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[Closed] Valas and Nazmyr

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This is a joint post between Bronze and Dorym

Valas soaked in the hot pool in his room. Steam merged with the scent of eucalyptus and mint offering a relaxing yet mind clearing effect. His eyes moved about his living space. His alchemy lab was assembled and various beakers and stoppered bottles were neatly arranged. He had been provided the opportunity to purchase rare ingredients to produce the highly sought drow sleep poison he and his brothers so coveted by his guild and had begun crafting a supply. He lamented Naris’s choice to follow a different path but respected his brother’s desire for independence, if not the manner in which he sought it. His thoughts moved toward the raid on Silverbrook. Nazmyr’s plan to capture and enslave the populace was well constructed, the suggestion by Alaketh to keep the town was genius. It allowed his family to further their trade goals and provided a base of operations on the surface. Mistress Freth had not only endorsed the bold move but continued her sponsorship by sending a unit of her drow soldiers to the renamed Freedom’s End assisting to secure the holding. He decided he would travel to the village and perhaps establish a trading post to move his poisons and alchemical creations on the surface. He had no desire to become a shop keep but was certain he could find someone in the town who, once properly motivated, would protect his interest. Valas, properly refreshed, lifted himself from the pool, dried and dressed. He wore fine silk pants black in color and a similarly pigmented shirt with a delicate purple embroidery woven in. The spider silk armor he wore fit perfect and he considered the idea of personalizing the crest on its breast piece. He belted on his sword and slid his dagger into the wrist sheath on his left forearm. Lastly he reached for his crossbow. The quiver of bolts was a mix of the standard as well as those coated in the precious poison of his kind. He checked himself in front of the full length mirror that hung on his wall. Satisfied, he smiled then left his room. After securing the door he walked the hall to seek his brother Nazmyr.


The room wasn’t hard to find. In the months since he had been rescued by Mistress Freth and taken up residence he had become well oriented with the stalactite compound. He approached his brother’s room and rapped on the frame.


“What!”, came the flustered response of his brother.


“May I enter Nazmyr?”, Valas asked.


“Oh. Of course.” A word from Nazmyr and the door unlocked.


Valas opened the door and was greeted by a most unusual sight. There in the center of the room stood his brother wearing what appeared to be a simple cloth robe covered in patches. He was flanked by 2 rowboats…and a pack mule that tilted its head, looking curiously at Valas as he entered. “Am I disturbing you brother? He asked sarcastically his eyes shifting from the boats to the mule and back to Nazmyr. “Have I interrupted …something?” His voice trailing off in mock tone.


Nazmyr glared at his brother. “Is it your blades or your wit they are honing at the Dark Embrace Valas?”


Valas grinned, “I mean no offense Nazmyr. I am merely curious as to the purpose of a mule in your room, and would ask if you intend to row back to Freedom’s End. If so, I’d appreciate transportation. The walk is so far.” Valas began laughing unable to contain his amusement.


“Very funny. No I shall not be rowing across the stone passage back to Freedom’s End. I was merely checking the patches of this magicked robe for valuables prior to its sale. I found 2 silver coffers and a pouch of gems.” Nazmyr motioned to a table where the valuables had been set aside. There was also a potion and a scroll.” Nazmyr stepped over to the table and retrieved the flask he had placed there moments ago. He tossed it to Valas saying, “Healing potion brother. Hold onto this.”


Valas responded appreciatively, “Thank you brother. It still does not explain the boats and dare I ask…the mule?”


“As I sorted through the magical patches of this robe I discovered the 2 row boats. I thought they might be useful on the river leading to the temple our brother Nanill has ‘refurbished’.” As for the mule, pack creatures are useful in transporting goods back and forth from the city to the town.”


“I see.” Valas seemed still amused by the mule which was now chewing on Nazmyr’s sheets. “Hopefully it can ferry new bedding. Your new pet seems to be enjoying your current ensemble.”


Nazmyr turned his head and yelled at the mule who seemed unconcerned by his displeasure.


“I hear you intend to return to the surface shortly. If you’d like company I’d be happy to travel with you.” Valas offered.


“Indeed I am” Nazmyr pulled the mule away from his bed. “And I’ll be taking this accursed creature with me. We should travel together.”


“Excellent.” Valas affirmed. “Only I’ve no desire to carry boats. How do you intend to get them out of your room.” He leaned into the door and examined the frame. “I don’t believe they’ll fit through.”, once again jibing at his brother.


Exasperated Nazmyr pointed at himself. “Um. Wizard? Remember?” then wiggled his fingers at his brother in mock casting.


“Ah yes. Good luck with that.” Valas grinned and left.


Nazmyr looked around the room. “Hmm… Keep it up mule and I’ll ‘reduce’ you too!’”
