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The Dark Mistress

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The following post occurrs just after we returned from the City of Brass after the public execution of the warforged lich.


The air in Rilauvin was cool, a stark contrast to the climate of the City of Brass. The dark cavern was also much more comfortable on his eyes. He’d worn liquid night to protect him from the bright flames of the Efreet city for so long he wondered if the black kohl dripping from his eyes would be a permanent stain. Valas was satisfied with what he and his brothers had accomplished. While it was true they were unable to recover the stolen ore for his mistress, they did succeed in meeting out the wrath of House Freth upon those responsible for the theft. He was of the mind they’d never find the adamantine anyway, but to bring back the thief alive was more than he could have hoped for. The fact that the thief was a warforged lich only made his public execution that much more spectacular. An important message had been sent. Cross House Freth and suffer the consequences, the penalty would be death. There would be nowhere to hide, on this plane or any other.

Valas took a deep breath of the Underdark air, he had been away for some time. He wasn’t quite sure how Evony would react to his return. She was less than pleased when he told her of his mission. Her words had been harsh and he felt their bite. Then there was the business with Mistress Innarei. Although it wasn’t the first time he had paid her price for the training he required, their last encounter left him feeling uncomfortable. Could it be that Valas Vandree was worried that his meaningless tryst with Innarei could jeopardize his relationship with the pretty barkeep? Since when did Valas care about anyone outside of his brothers. He pondered the thought for a moment. There was Mistress Freth. Though he rationalized his service to her as recompense for all she had done for him and his brothers. She had been kind and generous with them all so why shouldn’t he feel some loyalty to her. Was it more than loyalty? And why should an assassin care for anything more than the next contract. Naadiyah. Was it strange that he gifted her with items, that although rare, exotic or magical. he had no personal use for. Why shouldn’t he use his wealth to adorn his property. She was after all a reflection of his position in society. I mean he hadn’t asked for her, in fact, Valas wanted nothing to do with her. But she had proven useful in keeping his room at the tree in order. Naadiyah was a talented ‘entertainer’ and her devotion was unquestionable so he treated her gently.  Why then did he hide her away from Evony? And what of Zaiwure. He had been in the company of many beautiful woman. She struck him as special. Yet for all his desire for her he knew Evony would not approve. And he cared what she thought? Valas has never cared what anyone thought of him. Perhaps Evony held more power over him than he wanted to admit.

Valas decided to send word to his brother Rygos and make him aware that he’d be heading over to the guildhouse. “My dear Brother Rygos. I’m making my way over to the Dark Embrace. Should some ill befall me know that Evony was still angry with me. Perhaps if you are careful and tip well she’ll tell you where I’m buried.” He laughed as he sent the mental message.

“If she’s still as upset with you as she was before we left then there might not be a body to find.” He snickered back. I’ll meet you there shortly.” Came the reply.

Valas looked in the mirror and thought maybe I should bathe first. He was quite particular with his hygiene. As the thought of clean entered his mind he was startled by a faint glow emanating from his chest piece as the glamour ensorceled in his armor changed to reveal the sigil of the goddess Zinzerena, the Dark Mistress all who belonged to the guild worshiped. No sooner had the glow faded when he felt a surge of magical energy then soothing calm and with a blink he was clean.

“What the….” Since the time of his birth he had been indoctrinated in the faith of Lloth. Yet all the priestesses he had encountered were petty and cruel. Lloth’s will was to use him and his brothers as little more than tools afforded no free will and no real place among his kind. He had broken away from that life, rebelled against the faith of his family and repaid his mistreatment with death to those he felt had offended he and his brothers. He had forsaken the worship of gods and goddesses and only suffered through the motions of accepting the teachings the guild had put him through as a means to an end. Yet somehow, without desire or intent on his part, a connection to the goddess had formed. He felt her faith relatable, her doctrine sound. She was the goddess of outcasts and assassins…Illusions and trickery. She was for all intents and purposes the divine embodiment of his beliefs. And now her power manifested through him in the form of granting his wish to be clean. It was a small thing but it meant so much more. He wondered if he could harness this new power in the way his brother Nanil did yet still keep true to his training in the ways of assassination. As Valas left the stalactite stronghold of Mistress Freth for the Dark Embrace more questions than answers seemed to form in his head.

It was midday when Valas arrived at the Dark Embrace. There were a few familiar faces, locals that came regularly for the quality food and drink. Standing in the threshold, welcoming nods from some of his guildmates seated tactically throughout the main tavern greeted him. He turned to look at the bar when a loud voice demanded the attention of the room. “Aha!” It was his guildmaster Eldrar Tsith. “The Mistress’ prodigal son returns! Welcome home Valas! Welcome home indeed!”

A smile had begun to creep across his face until his gaze met that of the beautiful barkeep. She stared menacingly at him. Valas froze not knowing what to say or do  

“Sit!” Came the harsh command. The half thought of challenging her with “Valas Vandree is no child to be spoken to so.” had surfaced in his head but before the words could reach his lips a second command followed. “Now!”

Valas Vandree did as he was bid…. and sat like a scolded child.

Evony glared at him both waiting for him to say something and daring him to speak. “You’re gone for 3 moon cycles, with no word or indication to let me know if you are alive or dead and the first thing you and your idiot brothers do is drag a beguiled thief to the city square and execute him in flamboyant style drawing the attention city folk and traveller alike? For what purpose?  To let the whole realm know that the Vandree fugitives are alive and well in Rilauvin? I could expect such an egotistical display from Naris and Nazmyr, I can accept the stupidity of Ishtoshen, Quevas and Alaketh, I can even relate to Nanil’s desire to appease his god, But you should have known better, you were trained better and worse you put Rygos at risk too! And for what? To show off for that cow Mistress Freth.”

“I was not…we were not showing off. A message had to be sent.” Valas responded defensively.

“Then next time hire a courier. You want to send a message…. Let someone find the mark dead with no attachments to you. Enough unfortunate demises occur and the message is sent….and no one knows who you are. That is our way.”

It was hard to argue against her point. I wondered if we had gotten too comfortable, forgetting there was still a price on our head. The city offered a measure of protection but for how long if word reached Menzoberranzan. Mistress Innarei’s last lesson played back in his mind. “It is better to go unnoticed than display your power openly, inviting challenges. Be the unseen.” The more he thought about it the less happy he was with their decision. Evony was right. He should have killed the lich and returned to Mistress Freth with proof of death. He had let himself get caught in the moment instead of remaining focused on the task at hand.

Valas took a deep breath. It felt like the whole tavern was staring at him, watching him get chided by a barmaid.  He exhaled and nodded. “Apologies Master T’sith, it won’t happen again.”

Eldrar T’sith nodded. “Very well my young Lord of Vandree. I’ll not chastise you further. I believe our barkeep has made the point clear enough. You are still new to our ways. Perhaps some time studying the teachings of the Dark Mistress would serve you well.”

“Of course Master T’sith.” In truth Valas had wanted to discuss his recent…’change’…. with the guild priest. Had Zinzerena really gifted him with spell power? He needed to know for sure and this ‘punishment’ was the perfect excuse to spend time with Master Imrak Abboryn.

“”You’ll be staying here until Master T’sith can have the guild scouts determine if there is any danger for you. I’ll arrange a place for you to stay.” Evony’s tone had softened but was still firm. “You may as well inform Rygos. He’ll be staying too.”

Valas looked to his guildmaster who merely shrugged his shoulders. “I would do as she says my young Lord of Vandree. There are far worse punishments than to be stuck here with Evony Fleur d’Marquis.

Valas finally composing himself smiled at Evony. “As my lady commands.” and bowed low in mock deference,

Evony made a face and slid a glass of wine toward him. “Much better. You’re learning.”


Valas sipped the wine slow….no poison. That was a good thing. Not that he expected Evony would ever really wish him harm, it was more a drow racial trait, to be careful. Evony still wore a scowl. He could tell she was far from done with him. The tavern patrons had resumed their libations and he was happy to no longer be the center of attention. Valas finished his glass of wine and set it down. It was quickly replaced with another.


“So…” Evony said quietly but still rather curtly.


Round 2 Valas thought.


“Did Innarei’s ‘lesson’ prove useful?” her expression was accusatory. “Was it worth what you paid?”


Did she know? Of course she did. Somehow Evony knew everything that happened here. She wasn’t a guild member but her business housed us. Certainly she was privy to more secrets than the simple barkeep she portrayed. “I’m not sure what you mean. My dues cover training. My tributes keep me in good standing. I didn’t pay Innarei a single copper.”


“No. Of course you didn’t. But you did sleep with her. No need to play coy. I’ve known Innarei a long time. I know how she is. I thought you might be different.”


“If it makes you feel any better…I didn’t want to.”


“It doesn’t. But at least you aren’t lying to me.”


“I’ve no reason to deceive you and I make no apologies for my action. I do what I must to accomplish the mission. But know it was never my desire to cause you hurt.”


Her expression was flat. “Not to worry. Innarei doesn’t offend me.”


A wave of relief washed over Valas. He was glad to have that business over and done with. Glad to have avoided an awkward moment later. He drained his second glass only to have it replaced. Not wine this time. He recognized the concoction being placed in front of him. ‘Kingslayer’ the drink named for his brother. The interrogation was far from over and judging by Evony’s drink selection it was about to get worse.


“The Calashite whore offends me. I should have killed it the first time I saw it.”




Evony’s eyes sparked with rage. Have you really have grown attached to it so much so that you would dare refer to it by name here?”


Valas tried to downplay her developing importance to him. “If my slave has offended you I’ll kill her myself. Shall I leave now and bring you her head? It won’t take long. I’ll be back long before Rygos arrives and your imposed sequester begins.”.His tone turned sarcastic.


“Oh no need for that my love. I already had her killed. You forget, I might know an assassin or two myself.” She smiled waiting for Valas to react.


Valas had prepared himself for some form of taunt and quickly suppressed his anger. He smiled and relaxed. “Well then. There is no need for me to travel to Hosuth. He finished his Kingslayer cocktail. Another please my love.” He said emphasizing the word. If I had known it would only take the mere life of a slave girl to earn your favor I’d have killed her long before now. Her life was well spent indeed.” Nazmyr would be proud.


Evony’s smile faded to a forced a frown. “You are insufferable Valas Vandree. Why do I even bother.” She huffed and turned away.


Valas mustered all the charm he could hoping to continue channelling his inner Nazmyr. “Because wherever I go I think of you.”


Evony looked over her shoulder at him, scowled.and turned away.


“And as always.” Valas reached for his bag. “I bring you gifts my lady.”


Evony paused for a moment before turning back to see what Valas had produced from his bag. There were an assortment of liquor bottles in ornate blown glass etched in the script of Ignan, the language of the efreet. There were two bottles of perfume. She unstoppered the first and was greeted with the scent of frankincense, dried chamomile blossoms, saffron, cinnamon, and vanilla all expertly blended together, The fragrance was intoxicating. She reached for the other and was taken back the aroma of blond wood, iris, incense, amber, and a touch of pink pepper layered on top. The scent was gorgeous: warm, enigmatic, and surprisingly feminine. Evony fought back a smile. There was a white box wrapped in fire red and orange ribbon. She carefully undid the bow and opened the box. Inside she found an exotic silk garment set with small jewels. It was slightly less modest than her typical attire but more regal. Somehow Valas had sized it perfectly. Last there was a black, almost charred wood box set with stones the likes of which she had never seen. She looked at the box and back at Valas. “This box must be worth more than few contracts. What could you possibly have purchased that requires such decadent presentation?” Her tone was friendly again, the Evony he had grown to care for was back.


“Open it. I had it specially made for you.”


Evony slowly reached for the box and opened it carefully, almost as if she expected it to explode in her hands. She was thoughtfully removing the lid as if to contain the blast. Once she had removed the lid she found the interior had been lined with equally black silk cushion. Laying on top of the lavish bed was a brass spoon, intricately carved in fiery patterns with what could be only described as melted gemstones, black, red, purple and blue in color with some hints of green near the edges.


“The metal is called ‘living brass’ a highly sought after and rare material even for the efreet city. Only the most important nobles and wealthy merchants are gifted with it. I offer it to you my lady as a sign of my devotion.”


Evony freed the spoon from its resting place. It was warm to the touch though not uncomfortably so. The metal seemed to burn and wave in the light like wind whispering over a low flame. The gems sparkled and moved as well giving the illusion of running water. Never had she beheld an item so beautiful.”




“I missed you too Evony. As i said, you are in my thoughts always…even when I’m away.”


She grabbed him tightly and kissed him with intense passion. He returned her affection and the two seemed to melt together for a moment. When they finally broke to their embrace Evony had lust in her eyes. “I know where you’ll be staying tonight my Lord of Vandree.”


Valas smiled wide with obvious affection in his eyes. “As my lady commands.”


Evony snickered as a mischievous grin played across her face’




“Oh…I almost forgot “ She laughed. “I was just kidding… I haven’t killed your whore….yet.”  

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Valas was a light sleeper and the sound may well have been a gong booming. His eyes flashed open and reflexively he called for his longknife. The crystal set in the hilt glowed a dull blue and the blade flew from its scabbard across the room and into his hand.


Evony who had just placed a plate on the nightstand grinned. “Neat trick. Here.. drink.” she said handing Valas a mug containing a steaming hot liquid. “This will make you feel better…work away the remnants of last night’s celebration.”


“Celebration? What did we celebrate?” His head was foggy. He sat upright in the bed and laid the shardblade off to his side. The liquid was hot and refreshing. He felt his mind clear and his senses sharpen. He took measure of himself. He was naked laying in a bed oversized for even two people with deep comfortable cushions and the softest of spider silk sheets.


“The safe return of you and Rygos to the guild. Eldrar T’sith requested I close early for a members only festivity. There was much laughter, song and story telling and of course drink. You and the kingslayer wove quite a tale about your adventures in the City of Brass. I wonder how much of it was exaggerated.” She grinned slightly and handed him a crusty roll. “Eat. You’ll need your strength today.”


Valas bit into the hard bread. “For what?”  he inquired.


“You honestly don’t remember?” Evony asked. “You’ve been elevated by the guild. Master Imrak Abboryn received a vision from the Dark Mistress. You are to be trained in the secrets of the faith. He claims your deeds have captured the eye of Zinzerena and it is her desire to see you brought into her inner mysteries. It’s great honor. To congratulate you, I served several bottles of Fury’s Heart, a rare Pandemonium brandy bottled in Pandesmos, potent drink to be sure. Within an hourglass’ time you were near to passing out. Innarei suggested she should take to you to your chambers. I informed her you were already spoken for.” She handed him a hunk of cheese, white with purple marbling. “I’m not sure what happened to Rygos. It’s quite possible she bedded him instead.”


“Master Abboryn…He’s the guild high priest. The one I’m supposed to study with.”


“Yes. Exactly. The training is rigorous. That’s why I said you’ll need your strength. Do you feel up to task?”


Valas didn’t understand why but it all seemed right to him. He was certain he felt a connection with the goddess yesterday. Could he be meant for something more than hired murder? “It can’t be anything worse than what Talice did to me.” He rubbed the phantom pain under his left arm out of habit.


“Don’t be so sure. Master Abboryn can be strict and is known for his harsh treatment of diciples.”


“Have you met Talice? I’ll be fine.” He took a deep draw of the hot brown liquid from the mug. Valas was feeling strong. His mind focused.”


Evony could see the change in him. She leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek. You’d better get ready. Master Abboryn detests lateness. He’ll be expecting you in the temple within the hour. She got up from the edge of the bed where she had been seated and move to a chair in front of a vanity with a large mirror. She selected a large brush from the table and worked it through her white hair following the line of blue streaks.


Finally able to take his eyes off Evony, Valas looked around. He had never been in this room before. He wasn’t even exactly sure where this room was. He found his clothes folded neatly in a pile on a padded stool. His armor was set carefully to the side. His scabbards had been hung on a nearby rack. He indexed his jewelry. All accounted for…in fact there was an additional pendant. He walked over to the mirror. The pendant bore the mark of Zinzerena. “Clean” he thought to himself. The pendant glowed with a soft lavender hue and he was clean.


“Well done.” Evony had been watching him through the mirror she faced.”But there is more to the faith than avoiding baths.”


Valas gave her a questioning look.


“Another time. Get ready and be quick. I’ll see you for dinner later today.”


Valas finished dressing himself and donned his armor. He placed the shardblade back in the scabbard and went to put on his weapon belt.


“You won’t be needing that.” Evony said without looking at him. “You have my word they will be there when you return. You will be returning to me tonight? Won’t you?”


Valas stared at his blades.”Of course.” As he left the room he felt more naked than he been when he awoke, It took him a minute to get his bearings but quickly realized which corridor he was in. How had he not noticed this room before.


He made his way to the temple and the black wooden doors carved with a cloak draped over a shortsword, the symbol of Zinzerena. He leaned into the heavy ironwood doors and they begrudgingly opened. There was a male drow waiting at the end of an aisle flanked on both sides  with benches, an altar set on a dais behind him. He was facing the entry way as if he had been expecting the double doors to open. The cleric appeared to be middle aged. His hair was pulled back tight into a ponytail. He wore cloth pants and shirt with a simple black cloak. A shortsword hung from his belt. His slate grey eyes gave the impression that they were looking through him. “Valas Vandree, The Dark Mistress calls to you. Will you answer?”


A wave of calm washed over him offering reassurance that this was indeed where he belonged. “I shall” he stated confidently.”


“Excellent.” Master Abboryn said.”Let’s begin”


Valas approached the cleric. “I have questions. Yesterday before I returned I was dressing, I knew I wanted to freshen up, as the thought entered my mind, my armor glamored and the sigil of Zinzerena appeared. I felt a surge of power, when it faded I was cleansed. I know of no cantrip that can perform this magic. How did this happen?”


“It was no cantrip my young disciple. What you cast was called an orison. Similar to an arcane cantrip but powered by divine magic.”


“I do not possess divine magic. My brother Nanil, he has faith in his god, he has drawn upon the divine his whole life. He serves Vecna much to the anger and disappointment of House Vandree of Menzoberranzan. He is devoted and as such wields this power. I have known no such devotion. Why should I be shown such favor?”


“Are you familiar with the ethos of the Dark Mistress?” Master Abboryn did not wait for an answer. “She is patron of assassins. The tales I hear told of your exploits would indicate that you are quite skilled in the profession. Is this true?”


“I believe myself competent master.”


Zinzerena is the patron of outcasts. Would you describe yourself any differently my young Lord of Vandree?”


“My brothers and I have been disowned by our birth family. We are being hunted by our home city and reviled by those who once held us in their service, so I guess the answer is no. We are all outcasts, as much as some of us may cling to the noble title of House Vandree, we really have no claim to it anymore….well not until we re-establish House Vandree or begin it anew. I’m not sure we even want that anymore, for certain my brother Alaketh does not.”


“Zinzerena is also patron of illusion.”


“That would speak more to my brother Nazmyr. His magic is based in illusion not mine.”


“Is not your noble title an illusion? What of the life you live in the service of Mistress Freth? Is that your true calling or is there more? Nazmyr may trick the mind or create phantasms but is not true illusion the ability to mask one’s true self from discovery, to present the world with falsehoods and have it perceived as real?”


Valas pondered these thoughts for a moment.


“Deception, ambush, humiliation, chaos and assassination. These are the paths of Zinzerena, each you have travelled even though you did not realize it.”


“Explain.” Valas said.


“Our acts define us young Valas. Consider your first assassination.”


Valas turned his head slightly wondering what exactly the cleric knew.


“All assassins are Zinzerena’s children. She watches over them and accepts their actions as tribute, though not all earn her favor or boon. You requested the contract for the Calashite for his insult to Evony the young barkeep, yet hid your reasons why. You hunted your prey and lied in ambush waiting to strike. You assassinated the merchant but his death wasn’t enough to satiate your anger. No, you humiliated him by removing his teeth. His death caused much chaos for his merchant family until one younger and stronger assumed control. This was the first of your gifts and the Dark Mistress was pleased.”   


“How could you know all this? No one knew. I was alone.”


“Child.” the cleric paused, “You were never alone. Zinzerena has marked your soul and claimed you as her own. She has guided you and followed you, yet only now does she feel you are ready to learn the greater mysteries of her faithful. She has chosen you and now her power flows through you. I’ve seen all this in a vision.”


Valas was feeling confused. Had he worked so hard to be free of the control of others only to end up a pawn of a fickle goddess? Or….Had he truly earned favor with the Dark Mistress, goddess of assassins and princess of outcasts? If he had been anointed by the goddess and if he were able to tap into her divine essence, his power would only grow. Could the hunted become the hunter?


“I can teach you the doctrine of Zinzerena and the methods of accessing her divine magic should you accept her as your goddess.”


Valas considered the offer then nodded.


The cleric smiled. “Kneel before the altar.”


Valas stepped forward then dropped to bended knee.


Master Abboryn spoke, “Raise yourself up by bringing others down. Don’t reveal your strength, or your hatred, until your victim is helpless. Don’t strike until you have the advantage; the only fair fight is the one you win. Once the trap is sprung, make time to gloat before the kill. The legs of the spider are made to be broken, this is the basis of our faith. Welcome Valas Vandree to the clergy of Zinzerena.”


The cleric approached the altar then bowed. He reached for a pewter chalice and dipped it into a tureen of green and white marble. Master Abboryn handed the chalice to Valas and said “Drink.”


Valas looked into the cup. It contained a swirling luminescent black liquid with the consistency of oil. Valas brought it to his lips and took a long draft emptying the cup. The room began to spin and he slumped to the floor.


“Your journey has begun.” came the voice of an unseen female. “May the goddess deem you worthy and guide you home.”

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Valas opened his eyes. The world around him was different. He was no longer in the guild temple but rather an Underdark passage laying in the shadows of an outcropped rock. Instinctively he reached for his longknives. Nothing. His armor was gone too. He was barefoot with no jewelry, no magic items and no gear, certainly not his preferred method of travel in the Underdark. In the distance he could hear the sound of running water. He quickly ran through all the locations near underground streams that he was familiar with but he knew he would have to explore the tunnel further if he was going to figure out where he was. Valas kept to the shadows and moved away from the sound of the spring. He knew that creatures dwelling in the Underdark frequented natural springs and lakes. Water meant danger and he was ill prepared to fight. As he moved through the shadows they seemed to darken. His night vision was beginning to fail. He slowed waiting for his eyes to adjust but it seemed the further he moved the darker it became until he was all but blind. Valas realized he could travel no further and cautiously made his way back toward the place he had awoken. As he did Valas scanned the area for any markers or distinguishing features that might tell him where he was. Then he saw it. There was a path dimly lit by lichen luminescent with the glow of faerie fire travelling toward the sound of the water. As he neared the sounds of the spring, the path glowed with greater intensity until he reached an open cavern, well lit, filled with dancing lights. Valas was able to track the flow of water to a fall cascading down the wall forming a rivulet that fed into a pond. At the edge of the pond sat a woman on large rock dangling her feet in the water, her ashen black skin and ghostly white hair revealed she was drow.


Valas knew there was too much light to approach unseen so he decided to remain in what little concealment the shadow offered and waited. observing, wondering if he been noticed. He didn’t have to wait long.


“Come closer Valas Vandree. Please sit. The water is cool and refreshing.”


He considered retreating into the safety of the dark but something inside him offered reassurance that he was in no danger. Valas stepped into the open cavern and asked, “How do you know my name?”


The woman didn’t turn to look at him when she answered. “Because I have always known you my child. Do not be afraid. No harm will come to you here. I have marked you as my own.”


Valas moved closer. “Zinzerena?”


“I have many names, ‘The Hunted’, ‘The Princess of Outcasts’, ‘The Rebuker of Shadows’, some know me as the goddess of illusion and trickery, others the goddess of chaos or the goddess of assassinations. You know me as the Dark Mistress.”


Valas approached the rock. “Why have you brought me here?”


“You are mistaken my child. I have done no such thing.  It is you who came to me, as such I have rewarded you with a spark of my divine power. Orisons are useful and in time I will grant you the knowledge to bring forth even greater magic.”


Valas sat on the rock in the place he had been offered, his bare feet dropping into the water up to his ankles. It was cool and refreshing just as the goddess described.


“Much like the water Valas you have barely broken the surface of your destiny.” She turned to look at him for the first time. Her icy blue eyes were mesmerizing. “You seek the power to destroy your enemies. Understand that your enemies are my enemies. I will give you what you seek  power over life and death. If…”


Ahhh, the catch. “Nothing is free Mistress. What would you have from me?”


“All I require is your worship and your devotion. I would encourage you to use your skill at murder in order to tear down the tyranny of Lolth’s rule. Use your powers of deception to gain the upper hand on those who mean you harm. Humiliate your enemies and sow the seeds of chaos among the Spider Queen’s faithful. Nothing more than you have done already. No more than I believe you intend to pursue.”


Valas considered her words carefully. What she said was true, her perspective and rationalizations were well founded. Valas felt his connection to the goddess growing. He had never contemplated living the life of a cleric like his brother Nanil. Zinzerena wasn’t asking for that though. All he needed to do was be himself, a instrument of death and harbinger of doom to the clergy of Lloth and those allied with her. She was right, it was what he was already doing, what he desired to continue to do. As Valas thought about the choice before him, he noticed the water had risen. He was now knee deep in the pond.


Zinzerena smiled, acknowledging his revelation. “Yes Valas. You are moving deeper into the mysteries of my faith. I would ask you look into the water and tell me what you see?”


Valas stared into the pond and saw a baby girl born into a noble drow family. As the child grew she showed a natural aptitude for illusions. Drow females were meant to become priestesses of Lolth. As illusion is considered a lesser form of magic she was intended for sacrifice. Her mother hid her from the priestesses of Lolth by faking her death. Forced into exile the young girl taught herself magic over several decades, acquiring several spellbooks. She settled into the life of an assassin.


“I see… you… as a child….as a teen… as an assassin.” he replied.


“Our stories are not so different. You and your brothers were betrayed by Lolth and those that serve her. They intend to kill you because you have not met the Spider Queen’s expectations of blind service and sacrifice to her cause…a cause that seeks to keep the drow subjugated and at war with themselves. They see you as a failed experiment, as little more than an offering to be sacrificed back to their petulant goddess. I see greater things for you Valas Vandree, if only you accept me as I have accepted you.”


He looked into Zinzerena’s eyes and for a moment swore he saw a glimmer of the future and a flash of the storms to come. He saw the love a mother’s gaze in her expression and knew he would be protected from whatever terrors loomed on the horizon. He found himself filled with the adoration of a child for their parent.


Zinzerena stood and Valas kneeled before his goddess. “I will serve you Zinzerena, Dark Mistress and Mother of Assassins.”


“Rise my child.” she said with a sinister smile.


As Valas stood he realized the water had again risen, it’s level now above the rock they had just been sitting on. He was now waist deep.


“It’s time for you to return Valas Vandree. Know that wherever you travel I go as well. We shall see each other again. The path you are on is not an easy one but as you have faith in me, I believe in you. Until next we meet. Aluve.”


Valas knew the word well. I leave you to the dark. No sooner had Zinzerena spoken her farewell then his world faded to black consuming him in darkness.


Master Abboryn had stood silent sentinel over the newest acolyte of the church. All who intended to become clerics of Zinzerena had to undergo the ritual. Not all returned. Some who did returned mad. No words had been spoken between him and the woman also watching the trial with interest. Valas had been under the effects of the draught for some time. She was beginning to grow concerned that he may be lost….not what she wanted or intended. Had she pushed him too far? Nonsense she thought. Valas was resilient and resourceful, a paragon of the drow race, truly a proper offering to their goddess. She considered forcing him out of his vision but that could prove even more dangerous than letting the elixir run its course. There would be greater potential to break his mind. No. she wouldn’t risk it. She knew she’d have to wait it out….was certain he’d return to her.


Valas twitched.


Her eyes widened with expectation.


He grunted and shook.


Not unusual.


Valas felt as is fire was running through his veins. He choked and coughed and spit. His stomach felt like a spike had been driven into it. He curled and rolled and wanted to scream but fought it back with curses in 7 languages.


The woman looked at Master Abboryn who seemed to nod his head in approval.


The torrent of flame circulating in his body gained intensity with every heartbeat. Valas felt like his insides were about to explode. They did…of sorts.


The woman watched as Valas erupted in faerie fire, colored hues of blue, purple and green. He jerked stiff and levitated as lights danced about him. The glowing spheres burst and engulfed him in darkness. She lurched toward him but was held back by Master Abboryn. “No.” he said. “Wait.”


She glared maliciously at the priest and he wisely withdrew his hand. She turned her attention back to Valas and watched.


The darkness began to fade and formed tendrils of black energy that seemed to get absorbed back into his body. He slowly lowered to the ground.


Master Abboryn looked pleased. “His body has accepted her divine spark, now we must see if his mind is intact. The cleric placed his hand on Valas’ forehead and spoke, “If it be thy will Dark Mistress, let him awaken now.”


Valas opened his eyes and looked up at the priest kneeling by his side.


“Welcome my young Lord of Vandree to the faith of Zinzerena. You have earned a place in the home of our goddess.”


Valas looked around to find only he and the cleric were in the temple. He could have sworn he had heard the voice of a woman as well… a familiar voice he just couldn’t place. It was no use. His mind ached and refused to focus. His body was exhausted and he struggled to sit up. “How long….” he croaked. His throat was raw and dry.


“It is now late day. Six hours or so.What do you remember?”


Valas paused and thought for a moment. The scenes replayed back in his mind as if he were watching it all happen once again. “Everything.” he replied. All of it. The cavern, the path, the light,…” He swallowed hard. “The goddess. I was in  the presence of the Dark Mistress. She spoke to me…showed me things..”


“Things for you and you alone. Zinzerena be praised. You have passed the initiation ritual. The guildmaster will be pleased.”

Valas fought to his feet, struggling to steady. “Evony.” he said, “expects me for dinner.”


“You should rest. You’ve endured quite the ordeal. She’ll understand.” the priest offered kindly.


“No. I’m fine.” he lied.


As he reached the doors he heard Master Abboryn call after him. “Splendid. Return here tomorrow at early light to learn your first invocations.We’ll test that resolve of yours.”


Valas nodded, “As you wish Master Abboryn.”


Valas made his way through the guild passages and back to the tavern of the Dark Embrace. Evony was tending to the bar and chatting with his brother Rygos. He stumbled forward a step as a concerned Rygos jumped from his chair to assist his brother. Evony called him back. “No. Don’t. He’ll be fine”


Rygos wasn’t so sure but held his action.


Valas managed his way to the bar and into a high backed chair easing his body into it as he fought off spasms.”


“You look like hell brother. Shall I send for Nanil?”


Valas shook his head and reached for the glass Evony had already placed in front of him.


“Welcome back” she said with a smile. “I thought we might lose you.”


“Never my lady. I shall always return to you.”


A wicked grin formed in Evony’s lips. “I’m going to hold you to that.”


“Did I miss dinner?” Valas asked flirtatiously.


“Dinner.. No. Not to worry….” she leaned in and kissed him biting his bottom lip before breaking away. “It’s dessert that should concern you.”

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“Idiot brother…” he whispered as he passed through the secret door to the room he’d been staying the last few weeks. “Baba Yaga.” He grumbled to himself as he took off his sword belt placing it on the weapon rack. He walked a few paces. “The Norn…” He unstrapped his armor… “What the hells kind of name is ‘the norn’?” He placed the armor on a pedestal and mumbled some more, “…old witch…crazy witch” He shook his head in disgust and began to undress. “…fake witch…sexy witch…”

“What did you call me Valas?” Evony asked accusingly. “Have I been so cruel to you this past moon that you see me as a witch?”

Startled, Valas turned quickly toward the intruder as his long knife flew out of its scabbard into his instinctively outstretched hand. “Evony,… I… no of course not…” He stammered as he walked across the room and placed the weapon back in its scabbard. “I thought you were upstairs, in the tavern. I thought I was alone.”

“Alone huh?” Evony walked from the doorway toward him with a sensual shift in her hips. “So who’s sexy then? I heard you say the word sexy. Who might you be referring to… do I need to kill some harlot for seducing my man?”

“Sexy?…” Valas watched her strut toward him…He could only stare… thunderstruck. “I would only ever refer to you as such.” He fought to regain his composure. “Though there was a quite beautiful…”

Evony scowled.

“…by human standards I guess” he feigned disinterest, ”phantasm witch who had a tryst with my brother Nazmyr.”

“He needs to find a real woman.” She said dryly. “So why is he an idiot? Or has Ishtoshen vexed you again?”

“You have amazing hearing.”

Evony smiled.

“Amongst your many other amazing talents.” Valas returned her grin. “Nazmyr. He asked for help with a personal issue and we got caught up in a mess we didn’t need to be.”

She stepped into Valas and gently placed her fingertips on his bare chest. “And this ‘mess’ resulted in Nazmyr bedding some ‘sexy’ witch?” Her eyes drew narrow. “But not you of course. Valas Vandree is not so quick to surrender his virtue.” She said mocking him. “Perhaps I should kill this whore just to be sure.”

“I would refrain from trying to kill her, it seems she is the… ‘daughter’.. of a very powerful Fey witch. And since when do you murder people?” Valas asked sarcastically. “Remind me never to skip out on a tab.” He laughed as he caressed her face.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that.” she said with a sinister smile. “I know where you live.”

If Valas didn’t know she was a simple barkeep, he would have most certainly become unsettled by that last remark.

Evony leaned into him forcing him back onto the silk covered bed. The plush black duvet was filled with down imported from the surface. The soft spider silk sheets were a regal blue, befitting of a queen. Truly Evony enjoyed luxuries that should be well beyond the means of an innkeeper. “The guild must pay her exceptionally well for its place within her walls.” he thought as he stared at his paramour unable to focus on anything other than the sparkle in her eyes. Her lips, painted the same blue as the sheets, pressed against his. He was lost in her beauty.

Evony sat in his lap as she draped her arms around his shoulders, “You stink of dead things.” and sniffed him, “…and fermented ooze. If that’s what the surface smells like the witches can have it.”

Valas, half in a daze uttered the orison “clean” and with a faint glow colored of plum, all the grime… and olfactory remnants of his venture into the realm of Baba Yaga were gone.

“Ahhh…” Evony cooed. “The favor of the Dark Mistress is with you…but I’m thinking we should still share a bath.”

She stood and stepped back while reaching for his hand, taking it in her own. She led him through an archway where twin pools surrounded by an artistic mosaic had been set into the stone floor. One steamed, fed from a hot natural spring. The other looked clear and still. Evony plucked at a button behind her neck and the gown she was wearing loosened before falling to the ground. She stepped out of it and into the still pool. “Come Valas, join me. The water is cool and refreshing.”

Valas did as he was bid, though he couldn’t shake the feeling of deja vu. The water was cool though not uncomfortably chill. Evony produced a chalice filled with a black viscous liquid reminiscent of oil. “Here. Drink.” she said with a smile. Evony watched as he drained the glass then took it from his hand placing it back on the silver tray it had be resting on only moments before. She led him away from the edge and the water rose as the pool became deeper. It only took a few steps before they both stood neck deep, Evony’s white mane floated along her shoulders, the hints of blue in her hair reflecting in the light of the faerie fire illuminating the chamber.

Valas twitched, his vision, though eyes wide open, began to darken. “I…feel…strange…” he said in hushed tone. His legs grew weak unable to hold his weight even in the buoyant water. He leaned into Evony for support. His heart began to race.

“Calm my dear Valas….You’re ok….” She braced him and watched his eyes flutter for a moment then grow still as they stared blankly into the void. “The goddess calls for you…You must answer.” she said lowering him below the surface of the water. “It’s time for you to take the final step. You’re ready.” She whispered as if trying to reassure herself. “You have to be.”

Valas felt the chill of the water and shivered. The cold had grown more intense. He inhaled and swallowed a mouthful of water… He was below the surface…Drowning… Fear set in…He began to panic. Valas flailed around the water unsure which direction was up until a glimmer of multi colored lights caught his attention…Blue…Purple…Pink…dancing. With no air left in him and a throat full of water he swam hard toward the rainbow hues. He could feel the burn in his lungs. It wasn’t far, he knew it was just out of reach…until… He broke the surface of the pool, coughing, spitting water. He was certain a moment more and his chest would have burst. He’d have died. He held firm to the outcrop of rock hanging over the pool supporting his weight. His vision cleared and he realized he wasn’t in Evony’s room any longer but rather back in the cavern where he had first met Zinzerena. The pool had transformed into a pond and to his right there were shapely charcoal colored legs dangling in the water. Soft feminine hands gestured and flicked movements synchonized to the motion of the dancing lights that had drawn him to the surface.

“Why were you afraid my child?” the goddess asked with a  soft soothing voice.

Valas was still gasping, just beginning to get his bearings. “I was in the pool..”

“Not what I asked you.” she replied pleasantly.

Valas looked up from the pool. “I almost drowned.”

Zinzerena reached down lifting his chin a touch higher so he could properly meet her gaze. “Valas. Never ‘almost’ do anything. Do you think I have ever ‘almost’ assassinated an enemy? No of course not. Do or don’t, the idea of almost is pure folly. Now my son, tell me why you were afraid. I could sense the fear in you from here.”

Valas was feeling frustrated. “You sat there and watched me almo…. I could have have died!”

The Dark Mistress smiled at him. “You certainly could have..So why didn’t you?” She sighed, “Now you have two questions, yet no answers, because you still haven’t told me why you were afraid.” her tone elevated, challenging him.

“I didn’t want to die.” He began. “I wanted to survive.”

Her lips creased to form a slight smile.

“I couldn’t breath and I was lost. I started to panic.”

She nodded.

“Then I saw the lights above…..” He paused….”Your light. It led me to the surface. I knew that if I could just make it to the light I’d be fine…. So I gave everything I had…forced myself up until the water broke and I could breathe again.”

“Well done.” It was obvious his goddess was pleased. “Come sit with me.”

Valas levitated out of the water pulling himself to the rock were Zinzerena sat. “This magic is one of your gifts to us. The drow. Your people. Though the Spider Queen would teach otherwise.” he said as he sat before her.

“One of many, and I have so much more to give you.”

“Why me?” asked Valas suspiciously.

“Why not you?” Zinzerena countered. “You have learned more today than some of my worshippers do in years.” She pulled her feet from the water and sat with her legs crossed. “Face me.”

Valas turned and sat as she did.

She reached out taking his hands in hers. “Tell me what you have learned today.” she demanded.

Valas thought for a moment, carefully considering his next words. “You are always watching though not always seen. You grant power and aid to your faithful if only they have the courage to seek it. I know that as long as I am with you I am safe as not even death need be feared. I’ve learned to choose, accept nothing less than what I decide must be. There is only success and failure, nothing in between.”

Zinzerena smiled in satisfaction. “You have proven worthy of my favor Valas. Are you ready to receive your next gift?”

“If it please you my goddess, I am.” he answered with confidence.

She stood up and pulled him to his feet then released him from her hold. Her right hand began to burn with black flame. “Are you not the least bit afraid of what I may do to you?”

“If it were your intent to kill me you would have let me drown. I’m not afraid now.”

Zinzerena grinned maliciously, “And you will never know fear again.” she said plunging her hand into his chest. The pain was near unbearable but Valas did not scream. He breathed in deep as he felt her fingers grab his beating heart. He could feel the fire burning in his chest but he held fast refusing to give in to agony. He had chosen life before….he did so again… life in the service of his Dark Mistress.

She pulled her hand from his chest and he saw it had extinguished. He grimaced for a moment then steeled it away. Instinctively he brought his hand to his breast…no wound. He stood firm meeting her gaze then bowed.

“It’s time for you to return. This will not be our last meeting. I have anointed you with black flame. You are now amongst my most favored. You’ve a long journey ahead and I’ve chosen a very special guide for you.” She brought her face close. Her lips just a hair from touching his. “Know that I am always ever a breath away… in every shadow… in the glow of faerie fire… in every darkness… and even…within the light in her eyes. Aluve”

She kissed him soft on the lips. Valas felt his breath stolen away. His world began to blacken again but there no was no fear this time, only sadness that he must leave the company of his mistress.




He heard a voice say as lips touched his. “Zinzerena?” he wondered.


“Goddess no. Why has your heart stopped?”


Not the Dark Mistress but a familiar voice. Frantic.


“So cold….Don’t you dare die Valas Vandree.”


A woman’s voice. Worried…Angry. He felt pounding on his chest where moments before divine fire had burned.


“I said BREATHE!”


Air filled his lungs and he blinked his vision clear. He was out of the pool, though still wet, laying on the cool tile. Evony was leaning over him her lips pressed to his. When she broke her embrace he whispered, “Evony.” She withdrew, kneeling while sitting on her feet.

Evony exhaled a sigh of relief. “Thank the goddess…I thought I’d lost you.” She choked back a sob.

Memories flooded his mind. He had been with Zinzerena again. He grinned. “I’m not that easy to be rid of…..besides…..” He glanced at the chalice resting on the silver platter. “You sent me to the Dark Mistress…what did you expect might happen?”

“I wasn’t sure.” She answered truthfully. “Only the most favored of Zinzerena may be indoctrinated into the Order of the Black Flame. Few are deemed worthy and return from the journey. I had faith you would.”

Valas smiled, “And I did.”

“Welcome home.” She bent down and kissed him again then helped him sit up. He was still feeling weak from the ritual.


Valas looked at her face. She was beautiful. He’d felt that way from the moment he saw her…. However, only now did he notice the light in her eyes. Colors of blue and purple and pink. Dancing.

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This post occurs the day after the swamp adventure

The temple air was cool and the blues and purple of the faerie fire illuminating the space reflected softly off the stone walls adding a feeling of serenity to the house where death was a trade. It was quite different from the temple Nanill lorded over. The dead of this place remained so and there no were no unsightly corpses wandering about or trout fishing orcs to disturb the peace he found here. It was never his dream to become a cleric and after the cruel treatment of Lloth it was never his desire to serve a god or goddess again but here he was. Zinzerena had shown him much, given him more. She understood his need for revenge and appreciated his quest for power. She believed in his cause to subjugate his enemies and to that end breathed her magic into him. He served not out of duty or blind faith but for the great respect he held for the goddess. As he walked down the center aisle separating the rows of benches aligned left and right his eyes fell upon the statue reverently set on a pedestal high beyond the dais. It’s likeness uncanny, well in so far as he had known the goddess to appear from visions. It was as if the sculptor had chiseled it in her presence. The altar bore the sigil of the goddess of assassins, a shortsword covered by a cloak. The Patron of Outcasts, Mother of Illusions… the Hunted as she was often referred to, protected this place and all who bent the knee in supplication and earned her favor. The room was empty, there were no services to offer today, no rites to perform. Yet Valas had felt drawn here by her spirit and the feeling of being welcomed home permeated his being. He lit incense and burned candles offering his thoughts and experiences as sacrifice. The spark of her black flame felt warm in his chest and he knew her spirit was receiving his prayers. He knelt in reverie as the scent of sweet and pungent smokes focused his mind. He breathed in deep hoping the flavors of the swirling vapors would exercise the remnant taste of rotten fish from his mouth. He closed his eyes as his world faded to black.


The warm coin’s heat could be felt through the pouch pressed against his skin, breaking his concentration. He blinked his eyes clear from the smoke as his hand instinctively felt for the the hot metal. He withdrew the enchanted coin and watched as the image on the face changed from tree, to villa.. to…tavern? The Dark Embrace. What would Naadiyah be doing here? The hot glow could only mean one thing. She was in danger and needed help. If the image on the coin was to be believed then she was in more danger than she realized. Evony had found her and brought her to the guild. He tried to stand but his legs had gone numb. How long had he been kneeling? He lost his feet for just a moment falling forward when a firm hand grasped his arm holding him steady. “Talice.” he whispered. “Are you here for me then?”


“Talice?” No. not quite my child. “But yes I am here for you.”


Valas turned his head back to see Zinzerena at his side. He ignored the pins and needles that were streaking through his legs and dropped to one knee, bowing his head. “How may I serve my goddess?” The warmth of the coin intensified.


“What vexes you so that it could distract you even in my presence?”


“It’s nothing. Just part of the vision I’m sure. What would you have of me?”


Zinzerena smiled. “I’d have you check the inn for your professed love. The barkeep. Evony is her name correct? She is a child of mine as well. Go to her and set your mind at ease then return to me.” The goddess sat on the top step. “Go.”


Valas moved swiftly through the doors and into the hallway. He raced down the corridors and up several flights of stairs until he was in the wine cellar. He took a deep breath and calmly walked up into the tavern. Aunran was behind the bar and Elarra was serving tables. As he strode toward the counter he said, “Greetings Aunran. Have you seen Evony?”


“Why no my lord. She said she would be busy today with some business of sorts. She has yet to come up.”   


“Did she happen to mention what it was?”


Elarra had walked over. ‘She received a special delivery today, from Calimport I believe. She said she needed to the day to properly attend to it.”


A tingle ran down his spine. Valas smiled weakly and turned back toward the stairwell leading to the guild. Once inside he made his way to the room he shared with Evony. Empty. If he had the ability to be afraid he certainly would feel it’s cold grasp. “Where?” he thought. The guild had several levels and many rooms. It could take him some time to check them all. He exhaled sharply then calmed himself. It’s just a vision. She’s in no real danger. He walked purposefully back to the temple. Zinzerena was sitting right where he had left her.


“So?” the goddess asked.


“Evony wasn’t in the tavern. But you already knew this.”


“Of course.” she grinned. “But you needed to see it for yourself. May I see the coin?”


“The coin?” Valas asked quizzically. “How would…”


Zinzerena turned her head to the side, a dubious expression on her face. “Do you truly mean to ask your goddess how she knows things?”


Valas felt like an idiot. He produced the coin. It was still warm to the touch. He placed it in the goddess’s open palm.


“A clever idea Valas. I’m impressed.” she praised. “Warm. What would that mean?”


“If we weren’t in a vision and all this was real then it would indicate…” He paused. “… my servant would be in danger.”


“Oh come now Valas. You were doing so well up until now. Why would you care so much for the well being of a servant? We both know Naadiyah is so much more in your eyes.”


The goddess spoke true. “Well I…”


“Don’t embarrass yourself by telling me lies. I know you love Evony…as much as you love Naadiyah. They are two pieces of your heart. A heart that I have marked and so belongs to me. Tell me what would Naadiyah say if she knew about Evony?”


“Nothing. She would say it’s my right to have a harem. It is the way of her people.”


Zinzerena nodded. “And Evony? What might she say.? Polyamorous relationships are not unknown to our people.”


“Say…” Valas almost laughed. “She wouldn’t say anything… What she’d do is quite another story. She can be somewhat possessive and more than a little jealous. In fact you might be the only other woman she would trust me to be around and even then only for so long. I couldn’t imagine the pain she’d inflict on that poor girl.”


Zinzerena’s smile faded. “I could.”


That comment caught Valas by surprise.


“Come walk with me.” the goddess offered him her arm. Zinzerena strolled the halls of the guild as if she had lived here her whole life. She led him down a secret passage opening into a stone chamber where there were 3 hallways stretched out, South, East and West.


“The black cells? Why are we here?”


The goddess didn’t say a word but continued to walk south until she reached the end of the hallway and a stone door. A thin eye slit allowed a limited view into the room. Zinzerena motioned toward it with her hand. “Look.”


Valas stared at her for a moment then peered into the room. He saw a lithe figure, copper skinned, hands bound and barefoot huddled on the ground. Her black hair was wet with sweat and trickles of blood. She wore fine silks that had been torn. It was obvious she had been badly beaten. He couldn’t make out her face but the sour feeling in his stomach assured him that he didn’t need nor want to. Evony stepped into the frame of his vision. She held a bloody whip and her muscles flexed with anger. “Tell me whore. Did you really think you’d be able to hide from me? That you were somehow beyond my reach?” She tossed the whip to the side and kicked her. “Answer me!”


Naadiyah was in such distress she couldn’t think to speak undercommon. She began pleading in Alzhedo. Begging for mercy. Crying. Confused. “Qalbi” she whispered.


Valas turned away from the gruesome scene. “What do you hope to teach me with this vision my goddess. I am quite aware of how Evony might react. In fact I would expect to be in the room as well, experiencing the same pain equally at her hand.”


“Would you now?” The deity said with a malevolent grin, “You discount how much the young barkeep truly cares for you, quite unlike most of our women. Besides, wouldn’t it be a much crueler punishment and better lesson to have you standing there, watching, helpless to act or stop young Naadiyah from suffering? Would that not be more torture than any wound? I know your heart Valas. If it would save the girl, you would smile and say ‘Light me up’ in defiance, gladly accepting her punishment as your own in her stead.”  


“Thankfully it won’t come to that. As distasteful as your illusion is to watch, it is only that, an illusion.” Valas looked pensively through the small aperture once more.


Zinzerena leaned in whispering in his ear, “What if it’s not? Are you willing to gamble her life on it?”


Valas spun his head around. “What are you saying?”


Zinzerena had an expression of innocence on her face. “I’m saying if you wish to save her life then you’ll need to find a way into that room.”  


“It’s an illusion nothing more.” he asserted again.


Naadiyah shrieked in pain. Valas looked in to see her spitting blood from her mouth. A wound opened on her lip where Evony had struck her. “An Illusion. Nothing more.” he whispered trying to convince himself. Valas turned away, he found her cries difficult to listen to.


“If you say so my child. Let us return to the temple then. You’ve seen all you need. I don’t believe you’ll want what happens next burned into your memory forever.”


Valas darted his eyes back through the small slot in the door. Evony yanked Naadiyah to her feet by her hair. The genasi whimpered, ‘Min fadlak. La….”


Naadiyah’s words tore at Valas “” Valas looked at the stone door. No locks, no handle, no way in. It was solid, smooth as the wall. Instinctively he reached for his Staff of Passage. No belt…no pouches…no staff.


“Looking for your magic stick? I’m disappointed. After all I’ve given you, all the power. Your first thought is trinkets…You wound me.” Zinzerena feigned insult.


“It’s a wall, I can’t get through.” he said in frustration.


She stepped into him, challenging, “It’s a door.” the goddess replied. “Yes you can. All doors are open to you…unless of course you believe you can not. Then we’re done here.” Zinzerena turned to leave.


“Wait!.” he shouted.


“Why didn’t you die in the lake Valas?” She asked in harsh tone.


“Because I chose not to.” he said frantically looking at the door for any way to get in.


Evony drew a wicked curved blade from her belt. “Now…what shall I cut out first…” her words were thick with venom, her tone malice.


“Then how will you get in this room?” Zinzerena demanded.


“Qalbi…” Naadiyah cried.


My heart you say? Yes, your heart. Good idea whore!” Evony spat.


Valas glared at Zinzerena for just a moment. “I will choose to.”


The goddess smiled as his body ignited in a burst of black flame disappearing with a wisp of smoke only to reappear on the other side of the door separating Evony and Naadiyah. The blade bit deep in his left side between his 7th and 8th rib. The pain was sharp and then his world narrowed, spiraling into the void..


“Valas. Valas!” Evony poked him hard in the ribs. “Are you ok?”


The phantom pain of Talice’s training felt fresh and tender. He shook his head trying to clear his mind of fog. “Evony. What?” He was damp with sweat and had an odor of smoke on him.


“You said you’d only be down here for a short time…It’s been hours.” She looked him over. He was a mess. It was evident to her that he had just experienced some great ordeal. “Did the goddess call for you again? What happened?”


“I…I’m not sure.” he looked around somewhat disoriented.“ He rubbed his ribs. “Did you have to poke me so hard?”


Evony scowled. “You’re fine. Be glad I didn’t have a spoon in my hand.”


“Or curved dagger…” he thought to himself.


“I saved some lizard shank for you and steamed mushrooms. I’ll expect you upstairs shortly.” She kissed him. “You don’t want to see me angry.” She warned then smiled.


“No…No I don’t my love.” he smiled back as his ribs throbbed.


“Good. Hurry and change.” She stood to leave. “Be careful not to keep me waiting too long.”   


“Of course not.” The instant she was gone Valas checked the coin in his pouch. The carved image of a desert villa was showing on the coin face. He withdrew his staff and in a flash he aparated to his bedroom in Calimport. Naadiyah was screaming, thrashing about in the silken sheets of their bed. Valas grabbed her gently and pulled her tight to comfort her. “Shhh.” He whispered. “I have you.”


“Qalbi?” she asked. “I had the most terrible night terror. It felt so real. There was this woman of your kind. The barkeep from the inn where I first met you I think. She was beating me, torturing me and I didn’t know why. I called for you but you never came…Not until…” She reached for Valas’s side checking for a wound.


He fought back the need to wince with pain. “I’m fine ya amar.” his hand found its way to her lips. He brushed them gently wiping away blood from where her bottom lip was split. “What happened here?” he asked concerned.


“I don’t know. I must have struck myself during the nightmare.”


“O’goth.” Valas spoke softly and the symbol of Zinzerena glowed warm on his forearm. The wound closed and she was healed.


“Thank you ya nour el ein. You are most kind. I don’t deserve you.”


“Nonsense.” Valas said all the while thinking “No you don’t. You deserve so much better” He had no right to place her in such danger but he was selfish and couldn’t bear to let her go. “I fear I can not stay. I had a bad feeling and wanted to check on your well being but now I must go. I shall return when I can.”


Naadiyah offered him a melancholy smile. “I understand Qalbi. You’ll be missed until you do.”


“And I shall miss you until then as well my zahrat alsahra. Soon…”


She nodded her head and he was gone.


Once back in the temple he cast a clean orison on himself and hurried back to his room for fresh clothes. He made his way upstairs to the bar where Evony was waiting. She slid a plate of hot food in front of him and poured him some wine. “So…now that you’ve sorted yourself out…was it the goddess who summoned you?”


Valas nodded. “She had more truths to share with me. I’m fortunate for her many lessons. I’ll never forget this one.


“Is that so?” she asked with an unsettling almost knowing grin. “See that you don’t.” she said playfully though a hint of malevolence sparked in her eyes..


Valas rubbed his ribs. “Oh I won’t. Some lessons leave a mark. And you my lovely Evony Fleur D’Marquis have certainly left your mark on me.


“Good.” Evony grinned rather pleased with herself.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Dorym
