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[Closed] The Return Home

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Originally posted by Bronze

His slender form clung to the shadows as he padded his way silently through the foreboding Underdark tunnel known as Varalla’s Passage. He carefully scanned the horizon, looking and listening for anything that might be cause for concern. The cries and pleas for help and mercy from the prisoners in the caravan echoed loudly in the tunnel causing his anxiety level to rise to an uncomfortable level. “There has to be a better way to do this.” He thought to himself. The journey to Rilauven took only three days but it might as well have been three years. Using a strategy to calm his fears, he mentally convinced himself that nothing would be prepared to face a Lord from House Vandree and the 30 troll mercenaries he was using as escorts. When the caravan finally caught up; Nazmyr inspected his precious human cargo. Once satisfied all was well, he resumed his scouting duties and move ahead of the caravan.  After another full day tedious travel, Varalla’s Passage eventually led to two imposing great metal gates. The intricately designed gates are spanned by the symbol of a silvery spider’s web. As Nazmyr approached the gate, two guards merged from the shadows to confront him. Each guard wore a silver-black helmet that covered the entire face and a matching cuirass marking them as members of the Faceless Watch. The Faceless Watch is tasked with patrolling the gates, walls and streets of Rilauven.  Nazmyr identified himself to the guards. As the guards reviewed his credentials, he couldn’t help but think how much he disliked not being able to read the guard’s facial expressions. Instead all he could do was wait and stare at the intricate scroll work covering the entire face shield.  The guards cleared Nazmyr and signaled for the gates to open. A moment later with smooth and effortless motion, the Spider Gates parted to reveal the legendary markets of Rilauven.


The caravan traveled through the bustling part of Rilauven that is The Dark Weavings Bazaar. This massive marketplace sits on the cavern floor in eastern Rilauven amid a cluster of small, widely spaced stalagmites. Few stalactites dangle from the ceiling above, creating a relatively open region of the great cavern. Most of the stalagmites have been hollowed out to serve as market stalls. Other merchants have cultivated towering mushroom groves in the open regions between stalagmites, fashioning living booths of fungi. The Bazaar is a crowded, noisy marketplace alive with curious visitors perusing market stalls as merchants try to sell all manner of things to anyone willing to part with their gold. It seems any magical or mundane item could be had here, from staves of great arcane power to rat-on-a-stick.


Even though the Lords Vandree purchased a storefront (a requirement for entry into the Slavers Guild) Nazmyr quickly learned that it was more beneficial to sell slaves at the auction block. The auction house was fashioned from a hollowed out stalagmite made of an opaque green colored stone. Its surface has been smoothed and polished giving it a satin feel to the touch. The peak of the stalagmite was fashioned into a steeple in which a rune inscribed adamantine bell hung. To further enhance the green color of the stone, the stalagmite was alight with a dim deep green faerie fire. This particular market stall is unique in that it is the only green colored stalagmite in that area which also made it a popular landmark. The slaves up for sale were held within the stalagmite where potential buyers could inspect the product prior to the actual auction. Once the auction began, each slave was brought out of the stalagmite and made to stand on the auction block. When a final bid was accepted the adamantine bell was rung to symbolize the close of the sale. The combination of all of these unique factors generated large crowds of curious spectators and potential buyers alike. Soon all of the prisoners were sold off. Nazmyr was please with results and hoped that Mistress Freth as well as his brothers would feel the same.


Her long silver-white hair cascaded down her back; her crimson gown was revealing yet elegant. She always kept the appearance of being busy, but even keeping up appearances can be taxing from time to time, even for Karis Freth.  She decided that this was the perfect moment to reward herself with a well deserved warm soothing bath.


In transit to his room, Nazmyr observed two guards posted at one of the bath houses. Curiosity got the better of him and he approached the guards. “Is there something amiss that I am not aware of?” he asked in a pleasant tone.


“Mistress Freth is bathing and does not wish to be disturbed.” The guard replied in a polite and respectful tone.


“Is that Nazmyr I hear?” Mistress Freth called out from within the bath house.


“Yes Mistress.” The guard replied maintaining his polite and respectful tone.


“Show him in. I wish to speak to him.”


A guard grasped the iron door handle and opened the dark teak wood door allowing Nazmyr to enter.


The short entrance hallway was dimly illuminated by candles that were placed in niches that were hewn in to rough dark stone walls. The floor however was smooth and polished. The hallway opened into the bathing area. There, Mistress Freth soaked in alabaster colored mud, stark contrast to her exposed jet black skin. Her long silver-white hair was pulled up into a bun, held in place by jeweled hair pins.


Nazmyr, entranced by the vision, failed to introduce himself properly.


Mistress Freth was quick to observe his hesitation, and smiled. “Lord Vandree! I am pleased you have decided to return home. What news do you bring of your endeavors?” she said with bright enthusiasm.


Her question broke his reverie and he was overcome by a wave of embarrassment. In an attempt to recover, he bowed deeply and blurted out, “Mistress Freth, you honor me with this audience. The operation was a resounding success. The town is ours, and I had hoped to transform it into a trading post in order to further your ambitions.”


While Nazmyr spoke, she visually inspected his attire. She noted that he continued to dress in the finest of garments. She also took note that he wore some jewelry she had not seen before.

“I congratulate you on your success. I see that you have found some trinkets for yourself or shall we call them souvenirs?” She said maintaining her bright demeanor.


Nazmyr was again caught off guard.  Before he could answer, she continued. “It pleases me that you have an appreciation for the finer things in life and see the value of maintaining appearances.” She said as she shifted and exposed a little more of her upper body.


“Speaking of trinkets and souvenirs Mistress, I have a gift for you.” Nazmyr said as he opened the leather flap of his bag of holding. Nazmyr took a step forward and presented her with a fur wrapped box with leather ties.


Intrigued, Mistress Freth visually examined  the gift.


“The fur is from an elegant surface predator called a “Fox”. I dare say I found it beautiful to behold.” Nazmyr explained.


A grin formed on her crimson lips and she looked Nazmyr in the eye. “Is that how you view me Nazmyr; an elegant predator, beautiful to behold?” Mistress Freth said as her bright enthusiastic demeanor took on a more flirtatious tone.


Not allowing himself to be caught off guard a third time, Nazmyr returned her gaze and retorted “As you said Mistress I have an appreciation for the finer things.”


Playing along to the obvious flirtatious remark, Mistress Freth raised her mud covered hands in the air. “Would you be so kind as to unwrap my gift for me?”


Nazmyr bend down on one knee in order for Mistress Freth to get a better view. As he nimbly untied the leather straps the fox fur wrapping fell away to reveal a polished silver oval shaped coffer. The lid and the beveled sides were decorated with delicate filigree metal work in the shapes of flora and fauna. The weight of the coffer indicated that it was not empty. Nazmyr lifted the lid to reveal a kaleidoscope of gems of all manner of shapes and sizes.  Mistress Freth’s facial expressions indicated that she was pleased.


“A token of appreciation from my brothers and myself Mistress.” Nazmyr said as slowly closed the lid and placed the coffer on the floor.


Looking upon him in approval Mistress Freth says “It is refreshing to see that you exhibit remarkable modesty and decorum Lord Vandree.”


“Thank you Mistress.” Nazmyr said as he stood up.


“Before you return to the surface see Zaiwure. I have instructed her to provide you with 10 of my soldiers to help you secure our holdings. Use them as you see fit.” said Mistress Freth, her mood becoming more business-like.


Nazmyr bowed. “You are most generous Mistress; thank you.”


Nazmyr turned to exit the bath house. Just as he reached the door Mistress Freth called after him. “Lord Vandree.”


Nazmyr turned to see Mistress Freth standing; her body coated in a thin wet film of the alabaster mud she was soaking in.


“Be quick about getting our affairs in order and see to it that you do not spend too much time on the surface. It won’t be long before I call upon you.”


Nazmyr, not allowing himself becoming entranced again, smiled and said “Your will be done Mistress.”

