The Fall of House F…
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The Fall of House Freth

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This takes place immediately after the rescue/recovery attempt at the destroyed compound

She sat on his bed shivering, an unusual occurrence in the City of Brass considering the oppressive heat of the place. Valas walked over to a decanter and poured the liquid contained, a blue brandy, into a crystal glass then returned to Zaiwure’s side. He placed the glass into her trembling hands. “Drink.” He paused. “Then tell me all you can.”


The potent alcohol steadied her hands and she exhaled a mouthful of cool breath. “We were in the sitting room. The Mistress had been kind enough to offer me wine and so we sat for few moments, taking a much needed break from the business of contracts and orders.” She brought the glass to her mouth again and drank deep. “We would do this from time to time. Yes she was my Mistress but she was more than just my employer. We were friends. She trusted me to protect her…..” Zaiwure looked away. “Perhaps that was a mistake.”


“You don’t believe that.” Valas reassured her.


She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “We were talking about you….Well you and your brothers that is. She was quite fond of you all…even Naris she would say is not without charm.” Zaiwure sniffled. “I asked why she sent you away…back to the guild…then the alarms were sounded. Invaders. I shimmered to the courtyard to meet them but they had already made it past the gates.”


“How? The house wards…the guards… they would have needed…”


“Command words.” Zaiwure finished for him. “An inside job.” her expression went blank.


Valas waited for Zaiwure to continue.


“I tried to shimmer back to the library…” Zaiwure coughed. “I couldn’t. Some magic was keeping me out. I shimmered into the hallway and ran to the door. Locked.” her hands trembled again. Valas placed his gently over hers and held them still. She looked him directly in the eyes, tears running down her cheeks. “By the time I got in…” She shook her head. “…Mistress Freth” She began to choke…”She…” Zaiwure swallowed hard. “Mistress Freth had been badly wounded..stabbed in the back. There were more than a half dozen dead drow in the room. She did not submit easy. She sent me a mental message ‘Vandree. Get to the brothers.’ Her assassin glared at me as I drew my saber. Karis cast one last spell to remove the ward preventing my teleportation and yelled ‘Go now!’ The assassin cut her throat and I did as I was bid and shimmered to the tree….I ran like a coward!”


“There is no cowardice in obeying an order. You were smart to retreat… to come to us…” Valas said in comforting tone.


“Was I? I should have recovered her body. Brought her to Brother Cream. Instead I ran off looking for you and your brothers.” Her tone had changed. Her face flushed with anger. “And where were you!!! I thought I’d always be able to find you. Wasn’t that the purpose of the spell? So your masking would not affect me! Why couldn’t I sense you? It’s not like you left the plane. I even came to this infernal city to be sure. Nothing…. I looked for Rygos and Nazmyr. Nothing! I even tried to sense Naris knowing I’d have to fight through his masking spell. Nothing! Alaketh, Nanill, Quevas, even Ishtoshen. Nothing! She stood up flailing her arms. “WHERE WERE YOU!!!”


Suddenly the realization struck him…He stood and reached for her hand. She quickly snapped it away. “The plane of Shadow…” He said softly. “We travelled to the plane of shadow from the orc city where you found us. You weren’t able to sense me because I wasn’t on the prime.” He paused feeling guilty for a moment. “I didn’t think we’d be gone long or missed. You found us in Oenkmar after our return. I’m sorry…”


Zaiwure scowled. Her tail instinctively wrapped around his waist pulling them close together. She glared at him, an inch away from his face. “What now?”


Valas wrapped his arms around her and held her tight for a while, waiting for the anger and the hurt to subside. Zaiwure stared at him with bloodshot eyes waiting for his answer.


“Now you tell me who the assassin was.” His expression was cold and menacing.”


Zaiwure shook her head. “I don’t know. He was skilled. Well trained. Perhaps a member of your guild she said accusingly. I don’t know who betrayed and murdered our Mistress.”


“The guild? Impossible. Why would they? They know Rygos and I belong to belong to the company too. Surely the guild would not have sanctioned this attack.”


“I’m not sure why they would betray us.” She answered. “But in our city… You’re guild houses the best assassins” Her voice stiff and resentful.


Zaiwure could feel the heat of his anger emanating off of his skin. His purple eyes held a murderous rage. “I’ll find out for sure. And if the assassin came from the guild I’ll kill the bastard myself. I promise.”


Zaiwure nodded.


“Stay here. At least for now… until we sort things through.”


“I want to go too.” She demanded.


“No. Rygos and I shall go to the guild and find out what the hells happened. It’s too dangerous for you to accompany us there.”

“After then. Come to me after once you have found him.”


“No. We lost Mistress Freth. I won’t see you put in danger. If you bear me any affection at all you’ll remain here and let us do what the Mistress paid us for. We may not have been able to prevent her murder but we will sure as hells see to it those responsible for her death suffer her wrath. Agreed?”


Zaiwure nodded. “For now….I’ll expect updates and not to be left here all by myself for too long a time, understood.” She said finding her strength return.


Valas grinned then bowed. “Yes Mistress.”


Zaiwure gave him a curious look as understanding played across her face. “Go… and thank you Valas.”


Valas leaned in kissing her cheek. “I shall return as soon as I am able. Everything you need is here. Make yourself at home.”


She forced a smile and he was gone.

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Valas and Rygos visit the Dark Embrace


Valas left the City of Brass and returned to Rilauven to meet up with Rygos who had been waiting for him at the bar in their brother Naris’ establishment.


“Is Zaiwure settled?” Rygos asked as his brother approached.


“For now….but only for as long as she chooses to stay. She’s an independent spirit who makes her own decisions. I can only convince her to remain grounded for so long.” Valas answered. He sat close to his brother and leaned in whispering, “Inside job she said. We’ll have to ferret out a traitor. She said there was an assassin and thinks it could be one of ours. It was the assassin who murdered Freth.”


“Then I think it’s time we return to the guild and see what we can find out.” Rygos suggested.


“Agreed.” Valas said. “Let’s go.”


The two brothers made their way toward the Dark Embrace. They exercised caution choosing to move about while invisible and as silently as their skill would allow. They stopped at a neighboring structure casting an incantation that would reveal invisible sentries. As expected, there were two.


“Should we translocate in and have a look around before revealing ourselves brother?” Rygos asked. “If the guild was involved we may be marked for death.”


Valas whispered, “I don’t believe they want us dead. They’ve invested too much in us. I refuse to accept the idea that Eldrar T’sith would condone an attack on Mistress Freth. She was a high value account. In fact her last contract paid 50,000 gold pieces. Hardly a fee to scoff at.”


“How do…” Valas stopped his brother before he could finish his question.


“Another time Rygos. I’ll enter first. Be ready for anything.” Valas broke the enchantment becoming visible. Rygos did the same.


They approached the door in step careful to disguise their wariness. The sentries watched them as they neared and then turned away seeming quite disinterested.  As Valas opened the door Evony’s head snapped to meet the sound of entry.


She sighed heavily as Valas walked in. “Thank the goddess.” she whispered to herself as her eyes locked on his. She instinctively poured two glasses of wine placing them directly in front of her. “I’m glad you and Rygos are ok. I feared the worst when the stalactite fell. Rumors began to spread immediately that there were no survivors.” she paused obviously uncomfortable. “I’m sorry Valas. If there was anything that could have been done…”


Valas nodded and reached for the glass. He sipped the purplish black liquid surveying the room as he did. The tavern was quite empty. There were only a few guild members of the lowest rank and no outsiders. It was as if the place had been closed for business. Eldrar T’sith sat alone at the end of the bar. Charwyn’s seat was noticeably empty. Valas set his glass down on the counter.


Evony’s gaze left Valas to fall upon Rygos. His expression was stoic. His eyes darted about the room always returning to Valas. His fingers tensed. It was obvious the spellwarp sniper was prepared to protect his brother should the need arise. He was waiting for any signal to move. Something was wrong.


Eldrar T’sith stood from his chair and approached the Vandree brothers. “My young Lords of Vandree. The goddess is truly great to have kept you safe from the unfortunate devastation that befell House Freth. Perhaps you have noticed the sparse company assembled here to today. Your most capable guildmates have been dispatched to find you both and secure your safety. Whom may I reward for the good fortune of seeing you home?”


“No one affiliated with the Dark Embrace.” Valas answered flatly. “You do remember we had gone to Oenkmar with Ishtoshen yes?”


“Indeed.” replied the guildmaster. “We just assumed that with the Freth compound under attack you would have been summoned to return to your mistress and see to her protection. We had mustered our own people to assist as well but before they could join the battle…”  he shook his head mournfully, “…the stalactite fell. The attack was over quickly…much too quickly if I am being truthful.”


“I was thinking the same thing Master T’sith. The raiders would have needed inside help. Mistress Freth was betrayed.”


“Yes…well it would reason to think so. Hers is a terrible loss.” He bowed his head in deference.  “She was a friend to this guild, even if our sweet barmaid did not always approve of your long absences in her service.” He glanced over to Evony who was glaring daggers at the man. “Ahem…” he cleared his throat. “Do you have any leads. If time has taught me anything about you my young lord it’s that that you do not suffer insult well. Your vengeance must have a target.”


Valas glanced back to Rygos who offered him the slightest of nods. “You know me well Master T’sith. Information has come to light that an assassin was responsible for her death”


“Ahh.” Evony thought to herself. “So that’s the cause of their anxiety. They’re not sure who can be trusted.


Eldrar T’sith listened attentively.

“Am I to believe then that the guild did not sanction the assassination of Mistress Freth. That the assassin who murdered her was not one of our own?”


Eldrar T’sith’s expression turned to shock at the accusation. “Absolutely not!” he said with emotion in his voice. “We have done business with House Freth for many years. I saw to it you both were trained at her behest. And I need not remind you of her last contract. Are you sure that has not come to bear?”


Instinctively his hand slid to the longknife at his side. His eyes narrowed. “Quite.” Valas responded with malice in his voice.


“Careful boy. My patience will indulge you but so much.” the guildmaster warned.


“Valas!” Evony scolded. “Enough!” She turned her attention to the guildmaster. “Master T’sith, baseless accusations aren’t productive.”


“True enough pretty flower.” He looked to Valas. “You have my word no order was given, no assassination was sanctioned, no contract was issued for Karis Freth.”


Valas did not seem convinced. “All guild members are accounted for?” he asked.


Eldrar T’sith winced in anger at being questioned so directly. His eyes darted to Evony who offered a nearly imperceptible nod. He exhaled sharply. “None were missing in the time before the attack until your arrival back save you and Rygos.” he paused turning his head slightly to the left where there was an empty chair next to his. “And Charwyn.”


“He belonged to The Freth Trading Company the same as Rygos and I. Was he there during the attack? Has he checked in since the attack?”


“Afraid not.” Evony replied before the guildmaster could speak. “He left days before the attack and has not been seen since. We can only hope that he was not there when it fell.”


“It is quite possible he follows the same path as you two.” The guildmaster offered. “If he were summoned back too late to be of any good he may have taken the matter of vengeance upon himself. He has been with Freth for quite some time and will not react well to her passing.”


Valas seemed to relax a bit and sat by the bar sliding the untouched glass to his side for Rygos. Rygos sat thanking Evony for the drink.


“Not a Kingslayer” Evony said with a grin. “But I hope it will do.”


Valas smirked, “Kingslayer.” he chuckled and winked at his brother.


“Keep it up brother and the bar will have a new drink….in your honor.”


Valas frowned at a Rygos who suddenly seemed quite pleased with himself.


Eldrar T’sith added, “With you two returned safe I’ll send new orders out to find Charwyn. You both should remain here until it is deemed safe for you to travel again. Is that understood?”


The Vandree brothers gave each other a look and nodded in acquiescence. “As you say.” They answered in unison.


The guildmaster continued, “The threat may not have passed with the death of your mistress. Drow custom is to eradicate all of a house’s nobles. That would include you, your brothers and Charwyn as well. We must see to it this does not come to pass.” and he departed for his office.


Evony studied Valas carefully. She had learned to read him fairly well. Something told her this was far from over. For now though, he was as safe as he could be. She could protect him here. She watched as he stared into his glass, his expression void of emotion. Rygos seemed to mirror the sentiment. Comfort was not really her strong point. She was more snark and sarcasm but she felt a need to try and make them feel better. “You can’t blame yourselves. Had you been at the compound during the attack, there is a good possibility you would both have been killed.”


Valas looked up to meet her gaze. Her eyes seemed to light as he did. “Or maybe we would have killed them all and Freth would still be alive.”


“Very possible indeed. You’re both smart and resourceful. You possess a synergy few could hope for and a trust in each other few among our kind can boast of. So now it’s time to gather information, listen to rumors, see what words float on the wind. Then you can plan your response. I assure you the guild will sanction your actions. You shall have your revenge.” she said confidently.


“How can you be so sure?” Rygos asked. “Eldrar T’sith…”


“Understands what must be done. I know him well. He will expect your reprisal against those responsible for this treachery. And I know you Valas. Whoever this assassin may be, he is already dead. He just don’t know it yet. You’ll find him and he shall receive the gift. Of that I am certain.”     


“And I as well brother.” Rygos agreed. “There is much that must be answered for.”


She waved to Aunran who immediately brought plates of hot food, stewed mushroom in wine sauce with salted meat and spiced vegetables. “Now. Eat. Keep up your strength and Master T’sith will come to you when he knows more.”


“Thank you Evony.” Valas said softly.


“You can thank me over dessert.” She cooed.


Rygos grimaced. “And I had almost gotten my appetite back…”

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These events occur prior to the raid on House Vandree

Two weeks had passed since the Freth Compound was destroyed. The denizens of Rilauven kept a wide berth from the rubble. The city guard held a perimeter and only the surviving members of the company were allowed to sift through the rubble. A few survivors were rescued. Other members of the house who had been away on company business returned only to be redirected to a temporary location until a new compound could be prepared and readied for business. Zaiwure had begun to grow stir crazy and chose to split her time between Rilauven and the City of Brass, assuming command of the company, taking charge of the business and developing a new home for House Freth. She held out a glimmer of hope that Karis Freth’s body might be recovered and returned to life and so she would search the rubble. She used her spells to move debris and locate items of value with which to begin the business anew.


Valas had begun to grow anxious himself. He would take short trips to meet with his brothers but had stayed clear of his former home as asked by Eldrar T’sith. True to his word the guildmaster had set to gathering as much information as he could to ascertain if any real threat existed and where the raiders had retreated to. Valas had a feeling all signs would point to Menzoberranzan and the house bearing his name. Such was the information he had gathered, in talking to Lelith and Zaiwure, in the remains of the dead found amongst the remnants of the stalactite and the few eyewitness accounts that existed. This day saw Valas pacing about the room he shared with Evony.


“I can’t remain hidden forever you know?” he said in irritable tone.


“Is being sequestered here with me so terrible?” she cooed stretching across the bed shifting the silk covers exposing her lithe nude form.


Valas forced a grin. “Your company is all that keeps me sane. I’d never be able to abide by the curfew without you my love.” his smile faded.




“But I don’t do well with confinement. I didn’t when I was bound to House Vandree, I didn’t when Mistress Freth rescued us and offered us sanctuary in her home and as you are aware, I am not now, even when asked to remain within the confines  of the guildhouse. I need to be out there….I need to find the people who did this. I need to kill them all.”


“The goddess has a plan for her favored son I’m sure. You’ll get your chance. Be patient.” She reached up taking hold of his hand and drawing him down to her. Perhaps I can be enough…at least for now?” and she kissed him.


Some time later they dressed and made their way upstairs to the tavern. An early dinner crowd had begun to form and Aunran moved quickly between tables while Elerra tended the bar. Evony walked behind the counter. “Elerra. Help out in the kitchen. I have the bar.” The serving girl bowed and made her way to the cooking area. Valas assumed his regular seat across from where Evony stood and a glass immediately slid forward to meet him. Rygos seeing that his brother had made his way upstairs vacated his table and found a bar stool beside him. Before he took his seat, a glass made its way in front of him as well.


“Well dear brother, glad to see you could come up for air.” Rygos smirked. “I was beginning to feel lonely and abandoned.” he made a mock sad face and sipped the wine Evony had poured for him.


She smirked at Rygos. “Watch it you.” She jokingly threatened reaching for her spoon.


“Apologies my dear brother Rygos. I completely understand. If you’ll excuse me I’ll go find Innarei….I’m sure she has the cure for what ills you..” Valas jibed back and made to stand.


Rygos grabbed his arm. “Whoa brother….kidding…just kidding. No need to impose upon Mistress Innarei.”


Evony grabbed Valas by the shirt as her face moved within an inch of his. “And how would you know what ills Innarei can cure?”


“Err..Well I don’t… I mean… I’ve heard… you know…..I wouldn’t have myself of course.” He smiled, leaned in and kissed her.


“Much better.” She said. “See that you don’t.” and released him. Evony turned her head to the presence making his way toward them.


Eldrar T’sith opened his arms and spoke. “Ahh. My good young lords of Vandree. I’m glad to have found you together. I have news to discuss with you both.” He looked over to Evony. “If you’ll excuse us my dear…”


Evony scowled. “Guild business huh? Let’s not forget who houses you lot.”


“Never dear child.” he said pleasantly.


She eyed Valas with some concern.


“I assure you I’ll return the young Lords to you with due haste. My business will not take them away long.”


She glared at him with disdain. “Whatever.” and she turned away to fill drink orders.


The guildmaster led them through the growing crowd into the members lounge and into his office. As they stepped in the door shut behind them. Valas expected to see Charwyn as that was his typical place. Instead he found Talice, the mistress of assassinations. Rygos quickly looked at the floor to see if the carpet had been set to roll but found its edges adhered to the floor boards. He exhaled with relief. Talice must have noticed as a malicious grin played across her face.


“Do not be disconcerted by that one.” Eldrar T’sith said also noticing the discomfort in Rygos’ body language.


Valas rubbed the phantom pain in between his sixth and seventh rib. “Yes brother. Nothing to fear.”


Talice muffled a chuckle.


“I have asked you two here to discuss important guild business. Please. Sit.” he motioned toward two soft cushion chairs in front of his desk.


The brothers sat without saying a word.


“You’ll be pleased to know that after careful consideration and much information gathering I am comfortable enough now to remove the curfew I imposed upon you.” He looked directly at Valas. “I know it has not been easy but I stand by the necessity.”


“No need to explain Master T’sith…” Valas began to respond.


“I’m not.” he replied curtly cutting him off. “All information we have gathered lead me to believe that the assault on Mistress Freth’s Company originated from Menzoberranzan and that the House bearing your namesake was responsible. It would appear they have retreated to the safety of their home city. The immediate danger has passed.”


Neither Rygos nor Valas were surprised by this revelation. Their own investigations indicated the same.


“You’ll want revenge I’m sure. You were both well regarded members of the company and the death of Karis Freth will not be sitting well with you. I am authorizing the assassination of any and all responsible for the attack on her as per the conditions of the last agreement she contracted with us.” He paused and looked meaningfully at Valas.


Rygos looked at Valas who didn’t say a word, simply nodding.


“We believe Charwyn has already made his way to Menzoberranzan to satisfy the contract. Should you cross paths with your guild mate, assist him if you can.”


“Of course Master T’sith.” Rygos answered.


“Prepare well my young Lords of Vandree. What you embark upon will be no easy task. Use all you have learned and save what you may. Assaulting a great house of the City of Spiders may be the most dangerous task you’ll have attempted to date. Good luck.”


He stood and the brothers did as well. “Thank you master.” they spoke in unison and left.


As they reached the door Talice opened it then made eye contact with Valas. He met her gaze and whispered. “Any and all responsible.” She tilted her slightly and nodded.


As they made their way back toward the bar Rygos offered, “Evony will not be pleased.”


Valas shook his head. “No…No she won’t. But she’ll understand. She knows it was a matter of time.”


They found there way back to their seats where Evony stood waiting.


She glared at the two of them like an inquisitor preparing to force a confession.


“Master T’sith lifted the curfew.” Rygos said softly with a weak smile.


“Fantastic.” she said in a tone dripping with sarcasm. “And”


“And we’re free to track down and kill those responsible for the murder of Mistress Freth and the destruction of her compound.” Valas answered Evony meeting her gaze.


“I see…” She said stiffly. “Well good luck with that.” and she turned away.


“Ouch” Rygos said in mental message.


“You knew in time we’d go after them.” Valas added.


“She turned toward him and made a face of disgust. “I never particularly cared for her…. She kept you away for far too long and didn’t consider your attachments here. Now you want to trail through demon infested tunnels to a city where you’re marked for death and sacrifice to attack a great house supported by the greatest house in the city. Have you learned nothing from the last few months?” She paused long enough to scoff. “And they said you were smart….”


“You’re missing the point Evony…”


“No… I would argue it’s you who is missing the point. What purpose does it serve for you two idiots to throw your lives away simply for the hope of a petty revenge that in grand scheme of things accomplishes nothing. Why do either of you care?”


They looked at each other. Neither could answer that. Loyalty…maybe…Ego… perhaps…but were either of those enough to risk their lives?


Evony pushed her advantage. “Be truthful Valas….Let’s say your pride sets you on that treacherous path to self destruction….Are you willing to take Rygos with you? He’s only going because you are.” She paused and stared at Rygos for a moment. “Tell me I’m wrong?”


Rygos looked away not wanting to make eye contact with her or his brother.


Valas sat quiet for a second. He wanted revenge…but was this the best way to achieve it. He made promises to Zaiwure….Was there another way to satisfy that pledge? He looked at Rygos who was awkwardly staring into his glass, not saying a word. Could he risk his brother’s life for… as Evony put it…some petty revenge that would mean nothing.


She had him and she knew it. A slight grin began to work across her face.


“Evony… I.. maybe you’re…..”


Just then the door to the inn opened with bluster and force. Naris stood in the portal. “My brothers!” He announced as he walked closer to embrace them both. As he did he whispered. “I know where the body is. We can bring her back.” He smiled and bowed slightly toward Evony who returned his greeting with a forced grin and a deadly gaze. “Accompany me to my inn, the others are waiting. There are plans to make.” He grabbed Valas by the shoulder. “Death to visit on our enemies.”


Valas looked at Rygos who simply nodded.


Valas looked at Evony who’s eyes were a storm of anger. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be back shortly.” He rose to leave and could swear he heard her whisper…”Fine.”


As the brothers left, Mistress Talice Dvestigar assumed the spot they had just vacated. “You almost had him…” She said with a wry grin.


Evony scowled, “Almost…*@#$! Naris. I hate that son a motherless goblin.” and spat.

This post was modified 6 years ago by Dorym
