The Seige of Silver…
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[Closed] The Seige of Silverbrook

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Originally posted by Bronze

Zaiwure opened the door to the living quarters and show cased the room to Nazmyr. “Should you decide to stay you will be able to call this room your own.” Zaiwure purred as she handed Nazmyr two keys. 


Nazmyr was so overwhelmed by the size of the living space he, barely inspected the wrought silver and blackened iron keys, and slipped them into his pocket. Sure, he as seen rooms ten times its size, but not for him to call his own. Zaiwure mused at the expression on Nazmyr’s face and smile to herself. She wondered if she had the same look on her face when the Mistress welcomed her in. She silently exited the room; her tail deftly grabbed the door handle and gently closed the door behind her, leaving Nazmyr to his thoughts.


The room was well appointed with fine furnishings, including a large four post bed carved of obsidian dark wood, complete with silken sheets and covers. Nazmyr noted that there was plenty space for personal customization.  He silently padded past the free form pool that steamed with the fog of a natural hot spring and instinctively went to the most strategic corner of the room. He deftly placed his gear on the smooth stone floor and sat next to his gear. At best he was currently occupying only five feet of square space. Feeling very small, he gazed at the cavernous room. “Now…where do I begin?”


A month had gone by since Nazmyr was taken in by Mistress Freth. He noted that his new Mistress was very business minded and ran everything as such. He no longer had to fear getting beaten half to death by an irate priestess because the mood suited her. That change alone made it worth his while to stay. While Mistress Freth set up business ventures, she had given Nazmyr some time to acclimate himself. He had done much to learn the inner workings of Rilauven. The city’s dynamics were far different than Menzoberranzan; another welcome change. The city’s government was run by a council of wizards; both male and female. Lolth’s faithful still maintained a presents within the city but had no influence other than promoting their faith. Nazmyr quickly learned that the city thrived on trade. Trade was welcome with anyone and everyone above and below the surface so long as the city’s laws were upheld. Since commodities were necessary to travel the road of prestige, wealth and power, Nazmyr began to put a plan into motion. The slave trade seemed to be lucrative business and Nazmyr wanted in. However he could not do it alone.


Nazmyr and his brother’s gathered in the common area in the Stalactite. They all sat comfortably in over-sized chairs. The plan was fairly simple; they would return to the surface town of Silverbrook and harvest the town’s populous for the slave trade in Rilauven.


“Why stop there?” asked Alaketh


“What do you mean?” Nazmyr replied.


“We have already raided the town once. It’s not very big. If we successfully execute your plan, there shouldn’t be very much opposition left. We should just take the whole town.“


Grabbing a nearby decanter,  Valas refilled his crystal wine glass as he nodded in approval of Alaketh’s suggestion.


Nazmyr was shocked by Alaketh’s suggestion. Why in the Nine Hells hadn’t he thought of that? “I love where you mind is at!”


With the brothers all in agreement, Nazmyr took his plan to Mistress Freth for her final approval. Not wanting to discourage the ambitious young drow, Mistress Freth gave Nazmyr her blessing.


Another month went by as Nazmyr sorted out the logistics of his plan. Guild fees had to be paid; a storefront had to be purchased etc.ect.  The most difficult part was hiring a mercenary group. After some vigorous negotiations, Nazmyr hired a group known as the Claw. The Claw is a group of Trolls controlled by a group of wizards with a good reputation of fulfilling contracts.


The plan was executed incredibly well. Most of Silverbrook’s defenders instantly folded when they confronted the Troll mercenaries Nazmyr hired. With the exception of a handful of Tower guards and one particularly stubborn cook, the Lords of House Vandree met with little opposition.  Most of the prisoners were taken to the wagons staged in the Underdark tunnels under the inn to be sold off. The remaining captives were retained to help with maintaining the town’s infrastructure.  Once they were content that the town was secure; The Lords of House Vandree assembled to address the remaining townsfolk in front of the Twisted Tower. To insure the remaining townsfolk were properly motivated to obey, Nazmyr made use of a young boy, oil, and a torch. To further prove his point, Nazmyr levitated the boy high in the air for all to see. As the townsfolk shrieked in horror, Nazmyr decreed “I am renaming this town Freedoms End in honor of your sacrifice to serve.” Beaming with pride, Nazmyr turned to face his brothers. “The Twisted Tower Trading Company is open for business.” 

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Originally posted by Bronze

Not including magic items each player receives 2,018 gold pieces which includes found loot and the sale of slaves. For simplicity I have deducted the cost of the raid from our total haul. Please keep in mind that all monetary spoils are divided by 8. As it stands right now The town previously known as Silverbrook has been re-named Freedoms End. We are now all operating under the name Twisted Tower Trading Company. At present Nazmyr has a mixed group of 8 dwarves, 4 humans,1 halfing  and a Large Earth Elemental mining stone from the town’s rock quarry and rebuilding the ruins of an old drow outpost just outside of the town center. Naris has claimed what was once known as the House of Plenty (one of the town’s inns) and re-branded it as The House of Negotiable AffectionsTo help kick start his new operation, Nazmyr assisted Naris in hand selecting 12 humans and 1 halfling to be used as workers.

More to come…..

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Originally posted by Naris

Naris lays in his bed staring at the ceiling for a moment. He sneaks out of bed not to disturb his human guest.  He catches a glimpse of his naked lover’s back.  He has becomes quite fond of his new apprentice.  He has always pitied humanity for their need to sleep.  However, thinking about her ability to learn, adjust, adapt & multi task gave him a quick smile.

Naris moved into the bathroom, lit a candle & drew a bath.  He found himself trying to think like a human & do things to make his new slave feel welcome.  He slid into the bath, suddenly feeling very relaxed.  His mind drifted off, recalling the numerous events that happened a few weeks ago

 Staring around the Inn of Plenty, Naris looked over the scattered dead bodies of the townsfolks trying to protect their town.  Naris was pleased with the work his brother Nazmyr schemed.  Silverbrook was easily & quickly taken by the Vandree’s.  Naris walked out of the Inn, the sun shining on his face. Squinting and partially covering his eyes. He heard screeches of horror as Nazmyr engulfs a young boy in flames.  Naris not terrible interested in the spectacle, scanning the crowd of slaves.  Most of the people from the city of Silverbrook appeared to be commoners.  Various craftsmen & laborers, all whom appear to be very scared & disturbed from their invasion of Trolls & Drow.  Two slender women happen to catch Naris’s eyes.  Upon closer inspection, Naris realizes similar impressive good looks reveal that they are kin.  Naris gestures to Nazmyr asking for permission to claim the two women as his slaves. Nazmyr gives immediate approval and Naris responds with a smirk of gratitude. 

Naris approaches the two women. They are both very attractive, red hair, fit & incredibly posed given the current circumstances.

“Where are your husbands?” Naris says to the older of the two women.

“My husband fled years ago after we were invaded by your kind once before.  He is a coward.” The older women responded.

“What of you?” Naris asks the younger women.

“She is not for sale.” The older women respond.  Before the younger women has a chance to open her mouth. Naris puts a crossbow bolt in the older women’s right shoulder. Fully expecting the poison tipped arrow to do its work, he pays the older women no more attention. Realizing his suspicions were correct, the younger women was the real prize here.  As he begins to circle her for inspection, he hears the older women speaking under her breath behind him

“your weak poison is no match for me drow, I have killed many of your kind over the years.” As she reaches for a spike dagger out of her top knot & positions herself for an attack on Naris’s neck.  Suddenly a dark figure appears out of the shadows, the older women is hit over the head with a blackjack with elite speed and precision.  Her legs give out on her immediately. Valas flips the hood of cloak off and smiles at Naris.

“Brother that dagger had your name on it” Valas announces.

“Indeed Brother, I have to believe that I have at least one family member watching me at all times.”  I am lucky that it was you and notIshtoshin. He would have allowed her to hit the mark.”


Naris looks around, seeing If any of his other brothers saw this quick skirmish. When realizing they were all claiming slaves & bounty for themselves he felt good that Valas was the only one witnessing this poor behavior from his new slaves. Naris gestured to the trolls to have the older women take back to Mistress Freths prison. 

 Later that evening back in the prison cell of House Freth.

“Wake up Beatrice.” Naris hummed, as he circled a plates of braised beef & crusty bread under her nose.  Beatrice was a very attractive woman, just in her 40’s very voluptuous & in excellent shape. She appeared to be more physically intimidating then Naris, but if anything it could be her sharp tongue that gets herself killed.

Beatrice slowly stood up rubbing her head. “Where is Ziya?”  she asked.

“Ziya is fine. We have been chatting most of the evening. She has been fed, bathed & prepared for my bed chamber.” As Naris smirks at her.

“Here have some tea, it will help with the headache.” Beatrice has a small sip of tea, while she continues rubbing her head.

“Here eat something while you still have your strength.” Beatrice not quite understanding that last comment, nods and takes a bite of the hot food & another sip of tea.

“Now that we are being civil towards one another, let me explain to you what my plans for you & Ziya are. I plan on relying on you to help one of my new businesses. I will explain what your day to day responsibilities are at another time.  Ziya will remain with me and she will be a reminder that you are both slaves.  Should you speak out of line again, Ziya will be the one that gets punished.”

“What are you plans for Ziya?”  She asked.

“That does not concern you, you are both slaves & I will do what I like with her.”

Beatrice not appreciating that answer, feels that she can physically overpower Naris. Attempts to stands up, however her basic facilities begin to fail her & she slouches back down.

“It appears you are not immune to poisons after all.”

“Let me be frank, I handpicked you both for a reason. You will not be treated like common slaves. You will both be respected, protected and valued. So long as you keep that tongue of yours under control.”  Beatrice passes out.  Naris calls for guards to escort her to a guest room.


Naris wakens from his trance to hearing some rustling in the bedroom. Ziya walks into the bathroom covered in a silk black robe. “Good morning my lord.” “Good morning Ziya.” Naris looks her over, appreciating her perfect figure. Thinking to himself how wonderful she will look with silver hair someday.

“My lord what training will you have me learn today?”

“I think we will have breakfast & discuss over mannerism mimicry.”

“very well my lord she replied in a bit of disappointment.” She never could understand why her new master wanted her to have the ability to copy his mannerisms.

They both quickly got dressed into simple black cloaks & pants. Ziya was always very puzzled with the fact that her new master wanted her to wear his clothing & see how she fit into them.

They sat at their usual table, simple breakfast of steel cut oats and fruit. They had done the exact same thing the last few weeks, Naris giving Ziya the beginning teachings of the drow language, stealth, locksmithing, disguising, basic combat & etc. Naris had also given Ziya & Beatrice an hour together each day, while he plotted to put his plan into play. He was always promising them more time together in the future.


As Naris was explaining to Ziya the psychology of diplomacy, a handsome Drow male dressed in silk & leather approached the table.  “Lord Naris may I have a word with you in private.”  Naris smirked, “Indeed, but I am quite hurt lord Charwyn Uhl’vyr  that you visited my brother weeks before me for recruitment. She is my apprentice; she will be joining us if you don’t object.”  “No objection.” Charwyn replied.   “I am not upset you visited Valas first, he is the deadliest of all my brothers.  I like to think of myself as being the cunning and sensitive of the Vandree’s.” As he gives Ziya a glance. “Funny you mention that, Valas said you were the deadliest of his family, also a brash ruthless villain.” Naris glances over at Ziya once again looking for a reaction, with none given.  “Charwyn, I am an entrepreneur, happy to work with your master. Always interested in posting & fulfilling contracts. My specialty is information; I would like to setup a partnership with your master. I will share vital information from the surface, however I will not be bound to the same guild fee’s as the rest of your members. Please let the master know I will be by soon to discuss this in person & begin my training. Please thank the master for his consideration in advance.  Charwayn nods & disappears immediately.

“What exactly just happened?” Ziya asks “Progress” Naris replies.



After a few more uneventful weeks, a knock on the door wakes Ziya.  She looks around the room; realizes she is along.  She covers herself with a robe & opens the door. Zaiwure present Ziya with a box. “This is a gift for you to wear today from Lord Naris.  He commands you to meet him in the courtyard.” Zaiwure give the human a dirty look and leaves before she has a chance to respond. Ziya opens the box and reveals a Burgundy Silk dress. Under the dress is a jewel encrusted dagger with a thigh sheath. Ziya dons the dress, equips the dagger, fixes her hair & heads to the courtyard.  Naris is waiting in the courtyard, wearing a grey velvet suit. They greet one another.  “we are going on a little trip.” Naris explains They travel for some hours when she realizes that they are headed back to Silverbrook.  Ziya not understanding what is going on, doesn’t ask any questions.  Eventually they appear out from the underdark in Silverbrook.  Ziya gets hit with sadness immediately when she returns to her home under her new circumstances. Her master has treated her well enough,but she sorely misses her freedom.  She has been strong enough to keep her emotions hidden most of the time.  They walk directly to the Inn of Plenty.  Naris stops her before they reach the door. “Don’t leave my side, I don’t want the guests to confuse you with the regular help.” Not know what he is referring to, she gives him a simple nod. As he opens the door for her, He looks around in splendor of the transformation of the old inn.  Wall to wall see through purple & gray silks. Plush midnight couches & the lovely scent of expensive perfumes. The Inn is bustling with beautiful women and guests seeking their services.  Beatrice greets them at the front door, she doesn’t realize who they are because they are dressed very wealthy.  “I am Madame B and welcome to The House of Negotiable Affections. Naris smirks back towards her & responds “Indeed it is.”
