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Alaketh Day 1

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Originally posted by KethVale

Alaketh looked around the room once the door closed and was overwhelmed that what he saw before him was his, a four post bed covered in silk sheets, a chest to store his personal items and more room then he and his brothers shared at one time he now could call his own. Alaketh threw his stuff on the bed and walked into the wash room and looked into the mirror, the reflection not scarred from the fireball that incinerated Istoshen and himself just days before. Just the thought of the wizard turning on him and his brothers infuriated him “not a test” he says to himself as he smashes the counter. Alaketh walks back into the main room and rummages through his bag finding a bottle and returns to the washroom and begins writing strange symbols around the edges of the mirror. Alaketh then begins chanting in a demonic language and with a boom a face appears in the mirror “WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU NOW MORTAL”?

Alaketh wakes the next staring at the ceiling from the floor, he sits up and thinks that tonight maybe I should try the bed it has to be comfier then the floors and cots he is used to sleeping on. Shaking his head he gears up and heads to the training grounds hoping to catch Matron Freth’s brother Welverin. Once down to the training grounds some of the house guards were training and Alaketh easily slipped into the training rotation and began standing his ground against the others, taking on two to three at a time, taking their best shots and dishing out as good as he gets. All of a sudden his training partners backed away as a Drow wearing just pants and boots wielding two scimitars stepped into the training circle and the dance began. The unknown Drow darted in, feinted, parried and slashed while all the while Alaketh used his shield and long knife to block the attacks but never getting a clean attack off himself. The unknown Drow shouts a command drops the scimitars and catches a halberd that was tossed to him and seamlessly continues his swinging motion knocking Alaketh back but not off his feet. Alaketh now in total defense mode tries to throw his long knife but the unknown Drow drops the halberd and catches the knife and continues to attack Alaketh until he clips his ear. The unknown Drow calls for a stop to the fight hand the long knife back to Alaketh, he introduces himself as Welverin former Battlemaster of House Freth and brother of Alakeths liberator Karis Freth, Matron of this new House.
Sitting down in the lounge talking about the fight Welverin told Alaketh what he did right and what he did wrong. Alaketh thanked Welverin for his critiques and asked him if he could train under him?
Alaketh pulls the hood over his eyes as the sunlight above ground is as bothersome as always. The raid on Silverbrook was a success and part two will begin shortly. It’s funny, the faces of his brothers when Alaketh came up with the idea to take over the town, and now the bothersome are dead and the useful are slaves. Just as Alaketh was going to leave for his new home Naras and Valas approached him, and Naras asked Alaketh if he’d be willing to work a protection detail for some apple pie and or maybe hot dogs? Alaketh responded that in the old days he probably would have but now in our new home and with our new venture food isn’t as rare as it once was, now if you talk some coin or something else maybe we can talk, and besides what’s the detail?
Bronze, don’t know who I should be seeking training from Welverin in our spire or Nym Mlezzir in the city.
Naris you want a protector hire one 🙂

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Welverin looked over the sword closely, examining it’s every line and fold. Nice piece of work Alaketh this should serve you well in battle would you like to try it out see how well you handle it? Alaketh of course said yes always enjoying the sparing sessions with Welverin. The back and forth chess match began as usual with Alakeths defense as strong as ever but the bastard sword known as Shatterspike was another matter as it was awkward in his hands and soon Alaketh was tapping out. Welverin then had him break out his shock spear and after that his long knife and shield, the two doing their sword dance for over an hour before Mistress Freth interrupted the training session. Welverin told his sister she had chosen well as Alaketh is a willing student and is getting stronger by the day. Alaketh thanked his trainer not used to the praise only the whip or harsh words of motivation, he went to excuse himself from the the mistress and her brother when Mistress Freth said no she was their to speak with him and he should clean up and follow her.

After powering some refreshing water over himself and toweling off Alaketh dressed in his civies and followed behind Mistress Freth until she slowed her pace and walked side by side with Alaketh. 
Mistress Freth: Alaketh do you like it here? You of all your brothers do not seem to have a goal, and you were the one I most thought would leave first and that hasn’t happened.
Alaketh: To be honest I didn’t think I would stay, the way we left Menzoberanzan, the Council of Spiders, Ishtoshen and myself being vaporized and my brothers having parts of themselves stripped away to raise us just so we could complete a suicide mission, besides my Brothers I had no trust left even for our savior. And when our savior turned out to be a priestess and mage, two things I learned to loathe as I was vaporized I was skeptical. But you took us in, treated us as important employees to your new venture, when we came up with our idea for Silverbrook you let us run with it and backed us, you have given us the resources to better and further our abilities without the lash, so no I have no need to leave right now everything I need is right here. As for my goals they are coming along they just don’t include slaves, guilds, or running a town, I just want power, power to protect my brothers and those I deem worthy of my protection, power to avenge being turned to ash, power to have it all come crumbling down and start all over again!
Mistress Freth thinks this over for a minute before speaking again, there is a Drow in the lounge waiting for you, he is not from here or Menzonberanzen but he has a message for you. And when you ready I believe I have a contact for you so you can gain some of that power you seek. Alaketh bows before taking his leave thinking to himself he has never told anyone of his goals so openly before, did she bewitch him or is he so tired of the bullshit he just doesn’t care anymore?
As Alaketh approaches the lounge area Zaiwure seems to be guarding the door while looking inside every once in awhile, Master Vandree glad you finally made it. Alaketh cuts Zaiwure off and says not master Vandree just Alaketh now with that a skinny even for a Drow stands up pulls down his hood revealing half his head shaved the other long and hanging down to his shoulder. He introduces himself as S’kale Ndar and he is here to deliver a message from a “friend” of theirs. Alaketh looks puzzeled for a moment when S’kale says Miz, which immediately perks up Alaketh, says though our “friend”owes you his freedom and life he would rather you not keep interrupting him during his time, so he has sent me to get you trough your rituals. 
