Valas and the trip …
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[Closed] Valas and the trip to Calimport

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“I’ve left it too long.” He thought to himself. Truth be told he had been busy. Since his initiation into the Order of the Black Flame there have been quite a few demands on his time. He was taught how to perform various religious rituals in honor of their goddess Zinzerena. He was instructed in the skills of the order and completed the rites of indoctrination. They marked him with a sigil….something he found more than a bit unsettling….on his left forearm. It was a magical tattoo, the symbol of the goddess Zinzerena shrouded in moving black flames that seemed alive. The illusory script was invisible to all unless he chose to reveal it. He was told it was necessary to gain access to the order’s resources. Still the idea of magical markings on his body caused him pause and rightfully so after the azure bonds he bore from birth. He decided it was a concern for another day. He had some free time to attend to his personal affairs so he thought he’d begin at Tamdrasil. “Filthy swamp.” He muttered.


He found Evony behind the bar. “Good morning my love.” He said with a smile.


Evony looked him over. He was dressed, armed and packed for travel. It did not go unnoticed. “And where pray tell do you think you’re off to. Last I recall your guildmaster grounded you.”


“That he did. I was hoping you’d cover for me. Nazmyr is having an issue and requested Rygos and I assist. You know I can’t turn away my brother.”


She looked across the tavern to find Rygos sitting faced away from the bar, eating breakfast. She imagined he’d be smirking right about now “Can and will.” She said with a hint of menace in her voice. “Rygos is grounded too.” She had begun twirling a spoon between her fingers.


“Now now…there’s no need for violence my moon and stars….I promise a few days time and we’ll be back. Besides. We’re going a bit stir crazy. Some fresh air will do us good.”


“I don’t like it. You’re not seeking the company of that human whore of yours are you?”


“What? No. Of course not. He leaned in and kissed her. “My heart belongs to you my love.”


She grinned then narrowed her eyes. “It’s not just your heart that belongs to me.” As she stared just below his sword belt. “How long?”


“A few days. No more than a week. Promise.”


“Yeah right. One week. Any longer and I promise you’ll beg for Innarei’s company. Am I clear?”


“Crystal. I’ll collect my brother and be off.”


“Valas.” She said flatly. “Be careful.”


He nodded, “Always.”


Valas found Rygos sitting in a quiet corner of the dining hall, a half eaten plate of potatoes and sausages were pushed off to the side. He was reading a book, “The Art of Living Fire” by Kufu Amir el Jawari. “So brother. Where does Nazmyr want to meet us and why?” He asked without looking up. “You know you’re not half the liar he is….and she knows you better than most. ‘Be careful’ was more than concern brother. It seemed a warning”


“My dear brother Rygos.” He said happily as he sat across from him. “Thanks but I’m quite aware of what she meant. And to answer your question, Tamdrasil. I thought we could stretch our legs and bring back some of that Arterian Brandy Nazmyr is so fond of. Plus I need to check on the stores there. Care to go with?”


Well someone has to keep you off Evony’s shit list so yeah. I’m game” he said with a grin.


“Gear up and…..”


Valas looked at his brother who was already wearing armor. His bag sat to his side and his shard blade hung from his waist. Before Valas could ask, he offered, “Saw ya in the hallway earlier. Figured we were going somewhere.”


“Is that so? Valas asked.


“Where you go I go brother. Ready when you are.”


The two brothers walked down the stairwell and into the wine cellar. Once there, Valas produced a staff. Grabbing hold of his brother he envisioned the tree fort and inhaled. When he exhaled they were in the living area of the tree in Hosuth. Valas packed the staff away. No sooner had he done so when he heard a woman’s voice.


“My Lord Valas, welcome home.”


Valas approached her and hugged her kissing her on both cheeks. Naadiyah beamed with joy as he grasped her hands gently.


“It is good to see you too Lord Rygos.”


Rygos nodded. “And you as well.”


“Let me prepare you coffee” and Naadiyah was off.


“She’s quite lovely is she not?”


“Indeed. I’ve grown quite fond of her.” Valas answered honestly as he looked at Rygos.


“Not I brother….” and he nodded his head toward and ottoman where a long haired grey and white cat was curled up.


“Oh. Hello Shelsa. Sorry I didn’t see you. Is Nazmyr here?”


“And my voice is not so high pitched.” Rygos interrupted.


Shelsa smiled a mouth full of pin sharp teeth. “In answer to your questions Valas, I was invisible so no you did not see me, no apology needed. Yes Nazmyr is here. He is in town right now attending to some business the ‘object’ of his affection asked him to. And no Rygos, your voice is not as high pitched nor as silky.” Shelsa stretched then sniffed the air. “Ahh the sweetling returns.”


No sooner had Shelsa finished talking when Naadiyah reappeared bearing a large serving tray. She set it carefully on the wenge wood table, passing cups of steaming coffee to both Valas and Rygos. She placed a saucer of what must have been a spiced milk in front of Shelsa. She had also prepared plates of warm naan bread, dried meats and cheeses for each of them. She placed a plate in front of Shelsa who purred approvingly.


“Thank you Naadiyah.” She said in rough Alzhedo.


“You’re welcome.” Naadiyah said happily in even rougher Fey.


Valas and Rygos looked at each other confused for a moment. Valas responded in perfect Alzhedo. “Thank you Naadiyah. The coffee is delicious and we appreciate the meal. Rygos however does not speak your native tongue so might we continue in undercommon?”


“Of course my lord.” She answered pleasantly in undercommon. “As you wish.”


“I’d almost forgotten how comfortable this place is.” Rygos said as he melted into the overstuffed cushions of the couch, cup in hand sipping. “And I must say. Naadiyah prepares the best coffee I’ve had in all my travels.”


Naadiyah blushed slightly. “Thank you my Lord.”


“She has many talents. Valas is better for having her.” Shelsa added.


“You words are kind my Lady Shelsa but Lord Valas…”


Valas interrupted her, “Agrees. I am far better for having you my lovely Naadiyah al Teheri. Your good nature and devotion do not go unnoticed.”


Naadiyah smiled so brightly she could have blinded the drow in the room.


“Naadiyah. I do fear my dear brother Rygos has been set to torpor from the wonderful breakfast and soft cushions. For me, I’d like to walk a bit and take stock of our stores and needs. Would you accompany me?”


“Of course my Lord.” She answered with excitement.


Valas offered her his arm which she graciously accepted. They toured the tree. Dragon men were posted as directed. His Marshall gave a full report. “There have been no complications massster. Lady Vandree is kept safe per your ordersss but I believe it isss the reputation of your family that truly wardsss off ne’er-do-wellsss who might mean her harm.”


“Such may be the case Marshall, see to it it remains that way. She is to be protected at all costs. Understood?”


The purple dragon warrior bowed. Asss you command.”


They visited the stores next. Valas was pleasantly surprised to find them full to capacity and well organized.


“Impressive. How do you manage all this?”


“I travel into town several times a week. The Marshall and 2 others see to my safety though I have the feeling I really don’t require an escort. The Vandree family name is well respected here and the locals are not interested in crossing you. I order what I believe we need and either pay with coin from the coffer in the bedroom or consign the goods. The store keeps know me well and your brother Nazmyr has made arrangements with many of the local merchants. They rarely require payment up front at all now.”


“And those that do?”


“Are either new or niche or eclectic. Most quickly come to know for whom I am purchasing goods and will offer discounts to offset the insult of their insistence for coin. The smart shops are well compensated and have service accounts for not only Tamdrasil but your brother Nanill”s church as well. Very lucrative for wise merchants as he now houses a horde of orcs.”


Valas half expected her to speak of the orcs with disgust. Most races did. Naadiyah kept her tone pleasant, careful not to insult the company his brother chose to keep. “Wait til she meets Obarra” he mused to himself. “A savage lot but better than the dead things he plays with I guess.” He though he’d test her.


“Agreed my Lord, though I’d much prefer the illusions of the goddess. They make far less a mess and don’t smell at all unless you want them to. But whatever your brothers decide is fine for them. They must choose the manner in which they will live as you have. I am just appreciative to be part of that choice.”


“Sweetling indeed.” Valas thought. “The girl is clever.” He liked that about her. “Yet absolutely loyal.” He liked that more.


They had returned to the sitting area where Rygos had dozed off. The empty coffee cup neatly placed on a saucer on the table and Shelsa had taken to curling up next him in obvious attempt to ‘steal’ his warmth. They slept quite peacefully and Valas made every effort to move silently. Naadiyah did as she was taught as well. The two slipped quietly into the room. The bed was made with silks, soft pillows were carefully arranged about its head. There was no dust…no must…and the air was considerably drier than the the lower levels of the tree. Only after walking the whole of it did he even notice. The sitting area was dry as well. “How?” He asked curiously. “How did you dry the air?”


“My Lord gives me too much credit. See the wicker pedestal in the corners of the room holding the serving tray there, the glowing lichen there and the chest over there? I filled them with dried rice. The rice absorbs the moisture drying the air. I had hoped you and your brothers would find it more comfortable. Once the rice has absorbed all the dampness from the air it can I have dragon men replace the rice with fresh. The moistened rice is then cooked and transported to Nanill’s church for his orc legion to consume. They find it quite palatable.”


“So you feed them swamp rice.” Valas asked flatly.


“My Lord…I….if I have displeased you….I mean no disrespect…I only thought why let the rice go to waste when your brother has orcs who would gladly consume it. We buy the rice at cost and Nanill pays half cost for the infused grains. It seemed to work to everyone’s benefit. If you are angry I’ll apologize in person and accept the consequence of my actions.” She looked down defeated.


“Wait. So we not only feed them swamp rice but charge them for it?”


She looked up sheepishly, “The savages have no palate. Cover it in sauce and tasty bits of whatever and they’ll be thrilled.”


Valas eyed her incredulously.


“Nanill’s words. Not mine my Lord.”


It was all Valas could do to keep himself from laughing. A smile cracked his stoic expression and he hugged Naadiyah close. “Simply brilliant. You never cease to amaze me. We stay comfortable for half of what it would cost without the sale of impotable rice. You’ve done well Naadiyah. What can I do for you to show my appreciation.”


“You do quite enough my Lord. I want for nothing. It would not be right to ask for anything.” She said sincerely.


“Surely there must be something outside this tree or town that interests you.”


Naadiyah thought carefully for a few seconds. “There is one thing. Though if I may be so bold I believe it’s as much for you as it is me.”


Valas sat on the soft bed and tapped the space next to him. Instinctively Naadiyah sat where bid. “Go on.”


She looked nervous. For the first time since their initial meeting she seemed worried. Naadiyah began to speak in her native Alzhedo. “You have a place here. Nazmyr is a good man and generous. I’m told he also has holdings in the City of Brass where there too you have a place. Your Mistress Freth offers you a place and of course the guild has a place for you within their walls.”


“More so now than ever.” Valas waved his hand across his forearm speaking the word of appearance. In an instant the symbol of Zinzerena appeared as black flames danced around it.


“The Order of the Black Flame.’ Naadiyah said in hushed tone.


“You know about the Order?” Valas asked cautiously.


“Yes My Lord. The Order of Black Flames is well known in Calimshan. It is understood that several sects exist serving particular patron gods or goddesses. While Kossuth the Fire Lord is most common in Calimshan. Whispers of the others can be heard by those that listen. It is a great honor to belong to the Order. I am happy for you.”


Satisfied with her response, Valas asked her to continue.


“So while you have a place in many locations, you have no place that is truly yours. I was thinking perhaps you might consider a trip to Calimport. To see its wonders and opulence. And perhaps decide whether to purchase a place you may truly call your own. No one would ever look for you there. You’d be quite safe. It would be somewhere far away you could escape to for time to yourself as no one would know you have it.”


Valas considered her words. “I have never been to Calimport. It could be interesting. Though after your father’s untimely demise I fear your family might be suspicious of my motives.”


“Is’haaq al Edris is Pasha now. My cousin gifted me to you so that my family would know peace. And while I have benefited most from his arrangement, the fact the family may safely conduct business In Rilauvin is too important a concession to squander over the repugnant creature that called himself my father.”


Had anyone else made this suggestion Valas would have seen it as a trap…. a chance to draw him away from his strength and the protection of his brothers and into the waiting blades of his enemies. The fact that he did not believe Naadiyah capable of such a thing worried him more. Evony he knew wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if such a thing was called for. This made her easy to figure out. Naadiyah had him perplexed. For a moment he considered giving her a quick death yet surprisingly he quickly banished the idea. “Let’s say I agree to go. How would we get there. I’ve never been, making impossible for me to teleport us there.”


“If it please you my Lord, with your permission and your staff I could.”


More warning bells.


“I would like Rygos and Nazmyr to accompany us.”


“It kind of defeats the idea of nobody knowing Valas.” She said calmly.


“They should know as they will have a place with me as I with them. I trust them implicitly. Besides, if there is trouble Rygos will be there to help me kill the offending parties…and Nazmyr will make them feel good about it.”


Naadiyah chuckled.


“And if everything is as you say then Nazmyr will help me negotiate a good price and Rygos will help me decorate.”


“You are truly wise my Lord. I thank you for this gift.”


Valas smiled warmly.


Suddenly there was a loud voice shouting in the sitting area. “What are you doing to my cat!” Nazmyr asked.


Valas watched as Rygos woke to the sight of Shelsa propped up in his lap tail in his face.


“Huh? What? Oh my… I’m not…”


“Apologies Nazmyr.” Shelsa purred. “He had begun to snore a bit and this was the only way to silence him.”


Valas laughed heartily as Naadiyah fought back a giggle so as not to offend.


“We really need to find you a girlfriend dear brother.” Valas said still chuckling. “Perhaps in Calimport. Are you boys interested?”


Rygos and Nazmyr looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.


“Sure why not.” they answered in unison.


“When do we leave?” Rygos asked.


Valas drew a runecarved dark wood staff from a pouch and handed to Naadiyah. “How about now?”

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Dorym

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Part 2

They arrived atop of a high stone walkway, a short distance from an oiled bronze gate and diaphragm arch of gypsum mortar.


Naadiyah breathed deep in the desert air. “Welcome to Calimport my lords.” as she handed the staff back to Valas.


The sun had set and the moon was high in the sky. The desert air was cool and dry with a soft breeze carrying the scent of hot coals and charred meat.


“Night?” Rygos asked.


Naadiyah smiled. “We are some distance away from Hosuth my lord. Light and dark descend differently across the world.”


This is the Saaban of my cousin Pasha Is’haaq al Edris in the Grand Ward, a most affluent place in the city second only to the Palace Ward. You’ll be safe here. Tomorrow we can tour the city and you may decide what you would like to do.”


Valas nodded in approval. “The Pasha seemed a gentleman when last we met. Fair and reasonable. His hospitality will be appreciated.”


Naadiyah smiled, “Thank you my Lord. I’ve always thought well of my cousin. The fact that he chose me for you, gave me that honor proves his affection for me as well.”


The four walked toward the gate. Naadiyah leading with Valas on her arm. A few feet away they were challenged by guardsmen speaking in Alzhedo. “Hold. Who approaches the gates to al Edris.”


Valas nodded and Naadiyah stepped forward. “I am Naadiyah al Teheri, daughter of Jael el Bashir and cousin of the Pasha Is’haaq al Edris.”


“How can this be?” The guardsman asked. “You were given to the very man who murdered ‘The Goat’, a dark elf. You should be dead by now.”


Naadiyah stepped to the side, waving her arm toward Valas and his brothers. “No wasi. Not dead. In fact I have thrived from that most noble arrangement. My Lord Valas has taken me for a wife and we have come at my behest to conduct business dealings with my cousin, the Pasha. May we enter?”


“Of course Naadiyah, welcome to al Edris. The oiled gate rose and they were escorted to an open courtyard. As they were led to a private garden where hot coals grilled meats, vegetables and nuts, Valas leaned in to Naadiyah speaking in Undercommon. “Remember sweet thing. We do not speak your tongue and will need you to translate for us.”


Naadiyah tilted her head confused for a moment then smiled. “Of course Valas.”


As they drew near Valas surveyed the space. Circular fire pit, 6 men sitting on cushioned stone, eating, drinking and talking. Two girls, one serving and one cooking. 10 or so guards manning archways. Valas was amused by this interpretation of safe.


The guardsman announced their presence. “His exalted eminence, brother to the Pasha Is’haaq al Edris, and Bey of the Saaban of al Edris, Khalil al Edris, may I present Naadiyah al Tehereri, daughter of Pasha Jael el Bashir, cousin of Pasha Is’haaq al Edris and Lady of House Vandree arranged to Valas, Lord Vandree.”


A tall man sitting in the center rose to meet them.


Naadiyah spoke, “Greetings Khalil. We are sorry to have disturbed you at this late hour, we thought the Pasha….”


“Silence whore. I did not ask to hear you bray. Why does your husband not address me. He means to disrespect me yes?”


“No Khalil. He has not learned our tongue. It is I who learned his. He requires me to translate.” She answered politely.


Khalil laughed motioning toward his drow guests and directing his attention to the assembled men. “The weak elves have allowed this whore to convince them to come to a place where they don’t even speak the tongue. Truly you’re harem training is powerful cousin, to control a man with your favor so. Which is the one who killed your father ‘the goat’.”


She extended a hand to Valas and he gently accepted it. “What are they saying?” He asked in undercommon.


Naadiyah lied, “They are honored to meet the one who killed Jael. He was unpopular and not long for this world.”


Valas nodded in approval.


Khalil smiled, “Yes quite honored at the opportunity presented before us.”


“Where is the Pasha?” Naadiyah asked.


“Away for a few more days. He shall return to a wonderful gift I have planned for him.” The other men laughed a little.


“Very well cousin. Tell your master he and the other tar dipped creatures you have brought from below the ground that they may stay. Lead them to the guest house on the travelers drudach. As for you whore. You shall stay at the harim like a proper woman.”


Naadiyah explained the proposed arrangements and Valas shook his head. “My culture does not allow for the separation of husband and wife. You are to remain with me.”


Naadiyah smiled and relayed the information to Khalil who became angry. “Fine. Be the whore I know you to be. Share a bed with that animal. Let all the world know how little value you hold. Despoiled by tar stained skin. It won’t matter for long.”


As Khalil turned his back to her, Naadiyah spoke, “Salted meat. I demand you offer salted meat.”


Khalil became enraged grabbing her arm roughly. Naadiyah grimaced in pain but not make a sound. Valas had blades in his hands before anyone around could blink.


“You tell him, if he insults you even once or puts hands on you ever again he will be dead before he finishes his next breath. Tell him exactly that.” And Naadiyah did.


He released his hold of her and offered a weak apology. Looking at the serving girl he nodded his head and she brought forth a plate a salted meat on skewers. Khalil and Naadiyah ate first. Naadiyah nodded her approval to Valas who sheathed his weapons as he and his brothers ate the meat.


“3 days cousin.” Khalil said and walked away.


Naadiyah showed them to their living quarters. It was a single story structure with 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, a large kitchen and generous seating area. The house was comfortably appointed if not luxurious.


“What angered him so Naadiyah?” Valas asked.


“It is customary among my people to offer salted food to a guest. Sharing salt places the guest under the host’s protection. Also guests who accept salt are expected to have no motives as the gods punish those who violate the guest/host rite. When he offered you shelter but not salt I grew concerned for your safety.”


“That’s what offended you? What of cruel things he spoke of you?”


“The rantings of a small man. It is no secret he desired me for some time. I find even the thought revolting.”


“You said the Pasha would treat us well.” Valas said.


“And he would. But the Pasha is not here. His younger brother, the Bey controls al Edris in his absence. Khalil is a covetous jackal always jealous of his older brother’s success and good fortune. I fear he means him ill.”


“Well then…”Valas smiled, “I have two reasons to kill him.”


Naadiyah smiled appreciatively, “But you must not do so under the protection of guest rite… regardless of what he does to provoke you.”


“Impulse control.” Rygos added. “Now we have a problem.”


Nazmyr snickered.


“It’s late Naadiyah. Perhaps you should get some rest.” Valas suggested.


“Will you be joining me?” she asked.


“Shortly…I have some things to discuss with my brothers.”


“Of course. Good night my lords.”


As soon as Naadiyah retired, Nazmyr asked….”So when do we kill this guy. I’m surprised you you didn’t assassinate him where he stood after he put hands on Naadiyah.”


“Like the garbage he was spewing wasn’t reason enough?” Rygos made his jungle razor motions. “He’s lucky not to be dust right now.”


“Worry not my brothers. I assured Naadiyah we would not be the ones to break the host rite. I’ve known men like this. He’ll break the pact first…after which him and his cronies all die.”


“It’s your show brother…” Nazmyr said. “I’d almost admire your patience and restraint if this Khalil was not so infuriating.”


As they talked Valas checked the rooms for traps. Satisfied there were none he decided he’d spend a few hours in the company of his…he wasn’t sure what to call her… just that she was his… his Naadiyah.


He moved quietly into the room. She was already asleep. It appeared she trusted in this guest rite ritual. He did not. Valas walked the room. No traps here either. He allowed himself 2 hours in reverie then stripped his armor and laid down facing Naadiyah. He watched her sleep for some time. He appreciated her perfect copper skin. She had high cheekbones and striking features, certainly beautiful by human standards. She seemed more so. He considered what he knew about her people and their dealings with genies. It occurred to him she might have some djinn blood in her…or possibly genasi…She certainly was not full genie nor was she completely human. Perhaps this afforded her greater longevity. If all this was true then Is’haaq al Edris may have chosen her for this reason. Valas had come to appreciate the Calishite’s wisdom and decided he would not allow harm to befall him.


Shortly before first light broke, Naadiyah awoke to the sight of Valas watching her. She softly caressed his cheek and smiled. “Good morning. I’ll see to coffee and breakfast. Then if you wish we can tour the city.”


Valas nodded. “I’ll accompany you.”


“There is no need. Rest my Lord. I’ll attend to everything.”


“There is no need for me to sleep. I’d like to see more of al Edris.” and with a word, “ky’ostal” he was armored once more.


“As you wish my Lord.” Naadiyah led him through the drudach to a large dining hall. Many of her cousins, some brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles had congregated for a morning meal. Merchant families began their days early so as to be at the bazaars before open. She expertly prepared 4 coffees. Her aunt who was nearby complimented her technique.


“Naadiyah, beautiful child. It brings me great pleasure and pride to see you and know you have not forgotten how to prepare a proper cup of coffee. You bring much honor to the family. I am so happy for the smart match your cousin has made for you. If I may be so bold….” she looked toward Valas. “..he is quite handsome and has the eyes of a fierce warrior.”


“And a kind heart khala. He treats me gently.” Naadiyah answered.


The old woman reached out to touch Valas and Naadiyah’s eyes grew wide. Valas didn’t move but allowed the contact. “Good fortunes upon you young man. I thank you for your kindness to my niece.”


Valas smiled. “She is better than I deserve.” he answered truthfully.


“Too kind my lord..far too kind.” the old woman added. “I hope to see you again and hear more tales of your greatness. Is’haaq al Edris speaks well of you and he too is a good man.”


As the old woman moved on Naadiyah quickly apologized. “I’m sorry. I did not think she’d touch you. Thank you for…”


“Am I not a guest here Naadiyah? What harm could she mean me?” Valas said confidently.

“She’s right you know…you are far too kind.” and Naadiyah smiled.


Naadiyah fixed a plate of fresh bread, dried fruit and a kind of porridge she promised Valas he’d enjoy. Just as they were about to depart, the bellowing voice of the Bey could be heard.


“Where are you off to today cousin.” Khalil all but demanded.


“I thought I’d show Valas and his brothers the city. Fear not Bey, I promise to have your guests home in time for tonight’s feast.” Naadiyah’s tone was sharp.


“Splendid. Why not start in the Shackles Ward, slaves and slavers, keep them comfortable, or perhaps the Caravan Ward. I’m sure they’re used to the under belly of the world…dung ridden streets are not quite the sewers they are accustomed to, but I’m sure they’ll suffice.”


Naadiyah was cursing in Auran. Khalil laughed and moved on.


“2 days my Lord. Promise me before we leave you’ll kill him.”


Valas smiled. “As you wish my Lady.”


After breakfast the four set out to see the city. Naadiyah who had spent her whole life in Calimport, was the perfect guide. They did tour the Shackles Ward, but only insofar as Nazmyr had business interest. They visited the Caravan Ward as well and Naadiyah explained how her family began there, made their fortune and moved up. Now only the lesser of her family was forced there for business dealings. They visited several bazaars and even received a ‘family discount’ on some spices Naadiyah wanted for her recipes. Several Wards had open spaces, unbuilt, while others had begun or just completed new construction in these areas. Naadiyah explained great fires destroyed large sections of the city. Now that the damage has been cleared new buildings were ready to replace the old. The one thing Valas found most curious though was that nobody seemed to care he was a drow. So long as he had money to pay he was a customer and so long as he obeyed the law no one looked at him twice. He would never have believed a human settlement would treat him so. Perhaps Naadiyah was right….who would seek him out in a human city. As the day drew to close Naadiyah led them back. Valas had seen several areas that interested him. The Emerald Ward was new money and according to Naadiyah very desirable. The Grand Ward was older money but seen as just short of the Palace Ward. The Docks Ward and Trades Ward had great taverns and entertainment. He could certainly find a place to his liking…but it also had to be secure. Valas decided to think on it for now.

They returned to al Edris where a feast had been prepared. Khalil played the gracious host welcoming his cousin and her new ‘family’ to Calimport and the Saaban. He had even set places for them at his table…where he of course continued to whisper insults under his breath drowned out by the noise around them. Valas heard though….as did his brothers and Naadiyah as well. She poked at her food and glared at Khalil menacingly. Khalil for his part maintained his smug smile, hurled more insults and laughed with his entourage. Naadiyah had seen enough. She stood abruptly and excused herself. She took two steps, turned to look at Khalil staring daggers at him. More raucous laughter ensued. Valas bowed and followed after Naadiyah his brothers in tow. As he did, he heard the old woman scold Khalil for his impudence and shameful behavior. Khalil cursed the old woman and sent her away.


Valas finally caught up with Naadiyah as she stormed into the bedroom. “What troubles you? He asked.


“I’m sorry Valas….This was a terrible idea. We should leave now.” tears flowed freely down her face.


“Nonsense. I’m just beginning to like it here…”


“But Khalil…” she said enraged.


“You should meet some of my family….words don’t sting, fanged whips do. Pay him no heed sweet thing. All shall be made right. I promised..Remember?”


“Yes but…Guest rite… You must not…”


“Worry not.. I’ve a feeling I won’t have to.”


Naadiyah exhaled regaining her composure. I’m going for a see my khala, er..aunt.”


“I know the word. I’ll be here if you need me.” He kissed her gently on the forehead.


“Thank you. I won’t be long.” she replied and left.


Valas gave her a head start then turned to is brothers. “We move now.” and they followed her.


Naadiyah made her way across the compound to the villa of her aunt. She tapped on the door but no answer came. The door was unlocked so she entered. What she found horrified her. Her beloved khala had been beaten badly and was unconscious. She cradled the old woman and began to sing. Some of her wounds closed but the old woman was still barely conscious. The old woman kept muttering, “Khalil no..”


Naadiyah placed a pillow under the old woman’s head and whispered. This ends now khala.” and bolted for the door.


Valas stepped in after she left and saw the kind old woman had been beaten. He called on Zinzerena to heal her. Once she grew stronger the old woman said “Please go after her. She means to attack Khalil. She must not…”


“I’ll protect her, don’t worry. Now rest” he said.


“Such a good, kind man.” she smiled as Valas left.


Naadiyah found Khalil. He was arguing with his men, The same men from the feast and the fire pit.


“She was old Khalil, was that necessary?” one asked.


“She’s a Djinn. There will be repercussions.” added another.


“Not when I am Pasha.” Khalil spit.


“How will that happen with your unwanted guests here. Why did you allow that?” asked yet a third.


“What would make me look better to the people than to avenge the death of the old goat by killing his murderer. Then when I kill Is’haaq, the weak pasha who not only allowed his uncle’s death to go unavenged but gave away his own cousin to make peace with those creatures, the people will see it is my right to be the next pasha.”


“And what of Naadiyah?” The first asked.


“I gave the whore a chance at life by sending her to the harim. She refused me and chose her fate.” he said angrily.


“You can’t mean to break guest rite Khalil. No one will ever trust you.” said yet another.


“Bahh. No one will miss the 3 tar drippings and whore of a half Djinn.” he said with disgust. “Besides, we’re out of time. My brother returns within the hour and we must have our plan in place. They die now.”


Naadiyah al Teheri walked slowly toward Khalil. “You son of a motherless goat. You would dare to break guest rite and plot the murder of your own brother, the pasha?”


“How much did you hear whore?” he demanded.


“Enough.” and she spat in his face.


Khalil backhanded her knocking her backward and to the side. As he drew his scimitar, a dagger set with an ioun stone plunged into his chest as Valas appeared before him. Valas, in perfect Alzhedo said, I warned you not to touch her pig.” Khalil al Edris was dead before he finished his breath.


Nazmyr straightened Naadiyah to her feet and said, “Watch ‘Lady Vandree’. You don’t want to miss what happens next.”


Naadiyah wiped the blood from her lip and stared at the remaining 6 men before answering Nazmyr, “No, I certainly do not.”


The men drew their scimitars. One was struck by an invisible beam and instantly became grey ash, floating on the breeze. Valas moved between 2 others and with a whirl of his blades cut them both down where they stood. The three remaining men all attacked Valas, None could so much as scratch his armor. Valas rolled behind one and nearly cut him in two. A second invisible beam flashed from Rygos outstretched finger, more grey ashen dust. The last dropped to his knees begging for mercy.


“I’ve a collar if you want it Naadiyah.” Nazmyr offered.


She walked up to the man who was groveling, crying, begging for his life. “Shhh. Shhh. Shhh.” she began. “I know you meant no disrespect to me right?”


“No none” he cried.


“Nor my husband and family right?”


“Please no.” he stammered.


“And I’m sure you had no hand in beating my khala….the old woman right?” she demanded forcefully.


“Gods no I.”


Naadiyah withdrew the dagger Valas had set to her wrist and opened the man’s throat. “Right.” she said calmly, cleaning the blood from the blade and placing it back where it had been moments before.


Valas leaned over to Khalil “Sol.” and his eye turned purple.

This post was modified 6 years ago by Dorym

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Part 3

Valas sipped the hot coffee. It had a layer of froth and smelled of cardamom. It was very much like the coffee Naadiyah served. In fact, had he not seen the old woman prepare it, he’d have believed Naadiyah did.


“It’s all in the press. You want the coffee to have a face. That’s the froth Lord Vandree…” the old woman said pleasantly. “Naadiyah would spend morning after morning and evening after evening learning the secrets to a proper cup. We take our coffee very seriously you know.” Valas found her entertaining.


“Khala, you should be resting. You were badly hurt and my magic only goes so far.” Naadiyah said concerned.


“Not to worry my dear. Your handsome husband has magic too. He healed me close to new.” she replied gratefully.


“” Naadiyah began.


“Followed you. We knew Khalil was up to no good. We just needed proof.” He redirected.


“But you healed my khala ..” she said in awe.


“You’re embarrassing yourself child. All members of the Order of Black Flames receive religious training.” She looked at Valas then pointed to her right eye. “It’s a Faerie eye…a gift from my younger years. It lets me see the truth of things. I saw you bore the mark at breakfast.” she turned toward the group. “Now who would like fresh dates and fig?”


Rygos leaned back into his chair, “You know brother, I could get used to this.”


Nazmyr laughed, “You two idiots would be bored to tears in a fortnight.”


“Such is the life of the warrior born.” The old woman added. “The thrill of adventure, the call of glory. Hard to resist for those that have tasted it.”


Valas looked to the door. “I believe you have company arriving Maryam.”


“Oh?” and there was a knock on the door.


Naadiyah smiled at Valas and walked to the door to open it. Outside was Pasha Is’haaq al Edris and his personal guard.


“Pasha Is’haaq al Edris.” Naadiyah said with some surprise. “It is good to see you cousin.” and she hugged him.


He returned her warm embrace then asked, “May I enter Maryam?”


“Of course young Pasha. Your visit does me great honor.” the old woman replied.


He ordered the guards to remain outside.


He sat and Naadiyah dutifully brought him coffee. He sipped it, then raised the cup in approval.


“Apologies for the intrusion khala, but I fear I have arrived home to some troubling news. My younger brother Khalil is dead, his right eye turned purple.”


“I’m sorry for your loss Is’haaq but he was an evil man. A purple eye you say? In what manner did he die?” Maryam asked with curiosity in her voice.


“A single knife wound to his heart. I’d be surprised if he even finished his breath before falling dead to the ground.” the pasha answered calmly.


“The work of a master assassin if you ask me.” She offered. “And a more merciful death than he deserved. Surely you don’t suspect me dear Pasha.”


“No. Of course not khala.” He turned his attention to Valas. “What can you tell me my Lord of Vandree?”


“Five of the bodies belong  to me. Khalil being one of course.” Valas said in a business like manner. “There are two more dead but you’ll find no corpses, they are dust in the wind and the last..well let’s just say he well earned his end.”


The Pasha sat quietly.


“Not that I need defend my actions.” Valas continued, “but your brother broke the protection of guest rite when he struck my wife then drew his blade to threaten her life.” Valas paused to sip the hot coffee. “I gave him the gift of a quick and painless death.I’m only telling you this because I despise false accusations. His men then drew their swords so their lives were forfeit as well. I apologize for your loss. If you wish us to go we shall do so immediately.”


Is’haaq al Edris considered the words he just heard. Before he could speak Naadiyah interrupted.


“Cousin. From the time we arrived until the time he breathed his last all he did was insult provoke and threaten us. I had to demand salt and he still broke guest rite. He would have killed me if not for Valas and his brothers because I learned of a plot he had to murder you and take your seat at the head of the family. He even beat Khala Maryam when she scolded his poor manners. Before you decide, know Valas did you a great service and held true to the honor of our family.”


“Is this true khala?” He asked.


The old woman leaned over Valas’ shoulder and freshened his cup. “Every word. Though she left out the part where he healed my injuries.”


The Pasha nodded. “When we first met I sought to make an injustice right and protect our trade in Rilauvin.” He looked at Naadiyah who had rested her head against Valas’ shoulder. “It would seem Naadiyah is most pleased with the arrangement as well.”


She smiled in response.


“Now I find myself in your debt again, this time for saving my life and defending my family from my family.”


“Intrigue and plots of murder are not unusual among my people.” Valas said.  


“So I have heard in my travels. May I ask what brought you here?” Is’haaq questioned.


Naadiyah suggested we purchase a place to live here, away from my other life. It seemed a good idea to me but I’m unsure in which ward to buy. Her safety is important to me and I travel often leaving her alone for long periods at times.”


The pasha sipped his coffee thoughtfully for a moment. “I would suggest a building here in the Grand Ward. Properties don’t come cheap but it would appear I have come into possession of a grand home in my personal drudach that would be quite safe. As Khalil has no heirs I offer his home in recompense for his unkind treatment and the contents as gratitude for saving my life. Naadiyah would have family nearby for company while you’re away. It is the least I can do to show my appreciation. Also I hope you will stay for at least 3 more days so I can properly feast you and show you the true hospitality of al Edris.” He called out to his guardsmen and one entered bearing a tray of salted nougat and pistachio nut candies. The pasha offered them to all and ate some himself. “These are some of the finest sweets confectioned at St. Noradnar’s Hermitage. I was fortunate to have secured a deal to trade for and sell them here in Calimport. Please enjoy.” he said politely with a smile.


Rygos grumbled…”Great. More salt”

This post was modified 6 years ago by Dorym

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Part 4

True to his word Is’haaq al Edris feasted Valas and his brothers the likes of which they had never seen. Exotic dishes of all kinds were brought forth, course after course, each one different yet each one amazing in its own way. Everything from local fresh dates and sweet olives, to kebabs and grilled meats, to steamed vegetables, tandoori cooked breads and curries of all kinds were offered over the next three days. In between celebrations Skilled musicians played as sultry belly dancers entertained. Tobaccos grown locally and afar were smoked, some sweet and tasting of honey others spicy and peppery while others still were infused with exotic flavors and alcohols. In between celebrations,  Valas would excuse himself and make time to inspect the home he had ‘inherited’. He was quick to remove bedding and sheets, cushions and pillows and anything that smelled of the home’s previous owner. The contents were quite lavish and the pasha was kind enough to leave behind any wealth that had been kept in the home. As such there was coin enough to replace the furnishings that Valas deemed must go. Valas, Rygos and Nazmyr all found rooms to their liking. Naadiyah saw to any decorating and changes Valas required and was working the villa into order once more. Valas scribed instructions for Naadiyah to follow knowing he would soon have to depart. He arranged for teleportation scrolls to allow Naadiyah quick and safe passage between Calimport and Hosuth. Nazmyr for the time being elected to stay in Calimport, Rygos he knew must leave. Valas would remain behind for now.


Rygos returned to The Dark Embrace on the 7th day. With all business in Calimport settled neither he nor Valas saw any reason for him to incite the guildmaster’s anger. Rygos tried to convince his brother to return with him but Valas explained he needed to make a point. Rygos hoped that point didn’t find its way into his brother’s back. He tried to enter unnoticed, quickly nodding to Eldrar T’sith who eyed him suspiciously. He had almost made his way to the rear stair when he heard Evony’s voice behind him.


“So. Where is he?”


“Who?” Rygos asked innocently.


“If you think I have any patience for games…” Evony’s tone did nothing to mask her fury.


“Apologies. No games intended. Am I to assume you mean my brother Valas? I’m not quite sure. He may have been detained a bit longer than expected.”


“Detained? Would you like to elaborate?” Evony asked angrily.


“Well it seems that business my brother Nazmyr had asked for help with is going to take a bit longer than expected. We were well aware that we had told you we’d return in a week’s time and didn’t want to cause any undue concern so Valas asked me to return and explain his absence. He knows how you worry for him and wanted to put you at his ease.” Rygos said convincingly.


“I see.“ Evony replied coolly. “And this ‘business’ did it happen to include Calishite whores?


“No….” Rygos feigned confusion. “Just a Sanguinari vampyr. It’s a long story though….and really not my place… Nazmyr’s business and all.”


“Is that so. Well I’ll leave you to it then. Speak to the guildmaster. Offer him your brother’s excuses and if he’s satisfied perhaps he’ll be lenient with his punishment…though it’s not my place to say… guild business and all.” Evony glared at Rygos and stormed away.


Valas had purposely over extended his stay. It wasn’t that he wanted to create a rift between himself and Evony. On the contrary he valued that relationship. He had fallen for her the moment he saw her. So why risk her favor for some half human serving girl. He couldn’t answer that. There were things about Naadiyah he valued too. In truth these two women couldn’t be more different but their differences were complimentary. Perhaps that’s why he fought so hard to keep them both. He envied the Calashite custom of harems. He could see why the men here engaged in the practice. He was resentful that among his people it was more common for a priestess of Lolth to have multiple mates. Men weren’t generally afforded that privilege. He knew Naadiyah would be amenable to the idea. He had a strong feeling Evony would not, but neither did she seem interested in taking on another mate. In all the time he had known her, he was the only suitor she had shown interest. All these thoughts were complicating his life. The only thing he was sure of was he could not submit to a curfew or grounding. Valas Vandree would not allow himself to be controlled. So he waited. He didn’t need to be away long, a single day he believed would make his point. On the 8th day he returned.


He walked into The Dark Embrace that evening. As he did he could feel the eyes of those around on him immediately. The sound in the room grew quiet. Eldrar T’sith gave him a stern look of disapproval but said nothing. Charwyn grinned and began to whisper to the guildmaster. Evony was behind the bar but had yet to turn and acknowledge him. He knew by the tension in the air she was aware he was back. Valas surveyed the room and quickly set eyes on Rygos.


“How much trouble am I in dear brother.” He asked mentally


“More than I’m comfortable with. She was furious when I returned without you. And I’ve a feeling she’s not buying our story. Tread lightly.” Came the telepathic response.


Valas nodded slightly and stepped over to the bar. Before he could say anything Evony wheeled around glaring at him. She placed a glass of wine and a plate of food in front of him. The room returned to normal conversation.


Valas eyed it warily. He smelled the wine and inspected the plate. Miz’ri had taught him to detect poison and as far as he could tell the meal appeared safe. His hesitation was not lost on a Evony.


“Do you trust me so little that you think I’d poison you?” She snapped before grabbing a piece of meat from the plate with her fingers and eating it. She then sipped the wine. “Do you honestly think I’d go through all the trouble of trying to keep you alive only to murder you? Honestly…” she said exasperated. “You’re ridiculous. Eat. I’m sure all that travel with Nazmyr has left you hungry for a home cooked meal.”


Zinzerena had blessed Valas with her spark so that he would never know fear again, yet somehow he found Evony quite unsettling. He nodded and smiled slightly, thanked her for the food and began to eat. She stood in front of him watching, glaring. She began to twirl a spoon between her fingers, the one made from living brass he had bought for her. Instinctively he withdrew his hands.


She chuckled amused.


“Do you like it?” she asked.


Valas was so out of sorts that he really hadn’t tasted the food he was eating until she asked. “Yes my love.” Valas said trying to muster all the charm he could.


“Excellent. It’s a new recipe I put together just for you.” She smiled with obvious ill intent.


“Salted pork…..” he trailed off his words eying her suspiciously.


“Why yes.”  Her voice was pleasant, then her smile faded into a scowl and her tone turned deadly. “3 days ‘my love’. That’s how long you have before I cut the heart out of your whore with this spoon. That is the custom in Calimport, is it not? To offer 3 days respite after salt.”


Valas was stunned and caught completely off guard. How could she know? Certainly Rygos didn’t say anything. Nazmyr was still in Calimport…with Naadiyah.


“If you’re unfamiliar with the custom Valas why not ask your wife!” She hissed.


“My what? Do you truly believe I ran off and got married? Who’s ridiculous now? I don’t know what you’ve been told but I can assure you I have no wife.” He responded incredulously.


“Then explain to me why you were in Calimport.” She spit.


“I thought I already did before I left. I told you Nazmyr needed help with a personal problem. That problem led us to Calimport. Without boring you with details..” He paused, “There was this Sanguinari Vampyr my brother had a quarrel with. We went there to track her down so he could, How should I say…make his peace with her.”


“Interesting story” Evony was irate. “So why is it then that that your trophy whore accompanied you….and I can’t wait for your explanation as to why she introduced herself as your wife? Her rage was palpable.


“We had never been to Calimport before so we needed someone who had been to help us travel there via magical means. Had we not, the walk might have taken months…certainly longer than the days I was working with. Fortunately my servant was born there and knows the city well. It made for much easier travel.”


Evony said nothing maintaining her scowl.


“It also occurred to me that we knew very little of the city, and a guide would prove most useful. What better way to remain unnoticed than to bring my own.”


Her eyes never left his. The spoon she was holding rotated threateningly through her fingers. Valas folded his hands and placed them on the counter in front of him, all but inviting attack.


“Do you remember Pasha Is’haaq al Edris? I’m sure you do. He was the successor to the foul beast I murdered for insulting you. He came to this very establishment and offered the guild payment for peace. He brought you exotic gifts from his world to ease your anger. And he gave me Na…” Valas paused catching himself as Evony’s eyes burned with malevolence. “A Najd coffee set and other home furnishing as well as spices and drink.”


“You forget the part where he gave you the whore.”


“No. I was actually just getting to that. He gifted me with the dead pasha’s daughter, his cousin, for a servant or slave or whatever…”


“Or wife.” she said scornfully.


“That may have been his hope. But certainly I had then, and have not now any intention of making that thing my wife.” he said flatly.


“That doesn’t explain why she would introduce herself as such.” she said menacingly. “Or why you would tolerate such a thing from your servant”.


“I was in a foreign land that I knew little about. I was unsure how our kind would be received. The only contact I had was the man who sought to broker peace and conduct business with us. As pasha of a great house I thought it best if I endeared myself to him by letting him think that I had taken his cousin for my wife, joining myself to his family. Our goddess is the goddess of deception and illusion. So I allowed her to pretend to be more than she is to conceal my true motives. It was good that I did too as the pasha was away when we arrived and only through the ruse of marriage was I able to secure discreet accommodations.Though not so discreet that our arrival went unnoticed by you….” he paused waiting for Evony to speak but she did not. “Anyhow it is quite possible my servant saved our lives by demanding salt, a custom until recently I was unfamiliar with.” He stared for a second at the half eaten plate before him. “I believe the pasha’s brother intended to murder us that night. He was plotting to kill the pasha as well but that is another story my love.”


“Yes well, let’s keep to one tale at a time shall we?” she said somewhat less angry.


Valas shrugged his shoulders. “So I did not marry a servant girl and my reasons for allowing her to call herself such was to further a deception I had orchestrated. Normally I would not go to such great lengths to explain my actions to anyone…But you Evony Fleur D’Marquis are not just anyone. As I have told you. You have my heart. I am yours wherever I travel.”  


Evony had cooled considerably.


“May I be so bold as to ask a question of my own?”


“Careful” she said offering a soft warning.


“How is it you knew I was in Calimport? Are you having me followed?”


“A lady has her ways.” she said sarcastically.


“No” Valas corrected. “Ladies do not possess the requisite skills to overhear a private conversation held in a well guarded and strongly warded secure location in Hosuth…a well trained assassin would however. Nor do they possess the reach to connect with sects of the Order half a world away. I’m assuming the sect of Kossuth was asked for assistance. Am I to assume Eldrar T’sith cares where I travel? If so, the question is why?”


“I don’t know. You’d have to ask him.” It was Evony’s turn to act coy.


“I believe I will.” He looked over to where the guildmaster was sitting and watching him intently. “I have proven myself loyal to this guild far beyond what could reasonably be expected. If Master T’sith intends to interfere in my personal dealings, specifically those that do not impact the guild, then there is a greater problem for me to attend to than some foreign servant girl.” He finished the wine in the glass and placed it on the counter. “If you’ll excuse me.”


“I’m not done with you.” she began to say but Valas stood and walked purposefully in the direction of his guildmaster.


“Master T’sith. If I may have a word.”


Eldrar T’sith answered, “If that word is ‘apologies’ then by all means, keep it.”


“It is not. I’ve no reason to be sorry for attending to my personal affairs.” Valas said evenly.


“You were grounded my young Lord of Vandree, you and Rygos both. At least your brother had the good sense to abide by the furlough I graciously granted.”


“Have I not proven my loyalty time and again? Have I not committed myself to the goddess and all her teachings? Have I done anything to warrant such scrutiny over something so small as a day overdue? What is a single day in the years of our lives?”


“Your loyalty is not in question…but you must understand as member of this guild you are my responsibility to protect. You are aware of the bounty on your head and as such in great peril.”


Valas watched Eldrar T’sith. Watched as his eyes darted from his, to Evony, and back. The guildmaster seemed uncomfortable. He decided to press. “I disagree. I have lived my entire life in peril and have had a bounty on my head since before we met. What I need to understand is why you had me followed, why my travel is your concern so long as it does not interfere with guild business and most importantly why I should place my trust in a guildmaster who has shown me so little.”


“I have listened to you grievance but will not tolerate this disrespect. Since you are so keen to expose your business to all assembled here I see no reason to afford you the privacy of my office. As I have said, this guild and its members are mine to protect. You retired a difficult mark and in a most amateur fashion if I may say. You flaunted your accomplishment by stringing up his corpse announcing your presence to the entire city. Not only has your act of bravado endangered your life and the life of your brother Rygos but quite possibly anyone associated with you including the members of this guild. Anyone hunting you worth their salt will soon come to know that you are a member of the Dark Embrace. You are not the only person the curfew is meant to protect. By keeping you out of sight I protect the guild. The courtesy I extended to you allowed you to travel with your brother. Furthermore, if what you say is true, then should not Nazmyr be paying the guild for your services in assisting him with his with his vampyr issue… unless of course you mean to say that you and Rygos are freelancing. This is a guild of the highest order and we conduct ourselves as such. We embrace chaos to confuse our mark and to further the will of our goddess but there will be order in this guild!”


“You still haven’t told me why you would have me followed.”


Eldrar T’sith went quiet for a moment. Charwyn glanced toward Evony, who had been cleaning the same glass the entire conversation, and smirked. The guildmaster’s eyes also shifted toward the barmaid before quickly returning to Valas. “I believe we are done here. Do consider my words. You are one of our best Valas. I expect much more from you.”

Valas bowed slightly and turned away toward the stairwell leading down. Then it struck him. Where was he going. He’d been sharing a room with Evony these last few months and wasn’t sure she welcomed him in her bed right now. There were other guild rooms. He was assigned one originally but had long since abandoned it and didn’t want to have to ask Eldrar T’sith for anything more. So he stopped and looked at the stairs. He didn’t need to turn around to know Evony found his conundrum amusing. He walked back toward the bar where she waited with a smirk. He smiled affectionately and bowed. “I’d almost forgotten. I have other matters that demand my attention. Please, don’t wait up.”


“And just where do you think you’re going?” she demanded.


“I’m not sure just yet. I can only tell you where I’m not. It’s unimportant though. Have me followed again and then you’ll know soon enough.” Valas didn’t bother turning and walking to the door. He translocated outside the inn and into the shadows where he turned invisible. If he was going to be tracked he wasn’t going to make it easy.


Charwyn approached Evony placing his glass on the bartop. “I’m guessing you want me to follow him again?”


Evony simply glared at him.


Charwyn shrugged his shoulders and sat back by an obviously troubled Eldrar T’sith. Evony stared blankly at the empty stool where Valas had always sat before turning away.


Valas moved silent as the the night air. He made his way through the Dark Weavings bazaar before changing direction again back toward the Freth Compound. He ascended the lift and passed through the gate. Once safely inside he reappeared. He made his way to the main floor where he and his brothers had stayed for some time. He was pleasantly surprised to find his room just as he left it. There wasn’t much here except for a change of clothes and some mundane weapons but it was a safe haven nonetheless. He walked toward his alchemy table. There were several stoppered bottles of drow sleep poison and a healing draught. He was so lost in thought he almost didn’t notice the presence standing in the doorway…almost. He looked and saw Zaiwure in her favorite position leaning into the door jam.


“Welcome home Valas. It’s been some time.” her greeting was warm and genuine.


“It has. I must say that I’m regretful to have missed your company for so long. Unfortunately the guild has sequestered Rygos and I. They believe that the public execution did less to send a message and more to incite reprisal against us I fear. Perhaps it’s best if we just stayed away.”


“Yet here you stand.” she said.


“Indeed I do. Trapped doesn’t work for me. I needed to get away.”


“And staying away does not work for the mistress….or me.” Zaiwure paused for a moment. “Mistress Freth has granted you and brothers sanctuary. She counts you among her favored elite. You will always have a place here.”


Valas smiled in appreciation. “I have something for her to show my gratitude should she have the time to see me.”


“Come Valas. I’m certain she will make time for you.”


Valas closed and secured the door behind him. Zaiwure walked at his side making small talk. Asking about his travels and what news he might have from other places. They walked at a slow pace allowing for more conversation than normal. Finally Zaiwure led him into a sitting room where Karis Freth was relaxing in front of a fireplace. “Look what I’ve found Mistress.” Zaiwure cooed.


Karis Freth beamed with delight. “It has been far too long Valas. I was beginning to think you might have abandoned us. You’ve been missed.” She rose to greet him kissing him on the cheek.


“I’m sorry if I’ve disturbed you Mistress.” was all he could get out. His mind has a chaotic mess of thoughts and he wasn’t prepared for the affectionate reception he had received.


“Nonsense. You are are always welcome.”


Valas felt a pang of guilt for not returning sooner. He had been so caught up with training that he had time for little else including any tasks she may have considered for him. “I appreciate your kindness Mistress.” He began. “If I may, I have a token of my respect and devotion as well as the good will of my brothers.” He presented her with a box sanded smooth from goblin poplar, a rare wood not found locally with striations of both dark ebony and cream. She opened the box to find a set of jeweled hair pins and golden wire for braids. Jeweled combs artistically crafted by djinn artisans completed the set. There was also a pair of dangling star ruby earrings with a matching choker, both finely crafted and obviously of great worth.”


The gift had the effect Valas had hoped. Mistress Freth was most pleased. Even Zaiwure was impressed. “Whoah.” she said in an uncharacteristic expression of amazement.


Mistress Freth smiled, “My sentiments exactly Zaiwure. You never cease to impress with your gifts Valas. You and Nazmyr are most creative with your offerings. It has not gone unnoticed.”


Valas bowed. “We owe you much my brothers and I. I will never forget your generosity.”


“Nor I your loyalty, though if what I have heard recently holds true, that which you feel to your guild has been strained by the barmaid of the Dark Embrace.”


“It’s complicated.” was all he would say.


“Fair enough my young lord. I hope you will stay, even if a short while. It is good to have a shardbearer within the walls”


“Thank you Mistress. I believe I shall.” he bowed and exited.


Zaiwure followed Valas out and said “You know her well. She was most pleased.”


Valas nodded, “I’m happy to hear it.” They walked a few more feet and Valas said, “I’ve brought you something as well as your kindness is also appreciated.” Valas reached into a pouch retrieving 2 silken bags. One contained a bottle and the other a bracelet. “This a perfume I acquired most recently. It’s an oud based mixture.” He unstoppered it to allow her to smell it, scents of pear wood, cardamom, amber and fruit blossom were blended in perfect harmony. “It’s quite an exotic scent.” he said stoppering it and returning it to the silk. The other bag contained platinum bands set with amethyst and alexandrite stones joined to be worn as a set. “These are for you. I find that sometimes the people we value most go unnoticed.” Valas placed the bags in her hand.


Zaiwure wore a look of amazement. No one had ever thought to bring her gifts before. “Thank you Valas. I don’t know what to say.”


“You’re quite welcome.” and they began to walk slowly together.


“You know.” she began. “It has been a long time since you were here. It would be terrible of me if I were to let you go without sharing a drink with you.” she smiled. “Come, follow me. I know a place where there is a new bottle of Abyssal black whiskey….and I assure you , I’m not so complicated……”

This post was modified 6 years ago by Dorym

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Part 5

The Freth compound was alive with activity. Valas stood on a balcony overlooking the courtyard observing the loading of goods to be sold in the bazaar and preparation of merchandise to be delivered according to customer contracts. He had been in the stronghold for several days and was already bored. He knew it was too soon to visit Naadiyah, he had only recently been able to dissuade Evony from her intent to murder her. Should he return to Calimport so soon it would only incite Evony’s anger again, something he hoped to avoid. If he was being honest, he was doing a terrible job at that by avoiding the inn, but at least he had focused her ire away from Naadiyah and onto himself. There was no way to know if he was being watched so remaining at the Freth compound was safest for everyone. He had reason to be here. What’s more he still had his own room within the walls. There were also few demands of him. It seemed Mistress Freth reconsidered her position on the public execution, believing as Eldrar T’sith did that they should have thought better of the spectacle… That they may have inadvertently drawn undue attention, the type that gets people killed and made targets of her elite. So she kept him occupied with occasional busy work within the company, protecting him by keeping him out of sight and avoiding assigning him with any activity that would force him to leave the safety of the compound. As Valas surveyed the area he wondered how long he could reasonably stay away from The Dark Embrace before they came looking for him. It was after all an assassin’s guild and the barkeep where it made its home seemed to hold much sway over its activities. To be fair she held much sway over him as well and he longed for her company.


Valas watched as a merchant with several guards made his way to Zaiwure who was coordinating the day’s business. Words were exchanged and the sight of the tiefling shaking her head caused him to focus, listening carefully to the conversation. “You offer too little.” She said. “Far less than the agreed upon price. My Mistress will be insulted.”


“Perhaps your mistress should reconsider. It would be much better for her to sell me the goods rather than risk loss of the shipment.”


Zaiwure’s tone turned cold, “You are making a grave mistake if you think Mistress Freth unable to protect her investments. Perhaps you should reconsider your offer before you invite trouble you may not walk away from.”


The wiry drow merchant grinned. “Is that so. I am told her best agents haven’t been seen in months. Am I to fear a single tiefling? Certainly not some common soldiers or guardsmen, I have plenty of those myself. Who will she send? What stops me from walking away now?”


Zaiwure’s hand fingered her dagger. The merchant’s guards reached for their swords. Valas had seen enough. He translocated down in front of Zaiwure and rolled between two of the guards, his shardblade caught the first in the groin and cut him to his navel. His other longknife pushed through a second guard’s armpit and into his throat. They fell instantly to the dirt.


Zaiwure stepped back motioning off the approaching guardsmen of House Freth.


A third guard turned to face him only to have his knees cut out from beneath him causing him to drop to the ground, but not before Valas plunged his shardblade into the man’s chest.


The two remaining guards looked at their master. “What are you waiting for?” his voice cracked.  “Kill him. He’s but a single man.”


The two pressed forward and attacked. Valas twisted, turned and tumbled avoiding their longswords. He focused his attention on the taller of the two, stepping into him and running his blade across his belly before pivoting and cleaving his second blade into the space between the mercenary’s neck and shoulder. The last knew he was outmatched. His sword shook in his hand. Valas swatted it to the side with ease finishing him by pushing his longknife through the man’s nose and out the back of his head.


Zaiwure knew the successes of the Vandree brothers well but this was the first time she had seen one of them fight. She found Valas artistic in his technique and his movements most graceful. She smiled in appreciation.


“You were saying?” Zaiwure asked with a smirk.


Valas turned toward the merchant.


The merchant was terrified. He produced a bag containing a kaleidoscope of cut gems. “These stones are worth twice the agreed upon price…if it please your Mistress.”


The tiefling looked up to the balcony to see Karis Freth standing where Valas had been moments ago. She nodded her approval.


“My Mistress will accept your offer… this time. There will be no mercy should you cross her a second. Is that understood?”


The man bowed low looking away from Valas. “Yes..I apologize for the misunderstanding. It will not happen again.” He turned away without a second glance.


Zaiwure smiled. “Thanks for the assist. Nice to have you around.” She watched as Valas sheathed his blades then grabbed him by the belt with her tail. “Come. I think that’s enough excitement for now. Let’s find a drink.”


They walked to the fest hall where Valas retrieved two glasses while Zaiwure reached behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of Baatorian green brandy.


“I think we’ve earned it.” She said with a grin, pouring the green smoking liquid into the goblets. They emptied the glasses in short time. Zaiwure excused herself after a second round. “I’ve duties that require my attention. Hold onto that bottle.”


Valas said, “I’ll have to go soon too you know.”


“I know.” Zaiwure answered. “Just don’t be a stranger.” She said then left.


Valas walked the halls of the compound considering what he should do next. His heart told him his was being foolish. His pride however was having a difficult time accepting his guild would have him followed. He was caught in a power play. If he went back too soon and acquiesced to the curfew, would he be sending a message that he was weak and easy to control? Yet if he waited too long he might start to incur ill will for something that, to be fair was rather petty. The fact that he had been given as much leeway to sort his bruised ego indicated he still held the respect of the guildmaster. He decided he would make his return the following morning when it was likely the inn would have sparse occupancy so as not to attract an audience or cause a scene.


He spent the next few hours sitting in the parlor of the noble’s tier of the stalactite. With his brothers all away it was all but deserted. There were only three others housed on this level and he had yet to come into contact with them. He stared at the fire as if the dancing flames might hold some secret he had been unable to discover. His reverie was disturbed by a presence in the room. He turned his head to see Zaiwure leaning into the door jam, tail in hand. She must have shimmered in because he heard no door open. “Mistress Freth requests your company Valas.”


“Of course.” he said rising to his feet.


“She’s in the library.”


Valas twitched when he heard the word library as a memory flashed in his mind replaying his last visit with Innarei.


“”You ok?” Zaiwure asked.


Valas smiled, “Fine. Just a chill.”


Zaiwure lowered her eyes to the crystal of adaptation set in his armor. “If you say so.” She turned to open the door. “Follow me.”


She asked if he still had the bottle of Baatorian green brandy suggesting that once business was done for the day they finish it.


“I do. Sounds good to me.” he grinned.


Zaiwure led him into the library where Mistress Freth was waiting, sitting at a table with unstoppered inkwells and scrolls strewn about.

“Valas. Thank you for such quick response to my call.” Karis Freth began.


Valas nodded, “How might be of service?” he asked.


“I have an important message that needs to be sent and I can’t risk it falling into the wrong hands. Normally I’d never ask you to act as courier for me but your particular talents and accessibilities are required to ensure safe delivery. I apologize for assigning you a task normally far below your station but I have no one I can trust more with it than you.” She handed him a sealed scroll tube.


Zaiwure wore a crooked look as if she suspected something was not quite right.


“No need to apologize. I have no issues with what you ask of me. Who must I deliver this to?”


Mistress Freth smilled. “I fear I must apologize though, understanding the uncomfortable position I am about to put you in. I need you to deliver that to Eldrar T’sith, your guild master and you must do so immediately. Time is of the essence.”


Zaiwure’s eyes narrowed for a short moment before her expression turned blank again. It looked as if she was about to say something but a quick look from Karis Freth and the words remained behind her lips.


“If such is your wish I shall dispatch at once.” he said with a little stiffness in his voice.


She stepped into Valas and kissed him on the cheek. “Return when you can.” she said with genuine affection in her voice.


Zaiwure looked away.


“I shall Mistress.” Valas responded then turned to leave with Zaiwure a step behind him. He stopped in the hall and turned toward Zaiwure passing her the bottle of brandy. “Another time my friend?”


She took hold of the bottle. “It’ll be waiting…Remember Valas, don’t..”


“Be a stranger..” he finished for her. Don’t worry, I won’t.” He hugged her and walked away leaving her outside the library door.


He could have easily teleported to the Dark Embrace however he decided to walk. He wanted time to plan his words and the unexpected assignment all but eliminated that possibility, so instead of a dozen hours he had about the same in minutes. Valas was careful to go invisible and move silently through the shadows of the city to protect the parcel he had been entrusted with. In short time the inn came into view. From the sounds escaping into the street he could presume it was somewhat busy. He wasn’t going to be afforded a quiet return. He made his way to the door and entered pausing just inside the threshold. Several sets of eyes fixated on him, some turned quickly away while others seemed interested in what he would do next. Among those watching him were Eldrar T’sith who was sitting in his normal seat at the edge of the bar and Evony whose glowering expression appeared threatening.


“One mess at a time.” he told himself. Valas walked to the bar where Evony stood arms crossed expression crosser. “If you’ll allow me 2 minutes with my guildmaster I promise to return for your impending rebuke.” he grinned.


Evony’s scowl revealed the most minor of cracks toward a smirk and she nodded ever so slightly without saying a word.


Valas stepped toward his guildmaster and said, “Master T’sith. I have a matter of great importance, that if you be so kind, I’d prefer to discuss privately.”


Eldrar T’sith looked him over before speaking, “If you intend to impugn my leadership again I’d just as soon you return from whence you came until such time you’ve more carefully considered your words.”


Valas nodded then began, “That was not my intention then nor is it now. There’s a chance my emotions may have gotten the better of me. It will not happen again.”


Eldrar T’sith seemed satisfied and said, “Very well my young Lord of Vandree. Let us hear what you have to say.” He rose and motioned toward the door leading to the guild lounge and his office. Once they were inside Charwyn closed the door behind them. “Well?”


Valas produced the scroll tube he had been tasked with delivering. “Mistress Freth said this scroll contains important information. She said to put it in your hands and yours alone. She had great concerns that the wrong people might acquire it so she asked me to personally deliver it to you.”


The guildmaster examined the tube.


“The wax seal is unbroken Master T’sith and I came to you at once.”


“I see. And you were readily available to courier this item? Am I to assume you spent the last few days at the Freth Compound?”


Valas sensed he was being tested and was careful with his response, “I was Master T’sith. At no time did I leave the confines until I accepted this task.”


“Good. I shall see to this missive. You may return to the inn. I expect you will abide by the curfew until further notice.” He said evenly.


Valas nodded then left. He returned to the tavern area where Evony was waiting still wearing the same scowl from minutes earlier. She locked eyes with him for a moment stopping him midstep. She called out to a serving girl, “Aunran watch the bar.” She stepped from behind the counter and walked directly to the stairwell down into the guild. She paused for second meeting his eyes once more, then proceeded to the lower level. Valas didn’t require a translation and followed behind her. She walked to the room they were sharing leaving the door open. The moment Valas made it through the threshold she turned toward him. “Veir!”, She snapped and the door shut behind him.


“Where have you been?”  She asked with obvious annoyance in her voice.


“Don’t you already know. Certainly you had me followed again. No?”


She stared daggers at him but didn’t say a word.


“I’ve already explained my absence to Master T’sith.”, he said flatly.


Evony glared and grinned, “Great, now explain it to me.”


Valas sighed, “I returned to my room at the Freth Compound. Fortunately I’m still welcome there.”


“Your room where? Your room is here! Right here! As is your place!” She yelled waving her arms in the air..”When were you not welcome here?…”, she hissed. “Were you told to leave?”


“After our confrontation I wasn’t sure you wanted me to share your bed.” He answered honestly.


“Are you and Naris so much alike that you cut and run at the first hint of difficulty? And I was under the impression it was our bed.”


Her last comment caught him completely off guard. “Well I wanted to avoid unnecessary hurt feelings, I thought it best if we both had time to cool off.”


“Oh so now you’re Nazmyr the diplomat? How about you try being Valas! Stomping away and pouting like a child because I threatened to break your toy. Honestly…  There’s a contract on all your heads and you run off alone asking to be killed.”


“The compound…”


She cut him off. “Speaking of which,  I’m not sure if you’re paying attention or simply dumb as Ishtoshen but your Mistress Freth has had some challenges to her business of late.”


“I’ve already addressed that.” He said just a little pleased with himself.


“So I’ve heard…And if I did, I’m sure there are others that did as well, others who don’t care for you nearly as much as me. That’s why you were grounded, that’s why you have a curfew. You don’t seem to consider your personal safety much, so it falls to me to do it for you!” She was still angry but more so out of concern than insult.


Valas smiled and changed tactics, “Evony Fleur D’Marquis…I had no idea you felt so strongly for me.” He brought his hand to his heart. “I’m touched.”


Her eyes lit up like a bonfire. “Uggh! You’re infuriating!.” Her tone dropped low and became more menacing. “Pull a stunt like that again and I’ll do more than touch you.”


She grabbed him by the edge of his armor and tossed him roughly onto the bed before straddling him. “You aren’t off the hook yet. You’ve got some making up to do.”


“It’ll be my pleasure.” He smiled.
