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Alec in Mexico City

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The Arrival



The plane touched down slightly more than five and a half hours later. 


“Bienvenido a Mexico, Alec.” Ysa beamed. She grabbed their bags allowing Alec to carry the pelican box containing the stone tablet. 


As they disembarked from the aircraft they could see several cars set in a motorcade surrounding a limousine. The attendants were dressed as soldiers and Alec had a feeling that they were to receive a military escort. Two dozen or more men in fatigues and flak vests armed with assault rifles stood stoically beside their vehicles.  


“Uh Ysa. Tell me they’re friendlys.”


“Tranquilo mijo. Todo bien.”


A woman standing beside the limo in a short royal blue dress, smiled brightly and stepped forward. When she spoke it was in Spanish. 


“Welcome home Ysabelle. It’s been quite a long time.”


“It has Maria.” She embraced the woman warmly, kissing her cheek. “Maria Gabriela Salazar, may I introduce Alexander Massara.”


“Ay dios mio Ysabelle. Que guapo.” She said as she suddenly became inexplicably alluring herself. 


“Hi, I’m Alec.” He smiled, extending his hand.


“So this is Fiorenza’s new protege? I approve.” She said with a wink, at the same time grasping his hand.


“Yes he’s pretty. Now if you’re done leering we should probably get a move on.”


Maria grinned. “True enough. This way Alec.” She motioned toward the limo with the open door.


Ysa took him by the arm and led him over to the vehicle. She ushered him in then sat closely next to him all but leaving her hand on his knee. Maria sat facing them on the opposing couch. Once the door closed the motorcade began to move. They were stopped at only one city checkpoint but quickly allowed through with minimal question. They arrived at a well guarded iron gate flanked by two booths of armed soldiers who began to inspect the vehicles.


“What’s with all the soldiers?” Alec asked. 


“You’re in Mexico now lindo. Things are somewhat different here than in your estados unidos.” Maria smiled. “Relax, it will only be a few moments.”


The soldiers inspected each vehicle before allowing it to pass. As the limo pulled up the driver lowered the windows and nodded.


“¿Quién es ese?” One of the soldiers asked, leaning in.


“La nueva mascota de Fiorenza” The driver grinned as he replied.


“Do they know I speak Spanish?” Alec whispered to Ysa.


“Probably not.” She said glaring at the driver. “The expendables aren’t too bright.”


“It’s better that way.” Maria continued. “They simply do as they’re told with as little thought possible and should they get into any kind of trouble… well it’s as Ysabelle said. No great loss or threat to the Prince. They can’t say anything if they know nothing.”


“Wouldn’t it be prudent to have guards capable of making good decisions?” Alec asked.


“There are hierarchies here. Layers. These men are the dirt that we stand on. Ysabelle and I, well let’s just say we’ve a much higher perch.”


“Welcome to La Hacienda de San Pedro Martir, in Coyoacán mijo.” Ysa grinned. “You’ve been given an invitation few can say they’ve been offered and many would kill for or die to receive.”


“¿Está bien María?”


“Si. Gracias Javier.”


“Excelente. Seguir.”


Road spikes were lowered allowing the limousine to move through the gate and onto the brick laid road leading through the compound. The mansion was set off in the distance. It had a late 19th century aesthetic, burnt orange adobe with dark wood trim was adorned by a rugged tile roof. They circled through the winding path toward a rather large brick and adobe structure with three large archways that served as the entrance to the parking garage.


After the vehicle came to a stop, the driver opened the door for his passengers then stood quietly off to the side as they exited. Two soldiers near the door straightened while a third opened the entrance. Inside Alec was greeted by marigold yellow cement walls and hardwood floors cut from lumber sourced locally. They passed through a foyer, stopping at a crossway in the hall. Alec could see a large dining room directly ahead and to his right was a spacious kitchen.


“You must be hungry Alec.” Maria suggested through her bright teeth. “Ysabelle why not show him to the sitting room. I’ll grab a menu.”


“Vamanos mijo. She’s right, You need to eat. You haven’t had a break in 3 days and that shoulder needs mending.”


“What does she mean by menu?”


“You’re in a Prince’s home Alec. Did you not think she’d have food readily available for her guest?”


Ysa walked him to another section of the palatial mansion, sitting him on an imported Italian leather sofa not unlike the furnishing in his Brooklyn apartment. Maria returned with a decorative silver tray on which rested several small demitasse cups and a leather bound book. Alec didn’t need his enhanced sense of smell to know that two of the cups contained the cafécito Ysa loved so much, the others blood. She placed the tray on the table and removed the cups containing the espresso, keeping one and handing the other to Ysa. Alec noticed the other cups had numbers etched into their base.


Maria sat right next to Alec, turning slightly into him. “Taste. The numbers will tell you what page the donor’s information can be found. If you find something you like let me know. Oh and here.” She slid one cup forward. “This one is mine if you feel so inclined to partake.” Maria’s ever present grin had morphed into a seductive smile. Ysa shot her a filthy look but just as quickly vanished it from her face. It wasn’t lost on Alec. Maria nudged the cup forward an inch more. He lifted it up and paused, looking to Ysa for any kind of cue but her expression was now blank as smooth stone. Alec sipped the blood carefully almost as if he expected to be as hot as the coffee in the ghoul’s cups. Maria waited excitedly for his reaction.


“Delicious Maria. Thank you. Though as much as I would enjoy your willingness to share even more with me I think it best if I held off for now. I’d hate to be responsible for you being at less than top form when Prince Savona sees us.”


Ysa’s flat expression broke with the slightest crack of a grin.


“If you say so Alec. Though she won’t have the opportunity to sit with you until tomorrow. I’ll have plenty of time to recover.”


“You’re a kind host and I’d be a poor guest if I took such advantage of your hospitality.”


“Very well. The offer stands though, if you change your mind. Have a look at the menu. I’ll have your bag sent to your room.”


“It’s fine Maria. I’ll take care of it and him. He can stay in my room.”


“But the guest room is…”


“Rather far away for my liking. This place is foreign to him as are its residents. I’m sure he’d be more comfortable with a familiar face nearby. But it’s up to you Alec. Where would you prefer to stay?”


“Are you sure it’s not an inconvenience for you Ysa?”


“Not at all mijo. It’s not like you snore.” She joked.


“He calls you Ysa?”


“Alec has a habit of shortening names.”


“It’s true. I do.”


“And you’re ok with that?”


“Yeah. Yeah I am. Why?”


“No reason. I’m just a little surprised. I mean no one has called you that since…”


“I said it’s fine.”


“Todo bien mi hermana.”


“So. Anything tickle your palette?” Maria asked, pressing into him.


“Alec tasted all the samples and thumbed through the pages. I think…”


Ysa slid a piece of paper with three numbers written on toward Maria.


“These will do fine Maria.” She said with a smile.


Alec eyed the numbers written and nodded. He would have picked the same though he had only thought to ask about 2 of them. He didn’t want to seem greedy after all.


Maria cocked an eyebrow at her long time friend.


“I know his taste and before you say it Alec the third girl is just in case you need a little something extra for that wound. Have them sent to the guest dining room. We’ll meet them there.” Ysa said with a little edge to her.


“Of course.” Maria smiled and stood. “It was nice to meet you, Alec. I’ll look forward to seeing you again tomorrow night. Maybe we can find some time to chat then.”


“Sounds like a lovely idea.” Alec smiled back.


“I have a feeling he’ll be busy but sure. We’ll see.” Ysabelle answered curtly.


“Buenas noche Alec, hermana.”


Maria sauntered from the room as Ysa shook her head.


“Is she always so…”


“Flirtatious or competitive? Yes to both. I love her but she has no shame.”


“I hope I didn’t offend…”


“No. You did good mijo. Let’s go. Dinner and bed for you mister.”


She took him by the arm and led him out and upstairs to a bedroom.


“Dining room?”


“Yeah. For your style of feeding. Go on. I’ll be out here. Take your time.”


“Thanks Ysa.”


“Yeah Yeah. Just not too much time. You have beat the dawn to bed.”


“Of course mija.”


Ysa grinned as he entered the room. She closed the door behind him, sipped her coffee and waited.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Dorym

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Meeting Fiorenza




Alec roused from his day sleep to find Ysa sitting at a vanity brushing through her ink black hair with a heavy silver hairbrush.


“How’d you sleep?”


“Like a dead person.” He smirked.


“It must be nice.”


“Sometimes. Not always. There are days where I would love to experience the vivid dreams of life or even better… choose when I get up and have to crash.”


“Yeah I get that.”




“No. I’m ok.” 


She laid the brush down and stood, walking over, she sat on the edge of the bed. Ysa pressed her fingers into the cold flesh of his chest. All healed. Good. Elena was worried.”


“I appreciate that. I don’t know how I’d manage this existence without you two.”


“You’d be ok. Just not nearly as happy.” She said with a smirk.


“Listen about last night…”


“What about it? Like I’ve never seen you feed?” 


“No, not that.”


“What then? The girls said you were gentle and considerate. You didn’t offend anyone.”


“I meant Maria.”


“You did fine there too. She can be a little much and has a problem with boundaries. She could easily be a Mexican Anastasiya.”


“Anastasiya… shit. She’s going to stake me for this one.” He slumped back into the soft mattress.


“I wouldn’t worry about that, Fiorenza spoke with Maksim and explained as much as she felt she needed to. If anyone is in need of saving, it’s Elena. She got quite an earful when she came back without you. But she’s a big girl. She can handle it.”


“When we get home I’ll take you both shopping. It’s the least I can do.”


“Sounds good to me. Anyhow, you should get ready. Your suit is pressed and we’re just waiting on Fiorenza’s favor.” 


He looked over to where his suit hung and saw the pelican box resting beneath it. “You think she’ll be happy?”


“You wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t.”


Ysa waited for him to dress before walking him down to the sitting room. 


“Fiorenza typically keeps a very tight schedule. She’s quite busy most nights. I was a little surprised she wanted you brought here on such short notice. She’s generally not fond of last minute plans.”


“I guess this tablet means a lot to her.”


“It must. We’ll probably be summoned to the library or the main dining room. At least that would be my guess. Is there anything you’d like to ask before we go in?”


“I don’t think so, Ysa. I met her once a while back, before I…” He stopped mid sentence unable to get the vision of Stefania’s face from his mind’s eye. “Before all this.”


“I know it hasn’t been easy for you Alec but what you have now… Some would call it a gift.”


“I guess it depends how you use it and the time it gives you. And most importantly, who you spend it with.”


“Wise words mijo. I couldn’t agree more.”


It was just before midnight when Maria sashayed into the parlor.


“Fiorenza is ready for you.”


Alec stood, feeling an unexpected rush of nervousness.


“How do I look?” He asked, turning to Ysa.


“Handsome as always.” She smiled, adjusting his tie a hair to the left. 


“Follow me. I’ll take you to her.” Maria offered.


They stepped out into the foyer and turned right down a hallway in the opposite direction of the library. Ysabelle thought their host might receive them in the main dining hall and it seemed she was right, until Maria moved into a second corridor facing off to the side of the lavishly decorated dining space.


“Where are we going?” Ysa whispered quietly to her friend, obviously confused by the sudden turn away from her expected destination..


“La veranda en el jardín oeste.” (The veranda in the west garden.) Maria smiled.


¿Seriamente? (Seriously?) Ysa asked with some surprise in her voice.


“Si. Parece que ella piensa muy bien de él.” (Yeah. Apparently she’s rather fond of him.)


Ysa smiled.


“Everything ok?” Alec asked.


“Very much so.” Ysa replied.


Alec began to relax at her reassurance. The garden terrace was only a minute’s walk from the dining hall. From his vantage point he could see Fiorenza was already seated outside. As he drew nearer he was greeted by the heat of the nightime air. Mexico was noticeably warmer than his home in New York. Passing through the wood woven arbor he stepped onto sun baked clay bricks of a rich castillo red blended with a gray patina adobe creating a serene mosaic. Fiorenza rested in an oversized gothic chair that looked more suited for a chapel than an outdoor seating space. In fact it was very reminiscent of the chairs he remembered from serving as an altar boy at his local parish. The ones that the priests would rest on during mass. She had the same pulled back blondish brown hair with some grey. She wore a navy blue jacket over her matching pants suit and a blood red scarf.


“Alexander my boy. Welcome to Mexico.”


Alec bowed his head respectfully. “Prince Savona. Thank you for graciously inviting me to meet you in your home. I’m honored.”


“I appreciate your acceptance of my invitation despite its short notice.”


“From the day we met in Tuscanny you’ve been nothing but generous and supportive of me. You’ve guided me as a trusted mentor and kindly offered Ysabelle’s service. I am a loyal man, Prince Savona. You call, I answer.”


It is refreshing Alexander, to know that one as youthful as yourself is respectful of his elders and cognizant of the need for proper decorum. Sit my boy. And please call me Fiorenza.”


“Thank you ma’am.”


Fiorenza smiled as Alec looked to Ysabelle for approval. She offered him the slightest nod and then he took the seat he was offered.


“Now… What have you come all this way to bring me?”


Alec asked his host. “May I.”


“Of course my boy.”


Alec brought the pelican box to the top of the wrought iron table, keyed in a digital code and opened it. He turned it to face her.


“If my research is accurate it tells the story of the D’QaD K’aRK’iYN, the First City. Apologies My Aramaic needs some work.”


“Well done Alexander.” She looked at Maria who carefully removed the stone tablet from its protective housing and placed it in her hands.


“It’s magnificent my boy.” She complimented before becoming lost in the artifact for a quiet minute. Her eyes slowly made their way over the surface of the stone and only after she had taken in all the cuneiform characters did she speak again. “Well done indeed.” She handed the tablet back to Maria who placed it in the case and locked it. Alec placed a business card with a keycode on the table next to it and Fiorenza nodded her approval. “Who else is aware of your acquisition of this most valuable relic?”


“I told no one, no one that I took it, no one where I was going, for what purpose or to whom I was going to see. My coterie may suspect where I’ve gone but they do not know why. Aside from the four of us…and of course the Anarch Tremere I acquired it from, it’s a secret. Speaking of which, Ysa, at your earliest opportunity I’m going to need a new mask, Michael Andolini. He’s an art dealer from Sicily.”


“Of course Alec.”


“Gracias mija. I sort of steered the tablet’s former owner in that direction, if she bought into my subterfuge.”


“Well thought Alexander. Though next time you might find it less problematic if you just erase her memory of you, or, more simply, kill her and be done with it. She is an Anarch after all and not entitled to the protection the Ivory Tower affords its kindred.”


“Yes I agree. I considered it after the fact. I’m still very new and finding my way in this world.”


“Quite true Alexander. Thankfully you have me to assist with your education and Ysabelle here to guide you on a more daily basis.”


“She’s been invaluable.”


“I’m sure she has.”


“One other thing, Fiorenza, if you’d indulge me.”


 “Go on my boy. Tell all about how contrite Mr. Sterling is and how much he hopes that he has not offended me.”


Alec was speechless.


“He will know when he offends my boy.”


Alec took the cue and simply said, “Thank you.”


Maria poured two goblets of blood from a decorative carafe and Alec was regaled for the next hour with both tales of the Camarilla and counsel from one of the most influential Ventrue in the sect. The night sky over the hacienda was clear and black, serene. It was a stark contrast to the chaos and storms occurring in N.Y. with both the Archon and Second Inquisition causing havoc in his world. Alec was enjoying the feeling of freedom he felt here, of being away from everyone and everything. Part of him wondered if there was any possibility he might stay, leaving his old existence behind and the constant reminders of his life before being embraced in the past where they surely belonged. It would have been difficult enough to try and find a way to be with Stefania  with only the kindred to deal with. The Second Inquisition only made things worse. And Anthony… he wouldn’t allow his mind to even go to the place where all his questions about his lifelong friend swirled in a tempest of torment. Instead he focused on Fiorenza, absorbing all she had to offer in the calm dark. Just before one in the morning Fiorenza excused herself.


“Forgive the brevity of our visit Alexander but there are other matters this night requiring my attention.”


“Of course Fiorenza.” He stood, kissing the fingertips of her clawed black gloves.


“I’ll look forward to spending more time with you in the future.” 


“As will I.” He answered with a bow.


“Do enjoy your stay my boy. Good night.”


“Thank you Fiorenza. Good night.”


Alec remained standing until the Prince of Mexico City was well beyond his sight.


“Congratulations mijo. Fiorenza looked pleased.”


“She certainly was Alec. Her appointments rarely last more than fifteen minutes. She sat with you for an hour. That speaks volumes as to how she feels about you. You have such great potential in her eyes. Continue to impress and you will find our prince can open many doors for you.” Maria added.


“That’s good to hear. I’d hate to think I’d ever disappoint her. It wasn’t lip service when I expressed my gratitude for all she’s done for me.”


“She knows sincerity when she hears it lindo.”


“We should celebrate. The night’s young. I know a very loud place nearby where we can dance Alec. What do you say?” Ysa suggested.


“Sounds like fun. We could both use a break.”


“I’ll get my keys.” Maria smiled.


Alec looked at Ysa.


“Sure. Why not? Let’s see if you can keep up with him. He’s quite the dancer.” The ghoul answered.


Maria smiled wider. “Salsa?”


“Oh yeah. Come on, let’s go.”


Maria met them in the parking garage. She had changed into a short red dress with frills and her hair was set back with combs. Alec tried not to stare but she was quite beautiful. She led them to a grey Mercedes Benz S Class convertible and disengaged the alarm.


“You should ride shotgun Alec.” Maria smiled.


“Go ahead, mijo. You’ll enjoy the view.”


“I’m certain he will.” Maria smirked.


Ysa shook her head but sat in the back without complaint. Soon as Alec got in, she slid her feet between the front bucket seats and onto the arm rest. Maria side eyed her but smirked again, started the car and took off.


“¿Adónde vas Maria?”


M. N. Roy hermana.” 


“At this time? It’ll be packed. I was thinking maybe Leonor or Pata Negra.”


“Na…It’s the most exclusive club in town. Doesn’t the prince’s guest deserve to be spoiled a little?”


“Sure. Ok.”


They pulled up in front of the club where a valet met them.


“Buena Noche Maria. Bienvenido.”


Another man, wearing a tuxedo, walked right over to them and escorted them past the metal detectors. The music was loud. The crowd was already in a frenzy dancing, partygoers wearing custom suits and designer dresses moved back and forth along with the beat. Salsa could be a high paced style of dance and was considered by many to be an expression of joy. Maria grabbed him by the hand, pulling him onto the dance floor with Ysa following close behind. Alec was accustomed to having two dance partners, typically Ysabelle and Elena. They always seemed to be in sync sharing him equally. Maria was more aggressive, almost as if she were competing for his attention. Even so, Ysa knew precisely how to insert herself and how to pull him away. Four hours later, the girls were winded and sweaty though both wore looks of delight on their faces, their only respite being a few quick shots of tequila during short breaks.


“It’s late Alec. We should get you home.” Ysa suggested. 


“Definitely. Vamonos.” 


“I’ll get the tab Alec offered.”


Maria laughed. “No need. It’s a members only club. The fee covers all amenities.”


“Oh. Wow.” He looked to Ysa who nodded.


He was back at the hacienda about an hour before dawn. Ysa escorted him back to her bedroom. Checking her watch, she saw it was a little more than a half an hour before the first light of dawn would kiss the world.


“Settle in mijo. I’m going to shower before bed, some of us still sweat you know.”


He laughed . “No worries. Some of us don’t breathe.”


“Ha Ha. Get some rest. I have something special planned for tomorrow.”


“More dancing?”


“Maybe. Sleep cariño. I’ll be here when you rouse.”


Alec laid in the bed and waited for the day sleep to take him.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Dorym

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Pueblo Muerto



Alec roused to find Ysa sitting in a rattan rocker sipping her much loved cafécito.


“Eat. Then we’re going for a ride.”


“Where to?”


“It’s a surprise. For now, just follow me. Breakfast is waiting for you.”


Ysa waited outside the door for Alec to finish. He wasn’t very hungry and was done slaking his thirst rather quickly. 


“Ready.” He announced.


She took him by the arm and led him to the familiar parking garage. She hit the autostart on a grey Jaguar F Type, similar to the one she had driven the first time he met her. The only difference being this was a newer model of the luxury car. 


“Hop in.”


Ysa exited the compound, driving beyond the city limits and into a small village just outside its border. The roads narrowed with some composed primarily of desert sand. She stopped in front of a run down cottage, vibrant green with yellow shutters, several of which were cocked at odd angles.


“This was the house I grew up in. We were quite poor.”


“It’s got a charm to it, Ysa. All it needs is some love and care.”


“You know I could buy half this town for the price of this car, maybe more. Cartels control most of what goes here and the locals are expected to do as they are told. It’s how I got mixed up in the drug trade. My parents owed money. They sold me to pay the debt.”


“That’s awful.”


“So I slept with men, killed some and robbed others. I blackmailed important people and ferried narcotics. So next time you feel like a monster, remember, not all monsters have fangs.”


“You can’t hold yourself responsible for what you were made to do. You never wanted that life.”


“And you never wanted yours, your unlife at least. Do you blame yourself for the things you do? I know you struggle sometimes, mijo. I thought this might help, offer a little perspective. Sometimes good people do bad things.”


Alec sat quietly. The normally glib Ventrue was uncharacteristically at a loss for words.


“How’d you escape?”


“Fiorenza bought me from the cartel. She educated me and compensated me for my work. Eventually she ghouled me and now… Now I work for her, hoping one day to earn the gift you call a curse.”


“You want to become kindred?”


“I’d rather not be a ghoul forever, depending on the vitae of others to stay alive.”


“How old are you?”


“You never ask a lady her age cariño.” She smiled. “But I can tell you I wouldn’t be nearly as pretty if you saw me as I should be.”


Alec grinned back. “You’ll always be lovely to me.”


“There’s that Ventrue charm.” She started the car. “I know a much more cozy place where we can dance, relax and talk some more, if you’re interested.”


“Sounds good to me.”


She drove a few blocks over and parked in a dirt lot behind what looked like an old mission turned dive bar. Ysa stepped out of the car. 


“You really think it’s safe to leave the car here?”


Ysa chuckled. “Everyone in town knows it belongs to Fiorenza. No one will touch it. Trust me.”


“Ok. You’re the boss.”


“For tonight at least, eh lindo?”


Alec looked up at the weather worn sign. “El Cielo Nocturno” He could hear the sounds of live music and smell the smoke of cigars and cigarettes along with other more pungent odors. Ysa seemed to sense his hesitancy so she grasped his hand, dragging him in. Instinctively Alec used his blush of life to add some color to his otherwise pale visage.


It wasn’t an overly large place. A single dark wood bar ran the full length of a wall. The center floor was left open for the half dozen or so couples who were dancing. Music was being played by local musicians in an area that at once must have served as an altar. A little more than a score of tables ran opposite the bar two by two before curling into three rows near the makeshift stage. Less than half of them were in use by customers yet somehow Alec felt like this might have been one of the bars busier nights.


Ysa pulled him onto the dance floor. The music shifted from fast to slow then back uptempo again. Alec was a good dancer and the white guy dancing salsa with his copper skinned partner caught the eyes of many of the patrons who whistled and complimented them in Spanish. Several dances later they took a break.


“Drink?” He asked his companion.




He leaned into the bar, catching the bartender’s attention immediately. She had dark hair and a nice shape. She wore a curious look in her eyes. He was obviously not a local. 


“Dos tequila’s por favor.”


The pretty barmaid smiled as she poured the drinks. Alec reached for his money clip asking, “Do you take American?” 


“Of course guapo, But we can’t make change except for pesos.”


“No worries. You can keep it.” He winked siding her a $100 bill. She stuffed the money in her shirt and left the bottle.


“That’s a lot of money my friend.” An older man who had been smoking at the bar commented. He had sun worn skin like old leather and a scar that ran cheek to jaw. “Some of the people in this town are desperate. I’d be careful about being so flashy.”


“Thanks. I’m sure we’ll be fine though.”


A second younger gentleman approached. 


“Well that all depends. I’m sure a man like you doesn’t mind sharing with the less fortunate.” 


Alec could see the man had his hand on a gun tucked into his waistband. 


‘Snikt.’ The sound of Ysabelle’s knife was unmistakable.


“Cuidado chica. You shouldn’t bring a knife to a gunfight.”


Alec stared at the would be robber. “Hand me your gun.” 


The power of Alec’s vitae compelled the man to obey.


“There. Now it’s not a gun fight.” 


The man was stunned by what he had just done. 


“Go home and go to bed. I’d hate to see you get hurt.”


The man blinked and nodded. “Si señor.”


Ysabelle cased the rest of the bar while Alec laid the gun on the countertop then poured her another shot of tequila.


“We good Ysa?”


“Yeah I think so.” She answered, taking the shot but still holding the knife.


The old man spoke again. “I knew a girl named Ysa, a long time ago. You look like her. You have the same fire she had in her eyes. She’d be 70 or so, if she is still alive that is.”


Alec looked at Ysa who winked at him.


Alec’s phone began to vibrate. He pulled it from his pocket and looked to see who was calling.


“Naz.” He announced to Ysa. “Sure. I think so. I’ll try and catch a flight back tomorrow.”




“Something like that. Do you think the prince will allow me to fly back tomorrow?”


“I don’t see why not. I’ll make the arrangements. We should probably head home though. Flight plans take some work. I’ll call Maria when we get in the car.”


“Sorry mija. Perhaps we can come back another time.”


“I’d like that. Vamanos guapo.” She grinned, taking the bottle and leaving the gun behind.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Dorym
