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Naris in Sanguinar

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Posted for Naris

After the return from the raid in Menzoberranzan

“Jade I want you to personally oversee a delivery of Yin Fen to a new client outside Westport Manor.” Ordered a man who had dark black, wavy hair, very thin eyebrows, and honey-colored skin. He was slightly built but had an air of confidence about him….or perhaps arrogance..


“I don’t really do deliveries,  I oversee the house’s security.” she forcefully replied.


“That’s great to know, we will be doing things differently from now on. When I order, you will obey.  Understood?”


Jade rolled her eyes, “Shouldn’t we be sending that delivery to Rilauvin. Naris has been waiting for a delivery for sometime and he can become extremely aggressive when his expectations are not met. “


“I am Raphael Torres Santiago the IV.” He shouted at Jade. ”I will not be strong armed by some Drow vanjit into making deliveries to customers that Camille made terrible deals with. All terms will be renegotiated by me.”


“Strong arming?” A voice questioned from the shadows.


“Naris.” Raphael said evenly. “Had I known we should be expecting you, I would have had a spread prepared.” his tone had a touch of sarcasm to it. “Please be seated. Jade get him a dr…”


Naris cut him off before he could finish. He began in a very calm manner, “Raphael. You are in no position to renegotiate the terms of the agreement. We both know that the selling of Yin Fen to farang is punishable by death in your culture. It would be shame to see your custom tailored suit get soiled.”


Jade struggled to contain her amusement.


Rafael just stared at him. “You could try and sell me out to the council of course….. Though I’d consider your options a little more carefully if I were you. They might be interested in your accusations…or… they may just bleed you out before you have a chance to speak. Foreigners are unwelcome in this town. Drow far less so.”


Naris glared menacingly at the Sanguinari noble.


Raphael smiled, “Perhaps you are right….I shouldn’t renegotiate the deal with you.” He took a sip from his goblet of wine, the blood red contents shimmering behind the crystal cup as the lighting from the fireplace diffused through it. “Besides, I’ve already brokered a better deal with a more respectable businessman in Rilauven, your brother Nazmyr will be pleased to know I’ve decided that he is to be the exclusive merchant for my product in the city.”


Naris grinned though his eyes ignited like wildfire betraying his rage. Jade held her breath. “You could try to send a shipment to Rilauven, to my brother….however I can assure you it will never reach its destination.” He took a step toward Raphael, “In fact I would encourage you to try, I’ll accept the free product as compensation for your hubris.”


The Sanguinari didn’t say a word simply affixing his gaze to Naris’s eyes. .


“Raphael I will be expecting my shipment by the end of the week, Otherwise my next visit will be less pleasant. Please excuse us, Jade & I have a planned training session with Hundred Eyes.” Naris said candidly as the two left the parlor.


Raphael sat for a bit sipping his wine. After a few moments,  he slammed his goblet against the table, shattering the glass and spilling wine everywhere. “Roose!” he yelled.


Never far away from his new master,  the young and incredibly handsome butler came running to Raphaels call.


“Yes my lord.” Roose answered as he entered


“Don’t you think it would be wise of you to let me know Naris Vandree was on the premise?”


“Uh sorry my lord, he has become a bit of a fixture here the last few months. Between his arrangement with Camille & the time he spends with Jade & Hundred Eyes in the Dungeon.”


“Moving forward he is no longer permitted on the premise. Increase security immediately for the entire compound.” Raphael demanded


“I see my lord, shouldn’t these instructions be given to Jade?” The young butler asked.


“No, she is not be trusted, go speak directly to all the sargents. Let them know they will receive an increase in pay for their loyalty.” he stated confidently.


“As you wish my lord, would you like me to have the guards remove him from the property?”


“I fear it would be more trouble than it’s worth for us to evict him while he is with Jade & Hundred Eye’s,  I see no reason for unnecessary conflict.” Raphael reasoned


Roose nodded, “As you say master.”


Naris and Jade made small talk as they headed down to the dungeon, Naris, mostly mocking Raphael.  As they entered the training room. Hundred Eyes could be seen kneeling in the back of the room folding clothing humming a most jovial tune.


“Master?” Jade questioned, surprised to see him in such a good mood.


“Ah my lovely students,  Let’s prepare to spar”, he said as he stood up. “We’ll skip our pre-meditation session today.” He said in a most friendly tone.


Jade whispered to Naris, “Why is he so happy? It’s freaking me out.”


“I have no idea, but I’m happy we can get down to business and not deal with that meditation crap.” Naris whispered back.


Jade and Naris bowed to one another and took a step back. Just as they were about to draw their weapons Hundred Eyes shouted “No!, you will both be sparring me.”


Naris smirked. He was about to draw his weapons when he found Hundred Eye’s was already on him striking him hard with a flying butterfly kick to the temple on the left side of his head. Naris crashed to the floor barely holding onto consciousness. Hundred Eyes laughed as he put his hands through his mustache.

The wizened master looked over at Jade. As she readied for combat he held his hand out stopping her. “I would never strike you my dear.” Hundred Eyes knelt down, before producing a red sash. He handed the sash to Jade, saying “This is the sash of the phoenix. Please wear it in good health…”  Hundred Eyes rose and continued, “…My dear as it has been an honor and a privilege to watch you develop your skills as a sage of the blade. You honor me every time you draw your weapon. Know I will always be there if you ever need me!”


Naris regained his footing and stood tall.  He had pumped his chest out expecting to hear similar encouraging words.

“And you…” Hundred Eyes spat with venom, “It angers me that such a despicable being should have your powers and abilities. I won’t lie, I have thought about ending your life several times. However you always seem to keep coming back for more. Be aware, Jade’s obvious affection for you is the only reason I allow you to live. I never would have trained such as  you if not for Camille’s leverage over my village. Giving you these tools will be something I shall always regret. But now she is gone, and there is no reason for me to continue training her soldiers. This new master is an ignorant fool. He is unaware of the arrangement. I made with his predecessor so I will be leaving in the morning. I hope they try and prevent my exit. It would amuse me to burn this place to the ground should they try and stop me.” Hundred Eye’s runs his hand through his beard this time.


Jade’s eyes were wet with tears. She  stepped toward her master to embrace him. Naris grabbed Jade by the arm before she reached Hundred Eyes. ”Lets go.” he hissed. “we need to chat privately.”  As they were walking out, Naris turned his face to Hundred Eye and rubbed his fingers under his chin motioning his disrespect.


“Where should we go?” Naris asked


“Let’s go to my private quarters.” Jade responded quietly.


“Ah, So presumptuous that I am so easily bedded Lady Jade!”


“Jade shook her head, her tears flowing freely, “Now is not the time for your sarcasm Naris,   Mistress Belcourt is gone, Hundred Eyes is leaving, and I am stuck here.”


Naris grabbed her firmly by the face, looking into her green eyes. “Listen, I’m going to take care of all this, however I need your help. Please focus and pull yourself together.”


Jade nodded as she removed a key from her cloak,  she wiped the tears from her eyes and extended her arm welcoming Naris into her room.”  


Naris entered the simply arranged room, all four walls were covered with various weapons. The majority of the room was an open space, obviously meant for training with some combat dummies set in stands. The opposite side of the room contained a simple bed & desk.  Naris ran his fingers over a long sword’s blade to judge it’s sharpness.


“I need some fine parchment, quill and ink. Also, do you still have Camille’s seal?”


“Yes, I believe so, it should all be in the desk.” Jade responded


Naris lit a candle and immediately began writing on two pieces parchment with two different inks. “Follow closely Jade, I need you to pay a visit to the warlock Magnus Bane. I need you to either get yourself invited to one of his famous parties, or go there looking for security employment. Camille is being imprisoned there according to my sources. Find out where she is being held, get me details.”


Suddenly, Naris popped his head up. He walked over to the door where he noticed a small folded up piece of paper had been slid beneath it. Naris quickly juanted to the otherside of the door and behind the figure who was still bent over. Naris put his hands over the figures mouth and opened the door, pushing the person inside.


“Roose! What is the meaning of this note?” Jade demanded.


Naris grabbed the note and passed it to Jade. He closed the door before he casually sits back down, returning immediately to the documents he was scribing.


“My lady, I worry about your safety. You have always been kind to me. I believe Raphael means to get rid of you somehow. He has been very secretive, today he told me to increase security. He also ordered that Lord Naris no longer be welcome on the property. He is an fiendish man, I despise him.”


“Did you notify the guards of these changes?” Jade inquired


“I had to, Raphael wanted to see a security increase immediately.” Roose confirmed


Naris blows air on the ink and hot candle wax seal affixed atop the pieces of parchment. He took them one at a time, folding them then placed the sealed writs in Roose’s hands.


“What are these my lord?” Roose asked Naris


“Roose you are to deliver these to Hundred Eye’s. They are raid contracts for an assault on his village agreed upon by Lady Camille Belcourt and Gerrick Darkdirk of the Blackhoods in Westport Manor.”  Naris replied. “The contract clearly states that his village will be raided & burnt to the ground if there are any reports of the prisoner Hundred Eyes leaving Sanguinar. The contract pays the Blackhoods 20,000 gold pieces upfront. Give these to Hundred Eyes this evening, tell him you found these while clearing out some of Lady Belcourt’s documents and thought he would find them useful. Roose, moving forward you are to follow all of Raphael’s directions and report all information back to Jade.”


Roose looked at Jade, “I’m completely confused by all this.”


Naris responded quickly “Relay the information, there is a long play here.”


His eyes were still fixed on Jade who nodded. “Do as he says Roose.”


“Of course my lady.” Roose replied and left.


Jade turned to Naris, “I don’t agree with this at all, this is no way to manipulate our master.”  Jade objected.


“Master?” Naris said scornfully. “He is my trainer, nothing more. It’s a good thing I am not looking for your approval. Searching for a new trainer would be a tremendous inconvenience. Nor do I intend seek a new Yin Fen source. You may not like it but you’ll need to go along with my plans if you want Lady Belcourt back in power.”


Jade looked at him with a hint of disdain, “Are we all just pieces of a puzzle meant to satiate your lust for power Lord Naris Vandree?” She asked angrily


Naris moved in close, face to face with Jade. “Perhaps I do look to some as puzzle pieces…” His voice had taken on a charming tone, “.. and others for a more affectionate meaning.” He put his hand in Jade’s. She could feel a torn piece of paper and a key. “Here is the address of a safe house of sorts I keep in Westport Manner. Come back to me when you have the information I seek. Feel free to use the house if you feel like you are in danger.” Her eyes followed him as he left.


Naris waited in Westport Manor as several weeks passed him by. He was sitting in his room enjoying a pipe of some fine smoke he acquired from a travelling calashite merchant in the trade quarter when a knock on his room’s door and the sound of his goblin servant drew his attention.


“Yes Snot?” he said while taking in another mouthful of smoke.


“Master, Jade is here. She wishes to see you at once. I settled her into the guest room.”


“Thank you Snot.  Naris replied, “If she has the information we need, you will be traveling to the Dark Embrace immediately. There you make contact with Charwyn at the Dark Embrace. Give him this address for his “cat burglar” to meet me in 2 weeks time. Come.”


“As you command master.” the dutiful goblin replied.


Naris knocked on the door to the guest room, and entered after hearing  “Come in” from Jade. The two exchanged warm smiles, “Jade I trust your accommodations meet your approval?”


She moves into Naris for arms reaching for a hug. “I care not for material values Naris, you know this about me.”

“I assume you’ve discovered where Lady Belcourt is being held.” As Naris breaks the embrace short. “Tell me what you’ve learned.”


“Yes of course, She is being held in a secret room, beneath Magnus Bane’s personal library. The room can only be accessed by a floor hatch that is opened by a button behind a certain book in his library. It appears he’s taken a more careful approach to her confinement than before.”


“A book?” Naris looked puzzled. “What book?”


“The book’s title is ‘The Anatomy of the Blood’. “Magnus wears a special glove when he moves the book. Mistress Belcourt is in a coffin, guarded by a construct. I believe the golem is activated when the coffin is opened.”


“Where do we go to access the library? What kind of construct?  What is it made out of? Any other traps we should be aware of?” Naris fired off question after question.


Jade sated at him waiting patiently for him to quiet. “The library is down the  eastside stairs on the main floor.” She began. “The door to the library has both a magical and physical protections securing it. The hatch itself has a magical trap warding it and the coffin has multiple traps placed set  upon it. Naris there is more… and this may not be easy to hear. I’m told that apparently your brother Nazmyr is responsponsible for Camille’s imprisonment.” Jade offered carefully.


“I am well aware of who is responsible for this.” Naris responded grumpily.


Jade looked puzzled, “I don’t understand why you would side with Mistress Camille over your brother.”


“I care for Nazmyr as much as all my brothers, however he has interfered with my business dealings. And worse, he has been less than truthful in regards to his relationship with Lady Camille. I expected he should know better. I for one would never interfere with his business dealings out of respect. That said I still in trust him. Besides I’m certain Camille and I will come to some sort of an accord in the future to keep me placated and protect him from her wrath.” Naris said sarcastically. “Well done Jade, most impressive work.” he said pleased with her report. Naris looked at Snot and gave him a nod. The goblin bowed and left without a word. Naris poured wine for them both. “Jade, how is Master Hundred Eyes? I understand he has decided to stay in the compound for the time being.  How is his mood?” Naris asked with a smirk.

Jades smile faded to a frown, “I have not seen him. He disabled a squad of guards bringing him rations the day after Roose delivered him the “contracts.” For the record, I still do not approve of what you did Naris.”


“It was the only way, you’ll see. Perhaps you will change your mind when Camille is back in power, things will return to the way they always were. The two of them will be bickering like an old married couple before you know it. Please, make yourself comfortable, spend the night or as long as you choose.”


“I must get back to Sanguinar, before Raphael is suspicious, he is as paranoid as ever.  There is this new contact that is receiving large amounts on Yin Fen.  He is keeping it a secret, even Roose has no idea who he is dealing with.” Jade explained


“Ok, stay safe. Remember….You’re always welcome here Jade.”


Two weeks later,  Naris found himself  in a wood not to far from the Bane estate, leaning against a tree smoking his pipe admiring the full moon.  He had been listening to song of animalistic howls in the distance when suddenly a figure appeared out of the shadows.  


“You must be Naris.” A woman’s voice called from behind.


“I am, and you are?”


“Im Jett, Charwyn sent me.” The attractive fast talking drow female replied. Jett clearly got her name from either the color black of her skin or the speed in which she spoke.  Naris wasn’t sure which. Within the first 2 minutes together Naris quickly found out that she had been to his inn, how much Evony despised him and the large amount of respect she had for his brothers in the guild.


Naris began to feel incredibly nervous that Charwyn might be playing a prank on him by sending some lowly swindler instead of the high end rogue he was promised and paid for.


Naris grew more and more frustrated with her non-stop chatter as they walked towards the Bane estate. At his wits he he interrupted her, “Listen, let’s get down to business… enough of the small talk.” He explained where the traps were. “How are you going to take care of this? We need to be ghosts, and I’m a little concerned because you don’t seem to be able to keep quiet.” He scowled. “I have a gag in my cloak that I was expecting to use on my target, not the person helping me break her out.” Naris said threateningly.


“Wow, now i can see why everyone thinks you’re a real jerk. Fine no talk.” Jet sneered as she pulled a mask from her cloak. “I’ll make sure to tell everyone at the Embrace that they were right. You are an ass!” Jett hissed.


Naris shook his head and began running down the plan they were going to follow to reach the coffin. “The only opposition I’m expecting is a stone construct in the coffin room, I will take care it. All I need you to do is handle all the doors and traps.”


Jett shook her head, “You know you should really think about working on how you speak to people.”


Naris stopped in his tracks, “Listen I hired you for a fucking job. I’m not looking for a lecture about my manners.”


Jett took her mask off and quickly cut him off, “You know what? I kinda think this job is off. I’m not feeling terribly appreciated and my company isn’t feeling welcome.” Jett responded sensitively.


Naris puts his hand over his face, “Wait. Ok.” he exhaled with exasperation. “I’m sorry. Please don’t go. I really need your help. Looks like we have about a 15 minute walk, I’d love to hear more about you.”


Jett smiled and much to Naris’s chagrin continued to talk non-stop for the next 15 minutes.


“Excuse me Jett.” Naris said politely. “I believe we are getting close to the house.”


Jett pauses looking around the area and goes quiet. She puts her mask back on then turns a ring rendering her invisible. Naris does the same.


The two approach the multiple level estate. The grass and garden were well manicured and a low stone wall marked the perimeter. They followed the shadows as best they could while approaching the villa. Jett inspected the entryway. She made quick work of wards and lock on the front door.  Naris was impressed. He hadn’t seen anyone with skills like these short of his brother Valas. Jett stopped to look around, Naris watched as she cast a silence spell and closed the door resetting the locks. Jett scanned the foyer, as expected all was quiet. Magnus was away and his servants had retired for the evening. The two made their way up the stairs leading toward the library door. Jett again masterfully handled the traps with what seemed like great ease. She quietly closed the door and moved towards the book on the shelf. Jett summoned an unseen servant directing it towards the book and watched as it disintegrated the second it touched the binding. Naris became concerned as a serious look of concern appeared on his face. Jett was unfazed. She replaced her ring of invisibility with another ring. Naris watched as the book began to move by telekinesis off the shelf and on to the floor revealing a button.  Jett pushed the button and a section of the floor opened to reveal a hatch. She set to the task of removing the magical glyphs on the trapdoor before opening it and stairs leading down came into sight. The two followed down the stairs ending in a large sized room empty except for an ornate jeweled coffin and the stone golem standing immobile near it. The two intruders dispelled their invisibility and began to exchange sign language to communicate. Naris positioned himself behind the golem, His ‘Long Knife of the Skirmisher’ in hand had been set with a demolition crystal. Jett proceeded to work on the series of traps on the coffin. She signaled to Naris that she was about to open the coffin. As the lid separated from the main of the coffin the golem activated, coming to magical life. Naris moved quickly to bury his long knife into the golem but took a bad step tripping on the massive creature’s stone feet. He fell right in front of the coffin. Jett turned quickly invoking a spell to create a wall of force, wedging the golem into a corner.  The golem pounded on the force wall trying in vain to reach the intruders. Naris winced at the tremendous amount of noise the creature created. He regained his footing just as the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard on the floor above. Naris shackled Camille’s hands and feet, stuffed a cloth in her mouth and places a black bag over her head. He pulled her from the coffin breaking her torpor throwing her struggling form over his shoulder and moved toward Jett.


The crafty cat burglar found her way to the opposite wall and cast a passwall spell to provide an exit. Unfortunately the the spell doesn’t make it to the surface. Naris grew concerned that the two were now surrounded by Earth. He had lost his direction, unsure where he is exactly in relationship to the surface. Jett grasped his wrist and smiled. Her teleport incantation drew them into the void only to have them reappear outside near the same tree that Naris and Jett met earlier that night.


Naris took in a deep breath of cold midnight air. “Jett, I’m not sure what to say, thank you. You are quite amazing.  I would appreciate it if you didn’t share my shortcomings with the rest of your guild. I’m less than happy with the way I dealt with that golem. If I’m being honest it was quite embarrassing.”


“Embarrassing… indeed it was, Didn’t you say you would handle the golem?  Not to worry your secret’s safe with me Lord Vandree. I very much enjoyed our conversations, hope to see you soon at your inn. Please let Charwyn know your contract was fulfilled and you were pleased with my services.”


“Indeed, very pleased.” Naris offered Jett a friendly bow of the head as she disappeared into the shadows.


Naris invoked the power of his cloak of the bat shooting into the sky with Lady Camile in arms, his ring making invisible for the trip back to his townhouse. Naris brought his captive into his office placing her in a chair. He decided to secure her with rope for good measure prior to removing the sack and gag from her face.


Camille glared at Naris, then looked about the room taking in her surroundings. “Is there a competition in House Vandree as to which brother can kidnap me the most?” she said playfully.


Naris drew a toke off his pipe, “On the contrary, This was a liberation mission.”


Camille eyed her restraints and began to laugh, “Liberation, forgive me Naris I don’t exactly feel liberated.”


“In due time Mistress, I want to layout some ground rules moving forward that I am hoping you will agree to.”  


Camille looked at Naris with narrowed eyes.


“First and foremost I want to make it perfectly clear that any type of retiliation against my brother Nazmyr’s person is completely off the table,  You are not to attack him physically or mentally in any way shape or form. Can you agree to that?”


“I don’t have much of a choice here do I? Camille responded flatly.


“No you don’t.” Naris emphasized. “Let me be clear,  should you attack him, my next visit will result in your placement in a coffin permanently.” he raised his tone for effect.


“Very well Naris, I agree, Besides I find it sexy when you talk tough.” Camille responded snarkly


Naris ignored the comment.  “Next you need to get your house in order. Raphael is seriously disrupting our Yin Fen arrangement. He has apparently brokered a deal with Nazmyr and I’m cut out. Lastly, you will need to smooth things over with Hundred Eyes.”


Camille looks at Naris quizzically, “How so”?


Naris explained while he removed Camille’s restraints. “Well I may have had to manipulate him into staying. He was planning on leaving because you were out of the picture. I am not interested in looking for another trainer. Also you should know Jade and Roose are still loyal to you, I’m not sure what other help you can expect.  Lastly, I’ve gone through great trouble to free you. So my expectation is that you regain control of your house as soon as possible so we can once again conduct business together. There is the matter of that little favor to collect from you.”


She made a face.


Here’s some gold.” he said handing her a pouch. “We’re in Westport Manor.  Please see your way out and send word to me in Rilauven when we can start working together again.”


“Thank you Naris,” She smiled touching the tip of her tongue to her right incisor. “What a mess…I’ll be looking forward to resuming business soon but for now…Let’s just say  I have much to do.” She checked herself in his mirror straightening her dress then grinned as she turned to leave.

This topic was modified 5 years ago 2 times by Dorym
