Time In Candlekeep:…
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Time In Candlekeep: Short Stories

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Studied the ancient scrolls that teach the Kara-Tur martial arts style known as the Five Stars. Once per combat encounter you make a melee attack against a different creature within 5 feet of you, with a separate attack roll for each target. Each attack is part of the same bonus action, but none of these attacks can be made against a creature you have already attacked this turn.

Evalise was in Winthrop’s storehouse clearing out the infamous rat infestation. There, sitting on a webbed-covered barrel, she waited idly by as she watched a shadowy feline figure dart behind the scenes. After the sounds of crashing crates and sharp scratching of claws upon wooden boards, the little black cat emerged triumphant with its prey clutched within his teeth. He peered up to her expectantly.


“What?” She replied sharply. “Your one to my twenty. I’m not impressed.”


The cat growled and paraded off around the rest of the storehouse with his trophy.


“And I can do without the attitude mister!” Evalise informed him. With a brisk sigh she hopped off the barrel.


“Guess that’s the last of them,” she murmured. Taking a moment to dust herself off, Evalise slowly scanned the warehouse one last time before stepping outside.


A husky ale-soaked voice bellowed at her. “Aye! And how goes the war, lass?”


“Don’t go in there, my fair ol’  taskmaster! The ravages of this skirmish would set your heart asunder.”


“No,” the bear-like man gasped with wide eyes. “Not me…”


Evalise nodded slowly as she  embraced the man, her arms unable to encompass the girth of his massive torso.  “Sorry Winthrop. I couldn’t save the brandy.”


“Damn their beady little eyes!” Winthrop howled.


Straightening herself , Evalise continued, “You know, you’d save yourself the heart-ache if you just fronted up for some traps.”


“Ah,” Winthrop groaned. “Ye are the only trap I need. Now off with ye.” 



Attended the College of Destiny and earned the Bewildering Gesture trait. When you cast a spell that requires a saving throw, you can change the saving throw from its normal ability score.

“I almost got hung myself once before. Didn’t care for it much. How about you?” said Cal, hands bound behind his back sitting atop a mule backward.


Making the final adjustments to the noose around his neck, Nymiria gave Cal a peck on the cheek before returning to Hammond’s side.


We’ll leave you now.” Said Hammond “Don’t want anyone to see me here and get the idea that I was somehow connected with your…accidental death. On the other hand, it’s not good for a man to be out here alone. The mind can do terrible things. Enjoy the company.”


On queue Grif and Darvish tossed a massive burlap sack to the ground behind the mule. An audible rattling noise could be heard coming from the bag.


“Oh, snakes!” exclaimed Cal.


Hammond and his troupe chuckled and mocked Cal as they rode away on horseback.


“Don’t go without me, all right, Hammy? Whatever I’ve done to piss you off…” Cals words trailed off as he began to grow frantic. “If you’d just get me out of this…let me know what it was… I’ll rectify the situation. It’s just been a shitty week for me!”


Cal took a deep breath and tried to wriggle free of the knotted rope around his neck. No luck. Make that bad luck. Cal’s jerky movements surprise the mule and it takes a half step forward. Cal froze in place. After a moment the mule relaxed and settled down. Cal started to try and work his neck free again. This time the mule didn’t move at all. Cal sighed with relief. His gaze went to the burlap sack. It started to wriggle. Cal held his breath. The mule didn’t spot the sack yet. Pretty soon it’s going to be hard not to spot it. Cal threw caution to the winds now and tried desperately to somehow get free of the noose. Miraculously, he started to make a little headway. Suddenly the snakes vanished with a loud pop and a puff of acrid smoke. The terrified mule ran for its life.


No! No! No!” Pled Cal as he slid off the back of the Mule. The sudden fall jerked the hemp rope. With a loud crack! the tree branch the rope was tied to snapped under Cal’s weight and he came crashing to the ground with a dull thud.


Cal staggered to his feet as he watched the mule run off in the distance. Cal sighed heavily resound to his fate. It was at least a half day walk back to Beregost. Hopefully that offered enough time to make up an excuse for Arabess.



Studied the Way of the Avowed Preserver and earned the Silent Scholar trait. You gain the Magical Training Feat and the spells you choose are non-verbal and non-somatic.

An’ric approached First Reader Quinlapp. “I have questions. Yesterday I was dressing, I knew I wanted to freshen up, as the thought entered my mind, my clothes glamored and I felt a surge in the Weave. When it faded I was cleansed. I know no magic.. How did this happen?”


“Meditation is about more than just gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves. It is about forging a deeper connection to the Weave. It is a means of obtaining greater control over our thoughts and emotions. Peace. Serenity. Harmony. In mastering ourselves we gain a greater connection to the Weave.”


“I do not possess magic. My friend Evalise, she studies to draw upon the arcane.


“Meditation is a form of study. The gift you unlocked within yourself is a testament to your devotion.”



Attended the school of Academic Lore and earned the Magic of Destiny trait. You may choose one additional spell per spell level of your choice up to 4th level spells. These selections may not be changed.

A skill taught early to all sorcerers…unleash the arcane power within and make it manifest. But what if this inner power were to be amplified? What if one could expand on what was already there? Through conjuring and focusing all of one’s magic energy it is possible to unlock greater potential. Now, this takes rare discipline and devotion to the arcane but the results are nothing short of astounding.


​”Do it again.” said Miirym in an encouraging tone. Arabess picked herself up from the stone floor, rubbing her backside. As part of the young sorceress’ training regiment, she needed to be taught proper form before unlocking new magic was introduced to the technique. Without proper form, the suppressed arcane energy could backfire, not only sending the caster to the ground, but the pressurized arcane could explode, leaving a far more severe result. 


Arabess went through the motions again to summon the arcane within her. 


Miirym gazed over Arabess, contemplating the technique before she spoke.


​”Better.” she finally admitted. “You must not be overconfident. Remember your basics and practice them often.” 
