The Return to Rilau…
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[Closed] The Return to Rilauvin

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This post occurs after Freedoms End was massacred by Chandrianna and retaken by the Horde and Sanguinari

A few days have passed since the raid on the Port of West Manor was repelled and the town of Freedom’s End was reclaimed by the human screamers and wolves. The brother’s Vandree, well at least the 6 who were transported with the Temple of Vecna to Hosuth have healed their wounds and inventoried their gains. Naris had travelled on his own back to Rilauvin with the distasteful task of visiting Brother Cream to seek his help in restoring his faithful servant Madame Bea to lIfe. Alaketh was nowhere to be found as the town was overrun by the wolf shifters of Sanguinar alongside the Barbarian Horde led by the statuesque red haired woman warrior called Tarja. The remaining brothers had sought refuge in the temple and escape via the river pass. Nanill and Quevas gathered as many soldiers as they could to save their brethren from the slaughter. Strangely none of the Priestesses of Lloth seemed to be aware of this plan. When the ground shook and the air burst with divine light all inside were rendered unconscious only to awaken at the edge of Hosuth sitting by the lake. Apparently Vecna did not want his new temple or his devout servant destroyed.


Valas had grown impatient sitting around in the temple. He decided it was time to return to Rilauvin and report to Mistress Freth. He decided to find Nazmyr who along with Rygos and Ishtoshen had been busy identifying the many items they found. Valas nods at Rygos and begins.


“Brother. I think it’s time we leave this filthy fucking swamp and make way for home. Mistress Freth will be curious to know what has occurred. Also I think it best we rejoin with Naris and see if Alaketh has returned as well. There is sure to be bad blood between them.”


“I don’t particularly care about their bad blood. I’m tired of their childish nonsense. Who cares if Naris offended a demon whore. So Alaketh broke some of Naris’ toys….Replace them. They argue and spat like toddlers. They forget we are brothers and this family doesn’t need the infighting nor the betrayal that destroys our kind.”


Valas nodded, “Agreed. However I know our brother’s fury is intense right now. I think it best if we return to the Freth compound, make our report and divide our spoils there where conflict is least likely to occur.”


“I would agree. Very well. Inform Nanill and Quevas we are leaving as soon as everyone is ready.”


Valas flamboyantly bowed and smirked, “By your command……Commander”


Rygos chuckled as Nazmyr frowned. “You two idiots will be the death of me.”


Rygos smiled wide and said, “Not today brother. There is no gift for you.”


Valas snorted a laugh and headed off to find his other brothers.


The 7 day travel back to Rilauvin was unremarkable. Small talk and jokes about flamed fish were all the excitement to be had. The brothers returned and settled their affairs (to be posted later). Valas, happy to be back made haste to his bath and fresh clothes. A few hours later the brothers reunited in the great room at the stalactite. Mistress Freth had granted them the privacy they would need to sort through their recent acquisitions and ordered they not be disturbed.


Valas announced, “So as not to cause any potential conflict. “Naris would have me to choose on his behalf.”


No one took issue as the items were laid out for inspection. They had just begun dividing shares when Alaketh walked in. The room grew deafeningly silent. Nazmyr looked at Alaketh, shrugged his shoulders and went back to arranging the items. Rygos looked at Valas who scowled and  said. ‘Glad to see you escaped alive brother.” he paused for a second and continued, “I believe you have some explaining to do.”


Alaketh looked around the room before answering his brother. “No, Naris has much more to answer for and where is he, hiding in the shadows waiting to stab me in the back. Or is he with his human rats scurrying about the sewers letting their paranoia get the best of them.


Valas stared at his brother and shook his head in disappointment, “There will be no embarrassing bloodshed here. Mistress Freth will not have it nor will we allow it. As to who has to answer for what brother, I’m curious to know what your grievance is with Naris and why you would send your demon whore to destroy his business, massacre the town, kill the raid leaders and risk our lives in a doomed expedition. Was the spectacle you made of the hag necessary? Or….” He paused a moment, “were you merely trying to goad Naris to attack you? We all know he is overly fond of his possessions and more than a little short tempered. He never played well with others as child. His absence today is matter of respect for our Mistress.”


Alaketh sighed then said “Respect for our mistress, don’t make me laugh he only respects himself he looks down on the rest of us. But in this instance that is besides the point.” Alaketh takes off his helm puts his back to the wall and slides down relaxing for first time in over a week.


“Now you all want to know my grievance well let me spin you a tale. You know of my arrival into town and my punishment for killing two drow patrol guards but did you know that before any of us arrived the soldiers were taking advantage of the women and not paying for their services and Madame Bea did nothing. A Captain in the army was beating two of the girls badly enough to concern others but not enough for Madame Bea to put a stop to it. When I arrived, I got the Captain to begin paying for both girls despite both being hidden away. Chandrianna replaced one of them and I paid what the Captain owed but all Naris was told was that I wasn’t doing my job running his place in his absence and his girls were getting beat. He never asked ME what was up or what information Chandrianna had gathered. Finally the biggest affront to me and Chandrianna was when he sent Snot to get her for a meeting and instead when she got there he and an unknown male human tried to assassinate her and failed and in the process breaking his contract with her and breaking my contract with The Miz. And you wanna know why I’m pissed!”


Valas grinned, “Let’s assume you speak true. Had the old slave challenged the drow army she’d have been killed immediately and we’d have no idea what had happened. She was smart to await our return before deciding action. Now as to the the beatings…Naris would never allow this. So impersonating a slave to be beaten does not fix the problem. You paid for the Captain’s use of services and in so doing made us look soft. He should have been made to pay double and be grateful he still yet lived. I’m sorry if Naris insulted your ego by not conferring with you. Perhaps he should have. This great affront you talk of is the attempted killing of a demon whore? Since when does a demon hold higher regard than our brothers? Find a another whore to dip your manhood in. And this contract you hold true to? Since when do demons keep their word and enter into contracts? It lasted longer than you have right to expect. If you feel embarrassed by this then the fault is yours for assuming anyone of such chaotic nature would hold true to their word. And all of this means nothing and fails to answer why you would send your demon whore to destroy his business, massacre the town, kill the raid leaders and risk our lives in a doomed expedition. Answer me this, why the spectacle with the hag?”


Alaketh shakes his head “First Chandrianna did more than impersonate the whore she also gathered information as Naris tasked her to do and by hiding the two humans she protected them, also a task Naris set for her. He then tried to kill her? So I ask you who is in the wrong.


Second, only I knew of the payment until just now so saying that made us look weak is bullshit.


Third, the attempt on Chandrianna and the breaking of my demonic contract whether you think they are trustworthy or not, have brought me nothing but more power and allowed me to become a Blackguard, I have more uses for them, I’d rather not make new demonic contracts at the moment for my future plans.


Finally, she may have gone a little over the top but she only drained one captain, why should I not return the favor after Naris failed to kill my prize, I should let his rats live unmolested and he unafraid while I show weakness and do nothing, FUCK YOU ALL if you think I will lie down and do that for that narcissistic, egomaniac who would live on the surface with humans than in the underdark with his brothers.


“You disappoint me brother and insult my intelligence. To call the massacre she inflicted on the town ‘a little over the top’ is an understatement. We found dozens of drained officers and have eye witness account of her treachery. This put us …your family in harm’s way. Have you forgotten you are Vandree and not Aladretch? If you are saying you broke his toys because he damaged yours, well that is your prerogative, but to take the side of a demon against your brother is worrisome. It causes me to question, where does your loyalty lie? And you did not merely kill his whores but had your demon murder his hireling…though I cared little for the old woman I found the savage display quite distasteful. I’m afraid we know quite a bit more than you believe. There are those among us skilled at gathering information as well as any demon you may summon. We were aware of the payment long before today. I’m confused by your persistence to defend the demoness when you must realize by now that her behavior can not be left unanswered. Who will you side with, your brothers or the creature?


Alaketh spits, “Vandree, you say that name like it means something anymore. Our family that made us, perfected us, sculpted us, then threw us away into exile because of the treacherous Council of Spiders, Vandree means nothing to me any more but you are all my brothers still. And why should my prize matter less than his, where is the disdain for him taking his Blood Eagled madame and leaving us? And where is he now, more concerned with his rat than to be here straightening things out. And what about him bailing on us in the middle of a fight leaving us to deal with the paladin and clerics a man down only thinking of himself. And you, Valas, greatest of Naris’ defenders, only you defend him. Do none of the rest of you have anything to say or does Naris’s talking box continue to question me while Naris gets to play in the sewer with his rats.”


Valas takes a step toward Alaketh.  Careful brother, I speak for me and me alone. We all have our own voice here. Naris has stayed away so as not to …complicate matters. I have not insulted you, you would be wise to extend me the same courtesy. His behavior during the assault has not fractured this family. The war you two wage does. Deflecting the questions I ask with accusations and insults will not cause me to forget that. You have yelled and whined about the injustice done to you but have yet to address a single thing I have asked. You have yet to establish your loyalty. Now, while I respect your training as a Blackguard, I would never cavort with their kind myself, neither would I stand in the way of your attaining power. However, I will protect our family from all threats. I would caution you brother not to become a threat. Do you mean to take sides against this family through your continued alliance with that creature? You speak of prizes and squabble over perceived value. None of it matters. While you may disdain the name Vandree it is the tie that binds. You are or you are not”


Alaketh persists, ”Again I have not raised a hand to Naris, I am here he is not, I am answering questions he is not. And the tie that binds is not the name Vandree but the blood in our veins. What more do you want from me?”


“Honesty and loyalty, both of which you seem to be in short supply of.”


Quevas had stood there listening to both tales, yet had learned nothing he considered of value. “Alaketh I care not for your demoness whore nor your tiny demon pet.  I don’t care for the drow killed in Freedom’s End nor Naris’ flock of sheep.  What I care about is the trouble that you and Naris bring upon us.  By cavorting with demons outside of the main purpose of learning your Blackguard skill shows weakness. You allow a demoness to control your emotions and turn you against us.  Since we were first created and controlled to do what others told us, this has been our lot in life.  The brothers Vandree have learned to adapt and take control over ourselves once more and not allow others to dictate without just cause.  Yet here you are allowing a demoness to control you.  Would you allow her the same leeway if she were dressed as a drow priestess?  You curse the Vandree name as if it means nothing. You are correct in stating we were thrown away by them.  You are correct in spitting at the Vandrees that caused us our misery.  But to speak of us as them, we are the new Vandree! We gather our wealth and knowledge as we choose, not by the bidding of a priestess whore or worse yet a demoness whore.  We take the lives of such worthless beings and continue ours as brothers.  Now brother, mistakes have been made by all of us in many areas, but to add insult to those mistakes instead of eliminating them is foolish.  You need to correct your mistake and eliminate that whore of yours.  Not for us, especially not for Naris, but for yourself.  She is not the demon that leads you down the Blackguard path but the demon that eventually will stop it.  You have a decision to make!!  I will not interfere in any fight between any two of my brothers nor will I allow one to kill the other.  I have explained to you where I stand now tell me where your allegiances lie?


Alaketh smirks “Honesty and loyalty, let us start with loyalty. Who was the first to abandon us during the temple fight? Who was the first to run away when his soft hand had no more to give? Naris, and he just didn’t retreat, he fled like a bitch and left us a man down as we had to retreat into the city as he did whatever he did, I’m amazed he came back at all. And honesty, I have never lured an employee with whom I have a contract into an empty room on the premise of a meeting only to ambush her and then try to assassinate her, that was Naris. I….


“Stop!” Valas interrupted angrily. “Answer the question brother. With whom does your allegiance lie….or have you already answered?”


Angrily Alaketh’s gauntleted fist hits the floor as he rises to his feet “My duty lies with my brothers which is why I am here. And again where is Naris, with the human scum he would rather spend time with.


Quevas walks over to Alaketh and extends his hand.


Alaketh takes Quevas’s forearm in a warrior’s handshake.


“I don’t recall asking about your duty.” Valas looks at Quevas, “Waeles.” Looking back at Alaketh, “I asked if you are loyal to your brothers.”


Alaketh shakes his head “No I don’t recall asking you to kill a Drow Priestess which is worse than killing 100 male Drow but that is just how things go sometimes. Duty, Honor, Loyalty that is what makes a warrior, a fighter what they are, but you would not know about that you sneak around and kill from the shadows not face to face, you are not the grunt, the faceless mass at the front of an invasion force, you don’t know what those words mean and neither does Naris.


“Valas offers a half smile. “I can see you are more interested in words than answers. You place your lot with her. Take your share and go. Remember I gave you the chance to prove yourself our brother. Instead you talk out of both sides of your mouth. That may impress this fool but I see through your treachery and deception. Yes, I dwell in the dark…V’dri wun lil ssussun.” he growls as he walks away.   


Frustrated Alakteth calls to Valas as he walks away “Walk away Valas, you want me to say I’m loyal, I am to my brothers. My word is also my bond and I had a deal in place and Naris broke it. And what of you brother? Who do you serve more, us, or the assassins guild that you keep trying to sway our brothers into. Why can you not be loyal to both, Naris obviously is, otherwise he would have left Bea Blood Eagled and he’d be here choosing loot. Loyalty is not always one or the other but both. And when have I not been loyal I lead from the front with my back to you all, I trust you all with my life every time we enter battle yet I am the one who is questioned.


Valas pauses and turns to look at his brother, “That’s the exact point I’m trying to make. We trust each other with our lives. We are all we really have. Do I belong to a guild? Yes. It serves a purpose. But do not confuse my allegiance to my trainers for loyalty over my brothers. I would take no order that that placed me against my family and I have made this known to my guild master. Can you be loyal to more than one person? Yes. Until you can’t. I want to believe you are with us. You always have been. I want to make sure you will always be.


Quevas says,  We will all talk with Naris I am sure, but first we needed to ensure that you did not kill him on site.  While still holding Alaketh’s forearm in respect “ What of this bitch demon whore of yours? You must see that she is a distraction to your advancement and to our brotherhood?”


Alaketh let’s out a deep breath “the only distraction I see is that she has one up on Naris, she does not control me. Besides she has been recalled to the Abyss by The Miz due to the contracts being broken. And the rest of you will not talk to Naris for me, for this to go anywhere he and I need to sit down and yell, scream, curse and maybe fight our way through this.”


Quevas releases his grip and states that is agreeable provided you don’t draw too much of Naris’s blood.  I tell you now though brother that if I see that demoness again I will burn her.  So understand that I am taking you on your word that she is gone!  I also have no trust of what the glabrezu says or does.  They all lie for there chaos to spill forth.  Watch yourself Alaketh! Quevas goes back to rummaging through the remaining trinkets left on the table.


Quevas stares at Valas, a fool,  careful with your words Valas for all you do is add credence to Alaketh’s words.  Maybe you also have drawn your allegiance to just one brother instead of us all.  Quevas exits the room.  Quevas casts Ring of Blades as he exits “This is just in case you begin to think like Naris.”


Valas laughed loud, “It appears we all have a bit of Naris in us? Paranoid much Queefus or are those blades meant to cut snot goblin lemon cake?”


Quevas laughs at the entrance to the corridor,  “Valas you need to get our brother Naris to sit and talk this out with Alaketh.  I do though believe we all need to be present for that talk as they may still try to kill each other.”
