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Naz Meets Horus

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Posted for Naris by Dorym


The Learjet 31 has begun its descent, Fatima had been yelling at someone on the phone in an ancient language that no one seemed to understand. Naz was looking out the window when Ziad dropped down into the seat next to him.


“The Big Apple! That’s the statue of liberty my friend.” Ziad announced. 


Fazouk peeked his head over the seat in front of them. “Naz, so here is the deal with Horus. Don’t play this disobedient rebellious game with him. He won’t stand for that shit, he doesn’t see it as entertainment the same way Ziad and I do. If you disobey him, it will be the final death…and swiftly.” Fazouk said cautiously.


Naz looked at him apprehensively, “OK.”


“Even if you want to cut his balls off, the correct answer is always yes Sire. Just do what he says and everything will work out.” Fazouk said with a look of concern.


“Who knows, maybe he will send you back to us after some time passes.” Ziad offered.


“Wait, were all not going to move to Horus’s?” Naz questioned.


“Nope, Fatima is dropping you off with him, were headed to Chicago.” Ziad responded.


“What’s in Chicago?”


“It’s called the “Windy City”, That is where Fatima says we are needed. Besides, we need to make more of a name for ourselves before we can return to Horus, despite the fact that meeting his expectations are always unrealistic.”  Ziad said has he began looking at the window as well.


Fatima walked over, Solomon noticed she had a fresh set of clothes on. She had a very confident and metropolitan look about her.  She was wearing black tights with a brown full length sweater and fur boots.


“What are you all talking about?” Fatima asked.


“We’re bringing the kid up to speed on Horus.” Fazouk said with a smile.


“Oh geez, never mind that now.”  She said as she dropped a duffle bag on Naz’s lap. She strapped herself into her seat. 


Naz watched as the plane touched down on the airfield. The Learjet began to slow as it approached a large hangar at Teterboro airport in New Jersey. 


“Listen carefully, you guys are to let me do the talking.”  Fatima commanded.


Naz opened the duffle bag, inside he found an American Passport, social security card, New York State driver’s license, cell phone and an envelope filled with cash.


There was a knock at the hatch and the captain quickly opened a side door. Two US customs officers entered the plane.


The first man was middle aged, overweight with a round face and gray hair. He carried a small device in his hand. The second officer in the back was much younger and wore thick framed glasses. He carried an assault rifle. 


Good evening folks may I see your passports and customs declaration cards please.


Fatima stood up and handed the officer all 9 customs cards, everyone walked up and presented their passports to the officer. The stewardess presented their credentials and retreated to the quarters below.


“What is your final destination?” the older officer asked


Fatima responded quickly, “Were headed to Chicago mister officer.  We stopped here to refuel. My boyfriend wants to take me to Grimaldi’s pizza. I hear it’s the best pizza in the world.”


The officer in the back quickly interrupted. “Grimaldi’s sucks, it’s a tourist trap. Go to Juliana’s, its right next door. Much better pizza. Miss if you have a private jet and are a pizza lover, I highly suggest you go to Da Michele in Naples.” 


Fatima puffed her lips together and smiled at the other officer, “You hear that darling,” as she turned her attention to Naz. “It appears you need to study up on your pizza knowledge.” 


The older officer looked at Naz, “Sir your passport is not registering in our system.”


Fatima looked back to the older officer. “It must be a mistake mister officer, would you mind trying to verify his passport one more time,” as she reached into her pocket and pushed a button on her smart phone. 


“This is weird my cellular service just went down. We’re going to have to bring you all inside to get a retinal scan of the young man for verification.”


Fatima reached for her power of the blood, “Gentlemen, we are all pizza lovers here. Our credentials are perfectly acceptable. Now please see yourself off my plane and forget you ever met us.”


The 2 men looked at one another in a very confused manner and swiftly exit the plane. 


Fatima began barking out orders, “Captain get the plane refueled. I’ll be back in a few hours; I need to drop the child off with Horus. 


Wait, Fazouk interrupted. We aren’t joining?  I thought we were at least going to check in with him.”


“I’m shocked you want to see Horus.” Fatima mused.


“Well, I want to get a sense of where we stand with him.”


“I shall relay your concerns in person and take the temperature.  I need you both in Chicago, I worry he might do something drastic.”


“Understood mistress.” Fazouk replied respectfully.


“Both of you stay on the plane at all costs.”


Fatima and Naz de-boarded the plane, there was an Escalade awaiting their arrival right off the runway. A very young attractive female chauffeur hopped out of the car. She had a thin face, athletic body, long brown hair, brown eyes, long legs, lush lips and olive skin. She quickly ran around to open the doors for them both. 


“May I get anything for you at the moment? Do either of you need to feed?” The chauffeur asked.


“I don’t ask when I need to feed!” Fatima announced sarcastically.


“As you wish, my name is Veronika.” The chauffeur responded professionally. 


Fatima immediately reached for her phone and began screaming at someone in English this time.


“You told me you would have my credentials package verified by the time I landed. This is completely unacceptable. If this ever happens again you shall receive an unpleasant visit from me.”  


Fatima quickly settled down and drew her phone and began quickly typing.


The silence and anticipation of meeting Horus made Naz uneasy, he drew his phone as well and decided to try and break the ice.


So Fati, I looked through my phone contacts. I searched, Queen, lover, girlfriend, mistress and wifey. I didn’t recognize your number anywhere.


She looked towards Naz with a smile as she slid over next to him, “That’s pretty funny because I was just typing your name into my phone as Eunuch.” 


Naz’s eyes lit up, “No no no I was just kidding.”


Fatima let out a laugh, ”Oh to be an ignorant childe again.  Just so you know Naz. Even if I was serious it would just grow back.” 

Naz thought for a second, “Oh that’s right.”


“Also, you don’t get to contact me.  You’ll see me if you do something extraordinary or just become a failure of epic proportions.” 


About an hour later the car pulled up to a townhouse on Lexington and 28th street. 


“Welcome to Curryhill.” Fati announced.  Horus likes to fit in amongst all the descendants of New Delhi.  


Veronika quickly ran to Fatima’s side of the car and opened the door. Naz grabbed his duffle bag and slid across to exit the same side of the car. Naz stared with admiration as he watched Fatima walk toward the door, as if she knew he was staring at her. She looked over her shoulder and gave him a warm smile. Veronika rushed ahead again and opened the door. The group was met inside by a young Indian male. Good evening, master is waiting for you in the parlor.  Fatima and Naz made their way through his home. The décor was very dated and Indian themed. Lots of warm wood accents and bright colors. Lots of art pieces depicting the importance and worship of elephants. They entered a parlor type room. There was an older gentleman with a grey beard and darkish skin sitting on a couch. He stood up upon Fatima’s arrival and gave her a bow. 


“Wonderful to see you my liege.” He announced.


“Please Horus, no need for all this. It has been far too long my friend.” 


He turned his attention to Naz, “So this is the childe that has my boys acting like fools. Speaking of which, where are Fazouk and Ziad?”


“They are on my plane awaiting my return.”


“I see”, Horus’s mood quickly changed. “Vihaan! He shouted. Please take the childe to his room.”


The butler quickly reappeared, Naz looked him over as he was grabbed by the arm. Vihaan appeared to be in his 20’s, skinny with shaggy hair.


Naz calls out, “Sire my name is Naz. I very much feel honored to be learning from you.“


Horus waited a moment and paced the room. 


Fatima smirked, “You are not pleased with me. Did I not do as you requested? You begged me to retrieve your children from the Alamut because you are no longer welcome.”


“NO! How can I not be grateful; you bring me a childe that is still pissing his pants while my powerful boys are to do your bidding.“


“Horus, we have known one another for a long time. I would never intervene in how one treats their children. Fazouk and Ziad’s relationship is completely fucked up. All they desire is to please you. They are in constant competition with one another. If you had seen them 2 days ago they were ready to end one another. We need them to learn to work together for the benefit of the Ashirra. We have an incredible opportunity within the Camarilla to obtain positions of power for everyone in the Banu Haqim. I am grooming them to be the co-primogens in Chicago. I’m not saying that you can’t have any influence over them.  But remember, we are rebuilding the Banu Haqim in the west, this is your dream as well. Ziad saw tremendous potential in this childe, I see it as well. He is part of your bloodline, I thought you might cherish the opportunity to teach him the way of the masquerade.” 


Horus kept pacing and listening. “Go on my queen.”


I would like you to use a softer touch and expedite his training as best you can. Kindred of our clan are in short supply here in New York. So please, he has already been imprisoned for close to two decades. If you are not happy with Naz, I want you to contact me before doing anything brash.”


“Imprisoned already you say? By whom?” Horus inquired.


“Who do you think? Fazouk.  I wonder where he learned that from.”


“That Fazouk is a good boy.” Horus announced proudly.


“So do we have an understanding wise one?”


“Of course my lady, as you wish.”

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Enter Sandman

Posted for Naris by Dorym


Shortly after arriving in NYC, Naz had been presented to the kindred court of New York at the Prince’s art Gallery in Queens. He walked around with Horus, as they admired some young neonate graffiti artist from clan Toreador. Horus had advised Naz not to speak unless asked a question. Naz was also getting considerable tutoring from Sun Yang, a Banu Haqim Scholar.  Solomon especially enjoyed his company. Sun Yang “Wise Frog” was extremely patient and thoughtful. Horus liked to joke that he was Naz’s finishing school teacher. Horus did all the talking at the gallery. Naz shook some hands but it was purely superficial. The one person in court that Naz was impressed with was the Sheriff, Qadir al-Asmai. Qadir was a well-respected no nonsense type of Sheriff. He and Horus seemed to have a mutual respect. Perhaps they did work together when they were both in India.  Naz enjoyed watching Horus work the room, He was the epitome of a Banu Haqim vizier. Everything he said was perfectly calculated and was never on accident. It took a while for Naz to warm to the idea of attending court, mostly he thought about when he was going to hunt or if he was ever going to get to be a soldier again.



 Naz awoke from his slumber extremely famished, He would routinely snack on the herd in Horus’s residence until it was late enough for his human delights to rest their head for the night. Naz had developed an exciting and ambitious hunting cycle. He established a diverse palate for the various blood resonances.  Veronika no longer an 18-year-old race car prodigy, now a grown women tracked Naz’s feeding locations. Horus advised him not to “overfish any one location.” Veronika had become a close confidant to Naz. Aside from being drop dead sexy, she would act as his driver. “Roni” as Naz referred to her as, also help him develop his individual style. She was a wiz on computers, pharmaceuticals, networking, security systems & hacking. Naz and Veronika were in similar situations, left waiting for more.  They had both been loyal subjects to Horus. The only recreational fun Naz had was his weekly trips to the Westside Rifle Range. He was not permitted to carry any weapons in Horus’s house. For 12 years, waiting for an opportunity to do something, anything. She had been promised to be made Kindred at some point. Naz had been helping keep tabs on several of Horus’s businesses, he made stops at a parking garage in Williamsburg, dry cleaners in Flushing, private car service in the Bronx and so on. They were both growing extremely impatient, however it was ill advised to put Horus on the spot when coming from a position of weakness.  Naz also was a safe family figure for Veronika, he needed to scare off overly aggressive suitors more than once. Many times he sensed that she was developing romantic feelings for him but he kept his sense about him, as he had his eyes on a different prize. 


The two had been discussing Naz’s meal plan for the evening.


“Should we hit that spot on 5th ave tonight, then go to 18th street? Are you feeling like Choleric or Melancholy tonight?” Roni asked


“I could do Choleric, but I don’t like that 5th ave spot, there are children in the next room. You know my position on that.” responded Naz


“Ok, then let’s hit that Duplex in NoHo, super secluded and they go to bed early.” Roni advised.


“Sounds like a plan!” as he offered Roni a high five.


They were interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by someone turning the door knob.


“It’s locked!”


“Horus wants to see you immediately Naz.” Shouted Vihaan


Roni quickly opened the door, Naz quickly cleaned himself up. Knowing it was never in anyone’s best interest to keep Horus waiting. 


“He is in his office; do you need me to show you the way in?”


“No I got it.” Naz said confidently.


“Great, I have some items to go over with Veronika.”


Naz gave Roni a wink and rushed to the lounge.  Next he lifted an antique elephant statue and placed it on a pillar that contained a pressure plate. A hidden door in the back of the lounge popped open. Naz walked down a hallway that declined slightly to another door. Naz knocked on the door.


“It’s Naz sir, you wanted to see me.”


“Yes come in my boy.” Horus said tenderly


Naz always hated the condescending childe remarks that Horus made. Fazouk did the same shit and it always drove him crazy.

Naz was always in awe of Horus’s office. It looked like a golden Egyptian gallery.  The rest of the home was a homage to Indian art and culture to fit in with the neighborhood. Horus’s office was where you could get a feel for his past.  Various priceless art pieces were on display. Naz would put his hand in his pockets, he was always scared he would break something.


“Have a seat, my childe.” Naz sat down immediately and folded his hands on his lap.


“So Naz, are you ready to be a soldier of Haqim once again?”

Naz shot up in excitement with his hands flailing, knocking into a pen stand. Luckily he gathered his composure quickly. He quickly reacted with his power of celerity and grabbed the pen in midair. Placed it back in the stand. Horus let out a chuckle.


“Sorry sir, perhaps I’m a bit overzealous.  I will do as you bid.”


“Excellent, I have been tasked with uncovering a Tremerian traitor. This individual is giving or selling information to another clan.  This traitor is acting against the Tremere chantry and they don’t even know it is going on.”


Naz was puzzled, “How is this a bad thing? Wouldn’t it be great for the Tremere to get invaded? There would be a bigger piece of the pie for us to grab.”


Horus’s eye narrowed and he stood up. “Foolish childe, that might be the obvious play!  However, we are playing the long game here. It’s clear you have been brainwashed by all the bullshit you heard in the Alamut. A progressive leader realizes a golden opportunity is present here.  How do you think the Camarilla will respond when a Son of Haqim is responsible for helping secure the safety of a Tremere Chantry?” Naz shifted his position about to respond, however he was quickly interrupted again by Horus.


“I will tell you! The Camarilla will reward us with positions in the court. They will come to us in need, we will be considered trusted allies. Meanwhile the Tremere will be full of anger and embarrassment. This is the game of the masquerade you will need to learn and master.”


Naz nodded, “What is it you would like me to do sire?”


“I would have you track and confirm who this individual is meeting with and what he is telling them.” Horus opens a folder and retrieves a picture from it. “Meet Lawrence Means, He is a Scribe for the Tremere.”


Naz looks over the picture. “He certainly fits the profile.” Skinny, glasses and balding.


“He has been going to a dive bar in the lower east side called “Hair of the dog. Not exactly the type of hangout that hosts weekly book club meetings.  Naz, I want this information at all costs.”


“Understood sir, do you have gear for me? Where is the armory?”


“Surveillance Naz!  You don’t need a gun. Tell Vihaan what you need, he will arrange it all.  Bring Veronika with you. Time for her to earn her keep. Both of your futures are dependent upon this. “


“Understood sir.”  Naz said confidently


Naz returned to his room, to see Roni eagerly awaiting his arrival,

She gave him a warm smile.


“Vihaan filled me in, its looks like it’s game on.”


“Indeed, I need you to get me a New York conceal/carry license. Horus is being a tight ass.  I want to go get a piece before we head out.”


“No problem I’m on it!” As she flips open her laptop.


“I’m going to go get with Vihaan and see what he has for us. Once you have my license, I want to go to the gun club and pick up a rental.  We can discuss the plan on the way over.”  


The next afternoon, Veronika hopped into a black van and headed towards the lower east side. She made a right on Orchard street, drove past Hair of the dog and banged a right on Stanton street to look for parking.   She adjusted her tight fitting blue uniform and place a name tag above her right breast pocket. Next she donned a blonde wig and adjusted it in the car mirror. The building at 97 Stanton street, formerly housed a bodega that was under construction.  She walked in with a networking bag, where she was quickly greeted by various contractors interested in meeting her. Before long a large man wearing a sleeveless t-shirt introduced himself as the foreman. 


She smiled at him. Hi, I’m Tammy with Time Warner Cable. I’m scheduled to work on next doors internet service but no one is answering the door. Would it be possible to see the cable panel in the back alley-way?


“Absolutely.” the large man replied with a thick Italian jersey accent.

“Just follow me.”  As he led her to the back of the building. He opened the door to the back of the alley, reached into his pocket and handed her a business card. “I’m Robert, so nice to meet you as he gave her an eyebrow raise. If you ever need access to the building again, please feel free to call me.  My cell number is on the bottom. I’m always available. It was a pleasure meeting you Tammy.”


“Thank you Robert” as she smiled back at him. 


The foreman rushed back inside and began yelling at his tradesmen showing his position of authority. 

Veronika worked quickly, she opened the cable and phone line boxes and placed devices in them both. She used her phone and disconnected the internet. Next she programed the landline to connect directly with her smartphone.  She closed the boxes, and made her way to the back door of the bar. She tried to peek in the back of the windows of the bar however, black curtains covered them all. The windows had Sloman Shield stickers on it. She made her way back through the building and thanked Robert, she giggled as work completely stopped as she walked through the construction site.  She heard the foreman yelling again the second she walked out the door. She made her way back into her van to begin the waiting game. Veronika waited patiently for 3 hours and her cell phone finally rang. She answered the phone and activated the preset recording she created.


“Hello and thank you for calling Time Warner Cable. New York’s premiere cable, internet and phone provider. For service in English please press 1, para Española.” There was a quick beep and Veronika activated the next stage. She waited 3 rings.


“Thank you for calling Time Warner Cable, this is Urma how may I assist you?” She said in a thick Palestinian accent.


“Uh Hi, my name is Scott. My Internet and Wi-Fi are down. I need service immediately.”


“OK sir, thank you for calling.  Can you please give me a number associated with the account?”


“Yea, the number is 212-477-7771.”


“Give me one moment please, Hello Mr. Scott I see this is a business account. Hair of the Dog llc located at 168 Orchard street. Is this info correct?”


“Yea yea, we pay for that Roadrunner service bullshit, nothing is working. When can you get someone out me?”


“Let me check the schedule, we have an opening on 6/16 between 4 & 6pm, will that work?”


“Next week?!  Are you fucking crazy, I’m trying to run a business over here? I knew I should have gone with Verizon.”


“Hold one moment sir.” As she put him on hold.


“Hello Mr. Scott, yes I spoke to my supervisor. We have someone in the neighborhood. They will be there between 4 and 6pm today, will that be satisfactory?”


“Yea yea, that’s fine. Are we all set?” He responded 


“Thank you for choosing Time Warner sir, if you are happy with your service today please stay on the line for a brief survey.” As he quickly hung up the phone.

Veronika changed back into her street clothes and swung around the block and popped into Irving farms coffee shop as she had some time to kill. These “double shifts” she was pulling were becoming exhausting.  She ordered a double espresso to go with a twist. Veronika slowly sipped the espresso and walked back to the van. She grabbed her cell phone to check her messages. She shot Naz a text

Roni: “Let me know when you rouse, I’m about to install the device. We should be up and running within the next hour.”


Back in the van she slipped back into her “Tammy” uniform.  She grabbed her bag with various networking devices and cables and walked towards “Hair of the dog.”


She looked to the sky as the sun was about to set, knowing she needed to work fairly quickly as she didn’t want to disappoint Naz.   She knocked at the locked store front and was greeted by the sound of two aggressively barking dogs. She heard a man approaching while yelling at the dogs. “Shut up you mutts.”


He opened the door and was pleasantly surprised by the sight of the very attractive Tammy.


“Hello, I’m Tammy from Time Warner Cable, I understand you are having internet issues.


“Yes, hello I’m Scott.” As he offered his hand for a shake. He then fixed his hair with his hands. Scott appeared to be in his mid 40’s with ear length salt & pepper colored hair.  He has various tattoos and wore a Nets jersey and camouflage cargo shorts.


“Can you show me where you are keeping the router, that would be the best place to start,” as Tammy cautiously looked at two giant pit bulls chained to the far side of the bar room.


“Don’t worry about them. Scott said calmly, they are pussy cats.  Let me take you into the back where my office is.”


The two entered a large room, with a few desks.  A large table with 6 chairs was in the middle of the room with a half smoked cigar sitting in an ashtray.


“Is that your half smoked Montecristo? I should leave you with no internet for that crime?” Tammy joked.


Scott’s eyes lit up, “I smoked mine, one of my friends doesn’t appreciate the finer things in life.” 


“Indeed it appears you’re off the hook,” as she fiddled with the wires in the back of the router. “It appears the problem is with the signal; I am going to install a Wi-Fi booster if you don’t have any objections. I’ll tell Time Warner that the box was faulty so you don’t get charged.” As she gave him a wink.


Tammy reached into her bag and retrieved a box.  She noticed some Sonos speakers on an elevated shelf and placed the “Wi-Fi booster” next to them and plug the unit into an outlet.  She pushed some buttons on her phone reactivated the Wi-Fi.


“Alright, you should be good to go.”


“Wow, that was quick. Thank you so much.”


She handed him some paperwork to sign and began gathering her things. He quickly signed them and handed them back.


“Hey Tammy, how about you come back by after work and I buy you a drink. I’d love to thank you properly.”


She smiled, “sure I’d love that. I’m supposed to be going out with some of my friends later.  Is it ok if we all come by?”


“Absolutely, great I’ll see you later.”


Veronika stepped outside and looked to the sky. The last of the sun had come and gone, she picked up her speed and rounded the corner on Stanton street.  She opened the van door. Started the engine & she quickly took off. She drove 2 blocks and pulled into an underground parking lot. She reached for her phone, 4 messages


Naz: Just got up, going to feed

Naz: How we looking?

Naz: Where should I meet you?

Naz: Roni?! Are you ok


She quickly began typing


Roni: All good, just installed the camera and am in the parking garage on Norfolk between Stanton and Rivington.  I’m setting up the surveillance network as we speak. Should have eyes on in the next 20 minutes.


Naz:  Cool, I’m gearing up and hopping in an Uber. See you in 20. 


Roni: Great, see you then


Thirty minutes later Naz hopped in the passenger side of the Van.


“Wow, you look hot as a blonde!”


“What, oh this. As she pulls off her wig. Camera’s up, my new friend Scott is there all alone. Btw were supposed to have drinks later, if you can’t find me.” She said jokingly


“Ha-ha, great positioning on the camera, and the audio is fantastic.  Not sure about the dude though. I picture you with someone a little cleaner cut. How’s the battery on your laptop?”


“Were all good, I have a car charger should we need it.”


“Good, I have no idea how long we are going to be in this car for.  Do you want to go lie down in the back and take a rest?”


No chance right now, I popped a double espresso I’m wired. What’s going on with Horus and Vihaan?


“Nothing, I didn’t see either of them.  In fact, haven’t seen either of them since they gave us this objective.  Kind of weird, I was expecting the opposite. Thought he was going to be up our asses micromanaging us.”


The sound proofing in the office was superb, whenever the office door opened the blaring noise from a busy bar filled the room. Hearing anything in the office was impossible, luckily it usually only lasted for a few moments. Around 11pm, A large man with long dirty blonde hair, a sleeveless cowboy shirt and sunglasses entered the office with 2 Pitbull’s.  He was quickly joined by 4 other large men.


“Donny B, what’s up brah? How’s everything going?” Scott questioned


“All good Scotty, going to need the office in about an hour. That cool?  Need to use it for a meeting.”


“Of course. All good, have some girls meeting me here tonight. Hoping to be occupied.” Scott boasted as he walked out of the office.


Donny B sat at the desk and was on his phone most of the time, the 4 remaining men were drinking beer and playing cards.  Shortly thereafter, Scotty escorted a man who appeared to be trying to dress incognito.

He wore a long black raincoat, with black baseball cap and glasses.  Once the man looked into the camera Naz recognized him as the target immediately. The man appeared to be paranoid and pacing around the office. Donnie slowly approached him.


“Yo Larry Love chill out bro, it’s all good you know I got you.” As Donnie put his hands on Lawrence’s shoulders.


“I don’t know Donnie I’m scared, they know what’s going on. Everyone at the chanty is looking at me funny. You told me you were going to embrace and take me back to your pack.”


Donnie took a quick bite into his wrist.


“Here buddy calm down, have a sip of this nectar. You’ll be ok. Now do you have those security codes I’ve been asking for?”

 Lawrence quickly latches on to Donnie’s wrist slurping his blood.  He looks up, take a deep breath and his demeanor quickly changes. He reaches into his raincoat and passes Donnie an envelope.


“I feel so much better now.  When can you embrace me? Right now? I held up my end of the bargain.”


“Look, it’s going to happen tonight. I need to get my leader down here. He is dying to meet you. He has some questions about the Tremere infrastructure. I need him to sign off on all this.  Why don’t you go to Katz’s, get yourself a pastrami sandwich as your last meal?”


“I’m Vegan, Donnie”


“Of course you are, GO for a stroll somewhere.  Come back around 2 am. Pack leader will be here by then and we will get this all sorted out.”


Lawrence nods and exits the office.


Naz and Veronika smiled at one another. 


 “We got it! Dial Horus immediately.  Naz announced


“No answer.”


“What about Vihaan?”




“Shit…. Start the car, Get us in front of the bar now.”


The van peeled out, made a quick right on Rivington and another right on Orchard.


“Slow down, you’re going to scare him off!” Naz yelled


With one eye on the road and the other on laptop, Naz was contemplating his next move.

Donnie gathered his goons up in the office and began barking out orders.

“Ok boys, we need to clear out the bar. Goose, bring Scotty in here.  Randall and Spike, I want you guys to check the entire bar and office for bugs.  Cody, once I speak to Scott I want you to help escort people out of the bar.” Scott walks back into the office.


“Yo Donnie B what’s up?”


“Your lady friends show up yet?” Donnie asked


“Not yet, but she was smoking. She said she was bringing some friends; they are all for you.”


“Cool, Look Scotty. We need to close up the bar for the evening.” 


“What? Why?  The place is bumpin yo. It’s Friday night. We’re Ring ‘in the register cuz!”


“When I gave you the money to open this place, I told you there are going to be times when I needed this place for personal business dealings.  This is one of those times.”


“I don’t understand why this has to happen now, have your meeting in the morning. The bar is full, there are mad bitches in the house. Dudes are throwing coin around.”


The conversation was quickly interrupted by the sound of a loud beep coming from a device Spike was holding.


“Boss we have a problem, there is a transmitter on that shelf.”


Spike stepped on a chair and began scanning the Sonos speakers and Wi-Fi booster. The beeping intensified as the device was waved near the booster.


“Scotty what the fuck is this thing?”


“It’s a Wi-Fi booster, we lost internet service this morning. I had Time Warner here this afternoon.”


Donnie gave Scott a dirty look and put his hands over his face.  Spike smashed the booster into little pieces against the wall.


“This place is blown boys. Let’s get out of here!” Donnie grabbed his phone and began making a call.


“Shit, they found the camera. There he is. Stop the car I’m getting out.  Let’s move this to walkies as Naz popped in an ear piece. Keep the Van running.” He commanded


“What are you going to do?” Roni questioned


Naz wore a black tactical trench coat, black pants and boots. He reached into his pocket and slipped on a mask that changed his facial features to look very Aryan.  He stepped out of the car and drew from his power of the blood to blend into the shadows. He saw Lawrence roughly 15 yards ahead of him. The street was mostly quiet at this hour. Naz increased his pace, as he watched Lawrence stop and reach for his phone.


“Hello? What? Donnie Slow down I can’t make out what you’re saying.”


Suddenly Lawrence began to sprint down Rivington street. He saw the bright lights of The Hotel on Rivington sign. He rushed into the lobby and asked the concierge if he may use the restroom. He raced to the restroom, and drew a pistol. He entered one of the bathroom stalls, sat on a toilet seat with his feet elevated and grabbed his phone in the other hand.  Little did he know he was not the only one in that bathroom.


Suddenly the toilet door swung in knocking the phone out of Lawrence’s hand.  Lawrence shaking, raised his pistol towards a blonde haired blue eyed man’s face he had never seen before.


“Don’t move I’ll shoot!” Lawrence shouted as his hand was shaking.


Naz smiled as he reached into his trench and aimed a 357 magnum at Lawrence’s head.


“I’m not afraid to die.” He said.  “Why are you smiling!?”


“Listen Lawrence…”


“How do you know my name!?!?”


“I don’t really care if come with me warm or I’m dragging you out cold.  By the way, where did you get at impressive piece of fire power.” As Naz mocked his gun. Lawrence continued to shake “You’re no killer, the real reason I’m smiling you see, my gun says Desert Eagle on the side of it and well your reads replica.”


As Lawrence moved to look at the writing on his pistol, he got caught with a pistol whip from Naz.  Lawrence was quickly stunned and the last thing he remembers seeing was getting stuck in the neck by a syringe before blacking out.


“Roni, meet me on Ludlow street. I’ll be coming out the Hotel on Rivington service entrance.”


“Roger that boss.”


Naz once again reach for his inner power to activate Ghost in the machine.  His Thirst of Blood screamed. He performed a quick impromptu feed on Lawrence in the bathroom stall to satiate some of the hunger. Naz grabbed his phone off the floor & dug deep for extra blood power. With the extra strength Naz lifted Lawrence over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, and began walking him to the back of the building.  He was almost towards the exit when he saw a cleaning lady approaching.


“Sir is everything ok?”


“Yes, my friend has been over served. We were just using the restroom before retiring to our rooms. I’m afraid he made quite a mess in the lobby restroom. Apologizes.” As he gave her a smile


“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. You are a good friend for looking after him.”


Naz nodded and turned the corner  acting like he was heading towards an elevator. He waited for the cleaning lady to leave his line of sight. He raced for the back exit.  Lawrence’s weight was becoming too much for Naz to handle, He began dragging Lawrence through the door that opened into a parking garage. He saw Veronika waiting for him in their black van. She raced out to help Naz bring the body into the side door of the van. The van took off.


“Ok chief where to?”


“Fuck I don’t know.  I can’t believe we just did that.  Have you tried Horus and Vihaan again?”


“I have, No answer.” She replied concerned


“Start making our way to Horus’s, ill drop this body on his doorstep if he doesn’t respond to us soon. Think Naz Think…… We were only supposed to be surveilling. Now we have a prisoner in custody.  I’m calling the meister. Maybe he will help us.”


Naz was interrupted by the sound of Lawrence’s phone ringing again.


“Shit, Roni pull over here.”


Naz grabbed the phone and dropped it into a trash can.


“I need you to make a copy of the surveillance video for evidence right now. Let’s go park somewhere while I figure out what to do.  I have a few more hours to resolve this before sunrise. How are you holding up? I bet your exhausted?”


“Yea I’m getting there, Let’s go hit that bodega near our place.  I’ll grab a red bull. That will help me get to the finish line.”


Roni pulled up to their local bodega on Lexington and 29th.  Naz grabbed his phone and rang The “Wise Frog.”


“Hello?” Answered with a slow Chinese-American accent.


“Sun Yang, Its Naz. Sorry to bother you at this hour. I could really use some guidance.” 


“Hi Naz, glad to hear from you. I hear Horus challenged you with your first assignment.”


“That’s right sir, it’s in progress as we speak.”


“Well then, how may I be of assistance.”


“So I was surveilling a target, after receiving incriminating evidence. It became apparent to me the target was about to go underground. I felt the evidence was going to be useless, as the interested parties would not have time to use it. So I acted and decided to apprehend the target. So that’s where I am at.  Horus isn’t receiving my calls, I have this prisoner and I don’t know what to do with him. I don’t anyone really in the Camarilla. I’m certainly not going to show up at the Prince’s art gallery at this hour. Horus is going to have my head for this I know it.” Naz rambled frantically


“Relax my boy. What is done is done. Let’s figure out how to sort this out. Let me reach out to Qadir, He will certainly have an interest in this, you say your evidence is credible?”


“Extremely credible sir, I’ve met Qadir at my first introduction to the Court.  He is a badass, I’d be honored and most appreciative for his help.”


“It is for these reasons Horus entrusted this mission to you.  I’ll reach out to Qadir and see if we can help get this sorted out for you. I’ll be in touch shortly.”


“Thank you Meister.” Naz responded 

Veronika returned drinking a Red Bull and eating a Twinkie. She immediately turned her attention to her laptop.  She then handed Naz 2 flash drives.


“This is it?  You realize our lives probably dependent on these files.” 


“Don’t worry were good on this front.”


“How do you eat that crap and stay so fit Roni?”


“Good genes I guess, so what’s the play here?”


“I think Wise Frog has us covered, I’m waiting to hear back.”


Naz quickly received a text


Wise Frog: Bring the package to the Sheriff. 2 Sutton Place, QAA is expecting you


Naz: Thank you sir. Might be in both of our best interests, the less Horus knows the better.


Wise Frog: As you wish


“Roni head to the FDR, were headed to Sutton place. Keep to the speed limit. Were headed just North of the Arab Consulate. I don’t want to draw any activity from the police by speeding.”


They parked the van on the street in front of 2 Sutton Place, the area was well secluded from the bustling city.  The building itself was 3 stories of natural brick. The windows contained closed vertical blinds that provided privacy.  Naz hopped out of the van and gave a long look around the street activity. He was thankful for how quiet the area was. Naz and Roni both placed their heads under Lawrence’s arms and carried him to the front door.  Naz gave the door a quick knock. Two eyes appeared as the blinds slightly parted, the door slowly opened and they were waved in. The first thing they saw was a man with a medium build, short parted hair and short facial hair.  He poked his head out the door and took a long look each way to make sure the group wasn’t followed. Naz scanned the room, it looked like an undercover police station. There were men wearing plain clothes. Naz immediately saw Qadir al-Asmai walking towards them. 


“Mr. Nazir, nice to see you again. Our mutual friend brought me up to speed on the situation. “


“Please Sheriff call me Naz, thank you for receiving us on short notice. Please forgive me for dropping this situation on your doorstep.  The meister advised me to me bring target here.”


“Naz, there is no need to apologize for this. To be frank, I need to make sure the evidence you are providing is legit and can substantiate this abduction.”


“I do sir, here it is.” As he handed over the flash drive.


“Excellent, you saved my hounds a good bit of work tonight. Also the Tremere a great embarrassment.  Nice to see the Banu Haqim living up to their reputation.”


Qadir grabbed the dangling body with great strength and began going through his pockets.


“No phone?”


“No sir, I was worried he would be tracked. Didn’t think it would be well received to bring the Gangrel’s to your doorstep.”


“Appreciated, what is his current medical condition?”


“He is sedated Sheriff, some smelling salts should bring him to. Otherwise he will rouse in an hour or so.”


“Thanks for this Naz, we’ll take it from here. Both of you go get some rest.  Pedro take this man to interview room #1.”


Naz gave Qadir a nod and grabbed Roni by the sleeve of her shirt. They got back in the van, headed back to Horus’s


“So how you going to play this with Horus?” Roni inquired on the ride home


I’m not sure, probably going to wing it. I enjoy playing poker as you know. Not going to show my cards till the last moment. Besides we have 1 advantage. “


“What’s that?” Roni asked


“Horus loves hearing himself talk.”


They pulled up to the front door and walked in. They were immediately greeted by Vihaan.


“Good Evening.” he announced


“Good Evening yourself. Naz replied. Where the fuck were you all night. Why were we getting ghosted?”


“I take my orders from Lord Horus, not you. Veronika takes her orders from me. Learn your place youngster.”


Naz quickly drew his pistol and placed it under Vihaan’s chin. 


“Listen Motherfucker, your place is going to be splattered all over the wall if you don’t ditch your arrogant bullshit REAL REAL quick.”


“Naz, Enough! Knock it off.  Horus shouted. Please join me in my office. Vihaan, please bring us something to put into our glasses.”


Naz, holstered his pistol and gave Roni and eyebrow raise. He followed Horus to his office.


“So Naz tell me of your evening. How is the surveillance operation going? What’s the deal with the pistol? I specifically told you there was no need for a gun here.”


“Understood sir, I tried contacting you several times. I felt otherwise.”

 Vihaan gave Naz a smug look as he pours blood for the two.


“Yes, well. I am sorry for the incommunicado treatment so to speak. I wanted to see how you would handle things on your own. A test you could say. “


 The two were quickly interrupted by the ringing of Horus’s phone.  


“Sir would you like some privacy?” As Naz stood up, Horus looked at his phone.


It’s Sheriff Qadir al-Asami, I’m sure he is looking for an update. Have a seat my childe. Ill advise him that you are debriefing me as we speak.


“Good Evening Sheriff, how are you?”


“I am well, Naz just sat down to debrief me. Once I speak with him, I will give you a call back and fill you in on what I’ve learned.”




“Say that again Sheriff… I thought I heard you say Naz came to see you at one of your offices.”




“I see, Well I am certainly happy to hear you were impressed with his professionalism and attention to detail.  Glad to hear the evidence was of very high quality.”




“Sir, anytime. Glad to hear the Banu Haqim has lived up to our reputation. We too look forward to working together in the future. Have good evening.”


 As Horus hung up the phone. Naz leaned back in his chair with his feet on Horus’s desk and took a sip from his glass.


“Take your boots off my desk you flea. Well looks like you have had a busy night. Let hear it.”


Naz reached into his pocket, and presented Horus with a flash drive as well.  


“Here’s the video footage Sire, the situation called for us to act aggressively. Hope you understand.” Naz broke down the evening for Horus.


“Naz, very rarely am I pleasantly surprised. My boys can spot talent; I will give them that. It appears Veronika was extremely helpful in your success. I have an eye for talent as well you see. In the future, I will always be available to advise you. However, should you disobey my wishes and get into trouble, you are on your own. Then you shall feel my wrath.”


“Understood Sire. Don’t be afraid to set lofty expectation sir. I am all in.”


“Good to hear. Now, go get some rest. We shall be discussing your future in the morning. Naz it is nice to see you finally take your seat at the table after all these years.

The next evening as Naz woke, He feasted on Horus’s herd one last time. He then showered and dressed. He was approached by Vihaan.


“Horus welcomes you to his office when you are available, sir.”


Naz smiled.  “Wow quite the change of tone around here.”


“Indeed sir, I haven’t seen him this agreeable in decades.”


“Well, it’s cool to be the new kid in town when your hot. As he popped his collars on his shirt.”  Naz knocked on Horus’s door.


“Please come in.”


 Naz entered to a stack of papers on Horus’s desk. “Vihaan please bring me Veronika. I’d like to see her in 15 minutes.” He turned his attention back to Naz.  


“Naz, my boy.   Today is your last at my residence. Moving forward you are the new owner of my parking garage in Williamsburg. There is an underground apartment connected to the business that will serve as your new home. I hope it is to your likening.   Sign right here.

Additionally, here is a check. Use it as you like. There will not be another one. This is for past services and loyalty.  The parking garage is extremely profitable; it should have no problem satiating your expenses. Now there is one more item I would like to discuss. Vihaan, Bring in Veronika.”


“Naz it is time for you to take a servant. Someone you trust, care about and will protect you when vulnerable during the day. I can think of no other for you to entrust.  Now, give her your blood. She has craved it since the moment you met.”


Naz looked Veronika in the eyes. “Are you sure this is ok?”


She gave him a warm smile, “Oh yes.”   


Naz took a bite into his forearm and extended it to Roni. She grabbed it with both hands and began to drink. She released her grasp before long and Naz applied some saliva from his mouth. 


“Excellent.” Horus announced. “Now pack your things.  There is an interior designer headed to your new dwelling.  If you would like to have input on how it looks I suggest you head over there.”


Naz looked back over to Horus. 


“Thank you very much Sire.”


“Remember my boy, I reward loyalty and excellence.  Don’t disappoint me.”


Naz gave him a nod and escorted Roni out of his office. 

This post was modified 5 years ago by Dorym
