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[Closed] The Veil

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Originally posted by Bronze

Nazmyr stumbled as he was forcefully ejected from the merchant’s store. “You know not who you deal with!”Nazmyr shouted as he regained his footing.


“A cheap son of an Otyugh!”came the defiant reply of the merchant who was shouting from the doorway of the store.


A member of the Faceless Watch strategically placed himself between Nazmyr and the irate merchant.  “Move along!” ordered the watchman as he pushed Nazmyr with the cross section of his halberd. 


Nazmyr gave the watchman sour look and gave the merchant a rude hand gesture. The merchant returned the gesture in-kind. Not wanting to provoke any further conflict, Nazmyr quickly turned to take his leave. In his haste he was uncharacteristically unobservant and walked into two passersby.


Rygos and Valas happened to be doing some shopping of their own when Nazmyr collided with them. Upon recognizing his brothers Nazmyr’s mood instantly changed.


“Ah! Well met my brothers!” said Nazmyr in a cheerful tone as he adjusted his garb.


While acknowledging Nazmyr’s greeting both Rygos and Valas cocked their heads to look past Nazmyr and the watchman, and glared at the merchant. The merchant, who was still shouting obscenities from his storefront, was forcefully escorted back into his store by another watchman.


“Do you need assistance ironing out a few wrinkles?” asked Rygos?


Nazmyr dismissively waved his hand in the direction of the merchant. “Nah! Nothing I can’t handle myself. What brings you two here?”


“I have been accepted into the ranks of the Dark Mistress. “Rygos said with a small measure of pride. “My free time is fleeting, as I have much training to accomplish in a small amount of time.  I thought it wise to procure a few items prior to my departure for Freedom’s End.”


“Another has been swayed into the ranks of the ‘Fanatics’.” Nazmyr said with great flair and mock disappointment.  “Did the guild give you a gold star Valas?”


“Rygos asked of his own accord. I merely advocated his request.” Valas said with a smile taking Nazmyr’s jab in stride. “I see you have done some shopping yourself. What have we here?” Valas said pointing to loose piece of cloth tucked into Nazmyr’s belt.


“What this?” Nazmyr said showing off the black piece cloth. “It’s an enchanted scarf or bandana if you will. It provides arcane empowerment.”


“Are you sure Nazmyr? It looks like a veil to me.” said Rygos.


“A veil?!It is not a veil! It is clearly a scarf!” Nazmyr scoffed. “You obviously have no sense of fashion!”


“Oh no my metrosexual brother! Not a bandana, not a scarf…it’s a veil!” Valas said through tears of laughter.


Unable to contain himself Rygos began to laugh as well.


Nazmyr grimaced “Piss on you both!”


The laughter was contagious and Nazmyr found himself chuckling as well. Defeated he said “Shit. It does look like a veil doesn’t it?”
