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Camille Belcourt

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 219
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She wore a long black silk dress with red accents, close fitting to her form with a long slit up the right side that exposed her skin near up to her hip. As she sat the open aperture of the garment fell softly to the side. Camille Belcourt smiled a silver grin, her fangs only just exposed. “Business has been good Naris. I’m glad my intuition about you was correct.” She shifted slightly allowing the cling of the silk to tighten above her waist. “Profit has been steady and if the reports I’ve received from Jade hold true…” Camille pursed her lips just a touch. “Without incident.”


“Mistress, I am most grateful for your intuition. The demand for Yin Fen has been beyond my expectations. This has been a most fortuitous business relationship.”


“One hundred eyes has asked for you. He wonders when you will return. He assumes by now you have come to realize just how little you know.” Camille smiled. “His words not mine.” She stood and walked toward Naris tracing the outline of his face down past his jaw and gently rubbing the nape of his neck with the back of her fingers. “I wouldn’t mind…” she paused pressing the tip of her tongue against her right fang, “a taste of what you have learned and maybe a test of your…..” She eyed him up and down, “Physicality.”


Naris stood up from his desk, turned his back to Lady Camille, cracked his neck from side to side and lit his pipe. Naris paused for a second.  He took a puff and smirked. “Indeed I am well aware that I have much to learn. I have no idea how it is that Hundred Eye’s has come into your service, wasting away his skill trying to teach subjects that will never grasp the swordsage techniques. I appreciate your favor and compliments. However I must resist these affections, as I have no interest in being enthralled into a endless term of indentured servitude. Let it be known that I value our business arrangement very much.”


Camille frowned in disappointment. She was unaccustomed to rejection.


There was a rushed tap on the door before it quickly opened. Beatrice looked at Naris and Camille before choking out, “Apologies My Lord. I wasn’t sure if you were here.”


Naris glared at her angrily then impatiently scolded, “Well obviously I am.. And with a guest. What!”


“Your brother my Lord.” she replied sheepishly. “He’s here and says he needs to speak with you.”


“Valas?” he asked.


“No my Lord”


Naris frowned, “Then which?” he demanded.


“The charming one. Nazmyr.”


“Tell him I’m engaged in business and I’ll meet with him shortly. See to it he has the finest of wines and is made comfortable for the inconvenience.”


“As you..” Beatrice began before she was interrupted.


“Nonsense Naris. I’d like to meet this brother of yours.” Camille said with a wicked grin. “See him in.” She instructed Beatrice.


Madame Bea looked tentatively at Naris all but expecting an outburst. Naris turned his glare quickly from Camille and nodded toward Beatrice. “As you command my Lord.” She stepped out into the hallway closing the door behind her.


“Such a loyal servant Naris.” Camille teased. “I hope you aren’t angry with me.” her tone flecked with sarcasm.


Naris took a deep breath and forced a grin. “Not at all my Lady.”


The door opened and Madame Bea announced, “Lord Nazmyr Vandree of House Vandree my Lord. Lieutenant of House Freth and your brother.” she bowed and took her leave.


“Thank you Madame Bea.” Nazmyr said pleasantly. “Brother! Nazmyr began with a huge smile. “I…” he paused a moment as his smile faded and the color in his face seemed to pale. “Did not know you had company. Apologies…” he stammered, “I’ll..come ..back..later.” His eyes seemed focused on Camille.  


“No need.” Camille sauntered forward her eyes alight with interest. “Nazmyr did you say. I am most pleased to meet you.” she said with pure delight in her voice.


Naris eyed Camille and then Nazmyr. “Brother this is Lady Camille Belcourt of Sanguinar, my business associate….Have you two met?” as Naris took another puff from his pipe.


Nazmyr stuttered, “Um…no…I don’t believe so. Have we met? No I would most assuredly remember one as lovely as you.” he bowed regaining his composure and lightly kissing the fingertips of her outstretched left hand.


“You would … how did you say?… most assuredly remember if we had.” Camille withdrew her hand and slowly lifted him from his bow allowing her fingers to graze the left side of his throat. She quietly mouthed, “Uvazheniye vash Gospozha.”


Nazmyr could feel the wound that had long ago healed begin to throb, the pain fresh as the day he had been bitten. He took a deep breath watching as the droplets of blood that he had felt trickle from the mark was wiped from his throat by Camille’s fingers. She brought her hand to her mouth as she slowly walked in a circle around Nazmyr who didn’t move.


Naris watched intently unsure of what he was seeing.


“He’s magnificent.” Camille said looking toward Naris, “Are all you Vandree so handsome.”


“For the most part.” Naris said with pride. Some of their family loyalties have come into question as of late, also their are some that are less intelligent.  However you are amongst the Vandree elite right now.


“I’d love to meet them all. Perhaps the next ball. I’ll have invitations sent.” Camille said pleasantly.


“Yeah sure..sounds great.” Naris refocused. “Was there something I could help you with brother? I am sure there are demands on your time as there are with mine.”


“Yes…yes of course.” Nazmyr said still regaining his bearing. I have business proposal for you, but you are obviously predisposed. I’ll…”


“Speak your mind Nazmyr.” Camille said in a reassuring tone. “Your brother and I would love to hear your proposal.”


“Of course M’lady.” Nazmyr said with renewed excitement. I was thinking we could host a fight club in the basement of your inn Naris. You’d have a steady clientele for your girls and your Yin Fen.”


Naris looked quizzically at Nazmyr.


“I know all about the Yin Fen brother. It’s impossible to run so lucrative a business and go unnoticed in this city. Just think of the possibilities a fight club would provide. You have the space. I’ll handle the management. If you agree of course.”


Camille watched quietly as the brothers spoke.


“Unfortunately brother I must decline your offer. While I do not doubt there is great profit to be made, a fight club doesn’t really fit in with atmosphere here. I’m more high end luxury. Bloodsports seem more Alaketh to me.”


“I understand your reluctance. I may still move forward at a different location. If I do can I count on you to supply the Yin Fen?”


“Of course brother. I’d be happy to assist. I’m sure Lady Belcourt could increase our supply should the need arise.” He looked at Camille who had been feigning disinterest.


“I’d be happy to discuss the arrangement with you. Perhaps even work out a better deal for such a lucrative business. There is one catch though. I’ll continue to send Jade, here to Rilauvin, for you, but I’ll expect Nazmyr be sent to Sanguinar when the need arises. I’d prefer to keep our business dealings as quiet as possible.”


“I can not speak for my brother. He does not work for me.” Naris said in a cool tone. “I really don’t see a need for him to be involved at all.”


“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping his brother out. Would you Nazmyr?”


“Not at all my Lady. I will go when you need me to Naris. Not a problem.”


“Splendid. Then our business here is done. I want to thank you for taking such good care of my property Naris. Allow me to buy you a meal and some drinks. I believe some celebration is in order.”


Naris looked at Nazmyr.


Nazmyr felt his neck throb. “If you’ll excuse me brother I have some other matters to attend to.”


Naris replied, “By all means. We’ll meet later my brother.”


As Nazmyr closed the door behind him Camille stepped toward Naris leaning close, a breath away from his lips, “So if dessert isn’t on the menu, does a Lady at least get a drink?”


“By all means. Let me have a bottle of vintage Spiderwine brought up, and for your sweet tooth, a lovely taste of lemon cake. My brother Quevas’ specialty.”  


Nazmyr closed the door behind him and took but only a few steps before he heard a disembodied voice. “Don’t wander too far. I’ll require your services soon.”
