Naadiyah, Dahlia an…
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Naadiyah, Dahlia and Shelsa

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The sitting area was quite lavish. Expensive cushions and couches filled the space. Drapes of fine silk embroidered with precious metal threads hung from the windows. Rich tables and other furnishings carved from smooth ebony wood appointed the room. The Isfahan rug woven of threads dyed in blue, red and ivory that had been placed in the center of the room completed the Calishite feel. Naadiyah al Teheri sat comfortably sipping coffee prepared in manner of her people, infused with the flavor of clove ginger, saffron and cardamom. “Truly you are most fortunate to have met the brother of my Valas. He is a kind and charismatic man who arranges for our comforts, yet powerful and respected. Half the dragon men protecting our home belong to him. You were wise to choose him as your wizard.”


The cat listened intently to the young woman. She decided she liked her. Naadiyah was friendly and personable. She spoke well of the man with whom she had formed her familiar bond. This pleased her. She was also generous with the food she prepared daily and drink that was fresh and cool. Shelsa wanted for nothing. Naadiyah catered to her every need. Life here was certainly much better than it was in Baba Yaga’s hut. Shelsa agreed with the young half human. She was wise. She had made a good choice.


Naadiyah spoke much about her lord as well. ‘My Valas’ she called him. Shelsa had met him. He was an impressive drow. Confident and powerful. When the greedy, nasty brother they referred to as ‘Quefus’ attempted to steal her master’s share in the loot and rudely disrespected him, Valas was the first to speak in his defense. He demanded Nazmyr receive his fair share. The brothers fell in line…and quickly once Rygos and Naris pledged their support to Valas. She decided she liked the three of them as well. As Naadiyah spoke Shelsa could feel a breeze float lightly through the room. Naadiyah placed her cup on a nearby table and continued the conversation without break while she prepared a second cup of the aromatic coffee. Without looking away from the cat she reached out, cup in hand, and offered it to the swirl of wind. Shelsa looked on with curiosity as the air took shape and second incredibly beautiful woman appeared.


“Who are you talking to Naadiyah al Teheri? You haven’t gone mad couped up in this tree have you?” the visitor asked.


“Why Shelsa of course. Dahlia Hakbarrah I’d like you to meet Shelsa the newest member of our family. Shelsa this is Dahlia, Djinn noble and associate of Nazmyr.”


Dahlia looked around the room her eyes falling on a large grey and white cat with long hair and a rather ‘intelligent’ expression on her face. “We’ve met.” she smiled at Shelsa. “Associate? Is that what I am?”


Naadiyah grinned, sat and crossed her legs like a pretzel. “Soooo. What then would you call yourself cousin. How would you describe yourself?”


Dahlia thought for a second then pursed her lips. She sat on an ottoman facing both Naadiyah and Shelsa and said, “I think I’d call me his friend….I think.”


Naadiyah squealed in excitement. “You’ve come to the truth have you…or at least part of it.”


Dahlia shook her head then shrugged her shoulders, “I want to be angry with him. I really do. I hate this bondage. But just when I think I have cause to be cross he presents me with a gift…or says something charming…or does me some kindness. I kissed him you know. And not because I was compelled to but because I wanted to. Could it be I have actually come to like this man little cousin?”


“It certainly took long enough…..In human time that is…..I told you he was a good man. A generous man. And he values your voice. Most men of our people care not for the words of a woman. Nazmyr not only asks for your counsel but acts on it. The question is…what do you do next Dahlia Hakbarrah?”


“I don’t know.” she answered truthfully then sipped her coffee.


“Vellupa ukta.” came a soft feline voice.


Dahlia and Naadiyah both stared at the cat who had been sitting quietly while listening intently to their conversation.


“I’m sorry you don’t speak Fey and I’m still learning Auran and Alzhedo. What I said was marry him.” Shelsa was matter of fact.


“You can’t be serious. It doesn’t work that way?”


“I am serious and it can work that way. You have several advantages over any other ‘fake’ suitors. You are beautiful and charismatic. Nazmyr is quite fond of you. And perhaps most importantly…I like you. Nazmyr and I are a package deal…so yeah. You have my blessing Dahlia.”


“Did you say other suitors?”


“Nazmyr is a handsome man. Of course there are heads that turn when he enters a room….However, I can assure you. There are no ‘real’ suitors. Is it agreed then?
You’ll marry Nazmyr?”


Naadiyah gushed with excitement. “I think that’s a fantastic idea! We’ll be sisters!”


Dahlia was stunned. She looked at Naadiyah with mouth agape for a moment then said, “Blessed air you have gone mad in your solitude.”


“Mad. No I don’t believe she is.” Shelsa responded. “Now Elena, she was mad… insane really. This young lady however is quite delightful.”


“Thank you Shelsa.” Naadiyah beamed happily.


“You’re both mad if you think that I could……That Nazmyr would…. “


“Say yes child and leave the rest to me and the last ring that will ever bind you will be a wedding ring. What say you?”


Dahlia looked at Naadiyah who was nodding her head in approval.


“Ok” Dahlia said softly. “I just don’t believe it will be that easy.”


Shelsa purred then curled up to nap. “Perfect. Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have a wedding to plan…” as she drifted off to sleep.
