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Alec and Anastasiya

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Alec and Anastasiya



“Good evening Mr. Dragomir.” The receptionist at the front desk said pleasantly watching Alec walk into the main lobby, Ysa at his side.


“Good evening Grace. Has anyone been looking for me? Do I have any messages?”


“Not yet sir but it is early in the evening. Shall I log you in, sir?”, her eyes holding his, for just a moment too long.


“Please.” Alec said, pleasantly smilingly in return. 


“Vámonos guapo. Si tu novia te pilla coqueteando, se volverá loca.” (Let’s go handsome. If your girlfriend catches you flirting she’ll go crazy.)


Alec grinned at Ysabelle then winked at the receptionist as he slowly made his way to the elevator.


Grace blushed and mouthed to Ysa. “He’s so cute.”


Ysa smirked following closely behind while pushing him forward. Once in the elevator she scolded him. “Are you trying to get her killed? She’s new here and has no idea what a jealous bitch your sire is.”


“Of course not. Just seeding a potential feed Ysa.”


“Stick to the guards for now. Anastasiya seems to be tolerating that well enough.” She offered in counsel.


“You’re probably right.” He agreed. 


“Probably?” She retorted, her left eyebrow raised.


“Ok. Definitely.” Alec bowed low in mock deference. “I submit to your superior intelligence.”


Ysa laughed. “Good it’s better for both of us that way.”


The elevator opened on the third floor where the executive office suites were located. As they stepped out, Alec could see Elena was caught in a somewhat animated conversation with Anastasiya in his office. He quietly opened the door and heard, “Well when do you expect him back?” Her hands were on her hips and she was leaning a bit forward.


Elena waved her hand toward the door and answered, “Now.”


Anastasiya wheeled around to see Alec standing in the threshold. She was wearing a blood red bandage dress clinging tightly to her curves and accentuating her shape. She sighed, exposing her fangs ever so slightly. “Ahh…There you are Alexander.”


Alec walked to her, placing his hands on her hips. “Was I gone too long, moye serdtse? Did you miss me, my sweet Nastiya?”


She draped her arms over his shoulders and nuzzled his neck, nipping at his throat. “Perhaps a little. This coterie business our prince has you involved in is proving to be somewhat of an inconvenience. It pulls you away from me far too often.”


“I agree, my heart.” He said, sliding his hands from her waist down to the top of her thighs. “But there are benefits. She has granted us a domain, a most valuable asset not to be discounted.”


She leaned her head against him looking up to his eyes. “So it seems. pa pa has told me as much. He also complimented you on how well you handled yourself and…”


“And?” He asked with some interest.


“And me…” She bit his chin playfully. “If I’m being honest my childe, you’ve brought much honor to your sire and made pa pa proud.”


“I’m glad to hear this Stasi. You know I live for your pleasure.”


Anastasiya kissed him and bit his lip before breaking away. “I’ve always known moye serdtse, I should probably be happy it only took you five years to understand it for yourself.”


Elena and Ysabelle stood quietly in the room, Ellie a bit more uncomfortable than Ysa. 


Alec wrapped his arm around Anastasiya’s waist and led her toward his desk. He sat in the chair, she on his lap, her left arm laying over his shoulder. Ysa could tell by his body language that this position was causing him some emotional discomfort, as if some long forgotten memory had resurfaced and panged his heart. 


“Alec. If I may?” Ysa interrupted. “I have the contracts for the office building purchase ready for you to review and the lease agreement for the gallery. It shouldn’t take too long…if you can spare the time.”


Elena moved over to a workstation off to the side, tapping some keys on a laptop. Within moments an aerial view of the domain they had been granted appeared on the big screen. She focused the selector on the office building then gallery, highlighting them both and bringing them to the forefront of the image.


Alec looked at Anastasiya. “Would you mind if I attended to this quickly?”


“How long?” she asked pouting.


“Two hours. I can’t imagine it would take much longer. And after… I was hoping you might be able to help me with something a bit more… personal.”


Anastasiya smiled intrigued. “Contracts bore me. I’ll be upstairs when you’re ready to join me.” She kissed his cheek before standing. “I’ll be disappointed if I am made to wait longer Alec.” She said as her eyes moved from Ysa to Elena, the warning was clearly meant for them. 


“We’ll make sure he keeps track of time Miss Dragomir.” Ysa offered.


“Good.” She smoothed her dress and exited.


Ysabelle laid the paperwork in front of him. “I used the shell company S&S Limited to purchase the property and lease the gallery.” 


“S&S? Is that one of mine?”


“Two actually.” Ysabelle answered with a mischievous grin. “Sáenz and Sokolov.”


“Definitely yours.” Elena added.


“We wanted to stay clear of any of the businesses associated with the Dragomir Group to avoid attracting attention from local police and potential Bratva rivals. I registered the company in Mexico where local authorities here in the U.S. will find specifics problematic to acquire. I funded it from the account in Grand Cayman and wired the money through Santander Bank, a financial institution influenced by someone who has taken quite a liking to you.”


“I’ll have to thank her properly when next we speak.”


“It’s a small thing for her, but she does appreciate the niceties of good manners. The financing is clean and will withstand even the most meticulous scrutiny without coming back to you or your coterie. The sub level of the parking garage will take a short time to complete and will not appear on any city building schematics. The entrance is hidden in a machine room and we will be able to construct three solitary cell spaces there. The area is to be soundproofed even to kindred hearing and will make a fine interrogation room should the need arise.”


As Ysa spoke, Elena moved through screens of schematics and blow ups. The two worked very efficiently together. Alec leaned back in his chair. “Ok. So where do you need me to sign?”


“I’ve highlighted the pages for you.” Ysa leaned into him flipping pages and pointing out the lines requiring his signature. He grabbed a pen then paused. “Which name do I use?”


“Alex Assante. It’s a new mask Elena made for you.”


He looked at Elena and tilted his head.


“The best masks have a bit of truth to them. If you couldn’t use your name, whose would you choose to carry?” She said with a smile.


Alec chuckled. “The funny thing is she’d get a kick out of this. She’s quite proud of her ancestry you know, nonna’s sauce recipe and all.” He said while signing.


“I thought it might be the safest way to honor her and keep a part of her with you.” Elena said softly.


“How long before the third floor haven is ready?”


“I’ll file the rest of the paperwork tomorrow so my guess is about three weeks or so.” Ysa answered. “Then it’s just a matter of everyone selecting furniture. The office space is complete but it too will require furnishing. With the deal closed we can accept deliveries as early as Monday. I’ve hired receptionists to maintain appearances and security to keep the curious away. Oh and upon completion, I assume you’ll want to meet all the workers and thank them personally for their efforts, lest they forget how much they are appreciated.”


“Yes, do keep track of all the contractors. I don’t want to miss anyone.”


Elena tapped a ledger. “Not to worry.”


They reviewed some other business dealings, shipment invoices and scheduled meetings before Elena paused looking at the clock. “You better head up Alec. You don’t want her to get her panties in a bunch.”


“I don’t think she wears any.”


Elena made a heaving sound and Ysa rolled her eyes.


Alec laughed. “Ysa go home. Get some rest. Who knows how long the filings will take tomorrow.”


“Perhaps I should wait until you’re done. Just in case.”


“No worries. I’ve got him.” Elena said.


“Are you sure you want to do this Alec? I’m certain you don’t want to be blood bound again.”


“It’s the only way. And strangely enough Anastasiya is my safest option.”


“I can’t argue that. She wouldn’t hurt you but I’m sure you know what she will do.”


“Do we have Listerine?” Elena asked.


“Now that’s just mean.” Alec said defensively.


Ellie shrugged her shoulders.


“Go on Ysa. We’re fine. And thanks.” 


Ysabelle nodded.


Alec stood. “I should be back later Ellie. If not, well don’t wait up. I’ll be staying here tonight.”


Elena shook her head and cued up the security cameras.


“There’s espresso in the cabinet El.” Ysa offered as she was leaving. Alec walked her out to the elevator. “You’re sure you don’t want me to stay?” 


“Thanks Ysa. I’m good.”


Alec watched the doors close. He entered a security code and a second elevator arrived and opened. He keyed in another string of numbers and though no fourth floor was listed on the control panel, the elevator ascended to the next level. The foyer was richly decorated with museum quality art and decor reminiscent of turn of the century Russia, it’s opulent splendor definitively referencing St. Petersburg during the reign of the tsars. He moved into a living area where Anastasiya waited patiently for his arrival, sitting on a red velvet loveseat with intricately carved bronzewood framing. She glanced at an ornate wooden grandfather clock the size of a coffin. 


“You’re early. This makes me happy Alexander.”


“I prefer you that way lyubovnik.” His eyes moved up her body. “I like the new dress. It fits rather nicely.”


She stood and turned. “I was beginning to think work had you so distracted you didn’t notice.”


“There is only one thing that could distract me so, you Nastiya. It’s good to be home for a change. I’ve missed your company and counsel.”


She backed into him then took his hands and wrapped them around her waist holding them firm against her belly. “Which is it you require now my dorogoy?” She pressed herself against him.


“There’s that distraction I mentioned,” he said before kissing her neck.


She moaned softly. “Is it so terrible?”


“Quite the contrary Stasi.” He bit her ear then whispered in it. “I know exactly how I’d like to spend tonight… but first, if you’d allow me to ask…” He ran his tongue down her throat. “…There is something I was hoping you could help me with.” He kissed her cheek. “There is no one else I would trust with this request.”


“Oh.” She purred. “What is it you want to ask Alec?”


“There is a power I’d like to learn, one that will enhance my senses to see, hear smell and feel things far beyond our normal perceptions. You possess such skill. If I recall your lessons properly, the only way to acquire such an ability is to drink from a kindred who already has it.”


“Hmm.” She turned her head back toward him. “You were paying attention in class. You’ve made your teacher very proud.”


“I also remember your lessons on blood bonding and how drinking from another kindred can cause you to fall under their influence to the point where your own free will is but an echo, a distant calling. If I am to risk such a thing I would only do so with you. I have been under your spell since the day we met my beautiful Anastasiya, I can find no harm or fault in risking such a connection with you.”


He felt her hands warm in his. Her heart began to beat, he could feel the rhythm in her chest. She exhaled sharply. “If I am going to assist you in this, I want to enjoy it as much as I can.” She stepped away from him finding a comfortable place to sit on the sofa. A mischievous grin worked its way across her face. She leaned back into the soft cushions kicking her shoes off to the side. “Come here Alec. Kneel before your sire.”


Alec unbuttoned his suit jacket, then removed it, laying it on the arm of an adjacent chair. He loosened his tie and undid the top button of his shirt. “Is the kneeling necessary Nastiya?” he asked as he slowly approached.


“That depends. Do you want my help or not?” She smiled at him resting her hands on her lap then separating her legs to create space for him before her. The bandage dress drifted back barely maintaining her modesty. “Here Alec. Kneel here.” 


Anastasiya watched as Alec lowered himself in front of her. She withdrew her right leg, resting her heel on the edge of the cushion, at the same time she leaned forward, reaching out for his face with her hands, drawing him in and kissing him passionately. “Hmm. That’s nice.” She growled. She fell back into the sofa grabbing his tie like a leash. “You want blood? Here.” Anastasiya splayed her right leg wide open exposing the soft tissue of her loin. She yanked him forward leading his face into her inner thigh. “Drink Alec. Go on.”


Alec’s lips made contact with her. He ran his tongue across the warm skin and she let out a soft groan. Finally, Alec bit down gently with his fangs. The sweet flavor of Anastasiya’s vitae filled his mouth. She moaned in ecstasy throwing her head back, her eyes rolling with pleasure. Alec had almost forgotten how good she tasted. The warm blood ran down his throat and he felt an old familiar spark of infatuation with her. In his mind’s eye he could see her smile, she was so beautiful. Her voice played like romantic music and her touch caused his falsely beating heart to race. Then came the twinge of guilt as Stefania’s face stared back at him from the dreamscape. He pulled slowly away licking the wound closed before he separated from her.


“That was amazing Alec. Intense. How about we move to the bedroom?”


An aching in his heart cautioned him against the idea but he was too far gone. Anastasiya pushed him back with her foot and she stood. She turned her back to him. “Unzip me.” 


Alec brought the zipper down to the small of her back. She took a stride away from him toward the bedroom they shared during the day. The dress that had clung so tightly to her form fell away revealing naked skin. She turned her head back for a moment, smiling. Her eyes sparkled as she stepped out of the garment. Alec felt nearly overwhelmed with affection for her. He quickly followed behind her and they spent the remainder of the night in passion’s embrace.




The following night Alec roused first. He stared at Anastasiya’s catatonic form. Pale but lithe. The enchanting effects of her blood fading from his mind similar to alcohol being metabolized after sleeping. Even so, there was still a fuzzy buzz of affection for her lingering. His eyes met hers as she woke. She brushed his cheek with the back of her hand. His lips brushed against hers softly, kissing her good morning. He could see the affection Anastasiya felt for him reflecting back from her gaze. “Let’s shower. After we dress, we will begin your lesson.”


They shared the oversized shower, rainfall heads cascaded warm water over their cool bodies. Alec was particular about his hygiene. Scented body wash and salon quality shampoo were kept on a stone shelf. For Anastasiya, perfumed soaps and aromatic bath oils were her preference. She made Alec smell each one, focusing on the individual aromas. She kissed his eyes closed then worked one of the oils into her skin. When they were done the couple returned to their bedroom and dressed. Alec put on one of the many custom tailored suits hanging in the closet. Anastasiya chose an emerald green lycra stretch bodycon dress. Her athletic shape required very little in the way of undergarments so she chose to forgo them for today. She laced her fingers through his and led him back to the sofa where last night’s amorous activities began. “Sit moye serdtse. I want you to wait for me to leave the room, then focus on opening your senses. I want you to reach out and smell the fragrance on my skin. Call for me when you are sure you know the scent and I’ll bring the bottles to you so you can match it. Ready?” 


“Yes.” Alec watched her strut from the parlor. He closed his eyes and focused. He singled out his sense of smell. It wasn’t so difficult to follow the trail of rose petals wafting out of the room. Jasmine and lily began to blend with the rose petals off in the distance. “I’ve got it Stasi.” he called out. 


She returned placing 5 bottles on a nearby coffee table. “Which?” She asked. 


Alec reached immediately for the rose petal scented body oil. 


Anastasiya regarded him carefully but did not comment on his choice. 


Alec grinned. “This is the one from the shower. But we both know that would be too easy. I think you added a second scent after you went inside.”


She smiled yet remained silent, her eyes pointing toward the remaining four bottles. 


Alec ignored the choices on the table instead moving closer to her. He kissed her tenderly as his hand moved from her side to up under her breast. He slid his fingers inside her bosom, over her sternum and forced a small atomizer up from between her cleavage and out the V neck of her dress. “This one. Jasmine and Lily.”


Anastasiya’s smile grew wide. “You’re a quick study. Understand you can focus on one sense, several or all. Just be careful. As useful as this power is, it can be easily overwhelmed by sensory overload.” 


“Thank you Stasi. I’ll be sure to remember that.” 


“Excellent. Shall we head downstairs and see if there are any interesting happenings this evening?”


Alec laced his arm though hers. “Very well sire.”


There was little need for illumination, Anastasiya was glowing all her own. When they reached the third floor Alec could plainly see Elena still in his office. She had a worn look about her as if she had not slept in more than a day. He focused his vision on her. Her eyes darted from the monitors toward the elevator where he stood, moved to Anastasiya, slanted and returned to the monitors. Her lips moved but what she said was indecipherable. The office seemed perfectly soundproof. It only took a moment for him to realize she wasn’t talking to herself but Ysa. Elena was shaking her head in obvious disagreement.


“Alec.” Anastasiya cooed. “Would it be terrible of me to break away for a short while. I could use a bite to eat. Last night has left me famished.”


He grinned and kissed her cheek affectionately. “Not at all Stasi. I have some invoices to review for your father and a quick meeting to take with Piotr. I’ll meet you back in the lounge in a few hours.”


She kissed him on the lips, sighed then left. Alec made his way to his office and opened the door to hear Ysa reprimanding Elena. 


“You need to sleep Ellie. Do you know what happens to humans when they are sleep deprived? It’s like being drunk. He’s fine, see?”


“Is everything ok?” Alec asked.


“That depends on your definition?” Ysa answered. “How did it go?”


“Exactly as we expected.”


Elena hacked as if she was coughing up a hairball. “It’s in your left hand drawer.”


Alec looked at Ysa who shook her head in exasperation then shrugged her shoulders. Alec opened the drawer to find a bottle of Listerine, a rocks glass and a bowl. “Really Ellie?” Alec could see she was bleary eyed, clearly exhausted. “You need some rest El. You can go upstairs or take the couch but I want you to lay down for a bit.”


“I’m fine. I don’t need…”


“I’m not asking.” 


She glared angrily at him, narrowing her eyes. “I have a job to do.”


Alec stepped close to her and hugged her. “Ysa’s up. Tag. Take a nap Elena. I appreciate what you did and why, but I need you in top form for tomorrow. So please…”


Elena exhaled sharply returning the embrace. “So tired Alec. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be cranky.”


“It’s all good El.” 


She broke away and shuffled over to the sofa in his office and layed down. Her head was propped awkwardly on a throw pillow but even so, her eyes flickered and shut. Alec went into a closet retrieving a pillow and blanket. He laid the pillow next to her and covered her carefully to keep her warm. For a moment she reminded him of Stefania, who on so many nights, would sleep in the exact same position. Once she was settled he motioned to the door with his head. He shut the lights as Ysa followed him out locking the door behind them.


They stepped into the elevator and headed down. “Wow she’s stubborn.” Alec whispered.


“Protective Alec. There was no way she was taking her eyes off you until she knew you were safe. She’s blood bound to you so she resents Anastasiya and the way she treats you.”


“She’s not all bad.”


“That’s your sire’s blood talking. Be careful about drinking from her again anytime soon. If you must, try and let her vitae hit the air a few seconds. It’ll reduce the chance of you being bonded.”


“I’ll keep that in mind.” He looked at his watch. “I need to meet with Piotr. Care to drive?”


“Sure. Elena?”


“We’ll be back long before she stirs. She’s fine where she is.”


Ysa nodded and followed him out into the night.

This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Dorym
