Chandrianna and Nar…
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Chandrianna and Naris

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This is a joint post between Naris and Bronze

Naris leaned back into the worn oak chair and rested his feet on top of the equally worn oak desk. Looking at the office window, he grimaced at the sun’s soft glow that haloed the closed curtains. He detested sun light, but was relishing the few moments of peace he was able to steal for himself. Many months have passed by since the town previously known as SilverBrook was subjugated by the Twisted Tower Trading Company. Word had spread quickly that Freedoms End was now a safe haven for the river pirates and other nefarious individuals. With the increased influx of caravanners, pirates, and traveling merchants; business at the House of Negotiable Sensations was booming. Chandriana quickly became a favorite amongst the cliental. Naris noted that Chandriana wasted no time in victimizing some of his cliental. He even admired that she left little to no evidence of any foul play. However he felt his blood start to seethe when he started to think that he wasn’t getting much in the way of the promised intelligence in return.


Just then, his office door was flung open. With near godly speed, Naris drew his hand crossbow and leveled it at the intruder. Chandriana smiled at Naris’ frantic movements and sauntered into his office.


“Damn it Chandriana! I could have killed you just now! Do you know that?!” Naris said with anger in every word.


“Is that so?” Chandriana said.  Without breaking her stride, she moved to the window and through open the curtains. A burst of sunlight assaulted the room. Naris instinctively moved his free hand to shield his eyes.


“Bitch! What in the 9 Hells is wrong with you?!” Naris said with his hand crossbow still drawn.


Ignoring Naris’ discomfort, Chandriana perched herself on the windowsill. “I have something for you.”  She said coyly.


Naris holstered his hand crossbow and returned to his seat. “It better be good. I grow weary of stories of which pirate captain is plotting against the other.”


With the sound of bare feet slapping against wood flooring, Ziya came racing into the room clad only in a nightgown with dagger in hand. Moving her gaze towards Ziya, Chandriana canted her head and gave her a smirk.


With the look of terror in her eyes Ziya quickly scanned the room for a threat. “M-My Lord…I heard…I thought…”


“I thought I had trained you better.” Naris interrupted. “You sounded like a heard of charging Rothé.”


You trained her?”  Chandriana quipped. “Then I shall count my blessings that I am still alive.” She began to gently twist her platinum blonde hair with her fingertips. “Ziya’s restraint is a true testament of your training My Lord.”


Naris gave Chandriana the evil eye. He got up from his chair and embraced Ziya. “Your Master is well.” He said softly. “Leave us. We have matters of business to discuss. I shall reward your loyalty later my dear.”


Zyia gave Chandriana an icy stare. Chandriana returned her stare with a reaction of mock fear. Naris redirected Zyia’s gaze the the two shared an impassioned kiss.

Naris escorted Zyia out of the office. Zyia left quietly but not before giving Chandriana another icy glance.


“It’s disturbing to see you waste your time with such a mundane thing.” Chandriana said with disgust.”


“What I do with my time is none of your concern.” Naris said as he closed the door. “Don’t forget your place Chandriana. You serve me!”


Chandriana appeared a little more humbled. “Of course My Lord, my apologies.”


Naris returned to his chair. “Now…do you have something for me or not!”


“I do My Lord. I overheard some of the ramblings of the guards your Mistress Freth dispatched here. It seems that a grand army of the Underdark will soon be amassing to assault the surface city known as West Port Manor. It seems that this is not just the ambitions of one city but a coalition of many drow cities including Rilauven and Menzoberranzan.”


“Finally!” Naris thought to himself. “Information truly worthy of my attention!”


Intrigued by the news, Naris said aloud “To what end?”


“I only know that it is the will of the Spider Queen.”


The mention of Lolth’s title angered Naris. “You have done well Chandriana.”


“I have more.” Chandriana said as a scroll materialized in her hands.


“Oh?” said Naris.


Chandriana slowly approached Naris’ desk as she spoke. “I have heard tell of a prophecy. It came to me in song. ” She gracefully sat on top of the oak desk and handed Naris the scroll.


Naris spoke a minor incantation and examined the scroll for enchantment.


“There is no deception.” Chandriana said reassuringly.


“I’ll be the judge of that.” Naris said has he broke the wax seal.


The scroll read:


One day in the year of the fox
Will come a time remembered well
When the brave young woman of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox
When the bell began to sing
It meant the time had come
For one to go in place of the king


“What do you make of this?” said Naris.


“It is not my place to make the interpretation My Lord. I can offer you this much however. I believe that the reference to the ‘rising sun’ refers to worshippers of Lathander.”


“You have done well Chandriana.” Naris said as he rolled up the scroll. “I am pleased.”


“It is my pleasure to serve My Lord.” Chandriana said as she leaned into Naris’ personal space. “Is there anything else I can do to please you My Lord?” Chandriana purred.


“Keep up the good work! You may go now.” Naris quipped.


Appearing disappointed, Chandriana slid off of the desk and sauntered towards the door. In a mocking tone she said “Perhaps it is best I take my leave. I wouldn’t want to upset your deadly apprentice any more than I already have.”


“And close the door. I have much to think about and I do not wish to be disturbed.” said Naris.


Chandriana turned, did a half hearted curtsy, and said “As you wish My Lord.”

