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The Box

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This post was written by Naris and occurs just after the raid on House Vandree


Naris sat in his office, looking over his ledger. He took a long drag off his pipe but his concentration was quickly broken by a knock at the door.


“Enter” Naris shouted, taking another puff off his pipe.  He watched as Madame Bea entered with a tray of freshly baked lemon cake & a pitcher of coffee.

“Good morning my lord.” she said with respect.


“Indeed it is, Bea these profits are quite impressive.” Nice to see that you are paying off as an investment. We will need to keep our morning meeting brief today.” at that Naris took a bite out of one of the lemon cakes. He spit it out immediately. “Bea what is this sludge,  this isn’t from Quevas’ Shop is it?”


“No my lord, Quevas is supposedly having distribution issues. The lemon cakes of his are becoming a global sensation. Our new dwarven cook, thought he could make them just as good. So here you have it.”   


“Bea this is inedible, you tell that little gerbil in the galley if he tries feeding me this garbage again i’ll remove his toe’s one by one.”


“Understood my lord.” she said with smirk. “What is it we have to discuss, today?”


“Something rather unpleasant I’m afraid.” Naris said grimly.  “I want to set you and your daughter up with an exit plan.”


“You’re getting rid of us?” she accused angrily. “ I thought you would be pleased with the results the inn has produced.”


“I am, relax and listen.” Naris cut her off. “I have some enemies out there from Menzoberranzan. There is no telling what they might do next. I want to have a plan in place for you both to get out of here should the inn get raided. I’m not looking to dump another pile of coins in Brother Cream’s coffers.”  Naris reached into his safe. “Here are some potions, the clear one will turn you invisible & the cloudy one will turn you into gas. There is two of each, share them with your daughter & use them should trouble arises. I want you both to flee back to Silverbrook, it is safe there again. The barbarians have placed it under their protection. With the coins you have made here, you will both be able to live comfortably until such time I can arrange your safe return.”


Naris is interrupted by another knock at the door.


“Master it’s Snot may I come in?” The goblin asked.


“Enter!” What do you want to Snot? You know I don’t like to be interrupted when im having my coffee with the Madam in the morning!”


“Yes master, but your friend Mr Yauntyrr is in the salon. He gave me a look like he wanted to speak with you my lord.”


“What kind of look Snot?” Naris replied sarcastically


“I’m not sure what kind of look it was Master,  I assumed he sought your audience.” Snot responded nervously as he began to shake.


“Relax Snot, please see to it that a few of the girls make sure ALL of  Mr Yauntyrr’s needs are tended to, I will be down shortly. The madam and I are wrapping things up.  After that Snot, I need you to go to the Dark Embrace.”


“Indeed my lord, which brother would you have me seek out?”


“Neither Snot, I wish an audience with Charwyn. Be as respectful as possible. I am not sure how welcome you will be, seeing as all of Rilauven knows you are my agent. Let him know I would personally like to thank him for his surprise participation in the raid on house Vandree.  Now leave us!”


Naris reached into his safe, removing a large stack of coins. Separating them into 2 equal pouches.


“Bea are we clear with my wishes?  If we get raided and if either or both of you get killed again. I will have your bodies raised just so I can kill you both myself.  That’s the only way our little fairytale ends together.”


Madam Bea walked out mumbling “Asshole” on her way out and slammed the door.


Narish snickers to himself, “I still got it.”


Naris strolled down the stairs with coffee in hand. He went directly to visit his friends table.       


”Ah Vandree you finally decided to join me.”


“Sorry my friend, I was struggling to find a sack large enough for all this gold.” Naris whispered.


The two laughed over a warm handshake.


“Amryyr how are things in Skullport?” “


“The masters are most pleased with our arrangement.”


Yea, about that. Here are the coins. I’d like to keep the intel operation in Menzoberranzan in place for a while.  There should be enough coin there to keep everyone’s appetite wet for a little while. Make sure you take care of the old man. He is especially useful.”


“Naris the masters want me to introduce you to a lowerdark boss named “The Kahn.”  He apparently has a pretty impressive opium production operation setup. I despise traveling to the lowerdark myself, but this Kahn could supply you with some interesting supplement options for your business. The masters would be most pleased if you would take the trip to meet with him.”


“The lowerdark?, I have never been there. The masters have been most supportive of my enterprise though.” he smiled. “The least I can do is take a meeting. However I will need some time, I have just returned from my excursion & have a long list of unpleasant items to address.”  


“Understood Vandree, let me know when your ready. I will arrange safe travel.”


Naris begins to walk away from the table, he looks over at the table “Amryyr, one more thing.  Be careful in here. These women are absolute savages when it comes to men with coin on them.”


Both men laugh, as Naris heads back up to his office.


Snot returns shortly thereafter. “Master; Charwyn has agreed to accept your gratitude personally at the Dark Embrace. He said you should come visit this evening.” Snot said cautiously.


“Snot what is it?”  Mr. Charwyn was quite surprised that you were planning on making a visit, I fear you may not be received with open arms.”


“Nonsense Snot, I am local celebrity in Rilauven. I own the top spot in town.  They will be most excited to have me at their slum bar!” Naris exclaimed


“Of course master, as you say.” Snot humbly responded


Naris made his way to the Dark Embrace later that evening, He brought a fine bottle of Cormyrish wine from his private cellar.


Upon entering the tavern, he found the furnishing of the speakeasy quite pleasant. It brought his initial thoughts back to his first establishment in Freedom’s End, that had a more simple design esthetic. He strolled over to the empty bar where he immediately felt like the entire room was staring at him.  He sat on a stool with his back towards the counter so he could scan the room. From behind he could hear a door open and footsteps approaching.


“What can I get you?” a woman’s voice asked.


Naris spun around in the stool coming face to face with the barmaid. “I would love a glass of your finest wine.” Naris responded


Evony was surprised to see Valas’ brother here, with his stupid haircut & devilish grin. She held back her distaste for him on the surface and produced a warm yet somewhat fake smile.


“I have just the thing for you.” She grinned and leaned in. “I know who you are. I’ve heard you own an inn in town.  I have a rare bottle from far away lands and it would be my pleasure to share it with a connoisseur such as yourself.“ she offered in overly pleasant tone.


Evony reached into the bottom cabinet behind the bar and pulled out a very old & dusty bottle. She removed the cork then grabbed a crystal goblet that she quickly polished. She poured Naris a generous glass. Passing it forward with a smile.


“Won’t you be joining me for a glass?” Naris inquired


“The thugs in this place would clean me out if I dont keep my wits about.” She explained.


“Very well, thank you for the generous offering.” Naris said graciously


Naris swirled the wine in the goblet to activate the aroma and took a large sip. It tasted like a cross between warm piss & fiery vinegar. Evony could barely contain the laughter that was brewing inside. She watched with great enjoyment as Naris made miserable awkward faces as the warm liquid burned his throat


“I think the wine may have turned my lady.” Naris said politely


“Nonsense, Just let it open up a bit.  Perhaps it is beyond your palate. It’s more likely you have never had something so rare. The grapes come from the Moonshae Isles and are only harvested by the local druids under first blood moon of the lunar calendar.” The laughter roared inside her as tone turned smug.


Naris did not appreciate being spoken down to and his own demeanour stiffened He pushed the glass off to the side. “Anyway here is how it is, I’m here to talk about Valas.” She moved closer towards him & they were staring face to face.


“Go on.” she responded with some edge in her voice.


“I understand the two of you have been spending time together. Of all my brothers Valas is the most kind, generous & reasonable. He is the voice of reason when the brothers have; should we say differences of opinion.”


“Well that is evident!” She responded aggressively.


Naris’ eyes narrowed, “Should you disappoint or displeasure him in any manner our next meeting will not be a social call.”


Evony glared at him. “Consider yourself lucky that I favor him so…Otherwise I might consider your amusing offer. I fear he’d be saddened by your loss.”.


At that the two were abruptly interrupted by Charwyn. He smelled of cheap cologne and wine breath.


“At last the prodigal Vandree has arrived!” he announced with style. “You are a bit late to start your training though.” he grinned as he approached. “Your slime creature said you wanted a word.” he said more discreetly.


Naris snickered & turned his attention to Charwyn. “Here is a gift for you friend.” As he presented Charwyn with the bottle of Cormyrish wine. “Perhaps we can go somewhere a bit more private.”


“Indeed, please come to my table, and thank you for the most generous gift.  You know.” He paused, “you could have just sent over a dozen or so girls if you really wanted to thank me for my assistance during the raid on House Vandree.” The talent here is bit cold.”


He looked back to the bar where Evony was staring at the two of them with an icy expression.


He continued.”A visit in person is most unnecessary.” He was smiling wide. “So girls will be coming yes?” Charwyn boasted. as the men walked to a private table


“Of course that can be arranged Charwyn.”   Naris responded


As they sat Charwyn said quietly, “No, Naris Vandree is here on business. I can tell, you have that look in your eyes now. That same look you have after you’ve just slaughtered a victim.”


Naris Smirked, “Perhaps you are correct.  Someone has taken something from me. I need someone that possesses the skills of a cat burglar. I would like to retrieve what is mine.  Do you have someone for hire that could help me? Naris requested.


“Why not ask Valas to help?”  Charwyn asked. “His skill set fits your needs perfectly.”


“Sometimes you have to answer too many questions when family is involved. I don’t think he needs to be involved in all my extracurricular activities.  The contents I seek are in a very large box. I would be accompanying your agent to provide security & confirm the contents of this box that I seek. Do you think you can help me?” Naris asked


Charwyn glanced over to the bar where Eldrar T’sith had taken a seat in his usual spot. The guildmaster was talking to Evony who was obviously not paying him any attention as she continued to stare at them. “Indeed” the assassin answered. “I know someone…”
