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[Closed] Hosuth

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Originally posted by Bronze

Standing on a balcony overlooking the courtyard, Nazmyr gazed at the stars in the midnight sky. The air was cool and accented with a gentle breeze. Smooth hands caressed his shoulders.

“What are you looking at?” Lady Ev whispered in his ear.

“I was just admiring how large the world is.” Nazmyr said has he turned to face his host.

“And how large is your adventuring spirit? Are you up for a bit of travel?” Lady Ev asked

“I feel like I just got here. Where would you have me go?”

“Hosuth. Have you heard of this place?”

“The name escapes me. Why would I want to go there?”

“Because I have business there and I want you to join me.”

“Your invitation intrigues me Langwidere. What can you tell me of this…Hosuth?”

Lady Ev gave Nazmyr a steely glance. “Remember my love, I allow you to see me without a mask and address me by my given name in private. It is a privilege I do not give lightly. Outside closed doors you will address me as Lady Ev.”

“Of course My Lady, as you wish.” Nazmyr said in agreement.

Lady Ev nodded in approval. “Now…what can I tell you of Hosuth? It is a dreadful place.” Lady Ev began as she walked away from Nazmyr and retrieved her crystal wine glass from a nearby table. “Nearly half a millennium ago, the drow city known as Hosuth was destroyed by an earthquake. At that time, a tremendous landslide shattered the mountainsides near the river collapsing the riverbed and allowing the water of the river to pour down into the catacombs beneath the mountain. The damage from the flood waters destroyed the drow city beneath the surface. The survivors of that cataclysm rose to the surface and captured the lizardfolk community of Hssith enslaving its people and creating a new civilization.”

“Is it my people that make it dreadful?” Nazmyr asked inquisitively.

“No.” Lady Ev said flatly.” It’s swampy marshland. It’s hot and humid. I find lizardfolk to be primitive and grotesque. There are far too many insects for my liking. The cuisine is subpar at best and ….”

Nazmyr chuckled.”Ok get it. You hate the place. Then why go?”

“As I said I have business there. And if I am to mingle in a city of drow I want to have the prettiest one of them all by my side.”

“Pretty?” Nazmyr said with disapproval in his voice.

With a whimsical demeanor Lady Ev said “Pretty, handsome, beautiful, lovely, fetching, pulchritudinous, choose your adjective. You are a magnificent specimen of your species. Having you by my side will definitely make a statement and give me an advantage.”

Nazmyr felt his body heat rise as his disapproval began to turn into anger. “So I am nothing more than ornamentation?”

Still maintaining her whimsical demeanor Lady Ev said “I hope not. I have grand plans for you. However should you prove to be disappointing…well…a lady can never have too many accessories?”  

Nazmyr smiled and played along with Lady Ev’s whimsy but inside he seethed with anger. He despised being someone’s pawn. The last time he had this feeling he was under Priestess Ash’ala Melarn’s lash. However, he still saw opportunity, and decided to see where this venture would take him. If plans didn’t work out to his liking he still knew Lady Ev’s true name and had seen her without her mask; and that must be worth something.

Lady Ev and Nazmyr began their journey to Hosuth the following evening. Lady Ev preferred to travel by cover of darkness as to attract as little attention as possible. Her preferred method of travel is her enchanted palanquin. The interior Lady Ev’s palanquin was deceptively larger that its exterior would lend one to believe and no luxury was spared.  The 4 ogre porters that carried the palanquin moved slowly and methodically but yet seem to cover more ground than one would expect thanks to the enchantment of the palanquin.

As they approached the city, Lady Ev invited Narmyr to look out of the window of the palanquin. She moved in close to him, gently placing her arm around his shoulders. Speaking softly she said “The city is split into two areas” she began “the dark quarter, which are the drow regions, and the slave quarter.”

As they entered the city Nazmyr found the manicured vegetation covering the majority of the dark quarter to be striking. Tremendous weeping willows, their limbs braided together with vines covered in thick moss; shielded the stone and oak buildings from the sunlight. Further into the city he saw the small creeks and river tributaries that wind through the dark quarter is girded with stone walls constrained by aqueducts and strong dikes and has bridges crossing the churning waters at every intersection. The hillocks are shored up and smaller waterways are channeled through metal cylinders and used as a sewage system.

“It’s impressive.” Nazmyr said.

“I suppose.” Lady Ev said dryly. “The slave quarter leaves much to be desired. In the slave areas the vegetation grows thick and lush bursting up in disorganized swampy groves. The architecture is disgustingly primitive. The buildings are nothing more than thatched huts with gardens built with low walls for protection. They defy order and are scattered on the hillocks that rise above the soggy ground. Trodden dirt paths that vanish at the river’s edge serve as roads. Small creeks and river tributaries wind through this region as well. The river tributaries form a road system for the amphibious lizardfolk slaves who swim through the watery thoroughfares.

“What do you expect? Nazmyr said bluntly. “They are slaves after all.”

“A fitting fate in my opinion.” Lady Ev said smugly.

As the two travelers continued their journey through the city, Nazmyr notice there were a healthy amount of check points and no shortage of patrols. Lady Ev saw Nazmyr’s eyes darting to-and-fro and assumed he must be making many mental notes. Lady Ev continued Nasmyr’s education.

“Guards continuously patrol the city and checkpoints are maintained along the river canals and bridges. The checkpoints are primarily formalities, but like the patrols, they insure that the city’s laws are upheld. The drow take security very seriously. The rulers welcome all merchants, travelers and adventurers into the city. They believe that steady trade is profitable and healthy for the city. To this end the drow do everything they can to keep the Merchant’s Bazaar safe and fully stocked with goods and services. Anyone caught stealing had best learn a trade that does not require a right hand. Public execution follows if there is a second offense.”

Nazmyr simply nodded in acknowledgment.

The palanquin eventually came to halt indicating that they had reached their destination. The door opened and Nazmyr exited first and offered his hand to Lady Ev to assist her debarkation. They were greeted by a trio of male drow all armed and clad in the finest of garments.

“Lady Ev! It’s always a pleasure!” Said the center most drow as he took her hand and kissed it. “I have been looking forward to this meeting for some time!”

Lady Ev’s smile was barely visible from beneath her bejeweled mask. “Allow me to introduce you to my associate Nazmyr Vandree. Lord Vandree, this is Overlord Ushket Na’Koth.”

Nazmyr gave a slight bow as a show of respect. “Well met Overlord.”

Overlord Na’Koth gave Nazmyr a half grin. “Charmed I’m sure.” Was all he said before quickly turning his attention back to Lady Ev. “You must weary from your journey My Lady. May I offer you some refreshment?”

“As long as the refreshment is Anterian Brandy from the distillery you promised to show me.” Lady Ev quipped.

Overlord Na’Koth beamed a large smile. “Ah! It’s always business with you Lady Ev! Of course; follow me if you please.

The boutique-style distillery, not worthy of special description, consisted of the still house, dramming centre, and the warehouse where casks have been gently maturing for ages. The pot-column still is where the cobalt blue, naturally cool, sweet-smelling liquor know as Anterian Brandy is born. Overlord Na’Koth orchestrated a deal in which he would provide Lady Ev with the addictive and highly sought after cobalt blue elixir in exchange for weapons of quality produced in Lady Ev’s armory. Before the deal was finalized Lady Ev insisted on a tour of the distillery. At Lady Ev’s behest Nazmyr negotiated on her behalf.  Where Valas was skilled at delivering silent death or the ‘gift’ as he called it and Quevas had panache for laying waste to vast landscapes with raw arcane power; Nazmyr was gifted with a silver tongue. At the close of the negotiation both parties walked away pleased. It was Lady Ev who got the better of deal but not without Nazmyr claiming some benefit for himself. Nazmyr was able to endear himself to Overlord Na’Koth and thus created a new business contact and Lady Ev agreed to have Nazmyr act as her representative in Hosuth.

Nazmyr entered the palanquin and the porter closed the door behind him. The luxury within was a welcome change after enduring the oppressive heat of Hosuth. Before he could get settled, Lady Ev spun around and repeatedly kissed him excitedly.

“You were brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!” she exclaimed. “I knew you would not disappoint!”

Lady Ev poured them each a glass of the newly acquired Anterian Brandy and they toasted to their success. “I have grand plans for you.” Lady Ev said as put on a strong display of her womanly wiles.

Proud of himself, Nazmyr comfortably leaned back into the mountain of throws. Taking a sip of brandy he thought to himself “The feeling is mutual My Lady.”

