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[Closed] Valas and Rygos

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This is a joint post between Valas and Rygos

“Valas. You’ve returned.” Evony said with a smile sliding a glass of wine toward the young assassin as he approached the bar. “I hope you’re done travelling for a while.”

“Alas my fair maiden, it seems we’ve been recruited to represent Mistress Freth and the city on some massive offensive.  In fact several cities are combining their might. I’m not sure why or for what but my brothers and I have agreed to go.”

“So soon? This Mistress Freth of yours keeps you too busy.for my liking, I’m not sure I approve.” she scowled.. “And I can think of better ways for you to spend your time.” A malicious grin played across her face, “Professionally and privately.”

Valas grinned in return. “The raid shouldn’t keep me away too long. Is my lady saying she can’t bear the thought of my absence?”

“Your lady?” Evony smirked, “is saying you should be more careful what you volunteer for.”

“Mistress Freth has been good to us. I pay what I owe. Besides I am careful.”

“Hardly.”, she scoffed.  Evony’s eyes moved toward the door where a young drow stood in the entryway looking around the room.  “Is that one of yours?”

Valas turned around to see his brother standing apprehensively in the foyer. “Indeed, that would be my brother Rygos.” Valas caught his brother’s eye and watched as he walked over to the bar where he was sitting.

Evony slid a glass of wine toward Rygos who looked at the glass and said, “I didn’t order anything.”

Evony grinned and replied, “Nor do you need too. Do not to worry, I’ll put it on your brother’s tab.”

That seemed to draw a half smile from Rygos. “Apologies brother, I hope I’m not intruding but I’d hoped to have a word with you.”

“Of course brother.” He turned toward Evony and grabbed his glass. “If you’ll excuse me…”

Evony nodded, “Don’t be long. I’m not done with you yet.” She answered, her eyes narrowing.

Valas bowed low in mock deference. “Come brother. We can talk over here”. Valas led Rygos to a quiet corner of the bar. “What can I do for you brother.”

“I have been inquiring about training, a very specific training. It’s called spell warping. My research tells me there are some wizards who learn to condense their magic into beams of power, specific, personal. I’ve no desire to unleash storms of magic upon my brothers causing havoc and harm like Quevas. I choose to be more precise. Should I need to cast at enemies in melee I want them, not my family, to feel my wrath. After seeing what Quevas did to Ishtoshen I have decided to travel a different road.”

Valas nodded. “I am pleased to hear this Rygos. I for one would appreciate not being incinerated, but I don’t understand. What can I do to help you?”

“I am told your guild has a trainer capable teaching me this skill. It’s rare to find the mage who knows this power, rarer still to find one willing to share that knowledge. I’d hoped you might arrange an introduction for me.”

“My brother wishes to become an assassin?”

“Assassin? I’m not sure I can follow the path you have chosen, not that there is anything wrong with it, but I am more drawn toward the mystic arts.”

“Not all assassins kill by stealth and sword Rygos. Master Xarran is a member and his arcane skills are most valued. Perhaps you could contribute in the same way. I would be happy to recommend you to Master T’sith. It would be good to count you among us.”

“I had hoped for an introduction to the spell warp sniper of the guild but your idea intrigues me. Would they accept me after the way Naris behaved?”

“They accepted me. I have learned a great deal and found the guild’s resources quite helpful.” Valas looked over at the bar where Evony was serving some customers, “And the wine is the finest in the city”

Rygos considered his words. “Very well. Introduce me to the guild master. I will offer my services in return for training and membership. Besides, you could probably use someone you can trust to watch your back.”

Valas grinned. He left Rygos sitting at the table and hurried off to find Master T’sith. The Guild master was in his office reviewing contracts. Valas tapped on the door.

“Enter.”, came the voice from within.

“Master T’sith. I am sorry to interrupt your work but I have a request for you.”

“Is that so?” He placed the parchment he had been reading down. “Enter my Lord of Vandree and tell me of your request.”, his tone pleasant.

“I come on behalf of my brother, Master T’sith.”

Eldrar T’sith frowned. “I am done with Naris. I don’t wish to hear any more of him.”


“Not Naris Master T’sith. My brother Rygos. I would speak on his behalf for membership into the guild.”

“Mistress Freth recommended you and Naris. One has worked out well thus far…..The other… not so much. Why do I want to trouble myself with another Vandree when the best of you already stands with the Dark Mistress.”

“My brother Rygos possesses skills I do not. His arcane abilities are formidable. He is reserved and respectful. You will find he does not speak with the venom of my brother Naris but the eloquence that befits his noble birth.”


“And I trust him. We have worked successfully together and I know he can keep a secret.”


“Why would he want to join us? What benefit is there for him?” Master Tsith demanded.

“He desires the training of a spell warp sniper. Would not another sniper prove valuable to guild?”

“I see. Spell warping is a rare gift, a special calling. You believe him capable?”

“Without a doubt Master T’sith. He is in the tavern if you’d be so good as to grant him audience.”


“I will see this brother of yours Valas and I will judge his worth. Bring him before me.”

Valas bowed and left. He returned to the tavern where his brother sat patiently, wine glass in hand. Rygos smiled and said, “The barkeep thought I should have another, on your tab brother. She insisted.”

Valas turned and to see Evony smirking at him. He shook his head and said, “Come brother. I’ve arranged for you to meet Master T’sith, our guild master.”

The two brothers departed the tavern as Valas led the way to a comfortable sitting room. A door to an office was open and they entered. “Master T’sith. This is my brother, Rygos Vandree.”

Eldrar T’sith looked at Rygos taking his measure. “Your brother speaks highly of you but it is your words not his that interest me. Tell me my young Lord of Vandree, why should we accept you?

Rygos paused and considered the question. “My lord, should you offer me membership you will find me quite capable of completing contracts on behalf of the guild…” He paused again then continued, “But you have many who can do the same. What will set me apart is spell warping. I have the ability and willingness to learn this skill. I would then use this power to earn my place among you.”


Eldrar T’sith looked toward Valas. “You will be responsible for him until he completes his training. His failures will be your failures and you will share in his punishments.”


Valas nodded. “There will be no failures. I accept.”


Master T’sith seemed to look off to the distance. A soft feminine voice could barely be heard as it whispered, “I accept this one.” He then looked at Rygos and smiled. “Welcome to the Dark Embrace. Charwyn will arrange to collect your dues. Valas will show you to the training hall. Seek Master Kophyn. He will teach you what you need to learn.


The brothers bowed in concert and left. Valas made the introduction to Master Kophyn and left Rygos to his training. He went back to the bar where Evony and a freshly poured glass of wine awaited him.  


“So?” She inquired.


“My brother has joined us. He’ll have to study fast as we need to leave in 2 days time.”


“Two days? I like this Mistress Freth less and less.”


I’ll make it up to you on my return. Promise. But for now…” Valas leaned across the bar.


“For now what?”


Valas smiled, “For now Rygos will need his own tab.”
