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Alec and Stefania

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Alec and Stefania


March 5, 2017


Ysa was setting appointments on Alec’s calendar when the office door opened. “Good evening Ysabelle. Is Alec around?”


“Hello Yulia.” She responded cordially. “Don’t really know. I haven’t seen him yet tonight.”


Yulia’s expression grew worried as she paled.


“Is something wrong?” Ysa asked.


“I’m not sure…maybe. Could you ask Elena if she’s seen him?”


Ysabelle shrugged and tapped her earpiece. “Elena are you with Alec?”


“No. Haven’t seen him. I assumed he was with you. He didn’t stay here last night. I figured he was…elsewhere.”


“Is his car here?”


“The GLS is. The coupe is missing. All staff are accounted for so he didn’t take a driver. Is everything ok?”


“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.” She looked at Yulia. “No. And his car is not on site.”


“Shit.” Yulia cursed. “Bring a car around.”


“I don’t work for you.” Ysabelle answered calmly.


“You technically don’t work for him either. Now is not the time to challenge loyalties. If you know who finds out where he’s gone…”


“Where is he?”


“Get the car and I’ll explain along the way. Promise.”


“Elena. Pull the GLS around and be ready to go.”




Alec parked two houses down as he typically did. It offered him a nice view through the window and kept him out of sight. He knew Stef would be leaving for work shortly so he waited. He was not disappointed. She emerged from the doorway of the brownstone wearing dark jeans and a grey sweater. She protected herself from the evening chill with a light leather jacket. Alec remembered it. They had picked it up a few years back for her birthday. It was short cut, falling just above her waist. She had a bag slung over her shoulder. “Scrubs” he thought. It was a work night and he was happy to see her return to some sense of normalcy. She turned her head in his direction and he smiled. Stefania was as beautiful as always. She shivered, shook her head and walked off. 


Alec exited the car making his way toward the apartment. He tried his best to stay in the shadows avoiding any unwanted attention. He approached the door and used his key. The tumbler turned and he gently opened the door. He walked quietly down the hallway separating his old apartment from Tetya Inga. When he reached his former home he tried his key in that door as well. Once again the lock opened and he cautiously walked inside closing the door behind him. It had been more than a year since he stepped foot in the place but it was exactly as he remembered it. Stefania hadn’t changed a thing. 


He walked over to an end table where she kept a framed picture of them from the day they were married. The fingerprints on the glass gave away the fact that she had picked up, touching it often. He replaced it where he had found it and stepped over to the couch. A soft throw blanket was crumpled on the end cushion and Alec could still smell her perfume as he bent down, reaching out running his fingers over it. He sighed and walked over to the bedroom. 


The bed was made. Stef always made the bed. It was the first thing she did when she got up. It made him laugh a little. He missed the little quirky things. The bed, her small frame wearing his clothes, her refusal to buy jarred sauce and how she had to always sit to his right. He opened the closet and found all his clothes still hung. He turned his head to the dresser where she had put together a collection of his things on a small dish. There was a watch, a sapphire ring she had bought for him and some cufflinks. He pulled a drawer open and found everything exactly as he had left it. The nightstand had a picture of them taken on a beach in Italy. He felt a pang of longing as his eyes looked at the image of her in the bright floral bikini. On her side of the bed there was another photo of him taken at Anthony’s birthday party. There was a waxy film on the glass. He chuckled. “Lip gloss.” She really was the sweetest woman ever. He laid his head on her pillow taking in her scent and closed his eyes. For just a moment he found himself back in the time before his embrace, when they were happy and so very much in love. 


He rose, then walked back to the living room and into the kitchen. There was a pot of sauce on the stove. Meatballs were her specialty. He inhaled deeply and revelled in the smell of garlic, basil and oregano and then felt the disappointment of knowing he’d never taste it again. He didn’t eat after all, at least not food. He felt the blush of life run through him and he was tempted to take just a taste, even if it meant throwing it up later. Suddenly it struck him. Sauce. Warm. She’d never leave a pot on and go to work. She’s not at work. She’s coming back. 


A surge of panic rushed up his spine and he quickly turned to leave. Too late. The door opened and closed. Stef stepped a few paces in and then…her eyes met his. She froze. The bag she was carrying fell to the floor. Fresh bread and grated cheese spilled out onto hardwood. She stared at him. Mouth open. Shock. “It can’t be.” She whispered. Tears began to stream down her face running black lines of mascara across her cheeks. She rushed him. Throwing herself violently at him jumping into his arms kissing him hard and passionately. 


He caught her as her legs wrapped around him. She squeezed him like a great snake coiled around its prey. She was crying and breathing hard, talking through rushed thoughts. “I knew you were alive. I knew it. I could feel it. What happened?! Why were you gone so long? Are you in trouble? I don’t care. I have you back.”


He held her close, the thumping of her heart beating against his chest. He wanted to hold her forever but knew he was short on time and had only minutes to rectify the situation. He forced her off of him and onto her feet. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. This was a mistake I never should have come.”


“What do you mean? Of course you should have. I’ve been lost without you.”


“And I’ve been sick without you but I don’t want anything to happen to you.  I love you too much for that Stef. It’s selfish of me to be here. If anyone finds out…”


“Who? Those Dragomirs? We can run, we can…”


“Stef.” He paused. You don’t understand. I’m not me anymore. Not entirely.” He curled his lip exposing a sharp fang.


She took a step back, startled, then quickly recovered her composure. “What the hell?” More tears. She pensively stepped into him wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him softly. “It’s ok Alec. We can figure this out too. I love you amoure mio. Just stay.”


He bowed his head into hers. “I love you too Stefania. And that’s why I can’t. I have to go but I want you to know I will love you forever amoure mio. Which for me is actually forever now.”


“No. No no no no.” She brought her hand to his face. Not again. Don’t leave me again.”


Tears were leaking from his eyes, if not for the blush of life, his face would be bloodstained with trails of red streams. I need you to do something for me, Stef. Would you?”


“Anything.” She squeezed him tight and kissed him again. He returned her embrace then broke away. “What?” She asked.


“Forget everything that happened since you walked through the door?” He kissed her forehead as her eyes glazed and she slumped to her knees. She wore a tortured expression as if some part of her was once again torn away.”


He hastily walked to the door and left returning directly to his vehicle. Tears of blood replaced the salty droplets of water from before. He sat for a few moments making sure his memory alteration had worked. When she didn’t come running out of the building after him, he started the car and pulled away.




“Ok Yulia. What’s going on?” Ysabelle demanded.


She took a deep breath and began to explain. “I had a feeling he might go to his old apartment. Today is the day he met Stefania. She mentioned it to me last week. I’ve been keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn’t do anything foolish. I’m sorry if I was curt earlier but I was afraid of what Anastasiya might do if she knew he had gone back to her.”


“Even so… what makes you think he would?” Elena asked.


“You don’t understand. He didn’t just love her. She was everything to him and he was the same to her. I never met two more connected soulmates.”


“That’s sweet.” Elena said, patronizing her.


That’s his car.” Ysa pointed as Elena turned sharply around the corner. 


“Drop me off there.” Yulia said motioning to the brownstone. 


Elena pulled the SUV over and let her out. “Could you please make sure he’s heading back to the auction house and pick me back up afterward?”


Ysa nodded.


“Thanks. I owe you one.”


“It’s our job to protect him. Let’s call us even.” Ysa smiled.


Yulia hurried to the brownstone and let herself in. She cautiously walked over to her aunt’s door and listened. Nothing. She crossed the corridor and tapped softly on the door to Alec’s old apartment.


The door opened ever so slightly and the face of Stefania peered at her, mascara having run down her face. It was obvious she had been crying. “Yulia.” She opened the door. “Come in.” She seemed to be somewhat confused. 


“Hey Stef. Are you ok?” Her eyes found the floor and the bag with its spilled contents.


“I…I don’t know. I’m not sure…” She was looking off into space, a hazy lost expression on her face.


Yulia knelt down and began to pick up the groceries. “Did you fall?”


“Maybe. I think I’ve been crying.” Her fingers found her cheek. It was sticky with dried tears and smeared makeup.


Yulia put the bag on the counter, watching as Stefania mindlessly walked to the couch and sat. 


“I know today must have been very difficult for you Stef. Can I make you some tea? Pour you some wine perhaps?” 


“Yeah… wine… ok. There’s a carafe on the bar near Alec’s bourbon… Alec…”


“I miss him too Stef. I’m sorry. That’s why I came by. To see if you needed anything.”


She brought the glass to her lips. “I had the strangest feeling. Like he was here. Like we…”


“Should I turn the pot off?”


“Um… yeah… please.” She paused. Yulia sat next to her, taking Stefania’s hand in her own. 


“What if he isn’t dead?” Stefania asked absentmindedly.


“Stef. We both know…” Yulia shook her head. “I’m sorry but you know he’s gone.”


“Gone doesn’t mean dead. What if something else happened? What if he’s trying to tell me something? Call out for help? I thought I felt him die. I never felt such an awful ache in my heart ever before. But… I can’t explain it… sometimes I can feel him.”


“I’m sure Alec is watching over you Stef. We both know how much he loved you.”


“Loves.” She corrected her. “Yulia… I can smell him.” She shook her head and drank more of the wine.


“I know sometimes it can feel that way Stef. Let me get you a washcloth. We’ll clean you up.” As she stood she could feel the vibration of her cell phone.


>Ysabelle: He’s back. I’m with him now. Elena is on her way to get you.


She stepped into the bathroom and replied.


>Yulia: Thanks.


Yulia helped her clean the smeared makeup from her face. “Why don’t you get some rest, Stef. You’ll feel better with a bit of sleep.”


Stefania nodded. “Thanks. Maybe you’re right.” 


Yulia took the glass from her and washed it then put the sauce in a container before storing it in the refrigerator. When she turned to look back at Stefania she saw that her legs had been pulled up on the couch and she had curled herself under the throw. She wasn’t sleeping though. Her eyes just stared blankly at the photo on the end table. “You ok?”


“Yeah. I think you’re right. I guess I… Today may have been a little much for me. Thanks for coming by Yulia.”


“Sure thing I’ll call you tomorrow.” Yulia let herself out, locking the door behind her. Elena was parked outside waiting.


“Everything ok?” Elena asked.


“No. Not really. She doesn’t remember anything but her connection to Alec is so strong that her emotions are fighting with her mind. She was a mess. It should all pass, at least I hope, but Elena, you’ve got to convince him to stay away from here, for both their sakes.”


“I’ll talk to Ysa. We’ll do the best we can.”


They drove back to the auction house and returned before Yulia was missed.


She found Alec sitting in his office, back to the door, staring at the night sky. Ysa was busy typing something on her laptop. She looked up as Yulia and Elena entered.


Alec peered over his shoulder for a moment then resumed his staring out the window.


“She’s fine Alec. No harm no foul.”


He lowered his head in relief. “Thank God.” He brought his hand to his face expecting to be chastised. “I get it Yulia. It’s just… hard.”


“I know.” She walked over. “But you did the right thing. If she had remembered anything you’d both be in a lot of danger.”


“For almost a moment I thought maybe…”


Yulia placed her hand on his shoulder. “Maybe.” She agreed, nodding her head. “But would you really want her to live in this world?”


“No. And that’s why I left.”


“It’s for the best Alec.” She leaned down and hugged him. “You going to be ok?”


“Yeah. I’m good.” he lied.


She broke away and stood. “I have to get back to work. If you need anything though I’ll be around all night.” 


“Thanks Jewls.”


Ysa watched as she left.


“Do you trust her Alec?”


“Yeah. She’s good people.”


“She’s Maksim’s ghoul.” Elena added.


“And he has no interest in my previous life so long as I maintain appearances.”


“Well then, put on a happy face cause here comes Anastasiya.” Ysa warned.


She walked into the office eyeing Alec’s companions suspiciously. “Good evening Alexander.” She said as she sauntered towards him. She kissed him softly on the lips and smiled. 


“Heya Stasi.” He smiled allowing his hand to run down her side holding at her hip. “Do we have any plans for tonight?” 


“No.” She answered pleasantly. “Just wanted to see what you were up to.”


He looked toward Ysa who rotated her laptop toward Anastasiya. 


“Curating the latest collection from Ukraine Miss Dragomir. If you’d like I can go through it with you. It’s not complete yet however. Unfortunately Alec will probably have to spend the better part of the night finishing it.”


She looked at Ysabelle with indifference. “No. That’s Alec’s thing. I won’t intrude upon it.” She kissed him again. “Find me later.”


“Of course moye serdtse.”


She brushed the back of her hand along his cheek, grinned and left.


Ysa rolled her eyes and Elena made a heaving sound.


“I just threw up in my mouth.” The blonde haired ghoul said sarcastically.  


He leaned back in his chair. “Like I said. Appearances.”

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Dorym
