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Important NY Dates

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1999 – Week of Nightmares – Most likely Monday, June 28 to Sunday, July 4, 1999 is the name given by vampires to the week in which Zapathasura, Antediluvian of the Ravnos clan, awakened. During the week Zapathasura supposedly destroyed his entire clan.


2000 – Late in the year the Battle of New York takes place as the Camarilla drives the Sabbat out of New York. A heavy price in victory is paid as Prince Michaela is decapitated by Cardinal Polonia of the Sabbat. Calebreos of Clan Nosferatu becomes temporary Prince. 


2003 – Calebreos steps down as Prince of New York leaving his Primogen to decide on the new Prince.


2004 – Helene Panhard, child of Michaela and Harpy becomes Prince of New York. ShreckNET is also discovered by the NSA this year though it would be years before anyone finds out.


2008 – The Tremere Prime Chantry in Vienna is destroyed, decapitating the Tremere High Council of Elders and purging Vienna of Kindred, later known as OPERATION: Lights Out. Carna (Tremere) begins her flight across the United States, spreading word of what she has learned from The Book of the Grave War to her followers. Anarchs take the opportunity to conquer several weak Camarilla domains.


2010 – The Conclave of Galloway convenes; it is decided to ban the Anarchs from membership in the Camarilla, remaking the organization into something exclusively for the vampire elite and their chosen brethren.


2012 – Simultaneous conclaves are held in Chicago and Prague. Theo Bell assassinates Hardestadt the Young (and possibly Jan Pieterzoon) at the Prague Conclave. The Brujah formally leave the Camarilla.


2020 – Current Night – To Be Written
