Chandrianna’s Diary
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[Closed] Chandrianna's Diary

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Upon returning to Freedom’s End and witnessing the aftermath of the massacre that took place, Naris shared with his brothers the diary he found in Chandrianna’s room….


Chandrianna’s Diary

My master has been freed. Miz says we have the drow mortal to thank. After years of imprisonment he may now continue with his plans to ascend to power and I along with him. Master believes the mortal…what ‘s his name.. Alaketh I think, may continue to be of use. He has petitioned to learn the ways of the Blackguard. My master has decided to train him in the rituals and help him grow in strength to use it for his benefit. I’m curious to see what this one is made of. All the others have broken too soon. Let’s see how he fares…..




The drow mortal wants to bargain with Miz. He asks for a succubus to work in his brother’s brothel to gather information for him. He offers to serve my master in return for this boon. He will pay in souls. Master wants me to go. While I have little interest in drunk mortals pawing at me I do owe a debt of souls. Alaketh says I may take what I want and drain who I want so long as I indulge him with my favor. He tells me his brother is an ill tempered narcissist but so long as I appease his ego he’ll mostly ignore what I do. Miz accepted his bargain and I am to go with Alaketh to meet his brother.




I met with the drow mortal today. He is pleasing to look at if not so intelligent. He seemed infatuated with me. I let him bed me down to assess his manhood. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in effort. I beat him mercilessly and with fervor and yet he seemed to enjoy it. I left him bitten, bruised and bloodied. I drank my fill of him, still he would have given me more. I think he would have let me drain him dry and thanked me for it. He’s fallen harder and faster than most yet at the same time relishes in testing the limits of his tolerance. This intrigues me. He all but begs me to torture him and says there is no pain he wouldn’t endure for me. Challenge accepted.




We left from Rilauvin today. Alaketh met me at some downtrodden inn. He brought me a gift of jewelry and a magic dagger, so very mundane. I feigned disinterest in his overtures and expressed my desire to leave immediately. He seemed to stall ordering wine and then complimenting my beauty as if to woo me. As I brushed off his advances he seemed to get more desperate for any show of affection. I grabbed him by the hair and kissed him hard before smacking him with enough force to crack his lip. As the blood trickled he smiled and offered himself to me. I took him upstairs and forced him to his knees. Without having to be told he immediately prostrated himself and worshipped my feet. Perhaps he is not as untrainable as I originally thought. I told him if he wants to continue to be allowed to worship me and keep my favor he would have to swear himself my servant. He was all too eager to comply so I beat him again. Too easy.





We made it to town and I was introduced to his brother. Naris has shifting beady eyes and hair flopped over his face like teenager. He has the disposition of a moody woman. He seems to consider himself dangerous. He amuses me. Alaketh bargained with his brother to take me on and in so doing is allowing me to harvest the souls we owe. Naris said he wants me to gather information and seems less interested in money than rumors. I’ve heard a grand army of the drow is forming and to be garrisoned in town to assault the surface city known as West Port Manor. It seems that this is not just the ambitions of one city but a coalition of many drow cities including Rilauven and Menzoberranzan. He initially seems pleased and praises my work then his mood sours. I share this with him and expect he’d be happy. Instead his paranoia seems to grow. He is certainly quite nervous for someone so ‘deadly’. I however see great opportunity here. A force so large will no doubt have powerful beings to corrupt and quality souls to claim. Alaketh agrees and seems keen to conspire against his own kind. Naris also wants me to handle security problems. I’ll agree so long as it suits me.




Hidden through use of a secret page spell but discovered by Nanill


I have heard tell of a prophecy. It came to me in song.


One day in the year of the fox
Will come a time remembered well
When the brave young woman of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox
When the bell began to sing
It meant the time had come
For one to go in place of the king





I’ve acquainted myself with Alaketh’s brothers. Naris is more arrogant and pompous than I could have believed. He talks down to everyone yet treats his whores better than some of his own brothers. It would seem to me Valas holds his confidence more so than the others, not that Naris is trusting of anyone. In truth the two could prove quite formidable together. Their skills complement as much as their attitudes differ.. Where as Naris is impulsive and quick to anger, his brother sits silent as death, observing patiently for the right moment to act. Rhygos is perhaps the most reserved of the lot. It appears to me that he takes his cues from Valas. They seem quite close. Nazmyr is the ‘older’ brother, at least in attitude and action. He tries to keep the peace among them though I know Naris’s caustic personality grates on him. His power and natural leadership have lifted him to command their group. Perhaps I have aligned with the wrong brothers. Quevas is soft. He doesn’t have the stomach for violence to allow him to rise in station. His brash appearance and flamboyant displays of magic are all to hide is unwillingness to subjugate and rule. He’ll make a fine larva when we claim his soul. Nanill is the cleric. He has forsaken drow teachings and now venerates the human god Vecna. I can appreciate his direction and zeal. He’d make a fine accomplice as he keeps much to himself. Ishtoshen is the least respected of his kin and is often treated as the young, naive and stupid kid he behaves as, though many of his brothers afford him the greatest latitude and patience. It’s an interesting family dynamic. Alaketh assures me they will all fall under my sway in time. When they do, I may finally have the power to break free and take my master’s place.




Alaketh insists on sleeping with me daily as if to ‘reclaim’ me from those I bed for Naris. He apologizes constantly for getting me mixed up in such sordid dealings. He tells me Naris doesn’t appreciate my talents and I’d be better off with someone who did…. like him. Perhaps there is some truth to what he says and one day we’ll leave together. I could begin my own harem and take him as my first consort. He is nothing if not persistent. He must leave today to recover some artifact for his Mistress Freth. Naris wants me to maintain security until he returns. Easy enough.



I’ve heard Quevas has purchased back the family of his baker slave. I was curious as to why he did this. It seems he is weaker than I had imagined. I’ve learned that he intends to free them upon his return to the surface. He finds slavery distasteful. What kind of drow is he? I wonder if Naris would find this curious.




One of the whores tried to escape today. Madame Bea sent her on an errand to retrieve some supplies from the twisted tower. The town was quiet as the army has not yet arrived. I followed her because I was bored. I watched as she turned and looked around as she approached the tower. There were no guards to be seen and I became more interested as she passed the tower door. She took a few more steps looking back one last time before she broke into a run for the woodline. I let her get some ways into the woods before shimmering in front of her. The look on her face was priceless and I elbowed her in the jaw. I should have killed her as that is the punishment a runaway slave deserves but instead I beat her unconscious. Perhaps this would send a better message to the other whores that Naris will not suffer disobedience or treachery. I’ll make sure to tell him upon his return.





More treachery and lies. Naris’ precious Madame Bea has been poisoning his food, small doses so as not to be noticed. I overheard her discuss the plan with her whore daughter. Ziya seemed torn about the whole idea. I’m sure part was fear of being discovered, part the dream of escape and a small sad part that actually wants to stay with him. She claims to have hidden the tincture under a floorboard in her room. I’m curious where she acquired such a thing. I’ll wait for Naris before I challenge her as I’m sure he will want the honor of killing her himself. I’ll claim her soul when he is done.




So Madame Bea approached the stupid brother Ishtoshen weeks ago and told him Naris required poison from his shop. Ever eager to please the dolt handed over several bottles to her. He even asked her not to speak of it lest Valas find out he was giving product away for free. How does he not know Naris brews his own poison and why would Valas care if his brothers did in fact need something? Do I know his brothers better than he? I’m not sure I should mention it to Naris. His anger would be great and I do not want to cause a rift amongst the brothers. I’ll need them all if I am to be rid of Miz. Besides I’m sure even one as dull as he would be smart enough to deny it. My best play is protect Naris and inform him of his madame’s treachery.




They can’t all be this stupid. The whores are saying when Quevas returns he is going to purchase them from Naris and set them free. I find it laughable. Naris will not be selling his brothel’s merchandise to his brother for a few worthless gold pieces. I was curious as to how deep this idea had rooted so I played the part of one of the whores to find out. They are genuinely convinced that even if Naris refuses his brother Quevas will help them escape with his magic. Quevas is looking to improve his moral standing and become one of the ‘good’ guys. He intends to shake the reputation of his kind and it is his thought that if he continues to do good deeds he can find acceptance away from the drow. I wonder if he knows Naris would more than likely kill him for this. Oh well, I guess they can all be stupid. I’ll relay what I have to Naris and let him deal with his brother.




The army arrived. Business is booming. Madame Bea can barely keep the girls fresh and awake. Drow do not require the sleep of humans. Fortunately neither do I. It’s a veritable buffet. There are many secrets that Naris will find interesting, some so dangerous I dare not pen them even with my wards and protections. I will have to let him know that the Melarns have sent spies looking for him and his brothers. The contract they offer is great. If coin and gem were important to me, I’d consider giving them the useless ones myself. He’ll be most interested to know that Melarn High Priestess Ash’ala has been forced from Menzoberranzan to lead their contingent due to her failures to control the Vandree. Also, Hoshtar Xorlarrin, the mage who incinerated two of Naris’ brothers including my faithful Alaketh has been sent with her. I wonder if the trauma of being turned to ash made the one brother stupid. I better stop here, the rest is too valuable to tell in this script.




The army is making use of the brothel non stop. Some of the soldiers led by one especially vile commander are refusing to pay. He beats the whores and has broken at least one. I asked Madame Bea if I should intercede. She seemed afraid that doing so would get her daughter killed. I assured her she has nothing to fear, that all will handled swiftly and without mercy as Naris would want. I respect how he handles complications. She demanded I slow my hand and wait for Naris to return. I almost killed her for her presumption to dare challenge me but I acquiesced as I’ll find it quite amusing to see her face as Naris beats her for her stupidity and cuts her throat for her treachery. I’m looking forward to drinking the soul of this malcontent.




Alaketh was first to return. He was caught at the edge of town by a patrol and promptly killed 2 of the guards for their insolence. I was beginning to feel aroused by this until a priestess stepped in and demanded his surrender. I watched the standoff waiting for him to strike but was disappointed as he was grabbed and was cowed. They dragged him to the square, stripped him of his honor and dignity and proceeded to beat him near death not once but twice. The fools have no idea he probably enjoyed it though I’m sure he’d rather it have been my hand striking the whip. His brothers will be livid with anger at the disrespect shown Alaketh and their family name. Perhaps I should kill her for them to endear myself among them. If I can willingly win over Naris, Valas and Quevas I would be well placed to convince them to kill Miz. I helped Alaketh back to his room and put him to bed. The following day I heard Nanill had returned and immediately had him sent for to heal his brother. He was angry but knew the others were not far behind so we waited. Once Alaketh was sufficiently healed I tried to inform him of the insult done by the army and the commander specifically but he seemed more interested in quelling his thirst for passion than managing his responsibility to duty. I asked what Naris would think and he snapped at me. “Naris told me to handle things.” he snarled. I was excited by finally assuming some kind of control. So I asked what should we do. He explained that I should take the form of some whore named Becky and let the commander beat me. I raised an eyebrow and scowled with indignation at the thought. He then said I was to slowly drain him bit by bit and a little at a time. I told him Naris would kill him immediately and make a spectacle of it to prove a point. He scoffed and said, “He may have the softest hands my love by I have the delicate touch needed for this particular plan.” I thought I was going to throw up in my mouth. Then he said, “And while you’re at it. Why not drain as many of the high ranking and powerful drow you can. I’m sure their souls will go along way to paying our debt and giving us the chance we need to be together.” That has me intrigued. Do you know the chaos you are going to cause I asked him. He smiled and said I’m counting on it. I’m starting to really like him now.




I set the plan in motion, draining the commander and many of the hierarchy. All I had to do was change into a drow high priestess and the men here would beg me to defile them. I actually saw Alaketh in town on the way back to the inn and thought I’d have a little fun with him taking on the form of a drow soldier. After some flirting and banter we headed back where Alaketh made a scene and told the drow commander he had paid for his arrears due but would be paying for services going forward. The commander seemed amused by this but his pallor changed when when the General’s aid ordered he and his men pay. Begrudgingly he has his sergeant drop a bag of gold on the floor as they left. I can’t believe Alaketh would pay another man’s debt to his brother out of his own pocket for fear of conflict. He may not be the man I thought he was…..





Naris arrived today with the rest of his brothers. There is so much to tell him. I think he will be pleased with what I have to share with him. The snot goblin is here to take me to Naris. I’m so excited for him to deal with all the transgressions that occurred since he left. I’m hoping it’s violent and the souls run free. Time to go Madame Bea…..

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 219
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Naris looking out the window of his temporary office.  He had commissioned the entire second floor of the Bottle’s & Blades speakeasy in Rilauvin. The B&B speakeasy had become his usual meeting place for his contact from The Dark Daggers.  Mistress Freth’s compound was perfectly fine, but he always felt like he was being spied on, despite how much he enjoyed his snarky exchanges with Charwyn in the mess hall. Naris always felt more comfortable in his own confines.  Naris had been self training in the ways of the swordsage for some time, however his training had hit a roadblock.  The technique manuals that he had been borrowing from Mistress Freth’s library offered nothing more. He knew if he wanted to keep progressing he was going to need to seek a master for continued training. Naris sent word to Amryyr Yauntyrr, to see if he knew or had heard of anyone he could continue his training through. However while he was waiting for Amryyr to arrive he had much to do.  Naris gets brought back into focus with a frantic series of knocks on the door.


“Enter” Naris orders


Beatrice barges in, “My lord Ziya is missing. She was in bed when we went to sleep, The doors all remained locked.” Naris gets up and walks over to the ladies room.   All her items were still there, Weapons, disguise kit, thieves tools. “I’ll handle this Bea, just stay out of sight.


“Bea bring me Snot at once.” as Naris walks back to his room.  He sits down behind desk & slams his fist against the oak.   “Damn these humans, I have more pressing matters to be dealing with then playing heroic rescuer for some pretty little meek human thing.


Naris had no sympathy for the women, he looked at them both as weak cattle.  He had seriously considered slitting Ziya’s throat while she lie on the floor in the fetal position mourning her mother’s death. He had no interest in taking care of any slaves. After having Beatrice raised, he was committed to keeping them together otherwise he would never recoup his investment. Naris decided to bring Bea back for her ability to oversee his holdings & she had a knack for being a shrewd businesswoman with a sharp tongue. Now their loyalty would be eternal he thought.  Ziya had not picked up the rogue arts as quickly as he would have liked, but she was able to make herself hidden in her time of peril. Perhaps all is not lost on her. What could have happened to her? It certainly appears to be an abduction.  The demon would have just killed her & Beatrice. She certainly wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of making her disappear.  I’m sure the kidnappers will contact me shortly asking for something.  I could go to Brother Cream and ask for him to scry.  However asking for more services on the behalf of humans may be more humiliation then I can stand. This is very low on my priority list right now. Getting things settled with the family needs to be my focus.


Naris shifted his thoughts to his brothers as he paged through Chandrianas diary. Naris knew that Alaketh viewed his attack on Chandriana as a betrayal. However it was not a betrayal at all, Naris had compiled plenty of evidence showing that the demon was trying to cause the family chaos and dissension. It would have been impossible for Alaketh to make intelligent decisions with his mind so clouded.   He knew he would need his brothers support in handling the situation the way he did.  Losing all his slaves was unfortunate, however the real loss was his business, that was just starting to see some dividends.  His first order of business after leaving Freedom’s End was to meet with Mistress Freth, to let his sponsor know that Alaketh had endorsed a raid of demons on the Inn. He laid all the cards out on the table and asked her to look over the legitimacy of the diary for truth & lies. He payed her one last sponsorship payment for the Inn. She seems quite concerned with Alaketh’s behavior as well, and made it clear that she planned on having a conversation with him about these actions. She said she holds her elite to higher standards.


Naris is brought back to the present by another knock on the door. “Enter”


Snot enters, “Master you summoned me?


“Yes Snot, Ziya is missing.  Did you hear anything coming for her room or notice anything suspicious last night?


“No. There was nothing. No sound and I did not see anyone come or go. Are you sure she’s not hiding? Master did train her well.” he answered genuinely


Please delivery a copy of this diary to Alaketh with my regards.  Also contact all my brothers and ask for a meeting at the House Freth library at a time of everyone’s convenience.

Chandrianna’s Diary


My master has been freed. Miz says we have the drow mortal to thank. After years of imprisonment he may now continue with his plans to ascend to power and I along with him. Master believes the mortal…what ‘s his name.. Alaketh I think, may continue to be of use. He has petitioned to learn the ways of the Blackguard. My master has decided to train him in the rituals and help him grow in strength to use it for his benefit. I’m curious to see what this one is made of. All the others have broken too soon. Let’s see how he fares…..




The drow mortal wants to bargain with Miz. He asks for a succubus to work in his brother’s brothel to gather information for him. He offers to serve my master in return for this boon. He will pay in souls. Master wants me to go. While I have little interest in drunk mortals pawing at me I do owe a debt of souls. Alaketh says I may take what I want and drain who I want so long as I indulge him with my favor. He tells me his brother is an ill tempered narcissist but so long as I appease his ego he’ll mostly ignore what I do. Miz accepted his bargain and I am to go with Alaketh to meet his brother.




I met with the drow mortal today. He is pleasing to look at if not so intelligent. He seemed infatuated with me. I let him bed me down to assess his manhood. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in effort. I beat him mercilessly and with fervor and yet he seemed to enjoy it. I left him bitten, bruised and bloodied. I drank my fill of him, still he would have given me more. I think he would have let me drain him dry and thanked me for it. He’s fallen harder and faster than most yet at the same time relishes in testing the limits of his tolerance. This intrigues me. He all but begs me to torture him and says there is no pain he wouldn’t endure for me. Challenge accepted.




We left from Rilauvin today. Alaketh met me at some downtrodden inn. He brought me a gift of jewelry and a magic dagger, so very mundane. I feigned disinterest in his overtures and expressed my desire to leave immediately. He seemed to stall ordering wine and then complimenting my beauty as if to woo me. As I brushed off his advances he seemed to get more desperate for any show of affection. I grabbed him by the hair and kissed him hard before smacking him with enough force to crack his lip. As the blood trickled he smiled and offered himself to me. I took him upstairs and forced him to his knees. Without having to be told he immediately prostrated himself and worshipped my feet. Perhaps he is not as untrainable as I originally thought. I told him if he wants to continue to be allowed to worship me and keep my favor he would have to swear himself my servant. He was all too eager to comply so I beat him again. Too easy.


Mistress Freth detected  the following as lies;  He brought me a gift of jewelry and a magic dagger, so very mundane. I feigned disinterest in his overtures and expressed my desire to leave immediately.


Without having to be told he immediately prostrated himself and worshiped my feet. Perhaps he is not as untrainable as I originally thought. I told him if he wants to continue to be allowed to worship me and keep my favor he would have to swear himself my servant. He was all too eager to comply so I beat him again. Too easy.

Naris Interpretation: She is clearly trying show Alaketh as being her servant. She is trying to portray a false Master/slave relationship,  she knows my disdain for weakness and is playing towards that with these lies in her diary.  Its is clear that this she went out of her way for me to find this document. She is clearly trying to cause chaos.




We made it to town and I was introduced to his brother. Naris has shifting beady eyes and hair flopped over his face like teenager. He has the disposition of a moody woman. He seems to consider himself dangerous. He amuses me. Alaketh bargained with his brother to take me on and in so doing is allowing me to harvest the souls we owe. Naris said he wants me to gather information and seems less interested in money than rumors. I’ve heard a grand army of the drow is forming and to be garrisoned in town to assault the surface city known as The Port of West Manor. It seems that this is not just the ambitions of one city but a coalition of many drow cities including Rilauven and Menzoberranzan. He initially seems pleased and praises my work then his mood sours. I share this with him and expect he’d be happy. Instead his paranoia seems to grow. He is certainly quite nervous for someone so ‘deadly’. I however see great opportunity here. A force so large will no doubt have powerful beings to corrupt and quality souls to claim. Alaketh agrees and seems keen to conspire against his own kind. Naris also wants me to handle security problems. I’ll agree so long as it suits me.




Hidden through use of a secret page spell but discovered by Nanill


I have heard tell of a prophecy. It came to me in song.


One day in the year of the fox
Will come a time remembered well
When the brave young woman of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox
When the bell began to sing
It meant the time had come
For one to go in place of the king



I’ve acquainted myself with Alaketh’s brothers. Naris is more arrogant and pompous than I could have believed. He talks down to everyone yet treats his whores better than some of his own brothers. It would seem to me Valas holds his confidence more so than the others, not that Naris is trusting of anyone. In truth the two could prove quite formidable together. Their skills complement as much as their attitudes differ.. Where as Naris is impulsive and quick to anger, his brother sits silent as death, observing patiently for the right moment to act. Rhygos is perhaps the most reserved of the lot. It appears to me that he takes his cues from Valas. They seem quite close. Nazmyr is the ‘older’ brother, at least in attitude and action. He tries to keep the peace among them though I know Naris’ caustic personality grates on him. His power and natural leadership have lifted him to command their group. Perhaps I have aligned with the wrong brothers. Quevas is soft. He doesn’t have the stomach for violence to allow him to rise in station. His brash appearance and flamboyant displays of magic are all to hide is unwillingness to subjugate and rule. He’ll make a fine larva when we claim his soul. Nanill is the cleric. He has forsaken drow teachings and now venerates the human god Vecna. I can appreciate his direction and zeal. He’d make a fine accomplice as he keeps much to himself. Ishtoshen is the least respected of his kin and is often treated as the young, naive and stupid kid he behaves as, though many of his brothers afford him the greatest latitude and patience. It’s an interesting family dynamic. Alaketh assures me they will all fall under my sway in time. When they do, I may finally have the power to break free and take my master’s place.




Mistress Freth detected the following as lie; Alaketh assures me they will all fall under my

sway in time.


Naris Interpretation: She has no idea that the entire family wants to end her life with the exception of Alaketh. She will be receiving no assistance from us.   Would be curious how The Miz might feel about this information.

Alaketh insists on sleeping with me daily as if to ‘reclaim’ me from those I bed for Naris. He apologizes constantly for getting me mixed up in such sordid dealings. He tells me Naris doesn’t appreciate my talents and I’d be better off with someone who did…. like him. Perhaps there is some truth to what he says and one day we’ll leave together. I could begin my own harem and take him as my first consort. He is nothing if not persistent. He must leave today to recover some artifact for his Mistress Freth. Naris wants me to maintain security until he returns. Easy enough.



Mistress Freth detects the following as lies: Alaketh insists on sleeping with me daily as if to ‘reclaim’ me from those I bed for Naris. He apologizes constantly for getting me mixed up in such sordid dealings.


Naris Interpretation: It is clear that Alaketh is completely infatuated with her.  This is a big problem as his judgement will likely be compromised. What I don’t understand is why wouldn’t he just ask to remove her from the Inn if he felt this way.  Very bizarre.

I’ve heard Quevas has purchased back the family of his baker slave. I was curious as to why he did this. It seems he is weaker than I had imagined. I’ve learned that he intends to free them upon his return to the surface. He finds slavery distasteful. What kind of drow is he? I wonder if Naris would find this curious.




One of the whores tried to escape today. Madame Bea sent her on an errand to retrieve some supplies from the twisted tower. The town was quiet as the army has not yet arrived. I followed her because I was bored. I watched as she turned and looked around as she approached the tower. There were no guards to be seen and I became more interested as she passed the tower door. She took a few more steps looking back one last time before she broke into a run for the wood line. I let her get some ways into the woods before shimmering in front of her. The look on her face was priceless and I elbowed her in the jaw. I should have killed her as that is the punishment a runaway slave deserves but instead I beat her unconscious. Perhaps this would send a better message to the other whores that Naris will not suffer disobedience or treachery. I’ll make sure to tell him upon his return.


More treachery and lies. Naris’ precious Madame Bea has been poisoning his food, small doses so as not to be noticed. I overheard her discuss the plan with her whore daughter. Ziya seemed torn about the whole idea. I’m sure part was fear of being discovered, part the dream of escape and a small sad part that actually wants to stay with him. She claims to have hidden the tincture under a floorboard in her room. I’m curious where she acquired such a thing. I’ll wait for Naris before I challenge her as I’m sure he will want the honor of killing her himself. I’ll claim her soul when he is done.



Mistress Freth detected the following as lies: Naris’ precious Madame Bea has been poisoning his food, small doses so as not to be noticed. I overheard her discuss the plan with her whore daughter. Ziya seemed torn about the whole idea. I’m sure part was fear of being discovered, part the dream of escape and a small sad part that actually wants to stay with him. She claims to have hidden the tincture under a floorboard in her room. I’m curious where she acquired such a thing


Naris Interpretation: Interesting, the demon is giving a lot more value to my slaves then she thinks.  They are like loyal obedient dogs. Bea does have a gift for running the Inn, so there is value there.  Nanil was able to detect lie on both Ziya & Bea to confirm that Chandriana was trying to frame them. The poison was located exactly where she said, she clearly planted it there. Vallas confirmed the poison was from his shop. This is some high level espionage.  

So Madame Bea approached the stupid brother Ishtoshen weeks ago and told him Naris required poison from his shop. Ever eager to please the dolt handed over several bottles to her. He even asked her not to speak of it lest Valas find out he was giving product away for free. How does he not know Naris brews his own poison and why would Valas care if his brothers did in fact need something? Do I know his brothers better than he? I’m not sure I should mention it to Naris. His anger would be great and I do not want to cause a rift amongst the brothers. I’ll need them all if I am to be rid of Miz. Besides I’m sure even one as dull as he would be smart enough to deny it. My best play is protect Naris and inform him of his madame’s treachery.


Mistress Freth detected the following as lies; So Madame Bea approached the stupid brother Ishtoshen weeks ago and told him Naris required poison from his shop. Ever eager to please the dolt handed over several bottles to her. He even asked her not to speak of it lest Valas find out he was giving product away for free.

I do not want to cause a rift amongst the brothers.


Naris Interpretation; Nanil was quite upset about this, He questions both Bea & Ishtosen about this poison business.  Now she is trying to turn my brothers against me.  She is trying to incite my temper to do something brash. I must remain vigilant & patient.  However I  cannot tolerate any more of these transgressions.  She will need to be dealt with swiftly.



They can’t all be this stupid. The whores are saying when Quevas returns he is going to purchase them from Naris and set them free. I find it laughable. Naris will not be selling his brothel’s merchandise to his brother for a few worthless gold pieces. I was curious as to how deep this idea had rooted so I played the part of one of the whores to find out. They are genuinely convinced that even if Naris refuses his brother Quevas will help them escape with his magic. Quevas is looking to improve his moral standing and become one of the ‘good’ guys. He intends to shake the reputation of his kind and it is his thought that if he continues to do good deeds he can find acceptance away from the drow. I wonder if he knows Naris would more than likely kill him for this. Oh well, I guess they can all be stupid. I’ll relay what I have to Naris and let him deal with his brother.


Mistress Freth detected lies on the following: The whores are saying when Quevas returns he is going to purchase them from Naris and set them free. I find it laughable. Naris will not be selling his brothel’s merchandise to his brother for a few worthless gold pieces. I was curious as to how deep this idea had rooted so I played the part of one of the whores to find out. They are genuinely convinced that even if Naris refuses his brother Quevas will help them escape with his magic.


Naris Interpretation:  Another example of the demon trying to divide our family.



The army arrived. Business is booming. Madame Bea can barely keep the girls fresh and awake. Drow do not require the sleep of humans. Fortunately neither do I. It’s a veritable buffet. There are many secrets that Naris will find interesting, some so dangerous I dare not pen them even with my wards and protections. I will have to let him know that the Melarns have sent spies looking for him and his brothers. The contract they offer is great. If coin and gem were important to me, I’d consider giving them the useless ones myself. He’ll be most interested to know that Melarn High Priestess Ash’ala has been forced from Menzoberranzan to lead their contingent due to her failures to control the Vandree. Also, Hoshtar Xorlarrin, the mage who incinerated two of Naris’ brothers including my faithful Alaketh has been sent with her. I wonder if the trauma of being turned to ash made the one brother stupid. I better stop here, the rest is too valuable to tell in this script.




The army is making use of the brothel non stop. Some of the soldiers led by one especially vile commander are refusing to pay. He beats the whores and has broken at least one. I asked Madame Bea if I should intercede. She seemed afraid that doing so would get her daughter killed. I assured her she has nothing to fear, that all will handled swiftly and without mercy as Naris would want. I respect how he handles complications. She demanded I slow my hand and wait for Naris to return. I almost killed her for her presumption to dare challenge me but I acquiesced as I’ll find it quite amusing to see her face as Naris beats her for her stupidity and cuts her throat for her treachery. I’m looking forward to drinking the soul of this malcontent.



Mistress Freth detected the following as lies: I asked Madame Bea if I should intercede. She seemed afraid that doing so would get her daughter killed. I assured her she has nothing to fear, that all will handled swiftly and without mercy as Naris would want. I respect how he handles complications. She demanded I slow my hand and wait for Naris to return. I almost killed her for her presumption to dare challenge me


Naris Interpretation: It’s almost as if she has some jealous anger towards Bea by trying to frame her again.  She was specifically asked to make sure none of the whores were harmed & everyone pays. Yet she does nothing about it.


Alaketh was first to return. He was caught at the edge of town by a patrol and promptly killed 2 of the guards for their insolence. I was beginning to feel aroused by this until a priestess stepped in and demanded his surrender. I watched the standoff waiting for him to strike but was disappointed as he was grabbed and was cowed. They dragged him to the square, stripped him of his honor and dignity and proceeded to beat him near death not once but twice. The fools have no idea he probably enjoyed it though I’m sure he’d rather it have been my hand striking the whip. His brothers will be livid with anger at the disrespect shown Alaketh and their family name. Perhaps I should kill her for them to endear myself among them. If I can willingly win over Naris, Valas and Quevas I would be well placed to convince them to kill Miz. I helped Alaketh back to his room and put him to bed. The following day I heard Nanill had returned and immediately had him sent for to heal his brother. He was angry but knew the others were not far behind so we waited. Once Alaketh was sufficiently healed I tried to inform him of the insult done by the army and the commander specifically but he seemed more interested in quelling his thirst for passion than managing his responsibility to duty. I asked what Naris would think and he snapped at me. “Naris told me to handle things.” he snarled. I was excited by finally assuming some kind of control. So I asked what should we do. He explained that I should take the form of some whore named Becky and let the commander beat me. I raised an eyebrow and scowled with indignation at the thought. He then said I was to slowly drain him bit by bit and a little at a time. I told him Naris would kill him immediately and make a spectacle of it to prove a point. He scoffed and said, “He may have the softest hands my love by I have the delicate touch needed for this particular plan.” I thought I was going to throw up in my mouth. Then he said, “And while you’re at it. Why not drain as many of the high ranking and powerful drow you can. I’m sure their souls will go along way to paying our debt and giving us the chance we need to be together.” That has me intrigued. Do you know the chaos you are going to cause I asked him. He smiled and said I’m counting on it. I’m starting to really like him now.



Mistress Freth found the following to be lies: he seemed more interested in quelling his thirst for passion


Naris Interpretation: This is quite disturbing. I entrust Alaketh with my prize possession yet he does nothing to see after my best interests. He is truly lost to her. The two of them are causing havoc while I am not present.  

I set the plan in motion, draining the commander and many of the hierarchy. All I had to do was change into a drow high priestess and the men here would beg me to defile them. I actually saw Alaketh in town on the way back to the inn and thought I’d have a little fun with him taking on the form of a drow soldier. After some flirting and banter we headed back where Alaketh made a scene and told the drow commander he had paid for his arrears due but would be paying for services going forward. The commander seemed amused by this but his pallor changed when when the General’s aid ordered he and his men pay. Begrudgingly he has his sergeant drop a bag of gold on the floor as they left. I can’t believe Alaketh would pay another man’s debt to his brother out of his own pocket for fear of conflict. He may not be the man I thought he was…..



Naris arrived today with the rest of his brothers. There is so much to tell him. I think he will be pleased with what I have to share with him. His snot goblin is here to take me to Naris. I’m so excited for him to deal with all the transgressions that occurred since he left. I’m hoping it’s violent and the souls run free. Time to go Madame Bea…..


Naris: There is no way Alaketh will listen if I bring this evidence to him.  He is clearly glamoured by this creature.  She needs to be retired.  I must take care of her for all my brothers sake.

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The library had been emptied. Zaiwure herself had seen to it that no one lingered and that the Brother’s Vandree would have the privacy they needed. “Mistress Freth hopes you can settle your differences. It does not sit well with her that you, her most valued members of the company are squabbling. She would hate to lose any of you over petty grievances. Remain here as long as you must, our Mistress has ordered you not be disturbed until you reach a resolution. She would remind you that you are brothers, and share not only that family bond but one with this House.” She glanced over toward Valas and Nazmyr, grinned and nodded. “Good luck.” She mouthed and left.


The library conference table had been set with comfortable leather high backed chairs 3 to a side and 1 at each end. Naris sat at one head while Alaketh was seated at the other. Valas sat to Naris’ right with Rygos in the middle and Nanill to Alaketh’s left. To Alaketh’s right sat Quevas, with Ishtoshen in the middle and Nazmyr to Naris’ left. Nanill addressed the group. “Mistress Freth speaks true. We are here to settle this ridiculous business and restore unity to our family. Lies and deception will not be tolerated. As such, both Alaketh and Naris agree to allow my discern lies spell to be cast upon them, that all assembled here may be free of doubt that there is conspiracy or treachery afoot. My brothers, we need each other. We have been and always shall be all we have. Let us not sever the bond of brotherhood over ego or lust. Make your peace now, say what you must and then let us all move forward as brothers once again.”


“Well spoken Nanill.”, Ishtoshen said as he nodded in agreement.


Naris leaned forward in his chair and said, “I’d like to begin with this.” As he slid Chandriana’s diary to the center of the table. Nanill cast his spells and Naris continued.


Alaketh I trust you’re well, I hope you received the copy of Chandrianas Diary that I sent you, in hopes we can put our disagreement aside. My intention in doing this was to give you some insight into some of her dealings that you may not have been privy to. I am curious what your perspective is on some of these entries.


“I’m enlightened to find you believe in fiction so easily without asking me and flying off the handle at first perceived insult.” Alaketh responded dryly.


Naris ignored the jab and continued, “Curious, Does it not bother you that her intentions for the diary were to cause a sense of manipulation among your brothers?  That is what my interpretation of the document was. Perhaps it was an error on my part not come to you first.  I do feel that your judgement is in question with regard to all topics involving the demoness.  As for flying off the handle,  the same could be said about your reaction. I simply wanted to remove a threat to the family.  I haven’t shed a tear over my slaves or Inn.   However I almost feel as though you are completely glamored by this creature & struggling to see what is really important.”


Alaketh seemed a bit annoyed, “I see that she was playing a long game by her writings in the diary but that only came to light after your failed assassination of her and search of her room. Did it not occur to you that she had a backup plan in case something like this ever happened? She does come from a plane where betrayals are all too common and maybe she believed eventually she would need a way out. As for my judgement for Chandriana, it is no more skewed than your feelings for your humans, And I never freaked out seeing Bea dead, or leaving us a man down with barbarians and shifters bearing down on us. As for glamoured she did what I asked… though she did go overboard. Her opinions in the diary are just that, just because they ring true by spell only means that in some way they are true and not necessarily the whole truth.”


Naris shook his head, “Alaketh, lets try and stay on the topic. I am going to try and ask you  some very simple questions. I expect honest truthful answers.  Valas filled me in on the group’s conversations while I wasn’t present.  I was informed by Valas that you told the family that Chandriana was recalled by The Miz back to the Abyss.  Is this true?”  


Alaketh paused, considering his words, “By all accounts yes, The Miz knows of all the extra souls she collected when we were on mission and I could not find her when we got to Freedom’s End, for all my knowledge she returned to her master that Miz contracted her from.”


“So you are assuming that she is back in the Abyss?” Naris questioned.


“Yes” Alaketh answered plainly, “demons who are not contracted to be on the Prime are normally recalled back to the Abyss when their contracts end, and you broke your contract with her.”


“What contract?  I didn’t sign anything.  We had an agreement,  Once you make a move against my family that deal was void.” Naris quipped.


“Contract, agreement is all the same to a demon, that you don’t see it that way is your mistake, and you made the first move with the assassination attempt. And remember a part of that contract is the favor you owe me for getting her to work for you. And the move on your family never happened.” Alaketh countered.


“Her entries in the diary are pretty clear…. So since her “contract” is up there is no reason for her to be on the prime material plane.   So did you know that she has assumed the shape of Ziya, & has been stalking me for the last week?  A yes or no answer is fine.”


“NO!” Alaketh was vehement.


“That’s comforting, The brothers have all agreed that she must be disowned, retired or what have you.  Are you able to move forward with that being the family consensus?” Naris studied Alaketh as he answered.


“If the family wants me to have no contact with Chandriana I won’t.” Alaketh answered evenly.


“That’s good enough for me, I don’t have any further questions. For the record, I requested you look over my prized possession, my Inn, because of the highest respect that I have for you. I hope we can repair the relationship over time.” Naris seemed quite sincere.


“If either of us wanted the other dead we would have done it during the fight at the temple with the paladin and the clerics, but even then we had each other’s back and we fought together, we will get past this, it is what brothers do.”


Nanill stood. “Good. I think we’re done here. We all agree to move on. Correct?”


His brothers nodded in agreement.


Valas got up from his chair and wrapped his arm around Rygos, “Come Kingslayer. We have other duties to attend.” His other brothers followed suit and exited as well.


Zaiwure who had been leaning against a bookcase invisible and watching the discussion sighed to herself. “Let’s hope this is the end of their nonsense.” as she shimmered away.
