Naris and the Girl …
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[Closed] Naris and the Girl With Fire In Her Eyes

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This was originally posted by Naris

It was an uneventful flight back to Silverbrook.  Naris had never been away from the Inn for more than a few days since its opening.  This time was different, he was called away to do Mistress Freth’s bidding once again.  He was curious how Ziya handled things while he was away. Naris still being terribly frustrated with his current arrangement in the under dark was contemplating his next move.  Naris’s mind was racing with schemes, however his bones ached from the weeks of travel that his body has endured.


Upon arriving at The House of Negotiable Sensations, Naris snuck into his room through a secret door.  He saw Ziya fast asleep in his bed, he decided to lie down for a bit to try and relax.  Naris struggled with the fact that he was still working with the female drow.  His hatred for them had become overwhelming. Just being in the same room with Mistress Freth, he felt a level of indentured servitude that he never felt even when he had no freedom.  Sure he could come and go as he pleased. However, once he was called upon by Mistress Freth he knew that he must answer the call.


The next morning, Naris already up for some hours was seated behind his desk. Paper & quill out he was clearly hard at work on a document. Ziya quickly springs up out of bed & hears a weird sound coming from her adjacent office.  She quickly grabs her poison coated dagger & attempts to step into the shadows. She cautiously enters the office to see Naris sitting behind his desk. Ziya is suddenly very excited to see Naris has returned, she greets him with a long warm embraces.  She immediately moves to the windows & pulls the curtains wide open to let the sunrise enter the room.  Naris quickly shields his eyes, never understanding human’s excitement to let the sun enter the room.


Naris smiles at Ziya and asks “so my dear how have the last few weeks treated the Inn?”


Ziya smiles, “My lord, all has been well. We did have an issue a fourth night ago. A well-known merchant named Grandal spent a few hours in the Inn. He is a wealthy caravan leader that passes through the town from time to time. He travels with some guards, but most notably he has twin brothers that act as his personal guards.  They never leave his side, in fact they were in the room when he was enjoying one of our girl’s pleasures.”


Naris looking perplexed, “ok so what was the issue?”


Ziya responded “well the man refused to pay, he said the wench should be paying him for his services.  The man said he was not satisfied with the services. This is simply not true because the man finished twice and was quite happy according to the girl.


Naris quite perplexed asked, “so did none of the guards handle this?  What of Snot? Where was he?


Ziya frowned “I have no idea where Snot was. The guards were fearful because of his guards; these twins are hulking men. Both appear close to 7 feet tall & very girth.  Our guards were fearful that if they stood their ground that Grandal would show up with his caravan guards.”

Naris was getting angry “so no one apposed this man? He was able to just walk right out and not pay for services rendered?”


Ziya started to tear up, “Well my mother stepped in & threatened the three men. You know how she can get when provoked.”


“Indeed” Naris replied.


Ziya is in full tears at this point, “The men decided to throw my mother around the bar area for fun. They hollered obscenities the entire time.  She is pretty banged up. Some bruises are all, maybe a cracked rib or two.  What do you intend to do about this?”


“This Grandal will need to be paid a visit. Where does this man live when his caravan is passing through town?”


“He hails from West Port Manor. As the name implies it is a port city; about a weeks travel from here. It is said he dwells in a small manor house located within the city proper. He usually keeps a small guard contingency there.” Ziya replied.


“Ziya please leave me for the time being, I have much to think about.”


“Of course my lord” Ziya responded


Naris trying to clear his head, went back to the task at hand. He had been writing a business letter all morning.  As Naris was proof reading the letter, there was a knock on his door.


“I’m not back 8 hours & I can’t get any time to myself around here. Enter!” Naris shouted out.


Ziya opens the door & Valas enters.


“My Lords I had Spencer(cook) brew you both some fresh peppermint tea. Ziya offered


Valas nods his approval then smells the tea for any foreign substances.


“Brother what brings you to my place of business? Are you here to offer me a stake in your new venture? Potions, Poisons & Elixirs is it?” Naris asked?


Always smiling, Valas responded “Not quite brother, I am here to discuss your intentions to leave Mistress Freth’s operation. “


Ziya gasps, “my lord that would be a terrible mistake, the town relies on her protection to stay safe. “


Naris frustrated by his apprentice’s unwelcome opinion shouts back, “your thoughts on the matter were not requested. Send Snot up here now & please leave immediately!”



Valas snickers, “Trouble in your surface world paradise brother?”


Naris scowls, “everything is fine here.  You’re wasting your breathe. I am done being Mistress Freth’s puppet. We risk our lives to do her bidding, for what free room & board? I can pay for my own room thank you very much.”


“Naris there is great value in her resources, she gives us sleep poison, equipment, contacts & most of all protection.” Valas responds.


“I can make my own poison, as can you, I hope… or is that fanatical guild you’re part of holding all the house secrets to themselves?” Naris questioned


“Not at all. I personally feel that you are letting your hatred for Drow women impede your good judgement, clouding your ability to see the value of our relationship with Mistress Freth. She has been nothing but kind to us.  She connected you with training for the killing arts. When you had a blight, she sent you to Brother Cream, a male priest, understanding your mistrust of the female priestesses. There is value in all of that. “Valas stated.


Naris interrupted, “She insults me by asking for my loyalty for a simple spell to cure an ailment that I received doing her bidding.  The last Matron Mother that asked for my loyalty is number one on my hit list.”


“And mine as well, but the fact that she desires your loyalty only proves that she respects the value of your services. Perhaps if you weren’t so dismissive of what she has to offer you would see that too.”  Valas offered.


There is a knock on the door, “Enter!” Naris Shouts.


Snot walks in, “My Lord you called for Snot?”   “Yes Snot, take this letter to Mistress Freth. Makes sure it is handed to her personally.”


Naris passes the folded letter to Snot, Valas quickly walks over yanks the letter out of Snots hands.


“Let’s have a look at this nonsense.” Valas comments.







Good day Mistress Freth-


I am writing to inform you that I will no longer be available to do your bidding. My permanent residence will be in Silverbrook.  I shall insure that sponsorship payments are still made to your house in a timely matter.  However, I am not a common foot Soldier that can be beckoned on a whim when needed.  Should you have need of my blade please make a suitable offer for my services.




Naris Vandree



Valas Chuckled, “Brother I hope you didn’t spend too much time writing this.” As he walks over to a side table and places the letter over a candle as it engulfs quite quickly.


Naris quite frustrated, “What the hell is wrong with you?”


“You will not be sending this letter; it is a slap in the face.  None the less you won’t even deliver it yourself. Sending your snot goblin slave. This will position the entire family poorly, away from Mistress Freth’s grace.  Valas explained


“I could care less; I am no slave! Naris Vandree does not kill for free. My services have value!” Naris shouted.


No one is questioning that. However, first off there are few things you enjoy more than killing & stealing. Mistress Freth gives us access to plenty of both. Second, I want revenge just as much as you. Working side by side with her is our quickest path to that end.  Mistress Freth is also very easy on the eyes, so being at least cordial towards her should not be this difficult for you.” Valas reasoned


“Indeed, however I have all I can handle in that regard here.”  Naris pondered for a second & smirked.  “Valas your position has been noted & I will refrain from sending the letter at this time. As always I appreciate your honest counsel.  Now, speaking of killing I was wondering if you are interested in making a house call with me later?” Naris announced.


“Oh really?  Brother I would never turn down the opportunity to make others bleed alongside you.”  Valas smirked


“Excellent, Snot send word to this Mr. Grandal that I would like to meet with him in private and that I have a business proposal for him.  And Snot, send one of the girls to do this, not you.  Brother meet me back here at nightfall.” Naris requested


“Of course.” Valas confirms




Later that evening Valas returned to Naris’s office at the House of Negotiable Sensations. Upon entering the office, he was puzzled for a second as he noticed there were two Naris’s.   The first was seated behind a desk wearing his prize cloak shaped like a bat.  The second had his feet kicked up on a side table wearing the families signature piwafwi cloak. The Naris behind the desk Looked at Valas


Good evening brother, it is a beautiful night & death is in the air.”


Valas looks towards the Naris with his feet kicked up on the desk, indeed brother I can taste the blood as we speak. He looks at the Naris behind the desk. Nods his head, good evening Ziya, it is quite cruel that my narcissistic brother makes you dress like him. “


She chuckles briefly & quickly lowers her head as she doesn’t wish to receive Naris’s wrath.


Naris responds “Lets go, I’ll explain the plan along the way.”


Before arriving at the House, Naris asks everyone if they know their roles.  Everyone gestures in affirmation.


Naris(Ziya) knocks on the door to the smallish manor house. An aging human answers the door.


“Good evening sir, how may I help you.”


“Good evening” Naris Replied “I am Naris Vandree I sent word to your master that I seek a word with him to discuss a business matter.”


“Ah Yes Mr. Vandree, my name is Bronster, I am Mr. Grandal’s traveling butler. He is awaiting your arrival in his study. Please, may I offer you a beverage?”


“No thank you, I am fine. Please show me to the study.”


Naris(Ziya) follows Bronster down a hallway up a flight of stairs that leads to a landing & three doorways. Bronster opens the center door and ushers Naris in.  There he finds the man who is presented as Grandal.


Grandal a human in his mid 40’s, appears to be slightly overweight, dressed in a grey robe & has a large silver medallion hung around his neck.  He sits behind a large bronze desk, a massive pillar candle rests on the desk illuminating the room. Two large bookcases stand on the side walls & a floor to ceiling window dominates the back wall.


“Bronster did you offer our guest a beverage?”  Grandal asks


“Of course my lord. Mr. Vandree graciously declined.” Bronster responds


“Very well, please pour me another glass of Elvish wine.”  At that, the door opens once again & two hulking humans enter the room & position themselves behind Naris(Ziya). I’d like to introduce my twin brothers, Biff & Brute.” I hope you don’t mind if they sit in on your business proposal.  The huge men wore chainmail & wear large spike clubs at their hips. They both appeared to be about 7 feet tall and weigh more than 300 pounds built of pure muscle.   Ziya began to develop a knot in her stomach as fear washed over her. She turned around to look at the large men.

“So do you have a proposal for me?”


“Yes I do, but first I’d love to hear the story how you came to own that magnificent medallion. “Naris(Ziya) asked


Mr. Grandal stood up and propped his chest out, very proud of his achievement. “This medallion is a salutation from the Mayor of Waterdeep.  My trading company delivered troops & munitions during a time of need. I was awarded this medal of honor by the town.”


“I see, that is wonderful. I am surprised that you don’t have more troops guarding you here.  Where do you board them? Naris(Ziya) asked.


“There is no need to have any troops here. I have my brothers. They provide me around the clock protection.  The guards for my trading business are mercenaries, they come and go as they please. I was about to ask you the same. I am surprised that you decided to come to my home without your brother’s protection.  I have to be honest, I don’t quite understand all the fear you instill. From where I am standing you are a miniature & weak looking dark elf. No different than the dozens my brother’s and I have smashed.  So if you have a proposal for me, I would think now Is the time for you to reveal it. I hope it is worthwhile or you should start begging for your life.”


Naris(Ziya) looking at the reflection in Grandals glass of Elvish wine, sees the Twins now have their clubs in their hands.   She moves closer to the desk and positions herself in front of the candle. Her eyes reflect the dancing flame as she demands “You must pay 100 times what is owed & you must present yourself to my madam and allow her to give you 10 lashings in the town square. Or else your life is forfeit!”


Grandal & The twins immediately start laughing.   Ziya responds “I thought that may be your response & appearances can be quite deceiving. She quickly blows out the candle, drops to the floor and fires a bolt from her hand crossbow aimed at Grandals legs. In the dark, her shot misses its mark. Simultaneously, having been afforded ample time to study their targets, the Brothers Vandree move in. Valas plunges his Long Knife through Brutes heart. Naris drops from the ceiling and impales his blade in Biff’s neck.  Both of the hulks drop immediately. Grandal casts a quick spell and the room is lit. He screams in horror for help.  An alarm sounds almost immediately. Naris & Valas both fire hand crossbow bolts into Grandal’s chest. The poison does its work as he drops instantaneously.  Naris nods his head at Ziya as she runs over to complete the coup de grace. Valas moves toward the window & pries it open.


He looks over at Naris. “Brother, as always, I have enjoyed spending quality family time together.” Valas twists his ring & disappears into the misty night.


Naris looks toward Ziya, all bloody. “I will see you back at the House.”  Ziya shape changes into a bat and flies through the window.  Naris walks over to Grandals dead body. He rips the medallion from around his neck. Thinking to himself I think I know someone that would enjoy this token.  Naris casts a spell, turns invisible and climbs down the side of the house.  As he heads back to House of Negotiable Affections he thinks to himself, next time he should take the item that allows himself to fly.



Naris gets back to his room without incident.  As he sneaks into his office he notices a trail of clothing on the floor. He sees his cloak of the bat, some boots & a loincloth leading towards his bedroom. Ziya all cleaned up stands naked inside the entrance, intoxicated from her first kill. Once she sees Naris she begins peeling his clothing off in a fit of primal lust. Naris lays back and allows himself to be the prey for once.




The next afternoon, there is a knock on the door. “Enter!” Naris declares.


 Madame Beatrice slowly walks in clutching her ribs. “My lord your brother is downstairs with a very beautiful woman.”


“Which Brother?” Naris asks


“Alaketh my lord.” B responds


“Alaketh & a beautiful woman doesn’t really go together. Are you sure it isn’t Nazmyr? Or perhaps even Ishtoshin?”


“No my lord, it’s is your handsome brother. The muscular one with the shield.” Beatrice commented while blushing.


“Oh really B?  I’ll be sure to relay this information.  Please send him up.” As Beatrice headed for the door. Naris caught up to her. “B one more thing. This is for you. He hands her Grandals medallion. Thank you for defending the house in my absence.”


Madame B nodded her head and accepted her gift with appreciation.


Alaketh entered the office being flanked by a stunning human female with platinum blonde hair.


“Brother I’d like to introduce you to Chandriana. We both thought that she would be a good addition to your staff here.” Alaketh offered


Naris responded “Oh is that so. She certainly fits the role physically.  Why the sudden generosity?”


“Well her services come at a cost.  First off, you will owe me a favor to be named later.  Second Chandriana is not what she appears.  She is a demon.”  Chandriana suddenly grows wings.  She has an insatiable appetite for life force. This appetite needs to be quenched. I thought having her here would give you someone else to work & give her access to warm bodies.  What do you think?”



“Alaketh how did you come to meet this exquisite creature?”


“Let’s just say that crystal that we were supposed to destroy from the mission Matron Malarn sent us on contained a powerful demon.  I am currently working with this demon & this succubus is an ally of that specific demon. “


“I can’t say that I am surprised. You have always been a terrible liar. Will this Creature be doing your bidding as well?  What of this information gathering you seek?  Will the information that she collects be cycled through me? Or will she be reporting directly to you?” Naris questioned


“Any otherworldly information she will report to me directly; I have no interest in anything taking place on the surface. She will not be doing my bidding. She works for you. Should you meet her needs she will do whatever you request.”



“What about handling security situations? Also am I getting the feeling that because you are seeking otherworldly information, that it will become a normality that demons will be showing up here.”


 “She is not afraid to get her hands dirty, as long as she is compensated properly with life energy. I have no expectations of any demons or creatures showing up here at this time.”


Naris didn’t like all of Alaketh answers, He felt at least a few of them were not truthful. However, the thought of having a Succubus in his service would be extremely valuable. He knew he needed more security.


“Alaketh we have an agreement. You may call upon me to do a favor for you if I should deem it to be a reasonable request. Is that agreeable?”


“Of course!  I look forward to seeing this business arrangement benefit us both.”


“Alaketh please send Madame B upstairs so we can have Chandriana situated in her new home.”

Madame Beatrice entered looked over her new girl and was very pleased.  She will be a welcome talent to the staff.” Beatrice commented.  She grew tired of guests asking about her & her daughters availability.  Chandrianna would certainly be garnering a lot of attention.  


“Madame B please show Chandriana to her quarters & give her a tour of the facility.  B one last thing before you go.  Is your chunky cousin still baking lemon cakes for the “mayor.”?  


“Indeed my lord.”


 Is there anything of note going on in the mayor’s office?


“Nothing to report at this time… He is still eating a lemon cake every day and seems to enjoy yelling at his slaves.  That is about it.”


“Yes he does enjoy his lemon cake doesn’t he.”
