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Quevas and Naris

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This is a joint post between Scruffy and Naris

Searching for his brother Quevas, Naris made his way to the personal library of Caelcoth Hyluan, the House Wizard of the Compound. The door was left open so he invited himself in. Slowly and cautiously, he entered, making his way through the shadows.  The sound of a crackling fire and the soft warm glow of burning embers guided him to the rear of the large library.


The ornate binding of a book caught Naris’ attention and he stopped to examine it. He was about to pull the dusty tome from its resting place when he heard “Brother I wouldn’t open that book unless you care to sleep through the upcoming war.”


Naris, not easily caught off guard was angry at himself for being so careless. He let the book rest and stood up straight from his crouched position. He gave the book a second glance and then continued in the direction of Quevas’ voice.


Naris found Quevas leaning over a large hammer beaten brass bowl. His fingers traced arcane symbols in the smoke made by the burning coals within. Quevas spoke but did not divert his gaze from the mystical flames.


“Before you ask, it was not me that heard you but my friend Tkoodlevunch. He has been watching you since before you entered my master’s library.”


“What in the Nine Hells is a Toodle Munch?!” Naris said as his patience began to wear thin.


“Tkoodlevunch,” Quevas corrected, “is Master Hyluan’s fire mephit associate. He is teaching me Ignan, the language of the fire elementals.”


Naris watched as a small winged impish creature wreathed in flame peered at him from behind an onyx pillar.


I believe introductions are in order said Quevas. “Tkoodlevunch this is my brother Naris. Naris this is Tkoodlevunch.”


Naris made a small hand gesture greeting the mephit.


The miniature devil sneered at Naris and returned Naris’ greeting with a rude hand jester. “Pop crack tink tink crackle pip” Tkoodlevunch said in his native tongue before quickly disappearing into the library.


Quevas snickered “Tkoodlevunch said he hates your sneaking kind and would like to see you all burn.”


“Quevas I suggest you make your small friend stay away before I feed him to Snot.” Naris said as his anger began to well up.


Quevas made a gesture offering Naris a seat. “Sit brother, before you are tempted to waste your time trying to find, let alone catch him in his home.” 


Naris reluctantly sat down. Quevas retrieved an ornate amber bottle from a nearby shelf and poured some of the contents into two crystalline glasses. He then offered one of the glasses to Naris.  Naris accepted the glass and peered in to view the contents. Viewing the pearlescent elixir made Naris uneasy. “Fear not brother.”Quevas said as he drank deep from his own glass. “This wine was fermented in the City of Brass. I’m quite sure you will find it to your liking.”


Trusting his brother, Naris took a sip. The wine had a smoky flavor with a strong spicy finish. Naris nodded in approval and took another sip.


“So, what brings you to my place of study Naris” Quevas said as he found his own seat.


“I am interested in your sword; the one Mistress Freth recently gifted us.”


Surprised by his brother’s candor, Quevas replied “Why would I give such a great gift away?” 


Naris, already prepared, eloquently replied, “Well brother your skills in the arcane are quickly growing, and at the pace you are setting, I believe that such a magnificent weapon would be wasted in your scabbard.”


Quevas took another sip from his crystalline glass and pondered Naris’ words for a few moments.  “I must admit Naris you make a valid point.  Should I ever find myself in such a dire situation that requires a sword, it would behoove me to have someone of your skill to protect me; fighting with both weapons not just one.”  An annoyed look suddenly appeared on Quevas’s face “Yes…you are the magnificent one, single handedly slaying all of our foes; and I… I just merely incinerate the remains.”


Naris looked bewildered at that last remark.  


Quevas laughed “I jest brother! I know that’s not what you meant and I believe that we may come to an accord. Keep in mind, I will not be giving you my Shardblade, but merely loaning it to you until we can reach some sort of agreeable payment between us.” 


Naris seemed pleased with the terms. “We have an accord.”


The two brothers lifted their crystalline glasses and toasted their agreement. Quevas set his glass down and slowly removed his Shardblade from the scabbard.  As he handed it to Naris the two brothers observed the opalescent light glimmering within the shadowy crystal blade mixed with the firelight from the brazier and created a spectacular display. Naris reached for the blade and grasped the black bone pommel. The glimmering light dwindled and the blade became dull and lifeless at his touch.


Naris grimaced.  Quevas stared at the weapon in bewilderment. Naris handed the Shardblade back to Quevas, within seconds it began to glow fiercely again.  The brothers repeated this motion several times, looking at each other puzzled.


“It appears the blade is attuned to you.” Naris said annoyed.


Quevas stared at the weapon in bewilderment. “I guess Mistress Freth didn’t want these fine weapons to ever be used against us.  There must be some sort of dweomer cast upon them that binds them to each of us.” Quevas returned the Shardblade to its scabbard.   “Sorry brother it seems that this accord has been foiled by powers beyond our control. I promise that during our future excursions I will assist you in garnering another weapon for your skill set.” 


Quevas retrieves his glass and drains the remaining contents. He refills his glass and offers to do the same for Naris.


Naris politely declines. His mood somewhat soured.


Quevas sets the bottle down. “Brother, I have something else I would like to discuss with you.”


“I’m listening.” Naris said.


“This war we go to fight in worries me.  The enormity of the expedition makes me wonder what might happen if we were to cross paths with houses from Menzoberranzan; perhaps one aligned against us. I would ask  that should you cross paths with our enemies in the weeks to come, you tell all of us before attempting revenge.  I say this not to insult you; but you have been brash in the past. I would hate to lose you to such behavior.” 


“I shall consider your words but I make no promises.” Naris drained his glass and rose from his seat. “Thank you brother, I must take my leave. I have other matters that require my attention.”


Quevas watched as his brother left Master Hyluan’s library. Tkoodlevunch wasted no time in slamming the door behind Naris but not before giving him a few rude jesters behind his back.


Quevas smiled. He and Naris had a very complex relationship. They certainly weren’t the closest of brothers but they had a mutual respect for each other that could not be overlooked.  They very much enjoy mocking one another and trying to one up each other through practical jokes and harmless pranks.




Quevas wandered amid the stalls of the fabled Dark Weavings Bazaar. Following the scent of Lemon cake wafting through the air, Quevas found his bakery. He was pleased to see that operations were running smoothly. Lalym Shaerl was hard at work fulfilling the orders of awaiting customers and keeping the two goblinoid slaves Quevas purchased in line. Happy to be out of the slave pens and not wishing to return; the two goblinoid slaves obediently followed direction.  Upon seeing Quevas, Lalym nodded in respect.


“Carry on.” said Quevas.


As Lalym went back to work, Quevas began to sample the different cakes that were made and was quite pleased.


“Lalym!” Quevas called.


Lalym came rushing over. “Yes My Lord?”


“I would have a word with you in private.” Quevas said. “Follow me.”


As Quevas and Lalym disappeared into the back office an audible moan of displeasure arose from the customers knowing the absence of Lalym will cost them more time.


“Have I done something wrong My Lord?” Lalym asked nervously.


Quevas sat down and motioned Lalym to do the same. Once Lalym sat, Quevas spoke. “Quite the contrary you have done excellent work. How are the goblins working out?”


“They obey but it can be difficult at times.” Lalym said meekly.


“You have done extremely well for me and being the benevolent lord that I am I will reward you. In a few weeks time I will allow you and your family to return to the surface.” Quevas said


Lalym was confused. “My Lord…you took my family away from me months ago.”


“Sedros, Massim, and… Purk. Does that sound about right?”


Before Lalym could answer Quevas continued. “Purk was your mate and Sedros and Massim; your children? I have made arrangements. They are to become my property. I will be leaving for the surface shortly. When I return you shall be reunited with your family and we shall begin our journey to return you to the surface.”


Lalym could hardly believe what she was hearing and she wiped her eyes as tears of joy began to form.


“In the meantime make sure that the store is run efficiently.  I have acquired more goblins for you to train. Make sure they perform as well as the other two. The cakes that you have created are delicious but, I would like to see more of these Kokies and pizz.”


Lalym smiled “Cookies and pies My Lord.”


Quevas was not offended and answered “Yes those.”
