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Genie in a Ring

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Joined: 6 years ago
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The Tree is cursed. It is said to be haunted.


That was the warning he was given before he bought this place. A massive hollowed out tree. The Tree Fortress was built by the House of Erihn; a now deceased drow house. The Tree Fortress took approximately six years to build and is currently 164 years old although the tree itself is much older. The thick overhead growth blots out most daylight. Even on the brightest day, the sun produces no more light than a full moon. The phenomenally huge tree has a trunk measuring 180 feet in diameter at the base and measures 200 feet in length.


It is said that a cabal of druids that tend the area were appalled by what the drow had done to the tree and cursed the House of Erihn. The demise of the entire house is attributed to the druidic curse.


For decades the Tree remained abandoned. Like many other sentient beings, the drow think in terms of dichotomies: If something is not good, it must be bad; if it is not strong, it must be weak. Thus, if a drow house with authority over others is worthwhile, a drow house with little or no authority is worthless. When nothing but status and influence determine value, the risk of failing to conquering the ‘demons’ of the Tree was determined to be too great a risk by the remaining houses.


Nazmyr dismissed the claims of curses and hauntings and counted himself fortunate that the structure was for sale. He now sat comfortably on a large oversized couch in the lounge. He adopted a Calishite style for the décor.  The ceiling was decorated in enameled mosaic tiles. Bright and elaborate tapestries woven of fine silk decorated the walls.


Nazmyr leaned back in to the soft cushions casually shuffling an arcane deck of cards. Nonchalantly he tossed a card onto the floor. In a burst of light and smoke a bugbear appeared where the card landed.


Unimpressed, he tossed another card on to the floor. Again in a burst of light and smoke a male half orc appeared where the card landed.

Nazmyr grimaced. In quick succession he tossed several more cards on to the floor; troll, orc, gnoll, and goblin.


Annoyed, Nazmyr jumped up and ran each image through with his dagger. The all died in dramatic fashion and vanished.


Nazmyr returned to his seat and expertly shuffled the deck. He tossed yet another card onto the floor.


This time three human clerics appeared. Nazmyr sighed in disgust.


By his command one of the clerics slapped its colleague across the face. The offended cleric punched its attacker but not before it inadvertently caught the third cleric in the eye with its elbow.  Soon the trio of stooges was chasing each other around the lounge, slapping, smacking and insulting each other.


Amused, Nazmyr sat back and watched the antics for a while; but soon his amusement waned. He reached for the deck and tossed another card.


There was a thunderous boom and a lich emerged from a cloud of grave dust.


A mischievous grin formed on Nazmyr’s face.


The three clerics stopped immediately and dropped at the creature’s feet and began to bow profusely.


“Lord Vecna!” cried the clerics. “We are undeserving to be in your presence!”


“Oh stop!”said ‘Vecna’ in a high pitched voice acting coy.


“We’re not worthy!  We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”  cried the clerics.


‘Vecna’ flamboyantly put his hands to his chest. “Gosh boys, stop it! You’re embarrassing me! “


“Lord Vecna we beseech you! Take us to glory!” cried the clerics.


‘Vecna’ began to fan his face with his hands. “You’re making me all misty! I don’t know what to say! I’m to verklempt!”


Soon the spell’s affects waned and ‘Vecna’s’ and followers were gone.  Without further direction, ‘Vecna’ assumed a menacing stance and stood motionless.


Nazmyr laughed to himself as he grabbed a crystal decanter poured himself two fingers of Anterian Brandy. He held up his glass and briefly admired the cobalt blue liquor before taking a sip.


He placed the glass down upon a nearby table and reached into his pocket and produced a ring of gold with three links of golden chain attached to it. At the end of the chain is a small emerald, with an ancient rune expertly carved into its largest facet.


He placed the ring upon his finger and spoke a series of arcane words.


There was a faint shimmer of light and a beautiful raven haired woman with olive skin dressed in a pastel blue bedlah appeared.


Franticly the raven haired woman looked around trying to gain her bearing.


Nazmyr curiously watched.


The raven haired woman spun around and came face to face with ‘Vecna’. She shrieked in fright and instinctually recited an incantation. A powerful whirlwind sprang forth from her palms a blasted ‘Vecna’ back into grave dust.


Nazmyr chuckled at the spectical.


“Who are you?! Where am I?! Why do you mock me?!” said the frightened raven haired woman.


Nazmyr took another sip of Anterian Brandy before calmly responding. “I am Nazmyr Vandree.”


“What do you want from me?!” came her frantic demand.


“In my culture it is considered rude not to introduce yourself.”


“Why do you want to know my name?” she said exasperated.


“If we are to have a conversation I wish to know your name.”


“You want to have a conversation?”


“Do people in you culture not like to have conversations?”


“Why do you want to have a conversation?”


“I want to get to know you and your kind better.”


“I want to know why I’m here!” she demanded.


Nazmyr gave his guest a steely glance “I want to know your name and this conversation will go no further until I have it.”


“Dalia Hakbarah.” She said defeated.


“It is an honor to meet you Dalia Hakbarah.”


“You are Djinn. Where are you from?”


“Armun Kelisk.”


“A city from the planes?”


“Yes…..why am I here?”


“How did you become enslaved to the ring?”


Dalia spoke with venom “Where is that pig Miftah? He can tell you.”


“Miftah? Was that your former master’s name? You know… I never bothered to ask him. He was very obsessed with you, disturbingly so.”


Dalia was puzzled. “My former master?”


“Yes, you will answer to me now. Miftah is no longer with us.”


Dalia was shocked. “You killed him?”


Nazmyr chose his words carefully before he spoke. “I do admit that it made have been a poor business decision. He did possess some intrinsic value. Alas I felt his continued existence would have been more of a bother than it would have been worth.”


Dalia started to become desperate. “What is to become of me?!”


“Thank you Dalia Hakbarah, this has been a good conversation.”


“I have questions!”


“No more questions. We will have another conversation soon enough.”


“You can’t do this to me! Where am I?!” Dalia said on the verge of tears.


“You are in Hosuth and this is my home.” Nazmyr said evenly.


He then spoke an arcane incantation and with a shimmer of light Dalia was gone.

