Naris in Menzoberra…
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Naris in Menzoberranzan

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This is a joint post between Naris and Dorym

Naris had been back in Menzoberranzen now for just over a month, continuing to monitor events to report back to Mistress Freth. He had already learned that demons walk free about Menzoberranzan killing unhoused drow. Gromph from House Baenre has been banished for summoning Demogorgon. Demogorgon attacked and destroyed a section of Sorcere and cut a swath through the city to the main exit. Rumors have it that Demogorgon is currently roaming the underdark…not a meeting Naris was looking to make. The demonic incursion had taken a toll on commerce in the Underdark and made travel considerably more perilous than normal. He had been spending time in the city and gathering information, sneaking around his family compound and keeping tabs on House Malarn and their activities. His previous sojourn back Rilauvin found him bringing some very disconcerting news.


Matron Mother Troken’Ther was killed and replaced by her eldest Daughter Fiirnel’Ther Vandree. The former matron was deemed weak due to the Vandree brother’s rebellion and escape so she was assassinated.


There has been much movement of troops and House Vandree is preparing to raid another house. They have been contracted by House Baenre to address the offending house and have agreed to the task to maintain favor with the greatest house in the city. Word is that House Vandree has some personal stake in the raid as well. He was unable to find out exactly what it was, just that Matron Mother Fiirnel’ther Vandree sought to correct her mother’s mistake.


It also seemed a female drow noble had been kidnapped from house Vandree. No one has made ransom demands and there has been no trace or word from the kidnappers. House Vandree suspects she has been taken as part of some diabolic ritual sacrifice however is as of yet is unsure if the truth of this belief. They have continued to send search parties out in attempt to locate her or find evidence of demonic activity that could prove her death.


Mistress Freth was pleased with the intelligence he provided. She smiled graciously. “You have done well to bring me this information Naris. You never cease to impress me with your skill.”


Naris smiled appreciating the compliment. “I felt you should know. I have made my brothers aware as well.”


Should you discover the target of the raid please return to me. I have my suspicions but would like assurance before I make my next move.” Mistress Freth nodded to Zaiwure who handed Naris a scroll tube. “Use this scroll to return when you are ready. You won’t be able to teleport into the city but close enough outside the gates for you to safely make your way home.”


“Of course. We both recognize the value of knowledge.” He gripped the scroll tube tight and smiled. “Perfect.” and excused himself.


This information did not come without cost. Spying on Drow Houses was dangerous business. Naris found 2 of his hirelings murdered…a third has been missing for some time. Still he had made other contacts and knew it was time to check on those assets. He shook his head to clear his mind of the memories and sharpen his focus. He was back in the city of his birth and needed his wits about him. He moved silently, unseen along the West Wall. He paused as the sounds of marching feet drew his attention. Naris watched as a raiding party returned. They must have left after his return to Rilauvin. There had to be 4 platoons comprising the company. They moved carts containing spoils by giant lizard and he could make out the form of a shrouded body atop one of the wagons. A shrouded drow was whispering to the priestess leading the contingent. Something about him or her looked very familiar. Him he decided. His walk perhaps. Naris was sure he had seen him before but without seeing his face couldn’t place it. Something had gone down and he needed to find out what.


Naris made his way east to the Dark Hunters’ Haven in Duthcloim just outside the bazaar. The damage caused by Demogorgon was heavy here but as drow celebrate the deaths of their rivals business was booming. He found his usual spot in a dark corner of the inn and waited for his contact to arrive. Naris watched as an old drow entered, his eyes milky and white, he was obviously blind. He stumbled into a few patrons begging pardon as he did. Most offered him looks of disgust several pushed him away. The man leaned into an empty chair at the table where Naris sat and picked up the cup of strong drink Naris had left for him.


“Thank you my lord.” he said as he sipped. “It warms old bones.”


“What have I missed since last we talked? Who did House Vandree raid?”


The man tuned to look around the room, an exercise in futility Naris knew as the old man couldn’t see anything.  


“Is it your intent to try my patience?” Naris hissed.


“Not at all my lord.” the man said quietly before taking another sip from the cup. “When I look around a room my ears tell me what I need to see.”


“And?” Naris asked.


“And it is safe to answer your question. Vandree attacked the wayward child of House Baenre. Years ago House Baenre eradicated a house taking its weaponmaster and his sister for their own, murdering everyone else. Now these siblings lived amongst Baenre for some time before discovering the courage and means to escape. They ran away never to be seen again. Some say rumors speak of the sister becoming a trader, moving to a merchant city. Others that they perished in the Underdark as it was Lloth’s will that none of a defeated house should survive.”


He paused and sipped his drink.


“If House Baenre knew where they had gone they never made mention of it…..”

“So?” Naris asked impatiently.


“So no one asked until word spread of a powerful merchant house in a far off city who had employed the criminal progeny of our very own 8th house. The rumor is they had become so brazen that they no longer hid from view, flaunting their power and snubbing their creators. They had turned from Lloth and escaped rightful sacrifice at her altar embarrassing their true Matron Mother to serve the wayward child. When word arrived that the favored servants of a powerful trading company in Rilauvin publicly put to death a warforged lich, House Baenre took insult, seeing such an act as a challenge and could no longer bear the embarrassment for their runaway children to go unpunished. With all of Menzoberranzan knowing where they were, House Vandree was told to wipe out House Freth of Rilauvin and leave no survivors… Freth of course being the true name of Baenre’s adopted children.


Naris sat stunned. “You know this to be true?”


“No one cares that a blind beggar sits outside a gate. No one realizes how much we see through hearing.”


Naris was close to panic, “The brothers?”


“Were not at the compound. It appears Mistress Freth’s most faithful servants, most powerful lieutenants had abandoned her during her hour of greatest need. The compound was destroyed. If you believe soldiers none survived the attack.”


“How could this be? The compounded had guards, wards, protections in place for such an occurrence.”


“I have heard that House Vandree had help. Someone on the inside. Discontent with the favor shown the Vandree brothers. An assassin.”


Naris could feel his blood boil to a rage.


“You should know…the body brought back was Mistress Freth. They haven’t said what they were going to do with it yet but they took the time to return with it.”


Naris’ tone stiffened, “I have business to attend to. When I return I’m going to need passwords to the compound and any news you can provide. You’ll be well compensated as always.” Naris slid a pouch toward his informant.


“Of course my Lord.” the old man bowed as he swept away purse of coins and went back to his drink.


Naris left thinking to himself….”Arrangements. I’ll need to prepare for our return.” He set about his business. He sought out a city guard captain arranging for discreet entry into the city. It cost quite a bit but Naris could ill afford to have he and his brothers discovered at the gate. A mistake like that would prove fatal. Next he made housing arrangements. He rented several rooms in various inns around the city, each time changing his identity and appearance so there would be no connection to each other. He even rented two small houses. The first was located Donigarten in the farming district by the lake. The other was a run down hostel in Braeryn, the slums of the city where most people who didn’t want to be found stayed to remain unnoticed. He visited the bazaar and purchased food, drink and changes of clothes that he stored in his newly acquired residences. Lastly he took to the task of acquiring keys to the Vandree compound.


His contact was drow merchant who kept a shop in Eastmyr, a front for the local thieves guild. He had been told by his mentor Amryyr Yauntyrr that the owner Izzal Hlaate was a friend of the guild and could be trusted…


“Master Hlaate?” Naris questioned as he approached the counter.


The portly middle drow with long scraggly hair smiled warmly. “Indeed. Who do I have the pleasure of dealing with?”


Naris ignored the question. “I seek a dark dagger. I am told you were the person to see.”


The man eyed Naris up and down taking his measure. “I see. May I ask who recommended my shop for an unusual commodity?”


“I’m an acquaintance of Amryyr Yauntyrr. He made mention yours was the shop to see for such a thing.”


“And so it may be. What would like to use it for?”


Naris grinned, “It will need to grant me entry in secure locations…perhaps like the ones used in the Vandree Compound.”


The merchant’s eyes narrowed. “Every door has a different key. How many do you require?”


“All of them.” Naris said in serious tone.


Izzal Hlaate frowned. “That’s a tall order even for a shop such as this. It may not be possible.”


“I’ll take what you can give me then.” Naris responded.


“It’ll be expensive” the merchant said cautiously.


“I don’t recall asking about a price did I? Provide me what I need and there will be payment enough. I can assure you.” Naris snapped.


“Very well it will take some time.”


“Some time.” Naris agreed. “Though not too much time. Understood.”


The merchant nodded in agreement.


Naris made his way invisible to the gate and beyond the city walls. He pulled a scroll from his belt breaking the seal and opening it. “Now back to Rilauvin to see for myself what has happened and how my brothers fare. Naris read the arcane runes and and in a blink was gone.
