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Naadiyah al Teheri kept the room in immaculate order. The decor was flavored in the style of her native Calimshan. There were large comfortable cushions and rich draping silks. Ornate precious metal incense burners and candelabras scented the musty swamp air with aromatic odors foreign to Hosuth. The intricately carved cocobolo desk was manicured exactly as Valas wanted. Shelves of books containing everything from arcane lore to foreign locales and customs, to herbologies, alchemical theories and even a religious text or two detailing the faith and lore of his goddess Zinzerena were kept orderly and dust free protected from the humid climate in an airtight armoire. Naaidiyah tended the space with obvious care and desire to please. Once satisfied her task was completed to perfection she made her way through the tree toward the kitchens where she would prepare a meal for her master. Though she never knew when he may return, it was important to her that there be a fresh meal expertly crafted and ready to serve Valas should he choose to favor her with his presence. 

As she walked through the hollowed tree fort she would greet the many dragon men posted about. Much like herself they seemed honored to serve their Lords of Vandree. Some she knew belonged to Valas, others to his brother Nazmyr. She’d prepare meals for them all as well, such was the Calashite way. 

She had the freedom to leave the compound. Valas had decreed as much though he also decreed she should have the protection of his guards. Such was his affection for her, his desire to always see her safe. She worked hard to be worthy of the love he bore for her. She was grateful to be married off to such a kind and generous noble, a powerful lord and handsome paramour. She knew her sisters would not fare as well. She was grateful for her good fortune. Naadiyah prepared the meal and as she did made mental note of the supplies she would need to see replenished. The odor of Quwarmah al Dalaj fragrantly danced about the compound filling the area with scents of cumin, black pepper, cardamom and ginger. Turmeric, nutmeg and cinnamon balanced the aroma. Crates and jars of the expensive spices had been gifted to her lord by her cousin and former Pasha, Is’haaq al Edris. Nodding with approval she exited the kitchen to seek an escort to the city market. 

“Marshall Xavri.” She addressed the warrior with purple tinged scales. “I wish to visit the markets. Would it be an inconvenience to request the company of an escort?” 

The large draconian responded in equally polite manner, “No inconveniensss at all my lady. The massster would be quite dissspleasssed should harm befall you. I ssshall accompany you persssonally.” He smiled and a row of intimidating razor sharp teeth filled his grin. 

Naadiyah was unafraid. The dragon men had always been cordial, if not kind to her. As the Marshall took his place alongside her, two bronze guardsmen filed behind them walking in step. Truly her master was kind and loving to take such precautions to see her safe. 

The group walked quietly through the city, her dragon men entourage wary of everything around them. They received a few awkward glances by those who had seen the spectacle of the bronze skinned scantily clad Calashite and her draconian escort bearing the tabard of House Vandree. She patronized many of the same businesses. Valas had explained to her that his brother Nazmyr had developed some strong business dealing with particular local shops. She would need only place an order and it would be filled on consignment. Valas always settled the debt during his visits. 

“Lady Vandree. Welcome.” The lizard folk shopkeeper greeted her. 

“My good Noghoss.” She returned warmly. “I’ll need the following items delivered to the compound if you’d be so kind.” Handing him a eloquently handwritten list. 

Noghoss eyed the list and responded. “Will end of day do my lady?” He smiled. 

“Indeed. Thank you sir.” Her respectful tone was unlike the typical drow demeanor he was accustomed to. 

She completed her morning errands in short time as the local merchants had become quite familiar with the Lords of Vandree then returned to the tree. 

Satisfied she had attended to all her responsibilities Naadiyah found a comfortable cushion in the parlor and decided to practice her music. The strumming of her oud filled the sitting room with the sounds of Calimshan. Festive and happy notes seemed to invigorate all in earshot. Truth be told life in the compound could seem quite mundane and the guilty pleasure of Naadiyah playing was appreciated by the many residents. 

A sudden unexpected rush of wind startled Naadiyah causing her to stop playing. As guards rushed in to investigate the sudden end to the music piece, they were relieved to find only Naadiyah and Nazmyr’s servant, Dalia Hakbarah in the sitting room. Dalia’s sudden and unexpected arrival had caused Naadiyah to pause her song. 

“Dalia my friend. What brings you? Nazmyr is not here to summon you. Is everything ok?” She asked genuinely concerned. 

“How could anything be ok Naadiyah. We are prisoners. Slaves of these Vandree.” She spoke in Naadiyah’s native Alzhedo. 

“Prisoners? Slaves?” Naadiyah seemed confused. “My master is most kind. I am no prisoner. In fact I’m free to come and go as I please. Valas has even arranged for protection to keep me safe.” 

“Protection Naadiyah? Those are guards to make sure you return.” 

“Why would I not return? My master is kind. I am well provided for. My safety is without question. In Calimshan we understand a man’s need for a harem. I am not insulted by his attraction to other women. When I first met him I could see his desire for the bar keep yet she even noted how he chose me. In time I am confident his love for me will only grow. Of this I am certain.” 

“Love? You think the drow loves you? Are you not familiar with the way of these beings? They are cruel and hateful.” 

“No doubt some are Dahlia but Valas has been nothing if not gentle and generous. These silks he has gifted me are enchanted to provide me protection. And when he learned of my musical skill he purchased for me this artisan crafted oud, I believe they call them ‘lutes’ in this part of the realm.” 

“Pure arrogance. He could not bear the thought of anything he owned being of low quality. Even the decorations you wear.” 

“You are not convinced? Come.” Naadiyah reached out with her hand. “I wish to show you something. 

Dahlia sighed and shook her head but complied nonetheless. 

Naadiyah led her Valas’ private quarters where Dahlia quickly pulled away. “I should not. If I am discovered in there both our masters will be angry. We’ll be punished. And Nazmyr knows my true name and where I dwell.” She seemed genuinely afraid. 

Naadiyah reassured her. “You are safe with me. This is my chamber as well. Valas and I share a bed here.” As the two entered Naadiyah walked purposefully toward an obviously locked armoire. She grasped the locked and spoke the command word. “Aluve.” The lock mechanism tumbled and the door opened. Inside were various magical weapons and potions. Would a cruel and hateful master allow his slave access to weapons such as these? No my dear Dahlia. You have them figured wrong.” 

“I…” Dahlia didn’t know how to respond to that. 

Naadiyah secured the cabinet and led her out, back to the parlor. “Sit. Tell me of these terrible things that Nazmyr has done to you. Has he inflicted such harm upon you that hateful and cruel are the only words you have for him?” 

“Do you know the story of how I came to serve Nazmyr Vandree?” 

“I do. He rescued you from a truly cruel master who placed you in harms way, to attack his enemies unprovoked. A master who coveted and abused your power. What has Nazmyr done?” 

“He …” Dahlia paused. 

“Has asked for your company, to hear your tales and learn your stories. He has asked you share in conversations with him. I have heard them. He has invited you to speak and regards your voice with respect not normally afforded women of our culture. You are right. Truly cruel and hateful things.” Her tone had turned to mockery. 

Dahlia paused and thought for a moment. “He keeps me trapped, enslaved to that accursed ring. Forces me to this plane against my will.” She sighed in resignation. “I may never be free.” 

“Have you considered he may only be keeping you bound to the ring so that he can get to know you better. Men have done worse where I am from. Kidnappings and murder all for the favor of a beautiful woman. You are a beautiful woman, my dear Dahlia Hakbarrah and a djinn noble. How else but the ring could one such as Nazmyr win your favor. Drow are not common in the elemental plane of air. How could he possibly court you without its power compelling your return to him?” 

“Do you really think? Could he possibly?” Dahlia wondered. 

“Has he not treated you kind? Handled you gently even when you chose to respond in anger and belligerence to his call.” 

Dahlia was confused. She hated the ring, was embarrassed that she had been careless enough to be bound to it. Yet Nazmyr’s acquisition of the item had actually been a turn of good fortune. He didn’t abuse her, risk her life or cause her pain. What if what Naadiyah said held some shreds of truth? What if there was much more to Nazmyr than she suspected. “Thank you little cousin. You have given me much to consider.” She hugged Naadiyah and kissed both her cheeks. “I must go but I shall return soon,” 

“Farewell Dahlia Hakbarah. Travel well until we meet again.” 

With a whoosh of air she was gone. Naadiyah picked up her oud and continued her song from the place she had stopped, hoping her master will not be away so long this time. 
