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Naz and Fatima

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Naz and Fatima




Naz’s slumber was interrupted by the same sound that had been haunting him since moving into his flat. The loud aggressive clucks of some middle aged women shouting cliche motivational one liners. He reached for this Patek Phillipe Nautilus out of the 20 slot winder to check the time.  He threw on a robe and shouted into the living area.


“Roni enough of this shit already.” He said as he walked into the next room.


At first glance, Naz always admired staring at Roni.  She was in full workout mode on her Peloton bike. She wore black yoga pants, a fluorescent pink t-shirt and her hair was pulled back into a pony-tail.


“I seriously need to get you a set of noise canceling headphones. I don’t think I can handle being awoken by the speech of that woman again.”


“Nice to see you too chief.  I’m almost done here.”


“Take your time, feel free to grab a shower when you’re done. I have some items to go over when you’re ready.” As Naz walked over to wall size painting, he grabbed a remote control off a coffee table. The painting screen lit up and transformed into a multi-screen security camera display.  He had eyes on the entire parking garage, office and both entrances to his flat. 


“Why do I need to take a shower? Do you find my appearance offensive after working out?”


“On the contrary sweetheart Naz said sarcastically. The odor you are emitting is another matter though.”


She quickly shot him a dirty look, grabbed her towel and stormed off towards her quarters.


“Just kidding!” Naz shouted out.


Naz scanned the security screens, he was pleased that everything seemed to be in order.  Naz focused on the garage office. He kept a close eye on Johnny the manager. Johnny was very loyal and had been used as a feeding source more than once. Naz’s preference was to hunt late at night when most humans were deep in their dreams. However, there were times when Naz needed to feed immediately after rousing. Roni walked out of her room in a robe and towel on her head. 


“What did you want to discuss?”


“I need you to track down my cousin Roni.”


“OK, I didn’t know you had any family.”


“I left my cousin over thirty years ago in a shithole town in Kuwait. I always dreamt of the day that I would have the means to get him out of the Middle East.”


“Ok, what’s his full name?  What was the name of the city in Kuwait you saw him last?”


“His name is Yousef Nazir. He was in a small village near the city of Abdali.”


“Ok, I’ll find him. How am I supposed to get him here?”


“I don’t know. That’s for you to figure out.  Whatever it costs. I know Wise Frog has some connections at the Arab Consulate. Perhaps start there after you track him down. Talk to one of his thralls, you know the one who keeps asking you out to dinner.  Yousef loves coffee, always has. We can get him a job at a coffee shop nearby and an apartment. I mostly just want to make sure he is out of that dump in Kuwait.” 


“A thrall huh?  Is that how you speak of me?” She asked disappointedly 


Naz walked behind Roni and began massaging her shoulders.


“Nonsense! You are family and will be kindred as you have always wanted.  However, first we must make a name for ourselves here. My blood is not something I give away freely or to anyone else.” 


She seemed to perk up and rubbed the side of her face on his hand. The sign of affection made Naz uncomfortable. He quickly removed his hand and she spun around and looked at him in the eyes.


“I get it. It’s been 13 years, but you are still thinking about her.  I’ll get to work chief.” 


Later that evening Solomon had planned to take a trip into the city.  There was an underground kindred poker game that Naz was interested in checking out.  He always thought of himself as a poker buff. He enjoyed watching the world series of poker, thinking he could have easily become a professional.  He was finishing getting dressed when he heard Roni calling him the living area.


“Naz, you’re going to want to check this out.”


Naz walked into the living area wearing a charcoal suit, pointed black shoes and a burgundy colored scarf. His hair was pulled up into a top knot.


“What’s going on Roni? Are you ready to watch your boy slay some card sharks?”


“I don’t know what’s going on in the garage, I see a woman with some fancy sports car talking to Johnny. He appears to be getting flustered.” 


The woman’s back was turned to the camera, she was wearing a one-piece black leather jumpsuit. She quickly made eye contact with the camera.


“Oh Shit, Naz shouted. Stay here Roni!”  As he grabbed his blazer and rushed towards the door to the garage. 


Naz heard that familiar voice arguing with Johnny.


“Miss, I am sorry, this enclosed garage is the owner’s.”


“Well I would love an introduction to the owner, perhaps I can make him an offer he can’t refuse.”


“Miss, I’m sorry it is three o’clock in the morning. Surely the owner is asleep.”


Naz burst through the door, Buttoning the top button of his Egyptian cotton blazer. 


“Thank you, Johnny. I shall take it from here.” 


Naz was quickly locked into the women’s piercing blue eyes. 


“Miss, please excuse my staff.  I am terribly sorry, please allow me to accommodate any of your needs.”


“Yes, I was hoping to park my car here. Your man was telling me the enclosed garage is not available.”

Naz looked over the women’s car with envy.  It was a prototype gray sports car with a T on the head of the hood.


“What a spectacular ride, I didn’t know they made a sports car.”


“They don’t, would you like to go for a ride? Perhaps we can negotiate the terms of your personal garage usage on the road.”


“That sounds wonderful, may I drive?”


“Absolutely not.” as she smiled and pointed to the passenger seat.


Naz hopped in the seat and rolled up the window.  Making small talk, he continued the car talk.


“I test drove the model X, it didn’t have the horsepower capability I was looking for.” 


“Horsepower isn’t going to be an issue; this is a Tesla prototype. It was a gift from Elon.”


She popped the car in first and peeled out onto Metropolitan ave.


“Perhaps you should put your seat belt on.” As she quickly sped up.


“Last time I checked, Kindred can’t die from a car accident.” Naz stated sarcastically


“Surely you’ve heard of unfortunate decapitations happening while going over 200 mph.”  As she blew a red light, turned left on Rodney street and popped the car into third gear.


“So is Mr. Musk the one who I must challenge for your affection?”


She let out a giggle.


“Not hardly. Elon is a basket case. I helped him negotiate a deal with Goldman, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan and Deutsche to go public.  He had this car made for me.”  


She merged onto the BQE, the car was going around 155 mph at this point. 


“So Fatima, where have you been?  It’s been entirely too long.”


She smiled at him, hit a button on the console. A robotic voice spoke. “Autopilot mode initiated.” She turned to face Naz.


“I’ve been well. Have been back to the Middle East.  The Ashirra and Camarilla both require my attention. I wanted to check in on you.  It appears my little sand-rat is all grown up now.”


Naz looked out the window for a brief moment as the sharp words stung.


“I’m sorry, did that hurt your feelings?”


He quickly fired back a smirk, “not at all. Because we both know you find this sand-rat dastardly handsome.” 


She let out a loud laugh.  The car merged onto the LIE and was suddenly being tracked by a police car.  The police car lit up and sirens began blaring. 


Naz looked toward her.   “Well you’re in my town now. Perhaps you should pull over and let me do the talking.”


“HA!  Nonsense.” She disengaged the autopilot, dropped the hammer on the transmission into 5th gear and the engine roared. The car was cruising well over 200 mph now. The police car was clearly unable to keep up.  Just as they were passing the Van Wyck expressway, Fatima noticed a state trooper entering the on-ramp. The car immediately jumped into the chase.  


“Perhaps we should pull over, unless your boy Elon installed rockets on this thing too.” Naz commented sarcastically.

Fatima began pulling away from the state trooper as well, once she had a significant lead. She focused on the power of her vitae.  She cut the car over to the right lane and began frantically downshifting. The state trooper flew right by them. Moments later the Police car shot right by them as well. 


“Why are they blazing past us? Does this car have stealth as well?”


“You could say that.”  As she pulled the car onto the clearway expressway south and re-engaged autopilot.


Naz reached for his phone and attempted to act aloof, checking his text messages and such.


“Am I boring you my dear?”


“Not at all, it’s clear this isn’t a social ride.  So what’s the deal here?” 


Fatima turned to Naz and moved in close to him.  “It appears you are making a name for yourself among the Camarilla. Horus will be bringing you to Elysium next week.”


“OK, I’ve been a few times. No big deal. I keep my mouth shut and let the old man do his thing.”


“Indeed, I heard that your presence was requested.  Wear something nice, be smart and charming the way I know you can. As she ran her hand over his cheek.  This will be a big moment for you and the Banu Haqim here in New York. Help empower us!”


Naz smiled, “Indeed my lady.  What do you say we go get a bite? I know a beautiful four family house nearby. Any resonance my girl wants, she gets.”


“Oh so I’m your girl now? I’ve killed many for less.”


“So I’ve heard!  Horus or Wise Frog could have told me all this. I have a feeling you wanted to come check up on me.  Why don’t we go into the city? I know someone that will open the Cartier store up. I’ll put some ice on that hand of yours.”


“Please, you think I’m wearing something from inside the counter of a store!?”  She grabbed the wheel and pulled over on the shoulder of the expressway. “Ok handsome were done here.  Get out!”


“What!?!  You’re going to leave me stranded out in the middle of nowhere?”


“I saw your little playmate attempt to follow us.  Honestly, I was expecting a bit more from a race car driver prodigy. Let’s see how she takes care of her master.  It’s a little over an hour before the sun comes up, you should be fine.”


“When will I see you again?” As Naz steps out of the Tesla and buttons the top button on his blazer. 


Fatima rolls down the window, “Do something extraordinary in the name of the Banu Haqim!   Or disappoint me and you shall receive a different type of visit next time. She said with a serious face”, As the sports car purrs away.


Naz grabbed his phone to check his messages.  He was about to text Roni when the sounds of a roaring engine interrupted him.   A black 2020 Lamborghini Urus pulled up on the shoulder. 


The window rolled down, “Aww you look like a lost puppy.”  Roni joked.


“Yea I didn’t get lucky, rub it in.  She threw some shade at you too though for not being able to keep up!”


“Yea whatever, Give me a sports car and i’ll smoke her ass. Plus, you have a couple hundred pounds of gear in the trunk.  How can it be expected for me to keep up?”


“Alright, let’s go back to the crib.  Think you can make it back before sunrise?”


“I don’t think that will be a problem.” Roni dropped the hammer as the 641 horsepower engine screamed once again and the car sped off.
