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The Dark Embrace

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Valas slid the poisoned dagger up his left sleeve fastening it to the wrist sheath he had purchased from the compound commissary. He peered at the hourglass sitting on his desk and thought, “I should be off.” His left hand glided deftly to the drow long blade at his side while his right found the comfort of his hand crossbow. “I’m not sure I trust this Charwyn but if he serves Zinzerena I could benefit from their training. Matron Freth seemed to approve.”

Valas exited his room securing his door behind him. Making his way down the hall he paused at the door to the room his brother Naris occupied. Softly tapping he waited until the door slowly opened. Naris motioned an invitation in with a head tilt and stood aside allowing Valas to pass. Valas looked around the room. It was appointed identically to his own save the few personal effects Naris introduced. His eyes caught sight of some black silk small clothes obviously not meant for his brother to wear. He grinned and said, “I can see you are resting. I just wanted to let you know I’m heading to the Dark Embrace. I was approached by a Charwyn Uhl’vyr who is offering me the training as taught by the assassins of Zinzerena. I don’t know this man and do not trust him.”

Naris frowned, “Then why go?”

“If he is true to his word then this could be the chance to learn from the most skilled assassins of our kind. I’ll check things out. If it holds true I’ll demand you be trained as well.”

“And if not?” Naris questioned.

“Then you’ll know who to kill with those soft hands of yours my brother.”

“Indeed.” He smiled, “No worries. I’ll wear gloves.” he joked. “But do be careful brother. We are new here and there is much we don’t know or understand yet.”

“I shall. Enjoy your … rest… as his eyes shifted toward the garments on the floor. Valas hugged his brother and left.

The compound always seemed busy and no one appeared to take notice that he was leaving. Zaiwure had taught them the commands to operate the lifts and quickly Valas found himself street level moving toward his destination. Narbondyl was a short time from its fall but Valas wanted to get to the Dark Embrace early and feel things out. His cloak hid his features and he was careful not to expose his armaments to the sight of passersby.

The Dark Embrace was alight with blackish purple faerie fire and its door had carvings in the wood. Upon close examination he could faintly make out the sigil of Zinzerena, a shortsword covered by a cloak hidden within the etchings and art ingrained in the wood. No one stood outside and hard as he tried he was unable to hear what was taking place behind the closed door. Valas approached and eased the door open quickly scanning the room. Three drow to my right at the bar., Two ahead talking to a barmaid. A single female sitting by herself almost hidden from sight in a dark corner to his left. As he moved into the room he saw Charwyn and another male drow talking at the far end of the bar deep in the room. Charwyn locked eyes with Valas and waved him over. Once Valas was within a few feet he turned toward the tavern keeper and said, “Spider wine for my friend.” The tavern keeper slid a goblet toward Valas and smiled. She was stunning. Drow are well renowned for their beauty but this woman made most of their kind seem ugly. Long white hair cascaded down her back and her eyes almost glowed a soft green. Her garb was revealing yet elegant.

“Ahem,” Charwyn coughed. Perhaps we could move to a table and talk without distraction. The two men led Valas to a secluded table hidden by curtain and tucked behind the stairwell leading to the lodgings above. “My Lord of Vandree. May I introduce Eldrar T’Sith. favored son of the Dark Mistress and master of the gift.”

Valas bowed slightly never taking his eyes from the men seated across from him.

Charwyn continued, “My Lord of Vandree, The Dark Mistress has eyed you for some time. It is her will that we bring you to her embrace and teach you the way of her gift. I understand you feel a debt is owed to Mistress Freth and that perhaps you might even have begun to feel some loyalty to her. I can assure you that you are here with her blessing. I too am a member of her company and the talents I have, that you will learn shall serve her well.”

“What’s the catch?” Valas asked evenly.

Eldrar T’sith replied, “The gift is not to be given for pleasure. We do so only by her will.”

“And coin?” Valas asked.

“Such tributes are appreciated by the goddess and the gift is shared for those that show her proper deference.” Eldrar responded. “What I offer you is the best training available to refine your talents.”

“And” Valas added skeptically.

“And in return, for a mere 10 gold per month you shall be granted membership into our guild providing you with many additional benefits including the Dark Mistress’s blessing to operate within and beyond the city sharing the gift.”

“Why do I want to belong to the guild? I have a company.” Valas answered dryly.

“Assassins who operate without the blessing of the Dark Mistress often find that they become the  recipient of the gift. We can not suffer such heresy to pass of course. As a member of the guild you will also have access to our market, all available training and leads on where the gift can be given, a most lucrative benefit.”

“I see.” said Valas softly. “I don’t take kindly to threats so here is my bargain. I shall offer a tribute of 100 gold in advance for the year to cover my membership and privileges. I take no orders but will consider all requests. I do not kill for pleasure but neither will I deny death to those who have wronged me or stand against myself and my family. Those who threaten or insult Matron Freth will meet with the same fate. These are the terms I offer if you seek add my talent to your collective.”

Charwyn remained silent as his master turned his head to the side slightly looking off to the distance. Valas could swear he heard the whisper of a woman’s voice in the air. “I accept this one as my own. He is mine now” Before Valas could say any more, Eldrar smiled. “We have an accord Valas Vandree. You begin training immediately. Charwyn will guide you. Eldrar stood to leave.

“My lord. You have sought me out and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn this new power but you are remiss if you think me deadliest of my family. My brother Naris is not only artistic when dealing death but the most ruthless villain I know. Your Mistress would do well to recruit him.”

“My Lord of Vandree,” he smiled, “Who says we haven’t?

Valas sipped his wine and thought, “This is going to be interesting.”


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The Dark Embrace was quiet today. Valas sat at the bar with a wine goblet. He tried not to stare but it was difficult to ignore the beautiful bar keep. He had been coming to the Embrace for two weeks. It was here he met the various trainers who guided him in the way of the ‘gift’. There was Miz’ri an older drow female who had instructed him in poison making. Jaezred who drilled him in combat. Bemril showed him not only how to disarm traps but also how to make them. Xarann tutored him in the arcane arts and then there was Talice. Pretty young Talice showed him how to end a life, “bestow the gift” in a single stroke. Of all his mentors it was she who unsettled him the most. Maybe it was her girl like innocence. Maybe it the efficiency with which she applied her craft. He wasn’t sure. What he was sure of was he enjoyed the time he got to spend at the bar talking to Evony the most. She seemed to know everyone. She smiled. A lot. Not the malicious grin of the priestesses he encountered in Menzoberranzan whose greatest joy derived from the torment of others. No, Evony seemed content with her life as a bar keep and enjoyed the patronage and interaction of her guests.


“Can I offer you another wine Valas.” She asked cheerfully. Her smile was more intoxicating than the drink.


“Please. I’m working with Talice today. That girl spooks me.”


Evony chuckled and refilled his glass. “No worries Valas, I’ll protect you.” She put the bottle down and mockingly flexed before snapping up a spoon pretending to stab the air with it.


Valas laughed. “I feel safer already.” And smiled. As Evony smiled back he said, “May I ask a personal question? Don’t mean to pry but I’m curious.”


“About?” She answered nonchalantly. Sipping her own wine goblet from behind the bar.


“You are obviously aware of the guild. I mean, we meet and train under your roof. Haven’t you ever desired instruction?”


Evony thought for a second before answering. “No. Can’t say that I have. I am skilled in the art of the spoon though, you know.” And she grabbed it again twirling it deftly between her fingers before slapping his knuckle with it.


“Ouch! I see your point.” he said rubbing the top of his hand.


“Besides. If anyone caused trouble here there would more “gifts” given than at a Matron Mother’s birthday party.”


“Indeed.”  Valas reached for his glass but found it missing. He turned in confusion only to discover that Talice had stepped against him. Leaning across him and over the bar she dropped a handful of silver with her right hand. Valas could feel the press of the dagger she held in her left under his arm. Another step and there would be one less Vandree.


“I believe that’s your cue to go Valas.”


Talice smirked maliciously, “Indeed.”


Valas carefully separated himself from his mentor and looked back toward the bar keep. “Farewell Evony. I enjoyed our chat.”


“As did I. Now off with you before I have to mop the floor of your blood.” Evony nodded toward Talice.


Talice winked and slid the dagger back from whence it came. “Come Valas” she said pressing into him again while tucking her arm around his. “Let’s see if you enjoy our chat.”


Terrible thoughts ran through his mind. “Yes. Let’s” he said trying to hide his uneasiness.


“You really need to be more aware of your surroundings….” Talice began as they walked through a doorway toward a stairway leading down to the wine cellar and the guild training hall.
