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Logan Prologue

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Logan was born into the streets of Zhentil Keep where he was constantly abused by his mother and father. Eventually his parents sold him to slavers from Melvaunt. While being transported from Zhentil Keep to Melvaunt, the caravan came under attack by the Remnants; a mercenary group made up of former soldiers from Hulburg. Logan was freed and taken in by the mercenaries. Under the tutelage of the mercenary captain, young Logan was taught the tricks of the trade. He was instructed in the art of swordplay and how to master stealth. Logan practiced and he flourished. He eventually parted ways with the mercenaries and took up with an adventuring group he had met at an event called ‘The Fun House’.  The Fun House was the creation of a mad wizard; a carnival where adventurers could test their skills in arena combat or explore dungeons complete with life threatening traps and encounters. Here an adventurer could make a name for themself and get rich doing it. But there is no reward without risk. There were no safeguards. All of the encounters were quite real, and death was final. Unless of course you had companions who were loyal, fortunate enough, and wealthy enough to secure the services of visiting clergy. For Logan, not only did The Fun House prove to be ‘fun’, but it was also an excellent training ground. As Logan’s expertise grew, so did his reputation. Soon he had become one of the most efficient and deadly assassins in all Faerun.


 Logan was a professional and always had an air of control about him. Every move he made or word he spoke was calculated to achieve a desired effect. He never allowed emotions or the circumstances, no matter how dire, to master him. Logan tirelessly maintained himself in top condition, and constantly sought to improve his martial prowess. He was extremely cunning, able to out-think as well as out-fight his opponents. He never left a job unfinished, and he did not take threats lightly. However, for the most part, those that did not cross Logan had nothing to fear from him. He did in fact have his own code of honor although it was sometimes obscured.


 Word of his skill and talent had reached the ears of the Matron Mother of House D’Vestgar in Menzoberranzan. The Matron Mother secured Logan’s services and tasked him with ‘retiring’ her son Dorym who was a skilled assassin in his own right. Under the Matron Mother’s command Logan tracked Dorym for the better part of a year before finding him in Hillsfar. As he hunted Dorym in the streets of the city, he encountered some of Dorym’s companions who all eventually died by his hand. Logan and Dorym finally did meet face to face and an epic battle ensued. During the fight, Dorym struck a blow and Logan temporarily lost his sight. This gave Dorym the advantage, causing Logan to lose the battle, lose his life, and face eternal torment in the bowels of the hells.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Bronze
