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[Closed] Freedom's End

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Originally posted by KethVale

It had been a long day. The warrior turned BlackGuard left his room, and recounted his recent conversation with The Miz.


Nanil dropped the temple on a Marilith’s head.” Alaketh said has he gazed into the mirror.


A toothy grin formed on the Glabrezu’s face. “The Marilith’s name was Yxunomei, an ancient enemy of mine.” The Miz explained “You have done me a great service my apprentice. With Yxunomei’s destruction, my power will grow tenfold!”


Alaketh walked through one of the intricately carved corridors of the compound. He drew his Shardblade from its scabbard and admired its beauty and craftsmanship. Gazing at the opalescent light swimming in the faceted blade, his thoughts drifted to how he had earned the magnificent weapon. Normally reserved, Alaketh recalled Mistress Freth had difficulty keeping her composure as Valas handed her the artifact known as the HeartStone Gem. As a reward, each of the Lords of Vandree received a Shardblade. However, with the Shardblade came another request.


“A coalition of Drow cities is forming a grand army to stage an attack on the human city of West Port Manor.” Mistress Freth said. “Rilauven and Menzoberranzan will be counted amongst the contributors. The city council has pressed me to make Freedom’s End available as a staging area due to its strategic location. I am sending you to be my representatives as well as my eyes and ears.” You will report to General Kelrasoon. He will be leading the coalition.”


Alaketh’s thoughts were interrupted with the onset of a headache. “Damn my head hurts!” he said aloud to himself.


Alaketh continued to walk through the Freth Compound and decide to go straight to Freedom’s End to hopefully keep the army from destroying what he and his brothers have made.


As he approached Freedom’s End, he quickly noticed the lights in the town were out. He found this to be unsettling as he and his brothers kept the town lit to maintain a certain appearance. As he walked into the town proper he was beset on all sides by cloaked assailants. With uncanny speed, Shatterspike was unsheathed and Alaketh deflected an incoming blow. A blinding flash of light disabled his attackers. Unfazed, Alaketh took advantage of the opportunity and made quick work of two of his assailants. The remaining assailants recovered from the flash and converged on Alaketh.


Stop!” The command was spoken in Drow and came from an unknown female voice.


One of the assailants did not heed the command and struck Alaketh with his long sword. There was an audible ‘CLANG’ as the blade was deflected by his steel helmet. The remaining assailants obeyed the command and took up a loose defensive stance.



CRACK!’ The Drow soldier that struck Alaketh fell to the ground writhing in pain as multiple snake heads from the priestess’ lash bit deep into his flesh.


When I say stop you stop.” said the priestess in commanding tones. She then refocused her attention to Alaketh. “And you! What are you doing in this town? Answer fast before I have you executed.”


Seeing a priestess of Lolth angered Alaketh; the fact that she was in a position of power in the town that he and his brothers personally conquered only further infuriated him. “This is my town!” were the first words to enter his head. However Alaketh kept control of his anger and regained his bearing. He sheathed his sword, removed his helmet, and kneeled before the priestess. “I am a representative of Rilauven.”


“Anyone could say that.” the priestess huffed. “What proof do you have?”


Alaketh reached under his tunic and produced an insignia, causing the guards to ready their weapons aggressively.


The priestess approached Alaketh and ripped the insignia from his grasp. She briefly inspected it and threw it to the ground. She made a non-verbal command and one of the guards gave her a sword. Looking down on Alaketh she stuck the swords tip under his chin forcing him to stand. “Where is the rest of your group? I was told there would be more.”


I was sent in advance.” Alaketh said not looking the priestess in the eyes. “They will be along.”


Warn the other patrols!” The priestess commanded. “I don’t want any more deaths that I did not order.” One of the guards hastily moves to fulfill the order.


Remove his armor!” The priestess commanded.


What?!” was all Alaketh managed to say before the remaining guards grabbed him by the arms and forcefully cowed him before the priestess. “He must be punished for transgressions.”


Later that evening Alaketh found himself strung up by his arms atop the gallows in the town square under the careful watch of several guards. The priestess stood near him and spoke to address the gathering crowd.


To all those in the shadows and those of this town; this here is Alaketh of Rilauven, the host of our little army! He is here before you all as punishment for killing two members of our army!”


The proclamation brings murmurs of anger and distain from the crowd. Some even draw weapons as if they were going to take matters into their own hands.


He will not be killed as the guards failed to check his credentials, but he cannot be held unaccountable! And no one in my army will be allowed to kill another without my say! For his crimes he will be beat until unconsciousness, revived and then beat unconscious again!”


The priestess unfurled her snake-headed whip and the crowd roared. ‘CRACK!’ The snake heads from the priestess’ lash bit deep into Alaketh’s flesh. Soon Alaketh was overcome by pain and the world went black. A blinding flash startled Alaketh into consciousness. He felt pain he had not felt in many months. He heard the roar of a crowd but could not make sense of it. ‘CRACK!’ The snake heads from the priestess’ lash bit deep into Alaketh’s flesh again. Unable to contol himself, Alaketh felt himself cry out in pain. The crowd roared. Not soon enough the world went black.



Alaketh awoke to the smell of burning incense. The silken sheets of the bed he was lying in were stained with blood. Extremely stiff and sore, Alaketh had a hard time moving his head off the pillow.



Good morning sunshine.” Said Chandrianna as she threw open the window shades. Heavily, she sat on the bed pouting after not getting the reaction she was hoping for.


The light doesn’t bother you Alaketh?” she asked.


Alaketh did not answer and rolled over. Every movement brought more pain.


Beaten like a dog twice over and still up bright and early.” Chandrianna said with a bright smile. “I would have slept till at least noon.”


Alaketh managed to pull himself up in bed and noticed that Chandrianna was completely nude. He gently leaned back to admire the view. “What in the Nine Hells happened?”


Chandrianna placed a finger on her chin and mimicked deep thought. “Well let’s see….You were beaten near death, passed out, revived, and beaten again. Oh! And when you were conscious you wailed like a mother in mourning.”


Alaketh gave her sour look.


Lucky for you your brother Nanil showed up soon after your punishment and healed you best he could. He wasn’t expecting to see you beat to shit.”


And what about this?” Alaketh said referring to her nudity.


What about this? I was bored. You didn’t like waking up to this?” Chandrianna got up in a huff and slapped Alaketh in the leg causing a shock pain to shoot through him. “Breakfast will be downstairs when you’re ready she said with a wink as she threw on a robe and sashayed out of the room.


Alaketh shambled down the stairs as the sting of the whip still wracked his body. His groans of pain caused the clientele of the House of Negotiable Sensations to give pause in their various activities and watch the spectacle.


Madame B. hurried to meet Alaketh at the base of the stairs. “Nothing to see here! Back to your business!” She shouted at the patrons as she escorted Alaketh into the kitchen.


What are you doing here? Where’s Naris? We have business to take care of.” Madame B said as she helped Alaketh into a chair.


Alaketh winced in pain as he sat. “He is taking care of business; he’ll be here in a day or two. What’s the matter? He told me to take care of things.”


Take care of things?!” Madame B said incredulously. “You just got beat within an inch of your life!” “Besides it is an army matter, and they aren’t your biggest fans right now.”


Watch your tone! I am in charge till he gets back!” Alaketh said with venom in his tone. “What’s the problem?!”


Composing herself Madame B said “One of the officers refuses to pay for services. If it was once I would have written it off, but he keeps coming back demanding the same two girls to service him. He leaves them beaten then comes back the next day and abuses them again and again. All the while refusing to pay. This has been going on for days.


I’ll take care of it.” Alaketh said.


Madame B served Alaketh a hearty plate of food. While he was eating, Chandrianna caught his eye as she walked past. Alaketh called out to her and asked her to join him. As Alaketh ate and Chandrianna annoyingly played with his food, the two concocted a scheme in which Chandrianna would replace one of the girls the next time the obstinate Drow officer came calling for another vigorous meeting.

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Originally posted by KethVale

The sting from the priestess’ lash still wracked his body. Limping through the streets of the town, Alaketh winced in pain with every step. Determined to find someone of authority he slowly made his way to the High Priestess’ war tent. He was barely within shouting distance when he was challenged by a group of guards.


“What do you want?” one of the guards said in a commanding tone.


“I have business with the high priestess in the name of Rilauvan.”


The flap of the war tent was flung open and an irate priestess emerged. “What’s going on?!” she demanded.


“A soldier of Rilauvan wishes to speak to the High Priestess.” replied the sergeant.


“Be rid of him!” The priestess commanded.


The sergeant looked at Alaketh and smiled “You best be off before she gives you another taste.”


Not wanting to escalate a potentially bad situation Alaketh took his leave.


As he continued to walk through the camp his pain did not lessen but he found himself becoming more tolerant of the discomfort.


Alaketh was eventually directed to General Kelrasoon’s war tent. Once he was a few yards away from the tent, two guards stopped and challenged him.


“What business do you have here?” one of the guards says in a commanding tone.


“I have business with General Kelrasoon in the name of Rilauvan.”


The guards briefly study Alaketh before one leaves and enters the tent. The remaining guard continued to size him up. “Should be dead for what you did the other day.” The guard took pause and looked around. Confident that they were alone he continued “And between you and me things aren’t going to go well for you.”


Alaketh simply looked the guard in the eye and smiled. Before the banter could continue, the other guard exited the tent.


“The General will see you.” He said


“I’ll see you soon.” Alaketh said still maintaining his smile as he took his leave of the guard.


Alaketh pushed the tent flap open and entered. The furnishings were spartan at best and it appeared to be more of an office than a residence.


General Kelrasoon was a neatly groomed male with is hair pulled back. He was clad in ornate armor and seated in a high back chair. Another male officer equally dressed stood next to him.


“Rilauven you say?” General Kelrasoon said before Alaketh could introduce himself. “What business do you have?”


“Forgive my intrusion General, but members of your army are taking advantage of Rilauven’s hospitality. Some of your soldiers are refusing to pay for services rendered.” Alaketh said as he kept a respectful stance.


General Kelrasoon spoke in calm and defiant tones “And what do you want me to do about it? Punish the offenders?” The General ponders this for a moment before saying “Yes, I’m sure you’re right. I’m sure that’s the thing to do. Wait, I’ve got a better idea. Let’s punish the whole squad. Let’s… On second thought, Execution! Let’s execute the whole division. Relskar, go on out there and pull the soldiers from their post, we’re killing them all. Bir’rin!”


A guard came running in from the outside. “Yes sir!”


Get me the High Priestess. We’re surrendering our position!”


“Yes sir!” the guard replied without question.


Wait a minute, Bir’rin, don’t get the High Priestess just yet. Maybe we should consider this for a second. You’re dismissed, Bir’rin. Maybe, and I’m just spit balling here, maybe, we have a responsibility as officers to train our soldiers. Maybe we as officers have a responsibility to see to that the men and women charged with the success of this mission behave as trained professionals. Yes, I’m certain that I read that somewhere once. And now I’m thinking, soldier of Rilauvan; that your suggestion of monetary compensation for your human whores, while expeditious and certainly painless, might not be, in a matter of speaking, in the best interest of this army.”


“Sir I don’t seek compensation for what has already been done. However the trading company has payments to make to our backers in Rilauven.”


General Kelrasoon looks to the officer standing next to him “Relskar, you’re in charge. If these soldiers cause any more trouble I’m going to blame you. And then, I’m going to kill you.” General Kelrasoon shifted his attention to Alaketh. “Now be gone! I have more important matters to attend to.”


Limping down the street, Alaketh cursed under his breath about the indignities of having to put up with priestesses and the army that has invaded Freedom’s End.


Alaketh felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a female voice speak softly in his ear “Something got you down sweetie?”


Alaketh spun around quickly as he did not hear anyone approach; before him stood a male drow warrior in a feminine pose.


The drow warrior stroked Alaketh’s face and said “Honey what’s the problem? You weren’t like this last night.”


Confused, Alaketh shied away. A moment later he had an epiphany and realized Chandrianna was tormenting him. Looking the warrior up and down Alaketh said “Yeah well last night you weren’t wearing that.”


The male chuckles in a female voice as the body transforms into a stunning platinum blonde human woman.


Alaketh scolded Chandrianna. “Someone could have seen you; I’d rather you not get caught before our plans come to fruition.”


“Awww you care!” Chandrianna grabbed Alaketh by the arm. “I’m better than that, besides I’m looking forward to my meeting with your officer friend later.” Chandrianna licked her lips and then cracked her neck. “Are you sure I have to stretch this out? There are so many others to play with.”


“Yeah, he can’t die while the army is in town. If he dies during the battle, well shit happens. Are the girls stowed away? Did anyone see you tuck them away?”


“We’re good, the girls are secured.” As Chandrianna speaks she morphs into Becky, one of the abused working girls. “And as ‘Becky’ I told Madame B. I was going to the temple for some healing before tonight. She wanted to send some of the other girls with me but they were real busy this afternoon.”


Alaketh and ‘Becky’ continued small talk as they continue to the House of Negotiable Sensations. Alaketh opened the door and the now bruised and meek ‘Becky’ entered the establishment.


Madame B. rushed towards ‘Becky’. In a display of motherly affection Madame B began to fix ‘Becky’s’ hair. “That officer is here and he’s waiting for you. Go upstairs and get ready.”


The drow officer sees “Becky” ascending the stairs and stands up from his table knocking over his wine glass. “I’ve been waiting whore! And where’s the other one?!”


Alaketh watched ‘Becky’ for a few moments and then turned his attention towards the drow officer.


“You!” Alaketh said singling out the officer “We have business to discuss!”


“Do you know who I am?!” The inebriated drow shouted “Out of my whipping boy before I have you stretched out in the town square again!”


Alaketh instructs Madame B. to get behind the counter. “You! We will talk now or you will not leave this establishment in one piece!”


The officer’s men stood up from their seats and began to draw swords but they hesitate when Relskar entered the building.


“Sheath your swords!” commanded Relskar. The guards comply without hesitation. Relskar continued “Melchi’! From this point on you pay with coin or you life! That goes for the lot of you as well!” Confident that he got his point across; Relskar slowly turned on his heels and walked out.


Melchi’ watched as Relskar left and then turned to face Alaketh. The Blackguard watched Melchi’ intently, ready to draw down on him and his guards in a moment’s notice. Melchi walked over to Alaketh and dropped a bag on coins on the floor in front of him.


““Smart move.” said Alaketh “I have a lot of aggression I wanted to get out. Now as for monies owed…”


“There’s more than enough! Now, I had a deal with the Madame.” Melchi’ said full of anger.


“You broke her!” Shrieked Madame B “And the priestesses won’t heal her!”


Melchi’ was unfazed by the news.


“Your past due account has paid.” Alaketh said in an authoritative tone as he sifted through the coins. “From now on you will pay our regular prices for both girls whether or not they are both present. And if you completely break them additional fees will be levied as well as other repercussions for costing us money.”


“Fine all accounts are squared away and we start fresh, now can I enjoy my time off duty?” Melchi’ said defeated.


“Enjoy yourself.” Alaketh said as he tossed the bag of coins to Madame B.


Melchi’ gave Alaketh a wicked look and ascended the stairs. He walked to Becky’s room and opened the door. ‘Becky’ was sitting on the bed in a robe looking meek and trying to hide her bruises. Melchi’ smiled and closed the door.


“It’s a shame your friend isn’t here, but think of it this way, now we get to spend more one on one time.”


Melchi’ punctuated his sentence by back handing ‘Becky’.


“Let’s get down to business shall we?” Melchi’ said as he kicked ‘Becky’ in the stomach. As ‘Becky’ was doubled over in pain Melchi’ began to undress.


Not before long Melchi’ came limping down the stairs looking weary. He wiped his brow and cleaned his hands off on a towel before throwing it to Madame B.

Madame B. caught the towel and was horrified by the amount of blood soaked into it.

As Melchi’ and his guards left the establishment the last guard droped a bag of coins at Madame B’s feet.

“The bastard!” Madame B. shouts as she runs upstairs to check on Becky.


Moments later Alaketh heard Madame B. yelling for him.


Alaketh made his way to Becky’s room. “Becky” was curled up in a fetal position on the floor. Madame B. desperately tried to care for the girl.


“Send for my brother Nanill.” Alaketh ordered Madame B. “I will take care of this.”


Madame B. reluctantly did has she was told and left Alaketh to tend to ‘Becky’.

As soon as he was confident they were alone Alaketh dropped his act and said “So, learn anything useful, or was it just all fun and games?”


Smirking at Alaketh; the naked, bleeding, and bruised body of ‘Becky’ morphed back into Chandrianna.


Chandrianna stretched out her naked form before Alaketh and rubbed stomach. “He has some pent up frustration. I don’t think he liked you putting him in his place. He spent most of the time beating me up and calling me by your name!”


“Did he say anything else?”


“Only that he’s going to make you pay.”


Alaketh pondered her words “Did he plan anything?”


“No, no planning in front of me, just pain, sweet pain.” Alerted to the approach of visitors from the sound of footsteps coming down the hall, Alaketh stopped his questioning and Chandrianna quickly morphed back into ‘Becky’.


Nanill and Madame B. walked into the room.


“Brother what is this?” Nanill said pointing at Becky curled up on the floor.


“An officer by the name of Melchi’ paid to do this to her. I need her healed just a bit so we can get her back on her feet.”


Nanill told Madame B. to leave and closed the door behind her. With Madame B. gone, Nanill began praying to Vecna and healed ‘Becky’ as best as he could. “How is she still alive?” Nanill said in between prayers.


Alaketh tried playing along “Good genetics I guess. Or she’s just used to it by now, she’s human I don’t know?”


“I am finished brother.” Nanill said exhausted. “I have no more blessings to share.”


“Thank you brother, I appreciate your assistance.” said Alaketh


“When she wakes tell her to come by the temple I could always use another convert. Oh! And by the look of things that officer needs to die.” said Nanill.


“Don’t worry I got this. I have a plan, but I may need your assistance in the coming days. Once the attack on West Port Manor happens everything will come into focus.”


“I’ll trust you for now, but you’re going to tell Naris aren’t you?” Nanill asked?


“I’ll have a talk with him once he gets to town.”


Nanill left the room and Chandrianna listened as he went down the stairs. Once she was confident she and Alaketh were alone, Chandrianna morphed back into her true form.


“So, what are you doing tonight?” Chandrianna said with a wicked grin.

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This is a joint post between Naris and Valas

Two days didn’t seem like much time to address all the errands and arrangements the Brothers Vandree needed to attend to but it was all the time they had. Rygos and Valas had responsibilities to the Dark Embrace. Quevas spent most of his in the company of his master’s imp. Nazmyr shopped, planned and procured in preparation of his next business endeavor. Ishtoshen searched far and wide for a new bow and quiver to test the limits of his new found archery skills. Then there was Naris. Plotting, scheming Naris.


Naris approached the Seven Spiders trading company. As he entered, he saw the contact Mistress Freth had recommended, Garrick, an older Drow with jet black hair and a face full of wrinkles. He smiled at his new customer, “Ah. You must be Naris Vandree. Mistress Freth has spoken on your behalf. How may I help you tod…?”


The never patient Naris cut him off before he could finish his question. “I am here to hire a platoon of soldiers and a personal guard.”


“I see. And how soon do you require their service.”


“Immediately. Can you have them ready within the hour?” Naris answered.


The old Drow chuckled. “I mean no disrespect but it shall take more time than that to arrange the proper contract and have the mercenaries ready for departure. Normally I would need 2 weeks in the least.”


“I don’t have 2 weeks Garrick. You know this. I have a mere two days before I must depart.”


“Worry not my young Lord of Vandree. Mistress Freth has made me quite aware of your sensitive schedule. I have agreed to expedite the process….for a price of course.”


“Of course.” Naris sneered. I require a platoon of 18 soldiers and a minotaur to act as my personal guard. What is your fee for such service?”


The old Drow began tapping his fingers together. “Let’s see…. 18 soldiers….” He stroked his chin with his right hand. “ a minotaur…” He brought his right finger to his mouth bouncing it off his lips. “Four week contract..”


Naris sighed with impatience.


“The Minotaur will contract for 40 gp per day. The normal fee of 32 gp plus an additional 8 for short notice detail. The soldiers work for 3 gp per day or 20 gp per week add on the short notice fee and we’re talking 25 gp a week for 18 soldiers now that’s 450 per week but I can offer the 4 week special price of 1750. As for the minotaur, well he is quite unagreeable to negotiation. He will cost 1120 gp for the 4 week contract bringing your total to….” He was back to tapping his fingers together, “2870 gp, plus my fee of course.”

Naris narrowed his eyes. “Of course” he said dryly.


“Lets just call it an even 3000 gp.” Garrick said with a smile.


“Very well. Just have them ready to depart. Two days, Garrick.”


“It shall be done.”

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Alaketh had left immediately. Nanill wasn’t far behind. The other six brothers had agreed to meet the afternoon of departure and travel together.


“I don’t like this brother.’ Valas said frowning at Naris. Travelling with such a large group and entering town with a contingent of soldiers seems ….  reckless. And that…” Valas said pointing with disdain at the minotaur with it’s great battle axe strapped to its back. “Is it really necessary? Might we be overcompensating for some…shortcomings?” he added with a smirk.


“This is my new personal entourage, If you haven’t noticed I’m kind of a big deal around here.” Naris stated slyly.


“Hmm… Didn’t notice. But if you say so.” Valas jibed.


The week long trek to Freedoms End passed rather quickly. Other than the bored rantings of the minotaur it was rather subdued. There were questions to be discussed of course. What was happening in the occupied town? How were their brothers fairing. Naris seemed particularly concerned about his business and how the soldiers would treat his holding.


“We should arrive announced.” Nazmyr suggested. “We wouldn’t want to be mistaken for a hostile force. The tower entrance is probably best.”


“Why should I have to announce myself to enter my own town? Naris questioned.


Ever the diplomat, Nazmyr explained. “There are thousands of soldiers occupying the town. There will no doubt be patrols. I’d like to avoid misunderstandings and potentially fatal encounters.”


“Who are you concerned for Nazmyr?” Valas asked. “Us or them.”


Naris grinned in agreement.


“You two know you can’t murder everyone in town.”


“Of course.” Naris answered his tone dripping with sarcasm.


“Besides.” Valas added. “It’s 3. Right Rygos?”


Rygos smirked and shook his head in mock denial. “No we’d never think to do anything like that. It would take days killing them off one at a time anyhow.”


“One at a time?” Quevas boasted. “One fireball at a time. Crowds of charred corpses.”


Nazmyr looked at Ishtoshen who merely shrugged his shoulders.


Exasperated, Nazmyr said, “You’re all idiots.” as he walked off to the edge of their encampment.


And so day bled into day as the week passed uneventful until they were just outside the settlement.


Valas bowed waving his arm forward. “After you, oh diplomatic one.”


Rygos snickered.


“Great. Just what we needed. Two fanatics. They teach comedy in that guild of yours?” Nazmyr walked the corridor leading to the tower entrance and observed a guard post had be established. As he closed to within crossbow range he heard one of the guardsman call out. “State your business.”


“We are a contingent from Relauvin representing the city and Mistress Freth.”


“Is that so? We were made aware of a small group to be arriving. There was no mention of additional soldiers or that thing,” came a reproachful response.


“We have marks.” Nazmyr said producing his own and continuing to walk forward.


The soldier and another moved to meet him halfway and examined the mark. “It appears authentic. You’ll have to check that beast in with the command post above. Gwilenir will show you the way.”


Naris moved forward. “We know the way. This is our town after all.”


“Right…” he said in drawn out tone. “As I said Gwilenir will escort you.”  


Naris clenched his teeth as Valas bumped him with his elbow. “Come brother. It’s not worth the trouble.”


The group made entrance into the twisted tower. Naris offered, “I would be delighted if everyone would join me for a hot meal & luxurious lodging.  However, if you have other matters to attend to, I understand.”


Everyone accepted the meal invitation and agreed to meet after settling in. Valas broke off to check his personal quarters, curious to know if anything had been disturbed. He arrived at his room to find it locked as he left it. It seemed none of traps had been triggered. He opened the door to find it exactly as it was the last time he was here, if not a little dusty. “How Naris endures surface filth is beyond me.” He called for one of the tower slaves to clean the room. He surveyed the town from his window. There were tents everywhere. The structures they had put to use seemed to have been left alone. Anything vacant was now teeming with life from their unwanted visitors. He watched as Naris and his platoon followed the escort toward a tent. Naris stopped for a moment, pointed at the House of Negotiable Sensations then continued with the Minotaur in tow. The soldiers he had hired broke off and made way to the brothel. Naris walked to a desk sitting outside a tent just beyond the perimeter of the town square. Valas watched as a seated Drow began to converse with his brother.


“There is no mention of a minotaur in my records. Who are you again?” the soldier reading the ledger asked.


“Naris Vandree, the proprietor of the House of Negotiable Sensations. This is Kron. I have hired him on as security for my establishment.”


“You’ll be responsible for the beast. Keep it on a short leash.”


Kron & Naris exchange snorts in what appeared to be some form of communication.


“Sign here,  and what was that snorting about? The guard asked.


Kron wants to know when he gets to kill his first drow, as he smirks at the guard. Naris artistically applied his mark.“There. Are we done? You have wasted enough of my time today.”


The soldier nodded. “Everything is in order.”


“Fantastic.” Naris replied unable or unwilling to hide his annoyance and left.

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Valas arrived at the House of Negotiable Sensations to find his brothers all in sour mood and Naris quite irate.


“Go on. Tell it Alaketh.” He was flush with anger. “Tell it all.”


Alaketh began to relay the events of the last two days, how he was stopped at the edge of town and was attacked by a patrol, how he killed two of the guards before a priestess arrived and then how he was cowed, stripped and summarily beaten to near death not once but twice. To add insult to injury, the priestess paraded him to the town square, lashed him up and humiliated him for all to see. As Alaketh spoke, Naris paced and twitched angrily.


“Who is this priestess?” Valas asked coldly.


“She is the representative of House Sel’rue. The witch with the twisted braids.”


“How is it you allowed yourself to be treated like a dog.” Naris spit with venom.


Alaketh glared at Naris. “I did no such thing. What would you have had me do? Fight the whole army by myself? While you were off shopping like a princess I was here handling things.”


“And a marvelous job you did. You allowed one of my girls to be beaten and broken yet took no revenge. You allowed soldiers to make use of my establishment and not pay. Tell me brother, what did you handle?”


Nazmyr stood, positioning himself between his arguing brothers. He placed his hand on Naris’s shoulder. “Calm down. We are all here now and better prepared to deal with these insults.”


Naris shrugged Nazmyr’s hand off his shoulder. “I do not need a negotiator. I need revenge!”


“And you shall have it. We just need to be smart.” Valas said. “Have a plan.”


“I’m listening.”


“Enough. Show some discretion, and move your conversation somewhere private.” Nanill chastised. “Some of us are trying to relax,”


“He’s right.” Valas whispered. How bout we move this to your office brother?”


“Sure if Alaketh hasn’t screwed that up too.”


Alaketh got up and walked away muttering under his breath.


“Ishtoshen and I will go after him. Something tells me this ‘plan’ will be tailored more toward your roguish skill sets.”


“Agreed” Nanill said as well. “Come get me when you need to be put back together.” as he left for the temple.


Once the door to the office was closed the ideas began to flow.


“We need to figure out patrol rotations” Nazmyr offered.


“Determine which house she is staying at” Valas said.


“We can’t look like we’re stalking her either. We don’t want to draw any more suspicion than is necessary, seeing as we will be more than likely accused after her treatment of Alaketh.” Rygos explained.


“Find out when the raid is mobilizing and strike the night before.” Nazmyr suggested. “That will leave little time to investigate and react.”


“So it’s agreed then,” Naris said evenly, “She dies.”


His brothers all nodded in affirmation.

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The next two days were spent surveying the town. Evaluating patrol patterns. Which patrols seemed efficient which patrols seemed inept. Which guards were lazy. Who was attached to special details. Nazmyr and his silver tongue found himself engaged in many conversations during that time. He was able to determine that the priestesses had a war tent opposite the command tent in town square. He also found out that each of the priestesses and higher ranking officers had taken up residence in the surrounding homes. One home in particular seemed of interest. It was a 2 story structure with windows facing all directions. To the east a stone’s throw away was the town square, a short walk south was where the priestesses had set their war tent. The northern windows faced the main road while to the west there was a view of the road all the way to the twisted tower as well as some nearby woods. Nazmyr took it all in. He sat on bench in the town square just outside the inn at dark watching who went where until he was certain the 2 story manor was the temporary home of their target. On the evening of the 4th day a patrol led by a regal looking drow in ornate armor approached him. They were accompanied by a priestess holding a whip firmly in hand. Nazmyr began to wonder if he had been discovered while spying on Phraxia Sel’rue. The officer called to him as they approached. “You there.”


Nazmyr stood. He wanted to be on his feet for this. “Yes.”


“You are the commander of Matron Freth’s special guard are you not?”


“Commander?” He answered quizzically.


“The one who bears the mark of office?”


Nazmyr reached into a pouch and removed the mark. “I am. Yes of course” he straightened up still unsure of why he was being questioned. He replaced the mark and waited.


“What is your name?”


“Nazmyr of House Vaa…”


The lieutenant cut him off,“Freth we know. Commander Nazmyr, you are to gather the specialists under your command and report to General Kelrasoon for inspection and orders at high moon.  Am I clear.”


“Crystal.” Nazmyr answered.


“Be warned, the general does not tolerate lateness. You would do well not to tally here in the square.”


“Understood.” Was all Nazmyr offered.


The contingent left as quickly as they had arrived with obvious purpose in their steps. Nazmyr grinned to himself, “Commander…Naris going to love this.” Nazmyr gathered his brothers and relayed the order to see the general. Naris shook his head. “I am quite tired of taking orders. This is ridiculous.”


“At least the General is a male brother.” Valas quipped. Your disdain for females is well known.


Naris glared at his brother as he smirked in return.


The others chuckled as well enjoying the laugh at Naris’ expense. They made way for the meeting and were held outside the tent. While it was true the general did not the tolerate tardiness from his subordinates, he placed no such restriction on himself. After about an hour of uncomfortable waiting and fidgeting the brothers were granted entrance. As they did the lieutenant who had addressed Nazmyr earlier whispered into General Kelrasoon’s ear. He paused for a moment surveying the group before him then looked directly at Nazmyr.


“Commander Nazmyr of House Freth…”


Nazmyr could feel the stare of all his brothers upon him as their heads seemed to turn and look at him in unison. His smile was ridiculously smug. ”Yes General.”


“Is something funny?” he asked rather perturbed.


Nazmyr fought the grin from his face. “No sir. How may we be of service.”


“Each of the major cities were responsible for sending a group of their elite. Relauvin has sent me you.”


Nazmyr and his brothers remained silent.


“There will be four advance teams Commander each with specific responsibilities. Yours is to enter the city from below. There is an underdark passage that leads to the city’s sewer system. You should be able to enter the southern ward undetected. The local thieves guild has been paid to see to it that the sewer entrance leading to the surface is unlocked. Once you are street level you are to proceed north and engage the enemy from the rear. The City Council, Magister’s tower and Church of Lathander are all targets of opportunity. However, it is the Temple of the Triad that is most valuable. We believe it will be there where the wounded will be first brought. Take the temple and bring Lloth’s wrath to bear. Leave them no where to rest and regroup. Any questions?”


Nazmyr nodded, “Understood.”


“Be prepared to depart in two days time.” General Kelrasoon nodded at the lieutenant and he produced a map handing it to Nazmyr. ”Do not fail me commander lest you bring disgrace to your matron and your house. Dismissed.”


The brothers left the tent and headed from the town square toward the House of Negotiable Sensations.  “What is it with two days time? Ishtoshen asked.


Valas wrapped his arm around him and suggested, “Perhaps they do not want us thinking too long on the many ways we will probably get killed little brother.”


“Wait…. What?”


“Relax Tosh.” Nanill said. “As a child of Vecna, you should not fear, but rather embrace death and dismemberment.  If you die we can bring you back as a zombie or something.”


“Zombie?” Ishtoshen looked worried.


“Or something.” Nanill replied with a wicked grin.


“Enough” Nazmyr growled. “Not out here.”


“By your command, Lord Commander.” Naris bowed low, his voice soaked with sarcasm.

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Once safely in the private office of Naris at the House of Negotiable Sensations Nanill began to speak once more. “The priestess you seek leaves the encampment just before dawn. She refreshes at the manor before having her breakfast. Lizard eggs and root vegetables. The entire time she is protected by a house guard consisting of 8 soldiers and 2 attendees. There are two door men waiting outside at the front entrance one out by the back entrance. Another walks the property front to back and front again. There will be four on the lower level inside. The guards cycle post every hour. Priestess Sel’rue is attended upstairs by 2 ‘handmaidens’. Do not be fooled by their youth or innocence. They are skilled combatants. She retires for reverie just before mid morning and offers her prayers alone before rejoining the other priestesses at sundown. If you intend to be successful in your quest for revenge you’ll need to do so sometime between noon and dusk. That is when she is most vulnerable.


His brothers all stared at him in stunned silence.


“How do you know all this brother?” Naris asked.


Nanill smiled. “No one can keep a secret from me”


Ishtoshen laughed.


His brothers looked at him.


“What? Don’t you get it? Vecna Lord of Secrets. Nanill priest of Vecna. No one keeps secrets from me. That’s funny?”


Quevas shook his head in disappointment, “Why us.”


Nanill and Ishtoshen left soon after for the temple, Quevas and Alaketh not long after them to escape the confinement of the stuffy office. Nazmyr said, “We should strike on the afternoon of our departure. By the time they find the body we’ll be halfway to the port of Westmanor.”


“Is that an order Commander?” Naris mocked, “and when I decide to kill someone they don’t find the body.”


“Alright. Stop already. We all want her dead. Who cares who set the date. Let’s just do it and be done.” Valas interjected.


“Oohh look. The assassin turned diplomat. Are you not bothered by the idea of taking orders from our brother.?”


“Not particularly. The way I see it the general needed a face for the group. If you ask me Nazmyr drew the short straw. How long before Alaketh or Quevas do something stupid and cause us all kinds of grief. Do you want to be responsible for their idiocy? And what of Ishtoshen? Consider it a blessing we weren’t ‘gifted’ with this honor.”


Naris smiled at Nazmyr. “I see your point. Congratulations Commander.”


“We’ll need to act in daylight when the streets are emptiest and most of our people are seeking refuge from the sun.” Valas produced 4 vials filled with some inky black liquid. “Take one and before you set out tomorrow rub the ichor over your eyes. It will protect your sight from the sun….for a short while at least.”


“Very well, now everyone out of my office, I have private matters to attend to.  Snot, send for Ziya, Chandriana, Beatrice & Kron immediately we have much to discuss.”  Naris Demanded

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The Priestess Phraxia Sel’rue

The following day Naris, Rygos, Nazmyr and Valas put their plan into action..


Nazmyr cast a spell to distract and stun the guards at the front door allowing Naris to enter unchallenged. Naris, who had been made invisible by Nazmyr’s magic, opened the door just wide enough to pass through. Silently he slipped in without notice. He quickly scaled the wall and moved along the ceiling toward the stairwell.


Valas peered through the window at the rear of the manor his Ring of Invisibility hiding him from sight. As the two kitchen guards moved toward the door to exchange positions he jaunted in behind them. Casting spider climb, he crawled up the wall and followed the ceiling to the stairwell.


The stairwell guard moved position as Naris and Valas continued up, crawling in unseen synchrony above the stair. Once on the second floor they made their way down the hall. There was a room with an open archway. Entering they saw two young female drow standing at the far end of the room in front of a closed door. They were dressed in silks and mail and carried both dagger and whip.


Valas using his house insignia sent a telepathic message to his brother Naris. “I’ll take left, you take right.”


“On 3: came the mental response.




Valas had studied his target noticing a gap between the swaths of silk and underlying mail. He moved behind the handmaiden allowing his body to blade hers and plunging his dagger deep through her side and into her chest. He caught her with his free hand and cradled her. She was dead before he laid her to the ground.


At the same time Naris landed his sneak attack with the shardblade in his left then following it with the drow long knife in his right. The priestess grunted and coughed. She shrieked “sister”drawing her dagger and whip. Naris’s blade flashed second time cutting her down before she could retaliate. As she fell she stumbled over a table upending a serving tray with a decanter and wine glasses.


“Do you have to be so loud brother?” Valas asked as the door that had been closed suddenly opened.


Priestess Phraxia Sel’rue hissed, “What is going on?”


With that a crossbow bolt shot into the room landing mere inches from the priestess and sticking into the floorboard, oddly with no sound. Priestess Sel’rue began to speak an enchantment only to find her words silenced. She took a step back into the room. That would be the only reprieve she would receive. With blinding speed the brothers Vandree attacked. Each one shifting and flanking forcing her to move, reposition and retreat. The shardblades cut deep. She parried but the attacks were too many. A second bolt flew into the room lodging in the sill. Panic was setting in. The fear in her eyes was palpable. She ducked under a slash from Naris’s blade only to get kicked in the stomach. She staggered backward 2 steps looking to the open window for escape. The priestess turned and ran leaving her feet in attempt to hurl herself through the portal to the safety of the ground where she could call for help. She managed to move half a step through when the ray struck her face. The junglerazer spell Rygos had warped into a beam of energy had found its mark. A short silenced scream was all Priestess Sel’rue had left for this world as her body cindered and turned to ash. The light breeze scattered her falling flakes across the afternoon sky and into oblivion. Valas retrieved her whip and placed it in his bag.


Valas signed. “Time to go.”


Naris grinned, satisfied with the revenge he had taken on his brother’s behalf. Without a word his shape changed to take on the form of a bat. He bolted into the summer air and was gone.


Valas activated his ring and vanished from sight. He tumbled from the window and willed himself to feather fall to the ground. By the time he had landed, Rygos and Nazmyr were gone. He quickly followed suit and hastily headed for the nearby encampment of soldiers. The well travelled area and many footprints masked his own preventing him from being tracked. He joined with his brothers at the House of Negotiable Sensations. It was quiet, the girls only just beginning to prepare for the night’s business. Alaketh, Ishtoshen and Quevas sat by the hearth in the the great room sipping dark steaming liquid from a mug.


“Coff-ee they call it.” Quevas said. It is their typical morning drink.


Alaketh shook his head. “You boiled sour seeds. I do not like this drink,”


Valas drew the whip from his bag and handed it to Rygos. “You do the honors brother.” He said.


The sound of Valas’s voice caught the attention of his brothers and they turned to see the two assassins walking toward them. Nazmyr was with them as well. Naris, who had flown back from the assassination calmly walked down the stairs  pleased with the daily preparations.


Rygos walked over to Alaketh and dropped the whip into his lap. “Remember this brother? It will trouble you no more.”


Alaketh looked at the whip and snarled, “I could have killed her myself you know.”


“Yes of course.” Naris answered. “And the whole town would know that this is your house as they burned it to the ground for your crime.”


“Indeed.” Nazmyr agreed. “Now I think it best if we leave before anyone notices she’s gone.”
