Nazmyr, Dahlia and …
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[Closed] Nazmyr, Dahlia and the Map

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The shadowy figure was careful not to garner any attention as he stepped off of the main thoroughfare and slid into a nearby alleyway. It was just a gap between two old terraced houses built many years ago but even in the City of Brass it was dark and uninviting. You couldn’t see the far end as it had been blocked off by a large heavy iron gate built many years ago to stop the thieves and misfits of the area from cutting through to the rear of the old houses that lay beyond. Keeping to the shadows, he carefully searched the alleyway for unseen dangers. With the exception of a few shuffling vermin that held claim to this place, he was alone.

Dalia was in her home, seated in front of her vanity and partaking in her morning rituals, when she suddenly found herself in a filthy alleyway. The cool refreshing breeze of Armun Kelisk was abruptly replaced by the oppressive heat of the City of Brass.  She was bewildered by sudden change of environment and panic began to settle in. Frantically she looked around trying to get her bearing. The unexpected sighting of an infernal rat frightened her and she shrieked.

Her frantic movements caused the dark figure chuckle. Quickly realizing she was not alone, Dalia whirled around to identify the source. Her heart sank when she came face to face with an Efreet. As the Efreet continued to laugh, Dalia saw through the disguise and knew who the Efreet truly was.




The Efreet smiled a big toothy grin.


“You scared the life out of me! Where in the Nine Hells am I?! Why are you dressed like that? You look ridiculous!”


Nazmyr spoke in fluent Ignan as he gained control of his mirth. “I am in disguise; this way no one will recognize me.”


“I recognize you, you idiot! And your accent is horrible! Why am I here?!”


“I apologize for the location, but I am currently undomiciled.”


Dalia crossed her arms in front of her “So your silvered tongue has finally failed you?” She said in a condescending tone.


“If my tongue has failed I have never heard of it.” Nazmyr quipped.


Dalia blushed at the remark.


“But I did not call you here to discuss such things.” Nazmyr continued. “I wanted to ask your opinion on a matter of import.”

“You summoned me to this filthy, disgusting, alleyway just for my opinion?! Couldn’t it have waited?!”


“Actually no. I shall be returning to the Prime soon and I need answers now.”


Nazmyr reached deep into the folds of his cloak, produced a piece of parchment, and handed it to Dalia. Dalia took the parchment, unfolded it, and began to examine it.


“I came across this map and I cannot tell if it is authentic or a fool’s errand. I was hoping you could assist me.”


“Why not just order me? It would leave me with little option then.”


“I am well aware, but I would rather not. I would prefer your honest opinion freely given.”


As she examined the map, Dalia’s thoughts briefly drifted back to her conversation with Naadiyah and a small smile creased her lips.


Nazmyr waited patiently for Dalia’s answer.


“No.” she said shaking her head. “This map cannot be real.” She move close to Nazmyr standing next to him. “Do you see this?” she said pointing to the map. “The map claims this area to be an oasis disguised as a sewer ditch. The Sultan would never allow water to be freely available and would have destroyed it long ago.”


Nazmyr nodded in understanding. Soon the conversation was flowing naturally and they even shared a few laughs. Their conversation was brought to an abrupt end when a stern voice called out. “Dalia?”


Nazmyr’s gaze quickly shifted from Dalia to the direction in which the voice came from. He quickly prepared himself to use one of several incantation should the need arise. He also chastised himself for letting his guard down.


The figure hurried toward them and called out again. “Dalia Hakbarah? Is that you?”

Soon a male Djinn came in to view. His white silk cloths were of above average quality and fit loosely over his well-muscled physique. Two finely crafted scimitars hung off of his hips.


“Fatoush? Fatoush! What are you doing here?!”


“I ask the same of you!” came Fatoush’s angry reply “What are you doing here?! And who is this Ya Ibn el Sharmouta?!”

“Fatoush please!” begged Dalia. “Now is not the time!”


“Not the time?! What are you doing here with this Ya Kalb?! And don’t call me Fatoush! Call me Phantom!”


Fatoush read the angry look on Nazmyr’s face and positioned himself between Nazmyr and Dalia.


“Brother please! Listen to me!” begged Dalia. “Come with me and I shall explain.” She said trying to physically coax Fatoush away from Nazmyr.


Fatoush took a few steps back but not before blurting out “I don’t care who he is! If he has laid a hand on you I’ll kill him here and now!”


Fatoush reluctantly allowed himself to be lead away by Dalia.


As Dalia and Fatoush walked away, Dalia flashed Nazmyr a pleading look. Nazmyr nodded in acknowledgement. He then spoke an arcane incantation and with a shimmer of light he was gone.
