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The Dark Dagger

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This is a joint post between Naris and Dorym

“Is that so Charwyn?” Eldrar T’sith’s tone was one of disappointment. “Does he mean to insult the Dark Mistress with his demands. All must pay tribute that is not negotiable. And where does an apprentice dare to assume partnership. His invitation had been arranged at the request of Mistress Freth. You will convey to her my displeasure. Make it understood his pet is not welcome here either.”


“I understand my lord. Perhaps there has been a miscommunication. He means to come for training soon. We could deal with his discourtesy when he arrives. Or perhaps better yet, I will ask Mistress Freth to counsel him. I assure you the fault does not lie with her.” Charwyn replied. “His brother was bold as well.”.


“His brother seemed to understand the generosity we offer. Perhaps this Naris is not what we thought.” Eldrar did not hide his disappointment.


“Did his brother not bargain down the tribute and also refuse to be commanded?” Charwyn offered.


“Indeed. However, he paid in advance Charwyn. As transient as his family has been, our Mistress recognizes his willingness to do so as tribute itself. And he refused to be commanded by us…for now…out of loyalty to Mistress Freth. All that means is our desires shall be expressed through her.” Eldrar answered calmly.


“The Dark Mistress is truly wise.” Charwyn affirmed.


The following day Naris prepared for travel to the Dark Embrace. He carefully instructed Ziya in what behavior was expected of her and looked her over. Satisfied with his work he turned and opened the door. Zaiwure was standing in the doorway leaning against the jam. “Mistress Freth would like a word. She is in the library.” Zaiwure turned and proceeded down the hall. “Leave your plaything in your room with the rest of your property.”


Naris scowled but instructed Ziya to remain in the room and await his return.  As Naris headed to the library he thought of his general hatred towards drow women. He thought to himself that it would do himself best to mind his tongue as his current employer has been most generous to his family. He found Mistress Freth in the Library seated at a table with a large ledger and a goblet of wine.


“How do you fare Naris?” she politely asked not taking her eyes from the ledger.


“Very well, my Matron. Your generosity has been most gracious and is appreciated.”


“You are quite welcome. I see great things developing for this company and you and your brothers are to be a major part of what is to come.” She sipped her wine, eyes still focused on her ledger.


“It is our hope as well.” Naris answered.


“So I can assume it was not your intent to embarrass me before the Assassin’s Guild?” she asked placing her goblet down and finally looking up at Naris.


“Matron, I think there has been a misunderstanding. I merely made a business offer. I’m not sure why they would involve you.” Naris answered truthfully.


“It concerns me because I arranged the invitation.” Mistress Freth responded. “But if your intent is to decline their offer then I care little for what Eldrar T’sith thinks. His anger shall pass.”


Naris replied, “I was unaware that you arranged this meeting, to be truthful, this guild does not align with my agenda. Do I need permission to seek training independently Matron Freth?” Naris asked smugly.


“Mistress, Naris. I am no Matron Mother. I do not punish and lash minor transgressions. I have left that life behind.  Naris you are free to seek any training you like.”


“Understood Mistress Freth.”


Naris turned to leave and was once again met by Zaiwure at the door.


“Naris, one more thing, I must insist, your slave is to remain in your room when you are not accompanying her. “  Mistress Freth called from behind.


Naris felt a twitch in his neck and bit his tongue refraining from his typical sarcastic response.

“Understood Mistress, Ziya & I will be heading back to Freedom’s End soon to oversee my holdings. Should you have need of me, please have my brothers inform me.”


Zaiwure smiled at Naris, amused by his restraint “There are other sources for the training that you seek, you should have little difficulty finding one” Naris nodded in approval and made his way back to his room.


He spent the next few days collecting what information he could about the city and its denizens. During these conversations he became aware of a traveling courier who he believed was in town arranging the sale of surface drink. Naris made his way to the Dark Weavings Bazaar. The Bazaar is a crowded, noisy marketplace alive with curious visitors perusing market stalls as merchants try to sell all manner of things to anyone willing to part with their gold. He passed stalls constructed in stone stalagmite and others built in petrified mushroom. More still were built of wood or rock and mortar.


Naris walked and weaved through crowds of patrons on paths of crafted stone until he found the man, a drow some years older than himself negotiating with a storekeeper in the bazaar.  The man wore subdued clothing of finely woven silk. It was clear to Naris that although he cared for the finer things this man did not wish to garner attention. He bore the gear of a traveller, someone constantly on the move. The man had a messenger bag slung across his chest and moved gold and parchment in and out to complete his transaction. Naris carefully approached and asked, “Are you the courier they name Amryyr Yauntyrr?”


The drow eyed him suspiciously. “Who wants to know?”, his tone polite but cautious.


“I am Naris Vandree of House Vandree. And I have a business proposition I would like to discuss if you are Amryyr.”


“Vandree. I’ve heard tale of your House in Menzoberranzan and of exploits bold and experiments gone wrong. Your family often has business dealings with the surface. I can afford you the time to hear your offer.”


The two continued their conversation to a local tavern and sought the seclusion of a dark corner. Amryyr insisted it be heavily trafficked to make eavesdropping difficult due to the bustle and noise. “Naris Vandree. What is it you offer?”


“I would offer the information of the city and assistance in procuring buyers for your wares in advance of your arrival.”, said Naris.


“And what is my part in this bargain?” asked Amryyr curiously.


“I seek training in the art of silent death. I am told you possess such knowledge.”


“This could be arranged. My guild is loosely governed in comparison to the local faction. Our main strength is in Skullport but we have members traveling throughout the realm. I can give you what you ask and accept your terms.”


“It is agreed then.” Naris ordered another round of drinks as the two worked out the details of their accord.
