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[Closed] The Gift

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“Here feel.” Talice held Valas’s hand against her ribs. “Count up and follow. There in the space between 6 and 7. Push your blade through that opening and thus the gift is given. You have to learn to see the space without touch. Most who would receive the gift aren’t fond of being felt up prior to. If you want to be successful you cannot feel and count you must know and strike.” With a speed that startled Valas, his mentor jabbed her lithe index finger precisely where she described. Valas grimaced in pain and grabbed for his side. “Enough for today. You progress well. I am pleased.”


“Thank you mistress.” Valas panted out, his breathing quick and sharp. He’d been training for weeks now and still hasn’t gotten used to the teenage master of the “gift”. Though not feeling as uneasy as he once had,  he was still amazed that she knew more about methods of dealing death than men hundreds of years her senior. He understood why Eldrar T’sith had assigned him to her tutelage.


His day continued with arcane arts training. Xarann Dyrr was an older drow. He wore exquisite garb of the finest silks and rings on multiple fingers advertising his wealth. Platinum bracelets jingled against each other as he waved his hands demonstrating the proper somatic movement for the spell he was teaching. Suddenly he was gone. “Invisibility my young apprentice. A most important casting to memorize. Enter a place unseen and bestow the ‘gift’ or perhaps disappear once the ‘gift’ has been given.


“Perhaps both master.” Valas answered.


“Well played my young Lord of Vandree. Will you manage to harness the power to do both? I believe so. You are a quick study.”


Valas liked the old man. Not because he was always so cordial and polite but because you could sense his power. He could feel the magical energy the old drow possessed and knew it was far beyond his ability to resist. He would have such power one day. He envied Xarann’s ability to harness such magic yet remain so humble. Valas often wondered if the expensive jewelry Xarann Dyrr wore was meant as bait or a challenge for any who would dare try to take it.  It seemed a test the Assassin Mage left open for any who would risk his wrath and offer him the chance to test his eldritch might.


Valas was allowed a break for dinner. He rose to the top of the stair and entered the Dark Embrace unseen. It was fairly crowded with the local populace yet he was able to find a table off to the corner. A server approached almost immediately setting down a plate of steamed purple mushrooms and a filet of fish from the local underdark lake. He placed some crusty bread in a basket on the table and a goblet of wine as well. Valas looked over toward the bar and caught a glimpse of Evony. She always seemed to know when he was looking. Evony smiled and offered the slightest nod before attending to the many patrons sitting around the bar. Valas ate quickly and returned to the guild below. The faster he finished his lessons today the quicker he could return home to Matron Freth’s compound. He hadn’t seen much of her recently but he knew running the trading company must be a time consuming venture. He made a point to seek her out and ask if she had any tasks for him. He appreciated the gentle treatment he and his brothers had received over the last month.


Miz’ri was older than many of the guild members though not so old as Xarann. The middle age drow woman always seemed to be brewing something and often her chambers emanated a foul odor. There were herbs and jars and all manner of ingredients on the shelves around. She was brewing drow sleep poison today. A craft he was excited to learn.


“Now this is the tricky part. If you don’t stir enough here and the pot begins to boil the tincture is ruined. That powder there. Add a pinch now. Now pour it through the cheesecloth to remove the debris. Fill those flasks and stopper. Excellent. You created your first batch of sleep poison. Take one as a souvenir. The rest belong to the guild.” Miz’ri looked over the newly crafted flasks with approval. You are earning your keep Valas. Eldrar will be happy to read my critique of your advancement.


“Thank you mistress. Your time and the knowledge you share are appreciated.” Valas replied politely holding a vial of the poison he created. “ I look forward to our next lesson.” He turned to walk away.


“Valas.” She called after him, “Did you hear?”


“Hear what?” As he turned and paused.


“Oh….nothing…perhaps I shouldn’t. Maybe you aren’t ready.” She said dismissively. “Off you go.”


Valas took a few steps back toward his mentor. “Hear what? Ready for what?”


Miz’ri looked a little apprehensive. “It’s just that. I know how fond of her you are.”


“Fond of who?” Valas was starting to become impatient.


“Evony my dear child.” Miz’ri answered softly.


“What about her? Why would you think me fond of her…she’s a bar keep. Nothing more.”


“Oh. Well then. Never mind. Forget I said anything.”


Valas was becoming more and more agitated. “You haven’t said anything. Evony is fine. I left her upstairs a few hours ago.”


“Yes of course.” Miz’ri continued. “It happened last night. Some merchant from Calimshan came in after trading some goods and took a liking to her.”


“So.” Valas’s tone was sharp.


“So he wanted to marry her as his 16th wife. When she refused he offered to buy her and the tavern. I fear he may have insulted her honor as well. Eldrar refused of course. As he left he smiled and picked at a gold tooth then threatened to hire a company of trolls to set fire to the bar and murder her. Eldrar can’t give him the ‘gift’ inside the city walls. The Calashite is well connected and has many friends among magus council. Even so I hear a contract has been offered.”


Valas’s eyes were set ablaze with anger. He hurriedly turned and made way for the stairs. He reached the tavern and scanned the room quickly locating Eldrar T’sith talking with Charwyn in their typical spot. Valas walked over as Evony poured a goblet of wine sliding it in his direction. His body language was aggressive, his tone angry. “A word my lord. Privately.”


“Of course my Lord of Vandree. Let us settle to a private room.” Eldrar T’sith and Charwyn Uhl’vyr led him past the tables and into an empty chamber. The serving girl who had trailed them unnoticed placed the wine goblets on a nearby table and left.


“Is there a contract?” Valas demanded.


“You’ll have to be more specific my Lord of Vandree. There are many contracts. Many ‘gifts’ to be given.” he said with a smile.


“The Calashite” he spit. I want that contract.


“An expensive ‘gift’, very dangerous, must be given beyond the wall. His death can not come back to us.” Eldrar’s tone was coy.


“Consider it filled.” Valas tore away leaving the untouched goblet of wine behind.


“It pays….” Eldrar’s voice trailed off as Valas slipped into the city shadows.


Valas moved about the city using the local contacts he’d been cultivating over the last month to determine when the merchant from Calimshan might be leaving and to where he was heading next. Valas managed to get ahead of the merchant’s caravan. He followed along shadowing the wagons and staying a short way in front of the trailing merchants. He waited for them to stop and make camp. Valas waited patiently for the caravan to set tents, eat and post their guards. It wasn’t a large company but 2 dozen to one weren’t the best of odds. He watched as their lanterns flickered to dying light and most of the camp grew silent with sleep. They were 2 days travel away from the city and Valas felt sure he was a safe distance away so as not to implicate Eldrar T’sith. He cast his invisibility spell as Master Xarann had taught him and silently, unseen moved past the guards. Entering the tent he could hear the heavy breathing of the Calishite.

The merchant was fat and had an unkempt beard. He smelled of curry and wet goat. Everything about this man offended Valas. Valas silently slid the dagger from its sheath and without a sound moved toward the sleeping merchant. Valas noticed there were several woman asleep lying precariously around the tent, cushions strewn everywhere. He was careful to move quietly past the sleeping wives of the Calashite as he slowly grabbed for a pillow. Holding the pillow firm over the Calishite’s face he whispered “The Dark Mistress blesses you with her gift.” as he plunged the dagger between the fat human’s sixth and seventh rib. It was over so quickly that even without the pillow no one would have heard him yell. Pulling the pillow away Valas saw the dead man’s mouth was agape in a silent scream. He quickly plucked the gold tooth from the mouth of his prey and placed it in a belt pouch. Still not satisfied he cast another magic Xarann Dyrr had taught him. Death’s Grimace was the incantation. Valas used it turn the man’s right eye purple. Looking around to make sure no one else stirred he saw that a purse was placed carefully on a pile of the now dead merchant’s overly perfumed clothes. Valas scooped up the purse and seeing that it contained gems slid it into a second belt pouch. He silently slipped back into the shadows. Valas made his way out of the tent without a sound embarking on the two day trek back to Rilauven.


He returned to the city early in the day. Valas first made his way to Matron Freth’s compound and the comfort of a hot bath. Fresh silk finery felt good against his skin. Once refreshed, clean and appropriately dressed, Valas took the lift down to the street level and the city common. The Dark Embrace was open for business and he felt a renewed sense of purpose as he entered. The tavern was empty of patrons save for Eldrar T’sith and Charwyn Uhl’vyr. Evony smiled as he approached the bar. Sliding a goblet of wine toward Valas, she asked, “Where have you been stranger? Thought you may have found a new bar maid to chat with. My conversation that boring?”


Valas returned her smile and sipped from the wine. He could feel the eyes of the other to men on him. Watching. Waiting to see why he was doing. Valas hadn’t acknowledged his guild master or guild mate yet. He withdrew a pouch from his belt and put it on the side of the bar nearest Evony. “For the insult to my lady’s honor. A certain Calashite sends his regrets.” Evony eyed the purse but said nothing. “For the threat against my lady he sends his eternal apologies and this ‘gift’.” Valas reclaimed the golden tooth from his belt and placed it next to pouch.


“Valas. I. I don’t know what to say.” Evony offered, demure in voice.


“Say nothing. I will not suffer any to insult your honor or threats to do you harm.” Valas was obviously pleased with himself.


“A gift has been given” Eldrar exclaimed brightly. He produced a purse of his own and placed it in front of Valas.


“The Dark Mistress chooses wisely.” Charwyn added.


Valas nodded to both men and smiling at Evony said, “I must attend to a matter for Matron Freth. I shall return when I am able.”


Valas collected the pouch and as he exited he swore he heard that same soft feminine voice from his first meeting at the Dark Embrace saying, “This one belongs to me now.”


Valas walked slowly through the city streets. He wanted to offer a proper tithe to Matron Freth for her sponsorship. Gold would not make the impression he desired. As he walked contemplating what he should do next he saw a set of bejeweled hair combs in a store front window. Using the coin he had just earned he purchased the set and an ornate onyx and silver box. Returning to the stalactite he had called home for the last month he set out to requestr a meeting with Matron Freth. He found Zaiwure in the guild room pouring over some scrolls.


“Have you seen Matron Freth Zaiwure?”


“Indeed she here moments ago. Why?”


“I have business with her, if she will see me.”


“Your audience is granted Valas.” Came a voice from behind him. He turned to see Matron Freth standing in the doorway. As she made her way in he couldn’t help but notice her beauty. Long silver white hair cascaded over her shoulders. She wore a fine silk gown spun in intricate design colored in black and purple. It fit her form perfect. She walked over to where Zaiwure was already seated and asked, “Could you give us a moment.” Zaiwure nodded in affirmation, shimmered for a second and was gone. “Now. What can I do for you my Lord of Vandree?


“I feel I have been remiss in showing my gratitude for your favor. You not only rescued my brothers and I but have offered us hospitality well beyond what we deserve or can repay.”


“You are most welcome Valas. I’m sure in the days to come you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your gratitude and loyalty. I’m pleased you have chosen to stay.”


“I also want to thank you for arranging my training. I know Charwyn belongs to your company. I have learned much from the guild.”


“So I have heard. All the better for us all.”


“I recently accepted a contract from Eldrar T’sith and was successful in its completion.”


“Exciting news Valas. I am proud of your accomplishment. She walked toward Valas and ran her fingers down side of her face. I’m a scary good judge of talent.”


Valas flushed and stuttered. “Err…Thank you Matron.” He composed himself and continued, “As I have worked under your sponsorship it is only fair I share the spoils of my success with you.” Valas presents Matron Freth with his gift and said, “I hope you find my offering to your liking.”


Karis looked at the intricate onyx and silver box and smiled. Opening the clasp her eyes meet the ornate jeweled hair combs and she replies, “They are quite beautiful. You have excellent taste in gem work. Thank you Valas. She leans over and kisses his cheek. “And please. Call me Mistress. I am no Matron mother.”


“Yes Mistress.” Valas answered in stunned disbelief.


As he walked out of the guild room Valas was met by Zaiwure in the hallway leaning against the wall. “Nicely done Valas. I’m impressed.”


“Thanks.” Valas answered still taken aback by Mistress Freth. “If you’ll excuse me.”


Zaiwure watched Valas walk away and thought, “There’s hope for them yet….”
