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Alexander Massara -The Early Years

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April 2, 2016


He parked his Mercedes GLS SUV two houses down, shut the lights and waited. He was quite certain the combination of distance and window tint would keep him hidden from view though deep inside some part of him hoped to be discovered. His sensibilities warned him that would be a terrible mistake with catastrophic consequences. Still he couldn’t help himself. He had been warned to stay away. He had even begun to understand the reasoning behind it and begrudgingly accepted it as more than just some petty jealousy but instead, rather sound advice. Sadly, whenever Stefania was involved, sound thinking wasn’t his strong suit. So he sat, waited, and relished in the few glimpses he could catch of her through the window. She didn’t go out much, still mourning his death and the love that was now beyond her grasp. Was it though? Was there some way all of this could work out? He was sure she’d accept him, current condition and all. He was also sure he couldn’t put her in the kind of danger that would follow if he did make himself known. Thursday he thought and his heart, were it still beating, would be racing. It’s garbage night. She’d have to bring the pails to the curb. His patience paid off. He watched as her small frame emerged from the door and walked to the bins. Her hair was tied back in a scrunchie. She wore a pair of over sized sweatpants and sweatshirt…obviously his. She looked like a little girl wearing her dad’s clothes. She didn’t smile. He did…filled with joy just to look at her. As she stepped over to the curb she stopped, crossing her arms as if a winter’s chill had worked its way through her clothing. She stared at the SUV and tilted her head. Alec felt a moment of panic wash over him. She took a step off the curb toward where he was parked.


“Stefania!” He heard the muffled sound of a woman’s voice call through the closed windows.


He watched as she stopped and turned her head. It was Yulia. The two women talked for a few moments then hugged. Yulia seemed to look directly at him as she continued the conversation. Stefania nodded her head and then turned and walked back inside escorted by their friend.


He started the car and drove off.


April 3, 2016


“What were you thinking Alec?” Yulia scolded.


He had turned his chair away from her like a child pouting, unhappy with what his parent was saying. “I wasn’t thinking anything. What’s the big deal? It’s not like she could see me.” he said with some insolence.


“No Alec. She couldn’t see you. Do you know what she said to me?”


“Sorry can’t hear conversations from that far away.”


She smirked. “Not yet at least.”

“He shrugged his shoulder as if to say, “Whatever.”


“Alec.” She walked over placing her hand on his shoulder. “She said she could feel you.” She paused lowering her tone. “That’s what was drawing her to your car.”


Alec just sat there. Staring out the window into the night’s sky. 


“Are you listening to me Alec?” 


He turned his head just far enough toward her to expose the right side of his face. A trickle of blood ran from his eye down his cheek. He reached for a tissue clearing it away. “Yeah…I’m listening.”


“I’m sorry Alec. I know all this is still new. It does get better though.” She consoled him.


He eyed her dubiously. “Not sure I believe that…but if you say so.”


There was a knock at the door. Alec straightened himself in his chair and adjusted his tie. “Come in.”


Ivan was a large man…even by large man standards. He filled the doorway with his frame and the suit he wore protested against his size. He spoke only Russian. “Mr. Massara. Sorry to disturb you but I have something for you.” He announced from the portal. 


“Come in Ivan. It’s ok.”


He bowed politely to Yulia then walked over to the desk Alec was sitting at. He placed a wooden box in front of him. “Mr. Dragomir said you should have these.”


Alec looked at Yulia who shook her head. “I have no idea.”


Alec lifted the lid revealing twin 9mm GSh-18 pistols.


“What’s that?” Alec asked.


“They’re guns sir.”


“I know they’re guns. Why do I need them?”


“Mr. Dragomir wants you brought up to speed on the family business. He thinks it’s a good idea for you to carry one if not both weapons.” 


He looked at Yulia again. 


“The Auction House isn’t the only business enterprise the Dragomir’s control. It’s not a bad idea Alec.”


He shook his head in exasperation. 


“I can teach you to shoot if you’d like sir.”


Yulia answered for him. “I think that would be a good idea Ivan. Head downstairs. He’ll join you shortly.”


“Of course Miss Trebunskaya.” Ivan nodded to Alec and left.


Once the door closed Yulia spoke. “You don’t like this do you Alec?”


“No. No I don’t. I don’t like any of it. I’m a good person Yulia.”


“Yes you were Alec. And I hope you stay that way. But that was a different world. In this one, you must also protect yourself. Sometimes that means learning to be politically savvy, faking affection when you need to and when that fails…” She motioned toward the guns. “If Maksim wants you brought in that’s a good thing. It means he likes you and trusts you. Both very good things not only for your continued survival but Stefania as well. Now here let me help you.”


She eased his jacket off and positioned the shoulder harness adjusting the height and angle for him. Then she reached for his belt.”


“Hey!” he said a bit embarrassed.


“Relax handsome. I’m no Anastasiya.” She pulled back the belt from his pants loops and threaded it through a holster resting it in the small of his back. “Figure out what’s comfortable for you.” She loaded the weapons then slid one into each holster. “Come. I’ll show you where the indoor range is.”


“We have an indoor range?”


“We have a great many things…You’ll see.” She smiled reassuringly.


Alec put his jacket back on and followed her out the door.


July 30, 2016


“The Surány estate purchase will be arriving tomorrow and I expect it curated and appraised by this time next week. Mr. Dragomir would like the artifacts prepared for viewing in the gallery by the end of next month. Make sure we are not the ones to impede this process. Am I understood?” Alec stood in the front of the room directing the meeting. 


The assembled appraisers and researchers all nodded. 


“Are there any questions?”


A well dressed man with gaunt features and thinning grey hair raised his hand.




“Apologies Mr. Massara but with such a short time frame I was wondering…”


“Go on.”


“What should we do if we encounter an unforeseen issue with identification, where a piece becomes…shall we say problematic or prove to be some other type of curiosity.”


The door to the boardroom opened quietly as the scent of jasmine and lily wafted in. Alec met her crystal blue eyes. She had chestnut hair, pale skin and bright red lips. Her tight fitting dress clung snugly to her shape. She was a treat to his eyes, even if he himself didn’t want to admit it. Several heads turned. Anastasiya Dragomir smiled but stood quietly not wanting to interrupt. She watched as her protégé masterfully handled the room.


“Ahem.” The attention was drawn back to him. He reached inside himself drawing on the power he had been gifted by her embrace and suddenly he was the only interesting person in the room.


“Should such a situation arise please bring it to my attention and I will deal with it personally..”


There was a murmur of agreement mixed with appreciation.


“If there are no other questions…” 


The room was still.


“Good. I’ll expect updates throughout the week. Good night.”


The meeting, having come to a close, saw the room clear except for Yulia who was sitting to his right.


Anastasiya sashayed over to him, running her fingers behind his lapel and kissing him on the lips. Alec returned her affection as Yulia turned her head to hide the expression of her rolling eyes. “Well done Alexander. You continue to impress.” She took his hand leading him to a chair. “Sit.” She found a seat next to him and sat as well, maintaining her grasp. “See lyubovnik. (Lover) It’s not so bad now is it. You have wealth, power and of course me. What more could your heart desire?”


“What more indeed?” Maksim Dragomir asked. No one had seen him enter yet there he was. It was as if he had materialized from thin air. Ivan followed close behind. The large man was impossible to miss. “I don’t recognize the new girl at the desk Alexander. What happened to Vera?”


Yulia looked out the window pretending to focus on something interesting in the lights of the cityscape. Ivan looked down at his shoes and Alec…well Alec looked at Anastasiya.


“I see.” 


“It was her own fault pa pa. She was becoming a bit too friendly with Alec. I didn’t like the way she was looking at him. And then she had the audacity to put her hands on him. She was obviously intent on garnering his affections. So I ended it.”


“It or her Anastasiya.” He didn’t look pleased.


“Tomato…tomato.” She shrugged.


He shook his head. “Another mess to clean.” He looked at Yulia.


“Already done sir.”


“Thank you Yulia. I have enough to contend with as it is. I’m going to see the prince. There is the matter of your siring a childe to discuss Anastasiya. I’ve called to collect several boons and I’m fairly confident this meeting will end favorably. Though I’m afraid it will require my undivided attention. I’d like you to take young Alexander to meet the avtoritets. Inform them his words are mine and he is to be afforded every courtesy they would me.”


“I can handle them pa pa.”


“Yes. We’ve seen how you handle things my lovely daughter. Alexander is calm and methodical, meticulous in his work and above all loyal. He is not prone to jealousy or reactive decisions. Besides, you know as well as I that it’s better to have a man be seen at the head. They will respect him more.”


“They will respect me!” She snapped angrily.


“Of course they will my dear…but they are no good to me if they are all dead. Let Alexander be the face. You are still the power.”


Alec squeezed her hand drawing a threatening stare. “Together moye serdtse. (My heart) We must do this together. There is still so much I need to learn from you. Please?” He smiled. Charm and charisma seemed to radiate from him as Anastasiya softened. 


“Together moye serdtse.” (My heart) She turned to look at her father. “Of course pa pa.”


“Thank you.” He nodded to her, though clearly he was looking at Alec who bowed slightly in return.


August 11, 2016


“The avtoritets or brigadiers as they are known, serve as your la cosa nostra might call capos, captains serving their don or in our case boss, the pakhan. Pa Pa is the Pakhan running most of the city Bratva.” Anastasiya explained.


“Bratva….Brotherhood?” Alec asked. 


“Da moye serdtse.” (Yes my heart.) “That is what we call it. You Alexander are to be the krestniy otets, pa pa’s second in command. It’s important they learn to respect and fear you. That is how you maintain control. There will be eight brigadiers present. I will make the introduction and then the floor is yours Alexander.”


“Do I do anything special?”


“They will test you. Pass.” She grinned sardonically. “And you will be called Alexei Dragomir. My husband. How lucky for you eh?”


Alec didn’t say a word simply smiling.


Ivan pulled over to the side entrance of the Red Circle nightclub got out and opened the door for his passengers. Alec emerged first reaching out to assist Anastasiya who’s skin tight dress did not make for easy egress.


A man not so large as Ivan but still quite big wearing an earpiece recognized her and greeted. “Good evening Miss Dragomir.”


“Hello Francis.” She smiled. “This is Alexei Dragomir. He’s with me.”


“Of course Miss Dragomir. Alexei.” He nodded.


“Call me Alec.” He said shaking the man’s hand.


Francis opened the door and they walked in. The music from inside the club was loud and it could be heard resonating in the corridor as they walked through a back passage to a private meeting room where the sound from the dance floor was replaced by more traditional Russian folk song. They entered a room with several large leather chairs arranged around a conference table. To Alec, it appeared like any other board meeting. The room was hazy with smoke and the sound of low murmuring. Expensive bottles of vodka were littered about the table and no one took much notice of them as they entered until a man in a sportcoat and black t shirt with tattoos on his neck and hands looked their way. “Who’s this Anastasiya? Where’s your father?”


“Pa Pa is indisposed Vladimir. He sends his regards and us in his stead. Gentlemen, may I present Alexei Dragomir, your new krestniy otets. He speaks the words of the pakhan. Such is my father’s will.”


Alexei Dragomir? Your father has no sons. Where did this Dragomir come from?” he asked.


“It is true that my father has no sons. You all know this. Alexei is his son through attachment…to me… as such he carries the Dragomir name.”


“The old man insults us sending his crazy whore daughter and her lover here thinking we will listen to them…Do as they say?!”


“Careful.” Alec warned staring the man.


He laughed. “Or what? Huh? I’ve seen this Alexei before…where?…The auction house perhaps? Could he be the greasy Italian they say you’ve been screwing?


Alec reached into his coat pocket and the man quickly drew a pistol. Alec retrieved a silver cigarette case and tilted his head. “Relax Vladimir. Here. Have a smoke. Let’s not deal in insults but rather discuss things like civilized gentlemen.”


He laughed again. “Well he sounds like the old man.” He kept the gun pointed at Alec. “Maybe you should go and take that crazy bitch with you.”


“Mr Dragomir is not going to be happy.” Alec said shaking his head.


“Fuck him. Fuck her and Fuck you. Maybe I shoot you where you stand eh?” 


He moved the gun to point it at Anastasiya. “Or maybe I shoot her instead.” Alec instinctively stepped in front of Anastasiya so the gun was once again directed at him. 


“That doesn’t work for me.” He took the silver case and slid it back into his jacket and withdrew the weapon Maksim had given him. He calmly leveled it at Vladimir. Two shots rang out both striking Alec in the chest. He winced with pain as the hot lead moved through his body. He didn’t panic though. “I really liked this suit.” He kept his composure and calmly fired a round into Vladimir’s head. The bullet cut through the brigadier’s eye and out the back of his head taking pieces of skull with it. He fell instantly dead. His bodyguard went for his weapon and Alec put a round in his head too. “Are you ok Stasi?” 


The room was silent.


“Yes Alec. You?”


“Body armor. I’m good.” He lowered the pistol. “Does anyone else have a problem they wish to discuss?”


The other avtoritets shook their heads. A few lit new cigarettes while others drank their vodka.


“Good.” He pulled out a chair for Anastasiya, sitting after she did.”


“First order of business. We need a new avtoritet for Queens. Any suggestions?”

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Dorym

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Alec and Fiorenza

August 24, 2016


“Vladimir was rather disrespectful pa pa. He had the audacity to threaten me, curse you and insult the family. You should be…”


“Listening to what Alexander has to say about this affair.” Maksim Dragomir interrupted.


Anastasiya slanted her eyes before prompting Alec to speak.


“I hope I didn’t overstep myself sir. I did warn Vladimir that his discourtesy was ill advised and offered him the opportunity to avoid your displeasure. My counsel, unfortunately, was not well received. After a tirade of expletives, I was of the opinion diplomacy had been exhausted. I thought it best I address the grievance in a manner that would lend itself to open lines of gentlemanly conversation in the future, should similar misgivings arise among the other avtoritets.”


“Very good Alexander. I was unsure what to expect from you in such a situation. These unpleasantries were atypical of your previous responsibilities. I knew I could count on you to be well composed, confident and articulate but was of the mind you would find even necessary violence, shall we say, distasteful. What did you feel when you ended Vladimir’s life?”


“Recoil sir. But only just a bit. The weapon is smooth and quite precise. I can appreciate that.”


Maksim smiled. “You are going to make a fine Dragomir. It is important to understand where civility must end and metered hostility be brought to bare.” He reached for his cell phone, reading a message he had just received. He stepped over to the intercom on the conference table. “See him in if you would Constance.”


A few moments later the receptionist led a man into the room. “Will there be anything else sir?”


“No. See we are not disturbed.”


“Of course sir.” She replied then exited closing the door behind her.


“Thank you for coming. Allow me to properly introduce my daughter Anastasiya.” He motioned as if to present her. “And this is her childe, Alexander.” He then gestured to the man directing his attention to Anastasiya and Alec.” This is Ivan Kutkof, Primogen of the Caitiff for Prince Panhard and a business associate of mine who spoke on both your behalf regarding the troublesome circumstances of your embrace.”


“One of a few boons your father exchanged for a favorable disposition.” He began. “Enchanted.” He said bowing to Anastasiya. “And Alexander did you say? The name I heard was Alexei. You’ve become quite the topic of discussion among the bratva. I serve as a liaison between her majesty and your organization. By all accounts you comported yourself with dignity and served your sire well. I am pleased to know my support was not wasted on someone undeserving.”


“Thank you sir.” Alec responded cordially.


He nodded. “I thought I should come meet you for myself seeing as I expect we will be engaging in future business ventures together. I like to know who I’m working with.”


“A sound practice. I feel the same.” 


“Can I offer you refreshment Ivan?” Maksim asked.



“No thank you. I ate before I arrived.”


The conversation was broken by the unexpected sound of Alec’s cell phone.


Maksim gave him a curious look.


“Should I answer it sir?”


“Who is it?” Anastasiya demanded.


“I don’t recognize the number.


Maksim nodded.




“Alexander my boy is that you?” a woman’s voice asked.


“Who’s asking?”


“You may not remember me. My name is Fiorenza Savona we met prior to your … how do we say … transition.”


“Ms. Savona. Yes I remember ma’am. Tuscany. You assisted me with the Margitone painting authentication. What can I do for you?”


“It is refreshing to speak to a young person with proper manners and the mental acuity to recall when one was done a service. Is Maskim in the room with you?”


“Yes ma’am.”


“Your sire as well?”


“Yes ma’am. She’s here too.”


“And the Caitiff Primogen of your city?”


“Yes ma’am.”


“Anyone else I am unfamiliar with?”


“No ma’am.”


“Splendid. If you’d be so kind as to put me on speakerphone my boy.”


Alec did as she asked. “It’s done ma’am.”


“Thank you dear boy. Good evening all. My name is Fiorenza Savona. Hello Maksim. How are you?”


“Quite well, thank you Fiorenza.”


“Hello Mr. Kitkof, please send my regards to your Prince Panhard.”


“I will Ms. Savona.”


“And Miss Anastasiya. I’ve heard so much about you. It is truly fortuitous that your careless indiscretion resulted in a childe I believe to have a bright future among the kindred.”


Anastasiya opened her mouth to respond but her father gave her a stern look and shook his head no. She chose to obey, for the moment.


“I understand time is valuable so I won’t waste any more moonlight than I need to. Maksim you offered me boons for my assistance on two occasions now. I would like to collect on one now.”


“Of course. I am a man of my word Fiorenza. How might I recompense you.”


“I have need of Alexander’s services. I would like to borrow him for a short while to assist me with a special project I am working on.”


“I’m afraid I can’t speak for him Fiorenza. Anastasiya is his sire.”


“And you hers, a rather unusual occurrence among kindred to be sure but who am I to judge. I have the utmost confidence that you should be able to work out this arrangement with your daughter.”


“And if I refuse?” Anastasiya said with some contempt in her voice.


“Do not take that tone with me girl.” Fiorenza paused then continued. “Should you be disinclined to acquiesce to my request, I would consider it a personal affront to have been refused a boon and you would find that I do not suffer such indignity well. 


“That is unnecessary Fiorenza. As I said I am good to my word.”

“Splendid. I will send a car for him at sundown tomorrow. Good Night.”


The line went dead. 


“Pa pa I…”


“Have said quite enough for now Anastasiya. You are familiar with Fiorenza. Her status in the clan was instrumental in smoothing the matter of Alexander’s embrace with the prince. He is in no danger in large part due to her intervention and I can assure you she does not harbor the same interest in your childe as you do. At least I don’t believe she does…Regardless I’m sure whatever she requires of Alexander was well worth her contribution to your case.”


“If you say so pa pa.” She wore a wounded expression.


“Is there anything you’d like to say Alexander?”


“No sir. The matter has been made quite clear.”


“Good, Do check in when you can just to appease your sire’s concerns.”


“Of course sir.”


Ivan who had remained quiet during the entire conversation finally spoke. “Well then. With that negotiation concluded I feel it’s a good time for me to depart. Good night all.”


Alec watched as he left the room. “I don’t think he was here to meet me sir.”


“No Alexander. I believe you are correct.”


Anastasiya smiled. “Come.” She said taking Alec’s hand. “I’ll help you pack a bag. I’d like to spend a bit of time with you before you go,”


“Lovely” Alec grinned.


August 25, 2016


Dusk arrived and with it a charcoal grey Jaguar F Type. A young woman wearing a black pantsuit exited and made her way to the reception desk.


“Good evening. I represent Fiorenza Savona. I’m instructed to pick up a Mr. Alexander Massara. Could you let him know I have arrived?”


The receptionist gave her a curious look then made a phone call. Moments later Yulia walked from the elevator to greet their guest. 


“Hello. I’m Yulia Trebunskaya, attaché for Maksim Dragomir. And you are?”


“Ysabelle Sáenz.”


“Pleased to meet you. If you’d kindly follow me.”


The two women crossed the lobby, passed the gallery and took the elevator up to the executive offices. The door opened to a comfortable seating room. Large leather couches surrounded a marble coffee table. Several large screen televisions hung on walls. Some were set to news channels around the world, others to financial programming, others still showed footage from the many security cameras throughout the building. Seated in the room were Alec, Anastasiya  and Maksim Dragomir. The elder Dragomir was sitting to Alec’s side, positioned toward him seemingly advising him. His daughter was sharing a couch with Alec seated to his right. She leaned slightly into him, her left hand playing with the back of his hairline.


“Sir.” Yulia announced herself. “This is Fiorenza’s representative, Ysabelle Sáenz. She’s come for Alec.”


Anastasiya made a face.


“Welcome Ysabelle. Might I offer you anything in the way of refreshment?”


“No thank you sir.” She answered politely. “Your hospitality is appreciated.”


She had ink black hair that landed over her chest and copper brown skin. Her brown eyes had a determined look about them and she carried herself with confidence. Alec stood and walked toward her extending his hand in greeting. “Hi. I’m Alec.”


She eyed him carefully for a moment, almost as if she was considering the sincerity of his welcome before taking his hand. “If you’re ready Alec we should be on our way.”


He looked back to Maskim who nodded. 


“I’ll grab my bag.”


“One moment Alexander.” Anastasiya walked over. She draped her arms over his shoulders and drew him in closely kissing him for several long seconds. Yulia rolled her eyes. Maksim looked away in embarrassment shaking his head. Ysabelle did not react save for the arching of her left eyebrow. “There. Now you’re ready. Be safe dorogoy. (darling) 


Alec retrieved his bag and left with Ysabelle. Once they were in the car Ysabelle asked, “Is she always so insecure?”


Alec who was wiping his mouth with a handkerchief nodded. ‘Yeah.”


Ysabelle fought back a grin and whispered to herself. “Divertida.” (Amusing)


“No cuando lo vives” (Not when you live it.) He responded unexpectedly.


“Tu hables español?” (You speak Spanish?)


“Si. Español, Italiano, Ruso y Inglés.”


“Impressive Alec.” She complimented. 


“And you?” he asked.


“My work and time with Fiorenza have allowed me to learn several. I was born in Mexico City so Spanish is my native tongue but I also spoke English. Later I learned Italian, Russian and more recently Arabic.”




“What do you know of my mistress Fiorenza?”


“Not much if I’m being honest. I’m told she’s well regarded among the kindred and very influential within the clan. She helped me with an authentication by getting me access to a five hundred year old library before I…” He stopped talking for a moment and looked out the window.”


“Before what Alec?”


“Oh… sorry. Yeah… before I was turned.” He looked out the window again. “Are we going to Brooklyn?”


“Yes. Is that a problem?”


“No… No.. Not at all.” He said with some obvious discomfort.”


“Relax Alec. We’re going to ‘The Pierrepont’ in Brooklyn Heights. Fiorenza arranged an apartment for us there.” 


“What does she want from me?”


Ysabelle turned her head and smiled. “Your expertise. Your business acumen and your attention to detail. Fiorenza entered into a financial arrangement with an art dealer who claims to have several pieces created by Claude Monet. She has her doubts about their authenticity and due to the sizable investment she made toward the acquisition of the pieces she’d like to be certain before she risks any more capital in the project.”


“Seems a little to simple. Why me? She could have had any appraiser look them over.”


“She trusts your methods and discretion Alec.” Ysabelle said pulling into the parking garage. ”Let’s settle you in and I’ll explain the rest in detail.”


The apartment had two outdoor spaces. The spectacular residence boasted two terraces offering breathtaking views of the Manhattan landscape, Statue of Liberty and East river. Inside the kitchen was appointed with every high end appliance. The counter tops were all clean white granite and the large prep island faced into a dining area and sitting area both looking out into the city. There was a spacious living room, warm with Italian leather sofas and marble topped hardwood tables. A wet bar had been designed, adding another posh amenity to the living space. Upstairs there were three large comfortable bedrooms each set with king size beds turned down with soft Egyptian cotton sheets and the most plush down comforters he had ever seen. It was the kind of place he had always hoped to have and share with Stefania.


They found themselves together in the living room.


“I hope you find the apartment to your liking.” Ysabelle said.


“Indeed. It’s beautiful. Fiorenza is quite generous to have arranged it.” he replied.


“Good.” Ysabelle sat and opened a satchel. She withdrew an envelope and several folders. She began to spread pictures of art pieces out onto the round stone coffee table. She laid an open folder with a picture pinned to it and what appeared to be a dossier of sorts. Finally she removed a thin laptop from the padded envelope. “These are the pieces in question.” She motioned toward the photos. “Fiorenza would like you to see if you can authenticate them as authentic Monet. The man in the picture is Porfirio Vicari, an Italian national with ties to the Luchesi crime family. He’s not a made man but has done quite a bit of smuggling for them in addition to conducting black market sales of fine art. He came to Mexico City a few months ago inquiring about some recently unearthed Mayan artifacts. Fiorenza was gracious enough to meet with him and he offered her an investment opportunity in a gallery he was to open and rights of first refusal to purchase any of the pieces shown, up to a value of half again her investment. More recently he sent word to Mexico City that he had encountered complications with customs that would cause his gallery to be postponed for the foreseeable future but he offered Fiorenza the Monets as compensation for her investment. She reluctantly agreed but questions whether his motivations are sincere or simply self preservation. My mistress does not look kindly on liars and cheats.”


“A very reasonable concern.”


Ysabelle slid the laptop toward him. Everything we know about the paintings as well as any research conducted to date has been loaded on this laptop. It’s yours. I am also to see that any other resources you require are made available and of course you’ll need to feed. If you have a preference, just let me know and I’ll see that it is taken care of. Oh I should probably program my number into your phone.”


“Thanks Ysabelle.” He opened the laptop and powered it on. He then reached for the pictures and began examining them.


“I’ll leave you to it then.” 


September 2, 2016


Alec woke to the smell of freshly brewed espresso. It was a welcome odor reminiscent of his mornings when he was alive. He found that after Stefania, he missed eating and drinking most of all. He made his way down to the kitchen where Ysabelle was sipping on a cup, reading something on her tablet.


“Cafecito?” He asked as he entered.


“Si. Sorry… does the smell bother you. I didn’t mean to wake you. Are you hungry?”


“I should probably eat.”


“There is a local pub a few blocks away. I’m sure we can find something friendly to your palate there.”


Alec wore his typical dark suit while Ysabelle had changed into a short leather skirt and silk blouse. The stiletto heels she had chosen took her five foot seven inch frame to just under six feet. She had chosen an upscale whiskey bar that had a long counter and glass back lined with bottles from all over the world. There was a fireplace lit with a low flame for ambiance as the summer heat was warmth enough. Around it several leather chairs and a coach were arranged. Alec saw a young woman sitting by herself nursing a rocks glass with amber liquid and a ball of ice. “Her.”


Ysabelle approached her and pointed at Alec. “My friend finds you very attractive and would love to meet  you. He’s a bit shy so he asked if I could come over to see if you might be interested.


The woman looked at Alec and was immediately in awe. She nodded and Ysabelle waved him over.


It took less than a few minutes for him to have her convinced she should leave with him. Once outside they walked a short way to where the Jaguar had been parked. Ysabelle opened the door and once inside closed it again. She drove for a few minutes as Alec drained what he needed. “Perhaps it’s best you forget the last few minutes.” He said. Her eyes glazed over and she nodded. Alec continued their conversation making a date to see her again next week. He dropped her off a few blocks away after getting her phone number. “Nice to have met you Sarah. We’ll talk soon.” He kissed her gently on the cheek and wished her good night. 


As the car pulled away he asked Ysabelle. “That doesn’t bother you?”


She shrugged her shoulders. “A man’s gotta eat right? Besides I’ve been with Fiorenza since 1978. I’m used to it.”


Alec asked her to drive to a gallery in lower Manhattan that was hosting a night time wine party. They’re displaying “The Water Lily Pond” on loan from the Met. I’d like a closer look at it.


Ysabelle was an expert driver and made quick work of the night time traffic weaving in and out of lanes like a professional racer. They arrived and parked then made their way into the gallery. Alec ordered a glass of wine for Ysabelle then led her through the crowd until he found what he was looking for. Several admirers were discussing it. 


“You know…” A pretentious young gentleman sporting a mock neck shirt and a man bun began. “…I read once, that in a letter, Monet described how he had planted the water lilies for fun. He had never intended painting them.”


“I had heard he thought the pond was enchanted.” A woman he was trying to impress responded.


Alec smiled at Ysabelle. “Ysabelle darling…” He said in the gaudiest tone he could manage. “…a number of critics mentioned his debt to Japanese art. More telling however, do you see the impenetrable green enclosure at the top of the bridge’s arch just below the painting’s top edge? Well it hearkens back to the hortus conclusus (closed garden) of medieval images, while also evoking a dreamlike contemplative zone consonant with symbolist literature.”


The woman who had been taking to the fellow with the man bun listened intently all but ignoring her companion who appeared to become somewhat annoyed. “Come Saffron. There are other pieces I’d like you to experience.” He sneered as he stormed off.


“You’re rotten Massara.” Ysabelle laughed.


I know but seriously. Take a good look at this painting. See how it’s composed by short brushstrokes?”


She shook her head. “If you say so Alec.”


“Well I read that this was a familiar method he’d use during his mature years. The paintings offered to Fiorenza are from the same time period.”


“Aha. I’m beginning to understand.”


“If I could examine the originals I’d be able to make a very accurate determination of authenticity.”


“Excellent. I’ll make the calls.”


September 5, 2016


“Floyd Bennett AirField at midnight. I’ll let him know Fiorenza. Buenas noches.” Ysabelle put her cellphone away. “It’s all set. Mr. Vicari will have the paintings ready for your review and then if you approve we’ll take them on sight and your service to my mistress will be concluded.”


“Anxious to be rid of me Ysa?”


“What did you call me?” 


“Sorry. I meant no offense. I have a habit of shortening names. Ysa has a nice sound to it.”


“I haven’t been called that since I was a girl in Mexico City sixty years ago.”


“I didn’t mean…”


“No. It’s ok Alec. You can call me Ysa. It sounds right when you say it.”


He smiled and nodded.


“We’ll take the SUV. It’s has security glass in case things aren’t on the level. He’ll be expecting you to enter alone. I’m just a driver. I hope you’re comfortable with that.”


“Yeah fine. What’s the worst he can do to me? I’m already dead.”


“There are worse things than death Alec.”


“Yes. I’m reminded at dusk every day.”


“Is it that bad?”


“I could ask you the same thing?”


“Fair enough.” She stiffened.


“Hey… I…I’m still kinda new to this.” He said apologetically.


“I understand. Now to make sure everything goes smoothly, I want you to wear this earpiece. I’ll be able to hear what’s going on and if necessary give you instructions. Fiorenza would not be happy if I let something happen to you.”


“Aw… Gracias mija’”


Ysabelle smirked. “De Nada. Ready?”


Alec adjusted his shoulder rig then buttoned his jacket. “Yeah. I think so.”


The Belt Parkway was a parking lot, no different than any other day and the eighteen mile, thirty minute drive took an hour even with Ysa’s driving skill. They arrived early. Alec was never one to be late for anything. Ysabelle pulled into the abandoned parking lot. No other vehicles could be seen. The hangar stood off in the near distance, about 50 yards away or so. They talked quietly in the car for about an hour and a half before a light that shouldn’t be glowing emanated from the structure. Alec exited the SUV and took in the surroundings as he walked along the path leading from the parking lot to the hangar. The grass was overgrown and the trees bordering along the building were equally unkempt. As for the hangar itself, it had not seen real use since the 1940’s and now was little more than an empty warehouse. 


There was a man near the entrance. He was over sized for the sweater he wore and the many gold chains around his neck glinted in the moonlight. As Alec approached the fat guy held up his hand. “You armed?”


“Alec shrugged, Is that a problem?”


“Yeah it’s a problem. Let me have your piece.” The guard demanded.


Alec unbuttoned his coat and removed the pistol he wore under his arm then handed it to him. “Are we good now?”


“Yeah. We’re good.”


“I’m going to want that back when I’m done here.” Alec said.




Alec walked into the hanger. Four men were standing there waiting. One was smoking a cigarette. He noticed that four paintings had been arranged on easels sort of in a semicircle. He began to speak Italian. “Signore Porfirio Vicari?”


“Sì. Who are you?” 


“I’m Alexander Massara and I’ve come on behalf of Fiorenza Savona, your business partner.”


“I know who she is. Here they are. You can take them and my regards to your boss.”


“Signore, with your permission, I’d like to have a look at the paintings first. With all respect sir.”


“Yeah go ahead kid. Knock yourself out.”


Alec walked over to the first painting. “Is there anything you can tell me about these pieces sir?”


“Yeah. Claude Monet was the artist. They’re from a collection he created sometime between 1893 and 1899. Two of them are of some bridge overlooking a pond on his estate. I’ve been told he liked to paint it.”


“Amazing. I was of the mind only three paintings of the bridge existed from that time span. One is on loan from the Met to a gallery here in Brooklyn.”


“It’s a bridge. I’m sure he’s painted plenty of them. He liked landscapes.”  Porfirio Vicari suggested.


Alec got close to one of the other paintings and pulled a jeweler’s loupe from his pocket. 


“What the hell is that for?” Porfirio asked.


“It’s magnifying glass. It helps me see the actual brush strokes an artist used to paint a canvas. For example. This particular piece was created using long brush strokes. I must say sir, the style is certainly Claude Monet. They are very nice pieces.”


“Excellent. Well I’m happy you approve. I hope Fiorenza will be pleased with our arrangement.”


“Apologies Signore Vicari, you misunderstand me. They are in the style of Claude Monet. They are not Claude Monet. If I had to venture a guess I’d say they were painted by one of his students looking to emulate his master’s style. As such I can not approve the deal and I sincerely doubt Fiorenza will be pleased.”


“Who the fuck? Do you know who I am kid?”


“Porfirio Vicari sir.”


“Yeah and that means you can take these Monet’s back to your boss or I can dump your body in Jamaica Bay.” The three men with him drew their weapons and aimed them at Alec.”


“Sir, I’m rather fond of this suit. I’d really appreciate if your men did not put any holes in it.”


“What are you a smart ass or just crazy?” He drew his weapon. “I think I’ve heard just about enough from you. I hope Fiorenza wasn’t as fond of you as you are of that suit.”


“One step to your left Alec.” Ysabelle’s voice whispered in his ear. 


He moved to his left and he felt the wind of a high velocity projectile zip past his head. One of Porfirio’s men fell, not a moment later, so did a second. Porfirio screamed “Get the driver!” As he crouched, his third henchman took a round in the face.


“Alec door.” Ysa said.


Alec turned toward the door drawing the pistol from the small of his back. As the overweight bodyguard stepped into the hangar Alec fired two rounds into his massive chest then one in his head. Alec walked calmly over to the man retrieving the pistol he turned over to him when he entered. 


Two more shots rang out. Alec saw the bullets pierce the metal of the hangar. He turned to see Porfirio’s gun raised, shooting at him from behind a barrel. 


“Signore Vicari, I did you the service of terminating his employment. He was obviously careless and sloppy. Traits I would never accept from my people.” Another gunshot barely missed him. “Did you think that you could cheat Fiorenza Savona and be allowed to live?”


“I have friends too you know. The Luchesi Family. They’ll kill everyone who ever met you.”


His mind was instantly drawn to Stefania. “I can’t have that.” Alec lowered his gun to the barrel and fired several times into it. The armor piercing rounds cut through the metal like paper. Porfirio Vicari rolled over dead.


“Ok Alec. Nice work. Time to go. I have a cleanup crew coming to take care of the mess.”


Alec holstered his weapons, buttoned his jacket and walked back toward the car. Ysabelle met him there. She had a high powered rifle with a scope slung over her shoulder. She quickly disassembled it and locked in the storage box in the back of the SUV. They got in the vehicle and sped off. Traffic heading back to the apartment wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been earlier and they arrived about forty minutes later.


Once inside Ysabelle said, “Fiorenza would like you to stay the night and wait for her call tomorrow if you would Alec.”


“Sure…and Ysa…Thanks.”


Ysabelle nodded. 


September 6, 2016


The call came about eleven that night. “Alexander my boy. How are you? Well I hope.”


“I am Ms. Savona. Thank you.”


“Please Alexander, call me Fiorenza. I have been briefed on the events at the AirField. I do find it unfortunate that our friend Porfirio was unable to hold to his part of the bargain but I am quite pleased with your performance my boy.”


“I appreciate you saying that ma’am, however, I would have been far less successful without Ysabelle’s help.”


“I agree. Alexander might I ask a personal question?”


“Yes Ma’am.”


“It is my understanding that you’ve encountered some difficulty in maintaining the employ of personal assistants. Through no fault of your own I might add. Is this true?”


“There may be something to that ma’am.”


“I see. You have done me a great service Alexander my boy, as such I’d like to offer a service in return. Are you satisfied with Ysabelle’s performance thus far?”


“Ye ma’am. As I said without her help I fear the situation might have grown more complicated.”


“I’m glad to hear you say so. I would like you to take her on as your new personal assistant. Ysabelle is quite special and has a great many talents some of which you experienced first hand. Should you agree to this arrangement you’ll find she will not disappear as have some of your prior assistants. What do you say my boy?”


“I say thank you Fiorenza. It would be my honor to continue to work with her. You’ve been most generous to me. I hope one day I can repay your benevolence.”


“As do I. There is one more thing. You may continue to use the apartment for as long as you desire. Ysabelle will maintain the residence and you will have a place to separate yourself from any undesirable attention.”


“I am grateful Fiorenza.”


“I believe you. Good night my boy.”


“Good night Fiorenza.” And the line went dead.


Alec put the phone down onto the coffee table and leaned back into the soft cushions of the easy chair. As he did his eyes were drawn to the doorway where Ysablle stood sipping ‘un cafecito’. “How did it go?” She asked.


“Fantastic. Better than fantastic. Are you on board with all this? Anastasiya takes some getting used to.”


“I’ll be fine and yes, I’m ok with it. After all, It was my idea.” She smiled.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Dorym

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Alec and Elena

October 26, 2016


“Tell me again why she’s still here?” Anastasiya demanded.


“I already told you Stasi, Fiorenza asked me to keep her on. You know as well as I do that when she asks, you agree. She’s been very accommodating to me thus far and I’d like to keep her as an ally. Besides Ysabelle is a competent assistant and a good driver. What are you worried about?”


“Remember Alec, when I ask, you agree.” She said as she kissed him.


“How could I forget darling.” He said returning her affection. “Are we done with this for now?”


“For now I guess.”


Alec walked over to his desk and sat in the high back leather chair positioned behind it. Anastasiya followed him sitting on the edge of the desk facing him, legs crossed exposing the lower area of her thigh. Her eyes scanned the surface of the workspace and stopped on a post it note with a date on it. She pulled the yellow paper from its resting place and read December 10. “What’s this?”


“A date.” He answered disinterested. He had begun to read through a handwritten planner. There was a meeting with the avtoritets. It seemed a new brigadier had been appointed to the Queens territory.


“Yes Alec. I know. Why is it on your desk?”


“Uhh…” He said while looking at the new entries Ysabelle had made. “December…10th?…Right?”




“We were invited to attend a party hosted by some friend of your father’s. I assumed he told you.”


“Oh..” She paused.” “No. He must have forgotten to mention it.” Her tone hinted at stiffness.


Alec stopped what he was doing and looked at her. “Sorry moye serdtse.” (my heart) He reached over taking her hand in his and kissed her fingers. “I should have checked with you to make sure it was agreeable.”


She smiled affectionately at him. “I appreciate your saying so. No worries lyubovnik. (lover) I think a night out together sounds wonderful.”


He kissed her fingers again. “As do I.”


October 28, 2016


Ysabelle met them in the parking garage. She wore a professional looking black blazer with a button down shirt and matching dress slacks. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail and her makeup was intentionally muted. She held the door to the SUV open for Alec as he and Anastasiya approached. Alec led his sire into the vehicle first and followed quickly behind.


“The Red Circle Alec?”


“Yes Ysa, if you’d be so kind.”


“Of course sir.” Ysabelle pulled out from the parking garage and into traffic, expertly navigating the roadway.


“Ysa?” Anastasiya questioned in hushed tones.


“Yes darling, you know how I have a habit of shortening names.”


“Yes well.” His hand found her knee and caressed her thigh. “It’s ok I guess.” She said her eyes shining brightly at his touch.


“Let’s hope this meeting goes better than our previous.” He offered.


“I think you made your point last time.”


“Even so… Ysa…” He turned his head toward his driver. “I’d like you to conduct a security check. I won’t have anyone threaten my Anastasiya.”  


“It’ll be done sir.”


Anastasiya relaxed leaning her head on his shoulder. “You are so sweet to worry for me Alec.”


Ysabelle parked the car by the familiar side entrance to the club and opened the door to allow Alec to step out. He did, then extended his hand to assist Anastasiya. She wore a green bodycon dress that accentuated her alluring shape. Her hair was pinned back into a bun allowing the diamond and emerald earrings she had chosen to twinkle in the moonlight. A loose strand of hair dangled across her right cheek and her bright red lips were a stark contrast to her pale skin. Hand in hand they approached the doorman.


“Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Dragomir.” The guard greeted them in Russian. 


“Hello Francis.” Alec smiled. “How’s the family?”


“Good. Thank you for asking sir.” He replied as he shook his hand.


“Francis, I’d like to introduce you to Ysabelle, my new assistant.” He motioned toward the vehicle where she was standing. “If there are any concerns about her please inform whoever may be inquiring that she is with me.”


“I understand sir.” He nodded.


“Thank you Francis.” Alec replied then escorted Anastasiya inside. 


As they walked the private corridor behind the main dance floor Alec’s earpiece came alive. “I’ve tied into the security cameras Alec. Everything looks normal.” Ysabelle’s voice. Hearing she had eyes in the club gave him a sense of reassurance. He didn’t like surprises. Ysa would see there weren’t any. 


The room was situated exactly the same as it was last time he was here. Heavy smoke hung in the air, vodka bottles were strewn about and the avtoritets talked among themselves waiting for the meeting to start. 


“Good evening gentlemen.” Alec projected into the room. Some eyes moved to Anastasiya other were drawn directly to Alec. Everyone grew quiet.


“I want to congratulate Dmitri on his promotion. Welcome to the table brother. May your time among us be long and your successes many.”


“Thank you Mr. Dragomir.” He responded politely.


As Alec looked around the room he noticed a few of the men had arrived with additional bodyguards. Alec made a mental note that they should not be trusted. He knew it was customary to have a second accompany you whilst attending such gatherings but the need to bring more than that out of nervousness didn’t sit well with him. Only someone disloyal and afraid of discovery would feel the need for such protection here.


“I hope you are smarter than Vladimir was.” Anastasiya interjected.


There were some uncomfortable looks exchanged throughout the room and some nervous shifting.


Alec cleared his throat and the room’s attention was drawn to him as he called upon the power of his unnatural awe. “Dmitri. I know you are new to these discussions. What my lovely Anastasiya refers to is a blatant disregard for civility and disrespect toward her father, both of which are unacceptable. In the future, I would hope that any concerns regarding the manner in which we do business be brought forward in a gentlemanly fashion, so as to avoid further unpleasantries.”


“I understand sir. I’ll keep that in mind.” Many of the other men in the room nodded in agreement.


“Excellent. That said does anyone have anything they’d like to put forward to the group?”


The meeting lasted for nearly three hours. Alec discussed some of the new business ventures he was organizing. He listened to reports on existing activities. He adjudicated grievances about territory disputes and did his best to ease concerns related to Vladimir’s untimely passing. Anastasiya for her part had a bored look about her, offering only snide remarks and insults at inopportune times requiring Alec to smooth over hurt feelings and bruised egos.


“She doesn’t make things easy does she?” Ysa whispered in his earpiece.


Alec fought back a grin and continued to lead the conversations until all business had been concluded. “If there is nothing else my friends… Please enjoy the hospitality of the club.”


Most of the men nodded, some rising immediately, others finishing their drinks or the smoke they had started. Alec sat for a while conversing with the remaining avtoritets as Anastasiya ran her fingers behind the collar of his shirt lightly scratching the nape of his neck. “Piotr…” Alec called as the man stood to leave. “May I have a word?”


“Of course my krestniy.” He answered walking over. 


Alec stood causing Anastasiya’s hand to fall away. You serve in the Obshchak, is that correct?”


“Yes sir. Do you have any concerns you wish me to investigate?”


“I’m curious about the extra men here tonight. It struck me as unusual.”


“Yes. Well. I won’t say Vladimir didn’t bring it on himself.” His eyes glanced cautiously to Anastasiya. “…but…”


Alec took him by the elbow and led him away from his sitting sire.


“Maksim honors the old ways, he is smart and thinks six moves ahead…like chess you know?”


“I do.” Alec nodded.


“His daughter, well she can be a bit unpredictable. There were concerns that if she were taking on a more prominent role that perhaps this place would not be as safe as it once was.”


“I see. The Pakhan asked me to take the meeting as other business required his attention. He asked for her to introduce me. I’m a new face and as such I’m sure that there are some who aren’t quick to trust me. Her role is merely to assist my transition into the bratva.”


“There are those who feel the way you describe. You are an unknown and as such, it would seem the avtoritets would like to measure your temperament. For me, it would seem to fall closer to her father than it would to her.” He said glancing at Anastasiya.


“I may not be as familiar with all the old customs, though I am learning. What I do know is good business. It was unfortunate that Vladimir could not be reasoned with, however there are certain things that I will not tolerate. Disloyalty to the Pakhan and insults or threats to her safety are unacceptable.”


“I understand sir. I will see to it that the word is spread. May I ask a question sir?”


Alec nodded. 


“As much as you noticed there were extra men present to protect the avtoritets, it was also noticed that you brought no protection of your own.”


“I didn’t believe I needed any.”


Piotr nodded. “Even so. It never hurts to have a few people loyal to you, should some unforeseen complication arise. As you say, you are new and I hope some friendly advice is not taken as out of line.”


“Not at all.” He shook his hand. “Your counsel is appreciated.”


Piotr bowed then bid Anastasiya farewell before he left. 


“Ready Stasi?” Alec asked.


“Quite.” She answered and they made their way back to the car. 


“All clear Alec.” Ysa reported.


“Excellent. Thanks Ysa. “Let’s return to the auction house please.”


November 15, 2016


“I’d like your permission to hire some personal security sir. I know the auction house has staff and you have your own bodyguards but I think it prudent if I put on a few people that I could trust to handle private affairs, particularly those that I would rather not come back to you or Anastasiya.”


Maksim thought quietly for a few seconds. “Have you discussed this with your sire?”


“Not yet sir. I wanted your blessing first, out of respect. I didn’t want to seem unappreciative for all you’ve done since…” Alec paused for a thoughtful moment. “And I don’t want to take advantage of your generosity. Now that I’m responsible for more sensitive business dealings I believe a small group under my personal direction would be beneficial. I of course would bear the expense.”


“I don’t disagree Alexander. I have no objections to the idea but protocol demands that you speak to your sire.” 


“I will sir. Thank you.”


A few hours later Anastasiya found her way to Alec’s office. He was giving Ysa instructions and continued his conversation as his sire entered. Alec wanted her to hear what was being discussed.


“The docks Ysa? Not my favorite place. Can you secure the meeting?”


“It’ll be difficult Alec. There are several buildings around the wharf and the rooftops are of particular concern. A sniper would have no problem picking you or Anastasiya off from a distance long before you could sense any danger.”


He brought his eyes to meet Anastasiya’s. He stood, pulled out the chair he was sitting in and offered it to her. She smiled as she sat.


“That doesn’t work for me. I need to be confident that there is no threat to her.”


“If I could make a suggestion sir?”


“Go on.”


“Perhaps hire a security team. I’m aware that there are staff here performing those functions but for situations like this, a mobile team of your own personal guards that you could trust to effectively carry out your instructions would be most helpful.” She paused for a moment and sighed. “And…”


“Is there something else?” he asked.


“I’m sorry sir. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea but I can’t work all day every day. There does come a time where I need to sleep. As much as I want to remain close at all times, it’s not practical. I’d feel better knowing that when I wasn’t around you are still protected.”  


Anastasiya stood and smiled wrapping her arms around his waist. “I’m all the protection he needs.”


“Of course ma’am.” Ysabelle answered.


“Ysa. Would you excuse us for a moment. Maybe prep the car. I think I should eat something tonight. Pick one of the clubs we haven’t visited in a while. I don’t want to create any patterns.”


“Certainly Alec. Ms. Dragomir.” She bowed slightly and left.


“What do you think Stasi?” He looked back at her over his shoulder remaining in her grasp.


She kissed his neck. “Hmm…” She purred. “Do I not keep you safeguarded my lyubov’?” (love)


“Indeed I can think of no safer place for me than in your arms moye serdtse. But I can’t help thinking Ysabelle may be right.”


“Oh? Tell me why? Sit.” She motioned to the chair. Alec sat and she placed herself down on his lap, arm draped around his shoulder, tussling the hair at the back of his neck. “Now why do you think this?”


“I’ve noticed that at all the meetings of the bratva each of the avtoritets had a bodyguard.”


“Yes and you have me.”


He ran his fingers softly over her thigh and down toward her knee. “And can think of nothing more valuable in this world to me. But as much as you desire to defend me, I desire you protect you… my sire, my love, my heart. You are not some expendable thing like a guard that I could throw at our enemies with no regard given to their well being. You are my life Stasi and anything I can do to keep us both safe I will.”


“You have determination Alec. That’s why pa pa favors you so. You are also thoughtful and careful, also traits he values. I can see the wisdom in what you say.” She kissed his temple.


The sound of vibration caught her attention. It was his phone that had been left on his desk. She picked it up and read the message.


Ysa: Ready when you are Alec.


“Hmpf.” She rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t mind seeing less of her.” She grinned. “Hire your people Alec. I’ll inform pa pa that you are doing so at my request.”


He leaned into her kissing her passionately, one hand pressed into the small of her back, the other had moved up her thigh to her hip. “As you say moye serdtse.”


He waited for her to stand. As she did she handed him his phone. “We are going to need to discuss your feeding habits Alec. I’m not sure I like the idea of you picking up random women at bars and clubs.”


“Ok Stasi.” 


She leaned in and kissed him again. “Go on now. Feed and return.” She rubbed her thumb against his lips removing her lipstick that had stained him.


“I shall be back shortly Nastiya.” he smiled.


She winked and watched him leave.


Ysa was waiting for him by the car. She held the door for him and then got in herself pulling out into the road. She drove for a few minutes then asked. “Well?”


“We’re a go.”


“Well played Alec.”


“Thanks. I’m not interested in hiring mob thugs, so the question becomes where do I find competent operators that I can trust, professionals that look the part.”


“Any other requirements Alec?”


“Yeah I’d like half of them to be women. She said to hire my people, she didn’t specify men.” He smirked.


“Tortuoso, (Devious) I knew I liked you Alec. I might know someone who can help.”


November 18, 2016


Ysabelle pulled into a parking garage and exited the vehicle. She was dressed in an open back black silk dress that clung like a second skin to her. Her Bottega Veneta stretch pumps accentuated the length of her legs and her hair had been blown out, cascading off her shoulders. She opened the door for Alec who stepped into the cool night air. Low fifties was very amenable for New York at this time of year but it was a bit windy. They walked arm in arm toward the street before they were stopped at the door leading to 1Oak, on West 17th. Security there checked their names against the guest list confirming their admission then opened the door allowing them in. The music was loud. And the venue crowded. A maitre d showed them to a rather secluded booth and two bottles were promptly placed on the table. It must have been Latin night at the club. Pit Bull was performing and as Alec glanced over the performer list, he saw several other well known Spanish performers including Shakira and Alejandro Sanz. It was obvious why Ysa wanted to come here. “Stef would have loved this place.” He thought to himself. “Hey you’re not related to…”


“Ysa smiled. He was born in Spain and his real name is Alejandro Sánchez Pizarro so no. Do you dance?”


Alec smiled but the sadness he hid behind it was evident. “I used to.” 


Ysabelle felt a tug of empathy for him. “Good. She grabbed him by the hand, dragging him out onto the floor.” Ysa was a fantastic dancer. She was obviously well taught and seemed to really enjoy herself. It took Alec a few minutes to give in but she was impressed with how well he kept up. They had been dancing for about ten minutes when an attractive young woman moved in their direction. She was rhythmically swaying to the music. Her motions were provocative and meant to catch Alec’s eye. She eased her way between him and Ysa and began to dance with them. She knew how to move into and out of step with Alec sharing him with his partner. 


Alec was taken aback slightly by Ysa’s willingness to allow her to join them but figured she must have assumed the new girl would be an easy feed. After a few more songs Ysa grabbed Alec by the hand and with her head, motioned the young woman over to their table. 


“What do you think Alec.” Ysa whispered.


“She’s beautiful. An excellent choice.” He answered happily. “I’m Alec.” He said shifting a bit closer to their new friend. She had blonde hair with dark brown lowlights, twisted and pinned up exposing the nape of her neck. Her gold hoop earrings glinted as they dangled, catching the flashing lights of the club. Her eyes were emerald green and she had a slight if not athletic build. She wore a floral print dress barely long enough to cover her knee that had a v cut at her chest. 


“Nice to meet you Alec. I’m Elena.” She brought her face close to his. He could smell the floral scent of iris on her skin with undertones of patchouli. It was familiar but different, as if an older fragrance had been made into something new. He could smell the strawberry of her lip gloss and mint on her breath.


He poured glasses of champagne for his lady friends, and for himself, well, he pretended to be drinking bourbon. He could smell the warm odor of caramel, a bit of oak, vanilla and dried fruit nosing off the glass but he knew if he actually imbibed it he’d be throwing it up. They talked for a while and Alec was forced to wonder who was charming who. 


Alejandro Sanz had taken the stage and began his song “Un zombie a la interperie” Elena reached for his hand. “Dance with me?”


Alec looked to Ysa who sipped her champagne and nudged him toward the floor with her head. 


The music was slow and Elena pressed herself into him tightly. They moved as one for the entirety of the song and Alec had forgotten this encounter was about feeding. 


“Thank you Alec.” She said pleasantly.


As the music changed the couple turned to head back toward the table when suddenly Alec was bumped rather roughly by a squarish looking man in a sweater vest. The cocktail in his hand spilled over onto the many rings he wore on his fingers then dripped to the floor.


“Why don’t you watch where the fuck you’re going!” He spat angrily.


“Sorry. Didn’t see you. My fault.” Alec answered politely walking away. 


“Yeah you better walk away asshole.”


Alec shook his head. “Sorry Elena. It’s probably the steroids getting the better of him.”


She chuckled “You see a lot of that in these clubs.”


“Would you like to get out of here?” Alec asked. I know a much quieter place we can talk.”


“Sure. Sounds great.” She said with a bright smile.


Alec paid the tab and the three of them headed toward the parking lot. They were a few feet from the car when the man from the club yelled toward him. “Hey asshole. We’re not done.” He looked larger in the bright lights of the parking garage. Alec was probably right about the steroids. The guy had massive arms and no neck. 


Alec turned to face him and saw that the man was walking rapidly toward him fists clenched. His three friends trailed behind.

“I don’t want any trouble. The ladies and I were just leaving.” Alec grabbed Elena by the wrist pulling her behind him as Ysa stepped over to his side.


“It’s a little late for that cause you got all kinds of trouble coming your way. Maybe after we fuck you up, your lady friends will want to leave with some real men.”


“Yeah kick is ass Vito.” One of his friends encouraged.


“I’m going to ask you to walk away one last time.” Alec warned.


“Fuck you!” Vito yelled throwing a punch at him. 


Elena flicked her wrist, twisting her hand to grab Alec and yanked him by the arm pulling him out of the way. As she did she threw herself forward driving her left knee into the man’s stomach. She elbowed him in the side of his head then brought her right knee up into his jaw. The crack of bone echoed. Alec watched stunned as Vito’s three friends joined the melee.


“Now that’s not fair.” Ysa said stepping to meet one of the attackers. “Didn’t your mothers teach you boys how to treat a lady.”


It was over in seconds. Ysa and Elena were barely breathing hard by the time the four troublemakers were unconscious and bleeding on the pavement. Alec knew Vito’s jaw was broken and probably some ribs. He also knew that arms didn’t bend that way and one guy’s knee was shifted angrily out of place. Ysa walked back to the car and opened the door. Alec motioned to Elena who got in. 


As they drove off Ysa asked. “So Alec. What do you think?”


He turned to Elena. “You are so hot.”


“Does that mean I get the job Alec?” She smiled and blinked innocently.


“Job…wait…Ysa is this…?”


“Yup.” She said banking hard into a turn.


“Alec Massara meet Elena Sokolov. Elena is former Spetsnaz. We worked together in Belarus. She was part of a secret project called Imperskiy Orel. (Imperial Eagle) Some old blood kindred started a pilot program where they were ghouling Russian Special Forces in the event there was another inquisition. The kindred that had ghouled her met the dawn recently so Elena reached out to me to see if Fiorenza had any work for her. Instead I thought of you. She’s Russian born so she speaks the language plus she’s fluent in several others. She’s a professional and will fit in with your Ventrue family and…because she’s been ghouled before there is no fear of endangering the masquerade. Oh…did I mention she can fight?”


“Yeah… that much I got. Have you explained to her about some of my more complicated circumstances?”


“I’m familiar with the Dragomir Family by reputation. I assume by complicated you mean Anastasiya?” Elena asked.


“That’s exactly what I mean. She can be difficult at the best of times and worse others. But if you want the job it’s yours. You’ll head my security team and work directly for me with Ysa.”


“What do you think Elena?” Ysa asked.


“I like him.” She smiled. “You’ll have to ghoul me. It’s the only way they’ll trust me to accompany you anywhere sensitive.”


“Are you ok with that? He asked.


“Sure. You look tasty.”


 November 25, 2016


“Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving ladies. I’d like you to take time off to spend with your family. It was an important thing for me before I was turned and while I can no longer enjoy the festivities, you can and should. I’ve been impressed with how much you’ve accomplished in such a short time.”


Elena looked at Ysa who looked back at her and both turned their heads to Alec. “Families?” They asked together.


“I’m afraid this is it Alec.” Ysa said. “Sorry. You’re stuck with us.”


“Well at least order some decent food.” He shook his head.


The door to his office flung open and Anastasiya stalked into the room. She glared menacingly at the two women. “OUT!”


Ysa turned her head towards Alec as Elena slanted her eyes in his direction.


Alec nodded.


“Good evening Miss Dragomir.” They said in unison.


Anastasiya glowered at them as they made their way from Alec’s desk and out the door.


“Stasi was that?…”


“Don’t Stasi me Alec.”


“Are we Nastiya tonight moye serdste? What has you so upset.” He walked toward her reaching for her hips. 


“Don’t.” She threatened pushing his hands away. “Explain to me what the deal is with these new girls, this Elena you seem to have around so often and the other two.”


“You told me I could hire personal security darling. Remember?”


“I thought you would hire men like pa pa!” 


“I assure you Elena is as competent as any man in all the bratva.” He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand and she jerked her head away. “Is that what troubles you lyubovnik? You fear that she will not be able to keep me safe? You always worry so much for me. I am incredibly lucky to have you.”  


“And the others Alec? How many of these women do you need?”


“We both know there is only one woman I need my sweet Nastiya. I asked Elena to hire two women and two men.”


“Anastasiya’s eye grew furious again. “You did?”


“Of course. I remembered last week that you were unhappy with my feeding habits.”


“Yes, I intended to speak to you about this.” 


“I know my heart. And I’m sorry. I don’t mean for my tastes to cause you any hurt. I’m new and unfamiliar with with the why of it. I can only assume that as I share your blood, I share your proclivity for a specific type of vessel. I wish there was some other way but I fear my palate is quite firm on the matter.”


Her eyes narrowed as he continued his explanation.


“I thought about the distress you were feeling, how you did not approve of me going to clubs and bars to entice strange women into spending time alone with me so I could feed. Then it occurred to me that if I had a small group of vessels working for me, I’d have a local food source of kine you were familiar with, that could be trusted. I’d be able to avoid having to travel away from you so often to eat and you’d feel more comfortable in the knowledge that nothing you wouldn’t approve of could possibly occur here. I thought to start with two, just to see if the idea was plausible. I had hoped to set your mind at ease my beautiful Stasi. But if you do not approve I’ll fire them both and return to feeding in the manner in which I am accustomed.”


She pouted for a short while. “No. I definitely don’t like that.” 


Alec reached for her hips again and this time she didn’t resist. “Command me sire and it shall be as you say.” He leaned in to kiss her.


She kissed him back. “Fine. keep them. But I warn you Alec, should I discover there is anything more than feeding happening here with these two women, you’ll not find me so forgiving. I treat you gently, do not give me a reason to do otherwise.”


“Never my sweet Stasi.”


Anastasiya kissed him again and left.


Ysa returned to the office a short time later. “You alright Alec?”


“Yes. I’m fine. Anastasiya has agreed with my reasoning.”


“You’re good Massara.” Ysa smiled. “Damn good.”

This post was modified 5 years ago by Dorym
This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym
