Nazmyr Visits Ev (T…
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[Closed] Nazmyr Visits Ev (Takes place before the City of Brass)

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There was a gentle rapping at the elaborately hand carved oak door.


“What is it!” demanded Langwidere.


“Apologies Lady Ev.” Replied the servant. “Lord Nazmyr Vandree is here to see you.”


“Escort him to the parlor. See that he is made comfortable. But not too comfortable.”


“As you wish My Lady.”


Nazmyr sat patiently in an embroidered lounge chair. The parlor’s interior was a total work of art with elegant and lavish furniture, small sculptures, ornamental mirrors and tapestry complimenting architecture reliefs and wall paintings.


Two and a half glasses of wine later, Langwidere made her appearance. She wore yet another one of her many bejeweled masks and a burgundy velvet gown. Nazmyr placed his glass on a nearby table and rose to greet his host.


As he kissed her outstretched hand he said “Lady Ev. It has been far too long.”


“Has it?” she said in an icy tone.  


“Lady Ev, I would not dare disturb you unbidden.”


“I suppose that would seem a wise choice.” She said continuing her icy demeanor.


Nazmyr chose to ignore her words. “How have you fared of late? You’re as beautiful as ever.”


Langwidere ignored Nazmyr’s words. “How are my holdings in Hosuth? Is Overlord Na’Koth upholding his end of the bargain?”


“Your holdings are secure and prosperous. Na’Koth has not reneged on any agreements.” Nazmyr said evenly.


“Good.” There was a moment of pause before she continued. “I have need again of your business acumen.”




“Thessaloni Canos has commissioned my armory to produce smoke powder weapons for him.”


“It sounds as if the deal has already been struck. What do you need me for?”


Her facial expressions were hidden by her mask but her body language betrayed her feelings of unease. “We came to an accord but we did not leave on the best of terms.”


“So you want me to oversee the exchange to insure the deal does not awry?”




“What did you say to him?”


“I accused him of killing my uncle. And I swore I would return with all of the might of Ev, and I would raze his province to the ground.”

Nazmyr was silent for a few moments deep in thought. He considered making demands for his personal gain and chastising Langwidere but thought better of it. He wasn’t in the mood.


“Who is Thessaloni Canos?”


“A powerful Red Wizard of Thay. He is Tharchion of Thay’s Alaor region.”


“I will need to see the product you promised him and the production facility.”


“Why?” Langwidere said defiantly.


“If I am to be involved in this exchange I need to be familiar with all aspects of this exchange.”


Langwidere considered Nazmyr’s words for a long moment. With a heavy sigh she answered “Fine.”


The armory was a short carriage ride away from the palace. Nazmyr attempted to make small talk but Langwidere would have none of it. Soon they arrived in front of simple looking brick fortification with no windows.  The grounds were perfectly manicured. With a simple wave of Langwidere’s hand the heavy iron double doors swung open.


As Nazmyr entered he immediately felt the heat of the forge. Wooden racks with weapons of all kinds lined the simple brick walls. Large humanoid like constructs worked tirelessly shaping metal, moving ore and stoking fires.


“Golems?” asked Nazmyr


“They are called Warforged. They are much more than golems. They are sentient beings from the Plane of Mechanus.”


“I’m beginning to understand how your armory has earned its reputation. How did these things come into your service?”


“I didn’t bring you here to entertain you with stories! You wanted to see the facility, here you are!”


“I see.” said Nazmyr as he began to walk out of the armory. “Then please contact me when you do have time. Until then good luck with your wizard.”


“How dare you!” Langwidere screamed. “How dare you walk away from me!”


Nazmyr stopped and turned to face her. “I need to know all aspects Lady Ev. Not just the ones you wish to feed me.” Nazmyr said evenly.


“I don’t see how any of this is relevant!”


“I assure you it is. Help me so I may help you.”


Nazmyr was sure he could see Langwidere scowling from behind her mask.


Langwidere breathed deeply and sighed. “My father, the former King of Ev, was a planes traveler in his younger years. He befriended a race known as modrons. Some of the Warforged you see here are gifts.”




“The others were made here.”


“You know how to create sentient beings?!”


“Not exactly. Father’s friendship with the modrons was so great that one day hundreds of modrons came to Ev. There was a special day important to them and they wanted to share the celebration with the people of Ev. During the festivities they started what is known as the ‘Great Modron March’. Father was placed at the head of the March, a place of high honor according to the modrons. During the March father lost his footing and tripped. Being constructs themselves modrons can be notoriously single minded; they continued the March and father was trampled to death.”


Nazmyr had a wickedly humorous visual in his mind’s eye and did his best not to laugh. Langwidere continued her tale.


“There was no stopping them. The March continued to our horror. When the modrons finally did stop. It was clear that they did not understand the concept of death and offered to ‘repair’ father. Obviously the remaining ruling council would have none of it. Since their offer to ‘repair’ father was turned down, one of the modrons stayed behind to serve the kingdom in hopes that we would change their mind about repairing father. During his time here the modron created more Warforged to increase the efficiency of the kingdom.


Nazmyr’s head was swimming with questions. “Is this how you became the ruler of Ev?”


“No. I was too young. My Uncle August was crowned King.”


“Your uncle? What of your mother?”


“She died long ago.”


“What of this remaining modron? May I meet it?”


Langwidere sighed and reluctantly led Nazmyr through the workshop to the small-arms and harness assemblies.


“Twain!” she called out.


Within seconds a stout cube shaped humanoid made entirely of clockwork appeared. It wore two holstered smoke powder weapons around its hips and well-worn thick leather apron covered its torso. It stretched its metal clockwork wings and looked at Langwidere as if waiting for a command.


“This is Twain; Twain, this is Nazmyr.”


Twain walked up to Nazmyr and offered his hand in greeting. Nazmyr reluctantly grasped the metal clockwork hand. Twain methodically shook Nazmyr’s hand and went back to work.


Nazmyr watched Twain in amazement as it assembled several smoke power weapons at once.

“It is truly a wonder.” Nazmyr said in amazement.


“Yes he is.” Langwidere agreed.


“How much time do we have before Thessaloni Canos comes for his shipment?”


“One full week.”


“Plenty of time. What would you like to do in the meantime?”


“Why are you asking me? You hold no further obligation until Canos arrives.”


“I seek your company out of choice not obligation.”


“Are you sure about that? I haven’t heard from you in months.”


Nazmyr approached Langwidere and held her hands in his. “Drow as a race are extremely long lived. As such our perception of time is quite different than that of a human. Forgive me my Lady, no insult was intended.”


“We’ll see.” Said Langwidere, her demeanor becoming coy. “I have a few matters of state that I must attend to before the day ends. When I return you will join me for dinner this evening.”




The following evening Langwidere invited Nazmyr to attend The Lantern Festival with her. The evening air was filled with laughing, festive music and singing. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes hung everywhere. The artwork vividly demonstrated traditional images and symbols such as globes, fish, dragons, fruits, flowers, birds, animals, and people. Among the most popular activities were solving lantern riddles. Lantern owners would write riddles on paper notes and pasted them upon the colorful lanterns. People would crowd round to guess the riddles. Langwidere and Nazmyr freely mingled with the crowds of revelers enjoying the atmosphere.


“What does this celebration represent?”


“It symbolizes the rebirth of Ev.” Langwidere’s demeanor was far more pleasant than the day before.




“Yes, years ago the Beast Forever destroyed the lands of Ev. Every member of the royal family was killed. I was the only one to survive.”


“How very fortuitous for you.” Nazmyr said genuinely complementing Langwidere on what he perceived as good fortune. “I have not heard of this ‘Beast Forever’.”


“What the people of Ev call the ‘Beast Forever’ is also known as the Tarrasque.”


“I know of the Tarrasque. It is said that it is impossible to kill. How did the people of Ev manage to vanquish the monster?”


“They didn’t. King August and Thessaloni Canos used their combined arcane powers to confuse the Beast Forever and lure it away.”


“If Thessaloni Canos helped save the city then why do you fear him?”

“I believe that Thessaloni Canos intentionally awoke the Beast in a plot to lure us into producing smoke power weapons for him. When I called him a murderer, he told me that my call for vengeance is justified. But it was Magnus Bane who killed my family and it is Magnus Bane who should feel my wrath. He tells me that with the smoke powder weapons he will act as my instrument of vengeance.”

“And you believe him?” Nazmyr said incredulously. “If Thessaloni Canos is behind the destruction of Ev why does he still live?”


“We are in no position to wage war with a Red Wizard. We are still recovering from old wounds and the people of Ev still greatly fear the Beast Forever. Thessaloni Canos claims that he can permanently vanquish the Beast. That possibility is too great for us to ignore. That is why I brokered a deal with him.”


Nazmyr and Langwidere continued their walk alone for a time. Nazmyr thought long and hard about the predicament he was in. He could easily refuse to help and disappear back to the Underdark, but the challenge to see this deal through was to alluring.


Nazmyr and Langwidere stopped to watch the multitude of lanterns set free into the night sky. Nazmyr turned to Langwidere and looked into her eyes and questioned his place. “Where do I stand with you?”  Langwidere acknowledged their friendship and business relationship. She then kissed him in a manner suggesting that they were more than friends.


Langwidere suggested that they walk back to the palace so that they could continue to enjoy the evening alone. During their moonlit stroll they were ambushed by several brigands. Langwidere was brutally struck with a wooden club and fell to the ground. Life in the Underdark had conditioned Nazmyr to react with pure instinct. Through use of spell and blade he made sure that none of the would-be assailants would see another sunrise. When he was finished, he quickly went to Langwidere’s side. Her dress was torn and her arm was badly bruised. Without thought he withdrew a tile from his pocket, spoke the runes inscribed upon it, and broke it in half. Instantly Langwidere’s bruises healed. Unbeknownst to Nazmyr, Langwidere orchestrated this event to test Nazmyr’s loyalty. Nazmyr picked Langwidere up off the ground and with a quick incantation whisked her back to her room. Thoroughly pleased with Nazmyr’s actions, she ravaged him that night.




The remainder of the week dissolved relatively quickly and without incident. Nazmyr used his time to familiarize himself with the city as well as who he considered to be key figures, particularly Twain.

It wasn’t before long when Thessaloni Canos came to Ev to collect the smoke powder weapons he commissioned to be built. A half score of wagons arrived in front of the meeting hall. Thayan soldiers exited the wagons and began to unload dozens of chests. Nazmyr approached Thessaloni as a small contingent of Ev’s soldiers remained in the background.

“Who are you?!” demanded Thessaloni.


‘I am Lord Nazmyr Vandree, Emissary to Lady Ev.”


Thessaloni’s discomfort became obvious. Clearly he was not expecting a drow. “This is an insult! I have brought twice the gold agreed upon as a show of good faith and she doesn’t even have the decency to speak to me in person?!  Tell Ev to show herself or the deal is off. I’ll not deal with you any further!”


“I have decided your terms are unfair!” said Langwidere as she dispelled her enchantment revealing herself and scores of guards armed with smoke powder weapons.


“What treachery is this?!” shouted Thessaloni.


Nazmyr shot Langwidere a look with the same thought in mind.


“What was it that you said? Ah yes! Magnus Bane destroyed Ev and murdered my family. Did you really think me that naive Thessaloni, the instrument of my vengeance?!” Langwidere’s words dripping with sarcasm. “I’m keeping the smoke powder weapons and your gold and as a show of good faith I shall allow you to leave with your life.”


Thessaloni was not so foolish either. Some the chests contained members of his personal guard. Thessaloni shouted a command word and the trap was sprung. Thessaloni Canos personal guard sprung from their hiding place and killed all of the soldiers in their path. During the chaos Nazmyr had slipped into the shadows and casted several incantations to even the odds for Langwidere’s guards.


Langwidere retreated and Thessaloni Canos and a few guards gave chase.They hunted down Langwidere and had her cornered. Thessaloni Canos demanded the smoke powder weapons. Langwidere refused. Thessaloni smacked Langwidere knocking off her mask. Langwidere cowered and covered her face with her hands. Thessaloni drew down on Langwidere with his own personal smoke powder pistol.


“Pick your final mask.” he said


Dropping her hands from her face she stared angrily at the wizard. “Never!” She shouted in defiance.


There was a blast and Langwidere lay still on the floor.


Nazmyr burst into the room. He was immediately set upon by the guards. As Nazmyr dispatched the guards, Thessaloni Canos made a hasty escape. As the final guard fell to Nazmyr’s blade, Nazmyr caught sight of Twain whisking Langwidere away. He pursued Twain to a workshop he had never been privy to before. Nazmyr went after the modron and demanded the body so he might save her.


Twain looked at Nazmyr and said “She is not dead.”


Nazmyr was on the verge of running the little cube-shaped humanoid through. “What do you mean?! Look at the hole in her head?!”


“I will fix her.” Said Twain


Nazmyr watched in astonishment as Twain began to cut skin and removed Langwidere’s face to reveal not muscle and bone but a pure clockwork masterpiece. Twain spoke as he worked. “Long ago the Beast Forever killed Langwidere. I salvaged what I could of the young princess and fixed her. Because of the magic of Mechanus she did not appear to age as many on the Prime do. So I crafted masks for her to hide her never aging face.


For the first time in his life Nazmyr was speechless.
