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[Closed] Alexander Massara Origin

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Posted by Dorym

March 5, 2011


“Good to see you brother! Glad you could make it out.” Anthony smiled as his friend approached. 


“Congratulations Officer Allegra.” Alexander hugged him as he greeted his childhood friend. “Everyone is so proud of you Anthony. Does this mean I can park wherever I want?” he joked.


Anthony smiled. “Not sure that’s a great idea Alec… But hey, if by anywhere you mean the corner I’m working on then sure hermano.”


The pretty blonde bartender dropped two coasters on the bar. “The usual fellas?” she asked with a smile.


“Sounds good Allison.”


She slid two bourbons in front of them. “This round is on the house. Congrats Anthony.”


“Thanks Ali.” Alec said raising the glass in salute. “You get assigned anywhere yet?”


“Yeah. Manhattan South. The 17th.” The newly graduated officer answered after a sip from his glass. “You should have taken the test. How’s that job of yours treating you.” 


“It’s ok I guess. The bank’s kinda boring but it pays the bills. I’m still looking for something more interesting.”


“Hey Alec. Looks like you have an admirer.”


Alec turned his head to see an attractive brunette with olive skin smiling at him.


“What makes you think she’s looking at me?”


“Really bro?” Anthony shook his head.


Allison returned with another bourbon. “Here ya go Alec.”


“I didn’t order a second round.”


“Did you not happen to notice the young lady staring at you?” She said with a smirk.


He blushed a bit caught off guard.


Allison waved her over. “Alexander Massara meet Stefania Assante.”


“Thanks for the drink.” he said politely. “Please call me Alec.”


September 19, 2011


Alec walked over to the curb retrieving his and his neighbor’s garbage pail. She was an elderly woman in her early seventies and blind. He always brought the can in and always picked up her mail. He was quite fond of the Russian widow and taken to calling her aunt at her request.


“Good evening Tetya Inga. I have your mail. He said cheerfully keying his way into her apartment.”


“Thank you Alexander.” She said pleasantly. “Please help yourself to some teacakes.”


He took one. The cake was soft and icing sweet. ”Delicious.”


The old woman smiled. “Gardenia…” She said with a sniff of the air. “I think your delightful Stefania is in the hallway.” 


“Alec?” She called out as if on cue.

“Here Stef.”


Stefania wore her hair over her shoulders cascading down to her chest. It fell with a light wave to it. Her rich brown eyes glowed with warmth as she stepped into the doorway. “ Hello Inga.” She smiled brightly. “I’ve made sauce. Can I bring you some?”


“That would be lovely dear.”


She walked over to Alec and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll put the pot up.”


As she walked away it was obvious the old woman was listening to the sound of her footsteps as they moved into the hallway and out of earshot.


“She’s a good one Alexander. If you’ll forgive an old woman’s intrusion into your business, I dare say hold onto her my boy.”


“She is Tetya. And I intend to.” Alec left the apartment and returned to his own. He was greeted by the scents of garlic, basil and oregano. Stefania was preparing dinner in the kitchen. He stepped behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. She seemed to purr with affection. “I’ve been thinking Stef.”


“Oh yeah? About what?” She brought a wooden spoon with a bit of sauce to his lips to taste. It was sweet and flavorful.


 “We’ve been spending a lot of time together.” he continued. 


“Oh?” She said with a hint of disconcert in her voice. “Is that a problem?”


“No. God no.” He answered quickly. “I just thought… Maybe… you could move in. I mean if you want to that is.”


“I’ll want closet space.” She added sarcastically.


He grinned. “Of course. Whatever you need babe.”


November 8, 2012


“They did what?” Stefania asked with a bit of a shock.

“The bank got bought out by some internet corporation. They’re closing most of the local branches. Two month’s severance and just like that I’m out of a job.” 


She stepped closer to him and embraced him. “No worries amore mio. You hated that place anyway. Now you’ll have the opportunity to find something better. Something more to your liking.”


Stefania was supportive as always. She had a nurturing, caring nature and a kind heart. She had an inner beauty that matched her outer appearance. 


“Right before the holidays though Stef. Not exactly the makings of a cheerful season.”


“Why not? What do we need Alec. I can carry the rent until you find a new job and if it’s a presents you’re worried about, well… you’re all the gift I need.” She laid her head onto his shoulder her long raven black hair draping over him.


“Love you Stef.” He said quietly.


“You better.” She grinned and poked him. “Let me make you something to eat. It’ll all work out Alec. I’m certain of it.”


January 5, 2013


“What’s the matter Alexander?” The old woman asked concerned. “You don’t sound like yourself.


“It’s been two months Tetya Inga and I still haven’t been able to find work. Nothing that pays enough to leave the house at least.” He sighed with disappointment.


“You’re a good man Alexander. Anyone should be happy to have you working for them.”


 “Thanks. Are you hiring?” He laughed.


“If you need money Alexander. I have some I could…”


“Thank you but no Inga. I appreciate the offer. Stefania and I are managing. It’s just, I feel guilty that she’s carrying all the financial weight right now. She’s picked up extra hours at the hospital and I kinda feel like a burden. You know?” He was staring off into space, unwittingly removing a carved wooden doll from a shelf.


“You’re no burden Alexander. Trust me. I am familiar with the feeling. All you need is a break. I’m sure there is good fortune waiting for you.”


“Yeah, maybe.” He looked at the doll. He had been in the apartment hundreds of times yet only now did he happen to take notice of some of the many collectibles and antiquities resting comfortably on shelves and in curio cabinets. “Tetya?”


“Yes Alexander?”


“Where did you get this? If I’m not mistaken this is a hand painted Theotokos Matreshka nesting doll. I’d guess from 1890 or so.”


“Ahh. yes.” She nodded. You have a good eye Alexander. My baba brought that here from Russia a long time ago. What do you know of it?”


He examined the doll carefully. It looks like a piece from St. Sergius City where the Holy Trinity-St Sergius Monastery is located. The colors are very distinctive as is the style. If I had to guess I’d say the doll was completely made and painted by Sergei Posad.”


“You’d be correct my boy. Tell me what else do you see about of interest.”


“This egg. It’s Faberge. Imperial collection.” He looked at the blue and white enamel and examined the gold accents. “Easter gifts that are worth quite a bit now. This one is from 1914.”  


The old woman smiled. “All this time and I never knew you were so familiar with antiquities. It would have made for great conversation my boy. Tell me about the painting in the hallway.”


“The Russian Icon?”


“Yes please.”


“It’s 17th century. This one depicts four saints. It is painted with egg tempera on a wood panel, which unfortunately has warped with age though only slightly. Soot from burning candles and some other environmental influences have left their marks on it too. The halos are still gold leafed however and the original frame is fragmented with the hand forged nails still in place. If I were to appraise it, I’d be comfortable with about $2000.”


“Didn’t you work as a bank teller Alexander?”


“I did Inga but I went to school to study art history and finance. I found I had a love for rare antiquities and a knack for appraisal.”


“Hand me my purse if you would Alexander.” 


He handed the leather clutch to the blind woman who felt her way inside withdrawing business cards and running her fingers over the imprints. “Ah yes. This is the one.” She handed it to Alec. “Call this number. My grandniece works for an auction house specializing in the import and export of European Antiquities. I would like to have a word with her.”


Alec dialed the number and handed her the phone. The conversation was spoken almost entirely in Russian. After a few minutes the old woman handed him the phone. “Her name is Yulia. She’d like to speak to you.”




“Hello Alexander. My tetya tells me you have some skill at identifying and appraising antiquities. If it would not be inconvenient for you, I’d like to meet with you and perhaps set up an interview with Mr. Dragomir.”


“For the the Dragomir Group Auction House?”


“One and the same Alexander. Tetya Inga tells me how good you are to her and she would like you to have an opportunity to showcase your talent. Mr. Dragomir does not hire often but if you are as good as she says I can promise you will not be disappointed with the salary. Are you free tomorrow? Say 2pm?”


“I…uh, yes. That would be perfect. Thanks.”


“I’ll notify security of your impending arrival. May I talk to Inga again please?”


“Of course. Thanks again.” He handed the phone back to the old woman who spoke only a minute or two more before ending the call. 


“There you see Alexander. Good fortune.”


“Thank you Tetya. I don’t know what to say.”


She smiled and answered. “Say you’ll bring me more of those delicious meatballs Stefania makes…”  


January 6, 2013


“Here let me help you with that.” Stefania reached for his tie and straightened it. “There. You look very handsome.”


“Thanks Stef. I’m a bit nervous. The Dragomir group is one of the largest firms in the world.”


“I’m sure once they see how well you know appraisal and experience that Massara charm you’ll get hired on the spot. That was incredibly nice of Inga to put you in touch with her niece.”


“Yeah. Who would have known?”


Stefania kissed him gently on his lips. “Good luck amore mio.”


Alec arrived early for his appointment but wasn’t kept waiting long. Within minutes a tall woman with long blonde hair and black framed glasses walked toward him. She had an expensive Italian couture skirt that fell to her knees and Jimmy Choo shoes that would make most women jealous. “Alexander I presume?” She said with a smile, reaching out with her hand. I’m Yulia, Inga’s niece.”


“Pleased to meet you. Thanks for seeing me. Call me Alec.”


“Come let me show you around.” The two walked the floor of the gallery stopping every so often to discuss pieces on display. “What can you tell me about this?”


“The painting is a Valentin Serov He is considered one of the pioneers of the Russian impressionist movement.”


“Very good. And this?”


“The embroidery is Maria Yakunchikova-Weber. Though she is better known for her landscapes she did a fair amount of embroidery and illustration.”


They spent the next few hours walking and talking about the various pieces on display. The sun had retreated with its daylight and night had taken its place. “You’re everything Inga said and more Alec. I have no reservation in arranging an interview with Mr. Dragomir. I’ll have to check his schedule but I have the utmost confidence that he will be impressed.”


“Do you now Yulia?”


“Mr. Dragomir. I’m sorry I was unaware you’d be arriving today.”


“That’s quite alright my dear. Now tell me. Who is this young man that I am to be impressed with?”


She blushed a bit with embarrassment but recovered quickly. “Mr. Maksim Dragomir. May I present Alexander Massara. I was interviewing him for an appraisal position.”


“Is that so. Very well Alexander. What can you tell me of this sculpture.” He said motioning to a nearby pedestal. 


Alex made good eye contact and answered with confidence. “It’s a Stanisław Szukalski work. He was fond of using his considerable artistic talents to illustrate his theories, which, despite their lack of scientific merit, have gained a cult following largely on their aesthetic value. For example, this piece in particular depicts humanity locked in an eternal struggle with the Sons of Yeti or the Yetinsyny, the offspring of Yeti and humans, who had enslaved humanity from time immemorial.”


“Do you speak Russian Alexander?” 


“I’m afraid not sir. I am fluent in Italian and Spanish though.”


“I see.” He said turning his attention to Yulia. “Gde ty yego nashel?” (Where did you find him?”)


“Moya tetya vysoko otozvalas’ o nem.” (My aunt spoke highly of him.)


“Mr. Massara would you be so kind as to follow me to my office?”


Alec nodded.


“Miss Trebunskaya, I will conclude the interview personally.”


“Of course sir.” She bowed slightly. “It’s nice to have met you Alec. I’m sure we’ll talk again soon.”


Alec smiled and she left. 


They exited the floor of the gallery and made their way to an elevator. Mr. Dragomir placed a security card into the control panel and keyed in a passcode. The doors opened to a foyer with an elegant sitting area. Maksim Dragomir escorted him to his private office. It was well appointed. Dark hardwood furniture and comfortable seating accented a space that included a wall of books and various decorative art and collectible pieces. 


“Please, sit Alexander.” He motioned to a comfortable leather chair.


“Thank you sir.”


“Yulia was not wrong. Your understanding of antiquities and their relative value made quite an impression on me. We here at The Dragomir Group pride ourselves as a family oriented business. Most of our hires are referrals from within, the rest, well, friends in the industry. We do not recruit nor do we advertise employment. As such it’s very important to me that whoever we employ respect the values that are implied”


“I understand sir.”


“Alexander, I am prepared to offer you what I believe to be a fair entry salary and benefits package should you believe you are right for the position.”


“I’m grateful for the opportunity sir and I assure you, I will not disappoint you should you hire me. I know Yulia’s aunt spoke for me. She’s a kind to have done so and I will not embarrass her or you sir.”


“Very well. You will start at 150k per annum salaried with the potential to make considerably more should your work prove satisfactory. I will have Yulia prepare the benefits package and set you up with an access card and expense account.”


Alec couldn’t believe his ears. He had just been offered three times the salary he was making at the bank.


Mr Dragomir reached out his hand. “Welcome to the Dragomir family.”


“Thank you sir.” He said shaking his hand. As he stood to leave the door opened. A woman near his own age stepped in. She wore a tight fitting black dress with a collar of diamonds and jeweled side straps exposing the soft fair flesh of her midriff. She had mesmerizing blue eyes and chestnut hair that had been tied back into a bun. Her blood red lips were a stark contrast to the pale skin of her face.  


“I’m sorry to intrude pa pa. I did not know you had company.” Her eyes met Alexander’s and she held his gaze. He found himself unable to look away. 


“Alexander this is my daughter Anastasiya, who should know better than to disturb me during a meeting.”


“Pleased to meet you ma’am.” He said still caught in her gaze.


“Alexander. What a handsome name. It’s nice to meet you.”


“Alexander will be working in research and appraisals. He was referred by Yulia’s tetya.”


“Splendid. I look forward to seeing you around.” she smiled.


“Thank you ma’am. If you’ll excuse me.”


“Of course.”


Maksim pushed a button on his desk. “Yulia will meet you outside. Good evening Alexander.”


“Good evening sir… Ma’am.”


As the door closed behind him. Maksim Dragomir scolded his daughter. “Was that necessary Anastasiya?”


“Whatever do you mean pa pa?”


“Don’t toy with me young lady. You will mind your manners around him. He’s new and connected to Yulia’s aunt. Am I understood?  


“Yes pa pa.” She said with a mischievous grin.


June 24, 2013


“I’ve never even heard of this place.” Stefania said. “Cote?” 


“It’s a Korean Steakhouse. Yulia recommended it. She thought you’d enjoy it. I invited Anthony and Gia too. I thought it would be nice to celebrate the new job.” 


“We should invite Inga. That was so incredibly kind of her to help you out.”


“I did. She said she’d much rather your sauce and meatballs instead.”


Stefania smiled. “Done.”


They took the subway across town and met their friends outside the restaurant.


“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather take out hermano? Have you seen the prices here? I haven’t hit top step yet you know.”


Alec grinned. “Yeah. No worries my brother. I invited you guys. It’s on me.”


“Damn. they must be paying you pretty good Alec. Where are you working now?”


“The Dragomir Group. They hired me to do appraisals and authentications for the antiquities division.”


“Maksim Dragomir’s company?” Anthony asked.


“Yeah. I’m surprised you heard of it. Not really your thing.”


“No it’s not. And I don’t really know it per se. It’s just rumors I hear from the street crime and organized crime guys. They say the old man has ties to the Russian mafia.” 


“I don’t know anything about that. Nothing I’ve seen would make me think he does. I mean I’m still new but everything I’ve been involved in is above board.”


“Ok cool. Just be careful brother. Money’s nice but there are more important things.” 


Alec smiled at Stefania. “I couldn’t agree more.”


February 13, 2014


Alec was curating a collection of jewelry newly arrived from Romania. The pieces were heavily laid with rubies and accented by diamonds. They were purportedly created for Vlad Tepes and recovered in the ruins of  Poenari Castle. Alec was attempting to verify their authenticity. He was working late into the evening trying to make a good impression on his new employers.


“Hello Alexander.” The soothing coo of Anastasiya Dragomir floated into the room.


“Hello Miss Dragomir.” She wore a perfume that carried the scent of narcissus, jasmine  and white rose. She wore her typical skin tight black dress, this one styled with an ornate sequin choker.


She leaned in reaching for the necklace he was holding allowing her fingers to brush against his hand. “It’s lovely. May I?”


“Of course ma’am.”


“Please Alexander, my name is Anastasiya.”


He was awestruck by her beauty. “Call me Alec.”


“Do you have plans for tomorrow Alec?”


“Uhh, I don’t…” He shook the fog from his mind. “I mean yeah. My girlfriend and I are going to dinner…Maybe dancing.”


“Girlfriend you say?”


“Yes ma’am. Uh Anastasiya.” 


“Have you been together long?” 


“A couple of years. We live together.”


“How nice.” She sat on the desk, crossing her legs causing the material of her dress to hike well above her thigh. “I don’t mean to get to personal but I’m curious. A man as handsome as you must have many admirers. Ever thought to engage in a discreet tryst with anyone else?”


Alec paled a bit. “She’s a good woman Anastasiya. I would never think to betray her like that.”


She leaned in letting the rose petal scent of her hair fill his nose. “Loyalty and devotion. I admire those traits. Still. They say the beast will have what the beast will have.”


She kissed him on his cheek. “Do enjoy your dinner tomorrow.”


February 14, 2014


Yulia poked her head into his workspace. “Hey Alec.”


“Hi Jewls. How ya been?”


“Good thanks. Sorry to bother you but Miss Dragomir would like to see you in her office.”


“Oh. Ok. Sure.”


He stepped away from the report he was writing on his laptop and hurriedly made his way to the executive suite. The secretary showed him in. 


“You wanted to see me Miss Dragomir?”


She tilted her head as if expecting him to correct himself. 


“Oh. Right. Sorry… Anastasiya.” He didn’t know why but he seemed awestruck every time he looked at her. He didn’t even notice the gentleman standing off to the side with a measuring tape. 


“That’s better. Yes I have something for you.”


He looked puzzled. 


“Francesco here is the family tailor. She stood and approached him.” The heels of her shoes clicking on the marble floor. She ran her fingers behind the lapel of his suit. “This is very nice for off the rack but on a special night like tonight I believe something more impressive is in order.”


“If you say so ma’am.”


“I do and I insist.” She said pleasantly. “Francesco.”


The man stepped over and began to measure him. Alec’s eyes were fixed on Anastasiya the entire time. 


The man said something in Russian bowed and left. 


“It should only take him a few hours. You mentioned dinner yesterday? Do you have reservations?”


“No. I just thought we’d grab something quick and maybe try a nightclub.”


“It’s Valentine’s Day Alexander. You should really put a bit more effort into your plans. She is a special lady as you say after all.”


“Yeah. Definitely. Stef’s not like that though. She’s really grounded. We’re not accustomed to having a lot of extra money for extravagant spending.”


“Is pa pa not paying you enough?”


“No it’s not that. I mean yes. He’s been very generous for the short time I’ve been here.”


“I’ve watched you work. I can see you being part of the company for a long time to come.”


“Thanks for saying so.”


“It’s the truth. Now dinner. There is a lovely Mediterranean bistro I enjoy that’s sure to impress. I’ll have my assistant make the reservations. Afterwards I was thinking you could take her to Club Asylum. Have you heard of it?”


“Yeah of course. There’s no chance I’ll be able to get past the door. It’s incredibly exclusive.”


“Nonsense. I’ll see to it that you’re on the guest list.”


“Really? I don’t know what to say.”


She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Just say you’ll have a good time.” Her fingertips tracing his jawline to his throat.


Blood rushed to his face and his heart raced. She could feel his warmth and hear his excitement. “We will. Thanks!”


She watched him as he left. There was something about him she desired. Anastasiya Dragomir was used to getting what she wanted. She picked up her phone and dialed. “Sergei. Have a car ready tonight. I intend to visit Club Asylum this evening.”


Alec returned home with his new suit to find Stefania already dressed. She had selected a snug cocktail dress, red with thin straps and deep v neck. She wore her hair down and looked absolutely stunning. “Whoah.” He said with his mouth agape.


“You like?” She smiled and twirled. 


“Yeah. I’ll change and we’ll get going.”


“Anthony and Gia are going to meet us.” She called into their bedroom. 


“Sounds good.” He replied walking out. The new suit was cut perfectly. It was black with grey and red pinstripe and matching vest. The shirt was soft crimson silk and the tie black with red and grey as well.


“Wow yourself.” Stefania admired. “New suit?”


“Yeah. Custom. It fits amazing.”


“I’ll bet. Probably cost more than our rent.“


“Got it from work. Apparently we have an in house tailor.”


“Very nice.”


An hour later they found themselves at Estiatorio Milos


“The food is fabulous Alec. Where’d you hear about this place?” Anthony asked. “You must be bringing home serious coin bro. You’re spoiling me. I may have to steal ya from Stef.”


The two women laughed. 


“Anastasiya recommended it.”


“You mean your bosses daughter Anastasiya?” Stef asked. 


“Yeah. And I got a surprise for you later.”


“Really?” she said with a dubious look. “Does it come in a small bag with tissue?”


“How did you know?” He smiled. “But first I was thinking we try Club Asylum.”


“Alec there is no way…” Anthony started. 


“Would you believe I’m on the guest list?”


“Let me guess, Anastasiya again?” Stefania said with a frown. “She knows you’re spoken for right?” Her eyes flashed a hint of jealousy.


“Of course amore mio. Most certainly. Well maybe…” He laughed. 


“Not funny Alec if I have to go down there and set her straight…”


“It’s not like that. You know I only have eyes for one woman.”


“Yeah well keep it that way or Inga won’t be the only blind person living alone in that brownstone.” She clicked her fingernails like cat’s claws. 


When it came time to pay the bill, the waitress leaned in. “Is there anything else Mr. Massara?”


“No I think we’re good thank you.”


“Excellent. Well it was a pleasure to have you tonite. The bill has been settled in advance. Do enjoy the rest of your evening.”


Alex looked slightly startled. “Are you sure.”


“Yes sir. Come again soon.” And she left. 


Alec left a generous tip and they took a car to Club Asylum. 


The line at the club was a over a city block long. Ropes and cues coiled forming a human snake leading from the main entrance out to staging areas.  Flashing lights and crowd control personnel directed the many would be partygoers to holding areas and security lines. 


“Alec. There’s no way bro. Maybe we should call it.”


No sooner had Anthony spoken when a text came through Alec’s phone. 


“VIP entrance Alexander.”


“Could you drop us off by the VIP entrance sir? Alec asked politely. 


Anthony laughed. “You got jokes hermano.”


Gia elbowed him as Stefania rolled her eyes. “Really Alec?”


“Come on. He said holding the door for Stefania. What’s the worst they can do. Turn us away? Then we go somewhere else.”


“Whatever you say cariño.” Stef smiled taking his hand. 


They could hear the music from the street. Several security guards in dark suits wearing earpieces stood by the door. There was a small coral of people, mostly young women in skimpy revealing outfits, hoping to get in through that entrance. 


A large man with tattoos running from his neck to his fingers holding a tablet signaled them over. “Name?”


“Massara. Alec Massara.” 


He keyed a few strokes into his device then nodded to one of the men working the door. “Right this way Mr. Massara.” 


Some of the women waiting to get in yelled to them. Some made provocative gestures while a few others outright offered sexual favors.


Stefania took his arm protectively and shot them a nasty glare. “Are these putas kidding me?” 


Anthony shrugged his shoulders. Hey I guess we’re just real desirable.”


Gia elbowed him again “You mean desiring to sleep on the couch.”


Alec laughed. “Not me. I’m good where I am.”  


Stefania chuckled. “You’re damn right ya are.”


As soon as they walked in they could feel the tremor of the bass line vibrating in their chests. 


A maitre d inside asked his name again and upon hearing Massara escorted them to the second level where many of New York’s elite had come to party. He showed them to a semicircular booth with a cushioned leather couch for seating. Champagne arrived instantly. The server poured glasses and asked if they would require any other bottles. 


“How bout some bourbon?” Anthony asked. 


“Of course sir.” She was only gone a minute before returning with a wooden box reading John E Fitzgerald Very Special 20 year old Kentucky Straight Bourbon. 


“Is this on your boss lady too bro? We have a month’s salary in booze on the table.”


“I hope so.” He answered as she poured the bourbon. “You know what they say when you don’t see prices. If you have to ask…”


“I want to dance.” Stefania said pulling him up. The second tier of the club had several dance floors circling the interior of the venue. It had a perfect view of the chaos that was going on downstairs. As the thrum of the music vibrated in their bodies the young couple began to dance. Stefania shook and grinded and pressed tight against him while Alec followed her steps in perfect sync. Neither knew that as they moved to music they were being watched by a very interested party. 


Anastasiya admired the suit. She had chosen the color pallete well. It was cut to form and fit perfect. Francesco had outdone himself. She heightened her senses and found his cologne. A very familiar scent of cinnamon, red cedar and tobacco. It mixed with a sweet smell of citrus, violets and lilies. She scowled as the odors blended. The couple were obviously so close she couldn’t tell where one fragrance ended and the other began. She bit her lip in anger drawing the slightest trickle of blood. His eyes sparkled. She watched as the light show cascaded color all about catching the verdant green of his iris. He moved with surprising grace. He was either a naturally gifted dancer or had been taught by a professional. Stefania was quite the dancer as well, however her amorous gyrations only seemed to agitate the beast within her. Anastasiya felt the burn of jealousy in her blood. She could have him tonight she thought, but in her mind, it would not be long before she claimed him for herself. The beast will have what the beast will have. 


March 20, 2014


“I’ve reviewed your report on the Romanian jewelry. Are you certain these are not authentic? I find the news quite disappointing.” Maksim Dragomir shook his head disapprovingly.


“I’m sorry sir. As I wrote in my evaluation, though the craftsmanship is exquisite and the stones of the highest quality, the techniques used to craft the pieces are off for the time period. The rings are too precise and obviously machined. An authentic artifact would be most assuredly be made by hand with the slightest of difference in link size. The settings are wrong too.”


“It’s ok Alexander, sadly I must agree with your assessment. In fact if not for your meticulous attention to detail, I may have overpaid for these pieces. You saved us quite a bit of money but what’s more important is the embarrassment you spared us. A business like this can ill afford to represent counterfeits as originals. I am quite happy with your work thus far. I must thank Yulia for her aunt’s referral.”


“I appreciate you saying so, sir.”


“Come. I want to show you something. 


Alec followed along as Maksim Dragomir led the way. 


“I acquired this piece some time ago. I was told it is from the 13th century, however there is very little else known about it save rumors and faerie tales. From what I understand, those rumors suggest it was painted by a sorcerer, if you believe in such things. Are you a superstitious man Alexander?”  


“I wouldn’t call myself superstitious sir, but I also would not discount something because it defies explanation. I did minor in philosophy and the occult Mr Dragomir. There are many interesting legends and ancient lore that occasionally inform an artist’s expression in their works.”


“Well said. I couldn’t agree more. If you could determine who the artist is and the precise time period of creation you’d accomplish a task that as yet my other appraisers and researchers have been unable to complete. It would also earn you a rather nice promotion and considerable raise.”


“That’s very generous sir considering I am very well compensated already.”


“Is that so.” He laughed a little. “My beautiful Anastasiya has reprimanded me saying I brought you in too low.” 


“She has been very kind to me sir.” Alec replied rather embarrassed. “I apologize sir. I didn’t mean to give her that impression.” 


He laughed again. “Oh no. It wasn’t anything you said or did Alexander. She can be quite willful at times and is partial to her favorites.”


“Who has favorites pa pa?”  Alec never saw her arrive. The gentle scents of jasmine and lily wafted into his nose. A gentle hand rested on his shoulder as fingers playfully trussed the edges of his hairline. Anastasiya Dragomir once again had his undivided attention. 


“Who indeed?” Her father’s eyes fell warily upon her. “Pomni, chto ya skazal.” (Remember what I said.)


Anastasiya pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. “Yes pa pa.”


“Good. Young Alexander will need better accommodations if he is to succeed with the task I have set to him. Have Yulia prepare an office space for him and have the painting sent there as well. Tell her to see that he has access to whatever resources he deems necessary.” 


“Very well pa pa.”


He nodded his approval. “Good evening Alexander.”


“Good night Mr. Dragomir.”


April 30, 2014


“Italy? What do mean you’re going to Italy?”


“I’m working on a project for Mr. Dragomir. There’s this old painting that he needs identified. I’ve done as much as I can with the information available to me here and I’ve hit a wall. I believe it’s an Inquisition era piece and I narrowed it down to what I think could be a few artists of renown from Tuscany. I was able to get in touch with the curator of a small museum specializing in art from that area and era. I met with Mr. Dragomir and I told him what I thought. He smiled and asked when I was leaving. I knew I had a fair amount of leniency with my expense account but I never thought I’d be able to up and go just like that.”


Stefania frowned. “Hmm… Just like that huh? Did you think to ask what I thought?”


“I honestly didn’t think you’d mind as long as you got to go.”


“Wait what?”


“Mr. Dragomir suggested I bring you along. He said to call it a bonus for the Romanian piece I worked on. All expenses paid babe. Can you take some time off?”


“Can I? Are you serious?”


“si Amore mio.”


She squealed with excitement. “Wait til I tell Gia.”


May 2, 2014


They arrived in Tuscany mid afternoon and checked into the Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. It was an opulent hotel and the suite was a level of luxury Stefania had ever experienced.


“So this is how the other half lives. It must be nice.”


“It’ll be us one day Stef. I promise. You’ll have everything you ever wanted and more.” 


“Already do.” She kissed him. 


“I’m sure you won’t mind doing a bit of shopping tomorrow while I get some work done will ya?” He handed her his credit card.


She snapped it from his fingers. “Nope. Just be back for dinner ok?”


The next morning they woke to an extravagant breakfast of cut fruit, farm fresh eggs, dried sausages, baked doughnuts and ricotta pancakes. Sparkling wine and other morning cocktails made with prosecco completed the meal.


Alec had established a contact during his research, a gentleman named Giovanni Luzzi who was caretaker to the museum at Casa Vasari. He brought some high resolution pictures of the painting, some so close you could make out brush strokes and paint blends. 


“Amazing. Where did you come across this amazing work?”


“My employer specializes in the import and export of antiquities. He owns a gallery and often displays rare or long forgotten art pieces. He’s had this particular piece in his collection for some time I believe.”


“I see. If I had to guess I’d say you have a painting composed by Margaritone d’Arezzo. He was a favorite of Giorgio Vasari whose house we sit in right now. He did extensive research cataloguing as many of d’Arezzo’s works as he could. It is possible that there might be some record of it in his personal archives. How long will you be in Tuscany?” 


“My instructions are as long as it takes to follow up on my lead.”


“I will make the necessary inquiries. Who is it you represent again?”


“Maksim Dragomir.”


Very well. Enjoy the city and I’ll contact you when I have the appropriate permissions.”


“Grazie Signore Luzzi. I’ll look forward to seeing you again.”


Alec and Stef spent the next few days exploring the city’s tourist attractions. They dined at restaurants recommended by locals and spent hours amongst the many craftsman. Stefania found a jeweler who seemed quite friendly and very personable. His gold work was unique and artistic, unlike any she had seen. She fell in love with a pair of earrings crafted from white gold and set with sapphires accompanied by a matching necklace. She also saw there was a bracelet for Alec of similar design. “Look Alec. We’ll match.”


He smiled and nodded his approval to the merchant who quickly wrapped the jewelry. 


They strolled hand in hand into a liquor store that was well known for its selection of local vintages. They tasted several varieties of varying dryness and sweetness both white and red. Stefania selected wine she knew would be unavailable in the states and Alec arranged for delivery. “We’ll have to buy a few bottles for Anthony and Gia.” Stef said.


Alec received a call the following morning asking if he could return to the Casa Vasari later that evening. When he arrived he was led by Signore Luzzi to a restricted area of the museum that looked like an old world library. An old woman small of frame with white hair was sitting at a table. 


“Alexander Masarra I presume?”


“Yes ma’am.”


“And you represent Maksim Dragomir?”


“That’s correct ma’am. I specialize in appraisals and identification of antiquities.”


“Excellent. My name is Fiorenza Savona and I’m intrigued to see you work. I’m curious to know how you made the connection between the piece in your employer’s collection and a remote museum halfway across the world.”


“Of course ma’am. May I assume I have you to thank for access to these texts?”


“You may.”


Alec thanked her and worked through his process. Matching brush strokes, color palettes, painting techniques along with canvas and paint materials. Then with the assistance of Giorgio Luzzi he located a book chronicling many of the works attributed to Margaritone d”Arezzo. 


“Here.” Alec said. “Look at this.”


The tome recalled a history of the Italian painter that seemed rather peculiar.


The earliest painter from Arezzo to be known by name and whose works have survived was the celebrated Margaritone d”Arezzo, who came from the same city and to whom I’ve dedicated a biography. 


Alec further explained. “Vasari called the artist by the augmentative “Margaritone” and, underlining his fame among the other artists of his time, stated that he was not only a painter but also a sculptor and architect. The only contemporary document known to mention him was dated 1262 and called him “Margarito” and specified his profession as a painter. This profession is confirmed by several panel paintings bearing his signature described in this book. Only one of these, Madonna and Child Enthroned and Four Stories of the Virgin, currently in the church of Santa Maria delle Vertighe at Monte San Savino, contains a date, now fragmentary and variously read as 1269, 1274, and 1283.”


“Very interesting.” The woman complimented. 


“Vasari asserted that the artist died in 1396 an undoubtedly erroneous date that would have placed him well over a hundred and fifty years old. That would explain the sorcerer rumors.” Alec skimmed through several other volumes all yellow and fragile until he found the passage that would authenticate the piece. He took SLR pictures, made notes and recorded passages and readings on his phone.


“That’s quite impressive Alexander my boy. Do you believe him to be a magi?”


“No ma’am. Ancient historians are notoriously poor at date accuracy. I’d guess there were errors during the transcription of the numbers.”


“I see. If there is nothing else my boy…”


“No ma’am. Thank you for your help.”


“Do send Maksim Dragomir my regards.”


“I will ma’am. Thanks again.”


September 20, 2014


Alec had arrived home early to find Stefania sporting yoga pants and a bandana cleaning the house with dance music playing in the background. He smiled watching her shake and bob for a few minutes. She didn’t notice he had walked in until he lowered the music. She spun around startled then smacked him on the chest. “You scared me!”


“Sorry Stef. Didn’t mean to. You’ve got some moves girl. Love the look too.”


She smiled. “Oh yeah. House cleaner chic.”She posed for effect. “You’re home way too early. Is everything ok?”


“Better than ok. Guess what?” He had a grin that would make the cheshire cat proud.


“You got the promotion?” 


He nodded.


“That’s amazing Alec! Congratulations.” She threw her arms around him.


“Thanks. Mr. Dragomir was true to his word. We haven’t discussed the details just yet but I was assigned an assistant and nicer office space with an actual view of the city.”


“I’m so happy for you Alec.”


“Be happy for us Stef. More money means we can move to a nicer apartment, you could work less hours or maybe even settle down, I mean if you wanted to have kids.”


Stefania made a face. “You know how I feel about that Alec. No kids till I’m married.” She smirked.


“I know.” He fell to one knee and produced a black box. “Stefania Nicolina Assante. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”


He opened the box revealing a princess cut diamond that sparkled brightly, like a star in a clear night’s sky.


Stefania gasped. Her hand covered her mouth and she began to cough and cry. “Yes…Yes of course. Yes!” She knelt down and grabbed him by the face and kissed him. He put the ring on her finger. Perfect fit. She held it up letting the afternoon light of the sun kaleidoscope through the cut gemstone. “Alec. It’s beautiful.”


“And yet still doesn’t hold a candle to you amore mio.”


“Mush.” She grinned.


“What can I say. You have that effect on me.”


“Oh yeah? Then you won’t mind this.” She kissed him pushing him to the floor and at least for the moment, it seemed as if all their dreams had come true.


October 14, 2014 


Stefania sat on his lap, left arm draped over his shoulder. She swayed and shifted to the beat of the music enjoying the atmosphere of Gia’s birthday party. Alec for his part was quite content to have who he perceived as the most beautiful girl in the room rubbing against him. Bourbon glass in one hand the other wrapped around her waist. Every so often she’d take the glen cairn from his grasp and steal a sip.


“Oh my god Stef let me see the ring!” Gia gushed with excitement. “I’m so happy for you guys. Congrats! Whoa, Anthony is gonna have to pick up on his overtime.”


‘Yeah thanks for setting the bar so damn high hermano.” He joked. “Thankfully Gia’s cool with cracker jacks.”


She elbowed him.


“Hey.” He laughed. “I’m just saying that’s not a police officer salary ring mija’. Speaking of which can I borrow you for a sec.”


Stefania kissed his cheek and begrudgingly let him up. “Not too long Anthony. I know he was yours first but he’s all mine now.” She grinned.


They walked over to the side of the room and Anthony introduced him to a friend of his from the NYPD. “Alec this is my friend from work. Mick. He’s organized crime.”


“Nice to meet you.”


“Likewise. Alec, Anthony tells me you work for Maksim Dragomir.”


“Yeah that’s right.”


“I’m sorry to have to tell you but I’ve been working his case for quite some time. The guy is definitely dirty. We know he’s Russian mafia just can’t prove it. Anytime we get close people disappear. I’m only telling you this because Anthony talks about you all the time. He’s worried about ya and frankly for good reason.”


Alec became a bit defensive. “I’m not sure what you heard but I can assure you I haven’t done anything illegal.”


“No of course not hermano. It’s just that…You don’t have to be in to get hurt. I know the money’s good. Really good. But I don’t want to see you or Stef get hurt. Entiendes?”


“I get it Ant and I appreciate the warning but if I thought for a second there was something not right I’d be gone faster than a twelve of Corona on the beach.”


Mick reached out his hand. “Here’s my card. If anything goes sideways or you find you need a quick exit let me know.”


“Thanks. I better get back to Stef.”


“Yeah before she has Gia looking for apartments on the upper west side.” His friend laughed.


The girls were right where they left them. Fresh drinks, more music and hours of dancing filled the rest of the night but something in the back of Alec’s mind had him worried. What if Mick was telling the truth…


December 20, 2014


“Another new suit? I’m not sure I like the idea of another woman dressing my man.” Stefania said with obvious disapproval.  


“She’s not dressing me. It’s the company’s tailor. Besides this is a big deal. We’re going to the corporate Christmas party. There will famous artists and local dignitaries. We need to look the part.”


“Yeah well. This is a nice dress.” She had never heard of Alexandre Vauthier but the dress was perhaps the nicest she had ever worn. It was a tie-front ruched stretch-crepe satin gown than cinched at the waist and draped to the floor There was an oval cut that opened mid thigh down her leg and the look was completed with a pair a crystal strapped Giuseppe Zanotti shoes. “How much did you spend on this?”


“Not important. Only the best for my girl.”


“That’s sweet Alec but just because you’re earning a good salary, doesn’t mean you have to spend so much on meaningless things.”


“What’s the sense of making good money if I can’t use it to spoil you.”


Stefania smiled. “It wasn’t money I saw sitting across the bar Alec. Besides. Gia has been telling me things. She said Anthony is worried that your boss has ties to the Russian mafia. We don’t need the money that bad Alec. You could work somewhere else. Now that you have experience I’m sure someone else would hire you.”


“The Dragomir’s have been good to me. I like the family atmosphere.”


“I know. I’m just saying if you ever decided to move on I’d be ok with it.” 


“Thanks babe. Ready?”


The car picked them up and drove them to the gallery which had been decorated for the holidays and prepared to host the gala banquet. The guest list was a virtual who’s who of famous artists and wealthy philanthropists. All the upper level executives had been invited and Alec found himself sitting with Yulia and several other well regarded appraisers. Stefania had met her on several occasions since moving in with Alec and was glad to be in her company. It made her feel more comfortable and relaxed. The two chatted and talked about tea cakes and sauce, and of course about Inga. Yulia told her how well liked Alec was by the company. Even so, she felt like something was not quite right. The whole time Stefania couldn’t help but feel as if they were being watched. 


A short time later they were approached by a well dressed man who looked to be in his mid fifties. He had slightly greying hair and sharp piercing eyes. His suit was designed in a similar fashion to Alec’s. “Good evening Alexander. I’m so glad you could make it.”


“Thank you sir. It was a generous invitation.”


“Nonsense. And if I am not mistaken this would be your lovely Stefania, the wonderful woman you speak so frequently about.”


“Yes sir. Stefania, this is Mr Dragomir.”


He took her hand gently. It is a pleasure to finally meet Alexander’s girlfriend.” His eyes fell to the diamond ring on her hand. “Apologies. I should rather say fiance?” His tone held a hint of surprise. 


There was a loud crack and the sound of shattering glass drew their attention. All eyes in earshot made their way to an attractive young woman with below shoulder length chestnut hair and crystal blue eyes. She wore a skin tight form fitting black gown with diamond accents rising into a choker collar. It appeared she had cut herself. 


“Sorry pa pa. I seem to have broken a glass.”


“Are you ok Anastasiya?” Alec asked concerned. His gaze once more controlled by hers. 


“Yes I believe so. Alexander would you mind helping me clean this cut?”


“Not at all.” He turned his head to Stefania. “Be right back babe.” He kissed her cheek and set off to assist Anastasiya. He covered the cut with a napkin applying pressure to the wound as he led the injured Anastasiya toward the elevators leading to the executive offices where her private lounge was located.


Stefania did not at all seemed pleased. 


“Ahem.” Maksim Dragomir caught her attention again. “I must compliment your Alexander. He obviously has strong family values. A sensibility we covet here at the Dragomir group. It is kind of you to allow him to assist my daughter.”


“Oh, of course Sir. Yes, my Alec is a good man. Thank you for saying so.”


“If you’ll excuse me my dear.” He bowed and left.


The smell of blood was rousing the beast within her. Anastasiya cradled her hand leaning heavily into Alec. “That was so clumsy of me. I don’t know what happened.”


Alec led her to a sink in the private washroom and began to run cold water over the cut. “It doesn’t look bad.”


“She calls you Alec?” 


“Who Stef?” Yeah. I kinda tend to shorten names.”


His hands were warm to the touch and the smell of his cologne was pleasant and alluring. “Nastya.”


“I’m sorry?” Alec asked.


“Nastya . It’s a shortened form of my name.”


“Oh. I like it.”


She smiled. Their eyes meeting and she could feel the connection. She brought her mouth to his and they were kissing. A moment later her lips found his throat. There was a pinch and all the world faded away. Alec was lost in the ecstasy of her bite. As she drank she could taste the resonance of his blood, sanguine. It was almost as if the red fluid was filled with the flavor of his charisma. She could have drained him. She wanted to. But Anastasiya knew that this would only cause problems and risk the masquerade. There was a room full of people downstairs. His fiance. The thought of it angered her. She was outraged at the idea of someone else thinking to take what she knew was rightfully hers. She bit hard causing Alec to moan blissfully. She stopped herself licking the wound closed and backing away. The cut on her hand had healed.


It took a moment for Alec to make his way back to reality. “Perhaps it’s best if you forget the last few minutes.” And he did.They made their way back to the party. She knew as soon as the elevator door opened Stefania’s eyes would be on them. She was not disappointed. Anastasiya made a show of it, kissing him on the cheek and motioning him back to his fiance.


“What the hell was that Alec?” Stefania was obviously annoyed.


He seemed a bit out of touch.”Hmm? What was what?”


“Why’d she kiss you?”


“Who Nastya?” 


“Nastya?” She repeated back incredulously. “Is that what we’re calling her now? What happened to Anastasiya or how about just Miss Dragomir.”


“She likes Nastya.” he answered in a fog.


“It appears that’s not all she likes.” Stefania scowled.


As the evening progressed Alec returned to more like his normal self. He was attentive, getting her drinks, making introductions and careful not to leave her alone for more than a few moments. Stefania began to relax again. She enjoyed the food and the conversation with Yulia as well as the other people at their table. However, every now and again she would catch Anastasiya staring at Alec. He didn’t seem to notice but it was different than the night they had met. She shook her head in annoyance. How could someone so smart be so oblivious. Anastasiya reminded her of a predator eyeing their prey and waiting for the opportune moment to attack. Even her father had a difficult time drawing her attention away from Alec. He’d whisper and she’d nod, mouthing “Yes pa pa.”


After dinner had been served the music volume increased and many of the guests began to dance. Stefania was not one to sit around so she and Alec made their way onto the floor. They were always in sync and tonight was no different. Even some of the other guests were drawn to pause, watch and smile admiring the obvious affection their move intimated. After several up tempo songs the pace began to slow. They remained for one more ballad, embraced tightly together before finding their way back to their seats. It didn’t take long for Anastasiya to make her way over to them,  ignoring her father’s stern look of disapproval. 


“May I borrow Alec for a dance?” She cooed pleasantly. 


Stefania glared at Alec but for some reason she couldn’t explain she replied. “Sure.”


Alec who was entranced in her gaze accepted her hand. There was no wound, no cut, no sign of injury. The music was slow and sultry. Anastasiya had pressed herself tightly against him, arms draped over his shoulders and around his neck. Her lips whispered in his ear and she made it a point to meet Stefania’s eyes at every opportunity. His hands had found the small of her back and if one did not know any better, they would swear by the tenderness of the touch they shared and lack of space between their bodies that they were lovers. A sickly feeling welled in the pit of Stefania’s stomach and she made to stand. 


Yulia held her wrist. “Stef. Don’t.”


Anastasiya could hear the acceleration of her pulse and knew if she pushed just a bit further…She met Stefania’s eyes one last time and tilted her head so that her mouth was a breath away from his. 


Stefania bolted for Alec, grabbing him roughly by the arm and pulling him away.

“I think we’re done here. Come on Alec. It’s time to go.”


Alec, still in a daze, whispered “Ok amore mio.” and Stefania led him off the dance floor storming toward the exit. 


Yulia’s face had paled at the same time Maksim Dragomir’s flushed red with anger.


They hailed a cab and made their way home.


“What the fuck Alec?!” 


He had no words. The further away he got the clearer his head became and the more embarrassed he felt. 


“I don’t know Stef. I can’t explain it. It was weird. I didn’t feel like I drank that much. I’m so sorry babe. You know I’d never want to hurt you. I love more than anything.”


“Yeah well we’ll see how much you love me. More than that job I hope cause you just quit.”


She was beside herself with anger and Alec knew the only reply he could make was “Ok.”


December 24, 2014


Stefania was awake early, showered and dressed before Alec got out of bed. He sat up and asked softly. “Everything ok Stef?”


She had cooled down quite a bit since the night of the party but still had an edge to her tone. “Shower and get dressed. You’ll find clothes in the bathroom. I get to dress you from now on.” She stared at him waiting for a challenge.


“And only you amore mio.”


A begrudging smile worked across her face.


“Can I ask what this is all about?” 


“Sure.” She sat on  the bed next to him as he tied his shoes. “You asked me to marry you. Did you mean it?”

“Stef if this is still about the party… I mean. You know you are my now and forever. Of course I want to marry you. I’d marry you right now if I could.” he answered honestly.


“Good.” She kissed his cheek. ”Then I have an early Christmas gift for you.”


“Oh yeah what’s that?”


“You’ll see.”


A car arrived and Stef led him by hand to the vehicle. The driver pulled away and wove through the early morning city streets of Brooklyn before stopping in front of a local court house.”


“What’s going on Stef?”


She turned and exhaled deeply grasping his hands with her own. “Alexander Massara…will you marry me? Today.”


He was caught off guard. He hadn’t expected anything like this, in fact, he was worried that after his behavior at the party this day might never come. “Yes.” He responded. His eyes filled with affection.


She had a tear rolling down her cheek that he gently brushed away. They exited the car to find Anthony and Gia already inside.


“You knew about this?” he asked his friend.


“Yeah… sorry hermano. The couch is cold and lonely.” He grinned as Gia chuckled.


“You have them?” Stef asked.


“Yup. Just like you wanted.” He passed her two ring boxes.


She opened them up. Italian white gold with delicate etching. Inside they had a matching inscription. ‘Amore mio’ 




December 28, 2014


The holidays had come and gone and events of the party faded from the forefront of their minds. Alec and Stef met with their friends and oddly all of them seemed relieved to hear he was resigning from the Dragomir Group. The newlyweds were past the arguments caused that night but Stefania refused to relent on her demand he quit. “I’m going to miss the money Stef. There is very little chance I’ll find a job paying me even a fraction of what I was making there.”


“Would you rather a full bank account or a warm bed?”


He smiled affectionately. “No contest there.”


“Good.” And she kissed him.


Later that evening his phone rang. ‘Mr. Dragomir’ flashed on the screen. He answered with “Hello sir.”


“Alexander my boy. I hope the holiday was kind to you.”


“Thank you sir.” Stefania glared at him.


“Would your lovely fiance be nearby?”


“She is sir.”


“Good. If you could please put me on speakerphone I have something to say to both of you.”


“Ok sir.” Alec did as he asked and placed the phone on the coffee table.


“Hello Stefania.”


“Sir.” She replied with an angry edge to her voice.


“I must apologise for my daughter’s embarrassing and offensive conduct. I can assure you she was disciplined and I regret any distress her unabashed behavior may have caused you. As I explained to Alec when he joined us, we pride ourselves on fostering a familial environment. What she did was as disrespectful and unacceptable a thing as I have ever had the displeasure to observe.”


“I appreciate you saying so sir. But it does not change the circumstances. Alec will be resigning.”


“I understand. I do find it rather unfortunate as I have grown quite fond of him.”


“It seems so has Anastasiya. I don’t want him around that.” She replied with venom.


“Understandable. Alec, I know it may come as an inconvenience but if you could come down to the office tonight I have prepared a severance package for you as well as a letter of reference to help you along your way. I’ll be traveling to Europe in the morning and desire to be available when you arrive, just to ensure you are not subject to any further mistreatment.”


“That’s very considerate of you sir.”


“It won’t take long Alexander. I’ll send a car for you. And should you decide at a future juncture you’d like to return to the family, you will always have a place here.”


“Thank you sir.”


“Again my apologies Stefania.”


The call ended.


“He’s afraid you’ll sue for sexual harassment. You know what? You should.”


“That won’t help me find another job Stef. The letter of reference will. I’m sure it won’t take long.”


“You just be sure to stay away from that harpy’s claws. Got it.”


He straightened up. “Yes Mrs. Massara.”


“You’re learning.” She kissed him and within the hour a car arrived. She poked her head out to see who might be in the vehicle. When she saw it was only a driver she settled in, changing her clothes to thermal pajamas and putting on the television as she waited for Alec to return.


It was a quiet ride to the Dragomir Auction House. Alec felt a twinge of sadness to be leaving the company. He was making a lot of money but as Stef had said it wasn’t everything and he’d much rather be broke with her than live a single day rich without her. Yulia met him at the door and they took the elevator upstairs to the executive suites.


“I’m sorry Alec. I don’t know what came over her. I’ve never seen her like this. I’m going to miss you here. At least we can catch up at Teya Inga’s apartment.”


“Of course. I’ll miss you too…and the auction house. I really did enjoy it here. It’s just. Stef…” 


“I get it. If you were my man I wouldn’t be happy either.” She said with a smile.


They sat at a conference table and Yulia laid out a number of documents. There was a non disclosure agreement. He expected that. An agreement to pay him in annuity for some time and a check for…”


“One and a half million dollars?”


“Five years pay. Mr. Dragomir insisted.” Yulia explained. “He really is upset to be losing you.”


The scent of narcissus, jasmine, and white rose caught his attention as his pulse quickened. He knew without looking who had entered the room.


“Hello Alec.” Her voice was warm and inviting.”


“I’m sorry Miss Dragomir. Your father left specific instructions that you not be allowed around Alexander.”


She looked at Alec. “Do I make you uncomfortable Alec?”


“Not at all Nastya. It’s nice to see you.” he answered without thinking.


“I’m going to have to ask you to leave now ma’am.” Yulia pressed a button on her tablet.


“I’m going to need to speak to Alexander alone Yulia. Why don’t you go downstairs and wait for my call.”


She blinked. “Of course Miss Dragomir.” Yulia moved to the elevator taking it down and leaving the two of them alone.


“Alec. Do you really want to resign? Do you not want to see me anymore?”


“No. I.. It’s just. I’m so confused.”


“I know. It can be difficult to think clearly sometimes but haven’t I been good to you?”


“Yes. Very much so.”


She stepped into him, drawing him close. He could smell the rose petals in her hair, the jasmine on her skin, the cherry on her lips. Her hand found his pants. She tugged at his belt then pushed him onto the table. “You want to love me don’t you?”


“Yes.” He exhaled sharply.


Her skin tight dress hiked up to her hips, barely clinging to her top of her thighs. She straddled him. “You want to be with me forever don’t you.”


“Yes.” He gasped. Their bodies pressed together and she nuzzled his neck for several long minutes as she grinded herself into him..


“Tell me you love me.” she cooed.


“I love you Stef.”


“What?” She hissed. Anger swelled in her unbeating heart and she bit down hard opening his throat.


She drank and drank and drank. The euphoria of her embrace was overwhelming. Alec groaned and whispered then bucked until finally he fell still. She looked at his face and saw he breathed no more. Anastasiya had drained him completely. She sat back on him still straddling his hips. Staring. Lifeless eyes. She licked the last trickle of blood from her lips as her beast growled its approval. “Yes. Now he’s ours. Today and forever…”


The realization of what she had done finally struck. “Shit!” 


The elevator buzzed. She listened carefully. No heartbeat.


“Oh no…Shit!..What do I do? What do I do?” She started to panic. Anastasiya bit into her own wrist and pressed it to his lips. The door was opening. “Come on. Come on. Please… drink…” She felt the blood enter his mouth. The sensation of her vitae entering his body was a pleasure as exciting as anything she had ever felt. She moaned in rapture until rough hands pulled her from where she sat perched upon him, hurling her across the room.


“Anastasiya!!! What have you done!” Her father’s voice erupted in fury.


Terrified she recoiled away from him. 


“Is he dead?” Her father inquired.


“No pa pa.”


Maksim Dragomir watched as Alec began to stir. “No. Not dead. He whispered. Much worse.”


It was just before midnight. Stefania had curled up on the couch with a soft plush throw blanket waiting for Alec to return. She was startled by the ring of her doorbell. She jumped off the coach and cautiously made her way toward the door. Phone in hand she was ready to call the police. Who could possibly be outside at this time of night. Maybe Alec had forgotten his keys. She pressed her face to the eyehole. Anthony…His face was wet and red and he was breathing heavy.


She quickly opened the door. “What’s the matter?” She knew something was wrong. She felt it in her soul. Some part of her had been torn away.


Anthony stood there sobbing unable to speak. She grabbed him and shook him hard. “What Tony?! Talk!”


“Dead.” He swallowed hard. “He’s dead Stef” and the tears poured from his eyes.


She screamed. It was a terrifying scream. She fell to the floor. Her world collapsing around her.


Maksim Dragomir could almost hear the horror of it carrying on the wind from miles away.


Anthony steeled himself. As distraught as he was, he knew he owed it to Alec to look after her. He dragged her sobbing and crying, kicking, punching and screaming back into the apartment and closed the door “What Anthony? What happened?”


He set her on the couch. “I tried to tell him Stef… I tried.” He sniffled his running nose. “Heard the call on the radio. 10-33 from the auction house… Alec… He was leaving… Car… exploded.” He took a deep breath. Someone tried to kill Dragomir…got Alec instead. There’s nothing left Stef. Ashes…”


She tried to scream again but no sound came out. No air. Nothing. A silent wail of despair. She collapsed into his arms.


Meanwhile an hour earlier…


His beast was electric with fury. And he was hungry…so hungry. Alec had never felt the type of pain from needing to eat like he was feeling now, never in his life and he wouldn’t. He wasn’t alive anymore. He paced across the floor, his eyes casting a bestial glare on Anastasiya. He stalked her around the table where only moments ago he had succumbed to animalistic passion, where she had ended his life. “What did you do to me?” He growled.


She tried to force a smile. “I made it so we could be together forever Alec. You love me remember?” 


“Witch!” and he threw himself wildly at her.


Maksim Dragomir moved and in blink was between them. “You need to drink. The hunger is pushing you to frenzy.”


Alec howled, shoving, trying to get around and at Anastasiya.

“Alexander. Let us not resort to our baser instincts and instead discuss this like gentlemen. This was never supposed to happen. I’m sorry my boy but there is no going back now and no version of this where you get to leave before I’ve had the chance to explain. Maksim dragged him toward the bar and keyed in a code on a small control screen. A wood panel slid aside revealing what looked like a refrigerated wine storage. He withdrew a bottle and poured it into a crystal glass. “Drink.” He watched as Alec brought the red fluid to his lips. Maksim filled the glass again and again until two bottles had been emptied.” Alec’s aggressive demeanor seemed to ease.  


“Come Alexander sit.” Anastasiya purred. “I promise once you are made to understand, once you see what a wonderful gift I have given you, once you accept your place by my side all will become clear. All will seem right again.”


Maksim growled angrily. “You get the hell out of here before I lose my temper with you girl.”


“Of course pa pa.” She replied sheepishly walking to the elevator and disappearing.


“Now Alexander. For me my boy. Please sit.”


Alec snatched a chair violently from the edge of the conference table and forced himself down with a snarl.


“Thank you Alexander.” Maksim Dragomir placed a third bottle on the table before retrieving his phone. Excuse me just one moment.”


There was a long conversation in Russian. Alec understood every word. There were instructions given. Put two bodies in a car and blow it using a magnesium device. “I want total incineration.” Maksim insisted. “Then put a call in to the NYPD and report Alexander dead. Be certain Detective Allegra receives notification. This will be difficult enough for his poor Stefania. I want a friend to deliver the news. Also make arrangements for a transfer of funds to her as I had stipulated for Alexander. Let me know when everything is in order.” He ended the call, sighed and turned to look at Alec. “I’m certain you have questions.”


“Yeah. What the hell happened? What did she do to me? What am I now and why do I speak Russian?”


“Russian you say? Hmm. That’s interesting.”


“That’s what you find interesting?”


“Apologies Alexander. It’s been some time since I sired a childe, and Anastasiya already spoke the language.”


Alec sat quietly waiting for an explanation.


“As to what we are, well that’s a bit more complicated. We prefer to be called kindred but your folklore knows us better as vampires. Unfortunately Anastasiya violated some particularly serious traditions. Actions that could cause her and sadly you, much grief and immortal jeopardy. You’ve lost your Stefania my boy. I’m sorry for that. All I can do is offer to make her life as comfortable as possible and will gladly do so but I need some things from you. You do want Stefania taken care of I assume, yes? I’d hate for any further horrors to befall the young lady.”


“So I take it I can’t see her again?”


“I’m afraid not. The risk to her safety and to the masquerade would be too great. But should you agree to do as I ask, I can assure you no more unpleasantries need be endured. Well maybe but one more. Perhaps it will not be as bad as either of us believe right now.” He seemed to be thinking aloud. “Anastasiya is your sire. She will be responsible for you and your education. I know she is fond of you and prior to tonight’s unfortunate events you seemed to enjoy her company as well. If you can set aside your anger, there is a good possibility you could make an easy transition into our world. And on the bright side Alec, you will never again want for anything. Our family is quite wealthy and all its privileges are yours to enjoy. What do you say?”


“Do I have a choice?”


“I’m afraid not Alexander.”


“I didn’t think so.”


January 2, 2015


“It was a lovely service Stef.” Gia said trying to console her.


“There wasn’t even anything to bury.” She replied still lost in sorrow and the fog of despair.


Tetya Inga was taking the news incredibly hard. She blamed herself for referring Alec to the auction house. She walked arm in arm with Yulia.


“I don’t know what to say Stefania.” The old woman began. “Can you ever forgive?” 


“It wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you. You tried to help Alec and for a while it seemed like a really good thing.”


“I know you don’t want to hear it Stef.” Yulia said. “But Mr. Dragomir feels terrible about the whole chain of events. He’s authorized me to transfer everything he promised Alec to you. It’s quite a bit of money.”


“How could you still work for him? I thought Alec was your friend? Do you honestly think money is going to fix this?!” Her voice grew loud and started to carry.

Anthony walked over. “Is there a problem Stef?”


“No. No problem. I’m sorry Yulia. I’m just… so angry right now I don’t know what to do. He was my world.”


“And you his. He’d want you taken care of. You know it.”


She laughed a little, fighting back more tears. “Yeah. Yeah I know.”


“I’ll handle all the paperwork. Call me when you feel up to it. Come tetya. I’ll see you home.”


Anthony hugged her. “This isn’t over Stef. I’m going to find out what really happened. I promise.”


“No.. Anthony…No.” She said rather firmly. I lost Alec. I won’t have anything happen to you.”  


“That’s not how family works Stef. What would Alec do for me?”


She nodded.


“Let’s get you home.” Gia took her hand and the three of them walked back to the limousine.
