed all over his body. The room became noticeably cooler, like death herself exhaled the cold of her breath into the oppressively bed chamber. The servant who had entered the room to bring in warm breakfast breads and coffee was startled and very afraid. 

“Devon!” Aliyeah’s voice was commanding and regal. “Enough!” 

The servant slowly backed away. “1000 pardons your grace. Your humble servant did not mean to offend. 1000 apologies.” And he exited. 

“What has gotten into you?” she demanded. Devon’s eyes were fixated on the door his left arm still defensively holding Aliyeah behind him. “Highlord!” His head snapped to look at his queen his eyes fixated on hers, death’s stare clung tightly to his face. “Devon? Are you ok?” 

The room warmed, the city’s heat reclaimed the space. The ice blue color faded from his eyes as they began to shine green again. The electrical arcs dissipated and with a whisper of a whoosh were gone. 

“I…” He couldn’t put it all into words. “I thought…” 

She hugged him tight and pressed herself firmly against him. “It’s ok. It must have been some terrible dream for you to act so. Come..” she reached out grabbing his hand. “There’s hot bath set for us. We’ll freshen up. Have something to eat and meet with the others. And if you still wish to leave we shall. Ok?” 

Devon took a deep breath. “I’m sorry Aliyeah. I did not mean to embarrass you, my queen.” 

“Embarrass me?” She chuckled. “Never my love. But that poor servant. It’s a good thing djinn are long lived because you surely scared a decade off his lifespan.” 

Devon felt a pang of guilt. He followed Aliyeah into the bath. The bathing pool was large enough for several people. The water felt just below a boil but refreshing to tightened muscles. There was soapy foam and scented oils provided a relaxing aroma. Aliyeah rubbed his shoulders and could feel the knots of tension radiating down from his neck toward his shoulders and back. She decided to change the subject. She kissed the back of his neck and pressed her fingers to the first of a line of arcane runes cascading down his spine. 

“These markings. Tell me about them again. I seem to have forgotten their meaning.” she feigned. 

“Of course you did.” Devon mocked. “Wynter ravens are sworn to serve their masters. The power to deal death and the right to wear a kukri is considered sacred in Sanguinar. Blood oaths are not to be entered lightly.” 

“Go on.” Her left hand rubbed his arm while the fingers of her right hand continued tracing the runes. 

“As such, when a raven swears an oath to serve, the rune of his liege magically transfers to his back for all to see and to bear witness of his loyalty.” 

“Hmmm…” she cooed. “That’s an awful lot of he’s and him’s.” Her fingers had made their way down to the fourth rune in the line. “Are there no women chosen to become wynter ravens?” 

Devon smirked. “We’re funny now are we? I can feel the motion of your finger. You’re tracing a black lotus, the Sigil of my sire and perhaps greatest of the order, Selene….but you know this.” 

“Yes.. Selene the all powerful. Selene the deadly. Selene the beautiful. Selene the one you owe everything to. I’ve heard those stories more than I care to remember.” 

“Jealous my queen?” Now it was Devon’s turn to tease. 

“Not at all. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the Nightmistress. And you are here with me, not in Sanguinar with her. Besides it’s the last rune that matters if I remember correctly as that is where your love and loyalty lie now. And that rune is….” She paused her fingers further down his spine then she knew they should be. 

“Is something wrong?” Devon turned around and saw the look of confusion on Aliyeah’s face. “What is it?” 

Her finger traced the rune. Devon’s eyes focused on Aliyeah’s touch, reading the rune as her nail scraped against the skin on his back. 

As realization struck, Aliyeah asked. “When did you swear yourself to Jenna? Why would you do that? She’s my niece and certainly not the queen? What have you two been doing?”, she asked almost accusingly. 

“It wasn’t a dream.” Devon said. 

“What wasn’t? You want to explain?” Aliyeah for perhaps the first time ever seemed angry with her paramour. 

“Your rune. Does it sit beneath Jenna’s?” 

“What? Are you serious?” She snapped. 

“Aliyeah please. You know you are my heart and I am yours.” 

“Yes. Mine is the final rune as it should be. But why is Jenna’s there?” 

Devon exhaled and focused on the moment of clarity provided by Aliyeah’s discovery. He looked at his belongings set carefully aside of the cushions that served as a bed. In the blink of an eye he shimmered to his neatly placed property. Aliyeah watched him in silence as he grabbed a belt with pouches and quickly opened one. He withdrew a smooth purple stone. The yellow rune carved into the stone glowed as he held it and the Gold Queen could feel its power from across the room. 

“Is that?…” 

“A rune of creation.” Devon answered quietly. “The rune of reality.” 

“Where did you? How did you come to possess it.” she stepped out of the bath and the heat almost immediately dried her skin. 

Devon told the story. He explained how the rune had been used to alter reality. How in that horrible warped world his love had been murdered. How he had been accused and, how when tried, he swore his blood oath to protect and serve Jenna as Aliyeah would have wanted. He told her everything, how the vizier had been found to be behind the dark magic and how they suspected Ari as well. He told his queen that it was only through the combined power of his arcane magic and Jareth’s divine magic that they were able to restore reality to what it was and should be. 

Aliyeah was stunned. “How can this be?” 

“I don’t know but I have the stone and the runes don’t lie.” 

“Why didn’t Jenna’s rune fade when you changed reality?” 

“The magic remembers. I will bear her mark forever.” 

Devon placed the rune of creation back in the pouch. “Now may we leave my queen?” 

Aliyeah looked him up and down. “We should probably dress first. But yes. I agree. We should go. We must also regroup with our allies and tell them what has happened.” As they quickly dressed Aliyeah seemed to look at Devon and smile every few seconds. 

“What’s so funny?” Devon finally asked. 

“I love you Devon Darkstar. You’re adorable.” 

“Huh?” He said with a smirk. 

“The idea that you would stay to protect Jenna and serve her as you would me demonstrates just how devoted you are, that my feelings for you are well placed.” 

“Please don’t mention it to her. I’ll never hear the end of it.” 

“Your apprentice is quite fond of you Darkstar and now you bear her rune. Should I be worried?” Aliyeah poked fun at him. 

“Uggh. I’m going to hear this for some time aren’t I?” He said. 

“At least the next century or two my love.” She smiled. 

Just then the door burst open and an obviously quickly dressed and agitated Jareth rushed in trailed by a somewhat less dressed and extremely embarrassed Keira Calmwater. “Do you have it?” He demanded. 

“I’m so sorry Talisa. He woke up crazy. Had some bizarre nightmare that freaked him out. He carried on and when I tried to reason with him he geared up and rushed over here.” 

“Relax Jareth. I do.” Devon answered. 

“Wait you what?” Keira asked. “Have what?” 

“It’s all true Keira.” Aliyeah said. “It wasn’t a dream…or rather nightmare from what I was told. Devon has the stone….and the mark.” 

“What mark?” Jareth asked. 

“Really?” Devon shot back. 

Aliyeah grabbed his face and smushed it. “Isn’t he cute? Jenna’s mark. From when he swore to serve her.” 

“Wait…he what?” Keira asked. 

“Oh yeah.” Jareth grinned. “That’s permanent?” 

“Why yes, yes it is.” Aliyeah answered for Devon. “Come let’s get the others and go.” 

In a matter of moments 4 became 8 with everyone reunited in Ziva’s room. 

“Are you certain?” Ziva asked. “I can’t believe Ari would do such a thing. Perhaps the vizier was working alone. Maybe we should warn Ari?” 

“No!” Devon and Jareth said in unison. 

“How come we don’t remember?” asked Stallac. 

Devon looked at Jareth and shrugged. 

Jareth thought for a second. “Maybe Devon and I remember because we entered the rune and shaped reality. Everyone else was outside in the affected world. You’d never know reality was altered. If not for certain traumatic events…” He stared for a moment at Aliyeah and then Lydia. “…we may never have had our memories jarred and known to fight to fix things.” 

“Well it’s a good thing you boys care so much.” She squeezed Devon’s hand. “Yes Jareth, I know. I was dead. You too Lydia.” 

“Wait what?” She answered shocked. 

“Long story for another day. Let’s use our get out of the city free pass and discuss this somewhere safe.” Devon advised. 

With a flash of light they were gone…… 

This post was modified 5 years ago by Dorym
This post was modified 2 years ago by Dorym
