Valas Returns to th…
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Valas Returns to the Dark Embrace

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Valas was glad to be home. Home. He hadn’t really considered the word before. Other than a place to sleep and regroup with his brothers, all other meaning was foreign to him. Yet here in the compound of Mistress Freth he was beginning to feel a sense of belonging. He was wanted here not for how he could be exploited but for who he was and what he was willing to contribute. He was here on his terms with his brothers and dare he consider…friends? The intrigue and constant betrayal of drow life left little opportunity to have friends. Even family could often not be trusted but life in Rilauvin was different. The population wasn’t beholden to the cruel whimsy of the Spider Queen. It was a city of commerce and business where trade not religion or sex determined status. As Valas walked the halls of the stalactite compound, he passed the rooms of his brothers. Most were away however Alaketh remained. He hadn’t seen much of his brother the last few days. Alaketh was determined to become a blackguard and that meant cavorting with demons. Valas had no interest in their double talk or treachery. As he approached his brother’s room he could hear voices. There was a lurid green glow emanating from beneath the door. He decided to pass and meet his brother later.


He resolved to visit the Dark Embrace, his intention prior to being summoned by Mistress Freth. Valas retrieved his weapons from his room and set to out into Rilauvin. The drow settlement was busy with commerce. In the distance he could see that the Dark Weavings Bazaar teamed with visitors. He hadn’t seen Evony in quite some time. He wondered if it were appropriate to bring her a gift. He decided to make a quick pass through to see if anything caught his eye. Lost in thought he almost didn’t notice the figure in front of him until they were about to collide. Instinctively his hand reached for his longknife. The human, who hadn’t been paying attention either was startled and quickly begged pardon. Not satisfied with a simple apology Valas felt it only proper to relieve this man of his purse as he acknowledged forgiveness for the man’s transgression with the slightest of nods. The human was happy to be on his way as quickly as he could never noticing he had pick pocketed. Valas slid the purse into a pouch and moved through the crowd more purposefully now. Talice’s warning “You need to pay better attention to your surroundings.” resonated true.


Valas passed stall after stall of curious wares. There were rare incenses, spices and fabrics. There were clothiers, weaponsmiths and armorers. He saw jewelers and slavers, the latter reminding him of his brother Nazmyr. A few more feet and new but familiar scent assailed his olfactory senses, lemon cake. Quevas had set up a bakery here and his slave girls were hard at work baking and selling to what seemed like an eternal line of patrons. Valas was happy for his brother’s good fortune and glad to see it run so smoothly even in his brother’s absence. He meandered a bit longer when suddenly he found what he had been searching for, the perfect gift. He approached the proprietor and pointed, “How much?”


The male drow had long slender fingers and wispy long white hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. His black eyes gleamed with the glint of faerie fire reflecting off the metal as he carefully removed the item from the showcase. “A fine selection my lord. Truly you have the most exquisite taste. This particular piece was handcrafted by myself. The inset gems are all brilliant cut for catching soft light and the base metal is poured platinum. I find it gives the shine of bright metal subdued by the blackness inherent in the platinum. I would ask 1000 gold pieces if it please my lord.”


Valas was not looking to spend that much and his hesitation did not go unnoticed by the vendor.


“A bit pricey for you my lord? Perhaps something else?” The man held the item waiting for a response.


Valas reached into his belt pouch and withdrew a purse, the one he had pilfered only moments ago. He opened it to find cut gems. A quick appraisal put their value at somewhere around 800. “Would you take these in trade instead?”


The vendor pulled an appraiser’s glass from a pocket and inspected the gems. “Nice. May have to recut a few. Not worth 1000 gold but….”


“I’ll be sure to mention the quality of your craftsmanship and fair prices when I am asked where I came across such fine work.”


The vendor smiled, “Very well my lord. We have an accord. Tell them of J’aredz. Allow me a moment to box this for you.”


Valas watched as the merchant carefully packaged and wrapped his purchase. Once he was possession of his ware he bid the man farewell and made his way to The Dark Embrace. It was later in the morning when he arrived and there were few patrons inside.


“Well. Well. Well. Look what fell out of the shadows….” came a bright if not sarcastic voice. ”I was beginning to think you’d abandoned us. Had a good mind to tell that Mistress Freth of yours a thing or two about keeping you away so long.”, the barmaid drawled as she slid a glass of wine toward Valas.


Box tucked under his arm he bowed low and flamboyantly. “Begging my lady’s pardon. I’ll more expedient the next time undead wolves are trying to eat me. I hope the wait to see me again wasn’t more than you could bear.” Valas rose with a grin.


Evony’s eyes narrowed, “Oh a wise guy. No one likes a wise guy. I like them less.” She smirked maliciously, hand gliding toward her weapon of choice.


“Apologies my lady. Perhaps this small gift might inspire forgiveness.” He slid the box he’d been holding toward Evony.


The blackened ash wood box had been fastened and tied with purple silk ribbon. “What is this Valas?”


“A token of my affection, a gift to say I had not forgotten you while I was away.”


Evony smiled. “You are too kind Valas. May I?”


Valas returned her smile. “Please.”


Evony carefully untied the ribbon and bow then opened the box. Inside was a soft satin pillow upon which rested an oversized jeweled spoon. “Valas. It’s beautiful.” She carefully withdrew the platinum spoon from the box and examined it. There were many multicolored gemstones cut and embedded in the handle. The filigree and carvings around them were intricate and beautiful. “You shouldn’t have Valas. This is more than any simple bar keep deserves.”


“Nonsense Evony. I enjoy the time we spend together and your kindness has helped me endure rigorous training. Know that I appreciate you. Besides, someone so deadly in the art of spoon combat should have a proper weapon.”


With a wicked grin she purred, “You don’t say?” It took a only took a moment for Evony to twirl the spoon in her hand and rap Valas on the knuckle.


“Ouch! Metal stings quite a bit more than wood.” Valas said rubbing the pain from his knuckle.


“I’m sorry. That was rude of me.” Evony leaned across the bar and kissed him soft on the lips. “And I appreciate you as well. Thanks for the most thoughtful gift a lady has ever received.”


Valas stood stunned for a moment when a soft but malevolent voice broke his reverie. “Valas.” Talice cooed. “Downstairs with you. There is something I want to show you.”


Valas smiled at Evony and nodded acknowledging his master.


“Meet me in the large training room. I’ll be along in a moment.”


“Of course Talice.” Valas replied as he walked down the stairwell into the guild training areas.


Talice walked over to a smiling Evony who was still holding her gift. “Careful Evony. The boy seems a bit smitten with you.” Glancing at the jeweled spoon. “I think he favors you.”


“Oh?” Evony asked in her always pleasant tone. “What makes you say that?”


Talice grinned at her long time associate, “He went to J’aredz.”

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Valas waited apprehensively in the large training room as he had been bid. He was always somewhat disconcerted by Talice, but curiously he looked forward to their sessions. He had learned many of the dark skills he now possessed from his master of assassins. A few pensive minutes more passed. Valas was beginning to have a peculiar feeling, like he was being watched. “Be more aware of your surroundings.” Talice’s voice whispered in his head. He moved to the center of the room warily surveying the shadows. The flicker of candlelight played tricks on the eye giving the illusion of movement. As he rotated slowly he continued his search for some unseen threat. Talice moved quickly, the training dagger flashed and stabbed. Valas sidestepped as the weapon glanced off his armor.


“Well done. You are becoming more perceptive. It does an assassin no favors to only focus on the target. You must learn to see everything else around as well.” Talice continued the lesson discussing the observation of a target, how to find the vulnerable points and choosing how to exploit any found weakness. “While it is exhilarating to plunge your sword into your victim’s back and watch the blade explode from his chest there are equally effective means of delivering the ‘gift’, though less dramatic. Talice took Valas by his left hand. “Here.” she said placing it on her right shoulder. Now should you find yourself in a position where the underarm is exposed, and understand most armor doesn’t protect the armpit, you could strike here.” With remarkable speed Talice rotated the training dagger in her hand and jabbed the hilt under Valas’s arm into the soft of the pit. Valas lurched in pain and fell back a step. “See…. effective. Oh and Valas. One other piece of advice. Not all kills are instant. Once you have landed your death blow it is time to move away. It does you no good to be killed by a dying man.”  


Valas recovered quickly, still in obvious discomfort from the strike. Talice offered, “We are done for today Valas. If you’d like, visit Miz’ri. She can give you something for the pain.”


“No. My pain is my own. I accept it as a reminder of important lessons. It makes me who I am. I don’t need nor do I want it dulled.”


Talice nodded her approval.


“If I may Mistress Talice, I have recently been made aware that one or more of my brothers could be cavorting with demons. I know their kind are not unknown to us and would like to learn what I can about them and other extra planar entities, perhaps even speak their tongue. Who would I seek for such training.


“Demons are a fickle and petty race of creatures. They are also quite dangerous. If what you say is true then you would do well to arm yourself with such knowledge. Seek Mistress Innarei for the training you desire.”


Valas bowed, “Thank you Mistress Talice.”


He knew of Mistress Innarei but had yet to meet her. She was the keeper of lore and records for the guild. Innarei could be found in the library… at least that’s what he was told. As he walked the halls he passed the guild’s temple. The stained glass depicted a cloak shrouded over a short sword, the sigil of their goddess Zinzarena. The corridor bent around a turn to where the library was housed. The library had heavy adamantite doors etched with the sigil of the goddess of assassins. He forced them open and was greeted by the glow of faerie fire outlining walls and shelves full of books. In the center of room a table had been set with chairs. A stack of books lay atop and ink wells sat next to quills. There was an open manuscript but no one to be found.


Valas took a few steps in. “Mistress Innarei?” he called out.


“Who asking?” came reply. Innarei stepped out from behind the shadow of a bookcase and into dim light of the faerie fire. Valas was unprepared for what he saw. Innarei had the look of a drow but her skin was a pale dusty red. The points of her ears sat behind horns that curved back in the shape of a half heart before curling forward to sharp points. Her lips were painted black and her eyes glowed sickly yellow. Innarei was buxom and hardly modest as the tight leather dress she wore barely supported her breasts and was cut open far below her navel. She had arcane runes tattooed around her shoulders and navel. Innarei stood arms crossed, a barbed tail resting lazily in her left hand. The talons of her right hand clicked impatiently as waited for Valas to respond. Though the offspring of a demon, Mistress Innarei was beautiful.


“I do not mean to disturb you Mistress. I am Valas Vandree. Mistress Talice advised me to seek you out for training.”


“Training you say?” Mistress Innarei looked amused. “And what training do you require?” She eyed Valas up and down. “Tantric arts perhaps? Are you to be her whore?”


Anger welled inside Valas and he could feel the heat rise from his chest to his face. Instinctively his hand slid toward his long knife. “Valas Vandree is no whore.” he spit with venom in his tone.


Innarei half grinned, half sneered in return. The tail that had rested so peacefully in her hand whipped out striking his sword hand and knocking it away from the hilt. The barbs drew blood as they bit deep into flesh. “And they told me you were smart…” Innarei shook her head in disappointment. “Draw that blade if you dare but I’d advise you reconsider.” Her tone was threatening. It cooled as she continued. “There is no need for you to throw your life away over wounded pride or imagined insult. Let’s begin again. What training do you seek apprentice?”


Valas considered her words carefully then felt embarrassed that he was so easily baited. He let his hand fall to his side, the blood flowing freely, dripping on the polished stone floor and calmly replied. “Mistress Innarei, I seek to study the lore of demons and the planes. If you would teach me, I wish to learn to speak the tongue of the abyss.


Innarei smiled. “And what would you sacrifice for this knowledge?”


“I am no stranger to pain or suffering. I will do what is necessary.”


Innarei walked forward and stepped close to Valas. She placed her hands around his shoulders and curled her tail around his waist jerking him close so that their bodies pressed together. “And if I require your favor?”


Valas smiled, “Then I would only ask table or floor?”


Innarei plunged her tongue into Valas’s mouth and kissed him hard before releasing him. “I am satisfied you will be a good apprentice. You will learn the alphabet of demons first.” Her tail swept backward to the desk behind her and retrieved a book. “Study this tome. You will translate and rewrite all manuscripts I leave for you from the Abyssal tongue to the language of the Drow and when you see me, you shall speak only in the tongue of demons. You will come here 4 hours every day until I am satisfied. Mistakes will be punished.”


Valas nodded, “Of course Mistress.”


“Return here tomorrow ready to work.”


Valas bowed and left. He tucked the book under his arm and made his way back to the inn above the guild. As he approached the bar Evony pushed a glass of wine in front of him.


“Tough day?” she asked.


Valas placed the book carefully on the bartop and drank deep of the wine and smiled, Evony always provoked a smile from him. “I think Talice nearly killed me with a wooden training dagger.” Evony giggled. “And I met Mistress Innarei today.”


Evony grabbed Valas by the top collar of his armor pulling him close and smelling him. “You stink of wild rose and jasmine. What kind of training did you receive?” she asked accusingly as she released him.


“What? Wait…. No…” Valas was stammering. I didn’t.”


Evony laughed, “Got ya. I know you didn’t. There are no burns, bite marks or bruises.”


Valas sighed with relief as Charwyn approached and greeted them both.


“Valas. Master T’sith would have words with you.”  He looked at Evony…”In private.”


Evony scowled at Charwyn. “Whatever.” She turned toward Valas. “He’s in the parlor. Visit me tomorrow. I see you have studying to do tonight.” She passed Valas the book Innarei had given him.


“Of course.” He glared at Charwyn. “Shall we?” Valas stood and left to meet his guildmaster..
