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[Closed] Kingslayer

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 219
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“So brother” Valas asked as he and Rygos walked the streets of a Rilauvin toward the Dark Embrace, “Do you think this business between Alaketh and Naris is done? I for one am not so sure. Alaketh is a terrible liar and Naris quite unforgiving. The two are stubborn as a pack lizard.” 

“I for one do not care.” Rygos smiled cheerfully, “I’m weary of both of their childish tantrums. They could do with some discipline. Mistress Dvestigar would sort them out quite quickly.” 

“If by sort you mean murder in frustration, then yes I agree.” They both chuckled in amusement and continued their banter as they walked. As the inn came into sight Valas asked, “So what’s on the agenda brother?” 

“Well first I should check in with Master Kophyn. He’ll want to know how I fared. It’s strange brother, we have never been mentored by masters who actually want us to progress and better ourselves. I’m so used to the harsh treatment of house weapon masters and cruel priestesses. The idea of proper training almost seems foreign.” 

Valas looked at his brother for a moment then nodded. “You tell it true Rygos. But never forget, they have their agenda as well.” 

“So cynical Valas….and here I thought Evony had softened your killer’s heart.” 

 Valas smirked at his brother, “Nothing about her softens me. I should meet with Master T’sith but I think I’ll check in with Evony first. She worries so when I’m away.” He chuckled as Rygos shook his head. 

The two brothers entered the tavern and it seemed all eyes fell upon them. Rygos leaned over and whispered, “Do we owe them coin? Why is everyone staring?” 

“Relax dear brother. Everyone wants to lay sight upon the famous Kingslayer.” 

Rygos scowled, “Very funny. How would they even know?” 

Valas slapped his brother on the back and said, “I’m sure tales of your exploits are already upon the lips of bards. Come let me buy you a drink to celebrate our return and great success.” 

Valas walked toward the bar where an already smiling Evony had poured two drinks. “My Lady. Your champion has returned. May I say you are as beautiful as I recall though it seems far too long since our last meeting.” 

Rygos walked over shaking his head. 

“Was he struck dumb in combat or has he been infected by Naris’ ego and less than appealing personality.” 

Rygos laughed, “I can tell you he was not injured. As for the latter I can’t say. He’s always had a curious closeness with our brother.” 

“You wound me lady.” Valas replied with mock sadness, “And to think I return bearing a gift for one I hold so special.” 

Evony snapped up her favorite weapon, twirled it and slapped Valas hard on the knuckle, “I already have a spoon.” as a malicious grin played across her face. 

Valas stretched his fingers to ward off the sting and with his other hand he deftly produced a bottle from a secret pouch under his cloak. “For you.” He said sliding the ornate perfume bottle toward Evony. 

She laid her spoon down and claimed the bottle. She opened the stopper and sniffed the liquid contained. The scent was quite pleasant and to a trained nose, was an expert combination of rare and exotic fragrance. She smiled and leaned over the bar kissing him on the lips. “Thank you Valas. Welcome home.” 

Rygos finished his drink and reached for some coins placing them on the counter. 

“No worries Rygos, I’ll put it on your brother’s tab.” 

Rygos smiled and said, “He actually pays? Thanks. Keep the coins as compensation for having to put up with this one.” He grabbed his brother by the shoulder. “I’m off to see a Master Kophyn. I’ll catch up with you later.” 

Valas smiled. “Of course Kingslayer.” 

Rygos shook his head again, “Nazmyr’s right. You are an idiot.” As he grinned and walked away. 

“Kingslayer? What’s that about?” Evony asked. 

Valas knew all ears were listening intently now. It had gotten quiet and all of the ‘patrons’ were guild members skilled in overhearing conversations. He lowered his voice just a bit to add an air of mystery and importance to the tale he was about to share. Valas recounted the story of their travel through the underdark and into the sewers. He paused, looked around for effect and then continued. He spoke in hushed tone of the legion of rats swarming in an endless flow like a surging river and the Vermin King leading his troops into battle wading amongst the torrent of tooth and claw. He mentioned the panic that several of his brothers felt as the they levitated to the top of the short ceiling attempting to escape the wrath of ravenous creatures and the powerful werecreature commanding them. He told of how the Vermin King demanded their surrender lest they be consumed by the onrush of carnivorous creatures. “Then,” he said, “Rygos twists and contorts with lightning speed concentrating his magic into a tight beam that shot from his outstretched finger and burned a clean hole through the Vermin King’s chest. As his body fell limp among his subjects, Rygos then cast flame down the cavern incinerating the host of rats from whiskers to tail. It truly was a marvel to behold. Were he not my brother, such a display of power might have unnerved me. So yes. I tease him with the title of Kingslayer but that does not make it less impressive… or less true.” 

Evony kept her gaze on Valas. “Impressive indeed. Master Kophyn will be most pleased, as will Master T’sith when you make your report. You did well bringing him to us Valas. I think I shall name a drink in his honor and call it the Kingslayer. A mixture of abyssal firewhiskey with a splash of spider wine and a blood orange, rimmed with Absinthe.” She smiled, “Certain death for any king.” 

Valas laughed. “Certain death for anyone. Far too kind my lady. I should probably find Master T’sith. I’m sure by now he’s aware of our return and anxious to hear my account.” 

“That he is.” Eldrar T’sith announced.”Come Valas we have much to discuss.” 

Valas looked at the grinning face of Evony one last time, returning her smile and followed his guildmaster to his office. 

