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Swords and Sushi

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Swords & Sushi

Posted for Naz


Roni brings the Lambo to a screeching stop on 16th Street between 10th ave & West Side Highway.


“Looks like we have some time to kill,  Thought traffic was going to be worse. Want me to buzz my contact at Narwhal Yachts?”


“I hate being early, How did you find out about this guy?”


“This is who everyone from Saudi Princes to Russian Oligarchs use.  He is only in town for one night. He  apparently is showing off some prototype. He told me serious buyers only, So have your checkbook ready Mr. Deep Pockets.”


“Nah, I hate seeming over eager,  we can catch up for a few.  Bring me up to speed on where you are at with the submarine training, surveillance on Archon Dillion as well as those clowns from the big easy?”


“You know Naz, I’m only one person. If you decided to finally embrace me, I could get more done and we could spend all our time together.”


“Roni… you know it isn’t that easy. Besides, I asked Vihaan to send you some candidates to interview for some extra help.”


“Great, so I can manage one of Vahaan’s spies.”


“Roni, what’s up with you?  You’re normally not this irritable.”


“No I’m good, maybe just a little hangry.”


Naz looks out the window.  “Look…. Hanzo Swords & Sushi. Do you like Japanese?” 


“Love it.. You don’t mind?” 


“Not at all. We have some time to kill. Besides, we need you to find your charm again to help me get a good deal on a new boat.”


“Let me guess,  I’m going to be getting my Captain’s license next!”


“Enough wiseass, Let’s go get you some food.” 


They walk into the small empty Omakase style sushi bar and have a seat. Where a middle aged man sharpens his Fuguhiki behind the bar.


“Well hello.  Welcome to Hanzo Sushi.  Please come sit at my bar.”   He barks back behind a curtain behind the bar. “Stupid boy, come bring our beautiful guests some water.”


A mousy voice responds. “Grandpa, I’m busy making a TikTok video.”


“Get your ass out here now!”


Naz and Roni let out a chuckle.  “We will be really quick, I realize it is late. Very much appreciate it.”


A small young man in his late teens brings 2 glasses of water and places them in front of Naz & Roni.


Roni quickly looks through the menu and orders;  “May I please have 2 pieces of Uni, 2 pieces of Unagi & 2 pieces of O-Toro.”  


The sushi chef lets out a long winded, “YESSSSS!  No white girl bullshit tonight trying to order a california roll.”  


The young man immediately tried to interrupt. “Grandfather, you can’t comment on people’s skin color.”  


The chef quickly cuts him off, “Shut up you lazy bastard.”


“May I also have a bottle of the 100 year old Nishida Junmai Daiginjo?”


“YESSS!” The chef lets out another grunt.


“What about you handsome man?”


“I’m fine with water,  I’m dealing with a little bit of a stomach bug.”


“NONSENSE!”, as the chef cuts him off. “You need your strength for later.”, as he pumps his fist back and forth. “Stupid Boy, bring the handsome man a bowl of the aged miso soup.”  


“This will be interesting,” Roni whispers to Naz as she chuckles.


The boy pours a taste of sake for Roni’s approval. She smiles and nods at the server and asks him to pour the chef a glass when he is done.   


The Chef smiles, “YESSSS! Thank you beautiful woman.”


Naz whispers over the Roni, “So what did you order exactly?”


“Uni is sea urchin, Unagi is bbq eel & O-Toro is the fatty belly section of bluefin tuna.”


The chef nods his head as it’s clear he is trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.


Roni leans in towards Naz.  “Have you ever had Sushi before?”


“Never.  Remember I grew up and  was imprisoned in the desert.”


Food gets placed in front of them at the same time and the Chef announces, “Enjoy!” While staring at them waiting for them to take the first bites. 


Roni puts a smear of fresh wasabi on the uni with her chopsticks, then dips it into soy sauce. She smiles as she places the uni in her mouth.   “So delicious, the best I’ve had since I dove for them as a girl in Beirut.”   


The chef nodded his head and moved his attention to Naz.  Naz swirls his spoon in the soup and takes a spoonful to his lips as he tries to find his blush of life. The delicious soup quickly goes down his throat. A second later he felt the soup and bile making its way back up his throat. He quickly put his hand over his mouth. 


Roni, watching this, quickly asked the chef where the restroom was located.  


The chef pointed around the corner, “OH SHIIITTTT!” He shouted.


Naz ran for the rest room and quickly made it to the toilet.


Roni let out a quick giggle and continued eating her meal.  “This is really delicious.” 


Naz was sick a few more times.  Trying to get his stomach under control and splashing water on his face.  


Roni and the chef became fast friends.  The chef shared about his time traveling in Lebanon and the Middle East with his late wife. The chef continued to hand Roni pieces of various cuts off of the menu sashimi. 


Naz finally found his composure and exited the bathroom.  Walking back through the empty restaurant, he noticed 2 glass cases containing antique Katana’s.  He intensely looked over the katana’s craftsmanship. He also noticed a third class case with a gold metal hanging on a fencing saber.  A label was below the metal Gattomi Hanzo 1988 Seoul Korea Olympics Gold Medal Winner Saber Fencing.  Roni seemed to have snuck up behind him while looking through the cases.


“Should I ask for the check? We don’t want to miss our meeting.”


“Cancel it!”  


“You Sure? He isn’t the type to issue rainchecks.”


“Yes, I see something else I want more.”


“Let’s go back to the sushi bar.”


Naz and Roni walked back together. 


“My friend, the chef announced, glad to see you’re doing ok. Can I offer you some green tea or better yet some Japanese whisky?”


“No, I’m fine, thanks.” Naz responded


“Japanese Whisky you say?” Roni inquired.   


“YESSS!” The chef pulled out a wooden box from behind the bar.  “I have some 21yr old Hibiki. Will that do?”


“That will do just fine! Please let us buy you a glass as well.”


“YESSSS! You had better marry this one, my handsome friend, otherwise I may steal her from you!”   


“I was admiring your collections in the glass case, I’m sure there are some stories behind those!”


“Yes you like?  Once upon a time I was a BMF.”


“BMF?”  Roni questioned. 


“Bad Motherfucker,” the chef announced. The server once again tried to speak up.  


“Grandfather you can’t say that!”


“Shuddup Lazy boy.”


“Come to think of it, the name Hanzo…. Hattori Hanzo… Kill Bill, yes I loved that movie.  I knew that name was familiar.”


The young server started laughing, “Oh this is going to get good.”


“That whole story is bullshit. Hattori Hanzo, my ancestor, was a Samurai. He wasn’t some bullshit weaponsmith making swords for a bunch of fucked up hitmen. They totally fucked up the whole story. Tarentino, I met him once.  What a disappointment. My family in Japan is still suing Miramax.”


The young server again interrupted laughing, “Who do you think they based the character off off?”  


“Shaddup! I’ve had about enough of you tonight. Sonny “fucking” Chiba, are you kidding me.  At Least they could have picked someone tall and handsome.  I had to leave Japan, I didn’t want to get involved in the legal battle, my family wanted me to sue them for name & likeness usage. After my wife passed it was time to start over.  I did go back once. They had asked me to be a coach in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.  It wasn’t the same though.  Everyone is soft, these kids don’t want to put the work in.  I wasn’t speaking to them nicely, I was working them too hard blah blah blah.   I like things the way they are here.  I have my own small restaurant and I don’t have to worry about my grandson going anywhere because he is a LAZY BASTARD!”


Naz stood up, and dropped his Amex Black card on the bar. “Chef, thank you for drinks, dinner & your warm entertaining hospitality. I have a question, more so a proposal for you.  Would you consider training me?”


“What to be a sushi chef?”


“Ha! No, I’m interested in learning to wield a katana like the ones you have in the case. I am retired military, you don’t have to worry about being too hard on me, I’ll put in the work and do whatever you say.  Seriously, name your price for your time. We can train after you close your restaurant for the evening.  You would have someone other than your grandson to take your aggression out on.”


“Why would you want to let me tourtue you like that?”


“I’ve always been mesmerized by the finesse and elegance of the katana. Wielding it with such grace is the ultimate art form.”


“Where would I even train you in the art of Kenjutsu?”


“I don’t know what that means, but if you mean something like gym space or such Roni will arrange all that with you. I’m more than happy to pay you for your time and then some.”


“Very well, I enjoy cooking for you both. Have Roni send me the details, If you belly ache like a pussy where done! Deal?”


“We are in agreement Mr Hanzo.   Thank you very much.”


Naz paid the bill and the two were back in the Lambo headed to Brooklyn.


“So where are we going to find a gym that will let us train at night?” Naz Questioned


“What’s the deal with your fascination with using a Katana?  Why not follow in the footsteps of your idol Qadir and use a scimitar? You know I know a guy who crafts swords out of Damascus steel in my hometown. This would be easy, ask Qadir for some lessons. Would be good bonding time.  I already know this guy is going to be a pain in the ass. Everyone knows Damascus steel is the top of the food chain.”


“I hear what you’re saying Roni, but this is my path. Gattomi is a true master. After dealing with Farouk’s tourture for the better part of a decade, I can deal with this guy.”


“As far as the training space goes, Some guy keeps asking me out. He’s a trainer at Renzo Gracie Academy.  I guess I’ll finally call him back and have a drink with him. The things I do for you Naz!”


Naz leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek, “Much appreciated my dear.”


A week later the group met at Renzo Gracie Academy,  The state of the art gym was outfitted with all the bells and whistles of a place run by a celebrity mixed martial artist. Roni and the Chef’s grandson took a seat in the front row of the gymnasium style bleachers. 


He looked over at Roni, “My name is Kaito by the way. Just so you are aware, your boyfriend is going to get the shit beat out of him today. Grandfather just kicked a bunch of finance bro’s out of the restaurant tonight for breaking his balls about the price of the Omakase menu. They were dropping the fatal ‘Do you know who I am’?’’ line at him.


“Oh geez, this is going to be very fun to watch then.”


Naz stepped on to the mat wearing all black leisurewear, with his hair tied in a “chonmage.”


The Chef was still wearing his work Itamae Jacket with his shoes removed. He then handed a wooden training sword and sheath to Naz thoughtfully with both hands.


“What is this? I thought we would be training with live blades?”


The chef looked over to his grandson, “Stupid boy what is the analogy we had to use to get you to understand we need to learn to walk before we can run?”


Kaito stood up and looked at Naz. “Are you a star wars fan?”


Naz nodded his head


“Learning to wield a Katana is like learning to use a lightsaber, you’re more likely to cut off one of your own limbs. How the Katana is removed from the Saya and your first strike is made is like no other comparable technique.”


“I get all that, I learned how to wield a scimitar when I was in the military. In fact Roni suggested that Damascus Steel is the sharpest and most durable in all the world.”


The Chef quickly interrupted with a yell.  “Silence all of you, idiots.   Stupid boy #1, Stupid boy #2 & Stupid girl.  If Samurai wielding Hanzo Katanas were involved in the crusade battles, we would have massacred those sand creatures in a day. Enough Bullshit!.”  The chef intensely stared at Naz.  “The only words coming out of your mouth moving forward are yes Chef. Anything else will result in a strike to your dumb head.”


Naz smiled and nodded.


“Follow my moves handsome man.” The chef stepped in the Nukitsuke start position. Naz followed his motion.  “You’re a lefty! Good, that will give you an advantage.”  The chef switched hands and placed the sword sheath in his right hand.  “Good!  You have good form.”


Naz smiled, “Ok I’m ready to spar.”  At that with a blink of the eye the Chef drew the wooden training sword and performed an overhead cut and stuck Naz on top of the head. The strike quickly staggered Naz. Naz, in turn, calling upon his Celerity discipline, drew his wooden blade and swung wildly back at the chef. The chef easily parried aside the strikes. “Good you are fast, but your balance is SHiiit.” The chef declared.  The chef switched tactics and began focusing strikes on Naz’s legs.  “A chicken that cannot run will be my dinner!”  The leg strikes were taking their toll on Naz’s speed and the chef quickly disarmed Naz and had his blade next to Naz’s neck.


“Are we ready to do things my way now?” The chef questioned in a condescending manner, “Do you need a water break and go get a kiss from your girlfriend.”


Naz shook his head.


“Now! Show me Nukitsuke Position.”


Naz followed the Chef back into the starting position.


“Good!. You will care for your wooden sword like it is a newborn baby. I will inspect it before each session. This tool is your life now. The samurai is nothing without their Katana.”


Naz bowed his head to the chef out of respect.

The pair continued to train together every night over the coming days.  Eventually moving to dull swords. Over the course of that time Naz learned all the techniques- Kenjutsu, Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu, Mugai-Ryu, Yagyu Shinkage-ryu, Jigen-Ryu and Naz’s favorite Muso Jiken Eishen-Ryu the technique which involve draw the katana and cutting in one elegant move. Which paired very perfectly with his advanced movement speed.  Soon thereafter the chef arrived with the 2 swords from his restaurant.


“Handsome man, you honor me with your respect for these arts that I have taught. You are finally ready to wield Hanzo steel.”


Naz dropped to his knees and with hands out to receive the Katana.  He quickly stood up and slowly drew the blade from the Saya.  He inspected with joy all the details that went into the sword’s various parts.  The hard darkened bronze Tsuba and how the Ito was brilliantly laid into Tsuka. Then Naz moved to the blade.  Running his finger over the edge. His finger was immediately split and he quickly placed it in his mouth.  

“Careful handsome man!”


His eyes made their way right above the darkened bronzed habaki where the Henzo name in Japanese was engraved. 


“There will be no dueling with Hanzo steel,” The chef announced. “These blades are not to touch one another.”  At the end of the training session as they were walking out of the gym on 30th street.


“Chef, may I ask you a question?”


“Sure handsome man.”


“Would you ever consider selling that sword to me?  You know I would honor and respect your traditions….”


Before Naz could get another word out. The chef quickly interrupted him. “I’m sorry these will never be for sale. Being a Hanzo is a way of life. My entire bloodline is connected to Hattori Hanzo. Sure none of us are Samurai, But we must respect our traditions. What type of example am I setting for  Kaito if I sell this blade to a well-off outsider. As respectful as you may be. These blades will travel back to the Hanzo Estate when my time has come to an end. As it is, these blades have directly affected my relationship with my son. He has disowned me for not leaving them at the Hanzo estate when I left Kakunodate. My grandson was sent to me by my daughter in law when he was being recruited by the Yakuza because of their interest in these swords. These swords are rich with history.   That being said, There are several Hanzo swords in circulation that are not accounted for. Hattori Hanzo started off as a Samurai General to the emperor. Eventually during times of peace he became more of an assassin, removing threats and uprisings to the empire. Every time Hattori had a task to fulfill, he had a new sword crafted.  This is where the real mystery lies. No one knows who this mystery weaponsmith was.  There are theories that the weaponsmith was a bastard son of Hattori Yusanago, Hanzo’s father.  Others believe that the weaponsmith was in indentured servitude to the Hanzo family. This is why none of the Katana’s created bear the weaponsmith mark. They all bear the Hanzo name.  So perhaps one of these swords will make their way into your hands instead of sitting in some wealthy douchebag’s antique collection.”


Naz nodded his head in agreement.  “I understand. Thank you for the in-depth explanation.  I will look forward to training with you again tomorrow. Perhaps I will send Roni over to visit at your restaurant and she can get you drunk on that 21 yr old whiskey while I lift one of your swords.” Naz said jokingly.


“Then she wont recognize you after I whip your skinny ass.” lightly punching him in the shoulder.


Naz and Roni as always after the training session hopped in the Lambo and began driving back to Brooklyn.  


“Roni, we need to make a stop. Please take us to the continental. I want to see Charon about trying to track down a sword.”  


Roni interrupted. “Why don’t you give me a few days and I’ll reach out to some of my contacts in Asia. Perhaps we will have more luck there.”


“Let’s go to the continental.   Feel free to reach out to your contacts and exhaust any and all resources for this search.  I have these gold coins that I would like to put to use. “




The car pulled up to the continental about 15 minutes later.   “Would you like me to come in with you?”


“No need, I’ll be quick I think.”


Naz enters and makes his way towards the front desk looking for Charon.


“Mr Nazir. Always a pleasure to see you.  How may I be of service?”


“Hello Charon, I was hoping we may speak in private with The Sommelier.” 


“Of course right this way. What is it you will be needing this evening?”


“Well I am hoping you can help me track down a rare antique sword.”


The two head down a flight of stairs into a secure room filled with various weapons the Sommelier patiently waited.


“So what type of sword are you looking for?”


“I am looking for a Hattori Hanzo Katana.”  


Charon and the Sommelier look at one another puzzled.


“We generally don’t source rare weapons, from time to time something rare will come our way.   However our crafting department will be more than happy to make something custom for you at a very reasonable price.”  


“Appreciate the offer. However I am looking for something very specific.”


“Understood,” Charon retrieves a notepad from his pocket. “Hattori Hanzo sword you say?”


“That’s right.”


“I will make some inquiries, but this really isn’t our specialty.”  


“Appreciate it regardless.” 


Roni waiting patiently reaches for her cell.  Looking through her contacts…”Here he is.”


“Mr. Massara. Sorry for the late call. This is Roni, Naz’s pupil.”


“I wouldn’t call it late Ronni and please, Call me Alec.” 


“I don’t mean to disturb you Alec but I need some help and I was hoping you might lend me your assistance?”


“Are you in danger? Is Naz ok?”


“Oh. No I’m fine and yes he is. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insinuate… What I mean is I am interested in acquiring something for Naz from the Japanese antiquities world. There is a famous Japanese Samurai who lived during the late 16th century named Hattori Hanzo. I am trying to locate one of his swords and gift it to Naz.  Most of the blades owned by the sword master are kept on display at the Hanzo estate near Akita in Japan. It’s the famous location in films where you see all those beautiful cherry blossom orchards. Anyway, most of my contacts would just offer to attempt a thievery. That won’t do. It needs to be a clean transfer of ownership or Naz will not accept it. I was hoping you’d lend me your skill in acquiring and authenticating such a prized item.  I really don’t know much else about the Katanas other than the Hanzo name is engraved on all the swords near the guard. The Hanzo’s weren’t actually weaponsmiths; the blades were all named after their wielder, Hattori Hanzo.  


“I see. Legal acquisition of such a relic will no doubt be expensive but I’m sure that’s not a concern for you.”


“Not at all, Naz will compensate you for any financial considerations required. I am sure he will happily pay any price.


The more pressing issue will be the legal export of a historical relic from a country that takes immense pride in its past. Problematic, but not impossible. I’ll get on it right away.”


Thanks Alec. Would I be overstepping if I asked you not to speak to Naz about this? I would prefer to keep this between us if possible.”


“I think I understand. No worries. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything.”


“Appreciate you taking the time to help. If there is anything I can ever do to return the favor in the future please don’t hesitate to ask.”


“It’s my pleasure Roni. Good night.”


“Good night.”

After sword has been acquired 


“I have it Alec.” Kimiko affirmed as she stepped into the well appointed office Alec kept at the coterie’s haven.


“Thanks Kimi.” He smiled. 


She placed a large orange Hermes bag on the conference table in his office.


“What’s ya got there?” Elena asked.


“Hopefully a rather impossible to acquire antiquity I was conscripted to find.” His grin morphed into a more focused, slightly serious visage. He pulled a pair of purple nitrile gloves from the drawer of a nearby hutch before gently cradling the bag. Loosening the drawstring, he withdrew  a long polished fossilized coral box with a titanium clasp & hinges. Carefully, almost motherly, he undid the hasp, opening the container, revealing gold silk and soft cotton. Pressed into it was a katana. Alec freed the artifact from its resting place and examined the saya. The wood, though centuries old, looked fresh and oiled as the day it was cut, its colored lacquer crisp and unblemished. 


Kimiko, who had donned nitrile gloves as well, directed his attention to the surface of the sheath. “This particular saya is known as jindachi-zukuri, most often used by samurai who traveled with their blades and intended to use them, unlike a shirasaya which was meant for storage.” She explained. “Hanzo wielded this blade with purpose.”


Alec opened his senses and took in the scent of the wood. “Magnolia wood?” He suggested. “And there is a trace of tulip…”


“Magnolia was a common wood used in the crafting of saya. Magnolia black tulip trees would be more rare to find, though befitting the station of one such as he.”


The tsuba was ornately cut, its pattern artistic. He examined the red etchings into the saya, similar in pigment to the red ribbon interlaced with the black eel skin of the ito. Alec inched the blade out of the scabbard examining the fuchi and kashira. They were perfect. Just above the collar were more etchings in Japanese. He immediately recognized the Hanzo name. Alec freed the blade, exposing the naked steel to examine hamon and hada. They were as distinct as a fingerprint to his enhanced sight. It was an easy authentication to make. He pressed his finger softly along the shinogi, careful to avoid the edge.


“It’s sharp.” Kimiko warned. “Here, watch.” She rotated his wrist so the edge faced up. She removed a silk scarf from her neck and laid it open, then released it. The garment drifted softly toward the blade, separating in two as it made contact.


“That’s enough for me.” Alec said as he returned it safely to its saya. He, with great care and respect, laid it back in the box and secured the hasp before closing it back into the drawstring bag.


“Ysa. Call Roni… During the day. Deliver it to her personally… During the day.” He paused. “Please.”


“Of course Alec. I understand.” Ysa nodded.


“Thanks. And thank you Kimiko. I wouldn’t have been able to manage it without your help.”


Kimiko smiled. “Happy to be of assistance.”


That morning Ysa texted Roni.


Ysa <Could you meet me at the office? It’s important.>


Roni <On my way.>


Roni walked through the parking garage to the executive lift that would typically only bring her to the lobby, however her key card and code caused it to rise several floors higher. She could see Ysa through the glass in the entry of Alec’s office. The guards seemed relaxed and Roni didn’t observe anything that she could interpret as dangerous, so she gingerly made her way across the shared social space over to Ysa who smiled as she approached. 


“Everything ok?” She asked in Arabic.


“Better than ok.” Ysa replied in kind. “Please. Follow me. The Mexican ghoul led her to a door leading to the private office space behind them. Roni paused for a moment.


“Should we be in there without Alec?”


Ysa smiled pleasantly. “It’s fine. In fact, Alec would insist.”


Roni nodded and followed her to the spacious inner office area. It was pristine, with a wall of books, various art pieces and antiquities with a well stocked wet bar. His dark wood desk was set against tall windows that peered out into the city. There was a sitting area with imported Italian leather couches. Off to the side was a small round conference table appointed with eight chairs, four of which had been moved off to the side. On the table was a large orange Hermes bag.


“Alec asked that I deliver this to personally, in the daylight. He said you would understand.”


“Is that?” She asked without finishing her sentence.


“It is.” Ysa affirmed.






“How did he manage…”


“Alec can be quite persuasive when he needs to be. Long story short, there were some treasure hunters in the Banda Sea that Kimiko had heard about looking to sell a collection of antiquities to a contact of his in the art world. Alec managed to negotiate a deal to acquire the sword from his contact, who unfortunately had already promised the sword to descendants of the Tokugawa family in Japan. Sadly they will find themselves disappointed.”


“I can’t thank him enough. I’m sure Naz will gratefully cover all his expenses and compensate him for his time and trouble.”


“Yeah about that… Alec said two things… Al’usra and you’re welcome. He said you’d understand that too.”


Roni smiled. “I do. Please offer him my gratitude and appreciation.”


“I will.” Ysa nodded.


Roni took the package, nodded and left.



After some time of patiently waiting, Naz’s phone rang from an unrestricted number.  “Hello?”


“Mr Nazir, this is Charon from the continental. I’m sorry we were unable to locate that item for you. Our offer still stands and we would be more than happy to craft something to your desired specifications.”


“Thank you for looking into that for me Charon. I will likely take you up on that offer in the coming days.”


“Of course Mr Nazir.  The Continental’s services are always available to our customers.  Have a good evening.” 


“Thank you Charon as always.”


About an hour later Roni walks into the study at their apartment.   “What are you working on Naz?” As she walks behind Naz looking over his shoulder. Then she walks to the other side of the circular quartzite table. Takes a seat and places a large orange Hermes bag on the table.


“I’m jotting down some notes,  Planning on heading over to the Continental tomorrow to have a Katana crafted.”  What’s in the bag? Are you already tired of the Birkin Bag I bought you when we became connected through vitae?”


“Not at all,  It’s an early birthday gift for you.”


“The bag is a little big for a wallet, no? Oh did you get me those shark skin loafers I was checking out?” Naz replied sarcastically


“Just open the bag idiot!” as Roni began to lose her patience as she warmly smiled.


Naz reached into the bag and removed a long polished fossilized coral box with a titanium clasp & hinges.  He slowly opened the box to reveal a Black handle  with red engravings on the Saya. The Tsuka contained a red ribbon.  Naz lifted the blade with both hands, removing the sword from its sheaf revealing the Hattori Hanzo name inscription on the blade. He ran his fingers over the blades to gauge the weapon’s sharpness.  His eyes moved to Roni,  who was smiling and slightly teary. “ Roni, I’m floored. How in the world did you acquire this?”


“Thank Alec.   He was more than happy to help.  Although I’m sure there will be a hefty bill coming your way.” 


“Indeed, How did he manage to acquire it?”


 “I don’t know all the details.  Apparently the sword was discovered by some treasure hunters in the Banda Sea. Alec managed to negotiate a deal to acquire the sword from his contact, who promised the sword to descendants of the Tokugawa family in Japan. Does that name ring a bell?”


“It does not Roni. Perhaps Gottomi will know.”


“Well regardless, the seller was apparently compelled to sell the sword to Alec instead.”


“This is a very special moment Roni that I will always remember, Naz whispers as he moves towards her and places a long kiss on her lips.”


Later that evening, Naz arrived at the gym for a training session with his coral box.


“Ahh…. you finally have your own Katana, now you are a true Samurai!” 


Naz hiding the sword behind his back, removes the sword from the sheath with a loud “shing” noise. The Chef squints to examine the new weapon and quickly drops to his knees upon noticing the weapons inscription. Kaito runs down from the bleachers to stand next to his grandfather.  The Chef places his hands out requesting to receive katana for inspections.


“Where did you find this handsome man?”


“Somewhere near the south pacific my contacts tell me apparently.”


“I see,  what you have here is called “Hanzo’s Demon.”  Every treasure hunter,  antique dealer & archeologist in Japan has been looking for this sword for centuries. When Hanzo was under the service of the famous Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa, one of his first achievements was the rescue of his wife and young son, Tataki.  Hattori was then tasked with training young Tataki in the way of the samurai.  As Tataki grew up, he became power hungry and impatient for his father to pass.  He was then manipulated by the famous river pirate samurai Fuma Kataro to assassinate Tokugawa, to put him into power.  Hattori Hanzo got word through his spy system at this attempt of treason.  Tokugawa ordered Hanzo to execute his one and only son.  This sword was created to execute the one time prince of Japan. However Hattori refused to carry out the execution of his prince and young pupil.  Many thought that Hattori would be executed alongside his son for not following his duty. Instead the two were ordered to track down the pirate samurai and bring his head back to Shogun Tokugawa. The sword was said to have been brought on the journey for Tataki to use on Kataro.  While at sea searching for Kataro their ship apparently hit a great storm. Their ship sank somewhere in the south pacific.  The sword was lost, until now. A virgin blade for a virgin Samurai!  Now the Hanzo family & Tokugawa family bicker over who has a claim to the sword.  The Tokugawa’s are nothing more than a bunch of socialite scum and well the Hanzo’s arent perfect either. However we at least respect the Samurai traditions.” 

“Chef, thank you so much for the history of Hanzo’s Demon.   I want you to know that when my time comes to an end. I will make arrangements for this sword to be transported back to the Hanzo estate in Japan.”


“Your words honor me and the Hanzo family. Now enough history lessons! Back to training, handsome man.”  
