Quevas after Oenkma…
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Quevas after Oenkmar

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Written by Quevas and posted by Dorym

Shortly after House Freth’s fall Part 1


Quevas struggled with the fall of House Freth. He walked around the remnants of the compound often rubbing the fire red ring he wore. Looking around he watched as the drow footmen and workers labored in clearing the debris. The new compound that Zaiwure had purchased to replace the old was located in an adjacent district some distance away. Quevas still rubbing the ring thought he would never miss a female drow but Freth was different. Not condescending, cruel, or unfair. She treated each of the Vandrees in a fair and respectful manner whether they deserved it or not. Looking at the ring, he knew this was the final connection he would have with someone who probably represented what drow society could become. Instead he was surrounded by petty, selfish, arrogant, often posturing individuals.  Unfortunately his brothers could on occasion be counted among that group. There would be a time soon when Menzoberran will pay. His brothers were planning a retaliation in the near future. Something Quevas was thinking would lead to a bigger problem for certain Houses in Menzoberrazan. Patience was the key to Quevas’s revenge.


Quevas walked into his store in Rilauven. He was still amazed at how there was always a line to get in and purchase his cakes and pastries. He was forced to hire four very large minotaurs to maintain control outside the store. They would only allow a few customers in at a time and keep the flow moving. He gave them specific orders to not hurt the customers unless damage was about to be done directly to the store. Quevas inspected the front and greeted a few repeat customers before entering the rear. He inspected the iron gates he had purchased. Goblins ran to and from clearing goods as fast as they came through. When the few lists came through requesting goods, they scurried along to ensure that they were sent back as fast. Quevas  nodded in approval, continued, and climbed the stairs which led to his room. He entered his room and sat in an idle state going through some of the potions he had collected from that filthy orc potion shop back in Oenkmar. How his brother Ishtoshin could so easily play and cavort with such disgusting creatures was beyond him. Then the thought of a possible half orc/half drow child one day popped into his head. A shiver of shock and disgust ran down his spine at the thought and of how it would be conceived. That potential abomination might just have to be burned and given to Nanill for sacrifice. That thought brought a small smirk back to Quevas’s face and with a shake of his head to clear those disturbing thoughts he began looking over his gains.


“These potions are quite intriguing.” He thought to himself  “These disgusting creatures might yet have a helpful purpose.”


Quevas walked across the hall to the alchemy setup that was part of his home here and began to study the potions. After several days of some success but mostly failure, he succeeded in replicating the potions. He was thankful he purchased as many as he did otherwise this may never have worked. Quevas spent the next several days thinking of the business model he was considering and how these new potions could add to its success. After a few days of deliberation, Quevas decided to travel to the City of Brass and meet his brother Nazmyr.


After venturing out of the city gate for Rilauven and travelling a ways he reached inside his cloak and withdrew one of several scrolls he recently purchased. He unfurled the parchment, rhythmically spoke the chant written upon it, and slowly faded from view. Moments later he materialized just outside the Kubri’ al Azim, also known as the Obsidian Bridge. He shook his head at the wait required to enter the City of Brass.  Luckily he arrived a week early for his meeting in preparation for this. Quevas had traveled to the City of Brass several times in the past in search of alchemical and magical component vendors which would be willing to work wholesale with him. During these trips Quevas had met a local efreet merchant named Kesa. Kesa, willing to agree to a long-term arrangement, and was quite helpful in educating Quevas on some of the local etiquette and means of transport.  One such transport being the Tusker sedan at the Obsidian Bridge. The Tusk Lords are towering intelligent elephants from a time long past. Quevas marveled at these creatures when he first encountered them. Now they were just an end to a means. He walked over to a Tusk Lord master and payed for a ride. While they travelled the line toward the front of the bridge the Tusk Lord chanted in an unknown language with its deep voice, which in all honesty made for a calming ride. Kesa told Quevas of a rumor that tells that if one were to offer a whale song to such a creature it would grant them one wish. Quevas was intrigued by this rumor and decided that he would study this one day. But first, he would need to learn what a whale is?


Quevas enjoyed the next two days ride.  He watched the visitors and denizens waiting in line under the hot sky. He marveled at his exquisite hathi howdah carried by the enslaved creature and the others around him with their passengers who traveled and dined in comfort. He recalled his first trip here and how naïve he was of this wondrous place.


While enjoying his creature watch as if visiting the zoo, a small flying carpet flew past.  He watched it as the riders bombed the visitors in line. He shook his head “How naïve indeed.”


After looking around he cast a small firebolt which he shot out at the carpet on its next pass. He chuckled to himself as the bottom corner of that carpet caught fire. Within moments its passengers were scrambling to put out the flames before realizing it was too late. That carpet had made its last run and it crash landed on the bridge. The riders made a last-minute leap before the crash scampering about to put their own clothes out.  They lept about like those strange insects Quevas had seen in the Hosuth swamp. The line of visitors suddenly cheered, a few travelers actually gave up their spot-on line to give chase. Quevas smiled to himself and finished his ruby port wine.


Later that day Quevas reached the Bab Al Baquarra, also known as The Great Gatehouse.  He awed at the size and elegance of the living brass gatehouse. Quevas became distracted as the porter began to attach a ladder to his Tusker. Quevas waved off the porter and simply stepped off, gently levitating to the ground below.

He walked forward and entered his assigned spot in line for his inspection by the Efretti guards.  He quickly checked himself to ensure he did not repeat the mistake he made on his first visit; a habit which was becoming routine on these trips. A few minutes later he produced his Official Writ of Passage and was through the gate and on his way to the Sultan’s Boulevard.  He would have to thank Kesa again soon and increase his payments.


Kesa was the one that explained to him the importance of a Writ of Passage.  Quevas spent his first couple return trips having to bribe the gatehouse guards for entrance.  This could eventually become troublesome. During those trips he met and struck a very lucrative deal with Kesa who owns and operates a store in the city.  Kesa seemed to have a large supply of the alchemical and magical ingredients Quevas was looking to purchase and resell on the Prime. The deal was quite simple.  A list of needed components would be delivered to Kesa with partial payment. Whereas Kesa would have his people bring the items to a location in the Bazaar of Beggars, a soon to be storefront belonging to Quevas. Here a final payment would be made upon delivery.  During a later run of this agreement the two had met and shared a hookah at Kesa’s store, to which Quevas introduced Kesa to his lemon cake. Kesa thanked Quevas for the delicious cake and especially the repeat business as it has boosted his store 3-fold. During their discussion Quevas mentioned that bribing the gate guards was quite troublesome and that there must be a better way.


Kesa pondered the comment for a minute before stating “I can help you, but it will cost you.”


“Please continue Kesa.”


“I have a relative who is a Bey, Bey Nayef Bin Abdulaz to be exact.  I can arrange a meeting, but you would have to convince him to grant the writ. My relationship goes only so far unfortunately.”


“I fully understand Kesa, family is such a problem sometimes.  If it were only easier to deal with them.”


Both men shared a laugh.


Quevas approached the address in the upper city that Kesa had given him.  Fearing a possible ambush, he had prepared himself earlier. He knocked on the front door of a small looking abode.  The door opened and he was greeted by a male fire genasi. Quevas had seen enough of the City of Brass to know that this creature was enslaved.


The genasi bowed and said “Quevas Vandree I presume?”   


Quevas nodded and entered with the genasi’s hand gesture. He looked around at this excellent home and realized that it was bigger on the inside than it appeared outside. There was definitely strong magic in use here for such an extravagant dimensional space. Quevas was ushered up to a table and bid to sit while the genasi notified the Bey. Two guards, both salamanders in fine armor entered the room positioning themselves on either side of the door. Moments later a very portly and regal efreet entered. Quevas stood to greet the host and sat after the Bey did.


“So, I hear you are looking for a writ of passage within our city Quevas?”


Quevas coughed on his drink “My apologies Bey Nayef Bin Abdulaz, I expected more idol talk before business. You are a person who is direct and to the point and I respect that very much and yes.” Quevas followed with a bow of his head.


“You intrigue me Quevas.”


“How so my lord?”


“I see a drow, but I sense a creature of natural and honest fire before me.”


“I am honored at such a statement Bey.  I have been studying the art of fire for quite some time and become very attuned with it and its denizens.  One of the reasons I investigated doing business here in the great efreet City of Brass. I have come to enjoy my time here more than the Prime. I feel more at home with the fire and heat and can see why the Sultan is so worshipped.”


Bey Nayef Bin Abdulaz nodded approvingly “Kesa has told me much about you but not all.  I see now that there is more to you Quevas and I would like to explore that. I shall grant you your writ of passage but should you ever betray that which I am granting you or harm my dim-witted nephew the price shall be high.”


Bey Nayef Bin Abdulaz clapped his hands and several serving girls appeared.  Trays and trays of food were placed on the table along with some of the best beverages Quevas had tasted.


“Business is done and now we feast Quevas!”


Quevas walked along the boulevard before raising up and flying above the crowd.  Today seemed to be abnormally busy. Some of the wretches that walked along this boulevard knew nothing about bathing.  It smelled almost as bad as Alaketh after removing his plate or worse sometimes it smelled like Ishtoshin joining the group from time spent with those orcs.  That smell was near impossible to remove from your nostrils.


“How can someone allow that stink on them?” Quevas thought to himself.


A shop bearing the name Azra bint Zarif’s Jewels caught his eye.  Quevas remembered Kesa had told him that the rings were exquisite here.  Quevas entered the store and was awestruck by the rings within the display case.  They were made from some sort of stone, a dark reddish material marbled with faint, light-green veins.  Upon speaking with the shop keep he learned it was called zuristone. It could only be found in obscure locations on the Fire Plane itself or within the Sea of Fire.  He also learned that the material itself was immune to fire. Quevas quickly and without haggle purchased 2 rings. He looked forward to enchanting these.

Quevas made his way through the areas of the city leading to Nazmyr’s tower.  As he traveled through the Middle City’s Sila Market he came upon a slave auction.  Quevas stopped and watched with intrigue as the auctioneer gave tantalizing descriptions of each slave brought up to the auction block. This was followed by bid catchers aggressively working the auction-floor encouraging bids and conveying them to the auctioneer. After a time Quevas shifted his attention from the auction to the facility in which the slaves were stored. It was a black twisted tower, not unlike the tower Nazmyr fancied in Freedom’s End. The difference being this tower was crafted of obsidian and not as grand. Quevas noted that the tower doors bore the insignia of the Twisted Tower Trading Company and realized this was in fact an auction belonging to Nazmyr himself.  He continued to watch apathetically as slaves of various races were brought up to the auction block and bid upon, that was until a female fire genasi caught his eye. She was still in line and not yet showcased. Quevas suddenly stood straighter and became intrigued by this exquisite creature. He quickly weaved his way through the crowd to the auction clerk’s desk.


“I wish to purchase the female genasi there, now!” Quevas demanded.


The clerk initially ignored Quevas and only looked up from his ledger after he felt Quevas leering at him.


“Go to the front of the stage and bid if you wish to have her.”  He said dismissively.


Quevas smirked, “I don’t believe you know who I am.”


“Begone scum before I have my guards flay you alive!” came the clerk’s quick reply as three hulking brutes stepped forward to reinforce the threat.


Quevas raised a hand showing he was leaving.


“I guess Quevas Vandree will have to speak to his brother Nazmyr Vandree about these matters. Quevas said as he walked away.


Quevas’ words caused a chill to run up the clerk’s spine and he felt the blood drain from his face. He quickly ordered the brutes to fetch the genasi. After doing so he hastily ran after Quevas.


“Apologies my lord! I didn’t see it was a Vandree before me!”


Quevas stopped, abruptly turned and slapped the clerk across the face, knocking him over onto the dusty road.


“It is I who should have your guards flay you scum! But I will leave that up to my brother. I expect her cleaned and delivered to my brother’s tower before the day is done. I will discuss her sale with him directly. If she so much as has a single hair out of place…” Quevas ended the statement by lighting his hand in flame.


The clerk cowered in fear knowing the threat was real.


Pleased with himself, Quevas smiled and walked away.


Quevas soon stood at the entrance to the Alabaster Tower. He gazed at the cast iron door and whispered esoteric words.  The faint green runes etched onto the door began to glow and the door opened. As he entered the tower Quevas was challenged by a centurion with draconic features. The centurion immediately recognized Quevas and stepped aside allowing him passage.


“Inform Nazmyr of my arrival.” Quevas instructed. “I will be in my room and I do not wish to be disturbed under any circumstance.”


The centurion growled in acknowledgment.


Quevas entered his room and closed the door behind him. He sat in a high-back desk chair and pulled the strange black globe that he acquired in Oenkmar from his pouch and placed it on the desk. He sat there admiring and studying it. It must have been 3 or 4 days Quevas just sat there studying his globe when a sudden knock at the door broke his concentration.


“I said no interruptions!” Quevas snapped.


My lord, Massster Nasssmyr awaitsss you.”  Hissed the centurion.


“Inform him I will join him shortly.”


Quevas suddenly realized he hadn’t moved in days. Refusing to smell like Alaketh and Ishtoshin in his brother’s presence he quickly washed up before joining Nazmyr in the lounge. Nazmyr greeted Quevas and offered him a drink before the two sat. Quevas accepted the offer and it wasn’t long before a servant appeared with refreshments. Quevas accepted the crystal goblet and sampled the fine port within.


“I see that you have cleaned the place up brother.” Started Quevas.


“Thank you for noticing. Renovating this place is no small task. But you did not come here to discuss interior design did you?”


Quevas smiled “I wish to discuss a couple of things with you; one of which being my accommodations in the tower and how I may better utilize them.”


Nazmyr held his hand up stopping Quevas.


“Quevas, I need to withdraw from my prior arrangement with you regarding your room here.  Things have come up and I require the entire tower.”


Quevas’ annoyance was clear to Nazmyr.


Nazmyr continued “Before becoming irate with me brother hear me out.  As compensation for your room, I have a prime location in the Bazaar which I shall personally help you set up. In addition, I wish to give you my recently acquired fire giant who you can use to assist you in your endeavors.


Quevas sipped the superb port “I would say Nazmyr that is a reasonable trade with one condition though. This brings me to my second issue.  A few days ago I had to deal with one of your slave traders. I happened upon one of your auctions and wished to acquire a female genasi in your current inventory. Your slave trader, the arrogant shit that he is, told me he would have his guards flay me if I didn’t obey his trade rules.” Quevas continued with a smirk “This was obviously before he realized who he was speaking with.  The only reason he lives is that I wish you to deal with yours. Far be it for me to ruin your day’s sales by turning your head slaver to ash; thereby leaving three hulking, ignorant brutes to finish your auction. Anyway, I digress. I would like you to give me a fair price for your female genasi as I had the slaver bring her here to hold. Her fair price along with your offer would be acceptable.”


“I apologize for the poor treatment you received brother. I shall deal with the transgressor personally. As for your terms, I accept.

Quevas raised his goblet in approval “A bargain is struck, now brother about you building my store.”

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 219
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Written by Quevas and posted by Dorym


Part 2

Quevas admired his new storefront and the fine work that Nazmyr had done manipulating stone with his arcane training. He thought to himself it was probably because the pompous ass had a stone where his brain should be.


“If only he could see that in his own mirrors.” He said to himself aloud.


Quevas shrugged, he still was his brother no matter how thick or solid that stone was.


The structure Nazmyr and Quevas built in the Bazaar of Beggars was a much larger and substantial structure than the one Quevas had purchased in Rilauven. His store here was a prime spot as the line leading to the Obsidian Bridge passed right in front. It appeared the previous owner had forgotten to pay his taxes in a timely manner and Quevas was in the right place at the right time. The past owner never did find out what happened to this tax runner. He was last seen being dragged away by the Bazaar’s enforcers.


Quevas thought to himself and smirked. “Doesn’t matter, he is probably in one of Nazmyr’s auctions wearing a collar.”


Quevas entered his new storefront and enjoyed the fact that his newly acquired fire genasi, Nuraya Shaleh, was selling his pastries by the dozen to the droves of people in line. He had created the front to be visually appealing and mouthwatering. Add the lovely genasi hand delivering the pastries and the masses payed. The fire giant stood watch to ensure that none touched this beauty. His size and look swayed all from that thought.


“I will need to discuss with Nazmyr about acquiring more slaves to assist with my operation.” He thought to himself.


Currently the store was only open for a few hours each day before running out of pastries. As with all buildings in the City of Brass. Quevas’ new store was over-sized to accommodate the denizens of the city. Quevas was sure to have a room added to the rear of the store to accommodate the fire giant. This room also provided a view of the inside of the store to ensure continued security as well. The upstairs contained four rooms. A very large comfortable room for Quevas and across the way a room for Nuraya. The two remaining rooms were for future guests. The basement housed room for storage and other slave labor.

At the end of the business day Quevas knocked on Nuraya’s door and awaited a response. He knocked a second time before hearing “Come in.” in Ignan.


Nuraya was surprised to see Quevas when he entered.


“What’s wrong?” said  Quevas.


Nuraya humbly lowered her head before responding “I have never known a master to knock and wait before entering. Usually they enter, and take.”


Quevas approached Nuraya not saying a word. Nuraya began to assume a very sexual position on her bed. Quevas simply pulled up a chair and sat opposite her.


“Those days are over. I purchased you for two reasons. First, your beauty will greatly improve sales and attract more customers to my store. Second, a sparkling creature of fire such as yourself should never have been enslaved.”


Nuraya sat up “Does that mean you are releasing me?”


Quevas straightened in his chair “Sorry, no. As I said I purchased you to improve my store sales first.  I plan on putting you in charge of this store and eventually teaching you how to craft magical items for purposes of sale.”


Nuraya appeared deflated.


Quevas added “That doesn’t mean you will never be free. Honestly, I believe you will see working for me will give you a life better than the one you’ve had; probably better than you ever had, even freed. One thing is for certain, that which you automatically did upon my entering your room will never be done unwillingly again. If I were to ever accept your offer it will be because you truly and willingly give it.”


Quevas leaned forward lighting his hand aflame. He stared into the fire with absolute solace and bid Nuraya closer. Nuraya looked worried but dared to venture closer and stare at the flame.


“In here dear I find peace and when I first saw your eyes at the auction, I saw the same.  I hope I was not mistaken about your personal character.”


Quevas suddenly stood startling Nuraya and causing her to fall backwards onto the bed.


“I have showed you what brings me peace and pleasure. What decor may I acquire to furnish your room with, that may bring you such calm?”


Nuraya stared bewildered for a moment “You are asking me what I desire? Really?”


Quevas tilted his head sideways, sighed and began to walk out.  


Nuraya suddenly stood up “I liked to paint once! I love music too. It helped me create my art, but that was long ago.”


Quevas turned smiling and said “Then you shall have it. But I have one condition. That burned out flame I saw in your eyes moments ago must never return.”


Quevas reached into his belt and withdrew a coin purse of brass pieces motioning it toward Nuraya. “Go now through the Bazaar and purchase clothing and items you require to live here above the store. Get the music you love but leave the artwork and supplies to me. Also, please see that the fire giant is well fed and treated. He will be your protector when I am not here.”  


Nuraya, with a small spring in her step, grabbed the purse and ran out the door.


Quevas stood shaking his head. “I wonder if I have made a mistake allowing her to leave alone and with my coin so soon after her acquisition.” He thought to himself.


That notion quickly vanished when Nuraya returned a moment later bowing her head.


“I’m sorry, in my excitement I forgot to thank you.”


Quevas returned the bow and smiled as he watched her bound back out the door.


Quevas strolled through the Bazaar of Beggars and soon found Osawi’s Wine Tent. It was one of the larger of the tents standing in the bazaar, standing at 2 ½ stories and covering numerous plots, it definitely had grandeur. When he entered, he took note of the three large pillars of some type of petrified wood holding up the place. Older tables and chairs were everywhere. For the size of such a tent it had very few patrons.  Quevas shrugged to himself, approached the bar and asked the bartender if Osawi was available to converse with.


The bartender looked at him cross-eyed.


“Tell him Kesa sent me.”  


A few moments later a large 7-foot mountain of a human exited the rear tent.  His shoulders were as wide as a monitor lizard and his arms as thick.


“I am Osawi al Mujaheba “ he said looking down at Quevas. “Ahh, you must be the darkie that Kesa has mentioned to me, come, come.”


Quevas, looking to do business, overlooked the insult and followed Osawi through the rear tent flap. This area opened up to another smaller tent where a kitchen area had been prepared. Looking past the kitchen through the rear of the tent where the flaps were raised one could see numerous smaller tents obviously designed for accommodations.


“A very impressive establishment Osawi, I may call you Osawi?”


Osawi answered with an agreeable nod.


Osawi picked up a cleaver and continued to chop numerous vegetables as he continued the conversation. “So Quesa what is it that I can help you with?”


The size of the cleaver he was using was definitely chosen for intimidation purposes. In size it looked like half of Alaketh’s  body, while wearing plate mail.


“The name is Quevas not Quesa or blackie. That may be a name given to a serving girl but not I.”


Osawi picked up a piece of raw seasoned meat off the counter and motioned Quevas to eat it. Osawi was surprised to see that the meat was cooking in Quevas’s hand long before it ever reached his mouth. Osawi let out a large laugh.


“So dark… Que-Vas, you are full of tricks! Come! Sit! We shall talk business. Kesa mentioned cake?”


Quevas sat and joined Osawi. “I recently opened up a place by the Kubri’ al Azim and I have named it Limoo Shirin.”


“Ahh sweet lemon, it is a delightful name rolling off the tongue. It is also a citrus I use in many of my drinks and foods.”


Quevas nodded in approval “Which is why I am here. I wish to barter with you. I wish to provide you with my lemon cake and pastries for your dessert menu and in return you provide me with cases of this delectable lemon. I believe that using this type of lemon will only improve my cakes and desserts.”  


Quevas reached under his cloak and withdrew a silver serving platter with a cover and placed it on the table. He removed the cover to reveal one of his lemon cakes.  


Osawi called out for a kitchen aid to fetch utensils and plates. He cut several pieces of the cake and begins to serve a handful of his employees. Quevas watched on in curiosity. The employee faces seemed most pleased and readily finished off their cake. Osawi nodded in approval and tasted the cake for himself. Osawi smiled ear to ear.


“If this is the quality of the rest of your pastries Quevas then we will certainly do business together! Kesa was not wrong in bringing us together! If you can produce this with an inferior lemon, I can’t wait to taste what you shall create with a limoo shirin and the various other high-quality fruits I shall introduce you to!”


Osawi slapped Quevas on his back, nearly causing him to headbutt the table from the force in the man’s arm. Osawi laughed heartily as Quevas rubbed his shoulder. Osawi’s laughter was contagious and soon both men were laughing. Osawi being comfortable at this point began to talk of the many fruits and nectars never heard of by Quevas.  Quevas listened attentively into the late hours of the night. The two men continued to drink and talk as the kitchen was bustling with staff and the customers came and went from the front tent. The meal provided by Osawi during this time outdid any prior meals eaten by Quevas here in the City of Brass. The accommodations weren’t the five stars that he was used to, but the taste of the food far excelled any other. By the night’s end the two men agreed to their deal.  An equal value of cakes and pastries for the fruits and nectars provided. Quevas also agreed to pay for storage of said goods. Osawi had an elaborate method preserving such goods to avoid spoilage. Within the kitchen he had an enchanted chamber that enhanced the preservation of sundries. Osawi said that any item placed within would increase its shelf life ten fold. Quevas was amazed by the device and immediately leased a whole shelf in the rear of the chamber.

Quevas returned to his storefront and went to his room for some much needed reverie. In the early morning his reverie was interrupted by loud noises coming from the downstairs area. Quevas went to investigate.  He was pleased to see that the noises were made by Nuraya, who was hard at work designing the interior of the bakery. He looked around and noted she added landscape paintings and other décor that brightened the place. Quevas smiled and handed Nuraya another pouch of coins.


“I see I have guessed correctly about you Nuraya. See that the upstairs rooms are properly furnished and decorated as well. The goods will continue to arrive through my ring gates in the rear and please ensure that the goods delivered by Kesa go through each night. Here is a pouch for the next two payments to Kesa.”


He placed his hands on Nuraya’s shoulders “I shall return as soon as possible, but I have important business to attend. I did not forget about your art supplies. The basics should be delivered today and I hope on my return to have something more to your liking.”


Nuraya hugged Quevas before quickly stepping back head bowed “Sorry Master!”


Quevas chuckled and raised her chin with his finger “It’s ok dear, my name is Quevas not master, and please make my store shine like your eyes.”


Nuraya filled with a bounce again, ran and continuing arranging the store before it opened.


Quevas turned toward the fire giant “You! Grelvog Agir!  Protect her and then this store with your life.”


Grelvog nodded and Quevas exited.


Quevas walked behind the store away from prying eyes and withdrew another scroll from his robes. After reading the text before him he reappeared a distance from Rilauven. He pressed his insignia and sent a message to Rygos wishing to meet and even offered to go to him. While awaiting a response, if it were to come, Quevas made his way toward the city’s main gate. Upon arriving and being identified by the city guard he proceeded within. Quevas made his way to his store and inspected it. He realized he needed to expand his store and update it. As he continued his inspection he realized that there was no room to be had. A thought came to mind, Hosuth. Perhaps it was time to expand into that city, though earlier than planned. Quevas eventually received a reply from Rygos. He was enjoying a drink at the Dark Embrace and suggested that he meet him there.


Quevas arrived at the Dark Embrace and strolled in. After glancing around he saw Rygos sitting at the far table in the rear. Making his way there he noticed how quiet and well kept the place was. He glanced toward the bar where he noticed a lovely female bartender twirling a bejeweled spoon in her hands. He reached the table and nodded in greeting to his brother.


“Any particular drink I should get for us?” Quevas asked.


“Ask for the usual.”


As Quevas approached the bar, he noticed that the spoon in bartender’s hand was moving faster. Quevas motioned toward the spoon,


“Impressive dear, may I get two of Rygos’ usual; and may I ask what they are called?”


Evony quickly began to pour two drinks. “Kingslayer, named after your brother Rygos.”


Quevas, tilted his head, chuckled and bowed courteously. He thanked the bartender and returned to Rygos with the drinks in hand.


“Dear brother I see that they honor you with a drink here called Kingslayer. How impressive!” He said chuckling.


Rygos shook his head “Just sit down and shut up brother and tell me what you want?”  


Quevas laughed “I am in the presence of royalty! When you kill a king brother you become one or did you not know that?”


Rygos’ eyes narrowed and his hand began to glow with an arcane light. Quevas placed his hands up in mock surrender.


“Ok brother you win, but I honestly couldn’t resist.”


Rygos silently accepted the apology and his hand returned to his drink. “What is it that you need?”


“The reason I am here is to ask for your help in a certain matter that I know you are well versed in. I need to buy high end art supplies for an acquaintance, and you, dear brother, are the only person I know that would have that knowledge. I have also heard of a form of living art but have no idea where to even start, or if that if it even exists.”


Rygos looked up from his drink. “So you ask to meet me, then insult me, then ask for my help?”


Quevas looked ahead while sipping his drink “Yes indeed and I am sure you have had your fun at my expense in the past. Especially since you hang around our brother Valas so much. So, will you help me?”  


Rygos smirked to himself knowing full well that last statement was indeed true and that Valas did make him laugh quite often at Quevas’ expense.


“You speak the truth,” Rygos admitted. “I will retrieve these art supplies for Quevas, but it will take a while to get.”


Quevas handed Rygos a small pouch.


“Could you leave the items at my lemon store here in the city? My goblins will know what to do with them.  


Rygos accepted the pouch and nodded in agreement. “The special paint you seek requires skilled technique that I have recently learned. There is no way to simply create that type of artwork.”


Quevas looked frustrated before perking up “Might you introduce me to your teacher or perhaps train my friend yourself?”


Rygos stared into his drink and contemplated the request. His mentor was a busy man and not all too quick to share a technique that had taken centuries to perfect. But Rygos thought back to his new curator and what she would say; an advocate for growing the arts with those who share a passion akin to their own. Rygos finally looked at Quevas and in a low tone finally uttered,


“I will not teach your friend. My techniques are by no means the same as swishing your wrist and chanting an incantation. It takes a great amount of patience to learn a technique of this magnitude. We may never unlock in your friend the potential required to master such a technique. You and I, brother, are the very essence of our race. What we are capable of is very different from that of your… friend. It requires precision, discipline, that I am afraid they may lack.”


Quevas’ face held an expression of genuine interest, and though he was disheartened by Rygos’s words, the grim tone that Rygos had taken was alarming.


“However,” Rygos continued, “if it is simply skill in the arts that you seek, perhaps we can work out a deal. While I cannot share my master’s technique, I can offer more elementary art teachings. And, of course, if you are looking to buy a piece from my collection…” he let his voice trail as his attention turned back to his drink.


Quevas sipped his drink contemplated his brother’s words, “I see and understand brother, maybe in the future you will see it differently.  As far as buying some of your artwork, it may be in the cards. I am currently working on procuring locations to sell my goods in Hosuth and the City of Brass as well. Perhaps if you were to expand into the City of Brass she may visit and buy your artwork someday. Till then health and long life to the Vandree brothers!”


Quevas raised his glass in toast.  


Rygos nodded his approval and raised his glass.

Quevas ventured through Rilauven back to his store.  Upon approaching, he observed the line out front had yet to diminish.  


“Any trouble?” he asked of the minotaur’s?”  


A minotaur shook his head indicating no.


Quevas nodded in approval entered the store. He left exact instructions with the goblins regarding supplies coming from his brother Rygos and then quickly exited the store. He made his way out of the city to a clear cavern, withdrew a scroll, and began to read. His eyes glowed as he progressed through the literature and then he was gone. Arriving a few yards before a large tree Quevas looked around and then proceeded to town. He had not visited Hosuth that often so his brother Nazmyr’s tree was his focal point for arrival. That needed to change.

Quevas made his way toward the merchant area of the city just south of the Northern Lake. The arachnid architecture of the bridges leading to this part of Hosuth was incredibly old. Though Quevas had long ago forsaken the spider queen, this city had not. Upon closer inspection of the bridges he noticed that the architecture wasn’t original but was carved over some long-ago forgotten design. Quevas shrugged to himself  and moved on to a checkpoint on the other side of the bridge. A guard looked at Quevas’ and nodded in greeting. A human merchant wasn’t granted such a courtesy and was immediately stopped and questioned about permits. Which eventually led to him needing to bribe his way passed the guards. Quevas motioned one of the guard aside and handed him a box from beneath his cloak. The guard tilted his head silently questioning the size but didn’t say anything knowing that there are many practitioners of magic in the city.  


“A thank you for the thankless work you perform here daily.” Said Quevas “Enjoy eating it and visit my future store.”


The guard nodded skeptically and walked back to post placing the box nearby.


Further down the road Quevas noticed this was going to be a tediously long walk, between crisscrossing waterways and bridges and the many checkpoints. Further ahead he found an alleyway and quickly slipped in and casted invisibility and then fly on himself. Quevas took off only landing at the last checkpoint to the main merchant square. Luckily these guards were here more for intimidation than to guard, otherwise that may have been a shorter flight than intended,  especially in a drow city on the surface world. Focusing his attention to waterfront property it wasn’t long before he found an enormous warehouse that was available to purchase.The price was a bit steep hence why it was still untouched. Not wanting to settle on the first location he viewed, Quevas walked the area for several more hours. Nothing seemed to come close to the first building, in size or location. The waterway could prove useful to  transport products. He did however manage to locate two small storefronts in the hub of the area where he planned to sell his desserts and components from.

It was now getting late, so he gathered directions to a reputable inn called Arachne’s Cavern. When he entered, he was approached by a serving girl who was enticingly dressed.


“What would be your desire for the night?” she asked.


“I would just care for a quiet meal and room.” was his response.


The serving girl’s expression changed to annoyance but she did as asked and sat Quevas in a quieter section of the inn. The meal to follow was an exquisite drow meal. It started with a barrelstalk salad, one must break the stalk to get to the interior which is the edible portion and you can also drink of the sweet water that is contained within each stalk. This was followed by a roth’e steak seasoned with firelichen next to two pieces of bluecap sporebread. The steak was perfectly cooked and the bread was just made and warm to the touch. But best of all was the Spiderblood wine that accompanied the entrée. This wine is derived from one of the local fungi grown in the area and seasoned with spider venom. It absolutely tickled the tongue and went down smoothly. To end the meal came a bat brain dessert which was chilled perfectly. Quevas sat back quite content and ordered more Spiderblood wine. Looking around he realized that although this inn catered to the higher drow of this city it also provided them with many forms of entertainment. This explained the annoyed look he received from the serving girl; she expected a bigger payout. Late into the night he watched the denizens that came and went. He particularly watched the drow lords and ladies. He found it very interesting how many wore a city insignia. Quevas contemplated during this time. He found it surprising how the drow, a race that holds itself so high above other races lowers itself to bed anything and everything attractive, especially non-drow. He wondered how many of these city cretins have already been corrupted to be owned by another.

Quevas made his way to his room and upon securing the door in his own manner sat on the bed. He assumed a crossed legged position with his back to the corner and opened his belt allowing Tkoodlevunch to exit before withdrawing his black globe. TK as Quevas had come to call him shook himself before sitting opposite Quevas on top of his globe. Quevas spoke in Ignan.

“I apologize dear friend for the lack of conversation since your master’s demise. I have been quite busy. I am attempting to secure myself financially and eventually come up with a solid plan for avenging Mistress Freth and Caelcoth Hyluan your former master.”  


TK stared at Quevas and possibly smiled.  It was hard to tell with mephits due to the shape of their mouths.  


Quevas continued “TK I will do all I can to treat you as Caelcoth did if not better.”


Tkoodlevunch began to jump up and down nearly knocking over the black globe. Quevas scrambled to catch it and nearly fell off the bed.


“But pull  a stunt like that again TK and I’ll feed you to a fire giant instead!”


TK stopped and sat idle for what was probably the longest second of his life before twitching and moving again more controlled.  


“Glad we understand each other!  Now I have established a home in the City of Brass and would like to leave you there in a place more fitting for your kind. It will only be during times I am away with my brothers on more serious matters. Otherwise I look forward to travelling with you and continuing our discussions on the Plane of Fire and the Abyss.”


Quevas sat back and continued their earlier conversation regarding the Planes of Ash, Smoke, Radiance and Magma. This conversation continued well into the night.  Anyone passing by would simply have heard the crackle of a possible fire within the room’s hearth.

When the noise outside his room grew louder several hours later, he got up and cleaned himself.  Quevas helped TK back into his area and went for a walk toward the Grand Capitol Building.

Not wanting to fly as he desired to learn the city better, he walked. Crossing several dozen bridges over waterways and stopping at numerous checkpoints took the better part of the morning.  Luckily drow were given a speedier line over other races, otherwise this may have taken longer. Crossing one particular bridge, Quevas encountered the guard from the day before. The guard approached him and asked where he had come by such a delicious cake.


Quevas laughed “I make them for sale.”  


The guard gave Quevas a twisted look. “Really?  It’s just that you don’t look like a a… baker?”


Quevas nodded “I know, it started as a hobby and now has grown.”


The guard nodded “Well tell me where your bakery is located and I guarantee that my men and I will come by.”


”I am actually headed to the Grand Capitol Building to purchase my stores now.”  


“When you are asked for a referral regarding your wears, tell the magistrate that Lieutenant Calnozz Helvilyl has checked and confirmed the goods.”  


Quevas stared in a bewildered state.  


Calnozz continued “Hosuth requires merchants to check their wears with the local militia for safety reasons.”  


Quevas nodded “Thank you Calnozz for saving me time in pursuing this matter. I will have a standing 25% discount for all town militia and sentries thanks to you.”

The Grand Capitol building stood as quite a site. Its grandeur was only eclipsed by the library in this section of the city. The library was easily three times the size of this building. Yet the architecture of the capitol building was newer and more appealing. Entering the building there was a checkpoint choke created by a dozen drow. It was clear that these drow were no mere bridge guards. He was split off from the line and guided over to a drow only section. Most of the visitors left waiting behind were non-drow or surface dwellers. After an intricate check of his person involving magic and mundane methods, Quevas was allowed to pass. He stated his business and was directed to the 4th floor. An area allowing for levitation or stair use was directly in front of him. It was permissible to walk up or levitate within the oval shaped stairwell to reach your desired floor. Matrons were located on each floor to guide you in. Quevas reached the 4th floor and was pulled over to the marble landing very easily. He made his way forward and again was guided to a drow only line.  After a few short minutes he was escorted into an office waiting area. Upon reaching this point race or importance didn’t matter as all were waiting here. After a couple hours wait Quevas was ushered into an area to speak with the city reeve. Due to the nature of purchasing three buildings within the city merchant’s area the reeve took notice and handled the case himself.


“So Quevas Vandree I see you look to expand into our fair city.  May I ask why?”


Quevas noticed a nameplate on the reeves’ desk bearing the inscription ‘Sharaghar Hun’ate’.


“Lord Hun’ate,” Quevas started  “your city holds an excellent opportunity for me. It has the space required by me for storage and sale of my products. And your waterways seem an excellent mode of transport for my wares between locations.”  


Sharaghar nodded, “ I see you have the proper paperwork and monies necessary but appear to be missing the accreditation from the militia.”

Quevas humbly stated “Unfortunately Lord Hun’ate I only just came to learn of that requirement on my way here so I do not have a signed affidavit. I was however told en-route by a Lieutenant Calnozz Helvilyl to relay that he personally checked and approved of my wares.”


Sharaghar reached below into a draw in his desk and produced a sealed scroll.


“Return tomorrow and this will speed your passage to me. If the information you provided checks out, then the transaction will be approved. Good Day Lord Vandree.”

Quevas secured the properties without delay the following morning and quickly hired locals to begin work. He had a vision and had laid it out for them to bring to fruition. With the contractors partially paid and the project started Quevas decided to return to the City of Brass.

Quevas appeared in his room above the Limoo Shirin store. He looked around admiring the excellent choice of furniture that Nuraya had chosen. After freshening up he walked around the property smiling at how different it looked. The style and décor resembled parts of the Bey’s household that he recently visited. Quite pleased he went to the front of the store to find Nuraya. Along the way Quevas saw numerous pieces of artwork hanging about the hallways  These had brightened the location from the dull browns and tans of the walls and floors. Looking around the store, he noted bakery goods were low for this early in the day. He might of had an inventory problem had he not secured the buildings in Hosuth. With all that extra space for expansion he would soon triple if not quadruple his productivity. Nuraya was out front busy serving guests on the bridge walk. It had been a week or so since he last saw her and Quevas noted she appeared more uplifted from his last visit. Nuraya caught sight of Quevas and welcomed him home as she hurried past him to fulfill the orders just taken. Quevas took a seat up front and watched Nuraya as he would the flames on his hand. She fluttered in and out and was as bright as any flame Quevas had conjured. Once she had finished serving the last of the baked goods, she entered the store to a disgruntled cry from the crowd. Quevas gave his seat to Nuraya and exited the front stating “Within 2-3 weeks our doors will close earlier no more and there will be goods for all to purchase.”  The crowd silenced at the announcement and applauded in anticipation. Quevas entered again closing the door behind him and shaking his head saying, “Fools applaud and show their ignorance as none of the same people will be here tomorrow. Now Nuraya what have you to tell me of this past week?”


Nuraya walked Quevas through the store showing off the design features and artwork she added over this last week. She also pointed out the fire giant Grelvog Agir and his new clothing.  Quevas was impressed that she found something to fit him but then again, they were in the Bazaar of Beggars. Nuraya then joyfully ran and bounced up to her room. Upon entering, the transformation from plain to a female’s quarters was obvious. The room was colorful…not dull, full of decorative furniture and a superabundance of sheer and lace. In a corner section, by the window, was a fully working art station with a half-drawn painting of himself.


Nuraya looked at Quevas simply smiled and said “Thank you. I hope to finish this soon. And with your permission, hang it in your room.”


Quevas was pleased indeed simply nodding his approval and satisfaction. Nuraya proceeded into his quarters and began to explain the local décor and its meaning. On the floor she had placed a royal Keshan Rug made of the finest wool. Specially woven curtains moderated the heat within the room. A love seat was situated in the corner made of the finest griffon hide. The piece de résistance, a mattress stuffed with the softest of couatl feathers, was framed by unusual black hard wood grained with red striations. Quevas sat on the mattress and was instantly pleased. Never had he felt a more comfortable piece of furniture.


“But how did you afford such accommodations with the little I had left you?” he asked.


Nuraya blankly stated “With the proceeds from selling your baked goods of course.”


Quevas’s face grew red with anger at that response, “You mean to tell me….” He paused exhaling sharply, “That  you spent all my profit without first consulting me?”

“Yes, my lord and master but not all.”  


Nuraya walked over to a painting and removed it from the wall, behind it was a safe. Quevas noted that it was not there before. She opened to show that it was indeed flush with coin.  


Quevas wore a puzzled look on his face.


“How?” He demanded, “Since there should not have been so much product to match these proceeds.”

Nuraya explained that she had purchased this safe earlier in the week and took it upon herself to raise prices seeing as how well everything was selling.


Nuraya lowered her head “I thought you would be pleased.”  


Quevas let out a hardy laugh surprising Nuraya.


“I very much am dear and you have done better than even I could foresee.  Please only call me Quevas from now on and no more master or Lord.”


Nuraya smiled and surprised Quevas again with another hug and bounced out of the room. Quevas shook his head as he followed her out


“Clever girl.” He thought to himself. Quevas focused back in on the safe and began to secure it in his own manner ensuring that only Nuraya and he had access.
