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Valas in Calimport

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This occurs the morning after arriving in Calimport 1 month after the raid on House Vandree

“Would you care for breakfast light of my eyes? I could prepare something to your liking, or if you prefer, there is a meal being shared at the dining tent where my family comes together to eat before the days work begins.”


Valas smiled affectionately at Naadiyah. “Have my brothers broken their reverie yet?”


“Rygos is dressed and ready. He is drinking coffee in the parlor with Eirina.”


There was a scratch at the door. “And Shelsa is hurrying Nazmyr as we speak. So little time. So much to do.” The familiar added.


Naadiyah who had been kneeling on the bed, her long ebon hair falling freely to the front side of her right shoulder, grinned. “Does that answer your question my heart?” She leaned in and kissed him. “If it please you qalbi I think Rygos would prefer to see the Pasha at your earliest convenience.”


Valas nodded. “Then let us visit your family for breakfast. Perhaps the Pasha will be good enough to meet with us.”


“I’m certain he will.” She leaned in and kissed him again before she stood from the bed.


“Naadiyah. Before we go…I have gifts for you.”


“For me?” Her face warmed with a bashful pink hue.


“Of course for you my desert flower.” He rose and reached into his bag sitting on an end table. “You know there is no place I go where I do not think of you.”


“You are so good to me Valas. The goddess has truly smiled upon me to gift me you. There is no need for any more.”


“No sweet thing. It is I who was gifted by the goddess to have you in my life. These are small tokens of my devotion.” He handed Naadiyah a box containing four inch wide platinum bracelets with intricate design and artistically drawn glyphs of power. “Wear these always. They will help to protect you. As will this ring.” He placed the woven platinum band set with three black diamonds on her finger. “And this pendant.” He reached behind her silky black hair and fastened the ornate cut platinum chain.


She looked into the mirror on her vanity and examined the faceted emeralds and black diamonds set in the pendant that rested high upon her chest. “They are beautiful qalbi. I do not deserve such things.”


“Nonsense. He said. You deserve these and more. Just know all you do is appreciated and you hold my affection always.”


She wrapped her arms around him tightly and embraced him. Thank you my love. I shall treasure these always.”


“One more thing ya amar. You must understand, should trouble come to call, whether here or at Tamdrasil you are to flee. Do not think to defend my possessions, do not attempt to assist the dragon men or soldiers, do not worry about the villa or tree or what may happen at any of our holdings. You are only to escape. If Shelsa is nearby she will assist you. But do not concern yourself with anything or anyone else. All are replaceable. You however my sweet are not. Never forget that. Such is my will. Understood.”


Naadiyah was taken aback by his genuine care and concern for her. She smiled with unbridled adoration. “If that is your wish light of my eyes, then I shall obey.”


“Good. Now for breakfast.”


The five…well six with Shelsa, walked casually through the drudach until they reached the intersection of paths leading to the dining tent. It was alive with activity as it was common in merchant families to get early starts on the days work. Some had been dispatched already to the bazaar while others only just returned from overnight duties seeking a meal before sleep. Many greeted them warmly though a few others did not bear the same goodwill. All seemed to notice the newest additions to Naadiyah’s attire. They found an empty table not far from where the Pasha sat enjoying his breakfast. No one questioned Shelsa’s place at the table and the food was fresh and hearty. She decided she liked it here so much more than the City of Ev, something she was working to correct. As soon as Pasha Is’haaq al Edris took notice of Valas and Naadiyah, he rose taking his coffee with him and approached. “May I join you?” he asked.


“Of course cousin.” Naadiyah answered. The Pasha appeared to wait for Valas to respond, to which he said, “Please. It would be an honor if you did.” The Pasha smiled and joined them.


“Naadiyah my sweet cousin, I could not help but notice the lovely new pieces of jewelry you are wearing today. The design is exquisite.” He complimented.


Naadiyah grasped Valas by his arm and leaned her head into his shoulder with love in her eyes. “Gifts from ya nour el ein cousin. He is as generous as he is kind to me.”


Is’haaq al Edris nodded his approval. “This is good to hear. You continue to impress me Lord Vandree. I can only hope to one day repay you for your gentle treatment of my cousin and loyalty to my family.”


“Your cousin is quite remarkable.” He said. “I could ill imagine my life without her. She deserves so much more than simply gentle treatment. A few gifts mean little compared to all she gives to me.”


Again the Pasha nodded his approval. “Will you be in Calimport long?” He asked.


“We have some business in the city. My brother seeks to open an art gallery here in Calimport and we wish to visit potential locations.”


“I have been looking for suitable spaces cousin. There are a few that Eirina and I believe would work quite well.” Naadiyah explained.


“Ahh. Yes. Eirina Galanodel. Naadiyah’s new friend. It is good to see you again.”


Naadiyah smiled warmly. “She shall be the curator for Rygos…for when he is away. You know how often they travel.”


“Indeed all too well. I myself spend more time traveling than I do at home. But such is the nature of our business.” He said to the brothers. Before Valas could ask, the Pasha said. “Please. Should you find a place suitable to your needs. Come to me and I shall make all the arrangements for the transfer of ownership to you.”


“That would be wonderful cousin.” Naadiyah replied.


“I am happy to help. Enjoy the city today. Tomorrow I would like to feast you.” And he rose.


“Thank you Is’haaq al Edris. We greatly appreciate your kindness.”


He placed his hand on Naadiyah’s shoulder and she quickly covered it with her own. “It is my pleasure.” He smiled and left.


They finished breakfast and Naadiyah offered to take Rygos and Eirina to see the potential locations. Valas excused himself. “Naadiyah my sweet. I have an errand to run. Would you mind if I didn’t accompany you and Rygos. Nazmyr and I have something to attend to. I’ll be back before you even miss me.”


“Impossible.” She said truthfully. “But I understand.” She kissed him on the lips.


He returned her affection. “Thank you ya amar.”


She smiled back at Valas with affection in her eyes. “Come Lord Rygos the first is not so far away.” And they were off.


“Ev?” Nazmyr asked.


“Ev.” Valas replied.


Shelsa mused to herself, “This going to be good.”

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This is a joint post betweeen Valas, Nazmyr and Rygos

Upon the return from the City of Ev


Valas was glad he had agreed to Naadiyah’s request to dress him for the evening. She had chosen a long black surcoat of woven silk with artistic gold threaded embroidery that broke at the waist allowing him good freedom of movement. She called it a silk jacquard sherwani. It was the customary garb of the affluent of her people. It was loose enough to allow him the comfort of his armor beneath it. With a little help from the glamer enchanted into the spidersilk chest piece, one would never suspect he was wearing it. The silver buckle of his sword belt had been custom crafted and the design was Naadiyah’s own creation. It had a wind worn effect accented by diamond cuts and filigree, a call back to her half Djinn heritage. He chose to wear a single longknife, his shardblade, so as not to draw too much attention. That’s not to say he left his other weapons behind. He called upon the arcane training of Master Xarann Dyrr to cause his other weapons to melt into the flesh of his forearm assuming the form of magical tattoos. It was a difficult concept for him to accept, that people could travel about a city unarmed and expect not to be killed. He couldn’t trust it. Naadiyah had taken the hair that so often fell freely about his shoulders and pulled it back into a tight ponytail. She had even selected a cologne for his body scented with spicy cinnamon, intense red cedar and warm tobacco. Valas had never experienced the level of attentiveness and pampering he received from Naadiyah. She showed him true affection. It almost guilted him to think of how his own devotion was split between two equally remarkable but succinctly oppossional women, different as night and day. If Naadiyah was the light of his spirit then for certain Evony was the darkness in his heart. He knew one day he would have to reconcile the two but today was not that day. For now he was content to enjoy her company, to allow her the pleasure of caring for him. Valas admired her work in the full length mirror set in the bedroom they shared in his villa until the sight of Naadiyah’s reflection appearing behind him in the polished glass stole his breath.


“Valsharess” came the word barely above a whisper.


She smiled with great affection tilting her head to one side as she clasped a platinum earring into her lobe. “Valsharess?” She asked inquisitively. I do not know this word.” she said with curiosity in her tone as she walked toward him.


He couldn’t help but stare at her beauty. Naadiyah had chosen a gold threaded sleeveless dress of fine silk to compliment the embroidery of his sherwani, the pattern matched perfectly. It was tight to her shape pressing high into her throat and shimmering seductively down to her feet. Her laced sandals accented the shape of her instep and arches and she had painted the nails of her toes a fiery red. He could smell the scent of cinnamon on her skin, similar to his but the wood and leaf tones he wore were replaced by floral and citrus notes. She was his perfect match.


“Valas?” She said with a hint of concern in her voice.


“Oh…sorry.” He fumbled for speech. “It’s a word I have never used, it means ‘my queen’ ya amar.” He took a breath and exhaled. “You look beautiful.”


Her cheeks were warm with love. “Thank you ya nour el ein.” Her fingers lovingly checked the buttons on his surcoat. “You are quite handsome as well ‘my king’.


He took her hand into his. “Shall we go?”


His brothers sat in the parlor waiting for them, both he assumed, dressed by the women they planned to escort to dinner. For their part Dahlia and Eirina were quite stunning as well. “My brothers clean up nicely.” he said to Naadiyah as she nodded in agreement. “I must thank you ladies for sharing your keen fashion sense with these two almutawhishin.”


“Actually…:” Dahlia said with a hint of embarrassment, ”Nazmyr dressed me.” she was blushing. “He has a surprising talent for dress and clothing.”


“Dahlia Hakbarrah!” Naadiyah exclaimed eyes wide with playfulness, “You little mutasharid”


Dahlia made a face and stuck her tongue out at her friend..


Rygos looked at Eirina confused.


“Savages and tramp…those were the words you missed.” she whispered as a wry smile worked its way across her face. “Not to worry Lord Rygos…you have me translate for you.”


Rygos shook his head, making a mental note to work on his Alzhedo.


Valas had arranged for a palanquin to take them to the restaurant so they made their way out of the villa and into the luxurious space inside the carriage.


They arrived at the restaurant in short time. It was located in the southernmost section of the Jewel Ward just before the docks. Au Za’atar was extravagant. Cut sandstone columns held a massive archway of expertly carved desert rock, its architecture giving the illusion that the building had several domes. Desert flowers surrounded pools, and fountains fed by artistically designed waterfalls greeted them as they entered. A well dressed man with dusky bronze skin opened his arms wide with hospitality.


“Welcome my young friends. Thank you for visiting Au Za’atar. Have you made a reservation?”


“Indeed.” Valas answered. You should find it under the name of my lady, the lovely Naadiyah al Teheri.”


“Well thought my good man.” He said with delight. “You do the lady much honor by naming her so.” The man rubbed his long beard and grinned with gold teeth. “Aha! He exclaimed. You’ve chosen well. The terrace, it has a wonderful view of the Shining Sea. Excellent choice for you if I may be so bold.” He waved over a young serving girl in rich yet revealing silks. “The Emperor’s Landing Padma” he said.


She bowed and asked, “If you’ll follow me.” And led them up two sets of stairs then through a mosaic arch set with expensive stones. There was a single table of rich mahogany wood on this deck. The seven chairs had been set facing out to the water so all might enjoy the scenic view of the sea. As they sat goblets of fresh cool water were poured along with wine of a deep red hue. “The sultan himself hand selects this vintage. It is reserved for only our most celebrated guests.” Padma  explained. Valas nodded his approval.


A large brick oven had been set with fire and two tandoori clay pots sat on flame. There was a chef already preparing meats and hot naan was being drawn from one of the clay pots and served with several dipping sauces, some spicy, some sweet and some of seasoned olive oil.


“I am happy for you to join us Nazmyr. You as well Rygos.” Naadiyah said cheerfully. She looked to Dahlia and Eirina. “It makes my heart sing to have us all together.”


Shelsa looked quite pleased with herself, her mouth full of pin sharp teeth glistened in the fading sunlight.


“I’m glad your business did not take too long to conclude Lord Nazmyr.” Naadiyah continued. She placed her hand over Valas’. “And more glad it did not keep qalbi from me so long as I expected.”


Rygos who was only beginning to learn the tongue of Alzhedo whispered to Eirina, “Qalbi?”


Eirina leaned her head into his shoulder and whispered. “It means ‘my heart”, and fluttered her eyelashes.


Rygos rolled his eyes. “I promise you I will never become so sappy.”


Eirina straightened then licked some spicy sauce off her finger tip. “We’ll see,” a mischievous grin playing across her face.


”Business?” Dahlia asked.


“Trade negotiations.” Nazmyr answered. “Boring. Nothing of interest.” He redirected the conversation to Valas. “The view is spectacular brother. Tell me. How did you find this place.”


Valas swallowed a mouthful of wine and placed the golden goblet down. “Naadiyah. She mentioned it to Shelsa some time ago.Your familiar was good enough to share this desire with me. Naadiyah asks for so little I felt compelled to make this wish a reality. I am glad you approve. It seems all the good things I have begin with her.” he said running his fingers over Naadiyah’s hand.


Rygos smirked but didn’t say a word.


Shelsa once again smiled a toothy grin herself.


As his hand clasped on Naadiyah’s, the serving girl who was preparing to offer a course of jasmine rice and grilled fish tripped. The girl stumbled forward losing her grip on the heavy brass spoon she was intending to use to ladle the rice. It fell striking Valas on the index and middle finger knuckles of his left hand. He winced with pain as metal struck bone then fell to the ground with a clank.


“1000 pardons for my clumsiness my lord. Please forgive me.” The girl was obviously nervous. She bowed low retrieving the spoon from the floor but refusing to rise.


Naadiyah held her breath, eyes widened with fear for the girl.


Valas flexed the fingers of his sore hand chasing away the pain. He reached out to the girl taking her by the chin and raising her head.


Naadiyah cringed not knowing what to expect.


“There is nothing to forgive child.” Valas said with compassion in his voice. “We all make mistakes and I for one know all too well the harsh treatment a simple misstep can invite. Have no fear and do not think on it again. Understood?” A single tear had trickled down her cheek. Valas wiped it away with the back of his hand and smiled at the girl.


“My lord is too kind. I shall always remember your generosity.” She smiled bowing low before leaving to replace the dirty spoon.


Valas looked to lighten the mood and returned to their earlier conversation facing his brother Nazmyr. “So I can not accept credit for the wonder of this place brother. Naadiyah and of course Shelsa are to thank.”


“Then allow me to compliment you ‘Lady Vandree’ for a wondrous experience.” Nazmyr followed. Sarcasm aside, the food was amazing, the wine some of the best he had and the soft wind blowing off the sea was incredibly relaxing. One could become lost in the view.”


“It is spectacular brother…though I’d much prefer it at night.” Rygos agreed.


Padma had returned and resumed her serving. Valas could see the eyes of restaurant owner boring into the girl.


Eirina slid her glass in front of Rygos. “Hey. Remember me? Does a lady have to drop a spoon on your knuckles to grab your attention. Certainly I’m far more interesting than some clumsy serving girl.”


“Sure. But you don’t risk death over a misplaced spoon…” he replied plainly, maintaining attention on the rest of the company.


“I see…. So did you expect your brother would kill the girl for something so little?” she asked somewhat stiffly.


“No, that’s Naris…” he shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever.” He took a deep draw of the wine.


Eirina had a wounded look about her.


“I do find your company more pleasing.” Rygos said with a grin.


“Much better.” she smiled back at him.


It seemed Dahlia was quite enjoying the wine and companionship as well. She looked Nazmyr directly in the eyes and offered, “If it’s an experience you desire Nazmyr, then accompany me to my lands. To the Elemental Plane of Air. The Diamond Citadel to be exact. Allow me the honor of escorting you amongst the Djinn.”


Nazmyr paused for a moment unsure how he should answer.


“Sounds lovely my dear Dahlia” Shelsa answered for him. “We accept your gracious offer.”


Naadiyah, seeming to understand a deeper meaning lost on all the others…save Shelsa of course… beamed with joy. “That sounds wonderful cousin. I am so happy for you two. Nazmyr will love the city. I’m almost jealous.” And she poured more wine for everyone.


Perhaps we could visit together another time” Dahlia suggested.


Naadiyah looked to Valas who nodded his approval. “Yes. I’d like that!” she said with excitement.


Grilled seasoned meats were being served on skewers, lamb, beef and chicken. They were dry rubbed and charred to perfection. The serving girl had regained her lost confidence and was expertly moving between them offering the succulent kebabs. The owner though still glared at her sternly, watching her every move.


The sun was sitting on the edge of the sea casting an orange glow across the water.


“Reminds me of the City of Brass. The reflection of fire spreading everywhere”  Nazmyr said.


“It’s a terrible place.” Dahlia countered. “You’ll see. My home is more beautiful, more unique and certainly more comfortable than that horrid realm. It’s no more than a brass fire pit filled with despicable beings.”’


“Still … it has its charm.” Nazmyr grinned.


“And I did learn how to paint with living fire there.” Rygos added excitedly. “A very rare skill.”


“It is indeed” Eirina said. “The fire paintings are the most popular and sought after art pieces in the gallery.”


Time seemed to move quickly as the conversations continued. Soon it was night and darkness had replaced the glow of the fading sun. Sweet desserts and strong coffee were being served.


“A delicious cup of coffee to be sure.” Valas said in appreciation. “Even so it pales in comparison to yours al amar.”


“I’d have to agree brother.” Nazmyr echoed in compliment. “You truly have a treasure there. Eirina…Have you heard the story of swamp rice.” The brothers all laughed. Naadiyah blushed slightly. “A brilliant idea. The Lady Vandree uses rice to draw the moisture from the treehouse in Hosuth, then…” He smiled brightly. “Then we sell it to our brother Nannil to feed his orcs. Brilliant….simply brilliant.”


Eirina laughed with them. “The beasts have no palet for fine cuisine.”  


“Makes me wonder what Nannil intends to serve at his wedding.” Valas chuckled.


“Well I’m waiting for one of Ishtoshen’s orcs to hit him with a glob of that sticky rice goo.” Rygos added. Everyone was laughing to tears. “It is a human custom to throw rice you know.”


As the laughter died and they grew tired of sitting the group decided it was time to go. Valas called for the owner to settle the bill.


“I hope everything was to your liking my lord.”


“It was. Most excellent.” Valas replied. His family seemed to agree.


‘And to be sure Zisi will be punished for her poor service and the insult done to you by her carelessness. I am grateful for your generosity… as is she.”


“There is no need for the girl to suffer any additional consequence.” Valas said. “I’m more than satisfied with her service.”


The man’s gold teeth glinted from the light of nearby candles. “I am glad to hear it my lord.” Valas paid the man adding an exceptional gratuity to the bill and the man’s smile broadened so wide his back teeth became clearly visible. “Indeed my lord is most generous. Dear lady you are most fortunate to be matched so smartly.”


Naadiyah smiled bowing slightly to the man for his compliment.


Rygos and Eirina decided they’d take their leave and make for the gallery. It seemed the fiery sunset inspired Rygos to paint.


Nazmyr thought he’d walk the city a bit to work off some of the fantastic meal. Dahlia called it a great idea and laced her arm through his.


“If it’s all the same Nazmyr…” Shelsa said with a yawn, “I’d like to return with Valas and Naadiyah to the villa. I feel a nap coming on…”


“Of course.” Nazmyr replied.


The three made their way back to the drudach and once settled inside the comforts of the manor, Shelsa found herself a lofty ledge above the fountain and retired for the evening.


Valas led Naadiyah to a sitting room where she instinctively began to prepare coffee, pressing the fresh beans into rich strong black liquid. She handed a cup to Valas and awaited his approval before pouring some for herself. “Thank you Valas.” she said warmly. It was a magical evening.


“I couldn’t agree more.” he replied taking a sip from his coffee before placing the ivory cup on a nearby table. “And speaking of magical…I have something for you.”


Naadiyah looked embarrassed. “You mustn’t. You are far too generous with me. I do not deserve all your many gifts.”


“Nonsense. You are more valuable to me than all of these things ya nour el ein. And this gift I am certain you will like.” He reached into a belt pouch.


“I treasure all your gifts qalbi.”


“I know you do.” he said gently as he handed her an onyx box.


Naadiyah opened it revealing a coin. “What is this?” she asked.


“An enchanted coin. There are two. I hold the other. The magic is such that wherever you are I will know where to find you.” He withdrew the coin from the box. “See the etching in the metal”


“It looks like a villa.” she answered.


“It is. This villa in fact as you are here now. Should you travel to Hosuth the marking will change to a tree. In this way I will always know where to find and join you more easily.”


Naadiyah beamed with delight pressing the coin to her heart. “This might possibly be the best gift ever.” Thank you qalbi.


“What’s more…” he added. “…speak the command word ‘xxizz’ while holding the coin. I will know you are in danger and come to your aid.” Valas took a serious tone. “You are only to do this if you are in danger. Understood?”


“Yes qalbi.” she answered embracing him tightly.


Shelsa purred to herself. “Sometimes I amaze even me….”
