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Originally posted by Bronze

“A Shardbearer?”


Nazmyr stopped in his tracks. He thought he was alone in the hallway and the question was obviously meant for him.  He turned to find Zaiwure leaning against the wall fondling the tip of her tail.


“Pardon?” was all Nazmyr managed to say.


“Did I hear correctly? Did I hear Mistress Freth call you a Shardbearer?” Zaiwure said still fondling her tail.


“You did.”Nazmyr said in the affirmative.


Zaiwure took a step towards Nazmy. Her ebony horns caught the violet light of the faerie fire illuminating the hallway enhancing her otherworldly beauty. “To be given the right to possess a Shardblade is a great honor and will most definitely set you apart from the others of the Compound. Is the honor yours alone or have your brothers earned the right as well?”


Nazmyr entertained the question but had a feeling she already knew the answer. “Each of us has been gifted ownership of a Shardblade; a reward for destroying the marilith Yxunomei and recovering the Heartstone Gem.”


Zaiwure continued to slowly advance on Nazmyr. “Destroying a marilith is no small task. The Lords of Vandree have impressed me.”Zaiwure gave Nazmyr a look of approval and then shifted her gaze. “May I?” she said referencing Nazmyr’s Shardblade.


Nazmyr drew his Shardblade from its scabbard and presented it to Zaiwure for inspection.


Zaiwure marveled at the beauty of the opalescent light glimmering within the shadowy crystal blade. She reached for the blade and grasped the black bone pommel. The glimmering light dwindled and the blade became dull and lifeless at her touch. Zaiwure smirked. “It appears the blade is attuned to you. Marvelous!” she said in admiration.


Zaiwure handed the Shardblade back to its rightful owner. “May it serve you well…Shardbearer.” She said with a smile and slowly sashayed away.


Nazmyr deftly slid the blade back into its scabbard. Pondering Zaiwure’s parting words he chuckled to himself.  “Shardbearer. It’s better than worm.”
