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New Beginnings

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Posted for Bronze

This post takes place on the streets of Beregost outside the Esoterica Magica:


It was just a gap between two old terraced houses but, the dark alleyway was a good hiding place. You couldn’t see the far end as it had been blocked off by a large heavy iron gate built many years ago to stop the thieves and misfits of the area from cutting through to the rear of the old houses that lay beyond. Cal found a way round that though, as did most of the thieves and misfits it was meant to stymie. He sat heavily on the cobblestones that paved the ground and began nursing his broken nose. Slightly out of breath, Arabess sat down next to her friend and began to examine the numerous scratches and bruises she had just received for defending Cal once again. She didn’t see him as a trouble seeker; but more of an adventure seeker; but trouble and adventure always seemed to go hand in hand. Regardless, she felt fortunate to have Cal as a friend.


“Stop pouting. It’s only a broken nose. You’ll live.”


“I’m not pouting! It hurts!” Cal whined.


“What was it this time?”


“Card game…with Hammond, Grif, and Darvish.”


“You got into a game with the guys from Bone House? They’re a bunch of privileged scumbags! Why are you getting involved with them?”


“They are privileged scumbags. But with privilege comes money.”


“Yeah! Money you don’t have!”


“I had enough to buy in. I was up the whole time too.  In the last game Grif and Darvish folded. Hammond went all in. I couldn’t match the pot but… remember the map you got me from the Book Printers Cartel?”


“You stupid son-of-a-bitch! You bet the map I got you as a birthday gift?! “


“Hold on Bessie. The map I offered was a fake. But I figured the boneheads from Bone House wouldn’t know the difference.”


“Only they did.”


“No, they actually didn’t. Salem, and all her brutally innocent honesty, happened by and opened her big mouth. Hammy lost his mind and set his goons on me. And those people will-quite literally-take the clothes off your back!”


“You didn’t call him that to his face, did you?”


“Call him what?”




“I may have.”


Arabess rolled her eyes in disbelief. “You know he hates that!”


“I slipped! I tried to explain to him that I meant no disrespect.”




“But his goons dragged me out into the street anyways. I tried to change their minds, but they wouldn’t listen.”


“And how did you go about doing that?”


“As Darvish and Grif began to rip the shirt off my back I told them that I would eviscerate them in fiction. Every pimple, every character flaw would be known to the world. They may leave me naked for a day, but they would be naked for eternity. That’s when Nymiria broke my nose and you happened by.”


“Nymiria broke your nose?!”


“Yeah. She’s got a mean swing that one.”


“I thought it was Jyr?”


“No, it was Nymiria.”


“I knew I should have frozen that bitch!” There was a brief pause in their conversation before a small smile crept onto Arabess’ lips. “I can’t believe you let a girl break your nose.”


“I didn’t let her!”  Cal said exasperated.


Arabess gave Cal a friendly nudge with her elbow and chuckled.


“There is some good news.” Cal offered.




“During the scuffle I managed to get a hold of Hammy’s trade bar. He had left it on the table before they dragged me out of the tavern.” Cal said as he twirled the bar between his fingers.


Arabess snatched the bar away from Cal. “Half of this is mine. Where’s the map I gave you?”


“Safe and sound in my room. That little gem is our ticket to fortune and glory…once we graduate.”


This topic was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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This post takes place in The Esoterica Magica…

A few days later…


Hey… Bessie…” The young bard whispered not so quietly. “What’s the draconic rune for darkvision?”


Arabess glanced over at her friend and rolled her eyes. “Sverak. Aren’t you supposed to be the smart one?” She shook her head. “And don’t call me Bessie.”


“Yeah well… I was out late last night. I had a hot hand in Three Dragon Ante… At least for a little while.”


“Don’t tell me you were back in Bone House again. The last beating wasn’t enough?”


“Not fair. We came out ahead last time.”


“Ahem.” Magister Elyon cleared her throat. “Please tell me I’m not hearing chatter during my exam.”


The class grew quiet so that only the sound of scratching quills could be heard.


Arabess waited a few more seconds before looking over at her friend again. “How much Cal?”


He looked around the room quickly before he answered. “Twelve gold… but before ya get mad I have a double or nothing bet that will set us right… if we can get top marks on this test.”


The young sorceress tilted her head. “Really?”


“Yes really. You’re amazing at translating draconic runes. It’s like it’s in your blood or something.”


“You’re insufferable, you know that?”


“Yeah fine. Just help me with the rune for dance.”




“Elyon’s not a rune. Elyon is…”


“The professor standing right behind you Mister Firebrand.” The middle aged mage announced.


Cal’s expression sunk.


“I’ll be taking that test young man and you can explain to the headmaster why you received a zero.”


“A what? No!” The young bard panicked and reached for his paper.


Magister Elyon swatted down with her ruler but just before it struck he felt a familiar aura as a slight chill washed over him. ‘Whack!’ The whole class reeled back with a resounding, “Oooh.”, all except for Arabess who sat back looking rather pleased with herself. The ruler bounced off his hand without leaving even a touch of redness. Magister Elyon glowered at her. “You too young lady. And you can wipe that smug look off your face. I’m sure a zero will help with that”


“A zero? For what? I wasn’t… You know runes is my best class.”


“Yes and you’ll have the whole semester to make the grade up. Off with you now. Both of you.”


Cal felt the aura of protection drop just as Arabess punched him in the shoulder. The class began to laugh and as he passed Hammond’s desk. The wizard from Bone House mouthed the word “double.” And flashed a wicked grin.


Arabess glared at ‘Hammy’ then shoved her way past Cal and through the door. Cal tried to apologize but she wanted to hear none of it. They reached the headmasters office and found two very familiar chairs waiting for them.


“Zero’s Cal. I can’t believe you had audacity to gamble on the test and then get us caught.”


“Me? You’re the one with the blindsense. Why’d you whisper Elyon anyway?”


“Cause she was standing behind you when you asked for help.”


“I wasn’t asking for help. I was just checking my work.”


The door to the headmaster’s office opened and the wizened figure of Master Izodalf Vosk stood in the entry looking down through his spectacles at the two teens. “I’d liked to say I’m shocked to see the two of you again but it seems like we’ve been through this before. Which one of you would like to tell me what happened now.”


Cal looked at Arabess and she back at him before they both looked at the headmaster, shrugged their shoulders and looked down.


“I see.” He narrowed his eyes at the teens. “Weren’t you scheduled to sit for an exam today?”


“Yes sir.” Cal replied.


“Runes. Am I correct, Miss Ilixkret?”


“Yes sir.” She answered.


“Very well. Into my office. Sit and don’t move until I return.”


They did as they were bade and waited. 


“Jerk.” Arabess pouted.


“Grump.” Cal grinned.


A few minutes later the headmaster entered the room. In his hands were the tests that had been taken away from them.


“I spoke with Magister Elyon and she’s willing to give you an opportunity to prove you weren’t cheating by having you retake the exam here in my office with myself serving as proctor. If you manage to replicate your successes then all will be forgotten. However, should you fail to do so, I’m afraid you’ll both be spending your nights cleaning classrooms and copying texts. Fair?”


“Yes sir.” Cal answered excitedly.


Arabess turned her head and stared at him.


“Is there a problem my dear?” The old mage asked.


“No sir.” She looked toward the headmaster. “I’m certain we’ll do fine.”


“Excellent. Here you go. Begin.”


The next hour passed without another word. Arabess finished first and fought the urge to look and see how Cal was doing. Finally he stopped scribbling and laid his quil down. Master Vosk reviewed the papers and smiled. 


“Well done. Well done both of you. Magister Elyon will be quite pleased to see the results. Come on, follow me.”


“Where are we going?” Arabess asked.


“Back to class.” The headmaster explained.


They walked through the hallway and up the stairwell leading to the classrooms. Magister Elyon was sitting quietly grading exams when the sound of an opening door caught her attention. “Headmaster.” She offered in greeting.


“Well professor it seems you were quite correct in your assumptions.”


Magister Elyon stood with a sardonic grin on her face. “Might I see?”


“Of course.” He handed the exams over to her and the three of them watched as she reviewed them.


“Arabess. Your work is clean and every rune was transcribed correctly. Top marks as I would have expected. Now my advice young lady, is not to allow yourself to be so easily distracted by outside interference in the future. Get caught cheating again and the zero will stick. As for you Callixtus… A tad sloppy. You could use more time practicing your linework and less disrupting my class. That said… top marks. You don’t need help young man. Trust in your own ability and you’ll do just fine. And remember, a true friend should never put their companions in harm’s way. Am I understood?”


Yes ma’am they replied in concert.


“Now seeing as this was a retest I see it as only fair that each of you take a half mark deduction for inconveniencing the headmaster and causing a distraction in my classroom. Fair?” She asked the kids but looked at the headmaster.


He nodded as they answered. “Yes ma’am.”


“Good. I’ll expect better of you both tomorrow. You may go.”


They looked to the headmaster who nodded his approval and left.


“You’re too easy on them Izodalf.” Magister Elyon said. “I don’t understand the favoritism you show those two. Don’t misunderstand me. They’re good kids. But mischief is mischief and there ought to be consequences.”


“Believe me when I say Lenora, those two have had their share of consequence. If I seem to treat them gently it’s only because I and I alone am familiar with their histories. And before you ask, no I am not at liberty to share. You’ll have to trust me.”


“Of course, headmaster.”


 “Excellent. Thank you for your kind assistance in this matter. I assure you it won’t happen again.”


“Until the next time?” She asked.


“Until the next time.” He grinned.




“Half a mark deduction!” Arabess said angrily. “How is that fair?”


“It’s better than zeroes.”


“Oh it is.” She snapped “But not good enough to win your wager.”


“Oh yeah. I kinda forgot about that.”


“Well good for you cause I’m certain Hammy won’t, will he?”


“Ahh. It’s no big deal. We’ll figure it out. We always do. Hey I meant to ask… Are you going to the dance at the Bardic College next weekend?”


Arabess flushed a little bit. “I… I’m not sure. I haven’t been asked. Why?” She smiled.


“Cause I was thinking of asking Kylee. What do you think?”


Arabess narrowed her eyes as her face reddened a bit. “I think she’s rather homely looking with hair like scarecrow straw. But if you don’t mind the fact that she drinks fermented milk then by all means, she’d be perfect for you.”


“Wow. Harsh… Do you think she’d say yes though?”


Arabess glared at him and her eyes seemed to glow a ghostly blue as her breath began to freeze on the air. “I’m sure she’ll be delighted. Who else would even bother with her, crooked teeth and all.” She wheeled about and stormed off.


“See ya at dinner Bessie?” He called after her.


“Don’t call me Bessie!” She yelled back without turning around.


As he rounded the corner he walked directly into Hammond along with Grif and Darvish.


“Here’s my guy.” Hammond smiled wide. “How’d the test go?”


His friends started to giggle.


“Actually quite well. Tops marks. Arabess and I both so if you’ll excuse me.”


The two goons blocked his path. 


“No… No, I don’t think so. I seem to recall Magister Elyon taking your papers and giving both of you zeroes. Zeroes are not top marks my friend. That’ll be 24 gold.” 


“We did a retake, in the headmaster’s office. I’m certain you were still in the classroom when he arrived. Someone as clever as yourself must have heard the conversation.” Cal said as he corrected a twisted covering on the bully’s doublet.


“That doesn’t count. It was a retake. I want my gold.”


“Hold on now. It was still the same test. And the wager was top marks on the test. It was never discussed whether it was completed in class or elsewhere. That’s on you for not being specific. I did my part, top marks on the test. Arabess and I both. We’re square.” Cal smiled and stepped around Darvish.


“Oh no you don’t.” Darvish reached out with a mitten sized hand and grabbed for his shoulder. Cal ducked out of the way only to be tackled by Grif. The two large boys yanked him to his feet and slammed him into the stone wall.


“Now as I was saying… My gold Cal?”


“Square is sq… ooof.” All the air seemed to leave his body as Darvish punched him in the stomach.”


“Square is 24 gold.” Hammond grinned. “Turn him upside down boys. Let’s see what falls out.”


The two goons inverted the bard and began to shake him. Several loose items including a few stray silver fell to the ground.


“Now that doesn’t seem fair at all.” A girl’s voice called out. “What’s say you put him down and we can all go about our separate ways.” Cal recognized the voice. It was Evalise. She leaned forward on her naginata. “Or if that doesn’t work for you, we can even the odds up a bit, right An’ric?”


“Yeah. I could go for a bit of light sparring.” The monk said as he shifted his feet.


“Why don’t you mind your business vagrant. Shouldn’t you be in pan handling class right now?”


The young duskblade scowled.


“She would be but your mother called out today. There’s no one to teach it.” Cal fired back from his capsized position.


Hammond’s face reddened with anger. “Don’t you dare talk about my mother like that?” He spit as he kicked him.


“Leave him alone!” Another girl’s voice. Icy and cold. Cal and his friends felt the cooling effect of the aura she projected. 


“Bessie!” He yelled as the two goons dropped him.


“Well if it isn’t Frosty the Snow Bitch.” Hammond sneered. “Come to bail out your boyfriend again?”


“Actually I thought your hot head could use a bit of cooling.” She hissed, then drew in a breath of air that froze in her throat. Her eyes took on an icy blue tint. “And he’s not my boyfriend.”


“Whoah… Easy there Arabess. We were just having a bit of fun.” Darvish said.


“Yeah. We was just playing.” Griff added. 


Evalise reached down and helped Cal from the floor. 


Hammond curled his lip. “Well that’s a new low Cal… the trash pulling you out of the gutter.”


An’ric grabbed the boy by his doublet and yanked him off his feet. “Insult her again. I dare you.” 


“What’s going on here!?” The master of the house yelled. “I’ll not be having these types of shenanigans in my dormitory. “You three… Bone House correct?”


“Yes sir.” Grif answered. 


“Well why don’t you head back there. And I’ll be having a word with your House Mistress.”


“Of course sir.” Darvish said as his eyes shifted down.


An’ric released Hammond.


“This isn’t over.” He said as his feet hit the floor.


“Whatever you say Hammy.” Cal smirked.


“And you four. Do you really need another trip to the headmaster’s office?”


“No sir.” Evalise answered. 


“Not again sir.” Arabess agreed.


“Very well then. I’ll expect better behavior in the future, am I understood?”


“Yes sir. An’ric.” replied.


“Go on then.”


“Thank you sir.” Cal smiled. They walked toward Arabess. “Your room Bessie?”


“Sure why not… and don’t call me Bessie…”


This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Dorym

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The Dance at the Bardic College

Two days later…


“Oh, I don’t know Arabess. I mean… I guess it could be fun… It’s just…. I don’t really have anything to wear to a fancy dance.”


“No worries Eva. We can go shopping. I’m sure we can find something in town.”


“I’d love to Arabess… it’s … I don’t have any coin for something like that.”


“Stop. We’ll go. My treat.”


“Thanks Bess but I couldn’t let you do that. It’s not right.”


“Nonsense. I have some extra coin. Believe it or not, Cal actually won a few gold last night. He cut me in. We’ll use that. It’s the least he can do after you saved him from a beating the other day.”


“Wait… did you say Cal won something? As in our friend Cal?”


“Yeah him.” She grinned. “Come on let’s head into town.” 


They walked the path to the main gate of the Esoterica and out into the city proper. Beregost was a lively commerce town and it was bustling with the late afternoon activity of traders, merchants and shoppers. The pair chatted playfully as they passed beneath the tall, steep-roofed stone houses that crowded close together, overhanging the cobbled streets of the settlement. 


“There. Madame Donatella’s Fineries and Fancy Dress.” Arabess pointed.


“Are you sure about this?


“Definitely.” She grabbed Evalise by the hand and they hurried into the shoppe.


“Greetings young ladies. Welcome. How might I help you?” The proprietor was tall and slender, middle aged with long charcoal colored hair.


“Hello my lady.” Arabess smiled. “My friend and I are planning to attend a gala hosted by the Bardic College at the Esoterica Magica. We’d like to turn a few heads.”


“Well you’ve come to the right place and seeing as you’re both students at the Esoterica I’m certain I can work in a discount as a courtesy to your fine institution.” She smiled. “Who would like to go first?”


Arabess pushed Evalise forward and giggled. “You’re up Eva.”


The young duskblade made a face at her friend then stepped forward onto the platform Madame Donatella had motioned toward. 


“Nice curves, strong build and lovely hips. We’re going to have to accentuate that figure and … yes….” The seamstress thought out loud. 


“Thank you ma’am.” The young teen blushed a bit.


“We need a color palette to show off that hair. You know what they say about redheads don’t you? Kissed by fire for their volatile tempers.”


Evalise smiled. “Hey Bess. Seems the gods should’ve made you a redhead too.” 


“Oh hush you. I don’t have a temper. I just can’t stomach fools and stupid people.” She smirked back.


“Yeah that’s it.” 


“Arms out.” The seamstress said. “I see you in deep green with lovely gold Damask patterning and black accents. How’s that sound?”


“Expensive.” Evalise grimaced.


“Lovely.” Arabess corrected.


“Ok. Now you. Up up.” The seamstress said to the sorceress.


“Nice lines. Long legs. Good posture. Bright eyes. Well I must say you two young ladies make a seamstress job very easy.” The woman commented.


“I like silver on you. With black brocade and hints of deep azure to play with the cool blue sparkle hidden in the color of your hazel eyes.”


“Sounds magnificent.” Arabess grinned excitedly.


“Now fabric. I’m thinking silk so it clings to your shape and moves with you, both of you. It’s regal and will hold up well.”


“Perfect.” Arabess agreed.


“Wait. How much will all this cost?” Evalise asked.


“Normally with your school discount I’d charge fifteen gold per dress but seeing as you two are such a pleasure to work with I’d be willing to take twenty five for both. Besides, I can’t think of a better way to draw business than to have you two lovelies wearing my work at such a prestigious event.”


“I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that Arabess. I really didn’t want you to spend that much. I mean it seems like an awful lot for something I may only wear once.”


“Not if you only need to wear it once my dear.” The seamstress winked. “If you get my meaning.”


“I told you not to worry. Besides, Cal’s picking up a fair share of it.”


Evalise sighed. “Ok if you insist. I’ll make it up to ya Bess.”


“Nonsense. Keep Cal from getting throttled by the ‘boneheads’ and we’re square. I don’t take all the crazy lore classes you two do so if you’ll keep an eye on him at least I won’t have to worry about him then.”


“That I can do.” Evalise smiled.


Arabess paid the woman. “Thank you Madame Donatella.”


“Thank you my lovelies. I’ll have your order ready… say… Starday, next week?”


“Excellent. Thanks again.” Arabess smiled.


“Yes. thanks so much.” Evalise added.


“Be well girls. See you soon.”


The two departed and returned to the Esoterica for dinner.




The following weekend the Bardic College held its seasonal celebration of music and dance. Many of the students performed and nearly the entire Esoterica was in attendance. The great hall had been lavishly decorated with artistic floral arrangements, streaming ribbons and colorful faerie fire. A center stage was erected allowing the entire room to view the performances. A grand  feast of gourmet cooked food and celebratory libations lined the perimeter. A stone’s throw from the entry stairs, Cal was standing with Kylee, near a punchbowl and talking to An’ric.


“The college outdid themselves.” Cal said. “What do you think An’ric?”


“Well it certainly is lavish, quite the contrast to how the monastery conducts their celebrations. Hey where’s Arabess and Evalise? Are they coming?”


“Salem said they’re coming.” Kylee answered. “Though I can’t wait to see what Evalise is wearing.” She smirked and rolled her eyes.


An’ric shook his head in disapproval of the comment his friend’s date had made.


“Well you won’t be disappointed.” Salem said as she walked over. “There’s Evalise now. She’s walking in with Nat.”


“Where  I don’t…” Kylee began as her squinting eyes turned to shock.


“Whoah.” An’ric said with his eyes focusing on the entry doors.


“Is that?” Kylee asked.


“It is.” An’ric smiled. 


The group watched as Evalise strolled over with her date.


“What? Why is everyone staring at me?” The duskblade asked uncomfortably.


“Eva, you look amazing.” An’ric complemented.


“You think? I guess I clean up ok.” She smiled.


“Are you kidding?” Nat said. “You’re prettier than a cymbidium orchid.”


“A what?” An’ric asked.


“It’s a green flower with red highlights.” Cal answered absentmindedly. 


“I absolutely love your dress. The gold pattern is beautiful and the rich green color is to die for.” Kylee said wide eyed. “Is that silk?”


Evalise nodded.


Salem began pouring a drink from the punch bowl. “You’ll have to excuse Kylee’s excitement. She expected you’d be in burlap.” The sorceress said rather flatly.


Kylee looked a little embarrassed by the remark. 


“It is very nice.” Cal agreed.


“Thanks.” She smiled. “Arabess helped me pick it out.”


“So I’m told.” he winked. “Hey where is Bessie?”


“Oh she’ll be along in a few moments. Bryce is helping her with the corsage he bought her.”


“Why would he buy her a corsage?”


“Isn’t that what most guys do when they ask a lady to a dance?” Salem suggested.


“Wait… he what?”


An’ric elbowed his friend as Arabess walked into the hall escorted by a young bard wearing rich black and silver attire, obviously expensive, obviously meant to complement his date’s attire. They made their way down the stairwell and over to the group.


“Hey everyone.” Arabess smiled.


“You look beautiful Bessie.” Cal blushed. “I know…Don’t call you Bessie.”


Arabess grinned. “Why thank you Cal. You look quite nice yourself.” She eyed Kylee up and down. “Hello Kylee. Love your hair. Did you wash it?”


“I did. I used a scented oil I bought from a perfume shoppe near the Clearspring.”


“Wonderful.” The sorceress grinned. “Explains the smell of low tide.”


“What was that?”


“Uhh… she said she likes how it flows to the side.” Cal quickly covered.


“That’s not… Ouch!” Salem yelped as An’ric stepped on her foot.


“Sorry Salem. That was clumsy of me.” The monk apologized before winking at Arabess.


The music changed and Bryce reached out to Arabess. “May I have this dance my lady?” He asked bowing low and somewhat foppishly.


“Of course.” She smiled politely then rolled her eyes as he turned his head to lead her away.


“What’s with that?” Cal asked.


“With what?”


“Why would Arabess come with him?”


“Because he asked her?” Salem suggested.


“Good point.” An’ric agreed.


“No I get that. I mean why him? He’s not even a real bard. Did you know he plays the triangle? No self respecting bard plays the triangle. And look at his outfit. What man would wear pants so tight.”


“Why do you care?” Kylee asked.


“Well I don’t. I’m just saying.”


Evalise grinned.


“And look at her dress. It’s perfect. The silver shimmer… and it clings just right, the brocade is flawless and there are even hints of azure snuck in for those who dare to look.”


“I don’t see any blue.” Kylee commented. “It is a nice dress though. Wonder where she got it?”


“Madama Donatella’s Fineries and Fancy Dress. We both got our dresses there.” Evalise answered. “She was very kind too.”


“How did you afford that place?” Kylee said with a bit of a sneer.


Eva blushed a bit and looked away.


“What does it matter?” Cal shot back defensively. “Obviously she had the coin or she wouldn’t be wearing it.”


“I was just curious.” Kylee said.


“No. You’re nosy and like to gossip.” Salem countered. “Drink?” She asked, passing her a cup.


A few minutes later Arabess returned and grabbed the drink from Cal’s hand emptying it. She passed the empty cup to Salem who grinned and filled it again. The sorceress downed the second giving the empty glass back to Cal. “An’ric… do you love me?”


“What?!” Cal said in shock.


“If you love me will you please clap my ears as hard as you can. If I have to hear about his family’s trading company for even a minute more I’m going to dunk my head in the punch bowl and breath so that my head gets frozen in and I suffocate.”


Evalise began to giggle while An’ric smirked. Even Salem couldn’t help but laugh. Kylee however seemed annoyed at Arabess’s very forward treatment of her date.


“Where is he?” Eva asked.


“I asked him to grab some skewered meat from across the hall. I told him I’d find a table.” She answered exasperated.


“Aren’t you going to say something?” Kylee asked, clearly annoyed by Arabess drinking from her date’s glass.


“Oh. Yeah. There’s a table right there Bessie. Should be room enough for all of us if you grab it now. I’ll get some fresh drinks.” He said filling his glass and another for her. He brought it over to the table and placed it in front of his friend, taking the chair to her right.


“Thanks Cal.”


“Ahem.” Kylee cleared her throat.


“You sound dry Kylee. You should grab a drink.” The bard commented.


“Would you mind?” 


“No go right ahead.”


Kylee shook her head and stormed off. An’ric and Eva snickered.


Bryce came back with two rather large plates of skewered meats and roasted vegetables. He set them down and began to sit.


“Did they have any fresh bread?” Arabess asked.


“I think so. Would you like me to grab some?”


“That would be great. Hey while you’re there could ya bring enough for the table?”


“Sure I guess…”


“Excellent. Thanks!” She smiled brightly. She split the plate of meats onto two others and slid them to Cal and An’ric. “Do not get meat juices on my dress.” She warned. “Or else.”


“No worries Bessie.”


“Don’t call me Bessie.”


Kylee came back with her glass and a frown. “Where’d the food come from?”


“Arabess. She’s afraid to get grease on herself so she passed it over to us.”


“No. I said I’d murder the two of you if you eat like savages and get grease on me. I’m a lady. I know how to eat.”


An’ric almost choked on the hunk of roast quail in his mouth. “I guess dress maketh the lady.”


“Watch it you.” Eva smirked.


Bryce came back with two baskets of hot steaming bread.


“Thanks.” Arabess smiled.


“Hey Bryce. Aren’t you performing today?” Cal asked.


“Yeah. I have a percussion solo and I plan to sing.”


“Percussion? Don’t you play the triangle? Does that qualify as percussion?”


The bard reddened a bit. “Well if you actually had some musical talent you know that it does. I never understood why the Bardic College would let crass orators like you in at all.”


“Well someone has to write your lyrics. Do know how hard it is to compose a song to ‘ding’.” Cal shot back.


“The triangle is a complex instrument.” Bryce said defensively.


The sorceress reached for her date’s instrument and tapped it with her spoon. ‘Ding’. “Incredibly so.” She handed it back to him.


He seemed to shrink a bit in his chair while everyone else at the table roared with laughter.


“Just teasing Bryce. I for one am looking forward to your song.”


Bryce sat up a bit straighter and smiled again. 


“She’s really not.” Salem said grabbing a hunk of bread and slathering some honey butter on it.   


“Speaking of complex.” Nat offered in conversation. “Do you know just how difficult it is to grind the grains and properly measure the ingredients for a quality sourdough. The secret’s in the wild yeast. You need a particular type to get the flavor right.”


“Where did you two meet?” An’ric asked, making a face.


“Herbology.” Evalise replied. “He’s quite smart.”


“If you say so.” An’ric shook his head.


“Hey Bryce. You’re up.” Cal grinned.


“Oh. Wish me luck.” He said leaning in to peck Arabess. She turned her head and he caught  the side of her cheek. She grimaced with disgust as he ran off.


He stepped on the stage to a rather indifferent reception. “I’d like to dedicate this song to a special someone in the room.” Arabess began to shrink. “I call it ‘Cool my burning heart’. She turned red with embarrassment as he began to sing and strike the metal instrument on intervals.


Cal, never one to let a good joke pass heckled him. “I’d call it ‘Cool my burning ears’.” and the room began to laugh.


“Is he playing a triangle?” Hammond yelled from across the dining hall.


“See! It’s not just me.” Cal laughed. “Hey Bessie does he wear those pants to help him with his high notes?”


Her friends began to laugh. Arabess not so much. She glared at Cal, her eyes growing cold and blue as frosty mist exhaled from her nostrils. “It’s getting late Cal. Shouldn’t you return your date to the fields. I’m sure there are crows that need warding off.”


“Oohh.” An’ric cringed. 


“Hey!” Kylee raised her voice. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“I believe she’s calling you a scarecrow.” Salem translated. 


“Well that isn’t very nice.” Kylee sulked.  


“Arabess didn’t mean it.” Evalise offered in consolation.


“I think she did.” Salem corrected.


“Salem!” Arabess and Cal said at once.


“What?” She took a sip from her cup. “Tell me I’m wrong.”


“You know what? I’m going for a walk.”


“I’ll come with Bess.” Evalise offered.


“No it’s ok. I just need some fresh air. I’ll be back in a few. Hopefully Bryce will be done embarrassing himself by then.”


“Come on Bessie. I was just kidding.” Cal said.


“Don’t call me Bessie!” She hissed and stormed off. Bryce, who had just finished his song, trailed after her.


“You know Cal. You could have defended me.” Kylee said somewhat hurt.


“Yeah. I guess I could have. Sorry.”


“Ok. You can make it up to me.”


“Great.” He said as he watched Arabess disappear into the crowd.


The table grew quiet until Nat broke the silence. “Do you know the difference between Damask patterns and Brocade? It seems Damask patterns usually have a shine to them, as the designs are usually woven using the satin weaving technique, like my fair Evalise’s dress, while brocade often uses metallic threads to create a similar shine.” 


The table stared at him all at once.


“Arabess is wearing a brocade pattern. Just for the record…” 


“Where did you find him?” An’ric asked.


Arabess returned a few minutes later with Bryce in tow. She seemed calmer if not slightly drunker.


“Hey. What did you guys think? I feel like I really had something going there.”


“You’re not wrong about that. It was definitely something.” Cal rolled his eyes. 


“Thanks Cal.” Bryce smiled.


Now it was Arabess who rolled her eyes.


The group enjoyed the party for a few hours longer before they dispersed and went their separate ways.


“Come on Cal. Let’s go.” Kylee said tugging on his arm.


Cal looked over at Arabess as she stood. She had an icy expression on her face. 


“You ok Bessie?”


“Yeah. Fine.


Something deep inside told him she was pretty far from fine. He knew they’d be discussing it later. He said his farewells to the rest of his friends and he much like Arabess sulked off into the dark night.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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Posted for Bronze

The Legend of Taegan

The next day…

Evalise approached the pedestal upon which the lovely statue stood. It was an intricate carving of the famous character from mythology, Taegan. In the tale, Taegan was the personification of the mind or soul of the collective human race who tried to discover Sune’s true identity and was therefore separated from her. The moral lesson, Evalise supposed, was that we shouldn’t question love (as represented by Sune) lest it depart from us. Would Evalise ever experience that for herself? She did not know. At this moment all that mattered was the statue, the flawless, white marble tribute to the genius of the sculptor.  Supposedly blessed by the gods, this replica of the fabled Taegan was told to contain powers beyond anyone’s normal comprehension. Of course, the gods controlled these powers and would never release them unless they thought it would help a mortal learn the lesson in the story, namely to accept love unquestioningly.




Cal’s sudden and abrupt greeting startled Evalise causing her to nearly jump out of her skin.


“Ass!” barked Evalise as she punched Cal in the arm causing a slight bruise.


“Ow!” Cal cried with nervous laughter as he gripped his arm in reaction to the pain. “What the hells Ev!”


“You jerk! You scared the life out of me!”


“Is Lord Taegan here so captivating that you didn’t notice me?” Cal said sardonically.


“You mock me, but you could learn a thing or two from Taegan’s legend.”


Cal cocked his head feigning a cursory search. “Oh really? Are there secrets to forgotten lore hidden under his toga just waiting to be discovered after all these centuries?” 


“No dummy! There’s a moral to his story, ‘We shouldn’t question love lest it depart from us.’”


“Is this because your date to the dance was a dud? You know I tried to warn you…”


“Not mine! Yours! And no! Nat was not a dud!”


“Oh yes. Nat is definitely a dud. You two sat there…wait, what? Mine? What do you mean? My da.. who Kylee? She is not a dud.”


“Yes Kylee, dung for brains. Why didn’t you ask Arabess?”


“Ask Arabess? I..I..I dunno. I..why would I ask Arabess?”


“We shouldn’t question love lest it depart from us.”


“Love? What are you saying? Are you saying Arabess loves me?”


“Oh, and you don’t love her?”


“No! Well no, I mean yes of course I care for her…”


Evalise  put up her hands “Stop! Stop it! Open your eyes Cal! You’re not fooling anyone except yourself.”


“Fool? Fooling?” Cal stumbled over his words searching for a logical response. As informed as Cal was upon the subject of mythology and legend, he never considered Taegan’s legend to have any real-life application, especially for himself.


“Ah! Yes! You’re a fool!” shouted An’ric from afar as he walked over to his friends. “Hi Evie. Hello fool.”


Evalise didn’t respond to the greeting as she glowered at Cal. Cal looked toward An’ric and saw much needed relief, quickly, he deflected the conversation.


“Hey Ric! It’s great to see you buddy! How’ve you been?”


“I knew I’d find you two history nerds here. Evie I’ve got good news! I found that text you wanted.” An’ric said as he produced a well-worn scroll.


Cal was in luck. Evalise’s face lit up at the news and stopped talking about Arabess.


“Oh! Thank you! Thank you!” she said as she eagerly accepted the gift.


“You know that wasn’t easy to come by. Those guys at the Bookprinter’s Cartel are thieves!”


Cal gave An’ric a curious look “You went to the Bookprinter’s Cartel?”


“You should talk. I hear you’re a regular over there. By the way, Hammie is looking to beat your ass again. How much do you owe him this time?”


“How did you get it?!” interrupted Evalise. “Hold on. You know what? I don’t want to know. I don’t care! The point is you got it!” She said with glee.


“What are we talking about here?” Cal inquired.


“The missing piece to my thesis on the Tamoachan!  The last city of the Olman civilization. It is said to be home to an ancient temple dedicated to Zotzilaha, vampire god of the underworld.”


“And traps. Lots of merciless traps.” An’ric said chiming in.


Knowing ancient lore wasn’t An’ric’s strong suit, Evalise and Cal gave An’ric an incredulous look in unison.


“What?” An’ric said defensively “I read the scroll on the way over here.”


This post was modified 4 years ago 3 times by Dorym
