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Valas and Shelsa

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This post occurs about a month after the raid on House Vandree

“How long this time?” Evony demanded. “You’ve barely been back a month. Now you want to venture off again. Why?”


Valas smiled. “No more than a fortnight. Promise. Rygos is opening a new art gallery and he’s asked me to accompany him. How can I tell my brother no. He’s always there for me. This trip is very little to ask in comparison. Besides… It’s perfectly safe. Strictly business.”


“Why not open it here in Rilauven. Naris and Nazmyr both have businesses here. Why not Rygos?”


“It’s an art thing. He believes there’s more profit to be made in a well trafficked port city. One with strong trade routes and a reputation for commerce. A drier climate might do well to protect his collection from mold and decay. But if you’re really that concerned you’re welcome to come with. It’s only a soft open but I’d love to be escorted by the most beautiful woman in the realm… though I fear you’d outshine even my brother’s masterpieces… Everyone would have eyes on you. I would probably have to kill them all however, which could prove problematic for a new business.”


Evony wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, a wry grin forming on her face. “Hmmm. Traveling with you could be most interesting. You’re really ok with that?”


“I wouldn’t have asked otherwise. Shall I pack for you?” His eyes were locked on hers.


“So tempting.” She kissed him. “But I can’t. I’m needed here to run the tavern. Bring me back something nice?”


“Of course my love.”


“A fortnight Valas… not a day longer. Show me you can actually keep your word this time.” She bit the bottom of his lip. “I’d hate to think how I might react if you disappoint me again. I can be a tad emotional you know.”


“You?! No…never noticed.” He said with a pinch of sarcasm.


“Yeah right. Go. Tell Rygos he has his traveling companion.”


“He’ll be most pleased.”


“Good.” Evony said. She stepped away a few paces then paused looking over her shoulder. “See that I am too when you return.” She left the room they shared and made her way upstairs to the tavern.


Valas made haste to the room Rygos called home. “We’re good. Quickly now, before she changes her mind.”


Rygos was already packed and waiting. “Excellent brother. Let’s go.”


They had to walk across the city to the main gate, a mild inconvenience, but necessary due to the enchantments guarding Rilauven from magical travel. They acknowledged the guards at the outpost and continued into the large tunnel forming the entry to the Underdark. Once beyond the safeguards of the city, Valas produced his staff of travel and they teleported, appearing in Hosuth instantly. Dragon men snapped to attention at their arrival and Naadiyah who had returned to see to the stores and the recycling of rice was alerted immediately.


“Lady Vandree.” Marshall Xavri, addressed her. Lord Valassss hasss returned.”


Naadiyah beamed at the dragon man with purple scales. She was bursting with jubilation. It had been months since she last saw Valas and there were concerns since he was overdue to return to his guild that there could be repercussions. She thought to herself… that didn’t stop him from spending more time with her though. He cared for her so, even if it meant defying his superiors. She worried they might mean him ill but trusted in her love that he could manage near any situation. The half djinn moved quick like a breeze…quite literally, rushing with a gust of wind up the stairwell and into the sitting room. She stopped breathless when she saw him. “Valas.” she managed with pure adoration.


“Hello my desert flower. Did you miss me?” he said affectionately.


She walked purposely toward him and embraced him tight. “I was so worried for you qalbi. I did as you bid. Our home in Calimport is renovated and I’ve been attentive to Tamdrasil as well. The stores are replenished and a new shipment of rice has been prepared for Nanill. The pedestals have all been cleaned and filled with new rice. I hope I have pleased you.”


“Always.” he said gently. “Your devotion does not go unnoticed. I am only sorry that my enterprises call me away often and for so long. Let me make it up to you. Rygos has business in Calimport I was hoping your cousin, Pasha Is’haaq al Edris might be able to assist with. While there we can visit that restaurant overlooking the sea that you love so much. What is it called? Au Za’atar I believe?”


“You are too kind but there is no need…You owe me nothing.” She paused looking somewhat nervous. “Ya ‘iilahi! Where are my manners. Welcome Lord Rygos. Apologies for my rudeness. Please let me prepare coffee.” and she was off as quickly as she came.


“You have something special there brother.” Rygos complimented. “It’s a shame you can’t have her around all the time.”


“Evony would have us both killed …and horribly no doubt. That I’m sure of. No… Better she lives on the edge of my world. I can’t explain why…” He paused to collect his thoughts. “But should any ill befall that lovely creature because of me I’d never forgive myself….Weird right?”


“No dear brother… that’s what us artists call compassion. A foreign notion for an assassin I’m sure but you are so much more than that no? Such a loss would of course pain you. It’s ok. I won’t tell the others that you’ve grown a conscience.” he smirked as he melted into the heavily cushioned silk sofa.


Valas frowned and tossed a pillow at him. “Keep talking Rygos. I find your wit quite amusing. Excuse me a moment, I need to check the house funds before we go.”


Valas opened the door to the bedroom Nazmyr had so graciously provided him. It was spotless. He hadn’t been there in many months yet it was meticulously kept. Fresh incense burned to offset the musty odor of the swamp. The rice baskets Naadiyah had strategically placed about the space kept it dry and comfortable. The bed had been freshened and made as if he had been expected to arrive. She truly doted over him. He walked over to a large cabinet and spoke the command ‘Aluve’. The lock clicked as the tumbler moved and the ebon wood door swung free. Valas reached inside for a chest. It was about as wide as his forearm and just as tall with a rounded lid. The charred wood smelled of smoke and was held tight with iron bands. He placed it on his desk then produced a burnished brass key. Inside there were gold coins and pouches containing gems of various worth. He added coins and a few more pouches of cut stones to replace the ones Naadiyah had used to keep the tree fort supplied and operational. Just as he returned the chest to its resting place within the cabinet he sensed a presence. He stood tall as he slowly closed the cabinet door listening for the lock to engage. His eyes moved toward the doorway of the room where he noticed Shelsa, sitting centered in the portal.


“We need to talk.” she growled.


“”Well hello Shelsa. Good to see you too. Has Nazmyr returned? I was hoping to invite you both along with us on an excursion to Calimport.” Valas said in pleasant tone.


“No…he has yet come back from Ev. And that is precisely what I wish to discuss with you. Sit.” the large white cat said with slight edge in her voice.


Valas found himself doing as the cat commanded and sat on the edge of the bed. ‘Tell me Shelsa. What is troubling you?”


“Your brother needs help. Your help in particular.” She began.


“What? Why. Has someone threatened him.” He began to stand.


“Not exactly. Sit. Please. Let me continue.” the cat continued with some impatience.


Once again Valas sat. “Go on.”


Shelsa exhaled a sigh of frustration. “Its this Lady Ev. That thing is not right for him. I fear his thirst for power blinds him to it’s condition.”


“What condition is this?” Valas asked concerned.


“Well for one thing it’s allergic to cats. Constantly sneezing when I’m around. That’s the reason Nazmyr had me remain behind this trip.”


“Being allergic to cats is not so unusual my dear Shelsa.” Valas said attempting to console her.


Shelsa’s fur became quite puffy as she postured to increase her size. “I beg to differ my friend. It’s a well known fact that those allergic to cats can not be trusted. Those types are foul and despicable creatures. You read. Surely you know this. Besides I’m fey. And fey are special.” she said licking the back of her paw with some indignation.


“Indeed you are Shelsa. But I don’t meddle in my brother’s affairs. I can’t involve myself just because she sneezes when you’re around.” Valas was trying to reason with the familiar.


“That is precisely why you need to do something.” Shelsa demanded. “IT SNEEZES when I’m around. Constructs don’t sneeze. Magical golems don’t have allergies.”


“Construct? Wait…what?” Valas asked confused.


“You know…” Shelsa paused. “For someone who studies so much you’re really having a difficult time keeping up.”


Valas tilted his head and gave her a look. “Really?”


“Really?” She seemed annoyed. “I tell you your brother is betrothed to a construct and all you can say is really?. Construct Valas. Fake. Not a real person. Flesh and mortar sex toy…”


“I get it. Thanks for the visual. Does he know? I mean he must know right? You’d think he’d know. I mean if Naadiyah were a construct….” He looked at the bed. “I’m sure I’d know….I think.”


“Of course he does. I told him. The problem isn’t that he wanted to sow his oats and play toy maker with her. The problem is he is so focused on being ‘king consort’ and the prestige the position brings that I think he forgets what it is…. Or worse…he may actually have feelings for it. I can’t have this. There is no way I could suffer the next five centuries with that creation pretending to sneeze and cough because it feels threatened by me. How juvenile…. Spoiled brat… I decided right from the start that I didn’t like it you know. And my intuition is always good.”


“Ok. So what would you like me to do? As I said. It’s not my place to meddle in his affairs. Even if they border on unsavory.”


“You need to talk to him. You’re his brother. He’ll listen to you.” She said with some urgency. “Convince him he’s making a terrible mistake. Remind him about Dahlia. A real woman. She’s a smart match for him. She’s a Djinn Noble. She’s beautiful, powerful and quite wealthy. She’s kind and affectionate and I know he favors her. I can feel it. Most importantly though. I like her.” We’re a package deal him and I. Something that engineer’s experiment doesn’t seem to comprehend.”


“Shelsa?” Naadiyah’s voice could be heard. “Is everything ok? Why you are standing in the doorway to my Valas’ room?”


“Everything is fine my lovely child. I was just having a discussion with Nazmyr’s most trusted and well loved brother.”


Valas smirked.


“He was telling me that he was feeling a bit hungry from his travels and that he would really love some of your delicious lamb stew…you know… the one with the apricots. Would you be so kind sweetling?” Shelsa purred.


“Of course. I’ll prepare some straight away. Rest and I’ll bring it up when it’s ready.” she said with a smile and turned away.


“Was that necessary?” Valas asked.


“We’re not done yet.” Shelsa answered.


“Why me?” Valas asked. Obviously uncomfortable with the idea of interfering in his brother’s private affairs. “Nazmyr has other brothers.”


“Who? The creepy one that plays with dead things? The dumb one that sleeps with an orc?” she sighed. “Oh how about the greedy one that tried to steal from him…the fire mage.” Shelsa paused for effect. “And how could I forget about the one who cavorts with demons and devils.. For sure he’ll listen to them.”


“Naris?” Valas offered.


“I like him. But he lacks the tact and diplomacy to get the point across without insulting Nazmyr. Besides who else but you has a room in every place he owns. Obviously he values your company and counsel.”


Valas thought for moment. “She’s got me there..” then remembered. “Rygos why not him.”


“Rygos is a good lad but let’s be honest. He usually follows your lead. She turned her head toward the parlor and stared into it for a few seconds. And I’ve never seen an  darkelf choose to nap as much as he does. Reverie sure, but he seems to genuinely enjoy sleeping on that couch. It has to be you Valas.”


Valas thought it over for a while as Shelsa moved out of the door jam she had so expertly blocked and began pacing the floor looking at him. Finally she jumped up on the bed and pushed her face an inch away from his….”Well?”


Valas leaned back startled. “If I do this thing for you I’ll need you to do something for me.”


“I’m sorry. When did Naris show up?” She feigned looking around the room.


“I’m serious. I’ll do this because I care about my brother and you’re right. It’s not healthy and more than a little disconcerting to fall for a golem but I have a favor to ask in return.”


“Go on.” Shelsa said with some skepticism in her voice.


“I need you to look after Naadiyah. You spend a lot of time with her. More than I am capable of unfortunately. Make sure she stays safe. Should trouble come looking for me or Nazmyr or our family in general, promise me you’ll help her escape. I fear there will be repercussions to come for our actions and I will not have her pay for my sins.”


Shelsa purred with affection. “And they all think you’re a heartless killer. Of course I’ll keep your zahrat alsahra safe…as best I can at least. I promise no harm will befall her pretty little head if I can help it.” Shelsa said with a smile of pin sharp teeth.


“Very well. I’ll do as you ask and see what I can do with Nazmyr. You have my word….word… Am I wrong or was that Alzhedo.


Shelsa purred. “Yes indeed. We do spend quite a bit of time together. I’ve taught her the language of the fey and she has taught me her native alzhedo while Dahlia teaches me the Auran tongue of her people. We are a family and I intend to keep it that way.”


Valas smiled as he realized Nazmyr was not the only master manipulator in the family.

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Dorym

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A few hours later…

Nazmyr apparated into the parlor of Tamdrasil. He had spent the last few weeks in the city kingdom of Ev with its monarch Langwidere, better known to the realm as Lady Ev discussing business dealings, offering his counsel on domestic issues as well as the complications caused by a fractured relationship with a powerful Red Wizard of Thay that concerned the young queen. He enjoyed the banquets and even the quiet dinners prepared by her skilled culinary staff were often more lavish than many of the celebrations he’d attended elsewhere. She was needy though. Impetuous and difficult at times…spoiled even….and her demands on him and his time seem to forever expand. He was not adverse to the more physical desires he satisfied as her consort but once he was back in the swamp air of Hosuth, the sickly sweet perfume of Lady Ev lingering on his clothes returned to the forefront of his olfactory senses. No longer nose blind he thought to himself, “I hope Dahlia does not make an unexpected visit before I can strip away the scent of Ev’s perfume.” It made him wonder. “How does Valas manage his two lives without Evony picking up any traces of Naadiyah on his person.” As fast as the smell of perfume had assaulted him it was just as quickly replaced by the odor of warm spices, sweet meat and strong coffee. Finally focusing on the room rather than himself he saw that his brothers, his sister, Shelsa and Naadiyah were sitting in a semicircle around the parlor. The wenge wood table had its center tile removed and a low flame licked into the air keeping a covered clay pot warm along with an ornate carafe of steaming coffee. “What’s going on?” He inquired as he removed his veil, somewhat puzzled by the scene before him.


“Naadiyah made lamb stew.” Valas answered pleasantly.


“It’s Valas’ favorite.” Lelith added.


“You know the one with apricots.” Offered Rygos.


Nazmyr’s eyes moved from Valas who was seated in the middle of an oversized semicircular sofa with Naadiyah to his left and Shelsa to his right, over to Lelith who occupied an ottoman to Shelsa’s right then back to Rygos seated in heavily cushioned ottoman to the left of Naadiyah all eating stew and drinking coffee. “Shelsa?” He began. “What did you did you do?”


Shelsa looked up from the bowl of stew and saucer of coffee Naadiyah had prepared for her with a catbird’s smile. “Why nothing Nazmyr. We’re simply enjoying a lovely family meal.”  No sooner had Shelsa answered when Naadiyah was handing him a bowl of stew and cup of coffee.


“Welcome home Lord Nazmyr.” Naadiyah said with a smile motioning toward the crescent sofa. Valas slid to his left side as Nazmyr sat between him and Shelsa with his meal. As he did Naadiyah removed some warm flat bread from the clay pot and set it on a plate across from him. She then knelt next to Valas hands folded on his left leg as she waited to see who might be wanting seconds.


Shelsa leaned into Nazmyr and purred before growling, “How was your trip? I hope it is feeling better than last we met. If I’m being honest I find the incessant sneezing and coughing quite irritating. Perhaps you should call for a gnome tinkerer to correct that malady.”


“Don’t you mean cleric?” Lelith asked.


“No.” Shelsa said matter of factly licking the back of her paw with her eyes slanted toward Valas. “No I do not.”


Nazmyr gave her a stern look of disapproval.


Shelsa stretched before returning to her meal, mumbling something in Fey. Naadiyah looked at Nazmyr’s familiar with a hint of shock and embarrassment on her face. It was not lost on Nazmyr. He looked to his brother. “When did she learn Fey?”


“Apparently Shelsa taught her. It seems she, Naadiyah and Dahlia have been exchanging language lessons.”


Shelsa once again looked up from her stew obviously pleased with herself.


Nazmyr eyed the large cat suspiciously. “Splendid.” He then turned to Naadiyah, “The stew is delicious. Valas’ favorite you say?”


She looked up at Nazmyr smiling warmly. “Yes my Lord. So I’ve been told.”


Valas interrupted the exchange. “I think it’s the sweetness of the apricots that balance the spices so well.”


“Agreed brother.” Rygos added truthfully.


“So brothers. Not that I’m unhappy to see you but I assumed you’d be occupied with business for a fair bit longer after our latest expedition.”


Naadiyah smiled. “You don’t have to hide qalbi’s activities. His business does not offend me.”


“Qalbi?” Lelith whispered to Shelsa.


“Means ‘my heart’ in Alzhedo. Her native tongue.” Shelsa whispered back.


Lelith fought back a smile hiding her amusement in her coffee cup.


“Well of course I could not pass up the opportunity to return to Naadiyah when the opportunity presented.” Valas said with as much charm as he could muster.


Naadiyah smiled laying her head on his lap as Lelith rolled her eyes in disbelief.


Valas ran his left hand down Naadiyah’s shoulder. “Rygos is looking to open an art gallery in…” he paused and coughed. “Anyhow, I was hoping Naadiyah’s cousin might be able to assist in finding a location. Care to come along. You could check the slave trade there and maybe catch up with Dahlia. I plan to take Naadiyah to Au Za’atar. The restaurant has an outdoor terrace that overlooks the Shining Sea. If she doesn’t mind the extra company…” he said looking down at her. …”perhaps you and Dahlia would like to join us…at least for dinner.”


“Of course not.” Naadiyah said with excitement. “Lord Nazmyr and the Lady Dahlia Hakbarrah would be most welcome.”


“Well played.” Shelsa thought to herself.


“And you must bring Shelsa too. I would be so disappointed if she were left behind and I’m certain Dahlia would enjoy her company as well.”


“Good girl.” Shelsa mused. “I’ll have to assist you next.”


Nazmyr sipped his coffee for the moment thinking.


“Besides you haven’t seen the renovations I’ve made to our home. Please Lord Nazmyr. You must agree to come. I am certain you will enjoy the time and the changes I’ve made to your room.” She said with enthusiasm. “And don’t worry all your possessions were handled by myself personally and returned where they belonged once the new furniture arrived.”


“New furniture you say. Perhaps I will. A recreational trip sounds just perfect. How could I refuse the request of your lady brother.” He answered with a smile.


“I guess I’ll wait here for your return.” Lelith said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.


“For now sister. Until we’re sure it is… safe…to bring you along.” Valas replied.


Naadiyah tended to cleaning up the dinner plates without complaint as Nazmyr bathed and packed a few things for the trip. By the time they actually left, the better part of a day had been spent.


Calimport was hot. Not the musty humid heat of Hosuth but the cracked dry oppressive feel of a baking sun cooking the sand and mortar. The villa was cool by comparison. A soft breeze seemed to move the air refreshing its occupants. The entry foyer was decorated with new tile and brick work with an oasis like fountain complete with running water and exotic foliage. Valas noticed there were beautiful arrangements of flowers in hand painted vases placed about the villa. “Blood lilies?” He asked.


“Indeed ya nour el ein, blood lilies are a most beautiful local flower highly regarded by the wealthy and prized by the most powerful sects of assassins in Calimshan. They are said to signify the memory of those who are away and the joy of their return.”


“They are quite beautiful.” Valas said with sincerity. “You’ve done remarkable work removing all remnants of the previous occupant. New tile, new brick work, new wood floors and most importantly new furniture. It even smells different now… a combination of soft florals offset by spicy incense.”


“It’s truly amazing Naadiyah. If I didn’t know, I’d never suspect this was the same place we left nearly half a year ago. I’m impressed.” Rygos complimented as he walked about considering the new framed artwork Naadiyah commissioned and wall mosaics crafted to her designs. “Quite impressed.”


Nazmyr too was taken back by the exquisitely designed living area. He had begun to estimate costs and wondered if he should have stayed a bit longer to bargain for better prices.


Shelsa could sense his thoughts. “Do not fret Nazmyr. Her cousin the Pasha arranged for many of the craftsmen and negotiated the materials at near cost with his trade partners.”


That is good to hear.” He said with some relief. “I had begun to worry that I may have let my brother down by abandoning him when my particular skills might have come in handy.”


“Yes. You’re very charming.” Shelsa said patronizing her master. “We know.”


Naadiyah giggled a moment before chastising Shelsa in Fey for talking out of turn to Nazmyr.


Shelsa grinned then jaunted to a cushion placed high in the sitting room that gave her a view of the entire first floor. “Yes.” She answered Nazmyr’s question before he asked it. “She had this made for me. I like heights. I need to see everything.”


Nazmyr snarked back. “Careful Shelsa. You know what they say about curiosity and cats.”


She yawned flashing her ivory pin sharp teeth. “I do. Thank goodness I’m Fey.”


“Naadiyah..I hear talking.” The lithe figure of the winged elf said as she appeared in the archway. “Rygos.” She said pleasantly. “It is good to see you. Are you here to open the gallery?”


“It is good to see you too. Yes I am. I intend to purchase a property tomorrow with some luck. How have you fared in my absence?”


“Very well thanks to your rescuing me from the orcs…and your brother for his hospitality…” She smiled affectionately at Naadiyah “…and most of all to Naadiyah for her company and kindness.”


“I’m glad to know your time here has been pleasant. My Naadiyah is an attentive hostess.”


Naadiyah smiled at the compliment. “My Lord is too kind.”


They decided to relax for the night and wait until morning to see the Pasha. Naadiyah poured cool wine and put together a platter of dried fruits and fresh dates as they talked into the better part of the night. “Lord Rygos.” Naadiyah said. “I took the liberty of mapping out several locations you might wish to consider. Eirina saw to the spacing needs and I made sure the potential venues were in the proper districts. As you know, in Calimport, some wards are better suited to your level of nobility and class than others.”


“They’re upstairs on your desk if you would like to review them.” Eirina offered.


Rygos finished his wine placing the glass on a nearby platter. “That sounds like a great idea.” As he led Eirina away.


Naadiyah looked at Valas. “If it’s ok with you qalbi, I’d like to retire to our bedchamber.”


Valas nodded.


She leaned in and kissed him. “Will my lord be joining me?”


“Shortly my zahrat alsahra. I’d like a few words with my brother first.”


“Of course.” She smiled. “Good night Nazmyr.”


He nodded slightly. “Sleep well.” Naadiyah refilled their wine glasses then walked away. Nazmyr asked. “So brother. What is it you wish to discuss?”


Shelsa high on her platform listened intently.


“Forgive me brother if I’m being too forward but I have some minor concerns with this Lady Ev of yours.”


“Oh?” Nazmyr responded.


“Nothing serious brother it’s just that… I have yet to meet her. Now I know it’s a small thing but I have a room in every house you own. Surely there must be space for me in a kingdom.” He joked.


Nazmyr grinned. “I’m not sure you’d enjoy her company.”


“I don’t have to brother. But I would like meet her and see this city for myself. If some ill should befall you there I’d like to know who I have to kill and where to find them.”


Nazmyr laughed. “I wouldn’t worry about that brother. I’m in no danger there.”


Valas grew serious for a moment. “We are always in danger brother. Never forget that.”


“What I mean is Lady Ev doesn’t pose any threat. But if it makes you feel better brother then accompany me there after we conclude our business here. I’m sure you’ll find her quite appealing to the eye…”




“….Probably not to your liking.” He mused. “A need to an end though brother. Nothing more.”


“As I said Nazmyr, all your business. Far be it from me to interfere in your personal dealings.”


Shelsa smiled. “Wow. He’s good.” Quite pleased with her choice of influence on her master.


“It’s settled then. We’ll travel to Ev after meeting with the Pasha.”


“We needn’t be gone long. I promised Naadiyah dinner.”


“A few hours brother. No more.”


“If you insist.” Valas said.


“I do. Now I’m sure you’d much rather spend your night with that beautiful genasi than me.”


Valas stood wine glass in hand. “I don’t know brother. That veil always does something to stir me.”


Nazmyr scowled. “Sod off.” Then laughed. “It’s magical you know.”


“Yes.” Valas laughed back. “Yes it is.”


Shelsa purred with contentment and went to sleep with visions of Djinn in her dreams.

This post was modified 6 years ago by Dorym
This post was modified 5 years ago by Dorym

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After breakfast, the next morning

“I think it best we not surprise her. She can be ill tempered when surprised with unannounced guests.” Nazmyr cautioned before casting the incantation. “And maybe you should make yourself appear as human so as not to set the city to panic.


“As you say brother. I think it wise not to incite her to anger. It would make for a bad first impression.”  Valas agreed.


“Will I be allowed to go as well?” asked Shelsa innocently.


Nazmyr hesitated.


“Why would you not dear Shelsa? I’m sure Nazmyr would have no reason to abandon you here?” Valas answered for his brother.


Nazmyr sighed in resignation. “Of course you’re coming just…”


“I know.” Interrupted Shelsa with her most baleful meow. “Just stay invisible and out of sight so I’m not noticed.”


Valas looked at his brother. “Why hide your familiar? She a part of you brother.”


“Langwidere is allergic to cats.” He said flatly.


“How does being invisible stifle her allergies?” Valas pressed.


“It’s a long story. Ready?


Shelsa jaunted to Nazmyr’s shoulder and Valas grasped his forearm. Valas felt himself drawn into the void and then immediately expelled. They arrived near a copse of trees just outside the main gate. The sun was high in the sky and it’s brightness was somewhat uncomfortable even behind the lenses they wore. Valas looked around. “Wow. Green.”


“Yes.” Nazmyr agreed. “This is the realm of our surface kin.”


“Too bright…too few shadows. I’m not sure I like it.”


Nazmyr laughed. “Come brother we still have a walk to the palace.”


They arrived at the gate and were immediately challenged by the city guard. “Who goes there!” Demanded the captain.


“Your King Consort, Nazmyr Vandree, good captain… along with his brother.”


Nazmyr stepped forward and was easily recognized. “Welcome Lord Regent. Would you like an escort?” The captain politely offered.


“No need sir. I know the way.”


“Very well your grace.” And they passed through the portcullis.


The main road to the palace took them through the city business district. Taverns, shops and inns lined the roadside. Valas couldn’t help but notice that everyone he passed was human. There was no representation from any other race. “Are there none other than humans here brother?” He asked in his native Underdark.


“None but myself.” He smiled. “A whole city desperate to be ruled by a superior being.”


It was the better part of an hour before they arrived at the palace gate. The guard captain there immediately recognized Nazmyr and opened the gate while greeting him. The other palace guards stood immediately at attention as he passed through. The twelve foot heavy oak doors with gold inlay grudgingly separated as the soldier manning the entrance pressed forcefully against it. The marble corridor was lit with sconces and decorated with dozens of paintings depicting Lady Ev wearing a different mask in each.


“Why the mask brother?” Valas asked.


“It’s a cultural thing.” Nazmyr lied. “A symbol of regency.”


“Aha.” Valas nodded as Shelsa shook her head.


He bypassed the throne room where Valas noticed the ruby throne recovered from the fire giants had found a new home and made way to a large sitting room with a rich teakwood tables  and comfortable velvet chairs that would comfortably sit two dozen or so guests. There was a dais with room at the head for two to share. “Please sit brother. I’ll inform Langwidere we are here. I’m sure she’ll be excited to meet you.” Valas took a chair and waited patiently for Nazmyr to return.


“Do you see?” Shelsa asked when they were alone. “He’s not allowed to be himself. He’s so disconcerted with anxiety of that thing’s reaction he forgets his manners. Do you think Naadiyah would have left before providing you a drink?”


“Of course not. But let’s wait and see how he acts with her present. Then I’ll know if we have a problem.”


Shelsa scoffed. “Oh trust me. WE have a problem.”


Nazmyr made his way to Langwidere’s private chambers. He approached the double doors and his presence was immediately announced by the royal guard.


“Send him in.” She ordered.


Langwidere was standing before a large wall cabinet with three panels each eight feet high by six feet wide, its shelves filled with masks of all designs and expressions. “Nazmyr.” She said casually as he entered. “So good to have you back. Be a love and hand me that brush.” She pointed at a dressing table to his left.


He retrieved the brush and walked it over to her. “I know you’re not fond of unannounced visitors but as luck should have it.” He smiled. “My brother happened to have come to call just as I was leaving to return here and I thought it would be nice for you to meet him.”


She turned and regarded him coolly. “Is that what you thought?” There was annoyance in her tone. “That the Queen of Ev should receive some commoner because he came to call on you?”


“Some commoner? Perhaps you missed the part when I said he was my brother.” Nazmyr asked trying to mask his anger.


“Actually I didn’t. Pass me that comb.” She said evenly.


Nazmyr picked up the comb and handed it over.


“Didn’t I meet your brothers once before. The rabble I rescued you from by the side of the road,  some years ago when we first met?” She made a face of mock thought. “I’m sure I did. I wasn’t impressed which is why I chose you.”


Nazmyr could feel his anger rising. “This is a different brother. You’ve never met him.”


“So why then do I want to. How many brothers do you have?” She said with disdain.


Nazmyr took a deep breath and paused to consider what would entice her into agreement. “He’s married to the cousin of a powerful Pasha in Calimport. Is’haaq al Edris. Perhaps you’ve heard of him?”


“She tilted her head intrigued. “Not personally.”


“He owns a rather large trading company that travels shore to shore and throughout the realm. He has a good reputation and is well regarded.. It would be good for business if my brother were introduced to you so that he might return to Calimport with a favorable opinion of this great kingdom to share with the Pasha.”


Lady Ev thought for a moment. “Why didn’t you say your brother represents a pasha darling. Of course I’ll meet with him. Now help me find a mask. It needs to be perfect for such an important guest.” She settled on a gold mask with feathered accents and ruby inlays. “Perfect.” She announced. “I’m ready.” She said extending her arm waiting for Nazmyr to accept it. Nazmyr learned much about royal courtesies while in Ev and took her arm into his own, escorting her to the sitting room where his brother waited.


“Careful” Shelsa warned. “She’s a terrible thing to behold. Don’t be shocked by her appearance and try not to stare at her stupid mask.”


“I’ll try.” Valas replied with a grin.


A short while later a page entered and announced “Lady Ev, Queen of the City of Ev escorted by her consort Nazmyr Vandree.”


Shelsa who had gone invisible fought back a hairball as Valas who was no stranger to courtly manners himself stood to meet his host.


“Lady Ev.” Nazmyr said pleasantly. “May I introduce my brother, Lord Valas Vandree, Noble of al Edris and the Caliphate of al Teheri.”


Valas looked at his brother who sent the mental message, “Just go with it.”


He bowed low with respect. “It’s a pleasure to meet the great and powerful ruler of Ev who’s kind judgement is only exceeded by her beauty.” He took her hand and kissed it gently.


“It is nice to meet you as well Lord Vandree. Your brother has told me much about you.” She returned through her emotionless mask.


“Is that so? He is well known to be too kind. Particularly in his assessment of me.” He smiled.


“I hear you have married into the family of al Edris, a powerful and wealthy merchant family to be sure. You’ve done well for yourself. You most certainly must share some of the same talents as Nazmyr to have elevated yourself so. I’ve met some of your other brothers…not nearly as desirable as you two.”


“Yes well….they too have improved their lot over the last few years and done quite well for themselves.” Came his reply.


“Oh I’m sure but not nearly as well as you and Nazmyr. I hear the house of al Edris is well regarded. To marry into their nobility is most fortuitous.”


“Indeed it is.” He said as he stared at Nazmyr who was fighting to keep from smiling.


Shelsa could stand it no more. She moved from  Valas’ side and found herself a safe place under a breakfront then coughed up her hairball.


“Achoo.” Lady Ev sneezed with force. “Did I hear your cat Nazmyr? ACHOO! You know I’m allergic to that filthy beast.”


Valas bit his tongue hard before answering for Nazmyr, “No your grace. My brother has left his familiar in the care of my Naadiyah back in Calimport.”


“Oh good.” She said suddenly cured of her allergy. “Though I don’t know how the lady of your house can tolerate such a creature. Hair everywhere and that odor. I’m sure Nazmyr would be glad to be rid of it. Please if your wife likes the beast tell her to keep it.”


Valas scowled “That’s not how familiars work.”


All but ignoring his response Lady Ev said, “Nazmyr. Where are your manners. Have the servants bring our finest wine and some refreshments for our guest.. she paused then continued to address her consort. “Nazmyr, I have business to attend to in the workshop. Please show your brother around.” She turned to Valas. “Will you be staying the night Lord Vandree?”


“I appreciate the thoughtfulness Lady Ev, but I too have matters that require my personal attention. I’ll be sure to inform the Pasha of your kind hospitality.”


Valas couldn’t tell if she was smiling behind her mask but he had a feeling she wasn’t as she nodded politely and left.


“That went well.” Nazmyr started. “She really is much better once you get to know her.”


“I think Shelsa would beg to differ brother.” Valas replied.


“Yes she would.” Shelsa hissed.


“I’m working on it.” Nazmyr said.


“Yes. I can clearly see that. How’s it going by the way?” Shelsa said with more than a hint of sarcasm.


“Not now Shelsa.” Nazmyr reprimanded.


“Very well…but if anyone talked about you that way…” She bared her claws and swatted at the air for effect.


“Let me show you around and then we can return to Calimport before you’re missed.”


“Are you kidding?” Shelsa asked. “Naadiyah began to miss him the second he left her sight. Your Lady Ev could learn a lot from a real woman.”


Valas snickered enjoying the inferences of Shelsa’s comments but quickly caught himself knowing that he shouldn’t.


“Shall we go?” Nazmyr asked in exasperation.


“After the grand tour king consort…” Valas said mocking his brother. “…though you may be right…I’ve decided I don’t like her.”


Shelsa purred her approval and grinned as they made their way through the palace then the city before returning to Calimport late in the afternoon.
