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The New Girl

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 219
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“Why have you come Rilauven?’ The comely young bar keep asked  “And why look here for work?”


The young woman eyed the proprietor warily. The barkeep’s hair was a frosty white with tinges of blue darkening toward the ends. Her eyes icy blue. She had sharp features, high cheekbones and a pixieish face. She had a nice shape and smooth skin. She smelled of some foreign perfume, a mix of lilac and amber. She was, to be sure, stunningly beautiful. “I was told this establishment had the best reputation for work in this city.” She pulled an unusual gold coin from her belt and placed it face up on the counter. With one finger she slid it forward.


Evony’s eyes were drawn to the coin. She hadn’t seen one of those particular currencies offered in some time. Her attention moved from the gold to the young lady who offered it. A pretty girl with dusky black skin. Stark white hair framed a pleasant face and eyes of emerald green. Her gaze made its way to Eldrar T’sith who had been watching the conversation from his usual seat at the end of the bar. He too eyed the coin, then nodded his head in approval. Evony accepted the mark and nodded. “I think there could be a place for you here. I’ll start you out provisionally to get a feel for how you handle the house. Master Eldrar T’sith will see to your other duties.” The newly hired barmaid smiled appreciatively. Evony made a motion and another serving girl responded immediately. Elarra this is Zesdryn. Please show her around and teach her how we do things here. Also she’ll be needing a room. Check with Master T’sith for something suitable.


“Of course Evony.” Elarra said. “Come. We’ll talk to Master T’sith first and get you settled. Then we can discuss the menu and responsibilities. We’ve been quite busy of late. Extra hands are most welcome. The guildmaster assigned her a room and she stowed what few possessions she had away. The two serving girls then made way back up to the tavern and took to sitting at an empty table. Elarra went through the offerings on the menu. “Most of it is farmed here in the Underdark but you’ll notice there are dishes, particularly specials that use spices and ingredients from as far away as Calimshan. Evony has business contacts everywhere. The Freth Trading Company has been contracted to acquire and transport many of the most rare and hard to find items. We have an inside connection and receive sizable discounts.


“Impressive. And Evony plans the specials?”


“Yeah, she runs everything in the tavern. She’ll set the menu a week in advance and we’ll see to it that everything is as she wishes. You don’t want to disappoint her. Right now there are 6 serving girls including us and 4 cooks. Unlike the local bakery we do not employ snot goblins. Evony is quite particular about who she hires. You must have had impressive references.”


Zesdryn smiled politely but didn’t say anything.


“It’s ok. The coin speaks for you.” Elarra added. “Most of us are quiet about our past. Not to worry, the hunted are welcome here, as are outcasts and those who dwell in the shadows.


“That’s good to know.” Zesdryn replied. I wasn’t sure where I would go but I saw this place in a dream. I guess you might say I was drawn here.”  


“As were we all.” Elarra said proudly. The goddess is well known to gather her children here…at least for a while. “Now drinks.” She waved to Aunran who brought over a tray with various alcoholic beverages. “We offer the best wine selection in the city thanks to our agreement with the Freth Trading Company. Please taste. It’s important to understand the different qualities of our more popular vintages. Each ahs its own nuance and flavor profile. ” As Zesdryn tasted the different wines Elarra continued. “We also offer a wide array of whiskeys and brandies. Everything from Abyssal Black to Caanian Red. The blue liquor in this glass is an import called Arterian Blue Brandy. We are one of only 3 locations that have access to it in the city. It’s distilled in the swamps of Hosuth. Not easy to come by.”


Zesdryn was feeling a little tipsy and her guarded demeanor softened considerably. “What’s that called?” She asked pointing at a glass alive with swirling colored liquid, black, red, blue and green.


Elarra grinned. “That’s a special distillation from Pandemonium called Fury’s Heart. I’d avoid sampling that one though. The last time we drank it half of us ended up passed out and in the wrong rooms…if you know what I mean.”


Zesdryn laughed. “Maybe I will pass.” She reached for a glass of violet liquid with a blue swirl and a black floater. “How about this?”


“King slayer.” Elarra said proudly “crafted and named for our very own Rygos Vandree after his conquest over the Rat King of Westport Manor. A wondrous tale of courage and skill.”


Zesdryn raised the glass in salute and emptied it. She smiled and said. “Wow. I think I’d like to meet this Rygos.”


“I bet you would.” Elarra replied with a wry grin. “That reminds me. You’ll need to recognize the guild members, particularly the officers and masters who run tabs but never pay.” She chuckled. Elarra pointed to the edge of the bar, “You’ve already met Master T’sith. The fellow sitting to his right is Charwyn, the guildmaster’s right hand and top lieutenant. The older gentleman sitting by himself in the corner there smoking a pipe is Master Kophyn, trainer of spellwarp snipers. Those two over there are Master Imrak Abboryn, the guild high priest and Madame Miz’ri, the potions master. The flashy looking man in the loud robes is Master Xarryn Dyrr, the guild mage.”


“Do all the patrons belong to the guild?” The new serving girl asked.


Elarra leaned her head back and forth. “I guess at given time about half of our customers are guild members. Though like I said the officers have special tabs. The rest eat and drink at a discount. We do have a rather large local crowd and of late have experienced quite a bit of tourist traffic. My guess is due to the increase in the availability of our more exotic offerings. We have libations and flavors that you would half to travel half a world away to enjoy. Many from surface towns and locales drow are most unwelcome.”


Zesdryn’s eyes moved about the bar falling on a drow noble in rich garb.


“Ah. See that handsome young drow with the half eaten plate of food and the dusty books about art work? Well that would be Rygos Vandree.”


“Ooh. King slayer.” She said with a bit of a slur pointing to the empty glass.


“Ok maybe you’ve sampled enough. We don’t want Mistress Innarei latching her talons into you on the first day.”


The tiefling smiled and waved to the two barmaids and Elarra swore she had heard what she said.


“That’s her there.” She said waving back.  “Careful with her. I believe her mother was a pleasure demon. She’s the guild librarian. Never forget though knowledge has its price.”


“Hey who’s that?” She said wide eyed pointing at a particularly well dressed and attractice young drow. His white hair hung freely about his shoulders and she could barely make out the lavender in his eyes. A pair of long knives sat on each hip and a kukri pressed tightly into the small of his back.


Elarra turned to look at who Zesdryn was pointing at and in an instant realized it was Valas. She grabbed the young girl’s hand lowering it back to the table and warned. “No no. Nooooo. Don’t do that. He’s off limits.”


“Says who?” The young barmaid asked indignantly.


“Says the woman who hired you. There is no faster way to end up…” Elarra searched for the right word. “… missing than to flirt with Evony’s paramore. That’s Valas Vandree. Learn his name and keep your distance.”


“Is he that much trouble?” Zesdryn asked.


“Him? No. Not at all. He’s quite pleasant and most charming. Evony however…” Elarra’s voice lowered to a cautioned whisper. “If she even suspects you have eyes for him she’ll pluck them out and pickle them in a jar of moonshine before placing them on the shelf behind the bar as a warning for all to see.”


“Oh.” Zesdryn said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. “So who’s the female drow pushing into his left side then? Evony doesn’t seem to mind her.”


“That is Mistress Talice Dvestigar. Perhaps you’ve heard the name? As in House Dvestigar, Zarra Dvestigar and her brother Dorym? She’s the Mistress of Assassins. She’s who gets sent to enforce Master T’sith’s justice should a member betray the guild. Her face is the last many have ever seen. If Charwyn is the right hand than she’s most certainly the left. And we all know left hand magic is the darkest magic. She’s Evony’s best friend and Valas is her protege. She doesn’t train typically train members. Word is Evony asked her to do so.”


Zesdryn appeared to sober. “I think I understand.”


“Good.  Now here’s how you make a king slayer…”




“Who’s the new girl?” Valas asked. “She’s prett…” Evony’s narrowed as she began twirling a spoon. “Pretty young to be working in a tavern.” He caught himself.


“Smooth.” Talice said sarcastically emphasizing her point with a jab to his ribs.


“I decided I needed more help. Besides she had this.” Evony drew out the gold coin Zesdryn had given her and handed it to Talice.


“Is that what I think it is?” She inspected the coin. “An assassin’s mark…a continental gold coin?”


“It is. It seems she found herself in some trouble in Ched Nasad. The goddess led her here to us. I offered her a job and Master T’sith a place in the guild…provisionally of course.”


“What’s with the coin?” Valas asked.


“It’s a unique currency.” Talice answered. “Assassins use it to buy special services and items unavailable to those without one.”


“It is also the only way to get a room at a Continental Inn. Safe havens for assassins. No business can be conducted on the grounds under pain of death. For all intents and purposes you are safe in the sanctuary the inn provides.”


“How have I never heard of these coins?” Valas inquired.


Evony grinned. “Oh yeah. I’ve been meaning to discuss that with you and Rygos. We’ve been so busy it must have slipped my mind.”


“Busy? For the last 10 years?” Valas asked with a sarcastic expression on his face.


Evony shrugged her shoulders innocently.


Valas turned his gaze to Talice.


“Don’t look at me. It’s a guild’s barkeep who manages the coins.” Talice said defensively.


“Well I couldn’t have you running off to somewhere I couldn’t get you back from now could I?” Evony scowled. “You and Rygos have earned coins for each guild sanctioned mission you completed.”


“How many?” He asked.


Evony reached beneath the bar and pulled out a lock box. She drew 3 sleeves of the gold coins and placed them on the counter before returning the box back beneath the counter. There are 25 coins in each sleeve. Each service costs 1 coin. Special services or items can cost more. The coins are not for sale and may only be used in our world. Their value can increase or decrease based on the reputation of the bearer. Understand these coins are not just currency but a social contract between those who live in our world. One sleeve is yours, the other give to Rygos.”


“And the third?”


Evony scowled, “Give them to Naris. His beggars guild sent them for him. It would seem I forgot about them after he dared to threaten me in my own inn. Give them to him or not. I really don’t care.”


“You’re a spiteful thing aren’t you?”


Evony smiled. “And don’t you forget it.”


Valas put the coins into his belt pouch intending to share them later. He turned his head toward the footsteps coming up behind him. It was Elarra and Zesdryn. Elarra was showing her where the bottles were kept and which glasses to use for each drink. Zesdryn’s eyes met Valas and she quickly looked away.


Evony smirked. “How’s the training going Elarra?”


“She’s a quick study. She’ll do just fine.” The barmaid answered.


“Good.” Evony said with a nod. She poured fresh wine for Valas and Talice.


Valas picked up his glass and excused himself. “I should probably discuss these coins with Rygos.”


“Very well.” She leaned across the bar and kissed him.


Talice rolled her eyes. “Get a room you two.”


Valas smiled and walked away.


“Are you sure you wanted to do that?” Talice asked.


“The coins…yeah he’s ready. The kiss…definitely.”
