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[Closed] The First Day

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Posted with the DM’s permission.


Matron Freth escorts you all through the settlement leading you around winding paths and past many of the local establishments. She identifies some areas of interest and, in what you can only describe as unusual, appears content to converse in a businesslike if not friendly manner. No woman has ever treated you with less than disdain. This common courtesy, perhaps even pleasant exchange is unlike anything you have ever experienced.  As your travel slows you see a small building serving as a guard post protecting what looks to you like nothing. No other structures are near and certainly nothing of value would be left out in the open. As Matron Freth comes within sight of the guards they snap to attention. She nods to the guardsmen and turns to face you.


“Welcome to your new home.”


Ishtoshin, confused and a little disappointed mutters, “I guess we’re sleeping on dirt. Oh well better than under it. Hopefully we’ll get tents.”


Matron Freth chuckles. “You misunderstand my Lord of Vandree. Here let me show you.”


The group led by Ishtoshin pass through the guard station and Karis Freth waves her arm toward runes on the ground.”


“Ahhh. I see, It’s a magical house the runes make it invisible.”


Quevas groans as Naris and Valas laugh. Nanill sarcastically adds, “Well we know who failed spellcraft. It’s a levitation rune. I’m guessing with the proper command word it will take us up”


“Um yeah”  Nazmyr says shaking his head. “Probably to that huge stalactite hanging above our head. Guess you missed it as we approached.”


“Now now. Let’s be fair” Rygos adds. “Any one of us could have missed it. I mean if we were blinded or unconscious.”


Matron Freth smiles. “Yes my Lords of Vandree. Should you accept my offer, you will be taught all the proper command words and pass phrases needed to move about the compound. Would you like to see it?”


“Very much so,”  Quevas responds, still looking at the massive form above.


“If you would follow me. I need everyone to enter within the circle.” The ground is set with granite tiles that have runes carved into the hard stone. Decorative and beautiful the lift is a work of art. “Delmah” Karis Freth commands. A lurid purple glow emanates from the runes of the circle as the party rises into the midday sky. A path of faintly glowing step stones appear before you leading toward a large wrought iron gate. Matron Freth leads you all into a manicured courtyard. As stares and looks pass back and forth between the group it’s quite apparent that everyone is equally impressed and awestruck by the design of the compound.


“Whoah.” Ishtoshin manages barely in a whisper.


“I take it you approve. I have some duties that require my attention. Zaiwure will show you to your quarters. I shall meet with you later. Should you choose to stay that is….”


As you watch Karis Freth walk away your eyes are drawn to Zaiwure. Sharp features accented by colored markings on her face belie what could only be described as diabolical beauty. The short horns on her head and shiny black talons at the end of hers fingers confirm her at least partial Abyssal parentage. “This way my lords.” Zaiwure leads you through the courtyard and over to another lift. “Sil’in” Powered by the command, runes begin to glow gold, levitating the group up about 60 feet and into a corridor. She follows the passage clockwise showing each of you to individual rooms, an amenity you have never enjoyed before. The rooms are considerably large, as big as the room all 8 of you shared together. A 30 x 30 main living area is well appointed and each room has an additional 10 x 20 area that could be purposed as you see fit. As each of you reach your designated living quarters she says, “Dinner will served in the main hall below in 2 turns of the hour glass. Take the east stairs down. Follow the corridor’s circular path and you will not get lost. There is a communal bath fed by a hot spring from within the stalactite if you wish to freshen up. Servants are available to attend to your needs and help you settle in.”


Rygos is the last to be shown a room. As Zaiwure prepares to depart he says, “I’m curious, Why Does Matron Freth treat us this way? In Menzoberranzan mild disdain could be considered a kindness. What have we done to deserve such lavish treatment? What’s the catch?”


Zaiwure smiles, “The catch my lord…is that you must choose to stay. Certainly Mistress Karis has work she feels you all are particularly suited for but she has turned from the Spider Queen and as such seeks to establish a new way for your kind. Threats and punishment do not promote loyalty or trust. She would have us learn the latter.”


Rygos enters his room and looks around. Zaiwure’s last remarks still playing in his mind, he’s not sure if his worries are misplaced or if he should be more concerned than before.  “I wonder how my brothers fare?” he thinks as he locks the door behind him and sets his pack down.  
